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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1949)
r I WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1949 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON PAGE SEVEN Bulletin Classified Rafes LOCAL I'A1D IN ADVANCK 2ft Word Ono 'J'liuo mm lift Word Thmi Tlmc...f I.KA lift Vonl HU Time $IM All imdi otaf 10 add Hi r wwld llavaa lim,tM vl tiiaartitma. Om mntS run. aula ruiir, for r.l. Minimum rrmn, ft". I.lna Kilt lu Capital Ilia Itaatlafa laa Una, minimum iue (llwalllg Um vUaatflMla, II ..,. PUilaj Advarllalnff CImI,,; lima I p. in. uravlvua flay, Una half nana ur lariar, I p.m. aacntiil liar uravUiua la pulillrallwn. For Kule Iteul KmIhIo MID-VVINTLR BUYS TWO IlKimOOM, MODKRN--Living room, kitchen wired, nice Imlh, till) ami shower: ni'W fix tures; huge ulllliy: luiiilil lliuilc- 11I1IN. (illllll glll'll)!C. Five good IlllH. Large lawn "Mil gulden, $1000, Willi $1000 down. SMALL NI'AV IHrtlSK Kmilly lilne (IiiInIi. IIiih electric water neuter; lolli'i, shower; laundry Iiuvh; hIiiK. Rug, nil hi'uli'r, iliivi--no mill chiilr. Nicely lnnili'il on two level IiiIh. $2hM rush. l'URNIHIIKD . Three liivlronma; living room: kitchen; shower; ulllliy; iiuriigc; woodhln-d. Three loin, liiwn, tree, garden. Winter's WOOll. A lilt Of Plllll ll illHIIIIIIH'U mill luxes. $1000. $1700 down. .1. A. DUDRICY, REALTOR 10.'i! VVull .Sl I'tKimt LKtf.W Aeros from I'lhil HutU' Inn 2 NICK building lot. on K. Hill. I'rlccd (in quick mill,-. $r75. COOD 2 l)i'.. moil. ; lingo llv. nn. Nice kitchen ami dinette.. Ilnih. J-'rult cellar. Ciunge. 2M; $300 ciiMti. 3'n ., wlih 2 hr., mod. home. Cliy water, tlooil outbuilding. Clone In, on pave, SOjOO; S-WK) CIIHll. 2-yr-old, fully mod., gas equipped. I-argu llv. nn. Well planned kitcncn mill dinette. All. ga rage lunl utility. New disiriet. SIM); 5175(1 cimh, bill. I-HA. l-'nr value, eall Mr. Loeklln 331 1',. M. 11UCKNUM, UKALTOR lt)2! Brooks I'hone Ml 1 UK. 1IOM1C, with gnic,e; ! ruled lit I I lliiNllngu. S2M) lull price, Will lake ear H iiown puv nient. Hal, -l.) month, i'honp Owner, 1703-W. GILIIKKTS KKAL KSTATE Oh'r'KHS KOIt SALK niSIRAULE IIOMK: Good locn lion and excellent condition. Llv Inn nn. has Ilrepliice and wall to wall carpi'tlnn; kllchen and break last rm. iiltractlve with Inlay and wired lor ramie; beautllul bath nn.; Inc. br. with 2 closets; 2 small upstairs br.. Well Improved lot, 120x110. fenced; with Karaite $.H.i()0 well furnished, ur $7500 un furnished. 2 BEWIOOM: Modern home, with fireplace. Living rm din lull rm kitchen; 2 br.; ball), mid utility. Kenced yard, with uaraiie. Near schls.; close in. $0300, With $MIH) dow n. Oil heal. 3 IUX)MS: Willi bath, for only S27;W with less thaii $.')(X) down. Gaulle, woodshed, cellar, fenced corner lot; Immediate possession. rtlLBEIirS HEAL I-STATE joia wail 1'"!L-;,'JI WAN'FTO SELL? List your property with G1LBEKT. A square deal, mid prompt, efficient, courteous service Is yours ut Gil bert's Heal Eslulc. 1015 Wull St. NEED A HOME? Check the Deal of the Day on KliND 9:-l5 a.m. Cull today and Inspect the listliiKS at Gilbert's Hcul Kululc, lolb Wall St. NO PKE-INVKNTOKY Clearance Sale at the Mldstiite Really Co. We have onlv two line homes lett on our list, one al $11,000 and one at $10,700 with terms. Disposed ol four homes lasl wuek mid need more listings. Have cli ents for two homes on West side, close in. We cun t sell your home unless II Is listed with us. Rm. 11, U.S. Nut. Bldg. ''honejliir) GOOD, DRY body wood, any length. 