WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER Bulletin Classified Rates LOCAL PAID IN ADVANCE 25 Words One Time 50c 25 Words Three Times..LS5 25 Words Six Times J$ZJW AU wrdj 2h add 1c pr wort Umm umbor of InMitiou. On month run. ubi epr, H fey nti, Mirumun charge, SOc. Lin KaU 10c Capiuia lt Readers 15c line, minuaam t0 C loams tin cUaaiiaA 11 .. blaplay AdVwtUtnr Citato tlm ft pa previous day. On hall pas r larror, ft p.m. aaoand day previous to publication. . BEND LODGE No. 139 A.F. & A.M. 854 Broadway Special Communication Dec. 2 7 :30 p. m. - Work In F C Degree Warren Wing, Sec. For Sale Real Estate BRAND NEW AUTO COURT WILLAMETTE VALLEY 8 Unit Motel. Superb construction. Ul tra modern. Gas ranges. Electric 4 Cjslgn. Large utility room. Ideal fVlocation Highway and river. No close competition, xou can t come close to matching it at this low price ol $26,250. Hall down. Or liade lor irrigated stock ranch if j price is right. SELL OR TRADE Good, two hedroom modern, with attacnea garage. Pavement. 6 blocks to . center oi town. A good home con- ": servatively priced. Owner wants Willamette Valley acreage, or good house trailer. . V 80 ACRE FARM 77 acres COI water. Some seeded pasture. Good soil. Nice three bedroom, mod , em home. Shop, machine shed, barn, chicken houses, tractor and Implements, on pavement o miles out. Both school buses. Price $17,500. Terms. J. A. DUDREY. REALTOR 1039 Wall St. Pnone 1327-W Across from Pilot Butte Inn t HOMEFINDERS AGENCY ? 228 East Third St.- Phone 8U9-J ) 2-bcdrm. mod., 2 lots, East side, $3500, $500 down. :j 3-bedrm. good -house, basement, J utility rm., dble. garage, semi- mod. $3950, terms. - $6950, terms, buys large 3-bedrm. ; mod. home. See at 820 Newport. , Call for appointment. 80 acres, 60 a. COI. Grade A dairy i new home, 22 head milk cows, 14 r yearlings, 1 reg. bull, tractor and ' all farm machinery, complete yaV 3'000' terms. .-. ' '-. 4 ; W2r 5 MIDSTATE REALTY CO. C. J. Lindh and D. II. Peoples i Rm. 11, U.S. Nat. Bldg. Phone 495 v 2 br.; beautiful mountain view; oil neat; fireplace; eiec. range; Benuix; lge. cor. lot. $9600, with i$2500 casn. 3 "br., with all modern convenl- ences; good location on East side. $11,000, with $3000 cash. ,i , 2 br., on paved St.; fireplace: and ; ranee wirine: lncluues 4 rm. ' guest house. $4500, with $1000 v. cash. 60 a.; mi. from city limits; 35 j a. COI water; good state oi culti vation; old house could be made : into attractive farm home. $0500. 40 a., with 30 a. COI water; on s hiway; 5 mi. south of Redmond. $j5UU, with $2300 cash. .. E. W. BUCKNUM, REALTOR 1029 Brooks Phone 331 Near the Chamber of Commerce ; $290 cash, bal. $2460 at $40 per . mo., buys 2 br., mod.; close in, on East side. J S1300 cash, bal. $5200 FHA, buys ; a new, luny mod., 2 br., well ar '. ranged home. Well planned kitch ,' en, with Bendix. Hdwd. firs. Mt. ; view. i $1400 cash, bal. $2125 at $30 per ; 1. mo., buys 2 br., mod., furnisned home on West side. Home and ; furnishings in good shape. i SR000, FHA terms, huys a lovely 3 br., mod. home. Liv. rm. with , fircnlaec: din. rm.: nice kitchen. (Jas llr- furnace; small bsmt. New "Tnip. shingle roof. Garage. " For value, call Mr. Locklin 331 ANNE FORBES, REALTOR 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W Beautiful river silo, 3'. -4 acres. 2 room, completely furnished and . equipped log cabin. Only $1800, $800 down, $25 month. Immediate possession. 3 bod room, plastered, fireplace, hard wood floors, basement with new : oil furnace; double garage; 2 lots. $'.1000, $2500 down. Near Allen school; new, 2 bed room; plastered, floor furnace, attached garage, stationary tubs; insulated, weat hei st ripped. S7800, terms. Will trade for acreage. A bargain, only $3750. 