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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1949)
I MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1949 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON PAGE SEVEN Bulletin Classified Rates MM' A I, PAID IN AIIVAMK Ho Words One. TIiimi OOu 20 Words Tliruo 'I liiif !.! 0 Words Mix '1'lliuis MM) AU wsiiU km II add l ir ward umm numbvr ml IiimfIIwiu. Onl Mvnlh run. w wtpy, M, dr rild Minimum ckarg-, lo. I.ln IUI IIM tpiiftU I0 Mailri ll Uim, hIiiimumi lu tloslim Uimi UulIlMla, 11 Advwllalni Chulaf lltt I .a, liniMi dir. On ball iw r lariar, I tf.M. wcvad dir vrivtoui to itubtlcatUin. For Halo Itcul Kutulo TI I E Dl HTM EKCI 1 A NTS OPPORTUNITIES Only a very short illstunco from lil'UMIIIIUl wo would alio III HllOW miuu'iinu 155 acres; modern home, polled locution, 'Him i iiiiili has udvuntiigcH Unit mimu do not llllVI'. tSl'lllJlll llUH lit UK) HUH'. VVl.' think iIiih In u i ciil buy ul $13,000. Willi term. Mr. Farmer, If you would like to own u much Willi urteslun wa ter, wo would lie luil lo show .VOU -ISO Ul t'H. (ll)Dll hlllllO, good oul-bldgs., keen location, unil again we're idling you a has OlteSlllll WIlllT. Nciir Itcilmiinil, In I ho right mini, we have u keen HO ucro runeh, good bldgs., lor $13,000. Yes, sir, wc ciiuld no right on wliu you to a loo ucru runcn lor $8400. For u coiuhlniitlon sol-up with 1HO0 ueres und H i u uooil one, loiks. Price $.);,000, equipped. We have ii very good 80 ucrc sel-up lor 53000. Overlooking the Deschutes River, wiln u beiiulliul view, wc have nil HO acre I mill, all seeded in huv unil pasture. One ol tno best mod ('i ll, 2 Ix-iiiYium huiiu-s In central Oregon, wired lor eleclric range, 'mm Is u sweet sot-up neur tue luwuy, Terrebonne Valley needs no Intro duction. However, we would like to Introduce n buyer to u keen 40 acre si'l'ini In Hint tiroKiieruuH diNirict, Keen, ! room, decoriued home: large burn mid i;ouluy house, l'rlcu S.joo, terms. Now, Mr. Uuyer, it you're stock minded, we emi show you slock lunches Unit will make you weep mul I hi? null wimi t be ehasinu you, elllier. These better Muck lunches ure lociued ul some ills liiuce In I lie heavy bunch ki hs.h ureu. ies, srr".' creek at trto HoWJ door; that's someitiliiK! ve want to tell you the sun is shlnlnu In C'enlrul Oickdii ami our Jeep Is rarhiK lo ko. Just Hive us u nni:; we will do the rest. 1000 ncre set up, localed on hl way. lu rm. home, beaulitul yard. Slock slieds and burns. As sure us you have ears on your bonis, ' tills man would make someone u iriule tor u lurner set up, pre lerulny In Canada. Vv'huiever yuu have lu oiler, let us lutve K. As we Ro aloni!, we must tell you we are uflcrlnu n 3JO ucrc ranch tinder one ot Central Oregon s better water i IkIus. 170 acres un der IrrlKuilon. ihls Is n real com .binalion set-up (or the man who wouui like to run somo mock mul limn. (, ooil home on this pliice. liood oulbldKH. Included, u Kood herd ot Hereford entile, sheep, Iiohh; mul everythliiK Koes. Mr. Man, there Is Ul ueres ol ulf,allu on this runch. Wo would like to rIvo the public a descrlpllon of all (he possibili ties we huvc lo oiler, nut our suck Is too short. We would nuU Rest that you slop at our oil ice unil look at our oiferinRS. SIIICI.LEY HEAL ESTATE THK UiltT MKKC1IANT HKDMUNB. UKUIUN MIDSTATE REALTY CO. C. J. Lludh unil D. II. l'eople.s Rm. 11 U.S. Nal, Ulilu., I'll, .11)5 Neat 2-ticdrni. on puved SI., fire place, oil circulator, rmme wlr Iiir; small house In rear; $I.jO0 und worth It, $1000 down. Very nice 2-bcdrm., Inc. IIvIiir rm. with Iireplace: oil lioor furnace, dec, rmiRe, liendlx; Iro, corner lot; $!)li00, easy terms. . 3-Bedrm. that has almost every thhiRi hurdwd. floors, fireplace, uulolnalic elee. heut I u real home; ullacned RaruRe; $11,000, $3000 cash. 2-Bedrm.- close to Kenwood school; oil furnace; well built; pracllcally new; wull lo wall car pet In llvinu rm.: Venetian blindx riii'urc and workshop; 2 lols, all lenced; 10,70O, Rood terms, a lino home und worth the money. 