WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1949 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON PAGE THREE 30 Yar Search Ends in Portland Family Reunion l'oitliuid, Dec. 21 Albert liiCU. 7'A Wellington, Kan., was fully reunited wlili Ills k i in mI ehlldrcn nt I In- Union , t tie liny, cllmuxliiK ii Mil year search thiouu.huut I hi' iiiilliin lor "kml" iiiimiiIh'IH (it IiIn (ainlly, "We've never known n Kianil parent," niiIiIhmI Mix. Herman Kern, 1' (i r 1 1 a n il. "Thai's why we're so thrilled over hhn," Tin' Kiwulchlldicn had no trouble llndlni! thi'lr Ki'iindlnthcr III I he crowd of piiHscnccrH that came ilf llii' train. ItlMfN wiih wrarlnu a tirltiht red Idcntltlca tlnn In hid emit lupcl. They limbed up and liuttKeil him, llii'ii Nat tin a f.iiiilly photuninph. 'I'lio c.iandchlldien hit Mm. Kith ami Mrs. Karl Ijnme, Mrs. Khii Ij'Wls ami Huh Adcork, all (if Oii'Kdii City. HICK lout contact with his fam ily Noon lifter IiIh wife died In Dn'Kon City and he moved to Kansas In l'.U'.l. Down through the year he (lied to contact rehe lives liy mall, lint letters always returned In him Mumped "un known." letter PiiMUhcd Finally, HIkhs wrote n letter to tile editor of the OrcKon City Hau lier Courier. Me mentioned the mimes of Nome members of his family who had once lived there The Maimer Courier published the letter. Mr. Kmmc read the letter and called II to the attention of her mother, Mrs. Theresa Adcock. There was n (pilck exchange of letters and teli'Kranm and the mcetlm In I'm timid was arrnnii- ed. Mrs. Kmme said the Orceoii I'elatlveN lost touch with KlKK because of deaths III the Kansas branch of the family. "We're koIiik " have a Hit fam ily reunion In Oregon City. We know he has to no hack to Kansas to Nettle his affairs, hut we waul him to come and stay with us." As they walked out of the de pot. Mrs. Kern asked her maud father: "lo you think tiny of us favor Mmiiii?" Utah Firm Bids Low on Project Walla Walla. Wash., Dec. 21 '111 The Utah Construction company of San Kranclseo was apparent low bidder for JTie construction of the Union Pacific railway re location and Oregon and Wash ington Male highway relocations Is'tween Sand station and the Walla Walla river in connection with the MeNurv dam. Col. William 'Whipple, district engineer of the corps of engi neers, announced the Utah bid was $3.070.7119. The contracting offlceis' estimate was $.l,2l'-'.-OTJ.'A he added. Completion of this relocation Is required to raise the Union Pa cific to permit the planned clos ure of the river In Octolx'r. V.tM. The project covers 11.1 mll":i of roadway grading for the UPH. 7.11 miles of Oregon slate high way and 3.18 miles of Washington state highway. IIUSY AS A KIKI) DOC Memphis, Tenn. dl'i-Kred Su zore, theater owner and game conservationist, Is a busy man in defense of wildlife. He prosecutes between 7.r and 100 persons a year for Illegal hunting and trespass ing. JAop Owntrs, 9ttcAanIcs and Optrafors specify BRAKE BLOCKS-LININGS FRICTION BLOCKS Tfity Knew by Actual ExrwUnc' ihcri Champion Product -Can Toko It? Arc yon up a tree for Christ niitM cash? Will money in your piirrtu make. Christmas a Imp pier occasion for you? Then come. In and get cush quick iy," without fuss or delay, through our personal loan service. No need to deny your self or your family the full pleamiro tho Yuletlilo offers. Come. , . . seo us for a Cash Loan . . . early I PORTLAND LOAN CO. Norhert D. Goodrich, Mgr. 8fl Oregon Ave. I'hono 173 Ground Floor . BEND, OREGON State Licenses: 8-180, M-.121 CHAMPION FRICTION CO. ft" ft M !J J 1 liili i ' if Mil Soviets Walk Out Of Conference Tokyo, .Japan, Pec. 21 'lhThe soviet representative on the Hilled council for Japan walked out of an explosive council meelluu In day, leaviiiK the four-power body's future In doubt, 1,1, Cen. Kuznrm M. Deicvyiinko left the mcelliiK to avoid iinsw r lui( American rha'-cs that .TiO, IKi'.l Jaianes( pilso.-ieiH of war mill Internees were ntlll mlMsinK and perluiiH killed Iniilde so viet territory. loiter, Heri'vyanko sent n letter In Ceil. HiiukIiis MncArthur, Hun (jlnc. 