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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1949)
THE BEND BULLETIN GSJHERAL NEWS SPORTS CENTRAL OREGON'S DAILY NEWSPAPER 33rd Year BEND, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1949 No. 296 California Favored to Win Rose Bowl Con t est, Finally Terminate West Coast Jinx By Hal Wood (United Press Sports Writer) San Francisco, Nov. 22 (U.E) The California football team which started its season with mediocre prospects suddenly loomed as the Pacific coast's "white hope" today in its de tremination to end its Rose bowl victory famine. -, For three years the western teams have abscfi.-d humiliat ing lickings from the Big Ten invaders, but Cal vowed a dif ferent story for its Jan. 2 duel with Ohio State. And, what's more, this spirited optimism was supported by the coast s football experts. University of Southern Cal ifornia Coach Jeff Cravath played both Ohio State and California this season, tying Ohio State 13-13 and losing to Cal, 16-10. He said, "California will beat Ohio State, but it is going to be a tough Job. The Bears will win because of superior strength in the backfield. I would say the lines are about even." Coach Lynn Waldorf said his California scouts have seen Ohio State in action three times this season and that the Bears are ready. Scout Harold Grant de scribed Ohio State as "a good, sound football team." . Line Rugged "Over all," he said, you could describe them as having a rugged line with fine ends, fine punting, good running and good passing. "Also, they are a good second half team. They appear to me to be 50 per cent stronger the second half against Michigan than they were in the first half just as California has been most of its games this season." As the coaches began mapping strategy for the game itself, the perennial ticket plague swept into the California athletic office. For, although the bowl stadium seats 99,8009,000 more than last year there are never enough to go around. California ticket manager George Brlggs said the 9,000 ex tras go to those who financed the stadium enlargement. As for the other 91,000, 44.000 go to Cal ifornia, 15,000 to Ohio State, 17, 000 to the Rose bowl committee, 3,000 for the press, 6,000 for vet erans and civic organizations and a scant 6,000 for John Q. Public. The tickets sell for $5.50 each, except for students. California students pay $2; no- price has been set yet for Ohio State stu dents. Joe Louis Signs Another Bout Newark, N.J.,! Nov. 22 LP Joe Louis, who says he isn't mak ing a comeback but keeps taking on new bouts, will step into the ring again tonight against young Joe Cheshul in a 10-round no decision fight. For this second in a series of six no-decision bouts, Louis has trimmed his weighr down just a shade to 226 pounds from the 229 he carried against Joe Baksi in Boston. Nov. 14. Cheshul, a 24-year-old former divinity student from- Bayonne, N.J., doesn't figure to hurt Louis much. He's a clever boxer, but punches delicately. He has won 24 out of 27 fights since he turn ed pro three years ago, and his speed may cause Louis to huff and puff a bit. Cheshul, at 187, will weigh 39 pounds less than the ex-champ. STANFORD TO PLAY San Francisco. Nov. 22 Wi Stanford university's Pacific k. coast conference football team will play the University of Ha waii in the Pineapple bowl in Honolulu Jan. 2. The Indians voted yesterday to accept an invitation to the bowl. .fORtHEWNPOFDR, "P YOU'RE HON'"- tAUC Of niY-' n i l nil USrTEUtH6MpERAlg YOU Imperial U made by Hiram 70 grain neutral spirits. Hiram Sport Parade By Oscar Fraley (United Prm Sparta Writer) New York, Nov. 22 'UV-Her-man Hickman is a rather large, jovial customer from Tennessee who coaches the Yale football team with a modicum of success and makes the old blues love it, mixing passes and poetry with a magic touch which keeps the alumni wolves panting like pup pies. But Herman's peculiar talents