WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1949 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON PASc FIVE Local News TKMI'I KAH HIC MiiIiiiiiiii yonlenliiy, .'HI ili-un-ex.. Miiiliuuiii lut iiIkIH, tl di-urvvH. ttvni nml vlilnllv tliiiiilliiiioi vurlnlili, thniiiKh Tliurtliiy Willi few Kirlhliliut IihIii.v; know fhir t'. i over iiiiiiiiiIiiIiin; ioiiIIiiiiiiI mllili IiIkIi Im.IIi iluyn 311 II; low tonlKlit HI) 8ft. Tlin minimi Chi lHlinns i i k t 1 1 1 (or iiu-miIk-ik (ir Hie I'lni- l-'orcHl urmifi mid ihi'lr fiiinlllir will lie lii-lil l-Tlilay, lu-e. 2.1, tit H p.m. In tin- I'liin I-'oh-nI Mull. Simla Uiiiim U Ncheilulril lo iiiiiUc an appear. mire, ufflrerii iiiiiiouuci'il. The hunt Inill'fliiK i-Iunn, miller iiumiIci- n( I he elly ji-c-millini ile- iiiiitini-iit, will i I lunliilit in tin- lillill ni'liiml woiiiIwiii kinii kIiiii. Tin-re will lie no iiHi'iliift tumor low iiIkIH or nrxt week, Wayne llanilllnn. lem-uUon illn-elor, iiim iiniiniiiici'il, S. K. Slu-liry, roillanil, ami IiIn min, lliunl, who Ih a Knuluiiti- hi u- li'iil a( tlio UnlviTNlty of WiinIi. IiikIihi, were In llc-nil (inlay en I mill- Imrk to I 'ml Imik!. niter a huntlne trip In tho Villi- country. Till' younerr Slu-lli-y wiih former ly a ini-mlH-r of The Ilullrlln iii-wh Muff, Marie Taylor anil Jlmh Oieiin ai'i- atnoni: llnlvi-islly of Ori'iton 'dtuili-nli home fnini Kuci-ne for tin- liullilayH. Mlsx Tiiylor Is uiiiklim 1 1 it 1 1 1 u; Ihi- CliilniinaK riiKh ill I lir IHhI piiKl office, whi-ro mIii whii ('inployi'il l)i-fon-. Thi Di-Ki-lmli-H counly library will flow- Kiittiicliiy at li p in., anil will reopen Tuiwliiy mornlnij, MIbh Kli-iuuir lirnwn, llliniiian, aniiotini'i'il toilay. Tin- ClirlHlnuiN ever cIiinIiik Ih ii luneesliilillKlii-il custom for tin- llliriiry, Tin! Ix-ulnnlnu huiiiuc iIuih-Iiik elan will niri'l Tlmrmlay al 1:'M li. in. al the KiiKli'i'ii Star Kiiuiiti' iuill. Clauili- Cook, liiHtrui-tur, Iiim aniiount'uil. I here will 00 no alon for tin' Wi'iliu-Hilay nli;hi eroui HiIh week, liul next wt-i-k both (.'tool' will meet. II. J. Andrew, ickIoiiiiI forest i-r, ami Flunk II. KoIkoiii, assist- ant ri-uloiial forest director, ar lived Hero from I -urlluntl last iilh'ht for a conference Willi local forest officials. I hey were Joined In llend liy Merle t. Lowclcii. r re. liiont nutlonal forest Kupervlsor, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde I'arkur, Sis tern, an- parents of a Kill born this niormiiK at St. Charles licis- pltul. The buuy welched 7 pounds 13 ounces. 1 : 1 - 4 to- .. -Statu! v J Lion Attacks, Kills Trainer Di-nil Auction will have no more sales until Januury 1, due tu the holidays. , Adv. New story! Hear it from Karl I.line.. Kalis llaiiH-r fclliu, 2IU UieKOn. Adv. TALL HOOP TALE Ucfuerc Niiiiohis Molwic.y was a more Hum welromt-d Ktiifli-nt nt Siena Collene, Koudunville, N. Y., wlii-ra llic six-foot nine-Inch native of Htidupcut enrolled as a pic-nirihr-nl student. Quickly renamed Nick Casey liy stu dents, Conch Dan C'unlin lost no tune educiitmii the lull Huncur lan in tho ways of the hitherto slriintin tfain nf hiuki-thalL Ill'U.NS IT'NEUAI. IIKI.I) . I-'uneral services for Cornelius C. llurns. (!ti. who died Dee. 1U fol lowltiK an lliuess, were held Mon day inornlnK from St. Francis Calhollc church, with Rev. Wil liam Coiiuhlan of filial Inn. Uurlal was In (irei-nwood vemetery. 