3 bed room; plastered; gas range and gas waier heater. $1000 down. $15 month. On paved street: close In. New. 3 bedroom; hardwood floors: large living room. S12.500, will ; FHA. VERN LARSON AGENCY 4 Farm Machinery Agency; 3 conn - ties exclusive. Has new 30x48 . pumice bloc k buildings. Inventory i lor new machinery, win sell or lease building. Located In new 1 thriving town. Call Mr. Dubois ; "32." I ' FOR SALE by Owner: 4 rm I- Imrxl. home: lame garage and rHnlsliud. Reasonable terms, I , Cull at 1212 Davenport Ave. 30, 1949 Classifieds Produce For Sale Real Estate WE HAVE BUYERS for 2 and 8 br. homes, also acreage with city water, and a 40 to ft) acre farm close in, condition of buildings and land immaterial. If H isn't listed with us. we can t sell it See C. J. Lindh or D. H. Peoples, Midstate Realty Co. Phone 495. ALL STATE REALTY CO. 221 Greenwood Phone 167 1 br., on Awbrey; lge. lot; part'" furnished. $1750. $700 down buys 1 br., mod.: on Galveston. Oil heater Included. East side, close in. Clean, 3 br., mod.; on 1 floor; lge, lot. $6950, , terms. 6 a., South hiway. 2 br., semi mod, house. 6 a. water; some equipment. $7000, terms. 40 a., Tumalo. 37 a. water; 3 a. strawberries. 2 br. house. $7500, terms. Trade for city property. 3 Leases in Madras; land planted in clover and alfalfa. $5000 to $12,000. ON WEST SIDE: 3-bedrm. mod., 2 lots, oil heat, one block from new school. $500 cash, bal. $50 month, west Side Real Estate, phone 988-M. FOR SALE OR TRADE 3 BEDROOM MODERN $3300 Liv., din. rms.; kitchen; large utility rm.; fruit rm. Electric hot water; wired for range; back yard newly fenced. New asbestos shake siding. Will trade equity as down payment on acreage or small farm. 8 Hill St. Phone 1558-R. WANT TO SELL? List your property with GILBERT. A square deal, and prompt, efficient, courteous service is yours at Gil bert's Real Estate. 1015 Wall St. NEED A HOME? Check the Deal of the Day on KBND 9:45 a.m. Call today and Inspect the listings at Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall St. BY OWNER: 2 br., mod. home. Piped furnace; util. rm.; garage. 2 'A lots; lawn and shrubs. Own er transferred. Priced to sell. Phone 1705-W for appt. BY OWNER: 5 rm., mod.; fin ished bsmt.; oil furnace; elec. wa ter heater; wired for range. On 2 lots; near schl. and bus line. $7500, $1500 down. FHA loan available. 213 Vine Lane. Fuel GOOD, DRY body wood; imm. de livery. Phone 1094-W. Write Wil son & Harbison, 5 Norton.- GOOD WOOD is hard to buy. The best body wood, $10 cord, 3 cord lots or better. 8 It. good, heavy, jackpine slab, $9 cord, 3 cord lots or better. Call 583 Bend; or card to O. D. Alexander, Lapine. JACKPINE AND jackpine slabs also. best of body wood; will cut any length. Put your orders in now. Phone 1384-M; or call at 1032 Federal. KITCHEN WOOD trim ends; no chips or sawdust. $5 a trailer load delivered. Phone 396-M after 5 p.m. 2 CORD 16" gr. slab, $14.00; 2 cord 16" dry slab, $19.00, deliver ed in Bend. (You haul from yard, $5 per cord.) Central Oregon Fuel Co., phone 291-W. 936 A St, Keamond, ore. GOOD, DRY body wood, $9 per cord for a limited time only. Prompt delivery on any length, Phone 1552-J. COLDER weather coming. Don't get caught short. Order today. 5 grades wood. Lump, nut coals, Prompt delivery, city or country. Phone 767. Brookings Wood Yard. CHEAPEST WOOD in town; 6"x 8 ties; sawed 14", 16" and 24". 3 cords, $22.50; 2 cords, $15.50; 1 cord, $8. Phone 1842-W; or 1305 Elgin. Will deliver country or ders. DRY BODY wood, $11 per cord; over 2 cords, $10; city or coun try; immed. del. Phone 237-L. WHEN YOU want wood, any amt. 16 in. $9.50 two cord lots, $10 one cord. 4 ft. limb wood, $10.50. Phone 1365-R, For Sale Farm Products 2 NEARLY NEW Surge milking machines, 6 can cooler and com pressor, and milking equipment Write P.O. Box 303; or phone 76-J 8 to 5, or 2008-J2 after 5. CONSIGN YOUR LIVESTOCK to Central Oregon Auction for the highest prices. Sale every Thursday. Ben R. Smith, Mgr. r-none i-k-3. 1 TUMBLE-BUG Fresno; 50 juni per posts; all or part of scrap lumber; l cow; 4 dairy heifers, to freshen in April: heavy noul try fencing; 3 or 4 tons alfalfa hay; blow-torch; 2 beds; Montag circuiat. neater: Malcstic ranee cheap. Chas. Burkart, Rt. 1, Box i(9. 