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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1949)
PAGE SIX THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1949 i ! t t If ! !! lit- & i I I y 6 t I i Mayor O'Dwyer, Sloan Simpson Wed in Florida By Robert Vermillion (United I'rcw Staff CorrMpvndrnl) Stuart, Fla., Dec. 20 itr Mayor William U'Uwyer of New York wed fashion model Sloan Simp son today in a simple eight min ute ceremony in a wmte painted country church. Tlie December-June wedding be tween the graying 59-year-old mayor and his 33-year-old blue eyed, brunette brldotook place In tiny St. Joseph's church. It had been gaily festooned with li lies, gladioli, chrysanthemums, poinsettias and palm fronds. After the brief Roman Catholic marriage ceremony, officiated! over bv the local parish priest. Rev. Timothy Geary, O'Dwyer and his orlde numed live diocks to the municipal yacht basin and boarded the yacht Aimar 11 lor a seven-day cruise-honeymoon. The bride wore a velvet-trim med navy blue suit, a navy vel vet beret, plain navy suede pumps, a simple strand of pearls and pearl earrings. The suit was designed by New York dressmak er Hattie Carnegie, who also made the wedding costume for Airs. Carleton Hadley when she mar ried Vice-president Alben Bark ley last Nov. 18 in another famous December-June wedding. Irish Immigrant O'Dwyer, an Irish immigrant who rose to one of the highest public offices in the nation, wore a dark blue business suit, black shoes, a white shirt and gray tie. He was deeply tanned and looked in the best of health. The plain gold wedding band used during the ceremony was chosen in New York several weeks ago by the bride. The word "obey" was not in cluded in the rites. Tiny St. Joseph's, a frame build ing that once served as an army chapel, was filled to capacity by some 450 persons. The bride was attended only by her matron- of honor. Mrs. Ber necker. The mayor's only attend ant was his best man, David Mar tin, manager of the New York Athletic club. The three ushers all were Stuart residents. SANTA DISAPPEARS Hollywood, Dec. 20 UP A jolly, 325-pound Santa Claus, hired for a touch of Christmas in photog rapher Harold M. Field's shop, dipped into a itash register and waddled off with $50, police re ported today. Officers said the larcenous Kris Krinele didn't even stop to take off Field's $135 fur-trimmed red suit yesterday. WIFE'S PRIDE RESTORED ' Mrs. Newlywed was once stump ed on how to serve beer to guests most graciously. But nowadays she's proud and guests are de lighted, too. The answer that new one-way tall bottle of Lucky Lager. It does look gleamingly attractive . . . and so convenient to buy and use. No deposit, Jio return. Comes packed 12 bottles to a handy carton. Usually costs less than stubbies. Try tall Lucky buy a carton today. Do as thou sands are doing . . . serve and enjoy Lucky Lager's "million dol lar flavor" in the new tall table bottle. Interstate Brewery Co., Vancouver, Wash. Adv. The flaming; brilliance of poinsettias carry the spirit of Christmas with them! POIKSS WHO GAT ET1NGSI FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Free City Delivery We Telegraph Flowers Anywhere, OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS PICKETT FLOWER SHOP & GARDEN 629 Quimby Phone S30 viiiiHii,mttfli-7 tin A ii ALLEY OOP " By V. T. Hamlin" inST .KZl ll'Sg?2iPi,Xi,-w'TH Hl5 l fNEXT MORNING. .. ) ( heading fok 'VI ' US UP A s NEVEe AE3i?UTCT'l EQUIPMENT ANY- I mm i J I tCmfbvi h if it , I0N .AlNDHCWItO HE5 BEGIN-"VTBfts COULD V WZlO OSChK. OOPS TToZI I E Jws 1' HOW? WW I IT WfiHT SHOW SIGNS "Uf7 BED HASN'T BEEN 1 f fl FROM F TT.V.-Ti um- I IV,.ii'1rVK,MI''...:i I VI - ' I J"- 1 III &.'.:t7It - '-A I MM I ti.'