128 cu. It. guaranteed on 10", 21" and 4 N. Hume 17H0-W. HEART ATTACK OR INDIGESTION? , THANK HKAVKN8I Mol nllnckj nro JitM nom lnclliiPllon. When II inrlkcn, Kiko "'-';" mcdlclnx known lo rtoclor. (or Um FrlW ot luiiflburn, um and Imllar dlnlrcBi w. Adv. START 1950 WITH A CLEAN SLATE "LI.T OUR MONKY PAY VO'tJIt CHRISTMAS BILLS" ' AUTO SALARY FURNITURE LOANS $25.00 $300.00 PORTLAND LOAN CO. Norl) Goodrich, Mgr. 85 Oregon Ave, Itend, Ore, OKOUNII FLOOR Telephone 173 Stain Licenses 818(1, MS2I Classifieds Reach 20,000 Readers Fuel COAL CAKCO IIUICJUK'ia I'RKSTOLiMi.S urner now, iiuin i iik i;im.iit COLD. Keep your fuel hill FULL. itMNi) storage & transflr 222 Irving Ave, 1'lionu 411 DRY I'lNK hoily wood, $'J u colli hy S cil. loud, If poHNlhle, J'lioue H25. Itol. Woodyurd, SUtum, Ore. iiltV IK DY WOOD, iinv leiiulh. I'hoiie K')2'W. Cluude Guilt, J2U-1 Diiveiiporl. 2 C'OHI) 1(T r. lah, SH.OU; 2 cord 111" dry Hluh, $1U.(X), deliver ed In HciiiI. (You haul from, $5 per cord.) Central Oreuon l''uel Co., phono 201-W. i)'M A til., l'"iniond, Ore. SKAHONKI) JACKl'INIC & body wood. Full cord, lfitil UIvIhIoii. riione rxi-n. 1'or Stile 1'iirm rroiluclH 10 'n)NS AM-'AI.KA liny, haled. 2 null Del.iival milker, complete. II. S. Applique. 3 ml. N.W. '1 um alo. riione 2'M) L. CONSKJN YOUH UVESTOCK (- Central Oregon Auction for tho liluhent prices. Sale every Thumiliiv. Ben H, Smith, Mur. I'hone 12113. CIIOICIC Yol.'Nt; iM-ef, bv 'A or . J. O. I'orler, lit. 1, Box 310. ' ml. wem Kioiierri Star Grunue. lor Kiilo MlKcelluiiiHiiiH l.UMUKIt: I)ry iionderosu, $10 lo $25 per M. 1 lammer; 1 Dodne truck; 1 f) null nawdUNl bed (new); UK) cords dry ciIkIiikh. Contact II. K. Keeney lit Cireut Wcl Hiiwmlll, Lupine, Ore. IltONINCJ UOAKIJ, iM-ddlnK nnd !!; -a, mid inlm-cl. articles. Lok house behind Carroll Acres Store. LAltCK COLKMAN oil clrc. heat er; pipe and (had control Inel. used 2 winters. Price $15. 1319 Union Ave. tix:t0 NAVY DINOCULAHS, like new, $.". 30(h Winchester rifle, like new, S.K), )2 special Win chcHler. with scope, like new. $85. .22 Marlimd, 7 shot clip, like new, 51H. 723 1 1 tit St., Keilmond, Ore MY EQUITY In beautiful new Acrosonic piano. 72S ntn St., Kcdmond, Ore. BALED ALKALKA MAY, MS per .Ull. IJH'IKI U 1.1 111(1. JJHW1HT ima. HADIO "UBES Complete stock I'hllco and other nationally known brands. Tubes tested, Bend Furniture Co. A LAKGE stock of reconditioned um! miurunteed used refrliie tors from -19.50 up; used wriiiR er washers from $19.50 up. lined automatic . electric runnes from $.l..r0 up mid also Ironers. 1(5 K. Greenwood. Orecon Equipment Co., phonf boo. AEHAID OK KIRE? Who Isn't? But you can beat It! Kyr-Kyter inarms warn you. l-yr rvter Ex tliiL'tilslieis put fires out ouicklv! I'rolect your property nnd your l life! Cull l'eter Huberts, 481; or w-'te Box GIL For Side Used Cars BEND GARAGE CO. "Winterized Used Curs" 1919 Bulck Roadmuster Sedanet. Big, smooth, and luxurious; with only 5500 miles. Full equipment and Dyniiflow drive. 1918 Plymouth Sedan. Lovely light gruy; with K&ll, spotlight, and plastic seal covers. ....'....$1 195 1918 Pontine Sedan. The Deluxe 0 In smart iwo-tone. Loaded with accessories and in beautiful con dition throughout. Original cost, $2092. A terrific value $1095 19-17 Chevrolet Aerosedun. Hand some Iwo-tone, with radio, healer, and fine seat covers. Low mile age. $1395 1910 Chevrolet Fleet mnstcr Se dan. A premium car in every re spect. Has heater, visor, plas tic seat covers, and other ex tras. ...'