2 mi. east on Burns Hiway, rnone ziuu-wi. NEW HAMPSHIRE Red pullets, 4 mos. old, $1.50 each. Call Frank Dubarko, 30 Marshall St. Phone 1407-R. YOUNG WHITE giant doe and buck; from regis, stock, but don t have papers. $4 for pair. 1 white tluck. $1. Overhauled mode A transmission; guaranteed. Phone 2103-W1; or sec at Rt. 3, Box 153, Bend. MILK COWS for sale, or trade ready to freshen: Holstein, Jer- sevs and Guernseys. Also Short horn and Angus bulls. Please call Randall Miller, Redmond, Oregon Phone lbs-x. For Sale Farm Products FRYER CHICKENS any time. Ready for lockers or for immed. use. Call at 30 Marshall; or phone 1407-K. SOLD MY FARM, will sell new John Deere model B tractor with 8-ft. tool bar, killifer teeth, 5-row corrigator. mower, and 2-way hang-on plow. 1940 Oliver 70 stan dard tractor reconditioned. 5fc-ft. offset disc, 7-ft. tandem disc, Oliver manure spreader, 9-ft. Oli ver roller, 4-sections harrow, lo ft. Oliver drill with small seed at tachments, 10-ft. Freeman lime spreader, 9-ft. dump rake, irriga tion sprinkling system, 6 ft. Case combine with clover attachments, use to cut about 80 acres, iron Age 2-row potato planter, used to plant bO acres, international sin gle row potato digger. Stock trailer. Light grader. Clarence Haldorson, Rt. 2, Box 64, Bend, phone 223-L. 2 BULL CALVES; 4 mos. and 7 mos. $90. Rt. 1, Box 53. Phone 1502-J3. 12 NEW HAMPSHIRE Red fry ers, 5 mos. old; $1.50 each. Butler Market Road, turn south from Young school Vt ml.; then v ml east. Clay Isham. For Sale Miscellaneous HOUSEHOLD furnishings: Hot Point electric range; Westing- house refrigerator; Hoosier cab inet: swine rocker: dining set, table, 6 leather upholstered chairs, buffet and china closet, very best construction; 3 pairs lace curtains, new; dishes, linens, radio, etc. Must be sold at once. 831 Wall St., 2nd floor over Photo-Art Studio. BEND AUCTION Sale every Saturday, 11:30. Bend Auction Yard. Consign early. Phone 1269. CASCADE SEWING MACHINE & DRY GOODS COMPANY 707 Columbia Phone 1487-W . Store hours: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Ladies' better dresses; Struter cloth slacks; blouses; sweaters, slip-on and cardigan styles; close- out on children s sweaters, 9tsc. Use our Lay-Away plan for Xmas shopping. Westinghouse sewing machines and appliances; guaranteed sew ing machine repair. Easy terms arranged. CUSTOM RELOADING. Ammu nitidn for sale. 38 sp., 45 auto, 30-30, 30-06. Assorted 12 and 166A, We will reload .your empties. Call 1U62-M. MAYTAG WASHING machine new; $90. See at Rt. 1, liox 69H 2 mi. north of Redmond on Dalles Calif, hiway. Marvin Cook. Or call 9-R25, Redmond. FOR SALE or trade: '42 Ford dump truck; A-l condition. 2 good saddles, and 40 a. on the river near Roseburg. Inquire 1617 Divl sion, Bend; or phone 1432-M. PLUMBING SUPPLIES Complete Bathroom sets, $150 and up. bteel and cast-iron tubs, 5 and 5V4 ft. Choice of nine lava tones to pick from. Closet com binations, $37.95 and up. Soil Dine and fittings. Galvanized pipe, various sizes. Chrome swing- spout faucets, deck and wall type. Medicine cabinets, with and witnout lights; also mirrors. Elec tric hot water tanks. Various other plumbing needs. WEST SIDE HARDWARE & SPORTING GOODS 1005 Galveston Ave. Open daily: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Sundays: 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m 31 CAL. RIFLE: will sell cheap in good cond. Phone 348-R; or see at 1J34 Kingston. BICYCLES Seveial standard and junior sizes, special $32.50 and $34.50. $5 down. All sizes World-Schwinn bicvcles in stock $5 will hold. Remember, we are tno only merchants of bicvcles where you can get free service, your parts, and expert repairs. ocnwinn-Dunt oiKes from $37.50. CARL AUSTIN Bond and Greenwood For Sprinkler Irrigation Equipment see or write Benjamin Russell Rt. 3, Box 313 Bend Phone 94 A LARGE stock of reconditioned and guaranteed used refrigera tors from $49.50 up: used wring cr washers from $19.50 up. Used automatic electric ranges from $39.30 up and also ironers. 