'hill Aiie'ilcan occupa tion ofllclahi actively helped the Japanese p.ovci niiiint suppress "democratic" groups, Including labor unions. In the letter, iVrevyimko ac cused occupation ofiUlalM and the Japanese kovci niiiciil uf vlidatbiK the I'nlsdaiii declaration by ill lecedly Nupiiiessliiu these ((roups. It was viewed us (lie Hharpcst bleak between the KukhIiiiih and the Ajnri IraiiH since the uccupa lion beran. Record Supply Of Pork in Sight Washington. Dee. 21 Uf' - The agriculture ilepartment today promised coiikiiuiith record peace time pork Hiipplii'N next year. 1 1 forecast n !'ir0 sprint: pl.' crop of (U.Mt.mi head. Tliat would tup by six per cent last spi Inn's peacetime record crop which Is piovldlnf (lie nation will) Its current pork supply. Next spline's crop will provide pork for next fall and winter. The anticipated crop would be the lamest In history except for the wartime year of l'.ll-'i, when one-fourth of the pork production was diverted to the arm"d forces anil for export to our allies. The recond that year was ll.WW head. The department estimated the lillil fall crop at head. That also Is n ieiicetlin record hli;h and Is 10 per cent latter than lad yetir. This, crop will supply pork for next sprint; and full. Itl BIIINC IT IN Knoxvllle. Tenn. dl'i Mrs. Shir ley Mason Wlialey. seeking n di vorce, told the domestic relations court that her husband. Hubert, not only mine home with lipstick on Ids slilrin hut also' ordered her to wash them. f f 'fa Uss Your Charge I ,0 MOM.. i ff: j ffl a prtciouj perfection rt if ft' iwrnktoiP s m,mm v i m i n it Community Sing Proves Popular Itedinond. Dee, 21 -- Tin. ft-d-iiiiinil chinch community hIiik, a monthly sinning session which is sponsored by the Kedmond Min isterial association, was held .Sun day afternoon ut the l'owell ltlllle school cymn iNllllr), Attend iince lit this session was Zl'.l, which Is the laifiesl number to attend one of the mccllne.N. l'ow ell Unite church won the attend ance banner by hnvlnit 7li mem bers In attendance. Sixty were from the Kedmond H a p I I H I church, !() from the Church of Christ and Ivt from the )-'our Square church in Kedmond. The lemiilnhiK riiimbers were repie senlallves of other cliurclies In the community. The purpose of the mccllnns. nccoidliiK to Kev. V. H. S.ivai;e, chairman of the Ki'oup, Is simply to enjoy music by l.lyl.m.ion I he meetings have lesulted In a ! fin" degree of understanding and fellowship among the Kedmond churches. Mr. Savage pointed out. The main part of each meeting la congregational singing Willi re quests being made from those who attend. This group singing Is led by Kev. D. 1.. Penhollow, pastor of the l'owell Itutte church, with Mm. llulbert Hees- Icy acting as accompanist. At the Sunday meeting the singing was also accompanied by a 10 piece orchestra. A special program was presented Sunday with represent atives from several churches par ticipating. The Khst HaptIM church choir sang parts of Its Christinas cantata; Mrs. Margaret llllllard of the Powell llutte church sang. "O Come All Ye Kaiihful"; Jovce Van Matre and Peggy Kelklns of the Chin (ii of Christ sang K"dmund j vwusx-r ! Ing Hope ; Clell Barker of t ic Church of God played an accord Ion solo, "There's a Fountain"; the youth choir of the S -ven Day Adventlst church sang, "Bethle hem Lullaby"; Mrs. Delora Carl son anil Mrs. Mildred KllsWorth sang "Songs In the Night." Kev. D. I-. Penhollow, nlllioug'i not scheduled for the program, re sponded with a vocal solo nt the request of the group. The first community sing was held in September of this year. One bundled five persons attend ed tills meeting, MK intended the Oct,,!)--!- meeting and 23S were in attendance in ' November. Tint next meeting January 15 Is sched- Close your eyes and wish! . . Textron creates your dream gown aglow with night magic. Shimmering rayon satin of purest White, styled with evening dress flattery. Sentimental hand-run Alencon type lace moulds the heart-shaped bodice and the romantic ruffled neckline. Every detail is divinely designed to captivate the female heart. Dress-sized 12 to 20. 