SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1949 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON PAGE FIVE Local News TIOII'I ICATl ItIC Minimum .vi-nlei-itny, HO tli'Km'N. j I i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 IiinI iiIkIiI, 80 ili'iri-iN. Ili'iiil Vnrlnliln i'IoiiiIIiicnn Iii liny tliruiiifli KiMtlny with few niiiiw fliirrli'n mill partial ilcur Imf nl Ilium! nailer IoiiIkIiI iiimI Hlllldliyl llluh Imlny M In III; low lonlltlil 1H -4.1; liltih Hiimlny 27!U. Jim Crawford, limner Hrnil rm lili'til who la now cukiiki'iI In vim Hi I'Ui'l I(in work ill Full luinlm, Al lodia, flow hi1!! Irom the north llllH V.IM'll III Hlll'llll IIir iioliiliiyH with IiIh lmii'ifiN, Mr. mill Mm, W. I), Cinwronl, u 1 1 1 1 ulhi't' rein- tlVI'H, Hi'V. mill Mm. I). W, 1 It-tulcliM anil whin, Dun, Jerry anil liolaml, ri'tiirni'il to thi'lr linine In ()n'i,'oii City yi'Ntci'iliiy lifter vIhIIIiik Willi Mr. noil Mrs. C. Klvlllfelilt III the I'lirroll Aereii cmmminlty. Ilev. ami Mm. l li'iuli'lin mi! lor tiler lletul N'hIiIuiiIh, Mr. iiml Mm. Kolierl Clarke of l-'nn-Ht (it ovu lire week enil vIhI lom ill the home of Mr. mill Mm. Holiert M. Sever of Heml, Wesley Meek, mm of Mr. anil Mm. I lurry W. Meek of lieml, reeenlly retiirneil to San lilee.o, I'liilf., after ii nlni'-numlli erulHe In the wenlern l'aelflc in n crew inemlier alumni the navy Ufa iane temler USS (iarillnem Hay. lleek Im u huulHwain's male thlnl elatw, Mr. anil Mm, (rant Damon were III Heml lant nlnlit lrotn C'lieimill, to ntlenil tint annual nieellnit of the Heml Trap dull. Mix l-oulw Lawrence of ICsla caila In vluilliii,' hero over the Imltiliivii at Hie home of Mr. anil Mm. Phil F. flroitan. Ileiul fileemen, who have heon "on vacation" for the pant nov el al weekH, are to reHiime pine lieu on TueHilay, Januiiry Ci, In the Item! IiIkI Hi'hool hand room, lead em of the liioup have nnnotini eil. 'J ho practice will lie at 7:30 p.m. Mr. mid Mm. Iloh Itennett left thlN miiriiintt tor their home in Salem, after a holiday vlnll with Mm. Ik'imelt'ii part-nm, Mr. and Mm. K. C. .iiNteru, Kt'i 10. tlreen- x wood. They were iit'ooinpiinled to ileiul oy ftiiM. lu'iineu h nroiner, Ixoniinl, who retnined home al ter Hpendlii four monllM In Call fornla. Mr. mid Mm. Krvln l'offen haik'er, Terrebonne, mo parenlH of u 7 pound U ounee tilrl, Ihiiii thin morning ut SI. Charles lion plial. Mr. and Mm, Merlii II. KcIIouk have returned to their home in 1-on AneeloH, after vIhIIIiiu hero for Neveial tliiyii with their uncle. MaiNhall 1. (iiiioii, Anton Kulslad, 5.K) Delaware was iidinlttiHl thin mornliiK lo l.iitiihernian'H hospital, 1-co Car ter, l"ii2 Uavenporl, and Jlitilmn Kennedy. McKay,- weiv rclefl ed last lilfclil. VIslthiK at the (Iidi ko I-'reeiiiiin home me their milliliter, liar Inn a, from the University of Ore gon, mid TIuk'II (-'ho, a Kiwliiiite In architecture from St. Johns inilvemliy, Shanghai, China, who, through a Hi'holiiv.shlp, Is now u Ntudi'iit at the university, workhiK for his master's degree. Mrs. Wilson lieorge and daugh ter, Sally, returned last night from 1'ortliind, where they visit ed since Christmas day at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. John An derson, formerly of liend. Mrr, Ocorgo announced that her kin dergarten mid dancing classes will resume Tuesday, on their regular schedule. A New Year's eve pnrty for members of the Town and Coun try chili will he held tonight "I the home of Mr. and Mr. Harvey Drake, Duller road, father than at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert llartlelt, as originally planned. I will not be responsible for bills contracted by anyone other than myself. Alba II. Hhoads. Adv. Da nco at Terrebonne New Year's Eve. Music by the Melody Masters. Adv. CAUD OF THANKS We wish to thank our. many friends for their kindness mid sympathy during our recent sor row. Alfred Henry and Slslors Kill Ii Chaplu Adv. Hair of hogs living In the cold regions of China and Siberia was once the principle bristles used lit American toothbrushes. 