165 E. Greenwood. Oregon Equipment v.o., pnone Bs. RADIO TJBES Complete stock Phllco and other nationally Known Dranas. rubes tested, ueno furniture Co. 1949 FORD 2-dr. custom: RH one private owner. Everhot pier. trie roaster; Electro-mite washing machine; portable radio; kitchen laDie. dia Hunter Place. BLOCK THAT COLD: Use Neo hetraimine 25 ins. Antihlsta mlnlc. Now for sale WITHOUT prescription, in interest of public neann: uottie ot 25 tablets, 89c. uwi Pharmacy. WATCHES: Trade-ins, all over hauled and - reconditioned; for sale at lower than allowance prices. Leave Now Repair work wanted lor Christmas. Bear Jewelry. RECOND. and GUAR, vacuums several models to choose from, Priced to sell. Call at 1212 Daven port Ave. 1 NEW McCULLOCH chain saw. I Phone 1547-M. THE BEND BULLETIN, For Sale Miscellaneous 8 PC. LIMED OAK din. rm. set; nearly new; $85. See at 1612 Aw brey Rd.j or phone 1862-W. For Sale Used Cars 49 DODGE 2-ton truck. 6-vd. dump box, equip, with R & H. 100 rubber, low mileage. Call 276-J, Redmond. BETTER BUYS AT EDDIE'S 390 Greenwood . . Phone 64 Ford Station Wagon; nice shape. $375 1941 Chev. Special DeLuxe Club Coupe. New paint Job: R&H. , $750 1947 Chev. Special DeLuxe 2-dr. sedan $1295 1935 Ford Pickuo: nice shape: doesn t use oil ScSib 1939 Plymouth Special DeLuxe Sedan. R&H; new motor $525 1937 Chev. Sedan. Rebuilt mo- $295 tor A number of other cars. Will trade for anything of value. HERE'S A real buy! 1949 Chev. 2-dr. sedanette; deluxe model; fully equipped; car like new. At a savings 'sale for you. Phone 1029-M. MODEL A Ford; completely over hauled. Cheap. 1204 Davenport. BEND GARAGE CO. "Winterized Used Cars" 1948 Olds Station Wagon. Has Hydramatic and every accessory for comfort and convenience. Fine condition mechanically, plus new tires, winterized. 1948 Plymouth Sedan. A top car every way. R&H. You can make a good buy on this one. Winter ized. 1947 Chevrolet Aerosedan. Style leader model In sharp two-tone. R&H, and seat covers. Winter ized. 1946 Dodge Sedan. Lively green: in beautiful condition. R&H; fog- hghts; spotlight. Winterized. 1941 Hudson Coupe. A 5-passen- ger model, in excellent condition, 1937 Chevrolet 2-door. Bargain. 1937 Ford 2-door. Very sharp ap pearance, with new paint. 1937 Olds Coupe. Low-cost trans portation. 1936 Ford Sedan. A V-8, in good shape. 1936 Chevrolet Sedan. Good mo tor. I , ! 1933 Plymouth Coupe. A dandy. Phone 193 1939 Studebaker 6 sedan; R&H; overdrive: defroster; new bat tery, clutch and starter; tires 90. First buyer here with $290 gets it. 1344 Newport, pnone 1386-J. For Rent CABINS at Pine Tree Auto Court on South Hiway 97. Winter rates. APTS. FOR RENT for winter months. L Rancho Motor Hotel. Phone 199-Z, Redmond. 3 rm.. MODERN, plastered house. Unfurnished except stoves; clean and neat. Inquire 176 Jefferson Place. LARGE HEATED rm.; semi-pri, entrance. Phone 332-M. 1433 W. 1st. APTS. FOR RENT: 2 & 3 rm.; all utilities furnished. Shady Nook Auto Court, 405 E. Third St. FURNISHED APT.: all utilities, Incl. auto. heat. Very reasonable rent. 1309 E. 3rd after 5:30 p.m, LARGE FRONT rm. for gentle men; near the mill. Phone 513. CHOICE 4 RM., mod. apt. for 2 adults; auto, furnace; close in. $60. Phone 1777-W. 3-ROOM furnished modern apart ment. All utilities furnished. Adults only. lso 1-room bache lor cabin. Inquire Ant. 3. 745 Col orado, phone 1316-W. 3 RM., FURNISHED apt.; utili ties furnished; weekly or month ly rates. Adults. Rob Lee Motor Inn. Phone 714-W. (1) 117 STAATS St.; 3 rooms, modern, furnished; $35. (2) 212 E. Irving: 3 rooms, modern, fur nished; $35. Anne Forbes, Real tor, 36 Oregon. Phone 36-W. SMALL, furnished apt.: steam heat; gas stove and refrig. Call 164 or 1591-W. MODERN, 3 RM. cabin; auto, heat; cooking facilities: garage. Phone 625. Cor. East 8th and Greenwood. CLEAN, HEATED sleeping rm.; close in. Phone 1630-W. 42 Haw thorne. FURNISHED and unfurnished mod. cottages; suitable for 3 and 4 persons. Carroll Acres Store. Phone 59-J. 2 BR., UNFURNISHED, modern brick house in nice residential dist. Inquire at 655 Ogden. ROOMS: Newly decorated; good neds. S2D per mo. Restaurant downstairs. Located across from Brooks Box Factory. The Quick Lunch, j-12 Arizona Ave. Under new management. 2 BR.. MODERN duplex; auto, furnace heat; partly furnished. Phone 1173-J; or call at York's, back Carroll Acres Store. 