WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 194 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN Powell Butte and Vicinity Powell Hullo, Nov, 30 (Special) A family reunion whs held Thanksgiving duy ill tint homo or Mi', unil Mm. K I,. Sniinol, when all u( their eight children anil lunilllt'H wcni prtmunt fur tliu tinnier. TImjhu wliu liurlunk of tliu dinner liicluiliil Mr. and Mm, Jim Sllmiwull ami daughters, Judy, Dlnu, Lulu and Llijiliolh, all of Kimborly; Mr. and Mm, Ijhvu Slmuwuit, uuugtitur, Vivian and mm, Danny, ut Spray; Mr, and Mm. Lester Mulcy, suns, Jerry and Norman, and daughter, Sura .lo, of Twickenham; Air, aim Mm, Koy Snaliel, duughter, Uoii n le Sue, and nun, Johnny: Mr, and Mm. U. W. Michel and daughters, I'unnii, Siilrley and Hetty, all ut I'owcil hullo, and Kllen, Donald and John SnaU'l, all of Powell Hullo, oilier guests were Alice Thoinus of Kliiilicriy, bud Nash of bpiuy and Mm. li. L. tinabcl's urotner, Hny Kniiy, of KcdinuiKr. Mr. and Mm. Henry Mustek iiihI family were dinner guests liist Sunday ut the homo of Mr. and Mm. K. W, Ucnlry. Mm. W. T. lk-niH'it arrived lam Wednesday from Madera, Calif., Id spend aumu lime vInii lug Iter brother, Henry Mustek and family, Mr. and Mm. E. W. G'entry and (lauithler, Joan, were ThaiiKsglv lni! dinner guests ut the home of Mr. and Mm, Henry Mustek und family. Kdward Mustek, Vera Luu Hun net i, find and Hetty Wmirti und Mm, Smith ent Thanksgiving ul tlto til raneh ut Hamilton, Mm. '1'. C. 1 1 ii y lien was uniilile to rook at school Wedneiulay bo mum of the Illness of her (t(itiili- ter. Dliinne. Mm. Henry Mustek iook cimrgo tor her. Vaughn Monk, Vernon Akin, Twyilu and Ivicie Haruim, Ilud lliirgan and Carolyn Muslck lie comimnled a group of youiiit peo ple from Itedmond to Ilend Satur day, to uitvncl a skiiilng parly. Myron lllurkwcll, I-ouIh Flock, Itav Naff. Karl Thomiison and I). L. l'enhollow were mcmlicre of I lie local group who attended the Ninety and Nine men s meet liiK In Sinters last Monday eve- IIIIIR. , Mr. and Mm. Charles Covey son Albert, and duughter. Mane; Carolyn MiiHlek, Vaughn Honk and Ielclo lliirgun were Powell Unite folks who attended the un ion Thanksgiving services ut the Kedmoiul Church of Christ Wed nesday evening. Mm. Herncice Rndcliffo anil daughter, Din line, of Monmouth, sH'nt the Thanksgiving week end wllh her iirents. Mr. and Mm, YV. II. Steelliiiminer and family. Dick Steelhammer was a caller Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. L, l'enhollow of northwest Kedniond. Darrell Dickson consigned a registered shorthorn cow Co tliu Hereford breeders' sala In I'rlnu vlllo Thursday, alio brought Hie seeonU highest price at the sale. Mr. and Mrs. Juek Naff und Kolund liasar of Eugene; Mr. und Mrs. Hay Naff of Kedmond und Mr. and Mrs. Luke Keif were call ers Thursday evening ut the I). L, l'enhollow humo. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mlnson, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. l'enhollow, II. W. Steelhammer, Mm. Neva McCaffery and son, Juek; Mr. und Mrs. Millard Eukln. und Mr, und Mrs. Warren Reynolds wore lo cal people who attended the nun uet ul thu Ochocu Inn dining room lust 1 uesduy evening. Ellen Imvu. Mr. nnd Mm. DIM Duty und iluughrcr, Dlunnu, of Molalla wero overnight guests Saturday at the home of Mr. imd Mm. Lloyd llusselt und family. They were dinner guests Sunday ut the home of Mr. und Mrs. Ice land Helf. They returned Sunduy afternoon taxing witn tnem mart liafy. who had been here for several months, nnd Mrs. Buty, who had been here for the puxl two weeks with her duughler, Mm. Kelt. Mr. und Mrs. J. C. Mlnson re turned Monday from 1'ortlund, where he hud Rone to attend u county commissioners meeting. Mr. nnd Mm, Dick Mlnson und children, of lerrebonhe. were din ner guests Wednesday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mlnson. