TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 15, 1949 THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON I'lr ; PAE SEVER 4 20,000 Classified Rates I t LOCAL PAID IN ADVANCE I 4 to words one lime ; sue) t im num .aju AH wwi m h. c pr- vara mm UIBW ! UMXUUU. Oh a.! run, mm copy, 4 day rat. MiaiMW cauia, abc Lin Hal Iwc lapiiala SOe iMadara lac Una, laiwuai cue CMawa Urn flaaallian. 11 a.aa. Uuplar - Adrsrtaauv CmmIds tint I p.m. pravwaa da, uw kali paa 01 larger, a p. a. aacaaa day pravMtua t pubUcauea. For Sale Real Estae ANNE FORBES, REALTOR 36 Oregon i"none M-W New, 2 bedroom homes: (1) Near Atien scnooi, naruwood floors, piasiereu, insulated, weatner suipped, stationary tuus; i&o0, &MM uown, ou monui. (2) un Norm riignway; 2 lots, nice home, zoneu lor auto court, store, etc. $7au, $27oQ down. . , 3 bedroom homes: (i) New,' din ing room, lirepiace, paved street, pumice oiocK stuccoed, $i,ouu. win Jf'riA. i.2) 2 large lots, niix-iy lanuscaped, aouoie garage,', tnsu la tea $yduO. Small down- payments: (1) Ex cellent location, paved street and alley, lot appraised lor Siaoo, 2 bearooms, wired lor electric range, only $4uuu, 50u down, $43 montn. a) 2 room, lurnisneu, ciean. $lo(X), $duu down, !kU montn. Acreage: 9 acres In Glen Vista. 4 acres swalley; warm 2 bedroom house; pressure pump. &buu, $2duU down. ALL STATE REALTY CO. Mod., well constr., 3 br. home, on one Iloor. Lge. Dsmt. ; good ga rage; oversize jot witn view; close in, n.ast side. $b9u0, terms. Cozy, 2 br., mod.; very clean inside and out; oil arc. goes; new garage; level lot; Vvest side. $4ouu, terms. Harmon Boulevard; vacant. 3 br. and den; bsmt.; auto, neat; lirepiace; hdwd. firs.; lge. ga rage. $i,0O0, terms. $1750 buys 3 rm. house. West side, bathroom and fixtures tnere not complete. Garage. Loveiy view. 221 Greenwood Phone 16 1 WE DOOD IT AGAIN SOLD ANOTHER $35,000 Dcs- chutes county larm .10 a man xrom tne Vauey. 'ihis one in tne cioveruaie urea. We had this one ail tticKed away lof a "friend 'of- ours but he didnt get here in time. Now we need another tonnim it must be a good one, improvements not so important as location and land; but it must have some alfalfa and pasture, 'inis bird has tne money. Also we need a good forty that can be had with $2000 down. RIGHT NOW we have a house on our minds. It is a 3 bed room house witn a nice living room, dining room, kitchen, complete bath, small basement, oil heater, wood stove, 2 lots; all lor $5350, with $1850 down. Ask Fat Ballew about it. OR THESE two houses at $3465, with $1465 down. Yes, ma'am, we said two houses and both are rented for $30 each. They are pretty good little houses for the money, as Pat can prove to you if you give him a call. NOW SEE HERE: This acre plus out on the Sisters highway at $2000, with $500 down, should find a buyer. The location is good and the small new studio house is cute. THIS ONE we advertised last week at $2200 down and ' had a lot of calls on it. Now we can sell it on much easier terms, and perhaps some of you folks who looked at it can manage a thousand or even less as , down payment. OK, come in, we can do. It is 4 acres with a 4 room house at $3950. tWe might rent it.) BY GOLLY, we almost over looked this South 3rd busi ness site at $3000, with good terms. Right across from the football field is the location; and believe you us, it is lust about the last of its kind on this busy highway, close in. WE SELL THE EARTH WILLIAM B. SHELLEY 520 South 3rd St. Phone 1174 J WANT TO SELL" List your property with GILBERT. A square deal, and prompt, efficient courteous service is vours at Gil bert's Real Estate. 