. $1295 1910 Dodge Sedan. R&II, sea' covers $1175 1911 .Sludebaker Sedan. The eco nomical Champion, with R & II, .seal covets, and safetyllghl. Fine value ; $595 1911 Hudson Sedan. An excep tionally clean, one -owner cur; with R&H $045 1911 Kord 2 door. Has R&II, seat covers, new 0-ply rayon tires. Very clean $075 1910 Kord 4-door. Top performer; with R&U, focllghts, und scut covers $575 1939 Chevrolet Sedan. Heater and fine tires. Very sound car $135 1939 Dodge Sedan. One -owner car; with K&M $195 1938 Chevrolet Sedan $375 1937 Chevrolet 2-door $295 1937 Chevrolet 2-door $195 1937 Kord 2-door $95 1934 Olds Sedan $75 TRUCKS 1917 Kord Hi-ton, COE 15' Hut bed. 1939 Chevrolet l'j- ton, Ilalhed and tack. Phono 193 '37 CHEV, 2-dr. sedan; almost brand new motor; brand new brake Job; Hies excellent. Very reasonable; very low down pay ment. HAND MOTOR CO. 1 183 E. Greenwood Phono 61 For Huln Used ( sr I'RE-INVENTOHY SPECIALS! Don't Overlook Thcso Buys Prices will be Nlluhtly hlulier ufler first of the yeurl 10411 Kord Custom Club Coupe $14U5 Radio, heuter; low mile ukv. 1!M9 Kord Custom 4 door ....$1495 Overdrive u n d heuter; new tires. 1917 Kruzer 4-door $1045 1948 Kaljcr 4 door $995 Clean us a pin. 1940 PoiIko 4-door $1095 Spotlessly clean. 1917 Kludebnker 4-door $1395 Communder, 1!H7 Sludebaker 2-door $1095 Chumplon. 1917 Kord Club Coupe $1245 Lots of extras; like new. 1918 Kord 2-door $1145 1940 Kord 2-door, O cyl $915 1911 Kord 4-door $405 fauper Deluxe. 1910 Kord 2-door; Deluxe $445 1939 Kord 4-door $345 1911 Lincoln Custom 4-door ..$545 1940 Lincoln 4-door $445 19 It Sludebaker 2-door $325 Chumplon. 1911 Chevrolet 2-door $545 bpeelal Deluxe. 19-11 Chevrolet Club Coupe ..$545 1910 Chevrolet 4-door . $-195 1939 Oldsmoblle 2-door $195 1938 Chrysler 4-door $215 1938 Kord Coupe $195 1930 Chevrolet Coupe $95 1937 Kord 4-door $125 1940 Pontluc Coupe $-145 TRUCKS 19-17 Kord Truck; lone; wheel base. , 1940 Chevrolet Truck; long wheel base, with lumber rolls. 1937 Kord Pickup. Cheap! 1U40 Kord Pickup. 1941 Dodge' Pickup. These cars can be seen ut our lot across from I'ilpt Bn'te, or 304 E. Third, next to Huckleberry-Hurt IIALBROOK MOTORS USED CAR LOT Member Central Oregon Automo bile Dealers Assn. Phone 680 19-11 DESOTO 4-dr. Radio and heuter. Priced lo sell. $-125. 728 E. Penn; or phone 1884-W. 1936 FORD 3-wlndow coupe; ex cellent motor, transmission and rear-end. Radio, heuter, skirts, hollywoods, dual pipes, new seat covers. Perfect body with four- months old paint job. $250 cash, or S27S terms; or make otter, Call 275-J Redmond; or see at Ken Man- Mobil Gas Station, Red mond. , 1937 FORD TUDOR; good tires, new seat covers; $100. 1936 Kord 4-dr., motor In good cond., $100. 793-J; or 1527 Division. For Kent l.'ni)MICIIt-n 1 K l.nttL... ..nil, elec. range and Krlgidolrc; oil circulator. Moderate rent. Call 329. 3 RM., MODERN, furnished house. 5-1 Gilchrist; or phone 1117-J. 3 RM., ELECTRICALLY equip, apt.; available after Jan. 1. Phone 182-M; or call ut 1548 W. 3rd. 2 RM., MODERN, furnished apt; pri. bath; gas range and gas heat. Close in. Cull at 015 Georgia. KOR LEASE: Gas station, gro cery, Propane, 5 cabins, 3 br., mod, liv. quarters. Free rent this winter. $00 per month starting April 1. Phone 2008 J1. HA VF A HE I DEL BERG DISTRIBUTED IN BEND BY For H-nt 1 RM MODERN, furnished op!. 344 Wull St. Phone 1282-W. APTS. FOR RENT for winter months. I. Rancho Motor Hotel. Prion 199-Z, Redmond. KURNISIIED, 2 & 3 rm. apts.; all utilities furnished. Reasonable. Shady Nook Auto Court. 