40 A. with 30 A. COI wuler; on hlRhwuv 5 miles south of Hod' monU; $5500, $ii300 down. GO A. Willi 35 A. COI wuler; mile from clly limits; Rood slide of cultivation; old house could be mode Into attractive home; u Rood buy nt $5500, some terms. Tnvestment opportunity" LAlt(jl iiparlment hotel: Hood locution. Well constructed build Iiir. Plastered. Needs redecorut- Iiil'. Over $300 uer month Income Greatly unclerprlced lor quick sale. $i500, terms, SAWMILL! We have n Good saw mill Willi IorrIiir e(ulpmeiil and nlimlv of Eorest Service timber aviillnblo at a lair price. See Jack on this one. 2-BEDROOM MODERN: LlvlnR room, kitchen wired, nice bath utility. Good fiuriiKC. Elvo lols lai'RO lawn, Rardcn. All for $1000 Willi $1000 down. .1. A. DUDREY. REALTOR 103!) Wull SI, Phone 1327-W Across from Pilot Uulte Inn Classifieds Reach 20,000 Readers For Hull) Itcul KhIuiii IIY OWNER: New, 5 rm., 2 Igo. Iir, home. Luis nf hiilll-lus mill i'Iiiki'I space; hdwd. firs.; iiiHiilu linn. I .go. I"l (in pave.; In choice llH'llllllll, Huh limn Mpprulsiil u( $MI)IM) without Kin iiKC Pilcu $7700 Willi garage; iir 5w2(H) wllliuut. 1341 1',. H'll SI., Bend. NliEl) A HOME? Chock the Dciil of tlm Day mi K1JND 0:45 u.iii. Cull today unU Inspect (lie listings Ml Gilbert's Real Esluto, 1015 Willi Si. WE HAVE HUYERS for 2 and 3 hi', homes, ulso ucrciiRO with clly wuler, and u '10 lo ho ucre farm closu In, comll I Inn of bulldliiRS und lund linmuleilul. If it Isn't listed Willi us, wo cun't sell It, See C. J. Llndh or I). 11. Peoples, Mlilstnlo Kuulty Co. Phone 41)5. VACANT I1UANI) NEW TWO-BEDROOM HOME LOCATED AT 7.11 K llll. I JUST BEHIND ALLEN SCHOOL.) $7500 Wi'1'!! S15U0 Down and $:sh pkii mon'ih. SEE OWNKIl ON PREMISES DURING DAY OH PHONE I70.1W. $8500 3 bedroom home; full husciiif ul, flrepluce, furnace, hardwood floors, double em ace; 2 lols. $10,000--locullou; 4 bedroom home; Rood puved street. $11.000 New home; 2 Iiiirc lied rooms; choice locution; puved street. $5350 New, 2 bedroom, modern; paved street; east side. I'll A lerms. $0500 New, MIA lerms. 2 bedroom home. FARMS Several farms and ranches, vary Iiir in price from Sii.iOO up. One lu pintii'imir at sim,;mh) consist Iiir ol Imh) ueres, 2t ueres Iree wuler rtRlits, 125 ueres meadow. Approximately $5000 tlmtH'i. 0 room, modern home. Barn anil other ranch bulldliiRS. Terms. R1XE REAL ESTATE & INS. 001 Hone, Phone 535 ANNE FORBES, 30 OrcRon REALTOR Phone 30-W A IliiiKiiln 4 lols: 2 bedroom house; snower, kllchen raiiRC, a niRe, barn. Only $3150. $10j0 down; $50 monlii. Beaullful river silo 3'i acres; 2 room, completely furnished and equippcil Ior cubin, $1800. $soo; $sj ilium h, lITu , u"i..v . . i. ... .... ' tiood location, 2'4 lols; 2 bed room home; electric rmiRe wir Iiir. Owner suld last year $-100 worth of strawberries. $5750; lerms. Very good Income. Close In. apartment, with 4 rental units. Aiso 3 room, modern house, all luriii.Hiicd. income $100 monln. Only $oi00. $2000 uown; $100 month. ( 640 acres, near Sisters. High way Roes tiirough laud. Juniper and pine, lieauliuil hulldttiR sue. $2oOU. $100 down; $25 nioiilh. ALL STATE REALTY CO. Vacant. 2 br., mod.;on Federal. Fun cement iisml.; Kiel lurnace; auto, hot water; Rood Rarage level lot, fenced, $aa00, easy lerms. Semi modern. 1 br. house; balh room and lixtures there not complete. $1700, lull price. 7 lots; 2 face on lltli St., 5 on 12111. All for $1500; or $250 each. Cozy, clean, 2 br., mod.; new ru lane; nice luwn; lot fenced. $4500, lerms. Well const rucled, 3 br., mod.: large concrete bsmt; good ga rage; oversize lot; close In; East slue. $0050; ul tractive terms. We need listings on clean, modern homes. !l Greenwood Phone 107 BARGAINS AT GILBERT'S $155 DOWN: Llv. nil.; kitchen with ruiige; bedroom and bain. Fenced yard; lawn; septic lank and drilled hole; giunge and woodshed. $2750. $500 DOWN: Llv. rm.; kitchen; 2 br. and bath. Rock-wool insu lated; good loumlnlion; eleclric waler-liculer; wired tor range; fenced cor, lot. $1200. 