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mlnson were Thursday dinner guests ur the homo of their son. Charles Min son and family. On Sunday they wero dinner guests ut the home of another son, Dick Mlnson und family of Terrebonne Mr. and Mm. Myron Clack well and son, Hubert, were Thanksgiving day guests nt the home if his brother, Henry Black- wen ami lumiiy in ut-no. Mm. Minnie Wuro nnd son Vernon, nnd Mm. Frnnkle Mar gun came here Wednesday eve- n I no from I'ortlnud to spend Thanksgiving nt the home of her sister. Mm. Ueorgo lioak and family. They wero accompanied here by Twylla Hargan nnd Doris Dickson, who visited their par ents. They all returned to Port land Sunday afternoon. Mr. nnd Airs. Jack Vice nnd fnm lly of I'rlnevlile were Saturday guests nt the home of his parents, Mr. and Mm. C. C. Vice. Leon Pottlgrew was a Thanks- Riving dinner guest nt the home of Mi-s. Mildred Sherman and lam lly. Callers In the evening at the Sherman home Included Calvin IWMWSSSMMIMMMS'""SMrfMMadSM ) t THESE LITTLfc Kltia.Ltri nuivit uuiiio, mo ijci tuvt tpsnlcl belonging to Judy Shaw, 4, of Phoenix, Ariz., yowns with I sheer bortdom while wesnlng two orphaned plgi, Inky and Stinky, f Th pig came from a litter of 11, nd mamma pig had sccommo-.i datlons for only, nine. So Buzzle took over. Drockctt, Lnuru Murshall and El mer McDanlel. Mr. and Mm. Virgil Langtry nnd family of Portland Sent the 'ihanksglvlng week end here at the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mm. John Cronln. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rltter hud s their suests for Thanksgiving dinner his parents, Mr. nnd Mm. Sam Rltter, and Mr. and Mm. Bob Pietz and her mother. Mm. nose Solomon of Redmond. Mr. and Mrs. hoger Cwyn and family of Suthcrlin were over night guests on Friday nt the homo of Mr. nnd Mm. Ted Mar shall and family. Thanksgiving dinner guests at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Marshall nnd family were Mr. and Mm. Ixiuis Flock. Mr. and Mm. Grlo Flock nnd children, Orval McDowell, Calvin Brockctt and LiiMon e Sherman. Mr. and Mm. Bart PcrenI of Creswcll, who are moving to Bend, were guests at the local church scrvlcus Sunday- morning. Thirteen members of he Wom en's Council and Mm. Jack Naff of Eugene, met at the home of Mrs., J. C. Mlnson Friday after noon lor the regular meeting. Mm. Burl Yates had charge of the devotional program and plans were made for the dinner to be held at the hall on December 6 for the Redmond Klwanls club. The next meeting will be an till day potluck dinner meeting with the annual Christmas gut exchange, Each woman will bring a gift, not to exceed 50 cents. Tills will be on December 16. Mr. and Mrs. Rush Duncan Sr. were dinner guests Thanksgiving at the home of their son and Itching H M0 or Dry cratch uid t u0r hoptltuly t happy riii mmnt oibrs JO UM MXKII- inp, medicated RESINOL, lh popular ointmcoc I UIt Grocer lias the J MEW SOCfi ! MEDO - RICH ICE CREAM! i i i i i i I i i i i Almond-Roro is mode from I spccinlly roasted almonds I nnd btilter sweet candy, mm comuincd lor . r i e n M crnncliy goodness I by (ho Brown C Haley Com- dnughterln-law, Mr. and Mm. Hush Duncan Jr., and family of iTinevine. Mr. and Mrs. Elsworth Dickson nd children were Thanksgiving dinner guests at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. Ulenn Shoemaker In Kedmond. Elsie Dickson spent the day wllh Shirley Salsbury. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Goodrich and daughters of Prinevllle, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Mollmun and Kon, Mr. and Mis. C. C. Vice, Dhvld and Mrs. Helen Bates of Terrebonne, and Mrs. E. E. Vice were dinner guests on Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Porter Spraguc and family. Mrs. Pearl Herbs!, sons Vern nd Earl, went fo Brownsville Wednesday to spend Thunksglv- Ing wlttt 3 daughter and sister. They returned Friday. Paul Spillman Jr. was a dinner guest Sunday at the home of Mr. und Mrs. Charles Mlnson. i'hunksglvlng dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Spillman were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mitchell and family, of Tumulo, and Toy Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Spillman re turned last Sunday evening from Salem where he had attended a stnfe board of education meeting. They spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leo