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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1949)
PAGE SIX THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1949 Redmond and Vicinity REDMOND Redmond, Nov. 14 (Special) Mr. and Mis. Joe MeMunuy and Helen spent the week end In l'ortland. Mrs, lister Houk spejit last week with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudspeth of John Day. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wlddows and family are moving to Eu phrata. Wash. WlddovA is a gov ernment surveyor. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davidson and son, Dick, returned Monday from a trip to San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Niel have Announced the birth of twin girls. The infants were born Novem ber 8 at the Medical-Dental hospital. Redmond ioastmaster s club Ethel Smith. The Wlddows plan to leave Redmond for their new home in Ephrata, Wash., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William llaRhilt have named their infant son Larry The Redmond volunteer flte men entertained their wives with a dinner dance at the Antleis' club. Tuesday, Novemlior 8. Mrs. Pat Novak was released from the Medical-Dental hospital Wednesday night. She had been a patient there for several days. A. I. chapter of H.E.O. met with Mrs. Eva Lynch Thursday night. Miss Cordelia Humphrey spent last week end in Corvallis visit ing her sister, Betty, who is a freshman. Miss Twyia Hargan and Miss Dons Dukson were home for the Journeyed to Prineville Monday j weck end. The girls are attending to demonstrate a model meeting Northwestern Business college in to a group of Prineville men. The Portland. meeting was held in the high I mis Jessie King was hostess school gymnasium. Next Mon-at a dessert bridge to a group of day the Prineville group will hold j f,.jcnds Wednesday night at her a dinner for those interested in I hnmi Thiw. mlile : nlnw organizing a Prineville Toast-! Mi-s. Mvrtle Gunther look high OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams THREE MILES THRU CATC LAW BRUSH IN THAT EVFOFP PPSITIOM WILL BE VSCWe ON HIM THAW TK THIRTY MILES O' SUPPLE.' HE CAN'T COOK FOR A WFEK-- IWN'T f.AICE IT A MONTH.' I ME NOT WE ONLY (SOT T THREE MILES THRO I I LIP6E HOSS) THREE MOKE . CATC LAW BRUSH I l"7- AOAIM.' J MILES TO (SIT IN THAT EVfVFP I OOoom 1 THIS CHIW-V COOK PtTSITIOM WILL BE loyk-l v ,r ' INTO CAMP.' HE It .' 7?iSft, l AIM'T IMir VET.. 4 IS. 1 j'T TC J 1 ' T "V t -f"T , . THE WHIPPIMS FOST , TJS.vnuS master's club, Jerry Wlddows made arrange ments to check out of Redmond Union high school Monday. He will be moving to Euphrata, honors, Mrs. cond and ti t.i r I 1 1 ... i ire. Virginia" " .w",m.m. ... Mrs. Owen Rogers, low. I th(.L- w- sks homo Sunday. I riennewi aiiuiiks icii aunuaj NORTHWEST REDMOND I for a week's vacation In Califor- Northwest Redmond. Nov. 14 i ma. He is making the trip on his motorcycle. Mrs. L. W. Shanks was a Sun day dinner guest at the J. W. Schrunk home. Afterwards they Oregon State (Continued trom Page 2) The Beavers chewed through the tired and battered Michigan State line, working downfield to the eight yard line. With time running short, a discouraging five-yard penalty set Oregon State back to the 13. However, u pass clicked back to the five. And then Beaver Carpenter took the pass from center, skirted end, and with two tacklers hanging on his legs, dived over the goal line for the winning score. About 60 seconds before the end of the game Bill Sheffold in- Ore., enrolled in Redmond Union I friends in central Oregon. Thev i Iam"-V m evuie. tercepted