'fax r THEN CONSULT US FOR THE SUITLIES and OFFICE EQUIPMENT TO MAKE THE JOB EASIER! File Folders File Cabinets C Storage Cases Inventory Blanks Royal Typewriters Portable or Standard EXPERT REPAIR ON AIX OFFICIO MACHINERY Mabney Office Equipment Demand for I'letuied her e part of the more than 100 hleveles lhal were taken lo the city police station yester day for retilsiratlon, The demand for the new 11150 hloyiie taus was so groat that the su)ply of li censes was exhausted. Extension Work Will Be Offered Kxlepslon courses In art and social psychology are scheduled to lieKln at. Ihe Central OrcKon community coIIcko on January f), It was announced today hy How ard Nicholson, school coordinator. Miss Jean Sutherland will he Instructor for the art classes, which will feature clay model In K nd palnlintt, mid Mrs. Clam Slmervllle will lie in chaise of the psychology elasses, Nicholson said. The couisck will he for three hours credit. Iti-Klstratlon for these, and oth er extension courses, is to tie handled next week at Nicholson's office In the Hend high school. The office will he ppen between 1 p.m. mid 8 p.m. and 7 p.m. and U p.m., Tuesday through Friday. AmoiiR other extension courses to ho oltered are: Oregon school law, a two hour credit course; advertisliiK. a three hour credit course lo lie Instructed hy Mrs. K'leanor Wilson, and stenography, n Ihri'e hour credit course to bo taught hy Mrs. Nina Nlskanen. Instructor for the law course, has not lieon soloctiKl yet. Many New Year's Parties Planned M'lti'i wa preparing lody' -orf a uala welcome for the New Year., with numerous dances, watch parties and buffet suppers planned for tonight. At many of the affairs, nolsemnkers will be distributed before midnight, and a noisy reception Is in store for 11150. Several churches also are plan nine; watch services tonlKht. and many persons are plamiliiK to spend the evonhiK ice skating at Symons rink. Business was brisk in down town liend ns shoppers made pur chases for the two-day holiday. For Fine Foods Dinners and Dancing THE OASIS V(I Arlzomi Featuring Delicious Steaks Chinese Fond Fried Chicken Open at 3 p.m. Dining room opens 6 p.m. FOB RESERVATIONS PHONE 1148 Overworked With Inventory? Victor ADDING MACHINES Frieden CALCULATORS Bicycle Tags Exceeds Supply J . ft Hospital News Ooiko Lynch, 11(18 W. Third, was admit ted this mornhiR to St. Charles hospital. Admitted yes terday were the following Louis If. Wclhl, 1010 E. fith; Patrick Hammock, 2 year-olc son of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Hammock, Sis tors; Mrs. Hert Colo, 1114 KIiiks ton, and Mrs. Hubert W. Bartlett, G IrvltiK, Mrs. GeotKO Curtis and Mrs. Georfjo Shanks, both of Hend, were dismissed yesterday. Mrs. Odls McCarty niui daiiKh ter. Houlc 1, Ik-nd, were dismiss ed today Irom the maternity ward. rUNKIlAI, Tl'KSDAY Prlnevllle, Dec. 31 Funeral services for o Crook county pio neer who had Sent 70 of his 80 years In the slock ranch commu nity, A. MoCord, who died Wed nesday at l'endleton, will be held at the chapel of the I'linr-viiie funeral home at 10:30 a.m. Tues day, Kev. Laurence Burdette, pas tor of the Prlnvllle Community church, officiating;. Interment will follow at the Pioneer Memo rial cemetery. Mr. McCord was born of par ents who had crossed the plains from