nard Koth, in Albany. Mr. and Mm. Ted Marshall and family returned last Sunday from a trip to Sutherlin and valley points. Mr. and Mm. Jack Naff and Roland Rasar, of Eugene, and Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Relf and son, Roger, of Molalla, came here Wed nesday to spend the week end at the home ot their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luke Relf. Tho Eugene residents left Saturday and the Ray Helfs returned to Molalla Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Luke Relf left Monday morning for Dunsmulr, Calif., to visit her brother and his sister, Mr. and Mm. Don McNely, for a few days. Mr. and Mm. U u. Yates and sons, uene and Dei, moved over the week end to the Bruce Bal four residence. Mr. and Mm. George Hohbs of Prinevllle were Thanksgiving din ner guests af the home of Mr. and Mm. Otto Pauls and family. Mr. and Mrs. Walter lleppner of Redmond visited Iriday eve ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pauls. Mr. and Mm. L. B. Yates were Thanksgiving dinner guests at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mm. Charles Moon, In Madras. Mrs. iates re mained with her daughter until rrlday evening. Mm. Margaret Sleasman of Redmond was a Thanksgiving din ner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. l. c. Havncs and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Horsey of Portland came here Saturday to spend the week end with Mr. and Mm. T. C. Haynes and family. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Sleasman of Portland were callers Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mm. T. C Haynes and family. Nick Haynes spent the week end with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Sleasman, in Metollus. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Blackwell Mm. J. C Minson, Mrs. Ray Naff, Mm. Burl Yates. Mrs. Luke Keif Mrs. D. L. Penhollow ana Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morrison attended a bunclay school officers and teach, em meeting Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ira carter. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Foster and son, Terrell; Melvln Faster and Mr. and Mm. Wallace roster were Thanksgiving dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Calkins and family. Mrs. Chnrles Covey visited Mrs. Jack Naff Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs-. Kuy Nan In Kedmond. Sidney carter underwent ton sillectomy In Kedmond Friday morning, and Is recuperating at the home of his parents. For sheer enjoyment of a truly line ice cream, serve Ardea "Flivor-Fresh," Its smooth texture and rich, delicious Uavor will please everyone... and everyone likes tee cream. C- siDD ooo ii iczenid I Ad. r , i - k M-m m r 1 m rr r 1 if r-m m mm m rt r i ' iirfr er m' - x m r . m m a m m m m m m a r ' - UUUVS UV5VlUUlUVSki VVVUil WHIUUU UUU UUUV5 Aimcndrcca mm - 7- B Pw ' ji"J t XXXl" X l"i B 'lX s I I II, 1 1 " i) "iJ -jjw . --Si-.. w 3 UIIU ICGI sXmrrvrr l ymi -n fj l as? ys w -: " "--aJBsggu v jgagEsagay j:a smz&s&t&yyyyys m wm,mm i msmi -mr'm" iySo)a)&,i ' hAisrook AAOTORS . 1 Bond end Minnesota Phone 680 ; 4. ... .f. 'v : . . diffl. IT'S 50 WAYS NEW FOR '50 From its stylish new hood ornament to its new shock-mounted rear bumper? the new '50 Ford is packed with quality improvements. Drive in comfort on !o foam-rubber cushioned seat . . listen to the silent, secure door locks 'n hear how noise gets shut out of the silent, scHind-cwiditionedJlifeJ guard Body o o a IT'S THE ONE FINE CAR IN THE LOW-PRICE FIELD Only Ford in the low-price- field offers you a V-8 engine the same type engine you find in America's costliest cars! It's a 100 h.p. engine that delivers "go" at a touch. Yet its quiet whispers quality. The "Six," too. Is a 95 horsepower package of power surprises. One ride will convince you- nothing but a '50 Ford will do! almcsdEccA mk Medo-Land in Bend brings you this amazing now lee Cream with all the sweet, buttery, crunchy' goodness of Almond-Roca PLUS the rich, creamy, smoothest Ice Cream you ever tasted. BUY MEDO-RICH ALMOND ROCA ICE CREAM TODAY1