Michigan Mates last high school Monday. Donna is a ! spent some time with his parents. I Mr- and Mrs. Shorty Wilcox i desperate pass attempt and par freshmnn Athena Intro TVmaiH m,. m T.. ., snpnr Thursday nt the home of i tlsan fans began to grasp the sit- Wolf and Bruce Rogers had a re- ,'hu' sister Mrs .Te Tarkitt' and , Mr. and Mrs. judd Bourland. uation. A low but deep roar began Wash., with his parents in the (Special) John Viegas left Mon near future. jdav for Monument after receiving Walter Richardson, junior (word that his mother, Mrs. Marv from Ajo, Ariz., entered Redmond : Marcus had died suddenly. Funcr- Unlon high school last week. !al services were arranged for .all drove to Bend to see Mr. and The Redmond Union high j Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. VV. E. McCallum. who re- school activities director, "Rusty" i Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hankins Icentlv moved there from Red Davles, Superintendent M. C. La- j came from Silvies Sunday for almond. rlne, Dean of girls, Mrs. C. E. week's visit with their daughter.! xtr flI,,i r, Tom Humohrw Thompson and Dean of men, Wil-; Mrs. John Viegas and her family. st0Zed S undav at the L W btmkler-'Kn'owl-ororP,a 'L .Cuh?r SAT booklet, Know Your School,' to spent Monday with her sisterin-1 wav t0 iuanna. icicaacu lit me t"Xi trills .11 ivo- iaV, .irS, JCSS iHCKlll Junction with observance of Na tional Education week. Donna Taylor from McKenzie, 1 1 ii r . t . t.. .1 ,,. J (- rT..l nnw nl Toft 1 ' 1U I'llS. i tTI I V Dli.1V ttllU District Grid Winners Named Portland, Nov. 14 'If Eugene high .school's Axemen will repre sent district 4 In the Oregon state prop championship quarter finals. Tin decision was made lute Saturday by vote of 13 member schools In the district. Eugene received nine votes, Lebanon three and Albany one. The vote was necessitated by action of the Oregon school ac tivities association in declaring Corvallls games forfeited, thus muddling the district's leader ship. Eugene will meet Marshfleld, district 3 winner, In Coos Hay Nov. 18. Another week end vole gave the district 2 playoff berth to Klamath Kails and the Pelicans will take on Ln tlrande of dis trict 1 In the uaiter finals. ln other playuff games, Mil waukle of district fi will play Hillsbiiro of district t'; and Cen tral Catholic of district 7 will meet (.Irani, champion of the Portland Interscholastie league, which Is district 8. Lord's Acre Salo Results Announced Powell Unite, Nov. II - Offi cials of the Powell lluttc commu nity church report (hat its latest early November Lord's Acre auc tion and country store had net proceeds of $1,083. The paslor, Rev. I. L. Pcnhollow, says that more than SlTi.lHK) has now been amassed lor ilu unique annual event devised several years ago to provide funds for expanding the church and developing a youth center. Farmers of this west Crook county Irrigated district each year set aside the production of a typical acre of their places and the aggregate from these Lord's acres is auctioned each early No vember. Senator Wayne Morse, a visitor last year but unable to be pres ent this year, will nevertheless eat Powell Hull.' liucks at Thanksgiving. Wiring his regrets, Senator Morse sent $10 (or pur chase of the poultry specialty, re-meinlu-rliig. he said, the quality of two of the Peking breed he picked up last eai in the stadium as the Beavers nn dvmmnu MnnHv .ii. : ..,.;' f v.- -.-j v. ' j i. ..T.i e ilclune to the ball. It grew and ui aiwwit ; g uccia ui auu .ma. u uttu unu ctiiu iia. u uuu uuuikiiiu ,l. i Bowling ICnnrlnnpl f-fn l!,ip l IWml: l.or.v, fl : llmv.