TUESDAY, JANUARY 17. 1950 THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON PAGE SEVEN Bulletin Classified Rates LOCAL PAID IN ADVANCE 25 Words one -rune buo 25 Words Three limes .$1.35 25 Words Six Times -jW-SO All words 3a add. ac par word Uaaoa unmoor of inaorUona. On Month ran, aaaio oopy, Vi day rata. Minimum charaa. 5ttc Lino Koto lac Capita la iOc Bcadora Ifta Una, Btiniataai ovc Ckwins Una claaaifioaa, 11 a.aa. Display AdTartlalny doalni tlata P.M. provMna day. Ona half paaa or Uraar. a p.m. aocond day prariona ta pablicauon. Pilgrim Commandary No. 18 K. T. Stated Conclave Jan. 19, 1950, 8:00 p. m. Order of the Temple Refreshments. Don K. Thompson, Recorder For Sale BeaJ Estate NEW, 2 SR., mod. house. Hdwd. firs; fireplace; garage; lots of built-ins, close to schl.; and paved 'st. Sm. down payment. Phone 1307-K or 1641-M. i WANT TO SELL? List your I property with GILBERT. A t square deal, and prompt, efficient, f courteous service Is yours at Gil I bert's Real Estate. 1015 Wall St NEED A HOME? Check the Deal of the Day on KBND 9:45 ' a.m. Call today and Inspect the I listings at Gilbert's Real Estate, J. 1U15 Wall St WE HAVE a good home on Drake Road. If you want the best loca f tion and a well-built home in ex- cellent condition, this is it. Large I living room, fireplace, dining f room, enclosed sun-porch, excel- lent kitchen, bath, 3 bedrooms, I full basment, and automatic oil pipe heat. Lots alone are worth i $a,000. Only asking $12,600. I RIXE REALTY & INSURANCE? S 901 Bond Phone 535 SMALL HOTEL. Rent and utili- ties plus over $100 mo. income, fr $1,573 for furniture. I 80 a., 76.4 Irrigated. Fully equip. f Good house. 9 good cows. .xcei $ lent buy at $1(,500. Owner will consider larger place. I 80 a., 75.9 Irrigated. Lots of bldgs. I Stock and equip, available. $15,- 500. '? 80 a., 49 irrigated. Good house and large barn. $7,500. I 40 a., 27 Irrigated. Lots of bldgs. Close in. $oo0. $1500 down. i Unimproved lands; (1) ' 640 a. l$2aU0, $500 down. (2) 40 a., 10 ! Swalley water. $1650, $500 down; J For rent: 2 br., mod., and garage. i $50. I; Restaurants. $ Oregon's best- Three of Central -$1850; $6500; $20,- 000. I 2 Real Taverns: (1) $22,000. (2) I $45,000. I SMITH REALTY COMPANY f 745 Bond St. Phone 91 NEW, 2 br., mod.; on E. 8th. Large liv. rm. Hdwd. firs. Well planned kitchen and dinette. Range wiring. Elec. water-heater. Att. garage and util. rm. 114 lots. $8000; $2800 cash; bal. FHA. Close to Catholic church. 2 br., mod. Liv. rm. Kitchen and din ette. City sewer. Garage. Weil landscaped lot. $3600; $1250 cash. NEW, 2 br., mod.; in new district. Liv. rm., din. rm. Bath witn tub and shower. Auto, air-condition oil pipe furnace. Insulated and weatherstripped. Att. garage. V2 lots. $8250; $2250 cash; bal. G.I. ! For value, call Mr. Locklin 331 E. M. BUCKNUM, REALTOR ; 1029 Brooks Phone 331 3 br., mod.; garage; bsmt.; wood and coal furnace: fireplace: close . in, on Gilchrist. $6750, . $1500 down. 2 br., mod.; $700 down. on Albany. $2850. 2 br., mod.; on N. First. $3500. SMITH REALTY COMPANY , 745 Bond St. Phone 94 3 CONTRACT & NOTE. bal. $1000, I paying from $75 to $200 month, 1 to trade for property, preferably I small acreage; or what have you? Phone 1292-J. 4 SOU. CALIF. CATTLE RANCH A 5812 a. deeded land, 25.000 a. gov. lease at 'Ac per a. Will carry 350 I head. Good grass and brush. No I snow, no winter feeding. Running 4 Vater. 1 section holding pasture, t New fence; 4 mi. new drift fence. 