4 BR.: .Mod. homo; close In, on pave.; reasonably priced, wllh terms. Oak ilrs.; lurnace neai; laiiie rms.; fenced yard; dble. Ra rage. $7500. , GILBERT'S REAL ESTATE 1015 Wall Phone 23J ' FARMS, RANCHES, FARM RENTALS .Unimproved lands. BENJAMIN RUSSELL Real Estale North Iliwuv. HI. 3. Box 313 Bend, Ore. Phone 2010VV3. $1500 Cash; bal. $4000 at $50 per mo. buys n mod., 2 nr. home. Range wiiiirg; dee. water heater; utility plumbed lor Bendix. insu lated and wcatherstrlpped. Can be purchased with or with out furniture. Beautiful 2 bit, mod.; on W. 2nd. Range wiring; elee. water hooter; fireplace; bsmt.; oil pipe furnace. Shown by appt. 2 good building lols on E. 8th Good mt., view. $1100 cash. Good building lot In GOO block on Federal. $450 cash. l'or Value, call Mr. Locklln E. M. BUCKNUM, REALTOR 1029 Brooks Phone 331 Neur the Chumber of Commerce For Hiilu ICi ul Eslulo J. S. DAVIS CO. Phone 185 Penney BldR. WcBt side beauty. 2 br.i Rood fire place; hdwd. Ilrs.; oil furnace; moil, kllcheu und nook. This is u lovely home, well built of Rood materials; level lot, all In lawn; back yard fenced; paved si.; close lo shoppliiR center. $7500, on MIA terms, 3 rm. mod., with dinette. Fully furnished, with new elee. inline and retrlR.; on paved si.; close to clly cenler; RiiraRe mid shed. Will seli furnished or unfurnished. Price furnished, $3500, on terms. Well iirraiiRcil, 2 br. home, 2 blks. Irom Allen sclil. Exlru br. can be udded without cpoIIIiir house plan. All Roodsl.e rms,; hdwd. Ills.; Rood lui mice; 75x1-10 lot In lawn; ult. RiuaRC. 2-vr.-olii home In fine conil. Priced $7500, on rea sonable terms. 2 br., new home, on East side; puved si.; hdwd. His.; oil lurnucc; dec. heater; wired for rane. S5WK), on lerms of $050 cash, rea sonable monthly terms, CharmliiR, new, liu-Re 2 br. home on l-.ust side; lSi lols. Lrc. Ilv. rm.; all hdwd. Ilrs.; excep. fine lurnace; beaulitul mod. kitchen; u 1 II. rm.; all. RuraRC. This line conslrucled home Is u'valluble fori" Immcd. poss. AsklnR price $7500, on Rood lerms. WANT TO SELL? List your properly with GILBERT. A square deal, und prompt, efficient, courteous service Is yours at Gil bert's Heul Estate. 1015 Wull St. Fuel DRY BODY wood, any unit., any lenRlh. Deliver clly or country promptly. 1 cord, $10; 2 cuius or more, $;i.25. Phone 237-L. DRY BODY wood. Phone 852-W. Claude Ganl, 1204 Davenporl. GOOD, DRY, Rreen seasoned Jack- pine; sawed Hi or 24 . $12 per cord: any unit. Allen Grant. I'hone 314-W. BEST BODY WOOD, $9 cord; $12 lu Kctiiiioml. Stab, $1.50 cord, 4 cord lols; $10.;K) In Redmond. Card to o. D. Alexander, Lupine; or call 583, Bend. GOOD, DRY body wood: Imm. de livery. Phone 1004-vv. write Wil son oc Harrison, 5 Norton. WHEN YOU want wood, any iimt. 16 In., $0 two cord lols, $0.50 one cord. 4 ft. limb wood, $10.00. f ;hona i505-Ji r ' imS DRY BODY wood. Immediate de livery. Phono 1334-M or call ut 32 Glicnrlst. JACKPINE AND lackplne slabs; ulso best of body wood; will cul uny length. Put your orders In now. Pnono 1384'M; or cull ul 1032 Federal. 2 CORD 16" gr. slab, $14.00; 2 cord 10" (hy slab, $10.00, deliver ed in Bend. (You haul Irom yard, $5 per cord.) Central Oregon Fuel Co., phone 201-W. 036 A St., Redmond, Ore. COLDER weather coming. Don't Ret caught short. Order today, b grades wood. Lump, nut coals. Prompt delivery, clly or country. Phone 767. Brookings . Wood Yurd. CHEAPEST WOOD In town; 6"x 8" ties; sawed 14", 10" and 24". 3 cords, $22.50; 2 cords, $15.50; 1 cord, $8. Phone 1842-W ; or 1305 Elgin. Will deliver country or ders. DRY BODY wood, any amount, anv leneth. Deliver city of coun try promptly, l cord iu, -coru or more, j.2'j. Plione 2JI-L,. For Sule. I urni Product CHOICE FILBERTS; asstd. nuts. lbs. SI. postpaid. Mrs. Love M, Bair, Rl. 1, Box 174, Washougal, wash. MR. FARMER, now is the time to clear your land to assure your lull water rights. All kinds bull dozing. 134 Delaware, ph. 670-M. FRYER CHICKENS liny time. Ready for lockers or for Immed. use. Call u( 30 Marshall; or phone 14UI-U. CONSIGN YOUR LIVESTOCK to Central OreRon Auction for the hlRhest prices. Sale every llutrsuny. Ben H. bmiln, Mgr, Phono 12-R-3. MILK COWS for sale, or trade; ready to freshen; Holstein, Jer sevs and Guernsevs. Also Short horn and Angus bulls. Please call Randall Miller, Redmond, Oregon, Phone 168-X. ONE Chester White boar, 2 yrs. old, $35 cash or will trade. 