The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, December 02, 1949, Page 4, Image 4

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Tha Has! Ballattn Iwarklrl Iihm-iimi I'M Band U-ilMla itHMrl Eat. Ill
ruldMhati Ever Altarooun Jk&eapt buiida- w4 CartAUt Holidays by ln hnd bulletin
1M-7U Wali SUMt IWnd. Oro
kaura a Karat Claai Matter, January . 1.17. at tha Peatofflea at Ua4. Onvoa
Un.l.i Act of March a, 1,.
KOBERT W. ftWYKHV-Edltor.Maiianr HKNUY N. FOWLKK AaaorlaM Ultot
Itulapanaaiil Nmpmwr Blandini for Uta 8quara UaaJ. Claaji Hualnaaa. Claaa PobUae
and tha Uaal Inurwta ol Hand and CanUal Uranun
Br Mail . By Carrtar
Ona Taar 17.00 Ona Year 110.00
is Moi.uu i.u0 But Montha I i to
Thraa Moo tha Ona Moo in ll.tW
All Subaarlptiona art DUK and f AYAHLB IN AUVANCI
riaaaa notify ua of any ehaniro of addroaa or failura to rm-.iva tha panar regularly.
After months of being kicked around, with interior depart
ment and reclamation bureau officials, it is now apparent,
uttering words without knowledge, the question of diverting
northwest waters to California and other southwest areas
seems to be getting down to a basis of reasonable discussion.
The business started a couple of years or so ago when Bill
Warne, a Californian and assistant secretary of the interior,
suggested that southern California's water needs miglit be
met by a diversion from the Columbia. The diversion, accord
ing to Warne's careful proposal, would be at some point below
Bonneville. On such a basis, granting the engineering and
economic feasibility of the project, there was the least possi
bility of interference with Columbia river water rights. Bon
neville is the last possible point of use of the Columbia's , wat
ers for power. Below Bonneville there is no possibility of di
version for reclamation nor for any local, consumptive use
requiring water in quantity.
Warne knew that there could be no diversion above Bonne
ville that would not affect power production and that only
below that point wouid there be free water.
The late Representative Richard J. Welch, always ready to
aid the bureau of reclamation, brought about an appropria
tion of $50,000 for the use of the bureau in studying the
Warne proposal and those that blossomed here and there for
diversions from other points. The bureau then announced that
the study had begun under the name of the great western pro
ject. After that the loose talk began. A diversion from the
Snake to the Colorado was suggested. Bill Warne talked about
carrying Klamath water into the Sacramento and replenish
ing the Klamath supply by a ladder from the north. Secre
tary Krug said that the replenishment might come from the
umpqua or the Kogue.
. Then, on Monday, came a report from Governor McKay's
office that reclamation bureau officials hud conferred with
him regarding a study of all available water supplies in the
northwest and the potential maximum need. These officials
will confer with the governors of 11 other western states over
their water supplies and needs. In Governor McKay's words.
"They are undertaking a reasonable survey to make sure the
northwest is not caught in the position of diverting water to
California or elsewhere that is needed here."
All this is fair enough. This is the way the business should
have been gone about from the beginning. Records of water
supply are doubtless available in all the states. They can be
assembled,. The bureau crew can, however, go far astray on
one point the ultimate maximum need. There must be a full
acceptance in the northwest of any finding that some of its
waters can be diverted without the loss ever being noted. That
we think is unlikely. ' .
Now that J. Parnell Thomas, member of congress dis
credited over the financial dealings that his position made
possible, has thrown .in the towel and chosen to take his
medicine we think that it would be a smart thine for con
gress to investigate itself. The rotten Thomas apple has not
spoiled the whole barrel but the. people i'ould feel better
over the whole thing and have greatet confidence in the
whole representative body if it undertook and carried
through a thorough cleansing.
Our congratulations to the Oregonian on its editorial tell
ing an inquiring student who Maud Muller was. Liking
poetry but having a low sort of fondness for parody, too,
we suggest that the Portland paper go one step further and
tell about Bret Harte's revision of Whittier's famous verses.
James Roosevelt, candidate for nomination for the gov.
ernorship in California, says that Califormans are not
"wacky". On that our decision is reserved until we hear the
result of the voting.
Australia Ready
For Vital Vote
Sydney, Australia, Dec. 2 U"
The late of socialism and commu
nism in Australia lor at least' the
next three years will be decided
in a general election Dec. 10.
A united, free-enterprise oppo
sition, heartened by a conserva
tive victory in neighboring New
Zealand, hopes to unseat Austra
lia's labor (socialist) government.
The socialfsts have governed
the country since 1341.
