SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1949 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON PAGE FIFTEEN Pope Pius Inaugurates Holy Year With Vatican Ceremony By NiirniRii I'lmii-liii-r (Ulitlv-t l'rc Hlmtt t:rriM)H.tHlvnll Vullciiii City, live. 2 iH'i l"nie I'hrn XII lii-uun Ihu mno y yiwir of llu- Hoirwin Ciilliullc rhurrh tdliiy hy ticnltifj Din holy doom of Hi. Ivih'h niihcilnil while 1,(XM),(XK) of (In. rullhfiil kmjlt In prayer In unit round Itim-' four Imnlllnix. Diu liiK Ihu cciciiioiili'i a Kioiip of 1J In lid Ichii iii'iiminin wcio nr rented when I hey jit Ictiipt t- to DtiiKo n tally nl I lio neiirhy enin. rminlHt. It'll Kiimi. inlmr chiimlmr. Tlio rlmmlier proi-liiliniKl n Im mediate komi'ihI mrlko In iho cap (ml. The utrlko oijler wh withdrawn 30 mlnutm later when Interior mlnlMer MiiIii Sccllm Nald till' pennant would Ih roluaxed mum after the ridlKlaw corcinonlei were completed. 'I'ho (til-k wlthdniwiil wan at tributed lo I he coiiiiminUtcon Hulled ii ii I lot iji I lulior federation, whli-li ndvlxed the Run,,, lulior chiiiulMT lo withdraw I In Milke cull Ihtiiiimi II wuh "III ndvlHi'd." Tin1 holy doom hwiiiik open ill lOi.MII a.m. U;.'iU A.M. I'STl, ush ering In (hi! yciir lniiK Xi'.h Julil Iw of the i'IuiitIi which the pon tiff, In IiIk C'hrlKlnnid nieNmig,. yi'Htordiiy. dedicated lo Inn fluhtt Ghost HKiilnnl coiiiiiiiiiiIhiii imd nllielHin, Carried In fhiUr Ceremony Itepented Thi pope wan carried to Iho Tlu ceremony ul St. 1'eler'n, cliupel In a clmlr. An Iho first with Ihu pope offlrlmliiM, wus tho I strophe of Ihc hymn ended the niiim one. hiimiliiincuUHly Ihc Mime rlluiil whs perliirined lit HI. Miiry Mu or. St. John In Liiicrnn mid HI. I'mil's oulslde Ihe wulls. Kor thn 1,(HX).(KK) wllnesses to Ihe ceremony, mid for millions moro Culhollcs Iho world over, It whs Ihe hcKlnnliiK of a year dur ItiK which I hey run, by perform liiK prescribed acts of devotion, obtain a "plenary IndulKcnce" or full pardon for punishment duo lo sins. The opening of the doors signi fied the opening of the 2.rih jubi lee year of the church. Tho last one- the holy year fulling nt the (iiarter century mark occurred In 125. The special Jubilee of 1!I.'I.'I.'M was called In extraordin ary milliner In celebration of the l!lK)lh anniversary of Iho cruci fixion of piriiil in Ihc year 33 AD. The ceremony begun nt precise ly Ul a.m. when the pope and Ihe pupal cortege entered the Sbttlnc chapel of Hi. Peter's where the pontiff intoned Ihe hymn "Venl gan leaving the Slslinc chapel The pope's chair was carried Into the portico of Ihe basilica and he left It to scut himself at Ihe white nnnel throne In the lefl piiiiiiii in-one, piiiceo incense ui of the holy door. Ihe ul t nr and returned to his Thr ti. chulr. At 10:15 tho pupal cortege be- DELAWARE GROCERY 845 Delaware ' Phone 847 mm HALBROOK New Technique For Rain Making Now Perfected Los Angeles, Dec. 21 Uli The 1 American Institute of Aerologlcul research Friday disclosed a new ruln-muklng technlipie which it 1 claimed Is cheaper and more of-fit-live than methods now em ployed. Institute head Dr. Irvln P. Krlck suld the technique, used in lurge scule tesls In Arizona for' lhf ntiuf lurn vimm rvmlfl l,t,l t,t Creulor Splrllus" Come, Holy ruin-making by remote control, j I "I'm sure this Is possible In : view of the high level of develop- ( ment In the field of electronics,") ho said. "Remote radio control would be simple." j I The institute said use of the ; new method quadrupled Ihc rain I f a 1 1 in a region of Flagstaff, 1 i Wlnslow and Holbrook, and . north of Prcscott. Dry Ice Obsolete I The technique uses mobile sil ver iodide smoke