8.95' Others 2.95 and up Account Bethlehem Joins In Price Boost New York, Dee. 21 MIL-Heinle-hem Steel Co., the nation's sec ond laiee'it pioducer. made the $1 price ImiosI virtually Industry wide today by follnwin the lead set laid week by U.K. Steel cor poration. Hcthlehcm said It was Increns Iiik prices on Its products by about the same mare.ln "as those already announced by olhef steel companies." U. S. Steel's price li'ioiii about SI a ton. Kcpuhllc Sleel corporation, third largest producer: Jones & l.aiiKh Hit, fourth largest, and a num ber of smaller companies have announced similar action. Toastmasters Hold Program Di-nd Toastmasters holding their weekly meeliiiK last night ut a Trallways Coffee shop dinner Jlu they agreed to m.ike It an annual event, 'i he table topics porlion of the evening was devoted to toasts, 1 following a history of this phase :of Npccchmaklng by George Sim ierville. I Ted llolllday was" toast master, Iwllh P.III Nlskanen, Dr. J. M. Mr- Carthy and Harold Aspinwall de j llveiing the principal talks. Kalph W. Crawford was chief (-valuator. Dick liottcher. a former mem !bcr of tin- club, was a guest at the meeting. liottcher Is moving to Portland shortly after the first of tile year. I'KIIKSTItlAN KIIXKI) Portland, Dec. 21 'Hi-County police said today a 09-year-old pe destrian (lied last nleht when he stepjjed onto the Bertha-Beaver- ton highway south of here and was hit by a panel truck. The truck was driven bv Leslie George Miller, 51, 7723 S.F.. 18th avenue, Portland. Lon Carver, 1003 S.W. Bertha Beaverton high way was pronounced dead on ar rival at the St. Vincent's hospital here. He is survived by the widow, Miirie. and n. step-daughter, F'reda lleusser, Portland. uled for the Baptist church but Kev. Savage expressed doubt that the building would accommodatt? the group, and he suggested that a larger meeting place may be sought. Robes At the head of her want list and here you'll find a big selection of wools, sat ins, jerseys and chenilles so smart, and priced $n.95 to S19.S5 Nylon Hosiery Sheer and lovely, in newest shades by Holeproof, Belle Sharmeer, a gift she'll truly appreciate. From $1.85. Gloves In fine fabrics and leathers by Fowncs byword for quality. Priced from $1.00. Handbags To compliment her cos tumes to win her grati tude. Priced from $3.95. Cosfume Jewelry Is a personal gift with much sentiment In the giving. Wide choice, $1.00 uj. Slippers Of all the types women best, a good selection $2.95 like at up. Reserve Officers Hold Election I'irst I.t. Donald T. Crohn, lienil, was eiecp-d president of the Central Oiegun chapter, Hcserve Office' association, at the an nual meeting of the group here last night, at a dinner at the Pine tavern. I.t. Grubh Kuccceds Lt. Col. Carl Degner, of Hedmond, who headed the chapter for the past year. Col. Degner was pre sent"d wiih a past president's key. Other officers named by the chapter were I.t. Col. George E. Sweeney, vice-president; l.'apt. Robert Horovicka, secretary-treasurer, and Col. Degner, Major Al bert T Ijircen and Capt. Hod C. Kich.'iids, nvmbers of the exec utive committee. ' Capt. Hichards was named chap- I ler member of th department council and Col. Sweeney was I elected membership chairman. micf: damagf; heavy Wiley City, Wash., Dec. 21 '' A predawn fire roared down the main street of this tiny farming community today destroying half of the business district including a grocery store, barber shop, ser vice station anil combination tav ern and restaurant. There were no reports of in juries. F'lre officials estimated damage would run into "several thousands of dollars " Firemen said the blaz was be lieved to have started from a hot water heater in the barber shop. Josef Stalin Gets Congratulations Moscow, Dec. 21 'H'' The Unit ed States government offered Its best wishes to Premier Josef Sta lin on his 70th birthday anniver sary today. Ambassador Alan Kirk sent a note to Foreign minister Andrei Vishlnsky on the occasion. It said; "I have the honor on behalf of the government of the United States to request you to trans mit to Generalissimo Stalin, chair man of the council of ministers of the U.S.S.R., best wishes on the occasion of his 70th birthday." The supreme soviet honor?d Stalin by creating a series of S20, 000 Stalin international peace prizes. The prizes will be awarded to individuals of any country for important contributions to peace. . . . her favorite Gift Store, suggests the gifts she'll prize most highly . . . personal and pleasing! ' Lingerie By Textron and Luxite. Filmy gowns, lovely nylon panties, lacy slips, tailored to