). FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1949 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON U-S' Hoards Milk Powder But Ultimate Use Doubtful By Vincent J. Burkn (United Prau Staff Corrapondent) Washington iipi The govern ment Is boarding huge stocks of an important food nutrient. Agriculture department experts say it is most needed in the na tional diet. Department officials are get ting gray wondering how to make the food available to consumers The nutrient is calcium. Rich supplies of it are contained in the 230,000,000 pounds of dry skim med milk now locked in the gov ernment's price-support stocks. Manufacturers of the milk powder say bakers should use more of it to enrich their bread. But bakers are reluctant to add to their production costs. They say the powder costs too much be cause the government is holding Manufacturers represented by the American Dry Milk Institute, Inc., counter by asking that the government subsidize increased use of the powder in bread-baking. The bread-makers oppose this plan. The American Bakers asso ciation declared recently that such a subsidy might lead to gov ernment regimentation of their industry. The government has big stocks of the powder because of a stand ing offer to buy it at a relatively high price. The government could stop propping the price. The law doesn't require it. But if the government with drew price props for skimmed mil!:, agriculture officials fear powder. But they admit it's a the price would collapse. Many midwest dairy-hog farmers would save cream for butter and feed the skimmed milk to hogs instead of taking whole milk to market. Agriculture officials also argue that if price supports were elim inated for skimmed milk powder, the price of butter, an end milk by-product, would go up.. Under the milk support law, the govern ment props the milk price by buy ing butter and skimmed milk powder. If it dropped powder sup ports, it would have to boost but ter supports to keep up the price of milk. The dried milk manufacturers are stumping the country to con vince bakers they should "enrich" bread with . more skimmed milk mate what call Drco i f Yes, that's what beer drinkers everywhere always say when they taste Bohemian Club pale because every glass is filled to the brim with delicious beer goodness. It has a flavor all its own ... so delightfully mellow, so appealing, so inlrigu- ; Ti. i xug. ilb me Deer you ?i have been waiting for, the beer you have al ways hoped you would have a chance to drink. Br yEn ...Just Say" BOHEMIAN" lV mmZ3 ! k 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 liy j tlM 1 1 ijjfflwt CHAS. V. SAY LEU, Distributor Phone 25 slow educational process. To give the move a shot in the arm, the manufacturers suggest that the government re-sell the powder it buys to bakers at lower prices. They propose that bakers using in excess of a national aver age of 2.5 per cent dry skim milk should be subsidized to the extent of half the cost of all additional quantities thoy use In bread- making. The beard of governors of the American Bakers association, meeting at Atlantic City, N. J., re cently made it clear they want no pan 01 sucn a plan. In official agriculture depart ment circles there are two schools of thought. Some officials tnink It's a fine Idea. They say it really wouldn't be a subsidy. It would merely allow bakers to get the powder at a price closer to what the price would be if the government wasn t DrooDine it. But other officials believe the bakers eventually will have to in crease enrichment of their bread with or without a subsidy. If thats going to happen, they ask, why pay them a subsidy? A cow's milk flow decreases about 75 per cent when her thy roid gland is removed. Electrical Wiring Commercial and Domestic CONTRACTING No Job too large or too small. Estimates Gladly Given Deschutes Electric HAL HUSTON 838 Wall St Phone 278 The First Time in Years An Offer Like This! wxy uu u ixi u , as dJSange- New Hudson Car Displayed Here Hudson Mntnr Par w,mM - l-V14llail v has invaripri inwnp.m i - Jll'lU with the new Pacemaker, a com fcil-i uve-ioot nigh car offering more inside room than any other make of America n AlltnmnHII. it was announced today by Lee v.. nu, vno issuea a general invitation to the public to view the new model nt iha aii m tor company, on Franklin avenue. iiiia i-ar was