THE BEND BULLETIN GENERAL NEWS SPORTS CENTRAL OREGON'S DAILY NEWSPAPER 33rd Year BEND, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 194? No. 295 California Victory Over Stanford Will Send Bears To Bowl With Perfect Mark By Hal Wood (United Press Sports Writer) San Francisco, Nov. 21 U.E One of the most brilliant jobs of juggling of player personnel today paid off for Coach Lynn (Pappy) Waldorf as he prepared to lead his University of California Bears to their second consecutive Rose bowl visit. Preparing to take it easy for a few days following the Bears thumping championship victory over Stanford Satur day bv a score of 33-14 Wnl- dorf could look back upon : 1 The Bears' second con secutive undefeated regular season of football. 2 A second consecutive Pacific Coast conference championship. 3 A record of 29 victories In 31 starts in the three years lie has been coaching at California. "But this year's record is the most satisfying," says Waldorf. "We didn't expect to go through the season unbeaten and nobody else thought we would, either. But our boys just wouldn't stay licked." Often Came From Behind No statement was ever more true. Seven times in 10 games this year the Bears have come from behind to win and that's some thing that doesn't happen every season. Waldorf's material juggling, of Final Conference Standings (wy untied rreas) Team W. California 7 UCLA 6 Stanton! ., 4 UHC 4 Oreiron State .... 6 Oregon 2 WaHhinttton 2 Waah.State 2 Idaho 1 Montana 0 Pet. 1.000 .714 .607 .007 .025 .286 .280 .2f.O .200 .000 Opp. Ptn. Pta. 220 80 184 185 159 180 153 126 114 85 40 course, was the answer. He lost since the end of last season by one reason or another other than graduation, the services of such men as all-American Jackie Jen sen; back Billy Main, end John Cunningham and center Doug Duncan. In fact, the star of Saturday's triumph over Stanford, was just another case. Jack Swaner, all coast in 1948, was Injured the day before the season opened. He never suited up for a game until two weeks, ago when he went in on one play against Washington Sporf Parade By Oscar Fraley (United Prena Siurts Writer) New York, Noy. 21 ifi A gen tleman named E. L. McGeehee, being- of apparent Irish extrac tion and thus undoubtedly pos sessed of a Gaelic temperament, probably could be classed today as the mo3t insulted football coach of 1949. McGeehee is the coach of the Southeastern Louisiana college grid forces, an array which is not exactly of Rose bowl caliber. But in his own way, E. I. naturally must be proud of his boys. For, although it's like holding a con cert in a vacuum, the men of Mc Geehee valiantly went forth ear (Contlnuea on Page 10) State. He played three minutes against Oregon. But against Stan ford Saturday he was better than ever picking up 100 yards from scrimmage and scoring three i touchdowns. Other Games Listed The victory, of course, sent the Bears romping Into the Jan. 2 classic with Ohio State and in all probability, California will be at its peak strength of the season for that game. The rest of Saturday's sched ule didn't mean much in view of the California victory other than cross-city or cross-state ri valries being settled. Washington won over Washing ton State, 34-21; Oregon State whipped Oregon, 20-10; and USC, as usual, walked over UCLA, 21-7. Other west coast results: Okla homa 28, Santa Clara 21; Oregon College of Education 54, Hum boldt State 0; Portland 35, Lewis & Clark 20; Washington 34, Washington State 21; Whitman 48, Eastern Washington 20. Get new (TJ, dD QDjE ADR TIRES NOW and AVOID TROUBLE! ffOf of " ,ire trouble occurs In the last VU 10 of tire life. Don't stretch your luck. Play safe, be safe . . . see us for new Goodyear tires now. XBXrHKr'jr I.1J .1 It J J L J I J J J i .1 IJIJ "&4 (H.ra I . TRADE NOW Ride on Goodyear's Famous All-Weather Tread Tires! FOR GREATER TIRE MILEAGE: Tires "broken-in" on cold roads deliver far more total mileage than tires first used In hot weather. Big Trade-in Allowance For Your Old Tires BEND GARAGE CO. GOODYEAR STORE Next to City Hall Phone 193 Oregon Staters Defeat Oregon In 1949 Finale Corvallis, Nov. 21 U'i The Ore gon State college Beavers, who opened their Pacific Coast confer ence season with a new coach and a whimper, had closed it today, with a bang! The Beavers finished first among northwest teams in the conference with four wins and no defeats, and fifth in the "big" register with five wins and three setbacks. At Eugene Saturday, the Beav ers romped' out on the field seven-point