perfection, from $2.50. k: B IT'S RATH'S MEZZANINE FLOOR . . . for the right gift for baby, for young brother and sister, and for the teen age miss you'll find them all here! 7oys Dos Robes Dresses Coafs Panties Pajamas Sweaters Caps Snow Suits Mittens Open Evenings 'Til 9:00 p. m. Now Through Friday. Search Resumed For Lost Hunter Walla Walla, Wash., Dee. 21 'III The search for Donaid McDon ald, lHyearold elk hunter miss ing for six days in the lilue moun tain area near here, resumed to day ufter being bogged down by swirling snow storms. District ranger Homer Oft said "freakish" weather conditions blotter-, out communications with the 125 searchers who plowed through waist-deep snow In sub freezing temperatures looking for the youth. Three men with "electronic blrddogs" Joined the search to day. They claimed the machines operate by identification of the personal frequency created by static electricity in u person's body. Sheriff's officers said they had nothing to do with bringing the equipment into use, although the owners claim the machines have been very successful in previous searches. Catacombs Fire Presents Problem London. Dec. 21 'OA Four hun dred masked firemen roped to gether like mountain climbers probed through intense heat and smoke today to find the source of a blaze raging uncontrolled for more than 24 hours in the cata combs below the convent garden flower market. One fireman was killed, 21 hos pitalized and 35 more given first and ir attempts to put out the blaze raging through thousands of Christmas trees, boxes and dec orations and orange crates. Firemen said temperatures in the concrete catacombs reached 392 degrees Fahrenheit during the night. Boots melted and hoses burst. Despite the blaze, some 400 curbstone florists tried to con tinue business in nearby stands. LITERATE BURGLAR Portland, Dec. 21 'tl William Brack Anderson, 23, was held on burglary charges today after de tectives said, he leaped through a Central library window with four books. ' They were: "Robber," "Bub bling Spring," "A Wall to Paint On," "There Is No Armour" and "Mrs. Glencannon Ignores the War." Use classified ads In The Bulle tin for Quick results. Scarfs Are gifts both given and received with joy. Our se lection is complete, $1.00 up. For Liftle Angels Tots to Teens 8 ACKF.F.MF.NT APPKOVF.n j The Hague, The Netherlands, Dec. 21 HI-' The senate today ap proved by a orie-voto margin a Dutch-Indonesian agreement es tablishing an independent United States of Indonesia next Tuesday. The vote to make Indonesia a sovereign slate after 300 years of Dutch rule was 'M to 1!, one more than the required two-thirds majority. The lower chamber of parlia ment approved ilie agreement two weeks ago and Queen Juli ana probably will sign il later this week. The legal transfer of sovereign ty will take place In simultaneous ceremonies in Amsterdam and Hatavla on Dec. 27. Under the agreement Indone sia will become a federal republic, soveregin and Independent. CO. I, 162nd INFANTRY presents its annual Christmas Dance at the BEND ARMORY Saturday, December 24th Music by BUD RUSSELL'S ORCHESTRA Proceeds to go toward furnishing Bend's New Armory. Admission: 1.25 per couple (tax incl.) SPAC E COURTESY BKOOKS SC'A.M.O.N IXC. f STARTS TON1TE L0VE WAS m ppClf NEVER SO XUC4 Dizzy..., .$7 JXf. . FT ) Delight 4r$4& VSr JQ victor iy-frs :rH William DEMAREST WZ tt June HAVOC STARTS TOMORROW! wmmwm l ill l li ii ii i -fjiywiujl French Statesman In Suicide Leap New York. Dee. 21 'Hi Jnequrs Stern. 7, n French stnlesnuin, writer and banker, leaped to death today from the ninth floor of his Park avenue duplex apartment. Stern, who had been under a doctor's care, left four notes, fine was pinned to the lapel of Ids Jacket mid was addressed to the police, lt gave his address, name and next of kin. Three oilier notes wen- found In the apartment. All were sealed, They were address'il to his cook, maid and attorney. Police said Stern arose this morning, dressed and had break fast as usual. He leaped from the apart men, while th? cook and maid were in fie kitchen washing the breakfast dishes, they said. JLJiilA-i-i 'III ' TONITE ONLY A Bir Wed. Nite Show With Two Big Hits! " 3 A C A B E " also MIGGS and MAGGIE" C O - H I T ! BOBBY BLAKE ALICE FLEMING L P.