5 RM., MODERN house: unfur nished except cook stove. Inquire at 36 Lafayette. Can phone 1607-J. BEND, OREGON Quick Results For Rent 3 RM., MODERN apt; elec. equip. run pro. usmi.; wasn. facilities. Call Elsie A. Dunn. Apt. 7, Wes tonla Apts. Phone 615-J. 2 & 3 RM. APTS. for rent; com pletely lurnisnea; an utilities in cluded. Reasonable rates. Park Motel, Sisters. . MODERN HOUSE, 5 rms., for rent, lease, or sale. Inquire 509 8th St., Redmond, Thursday or Friday. Wanted WANTED TO BUY: Will pay cash for 2 br. house direct from owner. Call 1089-J; or call at 825 E. 12th. WANT sewing In your home. Al terations a specialty. Phone 1762-W. WILL BUY any kind of cattle, fat or thin. Call 78, Redmond. W. R. Franks. TOP PRICES paid for any kind oi cattle you have to sell. Will pick up at your ranch. Please call Ranrlnll MI11or BorfmnnH Phone 168-X. WANTED TO BUY: Livestock of any Kind, any amount. Also horses. Have cash buyers, See Nick Chase, or drop card: Rt. 3. Box 96;- or phone 790-W, Leave word. WANTED TO BORROW: $2000 on gilt-edge security; 6. Write box 341S, co Bend Bulletin. SHOE SKATES; size 1 or 1H: also six-power binoculars and child's rocker. Phone 1773-W. HAVE ROOM in my home for private patient or otherwise; with 3'.-4 yrs. of practical nursing. Phone 1348R. Help Wanted GIRL OR WOMAN for general houseworK and care o children No cooking. Room, board and wages. References. Write Box 3570, co Bend Bulletin. EXPERIENCED nursemaid t o care for 2 small children on week ends. Start Fridays at noon, go home Sunday nights. Give refer ences. Write Box 3569, co Bend Bulletin. UNENCUMBERED lady between the ages of 30 and 45 yrs., for part-time job that may develop Into full time. High school educa tion required, driving experience would help. Write Box 3553, co Bend Bulletin. MAN or WOMAN to own ana service route of new Kleenex pocket-pack dispensers. 25 ma chines that empty once .weekly. Earn a profit of $104.40. $750 cash required to start. For inter view, write Box 3406, co Bend Bulletin. Situations Wanted YOUNG MAN desires work oi any type; office or field work. Age 22 yrs. 1601 West 3rd, Apt. No. 1. i HOUSEKEEPER wishes steady employment. Phone 1573-J. EXPERIENCED practical nurse; some cooking and housekeeping. Mrs. Ruth Moye. Phone 841-J or 1500-W1. YOUNG WOMAN with 2 yr. old daughter desires housekeeping job in private home. P.O. Box 541, Bend. Lost RIGHT-HAND fender skirt; gray. $2 reward for return to Bend Bulletin office. BLACK COCKER spaniel puppy in vicinity of Colorado Ave. An swers to name of Duke. Phone 912-M. 405 Colorado. PERSON IS KNOWN that took Chilton's flat rate Manual from Bennett's Machine Shop. Return at once and no questions. If not, police will be notified. Services CARPENTER WORK: New con st ruction, rough framing, remod eling, cabinets, built-lns and shop work. F. W. Page, phone 650-M, general contractor. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, drain holes shot. Free estimates. Phone 1252-J or 975-J. D. W. Grimes, 210 Davis Ave., Bend. TRAVELING Truck-Crane. Doing light or heavy duty hoisting, load ing or pulling. R. B. Watson, phone 1699-J. 1636 Galveston. SAW FILING, gumming, ham mering, band saw welding, saniler belts, band saw blades, new han dles hung In tools. Sexton Supply & Saw Service, 1195 Wall Street. ELECTRICAL WIRING All types of electrical wiring by guar anteed licensed men. Free esti mates. Telephone 159. FURNITURE MOVING: dust proof padded van. We pack your china with care, hang your clothes in our wardrobe. Local and nation-wide moving and storage. Holman Transfer, 201 Irving. Phone 987. FOR WELL and drain hole drill ing call Lee Grimes, 224 Davis, phone 975-J or 1252-J. HOUSE MOVING and raising: large or small. Estimates gladlv given. Holman Transfer, 201 Irv ing. Phono 987. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE and repairs on all makes. Phone 274. 