.l jV. i ; B P I ' ' 7 VMs' r'r SANTA CLAUS GETS AROUND An Eskimo should be no novelty to Santa, but the one above 8-year-old Luther Neagoruk Santa met in a Ch icago department store. The Eskimo lad is a patient in a Chicago hospital. Hopping over to Los Angeles, right, above, Santa Clous met the Three Kings of the Orient, Latin version of St Nicholas, who flew up from Mexico. The Wise Men, dressed in colorful robes, will give their gif ts to Mexican children on Jan. 6. News of Grange Grange Hall, Dec. 20 (Special) Mrs. C. A. Burton was elected chairman of the Eastern Star grange Home Economics club on the resignation of Mrs. Alex Wal ters at the regular meeting held last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Nolan Turner. The meeting also was the annual Christmas party of the group. An exchange of gifts and Christmps ! readings was included on the pro gram. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Marion Dubuis, January 19. The Grange Hall Ladies' aid will hold its annual Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Robert Foley Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Walter Prichard is in charge of the program. There will be an exchange of gifts for both the members and the children attend ing. : Alvin Keyte was released Sun day from the St. Charles hospital, where he had been recuperating from a major operation. Eunice Fix, who was a patient in the St Charles hospital for 10 days, was released last Wednes day and is recuperating at the home of her parents, -Mr. and Mrs. Wiilard Fix. It is possible the little girl, who started to school this fall in the first grade at Reid school in Bend, will not be able to attend school for some time. So many beautiful styles for your selection! slippers Buster Brown SHOE Store Hall Community The annual Christmas party and supper of the Eastern Star grange was pronounced a huge success by more than 200 grang ers and their families attending Friday evening. The program which was in charge of the lec turer, Mrs. Harold Harbour, was preceded by the potluck supper in charge of the women of the grange. The program was high lighted by the presentation ol a 25-year certificate as a member of "the grange to Mrs. Alex Wal ters, by Mrs. B. C. Allen, of Ter rebonne, county grange deputy. Mrs. Allen also presented the past master pins to C. B. Graffenber ger, E. D. Fitzgerald and John Stenkamp. only past masters able to attend. Others who will receive the pins are E. H. Young of Port Townsend. Wash.; Fred Reynolds. LaGrande: Paul Bran don. Grants Pass. John McLaugh lin and Homer Brown of Bend. A tableaux of the Nativity scenes was presented by the Y. G. A. group. Group singing led by Bert Allen was enjoyed throughout the program. Oth?rs presented on the program Includ ed violin solos by Jeanine Park er, accompanied by her sister. Irene: Haley Prichard, accompan ied by Ramona Hooker, and Joan Reeves, accompanied by Mrs. R. C. Hooker. Piano solos were pre 't 1 I r JTj 'If 6-7s.fl sented by Gavy Turner. Knriej HooK?r and Judy Call. Carole Ann Turner gave a vocal solo, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Nolan Turner. Maureen Burton, Butch Eakman and Christine Al len gave short Christmas read ings. Four Christmas skits by the Juvenile grangers concluded the program. Santa Claus in the person of Gene Fitzgerald gave out the candy treats to the chil dren. Mrs. Charles Swendig of Red mond attended the Eastern Star grange Christmas party held last Friday evening. Bernard Pedersen of Sunnyside. Wash., visited his mother. Mrs. Julia Pedersen. and his brothers, Harold. Willis and Phillip, for sev eral days last we?k. The new officers presided at the regular meeting of the East ern Star grange held last Tuesday evening. Mrs. Homer Brown was installed chaplain and W. E. Brad bury installed as executive com mittee member by the new mas ter, Walter H. Prichard. Mrs. Joe Hince was elected as juvenile mat-: ron. She will be Installed at the; juvenile installation services to i be held on Tuesday evening at the Pine Forest grang? hall. Applications for membership were received from Mr. and Mrs. : Wallace Crawford and Yvonne : Davidson. The master appointed the committees for the next year ; 4V Come and see our wonderful stocks of fine Nite Life Slippers soon! Youll find just the colors and pat terns you want to match your lounging wardrobe. And Nite Life Slippers are so comfortable ... so smart ... so economically priced! From 2.95 Children's 1.95 up -trn-JL as follows; Agriculture,' Harold llaihoiir, Donald Soienmin, K. (i. Rowley; It'gis.u.iw, t niirge Ritch ie, John Stenkiinm, Dan Barclay; relief, Marion Duliuls, Mrs. Mom cr Brown inul Mrs, T. II. Burton; Juvenile, Mrs. R, t Hunker, Mrs, l A. Hinhm, Mrs. W. II. 1'ilch anl; social Frank Nelson. Mrs. I.yl Can iiigton, Mrs. ('arson Call, Mists Jennlne Parker and Mrs. Harold Harbour; finiimv, Ray Davidson, Julia 1'cdcrscn unci C. A Burton: youth. Mr. and Mm. E. G. Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davidson and Mix1 K. W. Paul; hospitality, Mrs. Frank McConnell, Mis. George Ritchie ami all officers: decree team. Mrs. Prichard. Mrs. Harbour and Mrs. Nolan Turner; fair. Mis. Turner. Marjorle Davidson, Mrs. F. W Wells, Mrs. K. W. Paul. W. E. Bradbury, and R.iy Davidson; planning. Dr. R. 1., ciltler, Frank Nelson, Mrs. Harbour, Mis. I.yle Canine ton. Gene Fitzgerald and W. K. Bradbury. The lecturer' j urogram Includ ed the singing of Christinas rnr ols and a roll call with eac'i mem. ber answering with a saving, Joke or trick. The "lection of state officers was held with Victor Hoehl receiv ing the majority of votes for mas ter; William Howes, overseer: Beulah Moore," lecturer: lJertlie Heck, ycrctaiy, ami executive committee members, Rav Gill. Peter Zimmerman. Henry Gu.;tav son ami Minnie McFarland receiv ing the most votes. Hospitality committee for the evening Included Mr. ami Mrs Homer Brown, Mr, and Mrs Frank Nelson and Mr. and Mis. Certil Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. McManman of Prinevlllo are parents of a son. Donald Francis, born Docenrticr 10 at the Prinevlllo General hos pital. The baby weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces, and is their first child. Mrs. McManman Is the former Leona Haynes. Grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Haynes of Prineville and Mr. ami Mrs. Frank McManman of Bend. Cancer in the vocal cords can be detected early; this permits a larger percentage of cures than when cancer occurs In any other internal organ of the body. SHIP AND TRAVEL BY S. P. & S. Choose S. F. S. for fast, efficient freight and passenger service to and from Bend. Passenger tickets are valid on either the S. P. S S. Oregon Trunk Line or on Trailways Bus , Line to Portland. Convenient, direct connec tions in any direction. Freight service that offers fast, on-time schedules and efficient, careful handling to any point are yours over O. T. and S. P. & S. Rys. I-'or Complete Information, Call or Write Albert Allen, Aent ' or G. A. Sllkworth, Trav. Frt. antl Pass. ARt. Bend, Oregun Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway Company CO. I, 162nd INFANTRY presents its annual Christmas Dance at the BEND ARMORY Saturday, December 24th Music by BUD RUSSELL'S ORCHESTRA Proceeds to bo toward furnishing Bend's New Armory, Admission: 1.2S per couple (tax incl.) SPACE COURTESY BROOKS SCANLON INC. f Service & Repair Oil Heaters Oil Burners Refrigeration of all makes (Household and Commercial) Water Pumps 9 Washing Machines ' 0 Electric Motors " Electric Ranges Mike's Electric Repair Shop 1645 Galveston Phone 1575 W ! FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Ark Voung mam.TUg AUTOENTicny Do ion (p That f FuttweniwtE. 1 am peetoen is f Ucb Talimt lXl Of MV ATTIRE IS ONLY EXCEEDED ISEBANO l&-iT CmSuyTsBRWt AT 1 2 lsliiZt , REALLY 18V THE VERISIMIUTUD6- Or MV HEAR UUtRrtOW IML. CATS&OWICAUY BVBPffTB IHr ESKIMO SANTA rl TNESPIAN IMPROVISATION rWKJT I BEMWO SOOV, IT IS W fr-rSSV? Wtf'iKLr" ' CtLAUS, rS-YrV rTTrrrt DC HILDA I TO' j RlAU-V T?OS 4 sJ$ZA3tl fSVS it I y SUWOAV?. A UVBS AT TtjF A A "Jl ivf Bend Committee Selects Slogan "Efficiency, Economy- Balanc ed lludget" was the slogan chosen by Bend's committee for ()cra tlon Economy at the group's teg ular meeting Monday evening at the Trallways Coffee shop. In addition to the selection of a slogan, Die members discussed their Wcduesilav night panel pro gram over KftND, Chairman Robert Johnson Is to represent the local Junior rlmmticr of com merce on the radio broadcast Wednesday at 7 