4 rm. cabin. Good corrals. Price I $23,500, some terms; or will trade J for business, livestock or real estate up to $12,000. Courtesy to i brokers. Phone 138-R. 840 Port 's land St. Fuel I GOOD DRY green season Jack et pine; also dry jackpine and body i wood. Prompt delivery. Allen Grant. Phone 314-W. Ji DRY JUNIPER wood, 4 ft. length, l S8.o0 per cord. 2 ft., $10 per cord. J Also chain -saw repair. Phone 1 786-W. a Vi 2 CORD 16" gr. slab, $14.00; 2 f cord 16" dry slab. $19.00. deliver -j ed in Bend. (You haul from yard. J $3 per cord.) Central Oregon "i Fuel Co., phone 201-W. 936 A St. :"S Redmond. Ore. For Sale Farm Products HAY FOR SALE; 40 tons. P. H. Kecler, Rt 3. Box 214, Deschutes Rd. JERSEY, GUERNSEY and Hoi 'i steins; ready to freshen. Will pick . arm uuiiver, ana iakc any Kina ; oi cattle in trade. Randall Miller. :i I'hone 168-X. Redmond. Classifieds Reach 20,000 Readers Vor Sa'e-t'arm 'm SEED RYE tor sale. Bert Torkel- son. 14 ml. east ol old Bradeticn Dairy. BALED HAY. R. C. Hooker, Rt. 1, Box 230, Bend. Phone 2002-J3. SPRINKLER IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT. PIPE. ENGINES MOTORS BENJAMIN RUSSELL N. Dalles-Calif. Hiv.ay Phone 2010-W3 Bend. Ore. CONSIGN YOUK LIVESTOCK to Central Oregon Auction for the highest prices. Sale every Thursuay. Ben K, Smith, Mgr. Phone 12-R-3. For Sale Miscellaneous 1 BAY. MARE; gentle; 3 years. 1 sorrel mare; gentle; 7 years. 1 Winchester model 1897 shotgun, excel, cond., $50. See Ed Couch at J. T. Lamb ranch, & mi. north of Petersen's Rock Garden. RECONDITIONED sewing ma chines; all makes; low as $15. Rebuilt washers, like new, $35. Rebuilt refrigerators, good as new, $39.50. .. Anderson Sewing Machine & Appliance Center, Slate and Tumalo. ANOTHER SUPPLY of Vlctrola records just arrived; 10c each. CLIFF'S BARGAIN SPOT , Open Evenings N. Hiway Pnone 1534-W DISMANTLING first-class farm er telephone line. Instruments also available. Write or phone George Bidwell, 225 Bond Lane, Eugene, Oregon. Dial 4-2644. 7 CU. FT. Westinghouse refrig.; bought in Dec; priced for quick sale, $175. Leaving Bend. Call 1061-J alter 5:30. - , CHAINS; most all sizes fof pas senger Cars. Park Service Sta tion, N. Hiway. Phone 1193. A LARGE stock of reconditioned and guaranteed used refrigera tors from 49.50 up; used wring er washers from $19.50 up. Used automatic electric ranges from $39.50 up and also lroners. 165 E. Greenwood. Oregon Equipment Co., phone 888. RADIO TUBER Complete stock Philco and other nationally known brands. Tubes tested. Bend Furniture Co. For Sale Used Cars CARROLL MOTORS GUARANTEED USED CAR BARGAINS IMVV-$$S!.-;-AVE--$$$ 1935 Ford 4-door Sedan, with ' 47 Mercury engine. A very good buy at $98.50 1936 Plymouth 4 -dr. Sedan. Nice mechanically. Spe- . cial at $195 1938 Studcbaker Comm. 4-dr. Sedan. A good solid car. Special at $295 1941 Chev. Master Deluxe 4 dr. Sedan. -Radio, heater. Very clean. Only $595 1941 Plymouth Special De luxe 4-dr. Sedan. Radio, heater. An exceptionally fine airtomobile in every respect. A real buy at....$695 1942 Willys Business Coupe. Good, economical trans portation. Only $325 1948 Crosley Station Wagon. Low mileage. Fully guaranteed. Real value. Only $495 These cars, can be purchased on Carroll Motors Low-Cost Finance Plan. Payments to suit your budget. CARROLL MOTORS Your DeSoto Plymouth. Dealer 162 Greenwood Phone 387 BETTER USED CAR BUYS AT EDDIE'S 1946 Chevrolet 4-dr. Sedan. Radio and healer. A clean used car priced to sell. 1918 Willys Station Wagon. Ra dio and heater. Actual mile age 21,000. Full price $1325. 1917 Dodge 4 dr. Sedan. Radio and heater. One of those good Chrysler-built cars that you would be proud to own. 1946' International Pickup. A reai buy. 1940 Pontiac 5 -passenger Club Coupe. Radio and heater. A wonderful buy. 1939 Chevrolet 2-dr. Sedan. Radio and heater. $375. 