1033 Brooks. GULICK TRUCK Service: Long distance livestock and hav haul ing. We pick up livestock for lo cal markets, Redmond Auction house, or for shipment direct to Union Stock Yards, Portland. Phone 790-W. Services STORAGE PACKING MOVING To, from, or within Central Ore gon. Good equipment and experi- encea men. BEND STORAGE & TRANSFER 222 Irving Ave. Phone 444 HEATING: Service and Repair on all makes of oil burners by factory trained men. Oregon Heating Co., 510 Delaware. Call 513, day or night. LADIES' & CHILDREN'S dress making and alterations. Also draperies and slipcovers. Phone 1069-J. 1444 Kingston. POOR MATHEMATICS Harllngen, Tex., Nov. 30 Uf Vincent John Donegan had a les son today in the comparative val ues of jail sentences and jail fines. He failed in his arithmetic. When a ?ounty judge lound Donegan guilty of an assault charge, he gave the defendant his choice of 30 days in jail or a $250 fine. "I'll take the fine," Donegan de cided. But he discovered he didn't have the money, so he was sent to jail to serve out the equivalent. A $250 fine equals 90 days in jail. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Nov. 30 lU'i Cattle salable 300; market active, strong with canner and cutter cows 25 to 50 cents higher for two days; steers scarce; odd cutter and low common grades 13-16; late Tues day two loads medium and good 1220 lb, steers 23.75 with load 1476 lb. 23; few cutter and common heifers 11.50-15; canner and cut ter cows mostly 10.5012; shells down to 9; common and medium beef cows 12-15; few good cows 16; bulls scarce; odd common 14- 15. Calves salable 75; market ac tive; good and choice very limit ed; odd good vealers 24; choice quotable to 25 or above; common and medium 14-20. Hogs salable 200; market ac tive, strong to 25 cents higher; early sales good and choice 185 238 lbs. 17.75; 260 lbs. 16.25; sows scarce; good 350-600 lbs. salable 15.50-14.50; good and choice feed ers salable"17.50-18.50 or above. Sheep salable 400; early sales steady; few good and choice 94 lb. i I m . u i ..u i n4 , . ,,.i., .loicn. n,ii,.mn chlce quotable to 21.50; mediums 18-19; good feeders salable 16.50 17; good ewes quotable fa.50-7 PORTLAND MARKETS Portland, Nov. 30 lU'i Egg pric es dropped from two to four cents a dozen on the Portland market today. All grade A sizes were lowered four cents a dozen and all medium and small grades dropicd two cents a dozen; Butter quotations remained steady and unchanged. Butter Price to retailers: Grade AA prints 68c lb.; A A car tons 69c; A prints 68c; A cartons 69c; B prints 65c. Egg prices to retailers: Certi fied A large 55c doz.; grade AA large 54c; A large 52c; AA me dium 42c; certified A medium 41c; B medium 37c; A small 39c; car tons 2c additional. Cheese Price to retailors: Portland, Oregon, singles 39-42c lb.; Oregon 5-lb. loafs 44V-H5C lb.; triplets l'ic less than singles. Premium brands, singles, 51'ac lb.; loaf. 53'c lb. Copper is said to be the oldest metal of commerce. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that I have for sale a 1947 Chevrolet sedan. This car is in good condi tion, and may be seen at llunnell Motors. The car belongs to the estate of Paul Herzog. S. Dietrich, Administrator. 300-301-302-C NOTIC E OF PRIVATE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY OR TIMBER THEREON In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson Probate Department. In the Matter ot the (tuanlian- ship of DALE MAYIiEN, BER- NILE MAilitlN, t,cr.iNiN mai BEN and BRUCE JAN MAY BEN, Minors: Pursuant to an order of sale duly made and entered in the above entitled Court and cause, the undersigned guardian will sell at private sale the following described real property and the timber thereon with said land or j separately therefrom, lo-wit: The Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter and the j Southwest quarter of the South- i cast quarter of Section 36, i Township 38 South, Range 3 , Eeast of the Willamette Merid ian In Jackson County, Oregon. The South Half of Section 16, ; Township 20 South, Range 12 i East of the Willamette Merid ian in Deschutes County, Ore gon. Subject to the dower interest of Esther C. Mavbcn as surviv ing widow of Stanley L. May ben. The undersigned guardian will proceed to