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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1950)
THURSDAY. JANUARY 12, 1950 THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON PAGE SEVEN (V Bulletin Classified Rates LOCAL PAID IN ADVANCE 25 Words One Time SOol 25 Words Three Times 41.83 23 Words Six Time $2.50 All wards aer 2i odd 2c ptr ward timat amber of iiucrtiotu. On aianth ran, aasa copy, (4 daj rat. MtntmuBi charge, SUc. , Line Bale 10c Capllab 0c Reader 15c line, minimum cue - Closing tlM claaiiftada. 11 a.ak Dtaplar AdrartUIn- Clotlng time I p.m. previous da. Ona half paga or larger, 5 p.Bi. aacond dor prevtoua la publication. BEND LODGE No. 139 A.F. ft A.M. SUted Communication Thursday, Jan. 12, 8 p.m. Speaker on Masonic Etiquette Also Examinations Refreshments Warren Wing, Sec. BEND AERIE NO. 2089 F, O. E. Hall Meets Every Friday Night Earl J. Wear, W. P. 428 South 4th. Phone 1525-W W. M. Loy. Secretary Rt 3, Box 42. Phone 20F-5 For Sale Real Estate MIDSTATE REALTY CO. C. J. Lindh and D. H. Peoples Rm. 11, U.S. Nat. Bldg. Phone 495 . New, 2 br.; oak firs.; oil fir. fur nace; util.' rm.; close to school. S6800, with terms. 3 br. home that has everything, incl. auto. elec. heat. $11,000, with terms. Ask about this. Almost new, attractive, 2 br. home; on West side, close to Ken wood schl.; oil furnace; garage and extra rm. Should be seen to appreciate. $10,700, with terms. Here you are: 1.3 a. tract, close to town, witn city water; no buildings. We are In need of listings on 2 and 3 br. homes, moderately priced. Just phone us and we will do the rest. WANT TO SELL? List your property with GILBERT. A square deal, and prompt, efficient, courteous service is vours at Gil- 4 1 bert's Real Estate. 1015 Wall St, JUST COMPLETED Attractive, mod., 2 br. home in i excel, location; many outstanding I features. Youngstown kitchen; iweatherstripped windows; oak Iflooring; cedar shakes; textured plaster; all without extra cost to you. jiThis really nice home is priced :'to sell and can be seen at 452 East Irving. NEED A HOME? Check thP itDeal of the Day on KBND 9:45 4a.m. Call today and inspect the llistings at Gilbert's Real Estate. ;fl015 Wall St. ( fSlEW, 2 BR., mod. house. Garage ind woodshed att. $3500, includ. furniture. Will. FHA. 45 Wall. SCall anytime. THE SEVEN-YEAR ITCH 1'LUS A GOOD dose of poison oak could nave no worse effect on our disposition than to sit down in a pro fessional office and pick up a magazine two years old. After long hours of prayer ful meditation, we have de cided to organize the R.O.- O.M.F.P.O. (Removal of ob solete magazines from pub lic offices), it you are in sympathy with our move ment and want to help, we will supply full informa tion on corrective methods. (It really is quite simple.) 3VOW THEN, it is our opinion W 4-Vxit- n lini icn ttiViir-th an. ma i a iiuuoc vvi.iv.i4 - praises F.H.A. at S7250 is a GOOD BUY at $6900. in cluding a good gas range and oil circulating heater. Pat Ballew should know what he is talking about when he tells us this is one of those that come along now and then where some one really gets his money's worth. Ask Pat about it. LISTEN, MISTER, how would you like to have a good fly ing machine. We own a 1946 Ercoupe with 350 total hours, all bulletins com plied with, just re-licensed, a mighty nice little two place ship, that we will trade on a house or what have you. No, ma'am, you can't sell it if so, we would; we wouldn't be of fering it for trade but you could fly it from here to the North Pole and back if they had airfields. ONE OTHER matter: We have I just about the sweetest deal in a small Bend busi ness that you will find in a long time. It will take about $10,000 cash to han dlehut it is a honey. Ask Pat Ballew about it. WE SELL THE EARTH WILLIAM B. SHELLEY 520 South 3rd Phone 1174-J 2 br., mod. Liv-. i m., kitchen and dinette; bath. Small fruit bsmt. i Garage. Pave., sidewalk ana curb. On city sewer. Close to nuspiKii. uw, wju uui, uai. $30 mo., inc. Int. . ! FHA app. for $o000. Selling price, $6000; $1200 cash; buys large. 