are making it tough on the rest of the touchdown tutors sprinkled throughout the New England hills. Ordinarily you would think, that a coach who had a four and four season would be able to worry himsf'f down below 285 pounds. No so Herman, the erstwhile Tennessee all-American whose deep laugh sounds like a high wind in the pines. Herman is happy and so is Yale, but the other coaches in the section aren't. Consider, for instance, the tes timony of Dan Jcssee of Trinity. That's a school of less than 1,000 enrollment in Connecticut, which means that maybe you never heard of it. But Trinity just has finished an eight-game schedule undefeated and untied. Played at Oregon You'd think that Jessee would be satisfied. But this well-stacked, genial man who played his football at Oregon isn't happy. He has a Hickman complex. Trinity, he'll tell you, wasn't outscored this season, but it was outpoetried. That hurt Jessee because he has New.' England's original hill billy 'barcl and nobody paid him any attention. .. , - , . "When I came up here about 18 years ago," Dan complains plaintively. "I had that Kentucky drawl and I knew my share of kinfolk stories. The people tnougnt it was corny. So Dan changed. He adopted that New England twang and settled down to being a local yokel. "This year I would have set tled for an even break in our eight games," he smiled sadly. "I thought if we won four it would be a good season. "But over there at Yale, every time that Hickman loses he starts spouting poetry. The first thing you know, he looks good. It's like Hickman is creating chaos, and chaos must be one of his half backs." Amateur World Series Scheduled Chicago, Nov. 22 HPi The American Baseball congress exec utive committee announced today that tne laso amateur world series will be held Sept. 18 to 28. The committee assigned 16 teams, the same number as last year, to the eastern division at Battle Creek, Mich., according to ABC president C. O. Brown. The western division at Water town, S.D., which held eight teams last year, will have 12 in 1950. In addition to the two teams being transferred from the eastern division, the Kansas and Washington state associations have been added. Use classified ads in The Bulle tin for quick results. yet i sV 4 . .it. X "r. C! mill Walker. Blended whiskey. 86 proof. Walker & Sons Inc., Ptoria, Illinois. Five-Man Battle Royal Scheduled For Bend Card A five-man battle royal will be featured Thursday night in the second wrestling card to be pre sented at the new national guard armory in Bend, it was announced today by Tex Hager, Portland promoter. Among those to participate in the show are Jack O'Reilly, 186 pound Australian who formerly held the Pacific coast light heavy weight championship, and Jack Riser, popular 184-pounder from Portland. Other j be on the card par ticipated in this past week's wres tling matches. They are Al Szazz, 190 pounds, current Pacific coast Junior heavyweight champion; Billy McEuin, 176 pounds, from Gainsville, Tex., and Glen Detton of Nampa, Ida. The battle royal, to begin at 8:30 p.m., will feature all five wrestlers in the ring at the same time. First man to be pinned will be eliminated from action the re mainder of the night. The second and third wrestlei to be pinned will come back for a 45-minute semi-final, and the last two re maining in the ring at the end of the battle royal will be fea tured in the main event, which will be a one-hour., best two out of three falls affair. Alaskan Journey Now Under Way; Progress Slow (Editor's notr: (Vril A. Moore is mushing arross tbt arrtir on the longest dog slnl trip ever attempted. He hoies to end Ins journev arross the rontinent in his hometown of Leuiston, Me. He tells here of his experi ences ill traveling from iiis starting Hiint at Kairlianks, Alaska, to Big Delia.) By Cecil Moore (Written Exclusively for I'niled Press) Big Delta, Alaska, Nov. 22 Ul'i I took it easy the first week out of