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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1949)
PAGE TEN THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1949 Pennanf Races Thrill-Packed In 1949 Baseball Season By Curl I.llildqiliHt (UiiIUhI I'rM bporU Wriler) New York U"i Brenthlcss wns the word for the 1!M9 pennant ruees. Hoth were thrillers from start to finish and both were de cided on the final day of the season with the New York Yan kees and Brooklyn Dodgers the winner. , For the Yankees, who pushed aside more road blocks of adver sity than any other flap team In history. It was a triumph even more glorious than those in the swaRirnrlnjr polden years when they used to have the pennant al! but clinched by July 4. Tile Yankees, who went on to win the World series from the Dodfjers with four victories against a single defeat, had more than 70 lost time injuries and nllmcnts and were forced to play more than half the campaiRii without their most lustrous star Joltln' Joe DiMaggio. The Yankees took over first plice at the start of the race, at one time led bv 6'- games and never relinquished the lead until the final week of the season. The Red Sox after a miserable start which found thm in fifth plice. 12 games out of fie lead on July 4, roared from behind in the final half of the campaign and finally overtook the Yankees in a game at the Stadium on Sept. 26, win ning it 7 to 6. Yank-es Cme Back But tne Red Sox didn't reckon with the unquenchable Yankee snirit when they camp back to i New York for the final two game j of the season, needing only one I victory to clinch the flag but the I Yankees won both. The favorite Dodgers ran Into unexpected travail almost from the start and the St. Louis Cardi nals, long their bitterest rivals, proved to be a crew of sternly, seasoned stars who almost stole the (lag away from Brooklyn's kids. Bolstered by thre returning players from the Mexican league when baseball commissioner A, B. Chandler granted amnesty to IS players who had Jumped to that loop in 1SM6, the Cardinrls moved Into the front on Ann. lti and didn't yield It until a final blowup In the last week when they could n't beat either the second division Chicago Cubs or Pittsburgh Pi rates. Brooklyn looked to be through when the Cards went a game and a half in front with less than a week to go. But the Dodrrer kids had bounce and taking advantage of the Cardinal faltering, went in front on Aug. 29 and stayed there until th finish three days later. They had to bent the Phillies, 9 to 7. in a marathon slugfest on the final day to avoid a playoff! since the Cards rallied their forces ! to top the Cubs for a victory that i would have netted a tie had Brooklyn lost. Hcnrich's - Homer Wins After those races the World series figured to be anti-climactic, yet for two games it furnished some of the most frenzied riefon sive baseball and standout pitch ing in the history of the classic AUIc Reynolds Pitched the Yan kees to a 1 to 0 two-hit victory in the opener, winning on Tommy HenrieYs ninth inning homer off Don Newcombe. Preacher Roe countered by winning a second 1 to 0 duel on the second day but year by drawing 43,E3,lK8 fans after that the Dodgers folded up j in 1949. and the Yankees took the next j Jackie Robinson, the first Negro three games. n 0B VHKW baseball and brook- The closeness of the pennant ' lyn's key plaver all vear. was races was reflected in the major I named the National league's most league attendance figures, which showed that baseball enjoyed an other boom season at the box of fice. A total of aaSM.ftU fans paid their wav into the ball parks of both leagues 10.SO4.702 in the I American and 58.KM.ira in tlie .National. Th aggregate was a drop of less than three per n of 1948's all-time high of 20.a.V 842. The 9 minor leagues set a record high for the fourth straight Slash in Rail Traffic Planned -a. i 1- -6r We wont to make old Santo happy ond the best way we know of is to wish everyone of you a most hoppy ond glorious Christmas seoson. '. " C HELPKREY DAIRY M UK u IV fi) The Yuletide season, without friends, would be empty Indeed ond we ore grateful for our friends We ore thankful because these friend ships make our Christmas complete each year You hove been liberal with your patronoge, ond you hove been con siderate with your favors, and from these associations comes our sincere desire to strive for better service in the future. To wish you a Merry Christmos is a mild way we hove of expressing our appreciation for our friends but we wont you to realize our genuine feeling for each of you. And, while we're ot it, moy we assure you again that it is our expressed desire to serve you in the most efficient man ner we know of in the coming year Each one of our personnel joins In this