3 RM., MODERN duplex; located at 495 Eust 2nd. Sec (his apt. be tween 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Phone 13-KB or 743-J. SMALL, MODERN, furnished apt.; suitable for 1 person. 344 Delaware. MONTHLY RATES now In effect. 1 & 2 br. WAHEE Cottages, on South 3rd. 4 RM. HOUSE (furnished or un furnished). Lge. enclosed porches. Gurage. $.. Or will sell; $2500. No down payment to right party. 1233 Baltimore. Phone 210-L. Wanted WANTED: Any kind of livestock you have for sale. Also bull serv. Ice. Call 1450. Charlie Hawkins. WILL DO cleaning or housework or take care of children, 3 after noons a week ; from 1 to 5. Phone 893. THIS IS IMPORTANT NEWS FOR MEN OR WOMEN DESIR . ING TO GUARANTEE A SECURE FUTURE The Northwest Broadcasting School of Portland Is now enroll ing 1950 classes. In no other field does the future hold brighter fi nancial promise and security than In Radio and Television. Tho In dustry needs and wants trained announcers, script writers, and technicians . . . but these are spe cialized Jobs and need prepara tion. That is why It will pay you to Investigate the Northwest Broadcast lug School. Complete day and night classes . . . the lat est equipment . . . and a staff of nationally known instructors. Ap proved for veterans. Housing fa cilities arranged. Write today for our booklet Northwest Broadcasting School 531 S.W. 12th Ave. Portland, Ore. WANTED TO BUY: Livestock of any kind, any amount. Also horses. Have cash buyers. See Nick Chase, or drop card: Rt 3, Box 96; or phone 790-W. Leave word. Help Wanted SPANISH GUITAR player for Western band. Apply 175 Adams Place, Bend, Ore.; or phone Red mond 9-RO. Situations Wanted IRONING to do In my home. 75c an hour. Phone 1341-J. 810 New port Lost BUNCH OK KEYS. Please return to Chas. Corkett,. Bend Garage. Receive $5 reward. DOG: GOLDEN cocker; male; small and very friendly; boy's pet. If seen or know whereabouts please call 1331-W. Services WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS All makes; also elec motors. - Picked up, repaired and returned. 1557-W 1645 Galveston HEATING Kurnaces cleaned, repaired and reset; Oil Burners and Oil Circu lating Heaters cleaned and ad-' justed. Oregon Heating Co. Phone 513. BABY SHOES preserved for life In pearl; 3 beautiful colors pink, blue and Ivory. Out by Christmas. Mail orders taken. Agents want ed; also baby shoes. P. R. Hen derson, 1307 E. 2nd St. SAW FILING, gumming, ham mering, band saw welding, sander belts, band saw blades, new han dles hung In tools. Sexton Supply & Saw Service, 1195 Wall Street. ELECTRICAL WIRING All types of electrical wiring by guar anteed licensed men. Free esti mates. Telephone 159. FURNITURE MOVING: dust proof padded van. We pack your china with care, hang your clothes In our wardrobe. Local and nation-wide moving and storage. Holman Transfer; '201 Irving. Phone 987. HAINES DISTRIBUTING CO. Services HOUSE MOVING and raising; large or small. Estimates gladly tlven. Holman Transfer, 201 Irv ig, Phone 987. Domestic Water Pumps Service and Repairs All makes. 