1015 Wall St. DUPLEX. WITHIN 3 blks. of 2 erade schls. Priced to sell. This property will pay for itself in 5'n years. 'A blk. off Newport Ave. 1319 Union Ave. NEED A HOME? Check the Deal of the Day on KBND 9:45 a.m. Call today and inspect the listings at Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 WaU St WE HAVE BUYERS for 2 and 3 br. homes, also acreage with city water, and a 40 to 80 acre farm close in, condition of buildings and land immaterial. If it isn't listed with us, we can't sell it ; See C J. Llndh or D. H. Peoples, 4 Mldstate Realty Co. Phone 495. Readers Check These Ads HOMEFINDERS AGENCY ZcX East Third St. Phone bUJ-J o - nn u...,- v.... o ... -ij . i 2 Dr., mod.; pi pea oil furnace; gas range; garage; lawn fenced. SiOuO down; ttiA. terms. 2 br., mod.; just oil South 3rd. $900 down. Large 3 terms. br., on Newport. $6950, 80 a., 51 COI. 3 br. home. $6000; $18UU down. 200 a., deeded; 43 COI; 2800 Tay lor grazing. Good t or., mod. nome. come in and lei us tea you more. 200 a., grade A dairy; 15 cows, Dull ana larm maenmery. 2 br., mod. nome. Ail lor $2i,ijuu, terms. MIDSTATE REALTY CO. C. J. Linun and u. n. Peoples Rm. 11, o.s.iNat. Bldg. Fnoned5 $9600, $2500 down. The kind of a nome you are looking lor. 2 or.. lirepiace, ou neat, uenuix, eiec. range, large cor. lot, East side. Worth the money and it's a pleas ure to snow tins ct-ur. nome on East slue. 11 you can anord an $11,000 Home and nave $o0o0 casn, give us a can. $4500, $1000 down. Neat, 2 br.; un paveu si.; lirepiace; range wir ing. Guest no use lias 4 small rooms. 60 a., mi. from Bend; 35 a. COI water; old nouse. $oo00. 40 a. on N. Hiway; 30 a. COI wa ter; t mi. Horn neomond. $o5oo, $ouo uown. OWNER LEAVING WANTS yuiCtt. ACnulN. very neai, com lurtauie, mree room niouern. iwo nice lots, on paveu saeeu ioiui price, oraU. uuwn payment, $ss. vviu lane trucK to $000. MODERN DUPLEX WITH MOD ,iun inlilit nuuivl nuusc. JUO cated ciose in, on paveu corner. Always oeeupieu. Exceptionally good investment at aoioo. bomc terms. NICE, TWO BEDROOM MOD ekin. Living room, Kucnen wired, eieciric water neater, laatn. Einen Closets, rjastereu. toman uase ment. Attacued garage, un paved street, close in. Pnceu ngnt. own er wul trade for Willamette Val ley, ur taue trailer home as part 01 down payment, bee pictures. J. A. DUDREY, REALTOR 1033 Wail &l. 1'iione lH2t-W Across from Pilot iiulie inn THE WEST SIDE keAL ESTATE West side, 3 Bedroom, modern; oil neat; 2 lots; one'oiocK irom new scnooi. . $o0uo. $1000 casn, uaiance jo month. 2 bedroom, modern; East side. $6500. $ioo0 casn, balance $o0 month. We have lots of lots. 2 Riverfront lots on West siue. . E. M. BUCK.;UM, REALTOR 102a Brooks PUoned31 Near tne Chamber of commerce 2 br.. mod.: located close in; east side? $do0o; $d00 casn, bai. $40 mc. b'c 2 br., mod.; furnished; good cond. West siue. $jozo; $13i0 casn, Dal. $30. . . $5500, with $1500 cash, buys this fully mou., 2 Dr.; bsmt., wan fur- nace;wned for range; elec. water healer; garage, anu nice lot. The best buy in Bend on a 3 br., mod. home. Close in, on pave. Liv. rm.; din. rm.; kilcnen and dinette and util. rm.; garage. $6500; $1300 casn, bal. FHA. Call Mr. Locklin--331 CAFE WITH living quarters. $95 montn income lroin 2 mou. apis., garages, d yr. lease on Diug., $120 mo. rent, lveuucc-d price. oOi E. f ranknn. SMALL BUSINFSS for sale at in ventory, including zaxiO ouiiding. Suitable lor woouwoiKing. ftp prox. $2100 total cost. Blug. can De purchased without inventory. Write Box 3868, co Bend Bulle tin. 40 A. FARM, located 1 mi. west of ueumond on B St.; on paved road. Scnl. anu mail rie. at uooi. jo a. water, good delivery; all seeded down. 2 dwellings, 1 semi-mod. Will sell with or without stock, farm machinery, including new tractor and mower. Phone 30-K5. Stanley Edgerton, Rt. 1, Red mond, Ore. NEW Cottage Court 6 units, perm, residents. Change to tran sient and have income nearly $7000. Bank terms on 55,000. TOURIST COURT $25,000 gross income. Price $36,000; terms. BUSINESS Bldg. Income $900 mo. Main St. location. $61,000; terms. TAVERN and Home S1000 mo. net I LARGE Farm & Ranch Combina tion. i..viu. Close in. 320 A., with 130 free water. 