sell said real property andor limber thereon from and after December 8th. 1919. at the hour of 10:00 a.m., of said clav. and bids or offers will be received bv the guardian, Esther C. Mav bcn, at 500 Holly Slieet, Ashland, Oregon. The terms of the sale shall be for cash or at least one-fourth cash and Ihe balance on credit. Dated (his 9th day of Novem ber, 1!M9. Esther C. Maybcn. Guardian 2i"i-2J1.2U7-3U2-C Acheson Angry, Result of Acts By Chinese Reds Bv Jam s E. ltnner (Unitnl Press btaft Correspondent) Washington, Nov. 30 (IllSec retary of state Dean Acheson said angrily today that United States officials and the American public are "thoroughly indignant over the inhumane treatment" which communist China has im posed on two communist -held American naval fliers. In a sweeping attack on com munist China, Acheson also at tacked the "farcical trials" of American consul general Angus Ward and his staff at Mukden, Manchuria. In a lengthy news conference concentrated on America's ever growing problems in the Orient, Acheson: 1. Said a fresh United States note to communist China over the two naval fliers William C. Smith of Long Beach, Calif., and Elmer C. Bender of Cincinnati and Chicago protested the hard ship and suffering Imposed on the men and their famines. The men have been held incommuni cado by the Chinese communists for 13 months. 2. Reported that Ward is pav ing off ms Chinese employes witn dismissal pay up to December 3 in preparation for his leaving communist China. Ward and four oi nis stalf were ordered ex pelled. Acheson said Ward par ticipated in "farcical trials" in winch he was not allowed to take part. 3. Announced that a "consider able" number of countries plan ned to protest against Ward's ar rest, imprisonment and trial. 4. Announced that the attack by a Chinese nationalist warship on the lsbrandtsen company s freighter, Sir John Franklin, off Shanghai violated American rights. He said that the govern ment would support lsbrandtsen if it demanded lmancial compen sation tor damages lrom the Chi nese nationalist government. Blockade Not itecognizcd 5. Announced tiiat tue United States still does not recognize the nationalists' proclaimed block ade of Shanghai. But at the same time it commended "prudent" American shipping lines which avoided the hazardous port. 6. Said that the United States and Great Britain are constantly discussing Great Britain s inten tions tovard recognition or non- recognition of communist China. But tie declined to speculate on what Britain would do. V Officials disclosed that the lat est U.S. note on Smitit and Bol der was addressed to communist Foreign minister Chou En-iui sev eral uays ago. it pointed out that smith now is the lather of a son he never has seen. It also staled that Mrs. Smith is in need ot an operation but that doctors have advised her to postpone it until her husband can be at her bedside. For such humanitarian reasons, the note said, the communists should make every eflorl to lree Smith and Bender promptly. ihe two men disappeared Into communist territory near Tsing tao October 19, IU18, while on a rouline training flight in a U.S. navy plane. Since tnen, the Uniteu Stales has sent six lormal notes to communist authorities witn no marked success. The latest message . was the first to go to the loieign minister himself. It had to be mailed to Chou because U.S. Consul general O. Edmund Clubb has been un able to get an audience wuh top communists in Peiping. 11 Is not known wnelher the note actually readied the loieign minister. ALTIMETER BLAMED Lyons, r ranee, Nov. 30 HI'i Experts today blamed a faulty uiiiii)cu.t lor the crash ol a 1'aris- iuiiis Air rrance uc-4 near here late yesterday. i- ive ot the 37 persons aboard the airliner were killed, ah tne survivors were in good condition, ihe dead were three ot tne live crewmen, Including the pilot, ami two oi tne 32 passengers. An inquiry coiniiimsjuii began a lormai invcsiigauon today. The white starling ol Java has a touch ol black on its wings. Used Davenport $25.00 Bedroom Sets 4-riece $47.50 Circulating Heaters and Oil Heaters $12,50 up PSGE SEVEN Deschutes County (Continued from Page 1) 'i Miss Jameson Reports '' Miss Olive Jameson, county welfare administrator reported , on relief expenditures. During the month of October a . total of $15,741.19 was spent on renei in tne county. A breakdown of the expenditures follows: Gen eral assistance, 78 cases, $2486.18; old age assistance, 197 cases, $10,. 