lTaivhnnlrB nnH envnroH nnlv SO miles because of the hot weather and my untrained dogs. The 45-tit'gree heat was tough on my nine Siberian huskies, and for their sake, I slowed down to almost a walk. I went part of the time in shirt-sleeves myself. The next day. I had to nut wheels on the sled, as the road was practically bare of snow the 19 miles to Moose creek lodge. King Lion Van Scoy of the Fairbanks Lions club came out by car that day and gave me a bottle of rum. Tom Wilson of the same club brought out a gun and a thermos of hot soup. Well Treated All the roadhouses along the way have treated me kindly. On the third night I stayed at the Richardson roadhouse, the oldest structure on the Richardson trial. From there, one can see the vast expanse of the Tennana river val ley, which years ago was popu lated by more than 3.500 persons. Now there are only eight. As I gazed across the bleak ex panse of arctic waste lands, Billy Melvin, 83, the first man to settle there in 1897, entertained me with tales of the gold rushes. Leaving the Richardson road- house. I had two tough hills to go over before reaching Big Del ta. But the dogs buckled down and got along with little trouble. It was getting colder as I got farther inland and the snow was packed harder. A biting wind kept swirling small flakes into my eyes, causing me much dis comfort when I got indoors as my eyes would smart and swell. I had to have the harness re paired in Big Delta, for two of the dogs were giving me trouble chewing the traces. Weather here is around zero and the wind is blowing real .....eT THE WHISTLES v.l 1 ' 1 ZU 1 JUiicw Dates Set For Play-Off Grid Games Portland. Nov. 22 HP) Finalists in three Oregon state high school football championship laces will be decided this week In games played in various sections of the state. In the class "A" semifinals Marshfleld plays La Grande Fri day at 8 p. m. at La Grande, while Grant high of Portland meets Hillsboro at Multnomah stadium here Saturday at 1:30 p. m. Winners will play at Mult nomah stadium Dec. 3 for the state title. Banks faces Bandon at Forest Grove Thursday in a class"B" 11-man semi finals contest. Game time is 10 a. m. In the other "B" game Malin meets Union at Klam ath Falls Thursday at 1 p. m. In class "B" six-man semi-fi nals. West port takes on Hohawk at Astoria Friday night and Tal ent plays Weston . ut Central Point Saturday. Both games will start at 8 p. m. The Oregon school activities association said dates and places tor the two class is llnals games would not be selected un til after the saml-tinals games this week. if' THE ICEMAN COMETH Bud Poilc, New York Rangers wing, .makes a short stop and a spray, 'of ice working out at Madison, Square Gardea. hard. Small game is plentiful in the area and there is supposed to be a herd of 500 buffalo hanging around. I hope to leave for Half way house late today. with gas - OP 5 CHOICE OF 2-WHEEL-DRIVE or 4 WHEEL-DRIVE COME IN AND 5ff HUTCHINS MOTORS 167 Greenwood Bend Bowling Results WOMEN'S BOOSTER LEAGUE I L. Musgrave and Winnie Mat son last night split individual hon ors with a game of 198 and series of 487, respectively. Team honors were taken by the Bend Garage squad with a game of 806 and series of 2330. The ga rage team downed Homefinders Agency by four points, while the Deschutes Lanes posted a three point win over Owl Taxi and the Eagles and Pastime split two and two. Scores follow: . Owl Tail: M. O'Brien. 307 : M. Corbln. 34U: K. Ui-ijrr, 404; Absentee, S'ilt', H. Anderson. 371). TuUl 2124). Deschutes laine.- T. Khoads. 2yC : D. Uulirk. :r,i;; 11. Elk Ins. :UH; II. Howies, Xll; 1.. like. 374. Total 2176. Humefinilers Awency : 1. l'enrson, 281 : W. Alillim. 278: M. Millrr, 2K3 : V. IU. bin- Bon. My; 1.. Mlilpley, 4l. total llibu. Uend CaruKo: 1.. Musirrave, 474 ; J. Wil son. 443 ; 1. Morris. 338 ; K. Hunter, 30U : rt. HaKKIn. 41,. Total ?:12U. 1'aitime: W. Mataon. 487 : M. Richard- son, 2,6 : G. Kizer, Say : K. Smith, li'.y; ftl. Martin. 