4 br., modern house. $16,000. 410 A., with 110 walcr. 2 houses. $18,000. 80 A., with 49 water. Close in. $75,000. 2 A. N. hiway; close in. $500. l'j A. Beautiful building site; nr. city limits. $:wo. SMITH REALTY CO. 745 Bond Street Phone 94 For Sale Keel Estate LOT WITH well-built garage and chicken house, on 12m, Just oil Hartford. $o(). Inquire at 1107 Milwaukee; or call 738-W. NEW, 5 RM., 2 br. home at ap praised value. Hdwd. firs.; fir. furnace; Panente urainooarus. Lot 70x100'; on pavement. In quire 1341 t. 8m fat., Bend. VERN LARSON AGENCY 135 Oregon Ave. FJjone 32 Neat and clean. 1 br., mod.; ga rage and woodshed; good loca tion. $50. $iouO down, 'inis won't last. 1 BR., MODERN home; cor. lot. $400 uown, Dai. $40 per mo. 'total cost $200. bee at 1255 Albany Ave:; or phone 1547-W. Fuel GOOD, DRY 6"x8" ties; sawed 14", 16", 24", 1 cord $8; 2 cords, $15.50; 3 cords, SK2.00. Prompt uenvery. 1305 Elgin; or phone 1042-W. Dont deiay, order toaay; tomorrow may be too late. LIMITED SUPPLY of jackpine left, aiso have heavy jacKpme siaDs and body wood in any length. Full 128 cu. ft. per cord, fnone 1384-M; or call at 1032 Fed eral St. GOOD, SOUND dry body wood. $11' per cord; 3 cord load, $10 per cord. Prompt delivery. Phone 237-L. GOOD KITCHEN WOOD, trim ends; limited amount. $5 per trailer load. Call 396-M after 5 p.m. 2 CORD 16" gr. slab, $14.00; 2 cord 16" dry slab, $19.00, deliver ed in Bend. (You haul from yard, $5 per cord.) Central Oregon uel Co., pnone 201-W. 936 A si., Redmond, Ore. For Sale Farm Products ORDER NOW! Farm-fresh dress- ed turttevs for tne holiaavs or locker, loins, 45c; hens, 55c. Com-1 pare our prices! Phone 2012-J2. FOR SALE: Nov. 17 at Central Oregon Auction 60 head ewes, 45 nead lamus. 1 MILK COW for sale. Will fresh en in March. Phone 1517-J2. Kt. 3, Box 31, Blakley Heights. CONSIGN YOUR LIVESTOCK to Central Oregon Auction lor the highest prices. Sale every Thursday. Ben K. Smith, Mgr. Phone l-R-3. GET YOUR winter's supply of onions now. Fresnly packed sweet Spanish and Danvers, $2 per 50-lb. bag. At Koy 1. Brown Packing sned, Prineville, Ore. : TURKEYS: Toms, 31c lb hen?, 43c lb., live wgt.; dressed, 10c lb. extra. Clarence Elder Ranch, 7 mi. north old Redmond hiway. TURKEYS for sale: 1 mi. north of junction on Sisters highway. Louis Dunlap. Phone 150-W2. For Sale Miscellaneous SHOP NOW for Chirstmas gifts and cards at Garner s Gift Snop, on South Hiway. All kinds of tnreads, stamped articles, aprons and novelties most reasonable. Open evenings, holidays and Sun days. W A T K I N S PRODUCTS: Com plete line of household necessi ties. Quality products for 82yrs. Mary King gut nacKages, cos metics, toiletries for holidays ahead. Your Watkins Dealer, sole distributor. HAROLD J. KELLY 470 Heyburn Phone 1525-R A LARGE stock of reconditioned and guaranteed used refrigera tors from $49.50 up; used wring er washers from $19.50 up. Used automatic electric ranges from $39.50 up and also ironers. 