1936 Plvmouth Sedan to trade for a '30-30 rifle or a 12-gauge shotgun. Remember, we trade for any thing of. value. EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE BEND GARAGE CO. "Winterized Used Cars" TRANSPORTATION BARGAINS 1916 Dodge Sedan. R&H, fog lights, seat covers $1095 1911 Ford Tudor. R&H, 6 -ply tires $593 1939 Dodge Sedan. R&H. One owner $395 1939 Chev. 2 iloor. Heater $395 1937 Chev. Coupe. Heater $225 1937 Ford Tudor. R&H. Try it $95 1936 Plymouth Sedan $150 1931 Olds Sedan. Heater $73 Buy Used Cars now and take ad vantage of the demand for the npu, ,i)V) Chevrolet I Phone 193 For Sale Used Cars 1941 PLYMOUTH coi'.K-e; see at Eddie's Garage. Sheriff's sale to highest bidder, Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1950, 2:00 p.m., at Eddie's Ga rage. 1949 HUDSON Commodore se dan; perfect cond. Phone 920. Lindsay's. For Rent 2 LGE. RMS., mod., partly fur nished house. A good warm house. Will be vacant on or before Jan uary 25. 1434 Davenport. ROOMS or room and board: Sun day meals Included. Rooms newly decorated; under new manage ment. Quick Lunch, 542 Arizona Ave. u. w. pattee, Prop. Phone 1752-R. ROOM & BOARD, for girl or woman: Dri. room: next to bath. AtTwinpines Boardinghouse. fnone and mry. service. $60 mo. 707 Delaware. 723-M. 3 RM., FURNISHED apt.; bath facilities; all util. furnished. Close to milk $40 month. Adults only. Phone 1316-W. 745 Colorado, Apt. No. 3. FOR LEASE: Cabins, grocery, propane, liv. quarters. Free rent this winter. $60 per mo.. April 1. Stock, equipment and furniture, $2000. will take trailer -house. Phone 2008-J1. APTS. FOR RENT for winter months. L Rancho Motor Hotel. Phone 199-Z. Redmond. WARM, well-furnished bedroom; suitable for 1 or 2 persons: 3 blks. .from town; pri. entrance. Men only. Phone 325-J. 1448 West First St. Wanted CATERPILLAR TRACKS; for a 1928 model. Phone 231. Evenings 208-W. Steinley's Garage, 1031 Harnman. WORKING GIRL to share small house, close in, with other work ing girl, call 1736 W. . WANT TO BUY small business, short haul or route. Write Box 2945, co Bend Bulletin. TO BUY: cond. Rt. 37-F15. Typewriter, in excel. 3, Box 161; or phone WANTED TO BUY: Livestock of any kind, any amount. Also horses. Have cash buyers. See Nick Chase, or drop card: Rt. 3, box 9o ; or pnone iaiy-J4 or 790' W. Leave word. TOP' PRICES paid for "any . kind of cattle ybu have-roell ;.iaior.! tnm. win pick up at your rancn. Randall Miller. Phone 168-X, Red mond. WOULD LIKE to buy some Springer cows, or any kind of cattle you have to sell. Will pick up at ranch. W. R. Franks. Phone 78, Redmond. Lost BLACK DOG; license No. 426. If found, call 307-J after 6 p.m. SILK SCARF at or near Trait- ways ous ciepot baturaav evening about 8:30. Finder please return to Bulletin for reward. RHINESTONE necklace In or around Capitol Theater. Reward for return.' 1425 Baltimore St. Phone 853-R. Found 3 HORDES straved to mv place. Owner may have by paying for this ad and teed bill. w. A. Jinn son. Phone 21-F4. Services WHEN IN NEED of pine thaw. ing, acetylene or electric welding, lathe work, call Haherty s Ma chine Shop. Phone 1100-R. ELECTRICAL WIRING All types of electrical wiring by guar anteed licensed men. Free esll mates. Telephone 159. CARPENTER WORK: New con struction, rough framing, remod eling, cabinets, bullt-ins and shop work. F. W. Page, phone 650-M. genera contractor. HOUSE MOVING and raising: large or small. Estimates gladly given. Holman Transfer, 201 Irv ing. Phone 987. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, drain holes shot. Free estimates. Phone 1252-J or 975-J. D. W. Grimes, 210 Davis Ave., Bend. FURNITURE MOVING; dust- proof padded van. We pack your china with care, hang your clothes In our wardrobe. Local and nation-wide moving and storage. Holman Transfer, 201 Irving. Phone 987. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE I and repairs on all makes. Phone s 274. 1033 Brooks. I QUICK P R The Biaaest Little o 0tf Real Estate Office In Oregon P E R T Y T U R N O V E R E. M.Bucknum REALTOR 10!9 Brooks Phone 331 HARDING SPEAKS TONIGHT Ed Harding, "Tar Heel humor ist" who is making his second appearance In Bend, will be guest speaker at the January meeting of the Knife and Fork club at a o clock dinner tonight, at the Pilot Butte inn. Harding's last ap pearance here was in the spring of 1949. , Harding s topic tonight will be Is America Losing Its Risibil ity?" He is making his second ap pearance before the club at the request of club officers. INVITATION FOR BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF AIRPORT ADMINISTRATION BUILDING AT ROBERTS FIELD, REDMOND, OREGON, BY THE CITY OF REDMOND, REDMOND, OREGON Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the City of Redmond at the City Hall on or before February 15, laou, iu:uu a.m., and to De open ed at said time in public meeting. Drawings, specifications. Gen eral Conditions, Proposal Forms and other documents and Instruc tion to bidders are available, at the office of Bogen and Jossey, Architects, 56 Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. Twenty-five Dol lars ($25.00) deposit is required for such documents. ine city of Redmond reserves the right to reiect anv and all bids received and to re-advertise said contract if the Citv shall deem best. Published pursuant to order of the Common Council of the City of Redmond, Oregon. (Signed) M. L. Coyner, Mavor Ralph Hauck, Chairman Red mond Airport Commission Evaline Riebhoff. Recorder 35-C NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of James Tolman, de ceased, by the Honorable C. L. Allen, County Judge, and all Der- sons having claims ' against said estate are required to present them duly verified to the under signed, at the office of DeAr- mond, Goodrich, Foley & Gray, United States National Bank Building, Bend, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. DATED and first published this 10th day of January, 1950. , H. H. DeAKMOND. Administrator De Armond, Goodrich, Foley & Gray, Attornevs V . r , 29-35-41-47-C NOTICE TO CREDITORS' NOTICE" IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed administratrix of the estate oi l,ottle i-'ease, deceased, by the Honorable C. L. Allen, County Judge, and all persons having claims against said estate are required to present them duly verified to the undersigned at the office of De Armond, Goodrich, Foley & Gray, United States Na tional Bank Building, Bend, Ore gon, within six months irom the date of the first publication of this notice. v. DATED and first published this 10th day of January, 1950. ANN BILLS, Administratrix De Armond, Goodrich, Foley & Gray, Attorneys 29-3541-47-C Services ELECTRICAL wiring by expert licensed electricians. Also residen tial lighting fixtures at very low prices. 942 Hill. Phone 1462-J. SAW FILING, gumming, ham mering, band saw welding, sender belts, band saw blades, new han dles hung in tools. Sexton Supplv & Saw Service, 1195 Wall Street. HEATING Furnaces cleaned, repaired and reset; Oil Burners and Oil Circu lating Heaters cleaned and ad justed. Oregon Heating Co. Phone 513.