1557-W 1045 Galveston SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, drain holes shot Free estimates. Phone 1252-J or 975-J. D. W. Grimes, 210 Davis Ave., Bend. TRAVELING Truck-Crane. Doing light or heavy duty hoisting, load ing or pulling. It. B. Watson, phone 1699-J. 1636 Galveston. CARPENTER WORK: New con struction, rough framing, remod. eling, cabinets, bullt-ins and shop work. K. W. Page, phone 650-M, general contractor. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE and repairs on all makes. Phone 274. 1033 Brooks. GULICK TRUCK Service: Long uistance livestock and hay haul Ing. We pick up livestock for lo cal markets, Redmond Auction house, or for shipment direct to Union Stock Yards, Portland. i-none vuu-w. CASCADE HARDWOOD KLOOR CO. Laying, sanding and finishing all types of wood floors. Hefinish oid floors like new. We sell flooring. Work f.ny place in Central Ore gon. 221 Greenwood. Phone 167, days. FOR WELL and drain hole drill- Ing call Lee Grimes, 224 Davis. phone 975-J or 1252-J. PUBLIC LAND SALE Notice is hereby given that un der the second proviso of section 4&5, K.a.. as amended bv section 14 of the act of June 28, 1934 (48 Stat., 1274), and pursuant to the application of J. W. Judy, Serial No. Oregon 0799, there will be of fered, to the highest bidder, but at not less than S141.00, at a pub lic sale to be held at 10:00 o'clock a.m., on the 1st day of March next, at this office, the following tract of land: , T. 18 S., R: 42 E., W.M., Oregon, sec. 2, ESEtt. i This tract Is ordered into the Ljaiiirket on a showing that the Lgjcater portion thereof is moun tainous or too rough lor cultiva tion. '(.' .; Bids may'be made by the prin cipal or his agent, either person ally at the sale or by mail. Bids sent by mail will be consid ered only if received at this of fice prior to the hour fixed for the sale. These bids must be ac companied by certified checks or post office money orders for tho amounts of the bids and must be enclosed in sealed envelopes. The envelopes must be marked in the lower lelt-hand corner suostantial ly as follows: "Public sale bid, Serial No. Oregon 0799, Sale 10:00 a.m. March 1, 1950." The person making the highest bid will be required to pay imme diately the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adverse ly the above-described land are advised to file their claims or ob jections, on or before the time designated lor saie. Pierce M. Rice. Manager. 19-24-30-3G-42-C PORTLAND MARKETS Portland, Dec. 28 (U1) Portland butter and egg prices vjere un changed today. Butter Price to retailers; Grade AA prints, 68c lb.; AA cartons, 69c; A prints, bbc; A cartons, 69c; B prints, 65c. Egg prices to retailers: Ccrti fled A large, 48c doz.; grade A A large, 47c; A large, 44c; A A med ium, 40c; certified A medium, 39c; B medium, 35c; A small, 37c; cartons, 2c additional. Fire-resistant hydraulic fluid is now used in some airplanes. ILE5 (HEMORRHOIDS) RECTAL AND -COLON AILMENTS STOMACH DISORDERS IrutM Wittwit nispiUI OpinUM to S p.m. 6v.nlngi: Mon., TX Wad and Fri., until 8 1883-1948 Writ Of coll for FREI detcrlptlv booklet The Dean clinic In' Our 39th Year aHIROFRAOTIO PHYIIHIANB N.I. Corner I. Bumildo and Grand Ava. Talaphoni EAir 1918 Portland 14, Ora. Electrical Wiring Commercial and Domestic CONTRACTING No job too large or too small. Estimates Gladly Given Deschutes Electric HAL HUSTON 888 Wall St. Phone 278 Storm (Continued from Page 1) halls river at Centralla and the Snoho.oish river at Snohomish. Rivers Rising Several rivers, rising suddenly under pressure of the downpour, spilled over highways and farm lands in western Washington near the coast. H. O. Walberg, Skagit