underdogs, but ral lied in the second half of their anual, civil-war- clash with Ore gon to win, 20-10. - ' Trailing, 30, after a first-half field goal by Oregon's Chet Dan iels, the bruising Beavers scored the first time they got the ball in the second half and added more tallies before the dazed Ducks could recover. Oregon's negro halfback, Wood ley Lewis, provided the thrill ot the game when he returned a punt 92 yards for the game's final touchdown. Many Sohpomores It was the sixth victory in the last seven games for Coach Kip Taylor's sophomore-paeked Ore gon State team, which the week before turned in one of the seas on's major upsets in defeating Michigan State, 25-20. (At Tucson, Saturday, Michi gan State's bid to regain lost pres tige wound up in a 750 rout of the University of Arizona Wild cats.) All coast candidate Ken Car penter, a true triple threater, and sophomore halfback Bill Shcffold led a 58-yard Oregon State drive (Continued on Page 10) Syndicate Taking Over At Cleveland Cleveland, O., Nov. 21 P A "syndicate of seven" headed by local insurance executive Ellis Ryan today takes over the con trol of the Cleveland Indians from President Bill Vecck for $2,200,000. All that remained was the for mal signature ceremony in Cleve land stadium at 11 a.m. a last touch before a battery of cameras by Veeck, the fabulous promoter who said he was selling out be cause he "needed the money and a vacation." Ryan will become the seventh president of the team since 1900. He and his Cleveland associates in running the club will get the Indians' old league park, valued at $100,000, and minor league team's at Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Ba kersfleld, Cal., Tucson, Ariz., and Burlington, la. They also get some 400 minor (league players, besides the 40 Indians. Veeck and his associates stand to clear about $700,000 in the deal, since they paid about $1,500, 000 for the club on June 21, 1946. Cash assets turned over to the new group amount to about $400,000, the same amount Veeck got when he purchased the team from former owner Alva Bradley. Veeck's end of the profits will be slightly less than 39 per cent, but because of the operating prof its which enabled him to pay off loans he negotiated in buying the Indians, he figured to come out of the deal with nearly $500,000 as a reward for his intensive pro motional efforts. BOWLING ALLEY PLANNED Prineville, Nov. 21 D al e Cowles and Chet Nelson of Wald port were here over the week end investigating sites with the view of establishing a bowling alley. Nelson operates a bowling alley at Waldport. Cleveland Browns Again Champions New York, Nov. 21 mi The Cleveland Browns, still In the same old rut with their "stereo typed" attack, today boasted their fourth straight All-American football conference champion ship. Coach Red Strader of the New York Yankees said last week that :h? Browns were coasting along as usual, depending on Otto Gra ham's passing, and that his team would beat them at Yankee sta dium yesterday. As usual, the Browns depended on Graham and also as usual Cleveland won, 31 to 0. It was the 10th time the Yankees have pointed for the Browns and failed. In other conference contests yesterday, the Los Angeles Dons beat the Baltimore Colts, 21 to 0. In the National league, the Philadelphia Eagles routed the New York Bulldogs, 42 to 0; the Chicago Cardinals and the Los Angeles Rams played a 28 to 28 tie; the Chicago Bears beat the Washington Redskins, 31 to 21; the Pittsburgh Steelers defeated the Green Bay Packers, 30 to 7; and the improved Detroit Lions downed the New York Giants, 45 to 21. Bowling In an intercity match here over the week end, the Redmond Co op. Creamery keglers won the final two games and total pins from Halbrook Motors. The mo tormen made it a match in the first game by winning by a three pin margin. Scott from Redmond was high man with games of 204-166-182 for a 552 series. Ray Smedley, with a 506 scries, was high for the Bend team. Three teams from Bend trav (Continued on Page 10) 0335? - 7 am -ilL And you can SAVE enough for several Christmas gifts by taking advantage of STANDIFER'S Suit & Coat SALE STILL IN PROGRESS! Yes, smartness and thrift go hand in hand, In this sale! SAVE enough on the suit or coat of your choice to swell that Christmas budget enjoy both! a fine, garment anil a big saving. Save s 15.02 to '35.02 on a SUIT Pritet now $29.98 - '39.98 - $49.98 Save up to '25.02 on a COAT Pr'ced now '19.98-34.98-39.98 Choose Now Pay LATER A $5 deposit will hold any garment """" Ohio State Set For January 1 Pasadena Jaunt New York, Nov. 21 UPi The sweet scent of roses surrounded California and Ohio State today, while nine other football teams sniffed the air for traces of sugar. cotton or oranges. It was the annual bowl bid bed lam In full swing. California and Ohio Stare unofficially clinched their Rose bowl invitutions Sat urday when Cal beat Stanford. 