But even more at stake is the
political future of the communist
party. The combined opposition
liberal and country parties nave
promised to outlaw the comma
nist party if they win.
Prime Minister Joseph Chifley.
leader of the labor party, wants
to give the communist party a
continued legal place In the na
tion s political hie. Outlawing the
party would only drive the com
munists underground, he con
tends, and he believes it better to
keep them in the open.
Although the communits Dartv
has only one member in one of
the state parliaments and none irrn
the lederal parliament, it has
wide influence in some trade
laaaaaBaaJfJMBW'yTty"1"'?' M
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Ten marriage licenses were is
sued and eight divorce suits
filed this past month in Deschutes
county, according to a report to
day irom Mrs. Helen Daccy, coun
ty clerk.
In the same period, the county
took in $1149.25 in recording and
filing fees, she said.
Anything Can Happen, and Probably Will
Bulletin Classifieds Bring Results
By Douglas Larson
(N&A Stall Corrcapoadent)
Washington (NEA) A sam
pling of opinion among midship
men of the naval academy at
Annapolis reveals that they share
little of the bitterness against
unification held by their superior
officers in the Pentagon.
Most of them think that the
feud is just too high-level for ser
vicemen of their lowly rank to
get excited about. One result of
the economy caused by unifica
tion does bother them, however.
The free bus which used to be
provided for the .golfers to take
them to the course from school
has been stopped. To get to the
links now, they've got to use the
local bus line and pay a fare. -As
one second-year man puts it:
"First they take away the giant
carrier. Now they've taken away
the bus to the golf course. I won
der what is coming next?" -
Ever since the new federal rent
control law was put on the books
a a a
this year Tighe Woods, the rent
control director, has avoided the
press very carefully, refusing to
outline top policy on decontrol.
Meanwhile screams are going up
all over the country that the new
law should be cailed the "federal
decontrol law." Woods has de
controlled 209 areas, leaving only
390' areas still protected, under
the new law.
Howard Hughes, millionaire
airplane manufacturer and movie
maker, has another fabulous fly
ing machine cooking in one of his
factories. As far as pioneering in
aircraft engineering goes, this
one is on a par with his famous
flying boat that caused a congres
sional investigation.
It is a giant, troop-carrying, jet
propelled heiicopter for the air
force. So far most details of it are
top secret. Air force has only giv
en him money to build one. If it
flies and does the job the air
force hopes it can, he'll get a fat
production contract from them.
Only fact on it that is known is
that it will be powered by two
giant General Electric jet engines
with the thrust being applied at
the tips of huge rotors. This idea
in powering helicopters has prov
ed successful on one small job
so far. How it will work on a big
Helicopter is the problem.
It'll either be called the "Sky
Crane" or "Flying Train" depend
ing upon what the special air
force committee on aircraft nicknames-approves.
A buffet dinner held before
the premiere of the new movie
"Battleground" attracted all the
big brass in Washington. Secre
tary of navy Francis Matthews
and his wife were there. After
getting their food they found
places at an empty table. A (ew
moments later uir force Chief of
staff General Vandenborg and his
wife walked by looking for a
place to eat. Spotting Secretary
Matthews, the general slapped
him on the back and said:
"Well, Mr. Secretary, do you
think there is enough unification
for my wife and 1 to Join you
and Mrs. Matthews?"
Matthews replied:
"Of course, sit down. We've
probably got more unification
than anybody else."
a a a
" The recent election makes no
change in the party alignment in
congress from what it was at the
start of the session. In the senate
there will be 53 democrats to 41
republicans with two vacancies.
In the house there will be 262
democrats, 170 republicans, one
American-labor, one democratic
liberal, and one vacancy.
East Chicago, Intl.. IX-c. 2 HI"
Two-month-old Ronald ilcrmickl
won't have his lower front tooth
for Christmas.
A dentist extracted the tooth
because It was puncturing nipples
on Ronald's milk bottles ami cut
ting his tongue.
Bulletin Classifieds Bring Results
About one dollar In four of the
revenue of American railroads is
derived from the transportation
of agricurtural products.
Add cheer lo your home for
the holiday ncason with bright
floral decorations. You'll find
just what you want at our
Free Cily Delivery
Not- Affiliated With Any
Other Flowen Shop.
Around the Corner From
Mr. and Mm. Ivan Pickett, '
217 Greenwood
nay or Night I'hone 2-r6-.I
at vour cetvlct
Station or garage
a MM a get Ida femilnt. DUBLE
fnarar b guaranteed. Aik for l by nam.