Tennessee. When 10 he came to Crook county with ills parents. He is survived by a brother. Lyman McCord, former local resident who is now in Ash land hospital recovering from a fractured Ior; and a daughter. Mrs. Edna E en Osbnrn of I'r no- vllle. Seven grandchildren ".Hut1- vlve, Including Carroll McCord. who last year was named Crook county s Junior first citizen. HAPPY NEW YEAR! A NOTE OF CHEER FOR THE NEW YEAR May gaiety and laughter Highlight this day aua 1- inonliu utter! STATIONERY & 1011 Brooks Street Enjoy Helphrey Dairy Milk The Besf Milk in Town" fmm S90-J HELPmEY DAI 15 Y 118 Greenwood Ave. zjp-- T A Wet New Year's Slated for Oregon Portland, Dec. 31 mi The weather bureau today forecast a wet or snowy Now Year's day for Oregon, depending on whore you live. Kaln in the Willamette val ley, snow In the south, north coast, oast und mountains were on tan. Oregon state ponce said cnains wore roquirod on all mountain roads. Some cars were turned back on the Wilson river and Sun set highways Friday because of snow. About 14 inches were re ported on the Santiam and Mt.' Hood routes. In Portland, two milk trucks hit an ley spot and skidded. One plunged 100 feet to the bottom of a pit. The other crashed into a concrete guard rail. The drivers survived. Clock to Yield Names of Donors Boston HI'i Some time during 1950 the clock In Boston's his toric Faneull hall will be opened and the names of the school chil dren who donated their pennies to buy it a century ago will be read aloud. The city records contain in structions for the- carrying out of this ceremony. The instruc tions were written In 1S50. The only list of names of the children who contributed to the long-ago campaign Is scaled in side the clock. Use classified ads In The Bulle tin for quick results. A OFFICE SUPPLY Phone 141 o YA tr Jg- Marriages Drop, So Do Divorces Compared with figures for 1!HH, both marriages and divorces filed in Deschutes county in 1949 decreased, Mrs. Helen Dacey, county clerk, reported today. In 15-j'J, 200 marriage licenses were Issued In the county, com pared with 232 for the previous year, and 114 divorce cases were filed In the Deschutes county cir cuit court, compared with 153 in 148. Only month when marriage li censes Issued equalled divorces filed was May with 13 apiece. June lopped all other months In marriage licenses issued with a total of 31. August of 1948 was hli'h In this respect with a total oi .. Manlfigp apparently hit a low ebb In November when only 10 licenses were issued. . Divorce filings hit a peak of 13 in May and a low of 8 In the months' of DecemlxT, November, July, June and March. Figures lor the whole year fol low: Divorces Marriage Filed Licenses January 10 15 February 9 ' 12 March 8 15 April 12 13 ' May 13 13 June 8 31 July 8 16 August' 10 26 September 10 14 October 10 26 i ' FIRST 4o&ee ' Add beauty to your home and wipe out deteriora tion with a fresh new coat of paint. You'll find that a few hours of work in your spare time will brighten up the interior of your home. Come in today for a free estimate . . . you'll be surprised how littie it costs. 100 Pure Paints Anything in our yard may be purchased on the COPELAND home and farm improvement plan. Minimum Terms 6 months Maximum Terms 3 years Minimum Amount $30.00 Maximum Amount $3500.00 Investigate Today ALLEY OOP htrJKsJb VfcskzY BABE 1 ii77?