1 mile south Pine Forest Grange, Trap Club road. C. A. Nickell, phone 22-F-l. For Sale Miscellaneous BEND AUCTION Sale every Saturday, 11:30. Bend Auction Yard. Consign curly. Phono 1260. MAYTAG WASHING machine; new; $90. See at Rt. 1, Box 69ri. 2 ml. north of Redmond on Dalles Culif. hiway. Marvin Cook. Or call 9-R25, Redmond. 1 McCULLOCH chain saw; used one month. Reasonable. Phono 1547-M. , , '. - PRACTICALLY NEW, Spark oil heater. Phono 76J; or after 5, 2008-J2. ' A LARGE stock of reconditioned and guaranteed used refrigera tors from $49.50 up; used wring er washers from $19.50 up. Used automatic electric ranges from $39.50 up and also ironers. 165 E. Greenwood. Oregon Equipment Co,, phone 838. l'or Kulu Miscellaneous For Sprinkler Irrigation Equipment see or write Benliirnln Russell Rt.3. Box 313 Bend Phone 94 HADIO TUBES Complete stock Philco und other nationally known in anils. Tubes lested. Bend Furniture Co. WATCHES: Trade-ins, ull over hauled und reconditioned; for sale ut lower than allowance prices. Lcuve Now Repair work wanted for Christmas. Beur's Jewelry. DEVILIBUS ulr compressor, l'A hp. Practically new, $180. Can be seen i-vcnliiRS, 34 HustiiiRS, phone 70M-W. LITTLE RED WAGONS With steel bodies, rublxT tires, $2.05. Seven other sizes und models, up to the blR roller-bearInK lob, usu-J ally sold at S12. Uur price SiJ.TO. Many tricycles, pedal and chain drive types, as low as $3.90. EverythliiK for the bicycle. LurRe slock of tricycle wheels. CARL AUSTIN Bond and Greenwood JUNIPER POSTS, 20c on cround. - w- Boswdl, Cloverdale cross- roads, Redmond Star Route. McCULLOCH SAW for sale; like new. Phone 583, Bend; or 7578, Prlncvllle. ONE blue enamel cook stove New Rrales and back fire walls $25. LaiRC slove. One 40-Ral. riv pled and welded hot water tank. $15. One $00 custom built baby IniRRy for $25. One Rirl's bicycle. $10. 1133 LexinRlon. SALE TREE LITES at cost. 7 Hunt, series, $1; 7-liEtit- Indepen, denl, clip-on, $1.50; 8-liRht bub bling, $1.75; 7-liRht outdoor. $2.45 double set, clip-on, $3.05. Junior skis, pr. $2, with poles, $3; Evans Hy Co., open evenings. Do Your Christmas Shopping at CASCADE SEWING MACHINE & DRY GOODS CO. 707 Columbia Phone 1487-W Sweaters All-wool and nylon; slipover and cardiean styles. Ny Ion Hose and Slips. Blouses In many styles. Lurge selection ol Rttt towels. Westlngnouse sewing machines, roasters, blankets, Irons, toasters, waffle-irons, etc. Store open till 9 p.m. for your convenience. ONE-HALF CARAT blue dia mond ring, no flaws; less one half cost for cash. Phone 393. New or used, finished or unfin ished chests of drawers. White enamel dec. range with trash burner, $35; works like a new one. Who wants a good, small refrigerator for only $-19.50; or a large 9 ft. one for $89.50? Wal nut dining table with 5 match, upholstered chairs, only $29.50. New baby beds with mattresses. $12. Stationary laundry tub, $5. Double-drum wood heater. Duo- therm oil heater, $39.50. Kitchen table with '1 chairs, $10. New high-chairs, $5.95. Cash register, store scales. Innerspnng mat tresses. $8 and $10. New galv. pipe, 12c a ft. Drop-head sewing machine. $22.50. CLIFF'S BARGAIN SPOT North Hiway Phone 1534-W Open Evenings 1 PR. 7 FT. metal-edged Nofth land skis, harness, poles, and size 8 ski boots; like new. $24. Phone 1308-R. 333 East Olney. Special this week: New davenoes, upholstered In velour. $79.50: wirti 1 chair. $100,50; with 2 chairs, $134.50. These are real good sels. Stop in and be con vinced. Where Rood quality and low price meet. - CLIFFS BARGAIN SPOT JNorlli Hiway Open Evenings Phone 1534-W For Sale Used Cars 1936 DODGE SEDAN. Good body and upholstery; D0'c rubber; new rings and inserts. 62,561 actual mileage. $250. 