165 E. Greenwood, Oregon Equipment Co.. phone 888. RADIO TUBES Complete stock Philco and other nationally known brands. Tubes tested. Bend Furniture Co. BEWARE OF FAKERS Itiner ant out-of-town sewing machine men are representing themselves as employees of this company these men are frauds. We do not employ house-to-house salesmen. Please phone us if one of them calls on you, or notify your local police dept. There is a law against door-to-door soliciting. ANDERSON SEWING MACHINE & APPLI ANCE CENTER Bend Phone 862-W ELECTROLUX: Complete with attach. 869.75. Call Phil Phil- brcok, 1293-J. 1304 E. 3rd. Only authorized sales and service. A $50 PAINTING of Crater Lake, $25. 6 ft. crosscut saw, 2 handles, good cond., $5. Phone 1441-J. DINETTE SET, 6 chrs. and table, for quick sale, $27.50. 8 pc. Mon terey liv. rm. suite, $67.50. Phone 1865-J. 1014 E. 7th. WARD DRAG SAW: 3 blades. Price $-15. Can be seen at 1472 Elgin. Phone 1362-J. 1 SCHWINN boy's bicycle: In good cond. ; new rear wheel. Price $25. 1516 W. 3rd, Bend. Phone 182-M. TRAILER HOUSE, about 24 ft long; furnished with oil heater. Gasoline stove. Bed sluing and mattress. All for $300. Call 1253 R. SET OF GUARDIAN services: excel, cond. Reasonably priced. Inquire at Dick's Carpenter Shop, 515 S. 3rd. 1 WOOD RANGE, $30. Thayer Saby buggv, $23. Both in good cond. Phone 1205-M. 1988 Awbrey. For Sale Miscellaneous TOR SPRINKLER irrigation 1936 CHEV. COUPE; running; equipment, see or write Benla- needs motor repairs; good rub min Russell, Rt. 3, Box 313. Phone ber. $75 takes. Phone 1670-J. 94. -1 LARGE GAS STOVE; 4-burners. Gridie, broiler, oven; gas water heater; good condition. 305 River-1 front. GETCH GUITAR, orchestra type, in fine case, $50. Phone 1670-J. TRAILER-HOUSE for sale; size au XL. iiyitii ui .ii.viia , Greenhouse on Jackson St. See Ralnh Dawson Redmond Ore ' I Kaipn Dawson, Keamono, uie. j BEND AUCTION SALE I Every Saturday. 11:30 a.m. Clean your attic and storerooms of ex cess furniture. Consign early. Phone 1269. For Sale Used Cars FELIX MOTOR SALES . Your Studebaker Dealer . - For Better Buys in Used Cars 1948 Commander Studebak er Starlight Coupe. Heat er, overdrive. 15,000 actual miles $1625 1949 Mercury Sport Sedan. R&H, o'drive, WW tires, fender skirts, 2 speakers, nylon seat covers, and WS washer $2145 1940 Studebaker Champ. 2 dr. R&H. Runs good $295 1940 Studebaker Pres. 4-dr. Motor perfect; rubber ex cellent $525 1936 Chev. 2-dr. Motor and rubber is very good. It's worth more. , $125 1932 Ply. 2-dr. It's one of tnose famous 4-cylinder jobs. Still lots of trans portation $45 TRUCKS PmW imlncc rmi em, iiu ho. f0re you buy, we both lose money Used Cars Phone 1820 New Cars Phone 561 USED CAR VALUES that SAVE YOU MONEY 1949 Pontiac Station Wagon "8." All-steel bouy; Hyuramatic, and lots of accessories. Very low mileage. Will carry a new car guarantee. Price re uuceu to ueurocK. 1941 Buick Sedan. She's a beauty . anu in good condition , tnrougnoui. 1241 Chevrolet Suburban. The . . .'all-purpose rig. ine answer to a sportsman's prayer. In A-l condition. 1939 Pontiac Sedan. New motor in 1948. nuns like a top. Lots oi goou transportation. Yes, sues priced lor a buy. 1937 Plymouth Sedan. You'll be surprised at inis one. a real, honest-lo-gooiiness buy, and . at a very low price. 1935 Ford Coupe. Good motor. 6 tires, treasonable. " -. Have you ever wondered why Ward iviotor Company has sucn a last turnover of used Cars.' The -answer: Good, reconditioned cars, and priced rigid! WARD MOTOR COMPANY . Used Car Lot 36 Oregon BEND GARAGE CO. ''Winterized used Cars" 1949 Buick Roadmaster Sedan. The big guy in Buick, with D.vna- flow and complete accessories. ' Unly 4'JOO miles. Buy it at a huge discount Horn list price. I 1948 Chevrolet Aerosedan. Beau-' tnuily kept inside anu out. iiasi Uteri, seat covers, fogiigmt,, I chrome Wheel discs. Winterized. , 1918 Oldsmobile Station Wagon. I The Deluxe 8, with liydrainauc and loiding rear scat, lias K&ii, visor, spotlight, foghghls, back-i up light, anu new tires. Winter ized. i 1948 Pontiac Convertible Coupe. Sparkling blue, wim black lop. Has Hyuramatic transmission, plus complete accessories, unly; 9000 miles. Winterized. 