- FOR WELL and drain hole drill ing call Lee Grimes, 224 Davis, Phone 975-J or 1252-J. ATTENTION, FARMERS: Roads broken to your house. Winching, towing of all kinds. Phone 1786 W. STORAGE PACKING MOVING To, from, or within Central Ore gon. Good equipment and experi enced men. BEND STORAGE & TRANSFER 222 Irving Ave. Phone 444 Reconditioned Washers $15 up Used Davenport $25.00 Circulating Heaters and Oil Heaters $12.50 up II Reconditioned f H Washers $15 up h General Motors' Profits in 1949 Set New Record By Kenneth Hayes (United Praia Staff Corroaliondent) New York. Jan. 17 (in General Motors corporation earned more profits last year over $600,000,- 000 than any other company ever made in a similar period, Al fred r. Sloan Jr.. chairman of the board, revealed today. Addressing 500 leaders in Indus try, finance and civic affairs at a 'forward from fifty" luncheon, preliminary to his company's an nual auto show the "mid-century motorama" opening Thursday, Sloan termed 1949- a "satisfac tory" year for the industry and for General Motors. Last year's profits, he stated, "are likely to move up to over $600,000,000." Such a figure is well over $13 per share on out standing common stock, on which 1949 dividends totaled $8 per share. In 1948, net income amounted to $440,447,724, or $9.72 a common share; while common dividends that year aggregated $4.50. "If we compare 1949 with 1936," Sloan said, "we find that the re turn on capital employed rose only three percentage points. And to accomplish this we had to in crease our sales In terms of 1949 dollars from' $2,500,000,000 for 1936 to $5,500,000,000 in 1949." Taxes Heavy GM had available for taxes and profits in 1949, he added, some thing over $1,100,000,000. "The only way the stockholders can get their profits," he continued, is through dividends. Of this $1,- 100,000,000 the government 'take' in corporation and individual in come taxes, based on 1949 profits, is estimated to be over $600,000,- 000." In recent years, Sloan warned, 'economic incentive has been weakened by the ever-increasing take of government. I fear,the effect is beginning to be felt on the economy. "No matter how great his ac complishment, the Individual tO' day canont hope to earn much more than enough to provide for Ijis current needs and for a pen Sion at retirement." The.-'responsibility and self-re liance of the Individual, Sloan said, "can be diluted by the over- solicitude of a welfare state. j Charles E. Wilson, president of GM, told the business leaders that "I expect 1950 to be a very pros perous year." i-.'T see no reason," he added, why the next 10 years should not also be Increasingly prosperous." ij , i ' . STAG PARTY POPULAR s Prinevllle. Jan, 17 The stag party of the Pianeville Lions club at the buildings of the Crooked River Round-up association Sat urday night drew an estimated 250 persons, including not only residents of Prinevllle but busi ness men of Bend, Redmond and Madras and stock ranchers of the entire countryside. ROUGH ON REFEREE New Haven, Conn., Jan. 17 IP Neither Tiger Ted Lowry nor Bernie Reynolds went down in their 12-round fight here last night, but referee Bill Conway did. ' The ref fainted in the seventh round, and' .substitute official Max Lavanic climbed into the ring to finish the bout. V0RN LARSON AGENCY In uranee & Real Estate 135 Oregon Ave. Phone 38 BEND, OREGON Two Rooms Two rooms, lights and wa ter, only $700 3-Bedroom Modern Thin 3 bedroom modern, furnished, plim 3-room building, 351 Colorado. $6,000 2-Bedroom Modern 2-hedroom modern, furnace, fireplace, carpeted, tile drain, paved und sidewalks. Joining hUNlness district, ap praised at $13,252. Terms. Sale Price $12,500 DRUGLESS CLINIC SINL'H Sinus trouble usually results from poorly managrd or Improperly