dispensers, plac- j cd on the ground, and made ob solete the present use of dry Ice i dropped by planes Into cloud for- i minions to produce rain, Krlck said. ' ! Kor $100,000. it Is possible to produce the same amount of rain , by use of the ground smoke dls-l penser mills which would cost ; $1,000,000 using airplanes drop-: ping dry Ice pellets and silver j , iodide. ! Krlck said each smoke dispen-i ser used lo disperse the silver ! Iodide into the atmosphere could produce rain in an area of-about. , 240 square miles. j I Tho sliver iodide Itself costs; ' about $20 a pound and the dls-1 , pcrsnl unit uses about $2 worth , of powder an hour. I Krlck envisions the time when by pushing a button in a weather bureau office, it will be possible , to make rain miles away. He said the entire rain-making unit could be moved In two large wheelbarrows. There were an estimated 800,- 000 persons Inside and outside tho four great basilicas and at least an equal number of faithful, who had started gathering long before dawn, blocked all streets leading to tho squares. The erect figure of the 73-year-old pontiff stood before the holy door at 10:38 a.m. A minute later he raised Ihe four pound hammer of gold, silver and Ivory and struck the first blow against the cross embedded in the doors face. The pontiff knocked a second time and a third time, then step ped back as the great door swung easily Inward. At the same mo ment, in the other three basilicas, cardinal delegates of me pope were knocking on the holy doors and they too swung open. WOMAN 1)1 KS IN KIKE Kansas City, Kon.,.Dec. 24 "P1 I A woman identified as Mrs. Doro-1 thy Wilson, about 42, burned to death in a fire which destroyed her Kansas City, Kan., home early j today. I Mrs. Wilson's body was found on the remains of a bed In the ! bedroom of the three room frame cottage. She was burned beyond recognition. ! ot CfiUd&nal tout Ztfw ycai afuart spps with all good wishes for a glorious Holiday Season EDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION THOMPSON & WILSON PAJNT CO. 722 Franklin Ave. Phone 1M2-W MOTORS 920 Bond Phone 680 . Japanese beetle-Infested areas, now extend from Maine to North Carolina and west to Ohio. A ft MERRY CHRISTMAS' PHIL PHILBROOK "Your Electrolux Dealer" Take Care of Your Eyes Enjoy rood vision and freedom from headaches ... you can not he rare your eyes are per fect unless you hare them ex amined. Consult us now!' Dr. M. B. McKenney OPTOMETBIST 908 Wail St. Phone 342-M SEASON'S UTH tfC$hank u" f is llie mosl sincere expression we know of lo convey our ap preciation for the friendships which have been so important to our mutual benefit during file past months. May we extend to you and yours "our best wishes for a joy ous Christmas Season. Henry Chezem Hardware E. Third & Greenwood Phone 775 "PEACE ON EARTH GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN" May this Christmas Message of Peace and Cheer Bring. You Lasting Happiness Throughout the Year NISWONGER & WINS LOW Crankshaff Grinding On Our New Van Norman "448" Grinder Bearing Rebabitring Motor Rebuilding . DRAKE'S AUTO SHOP 935 Harriman Street Phone 795-J ECONOMY D&UGS Across From Postoffice Phone 323 ' Here's a gift everybody can give. It's inexpensive,, it requires no shopping, no ribbons ond fancy wrappings, no last minute mailing. And best of oil,' when Christ mas is over, this little gift keeps right on giving. The gift of happiness is to be freasurad throughout the years to come. It is the nicest gift of all and we sincerely hope that you receive yours in bounteous meosure. W. B. ANDERSON 7AL CO. 1173 Wall Street Phone 700 Use Bend Bulletin Classified Ads for Best Results