1'allheiircrs were William J. Baer, Waller J. KaKim. J. ii. Whit taker. Die K. llalvoi-sen. John N. Mahonev and M. J. Mahonev. Mr. Hums, a saw filer for The Mievlln lllxon Company, hnd been employed hy the company for -10 years, comlnu west from Minne sota when the local mill was hull). A native of Vankleek Hill. Ontar io, Canada, he was a member of St. Krancls Catholic church nml beloiif;eil to the Knl.ehts tf Colum bus. lie Is survived by his wife, Millie, of 718 Newport, and a sis. ter, Mm. Mary Orotjan, Seattle. Dear Helen -Your Christmas (jilt problem Is solved -mve your liiends the new Sinner Million hole Maker. So easy 10 use; -such perfect buttonholes every time. Call 1. -'" lor Inhumation. Love. -Jtciiha. Adv. Have you seen the Inlerestlni; and practical hand-made articles al TDK HI -UK 1XJOK, UJ3 U St.. Kedmund, Die. 1 p.m. to U p.m. Adv. V.K.W. Christinas trees on vet erans' lot on liond Si. next to rol ler skutlni! link, l'lice 50c unci up. Adv. Three new varieties 01 cnesi nut trees have been developed by the U. S. department of iinncul line which produce an abundant titit.iiitiv of sweei ihiU and are lesisliint to chestnut blight. TELLS EXCITING BEER GOSSIP (in.. 11. .mini ii-IIk nnolher aliuut this happy new Idea simply serve at 1 11c (,'uesl table Hint .new one way tall Dottle of Lucny La KIT beer. It's nttrnctlve and cye ..t.i.niiiinir and so convenient to buy and use. No deposit, no return. Comes pacKCU J-i uouies to a liundy earlon. Usuully costs less lliaii an ordinary stubble. Try tall Lucky UiKer buy a liundy earlon today ut your fa ,iriii uiore He tiinoiie the luckv ones to serve and enjoy Lucky's "million dollur lluvor" In the new tall table bottle. Inlerslalo llrew erv Co.. Vuncouver, Wash. Adv. Open 'till 9 P. Use ciitsslfled ads In The Hullo- tin for ipilck resultK. Thousand Oaks, Calif., Dee. 21 Oil - Sulliin, u lenximu lion that killed lis lady trainer, may puy wllh his own life for Iho savui;v iilliick, offlcialM an lil today, Sultan liawi'd anil bit animal trainer Mrs, Muy Kovur Schufer, '2, yesli-ruuy, imitllutiiiK her hor ribly us lie dniKUcd her uround I lie 1I11K before tno eyes of her tlueu vnlldien. Coroner Ted Mayr uld Mrs. Schufi-rs husbiuid, l-ri-d, may de cide to destroy tile hcust when he returns here from 1'ort Worth, Tex. Schafer, also u trulner, hud none to Kurt Worth to deliver some elephants, lie started buck by plane us soon us he learned of his wife's deuth. Officials said Mrs. Schafer mlKlit have been able tu save herself had f.he curried a k'un wllh her Into the linn. Hut Ihc trulner dldn t believe In kuiin. Shu used only u whip und chair to put the annuals through their hoops. Mie cot le.iily Ln her usual fashion yesterday to 80 to work with Sudan, u lour-yeurold Hun she was tralnliiK for u circus act with her husbund on the Louis (Jucbcl animal ranch. In TrulnliiK Arena The internationally known trainer ordered her son. Michael Kovur, d8, to let the beast out of u small Bhllllnu cane into a bIKKcr tralnliiK urenu where slid was poised uiipurently readly lor auitun. Mrs. Sehufer thoueht Sullun und unolher Hon she acquired ln lexas were utmost broken. Hut the Junkie