trolled hcjd colds. To suppress or cover up the ds tress of a cold does not correct the trouble, but allows the toxins end other factors to remain and mintfest in an. other form, such is sinusitis. Natural methods of removing and correcting the systemic conditions al fault are etscn. Iial. THERE 15 NO SUBSTITUTE FOR NA1URAL HEALTH. R. D. KETCHUM, D. C. Phone 794 Bend, Ore. Sport Parade (Continued from Page 2) bowls an average of 160, and dis plays a toothpaste smile and a classy chassis. She bounces around the American girls bas ketball conference like a happed up Ty Cobb, yet was picked by a national magazine as the all American girl and generally mak es the all-American man feel like a muscle-bound Methuselah. Siding her on this quintet where beauty outweighs the beast but science is as necessary as pigs in a sausage factory are four armsful of pulchritude who can pitch as well as they can pose. You have to get better than B plus in the beauty department to even get a tryout with this club. Dot Whalen, a brunette honey who hails from Springfield, 111., and now lives In Chicago, quali fied easily In the classical section but she also ranks as one of the world's greatest women cage performers. "Teeny" Petras Is another, of the classic converts who In the good old summertime slide around the girls' baseball dia monds of the midwest. "Teeny" is modestly advertised as the "world's greatest defensive in- fielder." That may be a slightly exaggerated statement, nut oio Fearless will say one thing for the little one. She's a lot prettier than Slats Marlon, Pee-wee Reese or Phil Rlzzuto and their bat ting averages aren't so hot either. They Put on -Show ' The center of this curvaceous crew Is Ellie Mullen, a six foot school teacher from New York. Basketball aside, with something like this teaching the readin', writln' and arithmetic, the old little red school house might have turned out something besides wacky sportswrlters. In between the halves or tneir 40 odd games the cover girls put on a show that has Minsky s ana Larry MacPhail s pre-game mod' el shows backed right off the boards. Take Miss Erlckson, a pastime which, I assure you, comes under the distinct heading of pleasure. She twirls the baton, tap dances while skipping rope, pitches base balls and punts and dropklcks a football over the backboard t with or without shoes. Can they play basketball? Last year they beat the Georgia Tech football team by three points. Ti.et lint rtact ortvVinrtxr pnrpal r,B. r.. r PRINEVILLE DRIVE STARTS Prineville, Jan. 17 The annual March of Dimes hi Crook county was reported under way Monday, with Austlc Kizer as chairman and the Knights of Pythias lodge a sponsoring group. Stimulus has been given the 1950 campaign by the aid rendered four infantile paralysis patients of- the county the past year. Payments of ex penses at hospitals for care of the patients exhausted the Crook county allocation of funds the past year, and It was necessary i to tap the funds ol l lie national foundation liberally. The first contribution reported for the 1950 Crook county March of Dimes came from the Powell Butte Farmers club of west Crook county, which voted $50 from Its treasury. Bulletin Classifieds Bring Results I I Powerful 114-ton and 2-ton Studebakor trucks are now available in four whcclbaiei. Streamlined Studebaker pick up and stake body trucks, too, in i- and 1-ton capacities. Get the extra earning Studebalcer's low-cost power! Get a winning combination of high torque and money-saving gasoline economy for your new-truck money! Got a husky, handsome, unmistakably modern Studebaker truck! Get America's thriftiest