1948 Plymouth Sedan. Attractive light green model mat has been tnorougnly checked and is guar anteed. Winterized. 1917 Chevrolet Aerosedan. 'Way above average in every detail. Equipped wim K&li, loghgms. seat covers, winterized. 1947 Chevrolet 5-pass. Coupe. New light green paint job. lias been thoroughly reconditioned. R<. Winterized. 1916 Dodge Sedan. Smart green, witn R&H, spotlight, and Fluid Drive. Winterized. 1939 Chevrolet 2-door. Exception ally clean. Winterized. 1937 Ford Sedan. Good motor. ! 1937 Chevrolet price. 2-door. Bargain 1947 Ford l'i Large flat bed. ton COE Truck. 2-spccd rear axle. 1948 Dodge 2 Ion Truck. Excel lent condition, iias 2spced rear axle, high stock rack, heater and defroster. Reduced to $1993. Phone 193 OR TRADE: 1912 Chev. coach: 1916 motor and body. Write Keith Palmer, Skyline Ranch, Pa. 2, Box 41. For Sale Used Cars 1941 DESOTO 4-dr. sedan. A steal at $495. See at 456 K. Irving, days; or phone 666-W, evenings. 1949 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE Auto, windows, top, and seat. Ra dio, heater, WSW, overdrive, etc. Trade my equity for best car offered. See at 1335 Federal; or phone 1713-W, after 6 p.m. .(l.,Q i7V-rr, A1-T31r,. nUnt 1(1. ' - . t;. 000 miles on new moton good bed am, lumber rolier Frank green, 201 Broadway; after 6:30 V - m. 1939 Chev. 2-door. Just over hauled; runs good $295 1937 Ford 4-door. Mechanic's : Special. $75 1936 Pontiac 4-door .$95 ' HAND MOTOR CO. - 183 East Greenwood Phone 61 Member Central Oregon Auto mobile Dealers Assn. For Rent MONTHLY RATES now in ef fect. 1 & 2 br. WAHEE Cottages, on South 3rd. 7 RM.. UNFURNISHED house, with bath; cook stove furnished. 20 Kearney. Suitable for roomers. See Mgr., Cozy Hotel. CLEAN. COMFORTABLE, 3 rm. ant. Suitable for 2 adults. Utili ties. 10 min. walk to P.O.; on bus line. 1415 W. 9th. Cor. 9th and Newport. 3 RM.. MODERN, furnished apt. Private bath. See at 945 E. 2nd. Phone 1494-W or 13-F6. SMALL, MODERN apt. Suitable for 1 person. 344 Delaware. Phone 1427-J. 2 & 3 RM. APTS. for rent; com pletely furnished: all utilities In cluded. Reasonable rates. Park Motel, Sisters. 3 RM. APT.; nicely furnished; elec. range, refrig.; private bath: auto, furnace heat. No children or pets. Phony. 1484. . . . . 2 RM., FURNISHED apt.; prl bath and entrance. 340 West 12th 2, UNFURNISHED APTS.; clean; goon loca; l at 2 or. tor miorma- ti(tn, call 1694-J. WINTER RATES: Furnished & 3 rm. apts. Everything fur nished. Shady Nook Auto Court. Phone 509. APTS. FOR RENT for winter months. L Rancho Motor Hotel, Phone 199-Z, -Redmond. 3i RMS. and shower. Auto court, Winter rates. Bonilio Auto Cts, Redmond. FURNISHED Apts. Weekly rales. Owl Motel, 1729 E. 1st. SMALL, 3 RM. house with stoves. Not mod. 331 ',4 Riverfront. $15 per month. Call 353-W. 4, RM., MODERN duplex; fur nished or unfurnished. 