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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1949)
PAGE TWELVE THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1949 Redmond and Vicinity RiHlmoml, IVe. 1!0 (Spri'lnl) Justin Kinn went Id I'orlliiiul ovor the vwt'k oml to .'ittiuul mi Hlils nmhllo drains' mwtliiK. lli will return the first lit thi' week. Mr. ntul Mrs. I . (Imulrlrh n( Clovenlnle returnecl (his week from a vacation trip. Mr. ami Mrs. Justin KIiir nnil son. riillllp. will ro to Seattle Wednesday, lleeeinber ill, to spend Christinas with KIiir's mother anil two sisters. Mrs. IIi'Iimi Ropers wont to Port lam! Friday, Deoemher It!, anil returned Sunday. Mrs. William tilsu loft Satur day, IViHMiihor 17, to attiMitl a mivtliiR on Christian education at l.owls uml Clark oollopo. Mrs. J. KIiir ami son, Plillllp. spont Saturday iiIrIU. December 17, In Hoiul vtsiilii) Mrs. KIiir's mother. Krnni'ls KIiir, Redmond Union hl:h .school freshman, underwent an emergency apponilectomy Sun clay mornluR. Ills coihIIUoii Is satisfactory ,accoiilliiR to Ills .spe cial nurse. C. Downs Is plannlnR to spend the Christmas holidays in Port land and uloiiR the coast. The Parent-Teacher association has cancelled its December meet Iiir, accordiiiR to president Mrs. Lloyd Haker. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Dowse have taken over the operation of Craft's Confectionery which In the future will ho known as Ruth's Confectionery. The Dow ses operated a store at L'ust lake last summer. The community sIiir. a coojwr ntlve church enterprise, was held at the Powell Rutte school gym nasium at 3 o'clock Sunday aft ernoon. Mrs. IIullK'rt Bcesi-y of the Redmond Church of Christ is pianist for the organization. The next meeting will he the third week in January at the Baptist church. Students of the John Tuck grade school, under the direction of their classroom Instructors, Rave a Christmas program in song and pantomime Monday evening. December 19, at 8, at the school gym. A Christmas overture by the John Tuck band, featuring a cor net trio, opened the entertain ment. The processional. "O Come All Ye Faithful." followed the overture. A series of six tableaux were then presented. The pageants Riven were: "O. Little Town of Bethlehem." by the girls' glee club: "The Shepherds in the Fields," by the mixed chor us: "The Angels' Sung." bv the girls' Rice club, 'The Three Kings," by a brass ensemble: "Ma donna and Christ Child." hy a brass quartet, and "Adorntlon of the Christ Child," hy the girls' Adopted Child Held for Theft New York. Dec. 20 UP Tlio 2("-year-old adopted daughter of o milkman was Jailed Monday on a charge of stealing her foster-parents' $7.7-1!) life-savings "to keep up with her millionaire friends." Marion McKenna was arraigned In fclonv court yesterday and held In $1,000 ball on the com plaint of Charles McKenna, fill, nnd his wife. The couple said they were reluctant to have their adopted daughter arresled hut had to do so in order to collect Insurance. "Of course we're sorry for her, but she didn't show us as much consideration as she showed those people who got her Into this mess," McKenna said. The young woman admitted that she forged four checks In her father's name to obtain the money. She told Magistrate Am brose J. Haddock that she spont it on "a whirl at the ponies," a $1,000 used car, and a trip to Florida. THE BEST GIFT that vou CAM SIVE AT CHRISTMAS TIME l3 SOMETHING tOU CAN'T BUY, GOOD WILL A Fine Gift for A'l Year is GOOD EATING. USE YOUR LOCKER Save on Fresh MEATS Wholesale Prices glee club. Community singing followed the tableau, and the recessional. "Silent Night," closed lhi program. Employes and wives of Rod moud Motor Co., lloultVan Al len, Honk Motor Co,, and 'ted mond Tractor Co, wore guests of their employers at a Christmas partv at the Redmond hotel ban quet room Sunday, December JH. Cocktails were served In the dining room at !i p.m., and at 5 :.! dinner was served In the banquet room. Service plus were presented to the employes during dinner, nnd the Christmas bonuses followed. Santa Clans appeared at S o'clock with gifts. The guests were Invited to the Elks club to spend the evening. Hosts for the party were Mr. and Mrs. .1. O. Hunk. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Houk. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1.. Van Allen. Mr. and Mrs. l.os Houk, Mr. nod Mis. R. I-'. Houk. Mr. and Mrs. C.. K McKlmion and Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Thompson. Those present signed a gieoilng card ami sent a message to Tom Lee, employe of Redmond Motors, who has been In the Medical-Dental hospital for the past six weeks. Nebraska Eases Marriage Law Lincoln, Nob, 1 1 It's now eas ier for out of fclale couples to tie the matrimonial knot In Nebras ka. The 101!) legislature nmcmlod the suite's pre-inai ilal law to per mit Use or out nl state blood lost forms approved by the depart meiit of health. Formerly, blood test ccrttllcatlon had to bo on forms provided and distributed by the department, Many couples have been slight ly discouraged in the past, the d partinonl said. They secured forms and took tests In other stales, then came to Nebraska to marry, only to find they had to take another blood lest. The slate now accepts forms from Colorado, Connecticut, Dela ware, Florida, (leorgla, Idaho, In diana, Iowa, Maine, New Hamp shire, Now Jersey, North Dakota. Oklahoma, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming. ForniN from Alaska, Callloi nla, Kansas, Pennsylvania, Vermonl, and West Virginia are accepted If signed by a qualified physician, anil Alabama's form Is icenguUod if the applicant's address is cer tified. Bulletin Classifieds Bring Results f f Samson ite in 7 beautiful finishes ADMIRAL BLUE BEIGE CLAY PINK COPPER SADDLE TAH NATURAL RAWHIDE CORDOVAN BROWN BERMUDA GREEN riN AJMIrtLM ! AflMT . . . ,v - :,'.'f5W mm, - Mi. 1 fl There's a smart Christmas gift for every name on your list in our wonderful array of Samsonlte luggage. Just check them for beauty of drslgn for their mar-proof, dirt-proof, better than leather finish t Check their rugged construction, their handsome interiors, their solid brass streamlined locks. Best of all, check them for price! This year, you can give the thrill of luggage In matched sets at prices you'll hardly believe! Come in today, and choose from our complete stock of all the smart new Samsonite finishes. t f IrT? I JM il -T 1 1 rl A 1 1 1 mi UiPi f S I s f FOR ALL f rs.ji r..,aaiLi' ' Uvi ', ; i vii.j . .9 n, Wonderful Gifts To Please Everyone At Thrifty Prices! We Will Be Open Each Evening Till 9 p. m. fffw in fir- i-j f f String Light Special H I.IkIiIh H Wr'iirs 49c Ornaments & Decorations IJlrge OutiliMir Llghtu . j Set of 15 5.29 Wlnil In Multiple Set of 7 98c d Mia . i-ru-j i . r.i boa or I wrnamenTS 07C cigar.t Amiry Tavern Candles. . 75c up . Evan 3.00 uP billfolds Santa Clou HpocI 1 onion CO up 2.00 to 15.00 SHAKKI.TKX Tree Drape 75c COSMETIC DEPARTMENT II lAt ANt.KI. 1 Tree Top 1.89 Coty Perfume, Cologne. 1.85 up Lots of Extra Bulbs! LcGui Cologne 2.00 up Wrapping Paper, Ribbon. Tinsel Yanky Clover .7.1.00 . Three Flowers 1.00 evening in raris i.uu 'X Max Factor Sets 2.50 t t PIPE RACKS Various Models 2.29 up POKER CHIP RACKS 3.9S up 3 my NT 101 1 f.-J Cofy's Complete Line 75c to '25 W 3 cards . Evening in Paris Sets.... 2.25 up J lup 1 Martha Laine Cosmetic Set 1.50 ; W' 5 PLAYING CARDS Congress Plastic Kern ,X. Tawn "shaxlni anil Tnllrl Sr Traveling Kit F.LECTRIC RAZORS Siinhrain, Srhk k, and ItrmlnRlnn 17.50 up f P. t f f : '--4 3.50 up .Mrn' " liHir Out Salr" Toilet Sets Half Price Pen & Pencil Sets 3.5? up 1 UD,Ey m. itru 4r COMPACTS PocVet Woteh 1.98 2.50 up ;lr t'anry Syphon Bottles 10.00 lilal fnr I'nrlri Pen Light 1.00 Jewel loie... 4.00 & 4.00 Gift Stationery.... 49c up For the Children Cw"b Un - 250 ,0 2500 MUSICAL POWDER BOXES st: up . 9 3 PE3FUMC , ATOMIZER 1.2S up Practical Gifts That Please! J J 4.50 n ft f f REAL SPECIAL Large Doll only 3.95 Mama-Papa Doll.. 6.95 . Gund Dolls 2.29 SEE OUR TOY DEPARTMENT 1 oiltrtHal 7 Dresser Sets.. 9.9S to 29.95 l.ftffow Scissoi Set 10.95 up nlf IVVr 1W On !" . Hughes Dresser Sets.. 3.75 7 Prush Set 1.50 g Heating Pods S.9S up Pan Heater 13.95 GAMES Rook, Pit, Authors, Old Maid, Bingo, Cribbage Boards, if Monopoly, Jsg Saw Punles : in many designs. Washing Machines, DoR House Sets, Santa Clous Stockings, Footballs, Basketballs, Pud Toys of all kinds. Many others to choose from. 3 3 2 ia a i n PINE CIGARS FOR GIFTS AR Popcjr Brands of Cigorets cotton 1.45 ttnrol TVrmith. S rUtm fhfe, hwwm ami ihrr Pipes 1.00 up Humidors ........ 2.49 up Novelty Ash Troys.... 3.00 s I f f it Add Federal Tax MEAT Co. fi Taxable Items f