-"V-.A ;A like Tc r!frfm be act mv I f NOT BUT ( 5UEE...MEAN-- v.1 ( V ' sHEH.' IF THESE AMAZONS N ' NOVVIT MWVWVILE.LCTSSOOD WELL, FOeAWEEE AS SMAET AS THEY ) WHEEE TAKEA !Wr) OUK-(IDEA.' I VJ HEKVEN'S ) ARE TOUErD NEVEe ' I COJLCJ I LITTLE I VAIT HIM ) SELVES A V COVLV KE 4 tigt'YSi ,J ) " HAVE TIME TO, OUT? SWIM.' USE A IT V AEEAK "Ur THISK rl 1:. ' ' New Penney Store Manager Arrives Victor L. Whetzel, newly-appointed manager of the J. C. Pen ney Co, store In Bend, has arriv ed here from Caldwell, Ida., and was In charge of the local stole today. He was named to take the place of Kenneth E. Longballa, who has been transferred to Ida ho to manage the Twin Falls store. Longballa will leave for Twin Falls tomorrow. Whetzcl is a former Bend resi dent, and entered the employ of the J. C. Penney Co. system In the store he now muuages. He is a brother of Charles O. Whet zel of this city. Mr.' and Mrs. Kenneth Crulk- shank have purchased the Long balla home, at 107 Drake road. FUNERAL TIME SET Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from Nlswon ger-Winslow chapel for Lottie lola Pease, 63, who died yester day following a lingering illness. Rev. Fred Decker, of the Church of God, will officiate at the rites, and burial will be in Greenwood cemetery. Dry beans have been called the poor man's food; the 25 per cent of the American population hav ing the lowest incomes con sumes about 42 per cent of the crop and the 25 per cent in the highest Income group only 10 per cent of this valuable food. November 8 December 8 Total 106 10 15 206 YSEIM COPELAND LUMBER CO. 318 Greenwood Phone 110 ALL I DONE VAS TEV TO HELP "Ee AFTER 5HE GOT DUMPEP PFF N HcJc. HCESE.' r-'l COl'PLF, ASPHYXIATED Tacoma, Dec. 31 mn A newly- discharged army captain and his wire were asphyxiated today after a fire broke out In a small cottage at nearby Stellacoom lake. Coroner Paul Melllnger Identi fied the victims as Capt. Andrew D. Hanley and his wife. Friends said Capt. Hanley, holder of a purple heart and bronze star, was discharged oniy yesterday Irom Fort Lewis. Cause of the fire was not Imme diately learned, but Chief Bruce White of the Lakewood fire de partment said it could have re sulted from a smoldering clgaret. The alarm was turned in at 4:20 by a neighbor. MAIL VOLUME HEAVY Mitchell, Dec. 31 Fred Sankey, local postmaster, reports that the incoming and outgoing mail from this west Wheeler county town have been of record volume this year. Pre-Inventory Sale! All Merchandise Reduced to Sell! PROCTOR IRONS 15 OFF DOMINION WAFFLE IRONS 15 OFF GLASS and METAL COFFEE MAKERS 20 OFF Reduced Prices on All Washers and Used Re conditioned Appliances SPECIAL PRE-1NVENTORY VALUES General Electric PORTABLE Fan Type Heater ROPER DETROIT JEWEL GENERAL . . 4-Burner ELECTRIC GAS GAS Hotpofat RANGE RANGE RANBE $90.00 $90.00 s65.00 L and H PACIFIC WESTINGHOUSE Electric wood coal Electric RANGE STOVE RANGE "Practically New" 60,00 $55.00 $90.00 BEND ELECTRIC CO. 644 Franklin By V. T. Hamlin V Y EH, JUST LIKE I FISSEEED- J I FINE V"K EVEEY PAN3 AMAZOM J STAET S r IN TH ' COJNTEY . , Vy tve to I J out look in' rT)ryk? , '.cof . tm8 r, mn WHKt. me. T. m wta t. rf. out Pickett Services Held on Friday Funeral services lor Ivan Ray Pickett. 72, long-time Bend real dent who lost his life In a Christ mas lire, were hold Friday at 2:30 p.m. Irom the Ntswonner A Wlnslow chapel, with Rev. Lon B. Flshback officiating. Pallbearers were members 6( the Eagles lodge, with which Mr. Pickett was affiliated. They In cluded O. C. Hartwlg, Harry Turn er, Ray Anderson, B. K. Rhodes, Charles Clltner and Ed Mehlhnff. Mr. Pickett was a native of Wis consin, and had been a resident of Bend for 25 years. He Is sur vived hy his wife, Frieda; two sons, Russell E. Pickett, Bend, and Ray Pickett, Portland: two grandchildren and several broth ers and sisters. Burial was in Greenwood ceme tery. . ii.. , !.-!-1 . uiiin.iinni miiMum, Kelvinator 7 Ft. Refrigerator $85.00 Phone 159 106 Minnesota Phone 09