3314, for the Pacific coast con ference championship and Ohio State tied Michigan 7-7, for the B'g Ten conference co-championship. That left Oklahoma, Rice, Bay lor, Virginia, Muryland, Villano va, Wyoming, Tulane and Miami (of Florida) in the running for the other three big post-season class ics. Oklahoma, only undefeated and un-tied team in the lot. seemed assured of a Sugar bowl post aft er walloping Santa Clarai 28-21, but still must plav thrice defeat ed Oklahoma A. & M. this week. Otherwise, The bowl assignments were anyone's guess Including the bowl people's. Baylor and Rice battle It out come Saturday for the southwest conference title and the home team spot in the Only 17 Football Elevens Still Hold Unbeaten Rank New York, Nov. 21 tP A lean 17 teams remained today in the ranks of the unbeaten and un tied college football teams, and not even the Cleveland Browns or Philadelphia Eagles are going to knock 10 of them out of there. They are through for the sea son and their record stands proudly although some of them may be lured into post-season bowl games where they could be beaten. Only four'of the 17 teams were so-called "big leaguers" Notre Dame, Oklahoma, California and Army and three of these could get smirched right in the middle Cotton bow). Rice Is unbeaten In league play after a 2014 win over TCU. Baylor has lost one, and last licked SMU, 35-26. Tulane was rated a possible Cotton bowl visiting team. Loser to Notre Dame and lucky to get a tie with Navy, the Green Wave bounced back Into fhe show by handing Virginia ils first loss of the season, 28-14. Virginia still is a bowl possibility, but must meet North Carolina come Sat urday. (Continued on Page 1C) of their escutcheons next Satur day, though it isn't likely. The teams which are finished with all-victorious records are California and Emory & Henry of Virginia with 10 wins each; Wayne, Neb., Teachers and St. Vincent of Pennsylvania with nine apiece; and Lewis college of Illinois, Hanover of Indiana, St. Ambrose of Iowa, Trinity of Con necticut, Hillsdale of Michigan and Ball State of Indiana with eight. Honor Roll Given The unbeaten and untied honor roll: Om. Pt. Team 10 Victor ini : California SOU 114 bjnory A Henry (Va.l. ...... 284 107 Wofford (S.C.I (fl 67 Nine Vlrtorlea: Wayne, Neb., Teacher. 218 67 Oklahoma 323 88 Col lex e of Pacific (Calif.) 412 66 Orexon College of EducaUon.l. 96 48 St. Vincent (Pa.) 221 ( Einht Victoria: l-ewia College (III.) 910 15 Hanover (Ind.) 280 88 St. Ambrose (Iowa) 801 107 Army 316 68 Trinity (Conn.) HOC 38 Hillsdale (Mich.) 234 20 Notre Dame (Ind.) 301 66 Hall State (Ind.) 276 61 Seven Vlctoriea: Cannon (Pa.) 165 20 Heanon completed. The Wise Birds Shop at AIs For Thanksgiving Goodies ORDER YOURS NOW TURKEYS Grade A Birds Market Price ' 13s We Will Be CLOSED Thanksgiving Day 1 lb. 69c 2 lb. can... '1.37 Z1 IiiitL Tom and Jerry Batter. 55c 1 Pint Tube. HEINZ FIG OB PLUM Pudding ........ can 53c JUICES SALE nunsoN HOUSE No. 5 Orange Juice .... can 43c STANDBY No. S Blended Juice. . . . can 45c CAMPBELL'S No. 5 Tomato Juice. .... can 27c V-8 Juice. . . No. 5 can 39c CHASE CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES ... lb. box 55c BAKER'S DOT For Dipping Chocolate i lb. 25c FIRESIDE Candy 2 lb. cello 45c Hi-Ho Crackers lb. box 27c H & D No. 2', Sliced Elberta Peaches 2 cans 49c fcjlS 3 lb. can iJEj 79c STANDBY No. 2V2 Fruit Cocktail .... can 35c KERR'S STRAWBERRY Preserves. ..... lb. jar 35c II & D Whole Kernel Corn .... 2 No. 2 cans 29c OTTERBROOK No. 2 Green Beans. . . 3 cans 33c MISSION No. 800 Peas 3 cans 33c STANDBY 1 Lb. Cranberry Sauce, can 15c No. 3 Squat Con Sweet Potatoes. , can 25c DOLE No. 24 Pineapple Slices ..... 35c AIRPORT IV, IMnt Sweet Pickles jar 39c ROYAL GELATIN All Flavors Desserts 3 pkgs. 19c CHEVY CHASE 28 ox. NUTS TO YOU FROM AL ince Meat can 29c Miracle Whip . . . . qt. 59c Celery, crisp Utah. . 8b. 8c YAMS Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs. 25c FILBERTS lb. 25c 0065 lb. 19C BRAZILS lb. 33c WALNUTS lb. 23c PEANUTS lb. 39c MIXED NUTS... tb. 33c " ALMONDS lb. 33c FREE DELIVERY DAILY 519 E. Third Phone 1294-J