2 br., mod. use. liv. rm. witn fireplace. Well planned kitchen and dinette. Util. rm. Bsmt.. with auto, oil furn. Garage. 2 lots, with mountain view. New. 2 br., mod. Ins. and weath- erstripped. Auto, oil pipe furn. Liv. rm, din. rm. Lge. kitchen. Att. garage. .New district. S8250; S22.V); bai. GI at $43 per mo. For value, call Mr. Lncklin-331 E. M. BUCKNUM, REALTOR 1029 Brooks Phone 331 Classifieds Produce For Sale Real Estate $525040 a. near Bend Airport. aooui a. meadow. All new lm provements. 2 br. home; barn 50x50; lge. chicken house. $2000 will handle. - RIXE REALTY & INSURANCE 901 Bond Res.: 1732-W Office: 535 WE HAVE a good home on Drake Road. If you want the best loca tion and a well-built home in ex cellent condition, this is it. Large living room, fireplace, dining room, enclosed sun-porch, excel lent kitchen, bath, 3 bedrooms, full basment, and automatic oil pipe heat. Lots alone are worth $5,000. Only asking $12,600. RIXE REALTY & INSURANCE 901 Bond Phone 535 EAST SIDE TWO BEDROOM MODERN Built in 1948. Has nice living room, kitchen, tub bath, utility room. Two rooms in knotty pine. Insulated. Double garage. Large lot. Price $7450. About $3400 down. Balance FHA. Or trade equity for cheaper home. See Mr. Ray. NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO SELECT YOUR BUILDING SITE FOR YOUR SPRING BUILDING PROGRAM. We have quite a list of desir able RESIDENTIAL and Busi ness LOTS. J. A. DUDREY, REALTOR Across from Pilot Butte Inn BY OWNER: New 3 br., rustic ranch style house. Piped furnace, hdwd. firs., oversized lot, Bendix. Will FHA. 1119 E. 9th. Phone 1549-R. NEW, 2 BR., mod. house. Hdwd. firs.; fireplace; garage; lots of built-ins;' close to schl.; and paved st. Sm. down payment. Phone 1307-R or 1641-M. Fuel SEASONED jackplne; all lengths. At reduced prices. (Jail ldfa-J. GOOD DRY green season .lack- pine; also dry jackpine and Doily wood. Prompt delivery. Allen Grant. Phone 314-W. NOTICE Another car of big Utah Lump coming. Customers should order at once as coal is hard to get from mine. May be rationed. Phone 767. Brookings Wood Yard. COAL GASCO BRIQUETS PRES-TO-LOGS Order now, DON'T BE CAUGHT COLD. Keep your fuel bin FULL. BEND STORAGE & TRANSFER 222 Irving Ave. , Phone 444 GOOD DRY body wood, $9 cord. Any amount. Plione 1394-M. 32 Gilchrist. 8-FT. DRY JACKPINE slabwood. 3 cord load, $6.50 per cord. Imm. delivery. Phone 1041. Or write B. E. Lechner, Box 36, Lapine. DRY BODY WOOD, any length. Phone 852-W. Claude Gant, 1201 Davenport; 150 CORDS dry slab wood, not cut. Phone 355-L. 2 CORD 16" gr. slab, $14.00; 2 cord 16" dry slab, $19.00, deliver ed in Bend. (You haul from yard, $5 per cord.) Central Oregon Fuel Co., phone 201-W. 936 A St.. Redmond, Ore. DRY PINE body wood, $9 a cord by 5 cd. load, if possible. Phone 825. Rotz Woodyard, Sisters, Ore. SEASONED JACKPINE & body wood. Full cord. 1564 Division. Phone 793-R. For Sale Farm Products SPRINKLER IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT, PIPE, ENGINES MOTORS BENJAMIN RUSSELL N. Dalles-Calif. Hiway Phone 2010-W3 Bend, Ore. JERSEY, GUERNSEY and Hol steins: ready to freshen. Will pick up and deliver, and take any kind ot came in irane. n.muuii ivmiui, Phone 168-X, Redmond. CONSIGN YOUR LIVESTOCK to Central Oregon Auction for the highest prices. Sale every Thursaav. Ben R. Smith. Mgr. Phone 12R-3. BALED HAY, under shed; 1st and 2nd cutting. Edgar Burnett, Tumalo. For Sale Miscellaneous Hotpoint elec. range, S15. Sewing machine, $12.50. Link springs, 82.50. Coil springs, $5. New play pens, $7.50. Dish cupboard. S12. New 9x12 linoleum. $7.50. Electiic range with trash burner. $29.50. Wood circulator, $12.50. Oil circu lators. S12.50. $15, and $19.50. New 4-drawer cedar chest of drawers, -.