Is the Time to Have-
NOW Your Heating System
Checked Cleaned Corrected
Don't wait till it's too lice to have your heating system repaired and
readied for another heating season. Act now and be sure of better,
more economical beating in your home next winter. Let our experienced
inspectors advise you without charge concerning your needs. We can
correct your faulty heating system quickly, inexpensively. For mod
ernization or new construction, we sell and install quality American
Standard Heating Equipment. Phone for full details today, or send for
free estimates. No obligation.
Expart Workmanship DtpindabU Service .
Complete Itoe of
Heating Equipment
nd plumbing Fix-
ArranU ' " ' ' gjQ Deawar0 Sf phcnc 51 3
" jit
A p
Commercial and Domestic
No Job too large or too small.
Estimate Gladly Given
Deschutes Electric
838 Wall St, Phone 278
Fremont Journal
Nntai Ona hunting atitl all yaara am.
Unlay, tit Jitltu t', Irnnottl vMtrJUuut
waa muvinv llirtmah Uta Mlllua rlvar
country, hvailvtl auuth.
December 3.- In the first raya
of the turn, the mountain peaks
this nitiriilnti pii'M'iilitl u ht-tuill-ful
upiMiiimuv, the show brliiK
entirely covered with u hue til
rosy Ktiltl. Wo travelled tntliiy
over a very atony, eleviiletl plain,
titxtut which were sealloretl cedar
and pine, mill encamped on an
other lai'tie luanch of Kail liver.
We were unalually asivnillnu to
u mine elevated region, which
would have been Indicated by the
rapidly incivilsliiK tpianlilles ol
snow ami Ice, had we not known
It by uther mi'iuis. A mule which
whs packed with our cooking
utensils wandered off annum the
pines unpcrccivcd, anil several
men were sent back to search fru
it. (To Be Continued)
Out on the Farm
By Ua S, Orant
Pee, 2 IjiHt nlKht the wind
howled and whined tlirouuh the
tiveit, unci the bine brnncTicH of
the IiIk poplar In the front yard
were like an ueolliui liain. The
moon, pale anil silver IiIkIi In
the ky, whh ulmtudcd In cIiiuiIn
that Nft'iucit to kail awllrly to nn
unknown dt'NllMiitlon, It whh Juki
Much a night that the Highway
man might luivu gone "riding, rid
ing, tiding."
The little Hi renin, grill flowing
along noisily, Hlilmmcrcd In tlio
moonlight llko molten allvcr. In
tho erlo light, the itmllliir conn.
trynlde whh a niynli'i loin land
scape filled with weird ahupea.
II. II, DcAnimild lin. been lip
pointed udmlnlHtrator for the
I'Htato of the hire Laura McWIior
ler, who dletl In Hend October .'
of (hi year, ptobulu court r
tmU show.
Her estate Is valued Hi approx
imately $2,!lX) In persona! property.
Longshoremen Ask
Separate Trials
The Palles. Ic. 2 'Hi-The trial
of 1M CIO longshoit-men charged
with rioting here Sept. 2H will re
convene iH-o, 19 when the court
considers defense motions to hold
separate trluls for each of the
tirnnts Pass circuit Judge Orvnl
Millard Thursday guve defense
attorney Kdwln I licks until lH-e.
1J to file his motions. District at
torney LHinald llelsler will have
seven days to flic a counter mo
tion. In an earlier session Die long
shoivmen pleaded Innocent lo
charges tif rioting over the un
loading of so-called "hot" pineap
ple at the port of The Dulles.
Korest products are the most
Important crop In New Hamp
shire from the cash Income standpoint.
; W "S31 r c
starred for CHRISTMAS
fabulous fragrances
Share the magic ifl Helena Rulintr!nt loveliest frngmnres to mirror her every will o'
tlie wip mood! Dramatic Command Performance, elherrnl Hraven-Scnt, romantic Apple
llliiuoni, all festively, gaily paclagctl lo make her Christina! .pints mar... to linger
alluringly ami enchant her the year 'round I a
".See through" package shows Command
Performance Kail tic Parfllm, lleavrn
Sent, and Apple Ulossoin Eau dc Toilette,
Choose llenven-Sent or Apple Blossom
Lau da Toilette. her eyes light up!
Each 1.75
Command Performance Eau dc Parfnm
and Ileaven-Scnt Lau dc Toilette gaily
boxed together. 1.75
Command Performance Fall da Pnrfiim,
I leaven-Sent and Apple, lilnssmn Eau da
Toilette beloved fragrances in charming
box. 2.50
oil priccj plui (ax
Sold Exclusively In Bend by
Open Every Evening Until 8:00
ou kncw
eo AT
X V W -v
voo cant scalp t Its y Cute
i knife, sis VtryING, H r
i i '1"?wjli baby . stake trs
" By Mnrrlll Blrmnr
ff M