king sprung lm mediately, pouncing on his mis. tress. The Hon clawed, bit und scratch ed Mrs. Schiller's face, then drag ged her uround the cage. Kovur, a son by a previous murrlugc to a famous tiger train. cr who died a few years ago. rushed into the cuge und tried to drive Ihc lion away by prod ding It with u slick und chair. Hie Hon turned on the youth but Kovar's frantic shouts for help brought Kudy Muller, an elephant trainer on the Goebel j ranch. Muller brought a pilch-1 fork and piece of pipe. I "1 threw the fork into the Hon," he said. "Then I hit It with the pipe, und we took Mrs. Schu-1 fer out of the cage. I think she died u few minutes after we got i out." i Kovar und his sisters, May, 14, 1 and Sandra, 3'. were stunned by the tragedy. "Thai s the way she trained ; them," the grlef stiicken boy told Mayr. "She used slicks not guns, j She didn't have a chance." ,' Hospital News I Patients admltx-d yesterday lo St. Clmiies hospital Include the following: Kloyd Knorr, lied mond; Uarhara Kox, 11, duughler of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Kox, 114 Jacksonville; Vernon Torkelson, Houte 1; Charles A. Hiirta-tt, 4H Sullivan, and Donna Lee Davis, 11, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Davis, Route 3. Tom Amldon, Madras, and George Lammers, llend, were dis missed yesterday. Mortgages, Dee. 0 Kenneth W. Hrown et ux to Deschutes Federal Savings and Loan, lots 3-4, blk. 2, St. Hy. add. Mortgage lb-leases. Dee, 9 Equitable Savings and Loan to Stanley Scott et ux, and Summers Butler et ux. Deschutes Federal Suvlngs and Loan lo Vernon W. Larson et ux. S'fc lot 7 and part lot 8, blk. 13, Hark. United States National bank to Oolitic Campbell, lots 4-5, blk. 5, Awbrey Heights. Mortgages, Dec 10 Robert C. Harris et ux. to Des chutes Federal Savings und Loan, Eli, C, blk. 6, Kenwood Gardens. Mortgage IU-Ii-iuuii (Tor Hal), Dec, III H. E. Van Arsdale et ux, to Jean Wm. Hawthorne et ux, SW SW 25, SKSE 2(i, all sec. .'), S'a SE S'iNE NESE NWSE 35 16 12. Mortgages, Dec. Vi Victor K. Shopshire et ux, to United Slates National bank, NVi lots 1-2. blk. 17, Elllngers. Mortgage Itch-ascs, Dee, VI Equitable Savings and Loan to Victor K. Shopshire et ux, N'i lots 1-2, blk 17, Elllngers. State Land Board to L. V. Shrevc et ux, WljNW 22-18-12. Mortgage IteleaM-s, Dec. 13 Deschutes Federal Savings and Loan to George F. Freeman et ux. Deschutes Federal Savings and Loan to Joseph A. Peterson et ux, W 40' tr. 1, Deschutes Park (partial release). Deschutes Federal Savings and Loan to Milton J. llilliard, lots 15-16. blk. 28, NWTS 2nd add. Bend Ice Rink j Proves Popular ! Despite wanner weather this afternoon, Ice on the Troy laun-' dry field remained In good con dition, und skaters were using the rink throughout the day. High school physical education classes have been skating as part of the gymnasium program, and again this evening many adults are ex Iiecteil to Join the younger folk in the winter sport. Volunteer attendants will be on hand at the rink to assist begin ning skaters wllh Instructions. Wayne Hamilton, city recreation director, said today. No classes are planned, and instruction will be on an Individual basis. The volunteers, identified by arm bands, will have full authority for keeping order