- . pi,,i,UI, $9.95. Electric refrigerator, runs;1J1 tora 1 ltKU"' good, $29.50. Car radio, $9. 3 1937 Ford Pickup. burner gasoline camp stove, like new, $6. Car healer, $1. Elec. mo- 1916 Willys Jeep. tor, $5. Elec. fan. Sink. Camp cots. Rttinrv tub. S3. Car chains. 19U i "id J-'OP. Rifle. $20. Shotgun. Long-handle, i round.point shovels. Wicker desk. $3.50. Library tuner, siu. iasn i ,.icir s-m c:nmnutin2 siore j sca,pS S13 New Aa,idin lamps,! 52 50 each. Floor lamp. 52. Motor I scooter. S30. Bicycle. S3. Portable J , jko neWi $10.50. While enamel wood ranees. Battery ra dio. S4. Table model elec. washer. 812.50. Don't forget the real good Victiola records on sale at Cliff's for onlv 10c each. Plenty to choose from. j FORD .1(.(sso CLIFF'S BARGAIN SPOT j lies; good run. cond. 13051a Fres North Hiway Open Evenings no. Phone 491 M. Phone 1534-W NEW & USED Singer treadle and electric machines. 806 Ogden. Phone 1S25. For Sale Miscellaneous 24' TANDEM WHEEL trailer house; or will trade '37 Olds and trailer-house for late model 4-dr. sedan. 1344 Jacksonville, Bend. SALE OR TRADE Excellent oil heater; Weaver scope and mounting; arm-chair Zenith radio, "Big Dial"; out board boat motor; vacuum sweep er; mandolin; violins; Chevrolet radio; custom-built Ford radio; Pontiac radio, and others, all per fect condition; lawn chair. Home recorders. Specla Ton New Phono graph Records, 79c and $1.05 val ue for 35c each. At CLINT'S RADIO & RECORD SHOP 37 Hastings Phone 1336-W CViD CAT T. 1 riantop with I'VIV oJ-fH-A, -a. jivvw a tank and barrel, $15. 2 oil brooder stoves with canopy, $5 each. York's. Box 132. Carroll Acres, phone 1173-J, . A LARGE stock of reconditioned and Guaranteed used refrigera tors from $49.50 up; used wring er washers from $19.50 up. Used automatic electric ranges from $39.50 ud and also ironers. 165 E. Greenwood, Oregon Equipment Co., phonf 888. RADIO TUBES-Jcomplete stock Philco and other nationally known brands. Tubes tested. Bend Furniture Co. PRESTONE and Zerex for sale. Rebuilt motors on hand. Ben nett's Macnine Shop, 1114 Roose velt Ave. Phone 1132. 8 pc. DINING RM. set; walnut finish. 459 Broadway. Phone 1578-J. BEND AUCTION Sale every Sat. at 11:30. Bring whatever you have for sale; or call 1269 and we will pick it up. 7 CU. FT. Westinchouse retrig.; bought in December. Priced lor quick sale. Leaving Bend. Call 1061-J after 5:30. CATERPILLAR D-2: Dozer and Hvster drum. Late model, with less than 1500 hrs.: excel, cond Reasonably priced. Also have heavy duty Hercules gas power unit, model RXLD, 160 h.p. Com plete with house, sled, clutch and shaft. Used only 1 season; in fine condition. Lynn Houck, 429 Geor gia. . For Sale Used Cars THE BEST SELECTION OF USED CARS IN CENTRAL OREGON AT ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES! , 1919 Fdrd Ctistoni Club Co-tip'. Radio, heater, low mileage, - 1949 Ford Custom 4-dr. Overdrive and heater; new tires. 1948 Chevrolet Aero Tudor. Radio and heater; in beauti ful condition. 1947 Frazer 4-dr. 1948 Kaiser 4-dr. Clean as a pin. 19-16 Dodge 4-dr. Spotlessly clean. 1947 Studebaker 4-door. Commander. 1947 Studebaker 2-door. Champion. 1947 Ford Club Coupe. Lots of extras; like new. 1948 Ford 2-door. 1946 Ford 2-door; 6-cy Under. 1941 Ford 4-door. Super Deluxe. 1939 Ford 4-door. 1941 Lincoln Custom 4-door. 1910 Lincoln 4-door. 1911 Studebaker 2-dr. Champion. 1911 Chevrolet 2-door. 1 Special Deluxe. 1911 Chevrolet Club Coupe. 1940 Chevrolet 4-door. 1910 Pontiac Coupe. 1939 Oldsmobile 2-door. 1938 Chrysler 4-door. 1937 Ford 4-dour. COMMERCIALS - 1947 Ford Truck. Long wheelbase. 1916 Chevrolet Truck. - Willi lumber rolls anil tag along; long wneelbase. 1919 Ford Pickup. Low mileage; in excellent condition. 