4b7. lt,ta EaKles: B. Jensen, 353 : 11. Strom, 332 : N. Carpenter. 21,4 ; 11. Itathkow, 28, ; fc HonsoweU, 382. Total 2241. CITV LEAGUE The Bend Portland team last night swept team honors with a game score of 899 and series to tal of 2551, and took four points from the Congress Food Market squad. In other matches Rixe Realty and McCann Sign split two and two: the Bend Bulletin squad posted a three point win over the Wood Butchers, and the Elks and DeGree Construction tied two and two. H. Baughn rolled a 225 for hleh single game and a 604 for high series total. Scores follow: Bend Bulletin : h Benson, jus r n f.2C; I.. Oyer. 4011; I,. Willi. 464 i K. Brown, Wood Butchers: B. Burrell, 466 : M Bend Booster Club Mee Wednesday The Bend Booster club will meet Wednesday morning at 7 o'clock, at the Trailways Coffee shop, fo consider final plans for the football banquet that will be held November 28, as tribute to the 1949 Bend high school varsity. Kip Taylor, O.S.C. grid coach, will be the main speaker at this banquet. A feature of the Wednesday breakfast meeting will be the dis play of motion pictures of Bend grade school football games play ed during the season just com pleted, it was announced. KIDNEYS MUST REMOVE EXCESS ACIDS Help 15 Miles of Kidney Tubes Flush Out Poisonous Watts When disorder of kidney function permits poiiionoui matter to remain In your blood, it may cause nawrinn: backache, rheumatic pains, leg paint, lona of pep and energy, trut tinjf up nlKhtd. nwelllnK. pufllneHi under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Frequent or scanty ra&Hages with martlnjf and burnimr Sometimes shows there is something wrong With your kidneys or bladder. Don't wait I Ask your druKlst for Doan's Pills, a stimulant diuretic, used succeHBtully by millions fur over EO years. Doan's irlvo happy relief and will help the 16 miles of Kidney tubes flush out poinonous waste rom your blood. Get Doan's Pill. t Adv. thrifty, low-upkeep Powered by the 'Jeep' Engine, world-famou for long mileage and low-cost maintenance. Functional bodies give low vehicle weight in relation to payload. High-clearance fenders help Jeep THESE Huffman. 426; A. Curtis, 443: S. Dearth, 387 : H. HaKen. 486. Total 2194. Rise Realty : P. Cathman. 4U2 : E. Allen, 478; A. HarrlnKton, 420: A. Wenetta, 400; A. Kaufman, 664. Total 2404. Mct'ann Siirn: A. Honsowett, 4Cfl : C. Jensen, 440: J. McCann. 470 : H. Einman. 640; I. Jensen, 602. Total 2427. DeCree Construction: K. PeGree. 4"!: I.. Devereaux. 636 ; P. De dree. 482 : O. Barlknecht. 616 : E. Olson, 631. Total 2636. Elks: J. lntarotta. 640: C. Troxel. 621: Kd lane. 44.1; II. Kopp. 467 : S. Steidl, 622. Total 2403. Conuresa Food: Judy. 496; Coulter, 607; Mnyne. 367 : Keller, 477 : Bauxhn, 604. Totul 2440. Uend-Hortland Truck: Howard. 610: Jos sy, 466; laty, 477 ; Barrel), 688; Hoover, 611. Total 2661. Wilbur Got Fish; Papa Got Lost Watervllet, N. Y. Ul'i Wilbur McDonald, 6, is still convinced his father was the one who was lost. Wilbur insisted to state police that he "lost Daddy", while they were fishing in a nearby brook. That was while the father antl several fishermen spent two hours looking for the boy. At the troopers' barracks, Wil bur pleaded to be "let go" as he had to get home to "cook my four brook trout" because his fa ther hadn't caught any for sup per. The troopers found Wilbur wandering around nearby Sny ders Coiners asking residents if they had seen a "lost man." DEEIt MAY STARVE Prlneville, Nov. ZZ Hunters just back from 'elk hunting in Grant county say they can under stand why the stare game com mission is contemplating re-opening the deer season In the area. They say that both deer and elk are coming down from higher elevations unusually early this year. The animals are now browsing Lef Flowers Speak for You Say hello with lovely flow ers. After you leave they slay behind as a constant reminder. SPECIAL Limited Time Only Carnations dozen $2.50 Free City Delivery FRIEDA'S LOWERS Not Affiliated With Any Other Flower Shop. Around the Corner From TrallwayB Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Pickett, Owners 217 Greenwood Day or Night Phone 256-.? 