p.m. Others on this Initial program are Don Peo ples, Dean Tate and Mrs W, F. Andrews. This program will be the first In a series of Ift-mimitr broadcasts planned for each Wed nesday evening at 7 o'clock. Other slogans considered at the meeting were "Efficiency, Econ- omv- Defeat Deficits" ami "Bank a Billion Bucks." Fuels Distributed Be.diles sponsoring this pro Riam, the local group Is compil ing ami distributing mlmcoKiaph til facts from the commission on reorganization of the executive dt'lHUlinent, couimonlv called the Hoover committee. These com pilations are given to all Bend service clubs. , Anv group desir ing the weekly distributions if being asked to get In touch 'with Charles K.'lth, of the Bend high school faculty. Local residents Interested In ac tively participating in the work of the Bend committee on "Opera lion Economy" are being, Invited to meet with the group each Mon day at 5:15 p.m. at Trallways Cof fee shop. WOMAN COLLAPSES, DIES Portland, Dec. 20 mi-Identity of it woman about GO years of age puzzled police today alter she col lapsed on the street anil died at Good Samartlan hospital. 'Die woman carried a purse and e shopping bag. but neither gave 0 clue as to her Identity or home. Hospital attendants said she suf fered n stroke. DRUGLESS CLINIC COLDS The drugless physician Is not without effective means of dealing with the rommon cold. Natural methods of removing body wastes or toxins; correc tion of nutritional deficiencies and the use of physical meth ods which free the nerve and blood supply continue to give satisfaction. Nothing Is used to suppress or hide the condi tion, but all efforts are direct ed to removal of the cause. R. D. Ketchum, D. C. Phoiit 794 . 124 Minnntou Bind COM! Cl'TM POWER Portland, Dee. 20 Mil - Cold weather was blamed for u 4H min ute blackout hi the Lents dlNlrlcl uf Portland yesterday. A Portland General Electric company spokesman said low ti'iiiperiitui'i'H caused copper wire In a high-voltage Hue to contract and snap. HI HNH I'llOVK FATAL Sclo, Dee. 20 dlt-Zlde Charles McCdshen, 7-1, sufferptl fatal burns yesterday when fire de stroyed his home, authorities said. The fire was reported by a pass ing motorist who saw smoke com ing froth the front of the house. She ran to the back and awaken ed Mrs. Floyd McCashen, the dead man's daughter Inlaw. Firemen found McCashen had OPEN TILL 9:00 P. M. TUESDAY, DEC. 20 THROUGH FRIDAY, DEC. 23 FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE. WHILE THEY LAST! MARX ELECTRIC TRAINS 9.95 AMERICAN LOGS 3.75 COLORED DOLLS 59c STUFFED TOYS to 2.89 KITCHEN CABINETS, Reg. 2.25 Sale 1.25 ELECTRIC 'ATOMOTOR' Solenoid motor for action toys . . . operates on 2 nmhliyltt en teric. (Batteries extra.) 4 jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjirJifjijiMWfJrf nrrirrrfri" i no nanun i Ucftit up In Uurni tucl Irora rtrnur vlor In patented sealed metftl dumber. Chrome plated . . . bushed to fit most cars. Helps keep bumper gleamingly clean. DRIVING GLOVES Men's l.orshlde . . . unllnrd driving gloves . . . rork color. Sizes 8 to l"j- Sr 100 Beautiful fringed 1 Individual! All Metal MECHANICAL MONKEYS only 98c MECHANICAL TRACTOR and MOWER 98c OUTDOOR TREE LIGHT SET Was 3.49. NOW 2.29 845 Wall Phono 470 BEND, OREGON W lull ..!) h . i i fallen Into I he fireplace and thai he was dead, Flames had burned part of the room. The lire broke out ufter firemen left and before they could conliiil It r. iccontl time Hip house burned down. McCashen moved recently from Med ford. I'OOK DIGESTION! Portland, Dec. 20 mi-Dr. R. I Hawlcy and two, assistants today said they operated on nil English bull lerrlor pup for worms and found: 108 pieces of chicken wire, some three Inches long; a piece of pop per wire, bits of chewed up wood, grass, leaves and puppy worms, "I've Im'cii practicing 22 years and I've never seen anything like this," Dr. Hawley said. Santa Suffcsfa&i $39 2: "Southwind" Auto Heater cnoicv yo iccomk, ? 29 95 ASV TISMS EXHAUST EXTENSION 1.98 1.98 Wool Auto Robe ilul pastel plsids wltti fTTl :d edge. 50x60 inches mrj idually gift boxeL Jf By Merrill Blotter