469; aid to the blind, two cases, -$36, -and aid to dependent chil dren, 28 cases, $2690. For the past month $40,245 was spent on 198 old age assistance cases; $96 on two aid to the blind cases, and $2606 for 27 aid to de pendent children cases. Expenditure tor October of 1948 totalled $13,073. Other board members . present for the meeting were O. W. Grubb, and J. R. Roberts, both ap pointive members, and E. E. Var co and A. E. Stevens, county com missioners who are ex-officio members. Slight Advance Made by Stocks New York, Nov. 30 HP) Stocks i advanced today despite the threat ; of another coal strike at mid- ' night. trading picked up moderately . on the recovery. Substantial gains in me on snares, strength in rails and in some of the preferred : stocks of the utility group fea tured the upswing. Rallying tendencies reflected ; short coverings for tax purposes. Demand .for special issues pushed up prices of some of them as much as 4 points. Southern -Co. and Alleghany Corp, featured in turnover. Illinois Central made a new high on a favorable October earn ings report. Nashville, Chatta nooga & St. Louis also hit a new . high. Chesapeake & Ohio, whose di rectors yesterday deferred divi dend action until February, sag- : ged to a new low for the year. Leading steels ruled steady while otners advanced. Fouan bee Steel rose. General Moiois firmed, while Chrysler easeu. A long list of companies de clared special, year-end, or extia dividends. Superior Steel omitted its dividend. Sunbeam Corp. closed at 51, up a-?, to feature the late uau- nig. Other wide changes mciuuca: Aiieguany Corp. preierreu tu uo 2 V, Standard Gus $6 preUriva 13U up 4; standard uas $( pre terreu 156 up 4; standard i-iuWl preferred 50 :i up o it ; Borg- tiui--ner al up In; and American Can 9SV6 oft 1. In tne ons, Texas Pacific Land Trust closed at 48 up 2; supeuor OH of California 154 up 2i; okci iy 106',i up 1; and Stanuaru oil of California 6Va up 1. Allied cnemical closed at 2U0 A up ; ueneral Motors uu , up it: Chrysler 60 : off hi U. o. Steel 24 -n off ; and American looacco M'.ii up m Nickel Plate gained a point to l vi and Santa t e gaini-a -,a to U4V4. utilities neiu in a iracuonaj area. MURDER FORGIVEN San Francisco, Nov. 30 Po lice said today tuey would "leave In peace'' a man accused oi a mur der in Detroit 33 years ago. The suspect, wno was only 16 years old at tne time Mike Had jopoulos, 2u, was snot to deatn in a urawl, changed his name, came to tne San Francisco bay aiea and now is a respected businessman with a wife and lour children. Homiciue inspectors said they had been advised by Detroit au thorities all of the winesses to the crime are dead, including tne chief of the homicide squau and the medical examiner involved in the case, and tnat tne site of the kill ing had been rebuilt. They said tney had no grounds on wnich to hold the suspect, wtiose real name is Tnomas Kar ukutsianias. Homicide inspectors refused to reveal the name Karak atsianlas now is using. -. . Use classified ads In The Bulle tin for quick results. VERN LARSON AGENCY Insurance & Real Estate 135 Oregon Ave. Phone 32 lir.NL), OREGON Exceptionally Nice 2 Bedroom modern. Large living room and dining room cimiii., rarpeted wall to wall. 1- Ireplace, furnace. Bath has frosted glassed, shower. Tile drain boards, lively dinnette. Service Mirch, wir ed for range. Twin garage. Hedge fenced. Lath and plastered. Joining business section. $12,500 Stock Ranch Will handle upward of 11)0 head. 3 miles out on 97 high way. Will trade for smaller place close to Bend. 1 -Bedroom Modern Good location. $1,IH0 down. $2,250 New Business Building 31x10' Block building on (ireemvood. Priced to sell.