1527 Divi sion. Phone 793-J. MODERN, completely furnished, 2 br. home. Write co P.O. Box 582. Bend. Wanted TOP PRICES paid for any kind of cattle you have to sell; fat or thin. Will pick them up at your ranch. Randall Miller, Redmond. Phone 168-X. WOULD LIKE to buy some good milk cows that will freshen soon; also any other kind of cattle you have to sell. W. R. Franks, Red mond. Phone 78. WANTED TO BUY: Livestock of any kind, any amount. Also horses. Have cash buyers. See Nick Chase, or drop card: Rt. 3, Box 96; or phone 790-W. Leave word. WANTED: GUNS. New or used. Cash or trade-in allowance. Evans Fly Co. Phone 815-.1. A LIGHT LOGGING truck to haul 16 ft. jackpine logs. Inquire 34 Terminal Place, alter 0 p.m. Help Wanted AVAILABLE: The best one-man business in city of Bend. We pro vide capital. Car required. Write J. R. Watkins Co., 137 Dexter Ave., Seattle, Wash. Siliiullnns WunU'd EXPERIENCED practical nurse. Will do some cooking and house keeping. Mrs. Ruth Moye. Phone 1500-Wl or 841-J. Ixist . SET OF CAR keys, fastened to i gcti.er wiih copper wire, on Bond St. Friday night. Return to Uox 3865, co Bend Bulletin. SHEAFFER fountain pen; en graved "W.J.E. 1913-1946." Re ward. Phone 958. SMALL YELLOW DOG, old and j deaf. S10 reward. J. O. Porter, i H mi. west Eastern Star Grange. Services SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, drain holes shot. Free estimates. Phone 1252-J or 975J. D. W. Grimes, 210 Davis Ave., Bend. GULICK TRUCK Service: Lontt distance livestock and hay haul ing. We pick up livestock for lo cal maikcts, Redmond Auction house, or for shipment direct to Union Stock Yards, Portland. Phone 790-W. SAW FILING, gumming, ham mering, band saw welding, sandcr belts, band saw blades, new han dles hung In tools. Sexton Supply , & Saw Service, 1195 Wall Street. Daily Services ATTENTION. HORSEMEN! Will take a limited number of horses to break and train. Here is your chance to get that good colt broken right or a good rein put on your saddle horse or salt ed the way you want him. Also correct t?d habits. This training will ad to the value of your horse. Send your horse to school. Phone 3R8 after 6 p.m. Kt. 1. Box 149, Redmond. STOCK POND excavation: also land clearing oy tne acre. Phone or write for prices. Phone 1226- W: address. Rt. 3. Bo:: 3. Bend. Ore. WELL AND DRAIN hole drilling. Call Chet Sumner, phone 1007-M. or Gilbert Long, phone 1040. Free estimates: all work guaranteed. WATER HAULING: 1000 gal, $2.50. Drop card, Aulman Bros., Kt. J, BOX 120. FURNITURE MOVING: dust- proof padded van. We pack your china with care, hang your clothes In our wardrobe. Local and nation-wide moving and storage. Holman Transfer, 201 Irving. Phone 987. ELECTRICAL WIRING All types of electrical wiring by guar anteed licensed men. Free esti mates. Telephone 159. CARPENTER WORK: New con struction, rough framing, remod eling, cabinets, built-ins and shop work. F. W. Page, phone 650-M general contractor. HEATING: Service and Repair on all makes of oil burners by factory trained men. Oregon Heating Co., 510 Delaware, Call 513, day or night TRAVELING Truck-Crane. Doing light or heavy duty hoisting, load ing or pulling. R. B. Watson, phone 1699-J. 1636 Galveston. FOR WELL and drain hole drill ing call Lee Grimes, 224 Davis, phone 975-J or 1252-J. HOUSE MOVING and raising; large or small. Estimates gladly given. Holman Transler, 201 Irv ing.-Phone 987. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE and repairs on all makes. Phone 274. 1033 Brooks. Miscellaneous $10 REWARD for Information re garding whereabouts 1941 Ford coupe; engine No. 18-611-8943; li cense No. 442 - 256. Registered owner, Charles A. Smith. Write or phone Star Trading Center, 316 So. 2nd, Corvallis, Ore. PRACTICAL NURSING In prl vate homes; or convalescent. 