18 McKay. Phone 1227-J. FELIX MOTOR SALES For a Better Buy 1946 Ford S. Dlx. V-8 2-dr. heater. Very clean, low mileage. $1095 1940 Studebaker 4-dr. heater, mo tor very good. Excellent rub ber $395 1937 Chcv. Mst. Dlx. 4-dr. Excep tional throughout. Heater... $295 1936 Chcv. 2-dr. with heater. Mo tor perfect. Good rubber..... $165 1935 Ford conv., new top, good rubber, and radio & heater. This Is a nice one. $225 TRUCKS 1918 Ford lVn-lon 100-h.p. V-8. This truck is like new and we have cut the price to $995. 1949 Mustang trailer, brand new. Make us an offer. Remember, you can't buy more for less anywhere. See or call us. Used cars ph. 1820. New cars 561 1937 FORD. New paint Job. Ra dio & lieiuer. Good rubber. Lee's Champion Service Station. Cor ner of Bond & Greenwood. li46 CHEVROLET Fleetmuslcr sedan, R&H & defroster. A-l con dition. Full insurance coverage. Redmond Air Base, T.502. 1941 CHRYSLER 4-door, in ox cellent condition. Radio & heat er. All new tires. Very reason able. 304 7th, Redmond, phono 84-W. I'or Sale Used Care VXW, CHEV, PICKUP. Price $200. Model A coupe, $100, Phone 852 W. 1204 Davenport. 1040 CHEV. Vi-ton pickup; like new; with extras; deluxe cab; 6 ply llres. $1305. 735 K. Norton Ave. Phone 005. 11)38 BUICK special 4-dr. sedan. R&H; Rood rubber. Priced to sell. See at 1444 Hartford, after 5 p.m. '.'Mi CHEV. 2-dr, with Rood motor; $85. 15 ft. truck bed, like new; with slock racks. 510 Quimby Ave. Phone 1455-R. BEND GARAGE CO. "Winterized Used Cars" 1947 Chevrolet Acrosedan. Three of these style leaders, all In top condition and guaranteed. Equip ped wnn liccti, seat covers, and antifreeze. 1918 Plymouth Sedan. A too value in excellent order. Kadio, heater, and anil-freeze. 1947 Studebaker Club Coupe. The Commander model in Jet black. winterized. 1946 Dodge Sedan. A green beau ty that has radio, brakes, and log- URhts. Reduced in price. 1941 Hudson Club Coupe. A one- owner car that shows excellent care. Winterized. 1941 Ford Club Coupe. A thrill ing performer, equipped with Hull, seat covers, and visor. Has Mercury motor. LOW-COST BARGAINS 1937 Chevrolet 2-Door $235 Idol kord 2-uoor, heater 325 VMJ torn 2-uoor, KAtH .. Isdti Vord Sedan, heater la6 Chevrolet oeoan ll Oius beaan : 123 2 to bO bo Phone 193 For Bent MONTHLY RATES now In effect. 1 & 2 br. WAHEK Cottages, on South 3rd. CLEAN, MODERN, furnished 2 br. nome. Will give lease. $6o mommy. Phone 1476-W. SMALL EAST SIDE home; fur nisned; near store and bus line. $jo per mo. Phone brio. 2 RM., SEMI -BSMT., furnished apt. hot water, wood and lignts incl. Suitable lor a working man. ,cail at 623 Hill St. REDMOND RENTAL: '2 rm..: fur nished, mod. cottage. Phone 168 V , Redmond. 1 BR.. FURNISHED apt.; close in; pleasant surroundings; util. furnished, incl. heat. Adults; no pets. 579-J. 2 BR., FURNISHED apt.; gas cooking and heat; elee. refrig. Weekly rates. . Also single bed room units. Owl Motel, 1729 E. First. 3 RM., MODERN apt.; newly decorated; close to the mills; all utilities furnished. Adults only. Inquire 745 Colorado, Apt. No. 3. Phone 1316-W. CLEAN, HEATED sleeping rm.; close in. 1630-W; or 42 Haw thorne. 212 V, EAST IRVING: 3 rooms, modern, furnished. $32.50. Anne Forbes, Realtor. 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. DUPLEX: 2 br., furnished; also 2 br., unfurnished. Mod.: auto. furnace. Phone 1173-J; or inquire at first gray rear house back Carroll Acres Store. CABINS at Pine Tree Auto Court on South Hiway 97. Winter rates. APTS. FOR RENT for winter months. L Rancho Motor Hotel Phone 199-Z, Redmond. ROOMS: Newly decorated; good beds. $20 per mo. Restaurant downstairs. Located across from Brooks Box Factory. The Quick Luuci. S42 Arizona Ave. Under new management. VERY NICE sleeping room, new- i.y redecorated, kitchen privileges, ideal for school teacher or bus iness man, close in. 166 St. Hel ens, pnone 773-J. PARTLY furnished 3-room apart ment. 432 Staats. Wanted ANYONE HAVING folding organ to sell, contact Benson Piano Co. 65 Gilchrist Ave. Phone 1087. WANTED TO BORROW: $1800 or $2000, on a new, 2 br., mod. home, just completed. Write Box 3320, co Bend Bulletin. WILL BUY any kind of cattle fat or thin. Call 78, Redmond W. R. Franks. HOME and income property. 