pulling power 1028 Bond Bail Forfeited By Wayne Negus Wayne Negus, Crescent trap per who last week was the ob ject of a search in the storm swept upper Deschutes country, when, he was reported overdue from a trip to his trap lines, for feited $45o In Justice court here yesterday. He had been arrested by state police and charged with trapping wild animals with un branded traps, unlawfully trap ping beaver, using flesh of game birds for trap bait and unlaw fully trapping martin. After being reported missing, Negus was found In a cabin at Crane prairie, after four state forest service men made tneir way Into the high country on a snow tractor. Negus was return ed to his home at Crescent. Tnen the four men, Officer Kenneth Roach,' Ed Parker, Bob Boro vlcka and Henry Reed, made tneir way back to the upper Des chutes to Investigate winter activ ities of the. Crescent trapper. The arrest of Negus followed. Also arrested by state police was Philip LaDouscier, of Cres cent, who was accused of break ing glass In n building not his own. He forfeited a $2o bond, it was reported from the office of Duncan L. McKay, justice of the peace. In maklncr the Investigation that led to the arrest of the four men, the officers encountered a blinding blizzard near the head waters of the Deschutes. They covered most of the area In the Crane prairie sector on snow shoes. . Crude oil Is today a base for more than 1,200 useful products. Dress Up Your Eyes In Flattering Frames! Glasses nrc tlie most exciting accessories. Enhance your personal fippeafu'iice and secure, lli.q benefits, of corrected vision. Our registered optometrist can prescribe glasses lluit give you visual efficiency and- fit your facial contour. . .1' " HERBERT CTStAPLESd OPTOMETRIST 934 Wall . Phone 803 aa if i with Studebaker's amazing Power-Plut and Econ-o-miser truck engines! Get the new spaciousness, new safety, of the big-visibility new Studebaker cab! Get the rugged durability that's built Into every Studebaker truck's structurel FELIX MOTOR SALES BEND, OKEGON PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland. Jan. 17 IPi Cattle salable 250; market again active, fully steady to strong; steers scarce; top steers Monday 28.50; one Jot high medium heifers to day 24; common-low medium 17- 22; canner-cutter cows 13-15.50; , few common fat dairy type cows to 16; heavy holstelns to 17; beef cows scarce; medium sausage bulls 18-20. Calves salable 25; market steady on limited supply; odd good vealers 26; choice sold to 31 Monday; few mediums 20-25; heavy calves 18-22. Hogs salable 600; market less active; early sales 50-75 cents lower; supply Includes around six decks; good-choice 180-230 lbs. early 18.75-19; some unsold; heavier, and lighter weights 17.50 18; sows scarce; good 350-550 lbs. quoted 14.50-15.50; good-choice feeders quoted 17-18. Sheep salable 600; no early sales: asking Steady or around 22-22.50 for good-choice fed Iambs; extreme top late Monday 22.75 for one lot 95 lb. fed lambs; good slaughter ewes salable to 8 and above. . PORTLAND MARKETS Portland. Jan. 17 tlPi Portland butter and egg prices were un changed today. Butter Price to retailers: Grade AA prints 68c lb.; A A car tons tuc; a prints oac; a car tons 69c; B prints 65c. Egg prices to retailers: Cer tified A large 43c doz.; grade AA large 45c: A large 42c: AA me dium 38c; certified A medium 38c; A medium 37c; B medium 35c; A small 35c; cartons 2c ad ditional. Cheese Price to retailers: Portland, Oregon, singles 3942c lb.; Oregon 51b. loafs 44V4-45c in - i riikitiT o 'he ocb TMGn cinrr nn Premium brands, singles,' 51'4c lb.; loaf, 5314c lb. ' power c Phone S(U