county engineer, said the Sammlsh was running wild, flooding farmlands north of Burlington and Sedro Wool ley and in the Edison area northwest of Burlington. The Skagit rose i feet in 24 hours at Mt. Vernon. The road between Snohomish and Monroe was closed as the Snohomish washed over its banks. The river was reported 2.6 feet above flood stage. The Snoqualmle river, Nook sack, Newaukum, Chehalis and Skookumchuck tributaries also were brimming. Three Inches of rain were fore cast for the next 24 hours in the western Cascades. Kive inches of the 90-inch snow pack at Stampede pass melted hi the past 24 hours. The weather bureau said there was a possibil ity oi serious Hooding tomorrow when the snow and rain-fed wa ters in the mountains reach the lowlands. There were reports of base ments flooded in scattered areas of western Washington. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Dec. 28 IIP) Cattle salable 300; market opened rather slow; tew sales steady; early sup ply mostly cows; steers scarce; load good 106o lb. fed steers Tues day 25.40; medium-good 600-690 lb. stockers 18-20; heifers unsold; top Tuesday 23.75; canner-cutter cows 11-12.50; odd head 13; com mon-low medium beef cows 13.50 15; good young cows quotable to 18; bulls scarce; good beef bulls Tuesday 17.5018.50. Calves salable 50; market ac tive, steady; odd good heavy veal- ers 24; choice qoutable to 26 and above; odd medium Light veaiers 20-22. Hogs salable 200; market very active; mostly 25 cents higher; good-choice 180-230 lbs. mostly 18; one lot choice 258 lbs. 17.50; 150-167 ' lbs. 16.50-17.65: sows scarce; good 350-500 lbs. salable 13.50-14.50 or above; good feeder aoove lb.DO. Sheep salable 100; nothing available earlv: buvpr innuirv rvery broad; quotable at least steady; sales good-choice 80-87 lb. fed lambs Tuesday 20.50-21; good ewes salable 7-7.50. America has an estimated 10, 000,000 people who suffer from one form of hay fever or another. NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a hearing upon the final account of James O. Gilfillan, Jr., administrator of the estate of James Oliphant Gilfillan, de ceased, filed herein will be held in the County courtroom in the Courthouse in Bend, Oregon, at two o'clock in the afternoon of Monday, the ,30th day of Janu ary, 1950, and all persons inter ested in said estate are notified to appear at said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why said final account should not be approved, the estate settled and closed and the administrator discharged. DATED and first published this 28th day of December, 1949. JAMES O. GILFILLAN, JR.. 19-24-30-36-C Administrator. YERN LARSON AGENCY Insurance & Real Estate 135 Oregon Ave. Phone 32 BEND. OREGON For Rent 2-bedroom modern, nearly new, just out of city limits. $55.00 Apartment House Two 1 bedroom modern apartment house, furnished. $4500 40-Acre Farm I'ivc-bedroom modern on 40 acres, 13 COI, 7 miles out. Terms. $5500 Lovely 3-Bedroom Modern Brand new, lovely 3-hedroom modern, (iirnaee, fireplace, oak floors, In ideal location, sidewalks, pavement. $12,600 DENTISTRY Dr. H. E. Jackson At his residential office NO PARKING PROBLEM 230 Lava Road Phone 134 OUR WAY Jacobson Given Release by Reds Vienna, Austria, Dec. 28 IIP) Israel Jacobson, American relief official who was expolled from Hungary and then detained by Russian authorities at the Aus trian border, finally was released today and arrived in Vienna. A soviet