3 or 4-oedroom home, good location. Give description. No dealers, Write care Bend Bulletin, Box No. 3472. TOP PRICES paid for any kind of cattle you have to sell. Will pick up at your ranch. Please call Randall Miller, Redmond Phone 168-X. WANTED TO BUY: Livestock of any kind, any amount. Also horses. Have cash buyers. See Nick Chare, or drop card: Rt. 3, Box 96; or phone 790-W. Leave word. ' ' -'. GRADE A dairy herd with quota in Bond, Call 1506-J-2. Help Wanted MAN WITH CAR wanted for route work. ,$20 to $25 In a day. No age limit. .'For Information Or interview, write Mr. Inman, 2423 MagnoUa St.; OaklanU 7, Calif - Help Wanted VETERANS or CIVILIANS Learn to be an Aeroplane Mechanic llyr.) Diesel Mechanic (Portland) Telegrapher IPortland) Refrigeration (Portland) Watch Repair (Calif.) Residence Schools, fully approved Complete Information without ob ligation. See or write today. Mr. Fish, Pilot Butte Inn Wed, or Thurs., Dec. 7 & 8 only WANTED NOW MEN 18 TO 50 For shop training in Plumbing, Electricity, Auto Mechanics, Shoe Repair, Drafting. Veterans may earn UP to $210-$290 month while training. Free employment serv ice during and after training. In vestigate now, today. Come In or write Mr. Wilkinson Pilot. Butte Inn Wed. or Thurs.. Dec. 7 & 8 only PRINEVILLE LADY, convales cent, needs woman for light work. Call 266, Prlneville. Situations Wanted OREGON STATE graduate, busi ness and technology, would like opportunity in Bend, Prlneville, or Redmond. Have some account ing experience. Write or call D. D. Potter, 911 S.W. 21st, Portland 5. Phone BEacon 0898. RELIABLE DAIRY herdsman will take Job for winter or longer. Earl Allen, RU 2, Box 332, Vale, Ore. Lost LOST: Saturday, Dec. 3, 1 sleep ing bag and air mattress. Between Bend and Bradetich farm on Burns hiway. Call 1479-W or 1102. Reward. ' Services RED CINDERS Top soil. Fill dirt. Barnyard ma nure. Phone 1177-J. Domestic Water Pumps Service and Repairs All makes. 1557-W 1645 Galveston WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS AU makes: also elee. motors. Picked-up, repaired and returned. looY-W lb4o Galveston CARPENTER WORK: New con struction, rough framing, remod eling, cabinets, built-lns and shop work. F. W. Page, phone boO-M, general contractor. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, drain holes shot. Free estimates. Phone 1252J or 975-J. D. W. Grimes. JilO Davis Ave., Bend. TRAVELING Truck-Crane. Doing light or heavy duty hoisting, load ing or pulling. R. B. Watson, phone lb9-J. 1636 Galveston. - SAW FILING, gumming, ham mering, band saw welding, Sander belts, band saw blades, new han dles hung In tools. Sexton Supply & Saw Service, 1195 Wall Street. ELECTRICAL WIRING AU types of electrical wiring by guar anteed licensed men. Free esti mates. Telephone 159. FURNITURE MOVING; dust proof padded van. We pack your china with care, hang your clothes in our wardrobe. Local and nation-wide moving and storage. Holman Transfer, 201 Irving. Phone 987. FOR WELL and drain hole drill, ing call Lee Grimes, 224 Davis, phone 975-J or 1252-J. HOUSE MOVING and raising; large or small. Estimates gladly given. Holman Transfer, 201 Irv ing. Phone 987. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE and repairs on all makes. Phone 274. 1033 Brooks. GULICK TRUCK Service: Long distance livestock and hay haul ing. We pick up livestock for lo cal markets, Redmond Auction house, or for shipment direct to Union Stock Yards, Portland. Phone 790-W., SEWING MACHINES, all makes, $14.50 up. Lake & Div. Trading Post. FOR TOP SOIL, fill dirt and cin ders, call 745-R. George L. Mat son, 1357 East 2nd. HEATING: Service and Repair on all makes of oil burners by factory trained men. Oregon Heating Co., 510 Delaware. Call 513, day or night STORAGE PACKING MOVING To, from, or within Central Ore gon. Good equipment and experi enced men. BEND STORAGE & TRANSFER 222 Irving Ave. Phone 444 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Deschutes In' the Matter of the Estate of Cora May Lasiter, Deceased The undersigned having been appointed bv the above entitled Court of the State of Oregon, for the County aforesaid, administra tor of the Estate of Cora May Lasiter, deceased, and having qualified, notice is hereby given to the creditors of, and all per sons having claims against said deceased, to present them, veri fied as required by law, within six months after the first pubii cation of this notlce.