Creeting Moy the Season be one of full happiness. Washington, Dec. 24 div-The government plans to cut railroad passenger traffic after the holi days In an effort to conserve the nation's dwindling coal supplies, it was disclosed today. Chairman J; Monroe Johnson I ev took over as temporary leader, ofthe interstate commerce com-1 but after a rst Southworth said valuable olnver nnri Tivl WlllinniM of the Red Sox, who lost the but ting title to George Koll of De troit on the final day of the sea son, was the American league's award winner. Threw N'e-v Manager Throe new managers took over. Frankie Krlsrh. veteran nllot. left his post as coach of the Giants at mid-season and tried to no avail to get the Chlcapo Cubs out of last place. Ducky Walters was fired us manager at Cincinnati and l.uke Sewell. who won the 19-14 flag for the St. Louis Browns, was named to succeed him. Bucky Harris, coming back to the big leagues after a year at San Diego, succeeded Joev Kuhel as manager of the Senators the third time he has directed Washington's doubtful destinies. Billy Southworth, sick and weary of dissension on his flop ping Boston Braves who won the 19-W National league flag, left the club In August and Johnny Loon mission said that if the miners continue their three-day work week, he will have no alternative but to Issue an order next week directing coal-burning railroads to curtail their operations after the new year. He told newsmen that passen ger traffic of course would be the first service atieciea. but. ne sain that the government may have to reduce freight traffic too. During the recent coal strike.' the commission issued similar coal conservation orders. But It revoked them last month, when John L. Lewis' United Mine work-; ers returned to the coal pits on a ; part-time basis. ; Since then, however, little or' no progress has been made toward settlement of the Industry's long- i standing contract dispute. The government contends that rail roads have been especially hard hit by the decline in production. The commission took its first step yesterday toward helping . railroads with critically lew coal stocks by giving them top priori ty on existing supplies. It Instructed all railroads with : less than a nine-day stockpile to notify the povernment ol that : fact immediately. The ICC then will restrict coal shipments from the mines until their supplies are I built up to Nov. 14 - Dec. 12 levels. he would be back next season There was one ownership chamte during the year Bill Veeck selling his controlling In terest In the Cleveland Indians to a syndicate of Cleveland business men, headed by Insurance broker Ellis Ryan, for S2.200.000. fip hi i.V-iv:.i.i,.Ji HOLY YEAR MEDAL This u the special "Holy Year" medal to b distributed to all pilgrims to the Vatican during the Holy Year 1950. The head of Pop Pius XII appears on one side, and on the other the Holy Door in St Peter's Basilica. During the past 50 years the United States has had the lowest number of ship casualties of all the 13 leading maritime countries. HOW SODA JERKERS LEARN Boston ilF Boston has a "school" that teaches you how to be a jerk. Operated by a big milk concern, the "school" graduates experts in soda jerking. PILAND'S MARKET too often we loreet to speex ur Ihoughrt of Hi lino people of this community whom It it our privilgee to Mm. Our food fishes oro meny, however, ond wo deeply oppreciote your friendships end associations. 0A O'Dcnnell Meat Market 933 Wall Street Phone 2 GfJierru, Jk GkrLsim as M HAPPY If It were ot all possible, we would see each of you person ally, closp your hand In a friendly sort of woy, ond soy, "Morry Christmos!" At tho some tirrva, we would express our sincere thanks for oil past favors, ond Invite your continued patronage on the basis of our genuine Interest In your welfare and our dosire to bo of every service possible to you during the coming year.' Wo ore sorry wo connot soo each of you individually and we wont to convey, through ihis message, our heartfelt appreciation of your friendships and to wish you all tho jays of the Christmos Seoson, f ED PIT m friends Moy we take advantage past favors ond desirous of this occasion to express of the privilege of being of the Compliments of the further service to you dur Seoson to you, our valued .ing the New Year, friends and customers. We ore oratcful for oil A Merry Christmos to oil! Dyer's Auto Service Oldsmobile Sales and Service 220 Greenwood . Phone 87 GEORGE CHILDS HARDWARE r- , I I :'' , '"' '"Ik' 4 1 L THE BEND BULLLTIN-I905 1 1 in Bend Change : I THE BEND BULLETIN-1 903 in Bend Change : I But We Can't Rearrange Our Wish For A I MERRY CHRISTMAS ! liL- t ' Sin " r 'T-l l imtfmmmm i 3tnj 'mi 'fll -II i 131 ".ND BULI.i:HN-iy ij The FniendUf jOnc Dond and Minnesota Phone 88