1 These cars can tie seen at our lot , across from Pilot Butte, or 304 fc.. 1 1 nvi i Hn. kiohi.i i v.Hnrt HALBROOK MOTORS USED CAR LOT Member Central Oregon Automo bile Dealers Assn. Phone 680 19-19 ?i-TON CHEV. pickup: 4- speed .trans.: 6-plv tires: equip. with radio and heater: low mile- ai'e. "13.4 VY. 4th. Phone 1117-M. For Sale Used Cars CARROLL MOTORS GUARANTEED USED CAR BARGAINS SAVE $$$ :: SAVE $S$ 1936 Chev. fi-ton Pickup. Ex cellent shape throughout. Only - $245 1938 Plymouth Business coupe, uood snape. spe cial at $98.50 1938 Studebaker Commander 4-dr. Sedan. Good mechan ically. A good buy $295 1941 Plymouth Special De luxe 4-dr. Sedan. Radio, heater, spotlight, etc. A very clean car. A steal at....$695 1941 Chevrolet Master De luxe 4-dr. Radio and heat er. A good buy at $695 1942 Willys Coupe. Nice me chanically: overdrive and heater. Only $325 1948 Crosley Station Wagon. Low mileaee: like new. A special buy at $495 You receive New 1950 License on any car listed, at no cost to you at CARROLL' MOTORS Your DeSoto-Plymouth Dealer 162 Greenwood BETTER USED CAR BUYS AT EDDIE'S 1948 Chrysler Windsor Se dan. Ocean blue. 16,000 actual mileaee. Cream of the crop : $1850 1939 Chev. 2-dr. Sedan. Ra dio and heater $425 1941 Chevrolet 4 - dr. Sedan. . '50 license. Good value. 1946 Chevrolet. Radio and heater. A good buy. 1948 Willys station wagon. Radio and neater, zi.uuu mnes. 1931 Model A Ford Coupe $95 1946 Packard 4-dr. Sedan. Radio and heater. A real family car. itMi Nash. Radio and heat er 3byo 1946 International Pickup $750 1936 Plymouth Sedan. Wanted to trade for a 12-gauge shot gun or a 30-30 carbine. Come In and shop in our Used Car Showroom, where it's warm and dry. EDDIE'S SALES & SERVICE WILL TRADE my equity in 2 fbn 1948 Reo truck with 2-speed axle, for late model car or cattle. Also have I'i-ton 1936 Ford truck. Will sell for $225, or will take cattle in payment. Phone 1006-W. 1985 W. 1st. Frank Ruth erford. BEND GARAGE CO. -"Winterized Used Cars" 1919 Buick Roadmaster Sedanet. Like new, with only 5900 miles. Lustrous sunmist gray. R&H, Dyna, custom upholstery. 1948 Chevrolet Aerosedan. Spar kling two-tone finish. This car is beautiful and has R&H, low pres sure tires. ' 1948 Pontiac 6 Sedan. Finish and upholstery like new. Has com plete accessories. A premium car. 19-18 Plymouth Sedan. Light gray finish. Equipped with R&H, plas tic seat covers, spotlight. Fine condition throughout $1375 1947 Chevrolet Aerosedan. Sharp two-tone, with R&H, seat covers, foglights, extras. A top car...$1375 194(5 Chevrolet Sedan. Beautiful condition throughout, with heat er, visor, plastic seat covers, WSW 650x16 tires. 1910 Dodge Sedan. Lively green and very clean. R&H, seat covers, and foglights. Very attractive price - $1095 19-12 Chevrolet 5-passenger Coupe. Shiny black, with WSW tires. A beauty. 1941 Ford Tudor. Has R&II, seat covers, 90' 6-ply tires $595 1910 Ford Sedan. R&H, foglights. visor. Price just reduced $-195 1910 Olds 5-passenger Coupe. Very clean; mechanically excel lent. 1939 Chevrolet Mi-ton Pickup. 4 speed and heater. 1939 Chevrolet 2-door. Fine trans portation and excellent value. $.195 1939 Chevrolet Sedan. Sound me chanically and very good llres. $425 1939 Dodge Sedan. One owner. R&II. Just reduced $393 1937 Chevrolet Coupe. Very clean, with new motor $395 1937 Ford Tudor. Transportation at lowest cost $93 1937 Chevrolet 2-door. A rmr gain $230 All Post-War Curs Guaranteed 1919 HUDSON Commodore se dan: pel feet cond. Phone 1)20. Lindsay's. I or Itctit CLOSE IN, a nire. clean, 2 rm. and bath, fuinishcl apt.; gas equip, ki'rhen; pli- entrance. Sin- j gle person only. 314 Delaware. j CLEAN. 2 RM.. mod., furnished apt.; pri. bath: new gas range; elec. refiig.; (ill utilities furnish-j I cd; close in. Call ul 613 Georgia. Quick Results For Kent HOUSE for rent. 27 Lake Place. Phone 875-R. 3 RM., FURNISHED apt.; bath lauuiuca, ttu uui. lurmsneu. iiose to mill. $40 month. Adults only. Phone 1316-W. 745 Colorado, Apt. No. 3. 1 RM., MODERN apt., and 1 sleep, rm. At 314 Wall St.; or phone 1282-W. CLEAN, i RM., unfurnished cab in, with oil cook stove. Lights, hot and cold water; access to ldry. rm. $40 per month. Inquire at Time Service Station, South Hi way. . 