at the rink, he added. Hamilton said that adherence to regulations which have been Imposed will Insure maximum success of the skating program. When Ice begins to melt to the point that use would cause dam age, the rink will be posted with "No. Skating" signs, to await lower temperatures. In some spots the ice is as thick as six Inches, and even If the surface becomes slushy, the coatine of ice underneath can be preserved and repaired when colder weather comes, Hamilton said. He said that public cooperation has been appreciated. Sled-riders and persons wearing street choes were cuulioned not to use the rink. Sleds cause a hazard to skat ers, and dirt on shoes causes damage to tho Ice surface, he explained. Myron Symons, who has en gineered skating rink plans in the past, is assisting the recrea tion department as adviser. Bulletin Classifieds Bring Results' New Arrivals Children's Dresses Sizes 1 to 14 Wool o' the West All Wool Blankets Suit and Dress Materials Our selection is tops Sheets Pillow Slips Luncheon Sets Lace Table Cloths Notions Noyelties- Gotham Gold Stripe Nylon Honiery and Cameo Siesta Wool Auto Robes Rayon Lingerie Slips, nighties, panties Handkerchiefs Sweaters Skirts Miscellaneous Bend Mercantile Co. 937 Wall Street Phone 20 GIVE A RONSON LIGHTER COMBINATION CASE POCKET OK TABLE Name engraved free wllh purchase of Uonson. NiebergaiTs Next to Capitol Theater A Qijt She'll Love t Shop Here for Your Christmas Gifts TOYS GAMES COSMETICS TOBACCOS ECONOMY DRUGS HOI Willi HI. Phone .T!H t 5$ i 9" ft: I m 1 1 1 1 I i I or choose ' something special for her from this list! ROBES ' Quilted Rayons Smart Cottons Quilted Velvets Lush Satins Rayon Crepes Lounging Robes and Pajamas SLIPS Rayon Crepe and Satin Nylon Nylon Half Slips Nylon Knit NYLON Panties Beautiful 2-Pc. Negligee Ensembles Rayon Panties. JEWELRY COATS DRESSES SCARFS ' SPORTSWEAR SWEATERS SLACKS SUITS KNIT DRESSES SKIRTS BLOUSES HENRI BENDEL COSMETICS NYLON HOSE and ANKLETS GOWNS Nylon R tyon Crepes R.syon Jerseys Rayon Satins in Blue, Black, Pink and White PAJAMAS Outing Flannel Cottons Rayons Jerseys FAULTLESS PAJAMAS rem 53,95 FAULTLESS SUPER SHORTS from 500 W1LCREST TIES SKIPPER T-SHIRTS from $2.50 WILSON BROTHERS SOCKS jrom 55c SKIPPER WOOL SWEATERS Iron. $8.95 Think of .your bight before Christmas! The knight of your life likes to know you've put a little thought behind his gifts. And we've cooked up a way you can make sure he'll know. From our wide, wonderful array of Wilson Wear (like the items you see here), select carefully the colors and patterns that will go well with outfits he already owns. We've stocked up on enough styles, too, so you'll be sure to find his favorites. And these gifts carry the Wilson Wear label a name he trusts. He'll know you found the best. , Stover leBlane Inc. A MAN'S STORE v( WILSON FAULTLESS SHIRTS Jrom $3.65 WILSON BROTHERS GLOVES Jrom $3.95 iff: pj nvmui, "Tfie Vusliion Ccult-r 0 tieiuf ' 1 FINE HANDKERCHIEFS Jrom 5QC SKIPPER SPORTSHIRTS Jrom $3.95 FRECKLES FRIENDS AND HIS OkAY, genius shbS Stand X Lights FULL OF UcJKCB AND J By,, Our IS (50 MEM.' I WIND 4 I ON 1 By Merrill Blosser Its pitch park, but THERE SCEMSTo BE A I ITT1 rs I itfr MOVING AROUND What ARE TUS BChV IN LABCSS stpr -I Tub &qls iaJoulo To IE