designed to up set COmoletelv nil nnvinnD IAaa of what a moderate-size automo bile tan ik, Alien said. The Pacemaker has a lower center of gravity than any other car, while maintaining full road clearance Because of this feature it is safest, rides smoothest, and hugs the road tightest, according to our engineering tests." Allen pointed out that the Pacemaker has the same exclu sive "step-down" design with re cessed floors in an all-welded, all steel, Monobilt bodyandframe that created such a sensation when it first was Introduced in the new Hudson. This exclusive construction permits recessing the floor down within the frame, permitting a lower roof line with out reducing the height of the Dassenppr rnmnat-tmont m. -i creasing headroom. The recessed noor ana lowered roof, together with a passenger compartment which has been moved forward, results in a car only five feet high and having the lowest cen ter of gravity in any American stock car, Allen said. A novel feature is recessed in ner door and side panels, giving an extra twp Inches of elbow room to all passengers. Ancient Steam Auto Still Rugged Richmond, Va. Ul At least one ancient automobile taking part in this year's revival of the Glidden Tour hari llttio r.v , trouble with Virginia's rugged uiuuiituiii roaas. C. K. Simmons, who drove his two-cvlinder. 1922 Stanlpu Smam. er In the caravan of 90-odd ve- nicies oi a oy-gone day, said he has more trouble finding roads that can nrmmmnHnt. Mo Hniin, Simmons said he cruises at 80 in nis steamer without really op ening UD all tlln valvnc Ho col1 he gets 14 miles to a gallon of kerosene and six miles for every gollon of water in his tanks. As for the upkeep, Simmons said there are only 37 moving parts including the wheels. When something goes wrong, he does not bother taking his Steamer to a garage. He calls the plumber. (or more if your old range is in good saleable condition) on the purchase of a new, modern Electric Range No matter how old or run-down, your old range is worth SO great big dollars on a new Zenith! Maybe even more and no less! Come in trade iiow for greater cooking enjoyment with a Zenith! Our regular low price . '. . . $24995 less allowance for old range SO00 V "Automatic" oven-time and minute minder V "Automatic" pre-heat control with Bake and Broil signal lights V Oversize two-unit Oven with "Automatic" Flood Light V Roller-Bearing Utensil Drawers for Generous Storage Space -Six-Quart "Thrifty Chef" Deep Well Cooker V Appliance outlet . , . range top floodlight . . . signal light for surface units. HENRY CHEZEM HA $1(8)(e)95 RDWARE E. Third at Greenwood Your MARSHALL WELLS Store Phone 775 duct ion 1 SALE of suits a COATS SUITS This fall's finest colors and styles, in favorite sharkskins, gabardines, coverts and tweeds . , . they're really hot values at these mark-down prices. Most sizes, but limited in number. COATS of fleece, gabardines, crepe, tweed and flannel newest styles and col ors. Both suits and coats bear such names as Metz, Modish, Betty Hill, Lilli Ann and Stylecraft. Stop in and see them tomorrow. Regular 52.50 SALE 36.50 Regular 59.50 SALE 39.95 Regular 65.00 SALE 45.00 Regular 69.95. SALE 49.95 They Can' i Last at These Prices! Hurry! Bend Mercantile Co 937 Wall Street Phone 20 f USE BEND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR BEST RESULTS LOOK Tune-Up Special Includes Use of Casite -jir and change of Air Cleaner Oil What CASITE does CASITE 75c a Pint Reduces formation of sludge and gum, Frees sticking valves and rings. Carries oil to tight spots. Retards congealing of oil. Gives quick starting, even below zero. Speeds up lubrication on cold starts. .'Jf For All Standard 6 Cylinder Cars jr Check Compression ir Clean and Gap Spark Plugs if Clean Points and Adjust Cam Angle it Set Timing With Strobolight ic Check Heat Control Valve Jr Test Ignition Coil jc Test Condenser ir Test and Service Battery ir Check Starter Drag Inspect Generator ir Check Fan Belt At Adjust Carburetor fa Service Air Cleaner ic Adjust Tappets on Chevrolets and Buicks ir 1 Pt. Casite Thru Carburetor to Remove sludge ic 1 Pt. Casite in Crankcase for Easier Winter starting All this for only 3.98, Casite & Air Cleaner Oi! included (Standard 6 cylinder cars) Standard 8 cylinder cars 4.69 228 E. Greenwood Central Oregon's most nimh-rn and fully cqiilpiieil tnne-up nhop. Phone 1779