3 BR. HpUSE; close In. Fhone 1220-W. VACANCY in Congress Apts. Adults only. No pets. Call 227 Congress. Phone 857-M. MODERN, unfurnished. 1 br.. ant. Very nice; clean; Propane fur nace, range. For information call 1694-j. MODERN, furnished. 1 rm. ant. Convenient for working person. 5d4 bisemore. Inquire 637-W. FOR LEASE: Cabins, grocery, propane, liv. quarters. Free rent this winter. $60 per mo., April 1. Stock, equipment and furniture, $2000. Will take trailer house. Phone 2008-J1. APTS. FOR RENT for winter months. L Rancho Motor Hotel. Phone 199-Z. Redmond. Wanted WANTED TO BUY: Livestock ol any kind, any amount. Also horses. Have cash buyers. See Nick Chase, or drop card: Rt. 3, Box 96; or phone 1S19-J4 or 790- W. Leave word. TOP PRICES paid for any kind of cattle you have to sell; fat or thin. Will pick up at your rancn, Randall Miller. Phone 168-X, Red mond. WOULD LIKE to buy some Springer cows, or any kind of cattle you have to sell. Will pick up at ranch. W. R. Franks. Phone 78, Redmond. Help Wanted YOU ARE looking for larger in come. A Rawlelgh business is available for you if you can qual lfv. A postal card request will bring you full details without obligation. You then study and decide. Write Rawlelgh s, Dept. OKA-261-222, Oakland, Calif. FARM MACHINERY salesman for Deschutes, Jefferson and Crook counties. A good oppor tunity for an experienced man, Box 852, Madras. ... . Lost SMALL BLACK dog; short front feet; while chest. If found, phone 307-J after 6 p.m. Services ELECTRICAL WIRING All types of electrical wiring by guar anteed licensed men. Free esti mates. Telephone 159. CASCADE HARDWOOD FLOOR CO. Laying, sanding and finishing all types of wood floors. Refinlsh old floors like new. We sell flooring. Work any place in Central Ore gon. 221 Greenwood. Phone 167, days. CARPENTER WORK: New con struction, rough framing, remod eling, cabinets, built-ins and shop work. F. W. Page, phone 650-M, general contractor. ' WHEN IN NEED of pipe thaw ing, acetylene or electric welding, lathe work, call Flaherty's Ma chine Shop. Phone 1100-R. BABY SHOES preserved for life in pearl; 3 beautiful colors pink, blue and Ivory. Out by Christmas. Mail orders taken. Agents want ed; also baby shoes. P. R. Hen derson, 1367 E. 2nd St. HOUSE MOVING and raising; large or small. Estimates gladly given. Ilolman Transfer, 201 Irv ins Phone 987. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, drain holes shot. Free estimates. Phone 12c2 J or 975-J. D. W. Grimes. 210 Davis Ave., Bend. GULICK TRUCK Service: Long distance livestock and hay haul ing. We pick up livestock for lo cal markets, Redmond Auction house, or for shipment direct to Union Stock Yards, Portland. Phone 790-W. SAW FILING, gumming, ham mering, band saw welding, sander belts, band saw blades, new han dles hung in tools. Sexton Supply & Saw Service, 1195 Wall Street. FURNITURE MOVING: dust proof padded van. We pack your china with care, hang your clothes in our wardrobe. Local and nation wide moving and storage. Holman Transfer, 201 Irving. Phone 987. Brooks-Scanlon Quality PINE LUMBER Brooks-Scanlon Inc. NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE Oral auction bids will be re ceived by the Forest Supervisor, Post Utllce Building, Bend, Ore gon, beginning at 2:00 p.m. Stand ard Time, February 13, 1950, for all the live timber marked or designated for cutting and all merchantable dead timber locatea on an area embracing about 160 acres within sections 22 and 26. T. 19 S., R. 11 E.; Section 5, T. 20 S., R. 11 E.; and Section 20, 21 S.. R. 11 E., W.M., Paulina Prairie and Lava Butte Areas, Deschutes National Forest, Ore gon, estimated to be 294,000 feet B.M., more or less, ol ponderosa pine sawtimber. Sealed bids ac companied by required1 payment received by the Forest Supervisor prior to 2:00 