-to said Coral'ne driver was not known. It is May Wright at the office of her attorney, Duncan L. McKay, O Kane Building, Bend, Oregon. CORA MAY WRIGHT, Dated 5th day of December, 1949. Administrator of the Estate of Cora May Lasiter; Deceased. DUNCAN L. McKAY, , Attorney for Administrator. 306-6-12-18-C Lois E. Larson Ritfis Wednesday Lois Elolse Larson, 22, wife of Ivan Larsen, 652 E. Kearney, died early Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gib son, 815 Greenwood, where she was being cared for during a serious illness. She was stricken about two months ago. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. from NIs wonger Wlnslow chapel, with Rev. Vincent S. Larson, of Trinity Lutheran church, officiating. Bur ial will be in Greenwood ceme tery. in addition to ner parents ana her husband, Mrs. Larsen leaves two children, Bruce, nearly d, and Susie, 6 months. She was a gradu ate of Bend high school. Answer Filed In Damage Suit An answer was filed Saturday in the Deschutes county circuit court by the defendant in the case of Dewey Shorbert versus Tim O'Keefe, the record shows. Shorbert seeks a judgment of $6,500 against O'Keefe for injur ies ne received in an attacK Dy the defendant, according to his complaint. bnorbert accuses OKeefe of making an unprovoked attack on him in May of this year. He states that O'Keefe struck him in the face and shattered his glasses and caused his left eye ball to be cut. Because of his in juries, the plaintiff was unable to work for approximately two months, the complaint states. Shorbert seeks $1500 in gen eral damages; $3,500 in punitive damages; $950 in special dam ages, and $500 for future medi cal care. In his answer O'Keef denies that he made an unprovoked at tack on the plaintiff, and states that he merely defended hlmseu from an attack by Shorbert. O'Keefe asks that the case be dismissed. PORTLAND MARKETS Portland, Dec. 5 (U" Portland butter and egg prices were un changed today. Butter .t Price to retailers: Grade AA prints 68c lb.: AA car tons 69c; A prints 68c; A cartons bite; B prints boc. Egg prices to retailers: Certi fied A large 51c doz.; grade A A large 51c; A large 48 c; A A me dium 42c; certified A medium 41c; B medium 37c; A small 39c; cartons 2c additional. Cheese Price to retailers: Portland, Oregon, singles 39-42c lb.; Oregon 5-lb. loafs 44"4-45c lb.; triplets lc less than singles. Premium brands, singles, 51jc lb.; loaf 53hic lb. 3 ALARMS ANSWERED Three fire calls were answered by the Bend department over the week end. The first of the series was a general alarm Saturday at 5:45, from 147 East ' Olney, where a residence owned by Mrs. c. A. Sutton suliered some dam age, l he blaze was in the kit chen wall, bunday at 10:40 p. m., a general alarm was received from the Al Bigus home, 1425 Baltimore, where a fire was burn ing in a wall behind the fireplace. Damage was not extensive. A still alarm was answered Sunday at 9:17 p. m., from 1122 Union. A short in wiring at the Earl Lomas home at that ad dress burned out the wires. LAST RITES HELD Funeral services were to be held this afternoon in Salem for C. A. Hammel, of Pullman, Wash., father of Mrs. Sumner Deitrick and grandfather of Brent Deitrick and Mrs. W. E. Jones, of Bend. Mr. Hammel died suddenly Fr day. Burial was in Belcrest Me morial cemetery, in Salem. Mr. Mammel would have been 90 on January 9. He leaves three daughters, one son, eight grand children and seven great-grandchildren. STRANGE WELCOME Fitehburg, Mass., Dec. 5 lUT Some 10,000 peeved children gave Santa Claus a strange welcome the other night a barrage of snowballs. Santa's entrance into the city was delayed a half-hour. When he finally arrived in the midst