'Jeep' Trucks ON 118" WHEELBASE avoid dents, make tires and chains easier to service. Comfortable cab with deep windows, vent wings, arm rests, extra headroom. Wide hood opens fender to fender, gives easy access to power plant. trucks Phone 259 Kahut Alters Ring Stance Portland, Nov. 22 HP) Joltin' Joe Kahut, Woodburn's heavy weight of the crouching wind mill delivery, tonight meets Ray Stevens, San Francisco, and says he won't crouch anymore. Kahut has altered his style to a more orthodox stance whereby he looks 'em In the eye Instead of the belt. It will be the Woodburn wal loper's first Portland appearance in many months, htevens, who boxed exhibitions with former world champion Joe Louis, is ex pected to offer Kahut's new look a real test. At 205 pounds to Ka bul's 185, Stevens will have weight and reach advantages on the former holder of the mythical northwest heavyweight title. STRIKE POSTPONEU San Francisco, Nov. 22 UPi A strike originally called by the AFL Snilois Union of the Pacilie for today has been postponed at least until Thursday, federal con ciliator Omar Hoskins announced. over ranges that normally give them sustenance, It is declared. In the winter monttis. When this browse Is consumed, local veteran hunters declare, the deer and elk. In case of a severe winter, may starve unless they invade ranch es and help themselves to hay stacks. G. f. All Star Hard charging center, Sgt, Robert Smith, plays for the Sixth Army Headquarters' crack football team. Bob also finds time for the post basketball, baseball and track teams while carrying on his Army career. "Take it from me," Bob says, "the Army goos all out for sports these days. We get the finest equipment, plenty of practice and good compe tition. Lots of the fellows get their early training and physical develop ment here in the Army; then go on to play college football later." Bob advises any young man who wants an interesting, active life with good pay and plenty of chance for advancement to get in touch with his nearest U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force Recruiting Office. ' Hooni 201, P. O. Bl!jr Bend. Phone 1178 DRUGLESS CLINIC AHT1IHIT1S The recovery process In arthri tis Is favorably Influenced by natural methods physical, electrical, and nutritional, Re sults arc, naturally, more promising when treatment Is instituted early. Nothing; is used which will cover up or hide the truo nature of the disease. R. D. Ketchum, D.C. 124 Minn. Ave. I'liono 701 Bend, Ore. Brooks-Scanlon Qualify PINE LUMBER Brooks-Scanlon Inc. Shevlin Quality PONDEROSA PINE Lumber and IT FINALLY WORKED Hersfeld, Germany, Nov. 22 (tP) Mrs. Anna Kadlitz's year-long sys tem of picking winners in foot ball pools finally paid off yester day. She won $3,600. She said her system was just to make selections "exactly oppo site my husband's." She said he has given up foot ball polls in disgust. Any time in the fall before the ground ireezes is satisfactory for digging up raspberry suckers to set them out In new plantings. NOVEMBER SPECIAL Balance of This Month Only nsi MS 21 Operations Values Unlimited Mere PEP and POWER 1. Adjust Distributor Points 2. Clean Air Cleaner 3. Check Coil 4. Tighten Cylinder Head S. Adjust Timing 6. Clean Battery Terminals 7. Check Condenser 8. Tighten Manifolds 9. Check Distributor 10. Adjust Carburetor 1 1 . Check Voltage Control 12. Check Battery 13. Adjust Tappets' 14. Clean Plugs 15- Check Octane Selector 16. Tighten Hose Connections 17. Check Vacuum Control 18. Adjust Fan Belt 19. Check .Compression 20. Inspect Generator 21. Check Heat Control Genuine Chevrolet Parts y Strvfc Alt Mokat of Cars CHEVROLETS ONLY Bend Gcresge Co. Phone 193 i Iq Box Shooks