p.m.. Standard Time, February 13, 1950, will be con sidered the equivalent of an oral bid and posted for the Informa tion ol all bidders. No Did oi jess than $24.25 per M feet B.M. for ponderosa pine will be consid ered. In addition to prices bid for stumpaee. a cooperative de posit of $.60 per M feet B.M., to be used by tne Forest service lor paving the cost of slash disposal, and a cooperative deposit of $.40 per M feet B.M. to cover the cost of tree planting, seed sowing and timber stand improvement on me area cut over for the total cut of timber under the terms of the agreement, will be required. A payment of $1,000.00 to be applied on the purchase price, refunded, or retained In part as liquidated damages according to tne condi tions of sale, must accompany each sealed bid and must be shown to be in the possession of oral bidders as a qualification for auction bidding. II an oral Did is declared to be high at the clos ing of the auction, the bidder must immediately make the re quired payment and confirm the bid by submitting it in writing on a Forest Service bid form. The richt to reject any and all bids is reserved. Before bids are submitted, full Information con cerning the timber, the conditions of sale and the submission of bids snouid be optainea irom tne r or- est Supervisor. Bend. Oregon, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed Administrator of the Es tate of Grace K. Johnson, De ceased, and any and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby requirea to present said claims, duly verified as by law required, at the office of my attorney, Charles E. Boardman, United States National Bank Building, Bend, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first nuhltcation of this notice. Dated and first published this 29th dSy of December, ia49. 9? v ' Martin Johnson. Administrator of the Estate of Grace K. Johnson, Deceased Charles E. Boardman, Attorney for Administrator. 20-25-31-37-C INVITATION FOR BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF AIRPORT ADMINISTRATION BUILDING AT ROBERTS FIELD, REDMOND, OREGON, BY THE CITY OF F.EDMOND, REDMOND, URfcUUIN Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the City of Redmond at tne cny Hall on or before January 21, 1950, 10:00 A.M., and to be open ed at said time in public meeting. Drawines. boeciflcatlons, gen eral Conditions, Proposal Forms and other documents and instruc tion to bidders are available at the office of Bogen and Jossey, Architects, 56 Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon. Twenty-five Dol lars ($25.00) deposit is required for such documents. The City of Redmond reserves the right to reject any and all bids received and to re-advertise said contract if the City shall deem best. Published pursuant to order of the Common Council of the City of Redmond, Oregon. (Signed) M. L. Covner, Mayor Ralph Hauck, Chairman Red mond Airport Commission Evallno Riebhoff, Recorder 31-32-C Services WASHING MACHINE SERVICE and repairs on all makes. Phone 274. 1033 BrooKS. BULLDOZING; land clearing stock ponds built. Done reason able. 134 Delaware. Phone 679-M PIPE THAWING: 26lh winter of local thawine. Week-days, o p.m to 12 p.m. D. L. Stevenson. Phone 1338-J. HEATING Furnaces cleaned, repaired and reset; Oil Burners and Oil Clrcu latine Heaters cleaned and ad justed. Oregon Heating Co. Phone i 513. FOR WELL and drain hole drill ing call Lee Grimes, 224 Davis, phone 975-J or 1252-J. Many Offices (Continued from Page 1) . peace. County offices which arc to he filled this year Include: One com missioner, clerk, treasurer, asses sor and surveyor. Holding these respective ouices at present are: E. E. Varco, re publican; Mrs. Helen uacey, dem ocrat; Mrs. Edith Fairchild, re publican; Ed Risen, democrat, and E. G. Mansfield, democrat. Varco Undecided Commissioner Varco, who has held office since 1939, stated that he was undecided as yet about be coming a