1364 Newport. NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that hearing on the final account of Mabel Bean. Executrix of the estate of James R. Bean, decsased, will be held In the Courthouse In the County Court room in Bend. Deschutes County, Oregon, at the hour of two o'clock P.M. on Mon day, the 5th day of November, 1949, and all persons interested in said estate are notified to ap pear at said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why said final account should not be approved, the estate settled and closed and the executrix dis charged. DATED and first published this 1st day of November, 1949. MABEL BEAN, Executrix 279-285-90-296-C PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, Nov. 15 (Un Cattle salable 200; holdover 250; market slow; few cleanup sales about steady with Monday's close; high medium and low good short fed steers closed, fully 50 cents or more lower; many medium heif ers fully 1.00 off; some showing more loss compared last week's high; medium and" good 1170 to 1216 lb. fed stccVTi Monday 24.00; 1395 lbs. 23.10; long load medium 725 lb. heifers today 20.00; above 1000 lbs. 18.00; common heifers 15.50 to 16.00; cutter and common dairy type heifers 10.50 to13.00; ennner and cutler cows 9.50 to 10.50; shells down to 7.00; com mon and medium beef cows 12.00 to 14.00; cutter and common saus age bulls 12.00 to 15.00. Calves salable 50; market ac tive, steady; good light vcalers 22.00 to 2-1.00. Hogs salable .100; market not fully established; few selected butchers steady at 17.50; most bids and few sales on good and choice 180 to 230 lbs. 17.00 to 17.25; good 300 to 450 lb. sows 13.50 to 15.00; feeders scarce; top Monday 18.00. Use classified ads In The Bulle tin for quick results. QUICK P . . . R The Biggest Little Real Estate Office In Oregon o p E R T Y T U R N O V E R E..M.Bucknum REALTOR 1020 Brooks Phone 331 Mill Workers (Continued from Page 1) hospital. Yes, this is a time and a half day, and these companies are willing to pay this extra mon ey if you will join with them and mane it Known as 'nospitai aay. These mills must have full crews to operate, and I am sin cerely appealing to you to neip out. Starting Wednesday, ballots will be passed out to you to de termine if you wish to work on Saturday. I sincerely and honest ly hope you will mark your ballot yes. ... if you no, ana Dotn mills operate, you will contribute around $20 to help build the hos pital. "This large amount of money dIhvs a verv important part in building our nospitai now. we need it. We must have it. to pro tect the money already subscrib ed. It will save lives mayrje your own, or maybe some mem ber of your family. MercliantH i-avor nan Fordham in his radio talk to the CIO members told of the move uptown to obtain 10 per cent of all profits on Friday sales for the hospital fund. Members of the Bend Retail Merchants committee of the chamber of commerce endorsed the plan 100 per cent at a special meeting yes terday afternoon. The majority of merchants reached appear to be in favor of the plan, it was announced. Any merchant wish ing to cooperate in the plan, and not already reached, has been asked to call the Central Oregon Hospitals foundation office. nhone lbbl. All store employes also are be ing asked to contribute a portion of their weekly pay to the cam paign, which is now drawing to a close. 15 Trapped Coal Miners Rescued Mahanoy City. Pa., Nov. 15 ilPi Rescuers brought out 15 weary coal miners early today who had spent eight hours trapped Denina a rock fall 900 feet underground. The trapped men dug continu ously during their captivity to help rescue crews working from the other sine clear away tne tons of rock, coal and dirt which block ed their path to freedom. , "I wasn't afraid they wouldn't reach us," one of the miners said as he came to the surface. "But, I'm glad I'm out. We sure did a lot of digging for this night's work." Physicians who examined each of the men as they came to the surface said that they sutiercd