officer accompanied Jacobson through the soviet zone of Austria from the border town of Nickelsdorf, where he had ljeen stopped by Russian authorities on grounds his papers were not in order. Jacobson, Budapest director for the American joint distribution committee, was expelled from Hungary last night for "suspect ed espionage." He told a report er at Nickelsdorf that the charge was unfounded. "I never was engaged in any sort of espionage and my arrest by the Hungarians seems to have been a case of mistaken identity he said. Wrong Man He said the Hungarians releas ed him because they found out that "there are other people named Jacobson." "I was the wrong one," he said. He said there was no indication that the Hungarians intend to close down the AJDC in Buda pest. But, he added, the AJDC is getting the worst treatment of all relief agencies in Hungary. He asked the United tress to convey belated season's greetings to his wife and family in Chicago. Jacobson drove his own red con vertible from Budapest to Vienna. BULL SALES REPORTED Culver, Dec. 28 Ralph Frei sen. director of the North Unit Irrigation district, has just pur chased a Swiss Brown registered bull, Beauty's Patrick 90946, from John C. Williams, Brown Swiss breeder of Redmond. Albert Meier, Beaverton Brown Swiss breeder, has recently sold. a regis tered bull, Arbor Rose McLad 90459, to C. A. Pestka of Red mond. WIFE'S PRIDE RESTORED . Mrs. Newlywed was once stump ed on how to serve beer to guests most graciously. But nowadays she's proud and guests are de lighted, too. The answer that new one-way tall bottle of Lucky Lager. It does look gleamingly attractive . . . and so convenient to buy 'and use. No deposit, .no return. Comes packed 12 bottles to a handy carton. Usually costs less than stubbies. Try tall Lucky buy a carton today. Do as thou sands are doing . . , serve and enjoy Lucky Lager's "million dol lar flavor" in the new tall table bottle. Interstate Brewery Co., Vancouver, Wash. -Adv. New. Mirccle Drug Stops Cold Symptoms In a Single Day ANAHIST NEOHETRAMINE Get It at City Drug Co. OUT If 7H6T PDSSE'LlA I GO AHEAP, SUIT SDKESeLP-A ( 5HORE KETCH US ( BUT NOT MBI THEY HAINT i OW THESE BLAMIr 1 GOT NOTHIM' OM ME BUT J ftrwM t 1 TH1MGS.' THEM'S A KILLIM'AN: eANIC y uauin V TAST LOOKlW ( BOBBIN AKf flL BE -, HrxWS r-fL V tAWGEP 6F I'M A-60IW7 "V THERE.' I TO GIT HUNG FER f v-W BOBM THIRTY YEARS TOO SOOU , ;S '.X'X.ZU. Shevlin. Quality PONDEROSA PINE up- Lumber and Box Shooks By J, R. Williams SEEK YOUTH'S BODY Portland, Dec. 28 HP) The har bor patrol dragged the Willam ette river today for the body of itandall l. Betten, 17, Portland, who broke away from two police matrons and dived into the water. Police said Betten Was arretted on a curfew violation charge and was placed in custody of the mat rons after he proved to be "inso lent and uncooperative." Head Cold Stuffiness fiWV0M SECONDS For almost Instant relief, few Vicks Vatro-nol Nose put a Drops in each nostril Va-tronol works right where stuffy trouble isl It opens up cold clogged nose . . . relieves stuffi ness . . . and lets you breathe again. Try it VICKS Reconditioned Washers $15 up Used Davenport $25.00 . Circulating Heaters and Oil Heaters $12.50 up . J For Fine Foods Dinners and Dancing THE OASIS 526 Arizona Featuring . . . Delicious Steaks Chinese Food. Fried Chicken " . Open at 2 p.m. Dining room opens 6 p.m. FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 1148 - ll