candidate for reelection. Both Mrs. Daccy and Mrs. Fair- child have signified their inten tion of being candidates for re election to the offices of clerk and treasurer, respectively. Mrs. Dacey has been clerk since 1942. She is the widow of the late Dan P. Dacey, who died in 1941, and is the mother of two daugh ters, Helen, a student at Bend high school, and Mary Elizabeth, a student at Seattle university. Mrs. Fairchild first entered the treasurer's office in 1946 on an appointment, and then was elect ed to the post In 1947. She is the widow of the late r. l. alrcnua, who died In 1936. She has two children, James W. Fairchild, as sistant sales manager at The Shevlin-Hlxon Company, and Mrs. W. A. strohecker, of Portland. Risen Undecided Assessor Risen, who first re ceived an appointment to the of fice in 1943, and tnen was elected In 1947, said that he is undecided about running for reelection this year. E. G. Mansfield, incumbent county surveyor, could not be reached for comment as to wheth er or not he would be a candidate for election this year. It is erroneously reported In the Oregon Blue book that the term of Mrs, Velma Buckingham, coun: ty school superintendent, also ex pires this year. However, such is not the case for Mrs. Buckingham was elected to office In November of 1948 and has until 1953 to serve, Cities officers to be elected in clude a municipal jud(je and six CUIUIIIISMOIIUIS. Incumbent judge is Alva Good rich, a local attorney. Incumbent commissioners whose posts are at issue in the next election Include: W. B. Anderson, W. J. Baer, W. A. Fordham, A. C. Nelson, R. A. Bailey and Bert White. Anderson stated that he will 'definitely not run;" Nelson sig nified that he "will run;" Bailey said that at present he "does not plan to run," and the others have stated that they are, as yet, un decided" about running for elec tion this year. .1' ji NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of Ordinance No. NS346 of the City of Bend, Ore gon, a municipal corporation, the undersigned will on the 27th day of January, 1950, at the hour of 10 o clock. A.M.. in the CItv Com mission room in the City Hall, sell to the highest bidder the fol lowing described real property located in the City 01 Bend, Des chutes County, Oregon, provided no bid shall be accepted for less than the amount set opposite each respective parcel, wnich is the minimum appraised price fixed by the Commission of the City of Bend: Parcel No. 1 That part of the NE' of the NE'xi of Section 32, T. 17 S.. R. 12 E.. W.M., bounded and described as follows: Begin ning at a point that is 2.t4 leet north and 521.15 feet west of the SE corner of the NE'A of the NEVi of Section 32, T. 17 S R. 12 E.. W.M.: Thence N. 17'' -20' t. a distance, of 189.54 feet; Thence n. 9 -do -14" w. a distance ot 186.15 feet to the easterly right- ol-wav line of the uregon Trunk Railway's team track; Thence S. 18-54 E. along said right-of-way line a distance of 191.51 feet; Thence N. 90"4)0' E. a distance of b'l.M leet to the point of be ginning- $1200.00 Cash. Sale of this parcel to be sub ject to the condition that the pur chaser within one year shull erect thereon a warehouse building of the value of not less than $8,000 and that such property shall not be used for handling raw agri cultural products or farm ma chinery. Parcel No. 2 Lots 3 and 4, Block 13, Riverside $300.00 Cash. GEORGE SIMERVILLE, Recorder of the City bf Bend 31-3743-C ICI Reconditioned Washers $15 up Used Davenport $25.00 Circulating Heaters and Oil Heaters $12.50 up Stock Market In Sharp Break New York, Jan. 12 0P Stocks broke sharply today. .. Volume rose and the tape fell behind by 11 minutes. It was the most severe drop the list has experienced since the upturn began just seven months ago on June u. 1 Brokers groped for a reason. There was nothing In the news to account lor the selling. Somehow the public, which re cently has come