no ill effects. They were sent home to rest. PORTLAND MARKETS Portland, Nov. 15 till Portland butter and egg prices were un changed today. Butter Price to retailers: Grade A A prints, 68c lb.; A A car tons, 69c; A prints, 68c; A car tons, 69c; B prints, 65c. Egg prices to retailers: . Certi fied A large, 63c doz.; grade AA large, 62c; A large,-60c; AA-medium, 50c; certified A medium, 49c; B medium, 45c; A small, 44c; cartons, 2c additional. Used Davenport $25.00 Bedroom Sets 4-llece $47,50 Circulating Heaters and Oil Heaters $12.50 up BUY WHERE YOU GET SERVICE Maytag Appliance Store ltepair!i and .Service fur All .Makes uf Wa.-dicr-t Next lo Chamber of Commerce Phone 371 10 Men Bail Out Of Burning Plane Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. J5 ilPi Ten men bailed out of a burning B-29 bomber but three others stayed with the giant plane and brought It down to a safe landing at the Salt Lake mu nicipal airport last night The plane, based at Spokane, Wash., was on a simulated bomb ing, mission over an air force tar get area west of Great Salt lake when the No. 4 engine caught fire. Lt. William H. Eckles, of Spo- kane, said the fire looked so dan gerous he gave the order to bail out. However, the fire was put out and the propeller feathered before the plane landed. . Big Fines Paid By Mine Workers Washington, Nov. 15 IP- The United Mine Workers and John L. Lewis today paid the government $1,420,000 In fines for their fail ure to obey a no-strike court or der last year. . Federal court officials here thought the fine may be the largest ever paid. The union was fined $1,400,000 and Lewis $20,- . 000. The union, however, put up the money for both. . UMW attorneys delivered the money to the government in the office of Harry M. Hull, chief clerk of the District of Columbia -federal court. They handed over a certified check drawn on the National Sav ings and Trust Co., of Washing ton for $1,400 and $20,000 in cur rency. The actual payment was pre ceded by a final court scene be fore Judge T. Alan Goldsborough who presided at the trial of Lewis and the union and passed sent ence on them after their convic tion on contempt charges. The fines were levied against the mine workers chief and the union on April 19, 1948. Lewis had contended the anti-strike or der, originally issued by Golds borough, was unconstitutional. The fines were double the amounts that Lewis and ' the UMW had paid in 1947 in a simi lar case. Within 50 years, North Caro lina has produced a living for one-third its people from indus tries before then new to the state: wood, textiles and tobacco. VERN LARSON AGENCY Insurance & Real Estate 135 Oregon Ave. Phone 32 BEND, OREGON 2-Cedrocm Modern 5 lots on pavement. Te-nis. $4,E00 1-Bedroom Modern Garage, wood shed, good lo cation, $1,000 down. $2,650 Farm 10 acres. 10 water, 2-bcd-room home, numerous buildings, Wi miles out. Terms, $5,100 80 Acre Farm . 80 acres, 40 Arnold, 8-bed-room home, large barn, chicken and turkey house, garage, alfalfa. 3 miles out. Stock and equipment can be bought, or will take late model car or trailer house. $5,500 40 Acre Farm 40 acres, 29 COI 2-bctlroom lioiuai and 2-room house. Numerous out buildings, S miles out. Will consider 2 bedroom modern In cily on trade. Engine and equip ment can be bought. Terms. $5,500 Stock Ranch Will handle upwards of 100 head. 3 miles out. Would consider s in a II e r place. Make us an offer. Look whnt Maying gives you: Yoari of faithful perform ance Cleaner clnthei with fa mous Gyrafoam washing action Exclusive Rollor Water Re mover Thrco models to choose from $131.95 to $180.95 liberal Trm$, . lew Moafhr PaymanU " IRST!