of a west snowstorm, for a merchants' parade down main street the kids, irked by the wait, let loose. Santa was seated in a sleigh on the back of a trailer truck but the concentrated barrage drove him from his perch. He climbed into the enclosed truck cab and finished the trip in safety. WRECK REPORTED Passing motorists yesterday afternoon reported a wrecked Washington car on the Cow can yon grade, .and state police who investigated said the machine was damaged when it plunged into rocky side of the road. No one was" in the car when the investi gation was made, and the name of Deiieveo. me caugnt a nue into Madras. Indicating an Injury, there was some blood In the driv er's compartment. Front of the machine was badly damaged. "' Eggs may explode if hen ted in the shell to a high enough tem perature; the moisture inside is converted Into overheated steam. Stocks Steady In N. Y. Market New York, Dec. 5 (Hi Stocks I steadied at about their best levels of the yeur toduy In uctlvo trad ing. Changes throughout the list were small either way with a ' good part of the leading Issues . holding around their previous lev els. The market ran up to further , three-year highs earlier In (he ses- ; slon, but at noon the list reacted and prices slipped from their nigns. MarKct experts attributed today's mild reaction to profit taking because of the recent sharp advance in the market. A gain of more than 2 points in Allied Chemical was responsi ble for the industrial stock aver age showing a very slight gain. Railroad stocks, which have sparked the recent advance, tend ed lower. The average, however, was bolstered by Nickel Plate, which moved up more than 3 points. investors were cheered some what by the latest sreel operating rate. Celanese Corp. dropped more than a point on the announce ment that the justice department; naa Hied an anti-trust suit against the company. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland. Dec. 5 (IP) Cattle sal- ' able 2,000; market moderately ac tive; generally strong to 50 cents higher; canner and cutter cows ' slow early; low to average med ium steers 20.50-22.50; high med ium to 24; load low good 1150 lbs. 2450 lightly sorted; 902 lbs. 25; ' commons 16-20; medium heifers ' 19-21; some held higher; common 1 heifers 13.50-17.50; cutter and '- common dairy type steers and heifers 11-15; canner and cutter cows early 10.50-11.75; common 1 and medium beef cows 12.50- i 15.50; good young cows above 17; '. common and medium sausage , bulls 14-16.50; lew good bulls 17- 17.50; odd head to 18. Calves salable 450; market ac- ,. tive, steady; good vealers 23-24; ' good 350 lb. calves 22; common . and medium calves and vealers 14-20. Hogs salable 1,350, market rather slow; 25-50 cents lower; J good and choice 180-230 lbs. large ly 17.50; choice 210 lbs. 17.(5; 260 290 lbs. mostly 16; few 1j0-170 , lbs. 16-16.75; good 350-550 lb. sows 13.50-14.50; lighter weigh'.s to 15 p and above; good and cnoice feed-., ers largely 17.50-19. - Sheep salable L100; market a&vf uve, sieaoy wnn .last, ivjouuay, r good and choice slaughter lambs ' 95-110 lbs. 20.50-21.50; meuium . and good 19-20; good ewes 6.50-7; commons downward to $4. Used Davenport $25.00 Bedroom Sets 4-PIece $47.50 Circulating Heaters and Oil Heaters $12.50 up Krai VERN LARSON AGENCY Insurance & Real Estate 135 Oregon Ave. Phone S' BEND, OfiEGON 1 - Bedroom Modern Nice location, $500 down. 2- Bedroom Modern New 2-car P u nt 1 c e block garage, 2'i lots, picket fenced. $3500 2-Bedroom Modern One of Bend's lovelier homes, fireplace, carpeted floors, furnace, 2-car garage. Ask us about this one. . 80-Acre Farm 80 acres, 40 wafer, livable buildings, 3 miles out, on good roud. Terms. $5500 40-Acre Form 40 acres, 31 COI, 3-lieilroom modern home, clover, alfal fa, seeded pasture. W I.I con sider smull homo In town. Home Buyer Home buyer would like lo give 47 custom Kaiser, just like new, as down payment on 'i bedroom modern homo in iiK'limii priced bracket. New Building New pumice block !50'x00' building In adjoining town. ' A steal at $13,500 m 1J )