Into the market in large numbers, became fright, ened. They dumped recent pur chases. Prices crumpled in many in-' stances. Some recent strong spots yielded ns much as 5 points. Railroad snares were hard nit. Steels and motors dropped but not as severely. Low-priced, shares, public favorites, had large volume. Up to 2 p.m. the sales had reached a total of 1,620,000 shares, against 1,900,000 shares In the , corresponding period yesterday.' The averages at that time were ' lower a dollar in the industrials; half a dollar in the rails, and 16 cents in the utilities. Then the real selling began. By 2:04 p.m., the tape was one minute late. It steadily fell be hind the market Until 2:41 p.m. when the lateness reached 11 min utes. The last hour was one ot the busiest In a decade. ' The previous sellofi In the cur rent bull market was on Sept. 20, 1949, when the market anti cipated a steel and coal walkout. Peak of the selling apparently was reached a few minutes before closing time. Brokers reported floor prices Improving and vol ume lightening somewhat. Bonds dropped , with stocks. Railroad Issues lost s much as 2 points to lead the drop. Grains also dropped with wheat -off as much as 2 cents a bushel. Cotton had losses running to more than $1 a bale In Its most severe decline since mld-Ootober. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK- " Portland. Jan. 12 (IB Cattle- salable 300; market less active; early' sales about steady;' steers, heifers scarce; ; lew moniun steers 23; commons down 'oi.!?) few medium-good 400-5CP ;-lb-calves 23-24;. canner-cutter . cows mostly 13-14.50; shells down to 11; bulls 50 cents or more hirzhcrj odd heavy sausage bulls to 20.50; mediums 17-18.50. ; v; Calves salable 50; market eo tlve; quotable steady, good-eo'er; vealers salable 25-28 and nbovo; extreme top Wednesday 30: rre dium vealers 20-24; commons down td 15. .-. : , -' ;; Hogs salable 200; market lrs active; about stenriy; pood-rhpi',e 180-235 lbs. 18.25; 250-270 ll'S. 17.50-17.75; good-choice 130 lb?. 17.75; good 350-500 lb. sows 14-15; light sows up to 16; fenders scarce; good-choice salable 17-18. PORTLAND MARKETS' Portland. Jan. 12 (Ui Portland butter and egg prices were ruiv changed today, . . " '1 Butter Prlce: to retailers: Grade AA prints 68c lb.; AA car tons 69c; A prints 68c; A cartons 69c; B prints 65c. ' Egg prices to retailers: Certi fied A laree 43c doz.; grade AA large 45c; A large 42c; A A me dium atsc; certified A medium 38c; A medium 37c; B medium 35c; A small 35c; cartons 2c addi tional. . , Use classified ads in The Bulle tin for quick results. NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that hearing on the final account of Grace E. McKenzle, Adminis tratrix of the estate of Lester R. McKenzie, deceased, will be held In the Courthouse in the County Court room in Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, at the hour bf 2 o'clock p.m. on Friday, the 10th dav of February, 1950, and all persons Interested in said estate are notified to appear at said time and place and show cause, If any they have, why said final account -should not be approved, the estate settled and closed and the Administratrix discharged. - DATED and first published this 12th day of January. 1950. Grace E. McKenzle, - Administratrix De Armond, Goodrich, Foley - -." & Gray, Attorneys 31-3743-49C VERN LARSON AGENCY Insurance & Real Estate 135 Oregon Ave. Phone 32 BEND, OREGON. Home Wanted We have a client who wants a modern home on the river ... It must be nice! Buyers Home Wo have buyers who are waiting for 3 or more bed room modern home In top location. ' Buyers Farm Also buyers for farm of ap prox. 100 acres watered un der good dtU'h for potatoes. Buyers Farm Buyers for 41) or 80, walrr ed. In good district, suitable for potatoes or clover. Listings Once more we are In need of listings . . . busuM-M seciiut to be looking up, and we are almost sold out.