-r, Ko.Uo. Wl; lllut-tit-r, &:il; Stiut. f4t. Tt.tnl IION'IIH KOI.I.KKS CI y l..-ur: II. Kiim, ; llfuwn. le-;'li.'.Jl.V SHI. Autumoli.i- l-aruv: (i. Nori-ott. 2k?: 0. Norcotl. -'17-03-lV ttl'.l. Civic l.ragu! I nri-y MtiHKmvi-. Hi : Larry Mmt, U-U.I Six. Wumert'B UJur: Julk ('..illrr. ISy : Mnilni lllui-h.-r. U'..T7.(iO Mr,. Mrrrh.ntj l.alu: Cnrl Sullivan. : Mai Kalx-r. I'ty.I'.a.iUW idl. ShrvlinlUxun Uacur: J. Shirk, Til. j. Shirk. 1 7 1 - ir..i-aa &ei. Ctaulc lavur: 1'avil l-orrv-, 2CJ ; llt-n. 1. -y llavuihn. .,-'.1.l;.'..-'ia t:ty. IWwtrr uf th VYrrk: Hrnlr-y llAUHhl. IClatak- . at the Redmond KBN'D station, i Bourland Saturday night. The drove down to see the new Mill These recordings will be heard by the judges of the Jaycee, "I Speak for Democracy" contest Crosses formerly lived m Red- i creek bridge Sunday. mond. I Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Penhollow Mr. and Mrs. Jess Tarkitt and nf (".nston visited in central Ore- Mr. and Mrs. Rav Bessev were son rale and Mr and Mrs Ch.-ir. ! crrin last week Thev visited at the Tuesday night guests of Mr. and j lie Smith and little son, Roger, home of his son. D. L. Penhollow, Mrs. L. I. Peterson. The group! made a business trip Sunday to i and family, and his daughter, Mr. played pinochle and Mrs. Bessey j Hampton. " and Mrs." Howell Douglass and and Mrs. Peterson won honors. Mrs. Kenneth Jackson made a j familv, in Bend. Mrs. Joe McMurry, who in-'business trip to Portland Thurs-I Mrs. Nellie Thompson of Ter- jured her knee in a fall several days ago, has reported back to work at the Baker Feed com-1 pany. j E. O. Adams was at Malin on business last week. Mrs. Cressie MacDonald was hostess to the Gold Star Mothers, Wednesday. Circle met at the home of Mrs. VV. J. Priday and Circles 1, day. She returned Saturday. ! rebonne and Mrs. W. R. Naff Miss Walme Darrar of Port-; spent Wednesday- afternoon with land is here visiting her sisters. Mrs. D. L. Penhollow. Mrs. Kenneth Jackson and .Mrs. D. L. Penhollow. his little son, Alice AuCoin. ! Jimmy, and his uncle. Dick Pen- Mr. and Mrs. Z. L. Braly and hollow, took a load of household family of Prineville, Mr. and Mrs. furnishings to Gaston for W. H. C. E. Braly and Mr. and Mrs. P. i Penhollow. ' L. Braly and little son. Billy Joe.! Mr. and Mrs. Earl lhompson ON DRILL TEAM University of Oregon. Eugene, No. 14 (Special) Dorothy Corkett. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Corkett, 654 Roa- enjoyed an elk steak dinner at Judy, and Mrs. Nellie Thompson ! noke ave.. Bend, is one of a drill grew as the seconds ticked away, and with but 10 seconds to go Multnomah stadium was a single sound of relief and glory for the Beavers. Coach Kip Taylor, who left Michigan State only a year ago for Corvallls, said every man played inspired football. His for mer boss. Coach Biggie Munn, had no excuses. "Those Beaver kids were just great today," Munn said. the Dick Woodward home Friday, of Terrebonne were Wednesday and o met with Mrs. John New-1 The steaks were furnished by Z. evening dinner guests at the D. ton last Friday. Mrs. Walter L. Bralv, who had just returned i L. Penhollow home. Hepner assisted Mrs. Newton as I from an elk hunting trip in east-l Mr. and Mis. Jack Neff of Eu- co-hostess. The Guild will meet with Mrs. Lee Morton November is. Mr. r.nd Mrs. Charlie Heim went to San Francisco November 5. Eastern Star members held a potluck dinner Monday, Novem ber 7. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Widdows have sold their property to Mrs. ern Oregon. team composed of 48 University of Oregon coeds who will be fea tured during halftime of the homecoming football game with ! gene and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Min-1 Oregon State college on Nov. 19. Mr. and Mrs. Rov Sylvester : son and C. C. Vice all of Powell The drill team will perform with and Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Lowe ; Butte were callers at the Penhol- the university band on Haywnrd and son, Gordon, all of Lebanon were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Shanks. Mrs. Sylvester is a sister of Mrs. Shanks and Mrs. Lowe is a niece. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Gaines and son, Leland, of Scio, and Mike low home last week. field. CLASS 1'LAV KCHKDU.KD Prineville, Nov. 14 - Mrs. June Robb. drama Instructor at the Crook county high school, has announced a three-act murder mystery. "Reserve Two for Mur- :dei." as the annual class play. scheduled for the boards. Uecorn ber 14 and 15. Mrs. Robb stated that rehearsals of the amateur thespians will be started as soon as tile cast has been selected. RELIEF AT LAST For Your COUGH Creomulsion relieve promptly became it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and cspcl germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in (lamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomuhion wtth the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or vou are to have vour monev back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, ChcstColds, Bronchitis REGISTERED HEREFORD SALE Nov. 19, 1949 at the Round-Up Grounds Pendleton, Oregon r or top values in aouDie merit, uouoie M nereioras, attend this sale. Write Irvin Mann, Adams, Oregon, for free catalog. IRVIN MANN H. B. SAGER PAT HOPPER IRVIN MANN, JR. Auctioneer BOB HOPPER Bend Community Cef.ce" Asc. MEMBERSHIPS For Concerts Available Nov. 14 to 19 only Admission memberships on sale at Chamber of Commerce Office Ries Radio Adults, $6.00, students, $3,50, tax included SPACE COURTESY BROOKS-SCANLON INC. and THE SHEVLIN-HIXON COMPANY The more you shop the better this around" looks! DVrtd hre riaf and local (axtt. If any, and whif fidtwafl (i21), ixfra. Price: may vary ilighliy in adjoining or to! btcauie of trantportation chargtt. ifTTM Pirn ..n" ' ''' "' -1 v t Size it up: Distinctive, exclusive new beauty . . . backed by the enduring strength and safety of two husky tons of roadweight. Spectacular per formance (with amazing thrift) from a precision-built, 135-HP straight eight engine. The relaxing comfort of a soundproofed interior . . . cradled by Packard's fanii'4 Limousine Ride. And it's . . . Priced lower than mmy a lighter built, lower-powered eipj't priced eve.ti lower than some of today's sixes! And prices i icluifc direction signals, fTiuer shields, courtesy and trunk lights . . . many other extras. And the economy lasts I Durability note: Of all the Packards built, in the last 50 years, over 50 are stiil in service! ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ON( Gat economy report on the new 135-HP Packard Eight, with ovcr drivet based on current reports from over 1,000 owners in all parts of the country. Ptecomoe of owwtcs RCPOfrTiMO t ACM FIGURE foao wars P(e OAUON 22 iw Hal 7 21 raVflM 8V. 20 raWWM 18 '. ib mmttmaammmMmmmm 22V.' I, rMraWH 13 II b 15 wm 3 t Optional, l moderate extra cott. Notice, please: The most frequently mentioned figure is 19miles per gallon! The 1950 Rickard 135-HP EIOHT 150 HP SUPER 160-HP CUSTOM HUTCHINS MOTORS 167 Greenwood Ave. Bend, Oregon SAVE ON O Prescriptions O Drugs O Tobaccos Magazines O Cosmetics QUALITY with Economy or ECONOMY DRUGS 801 Wall S I'h. 323 Id'V. 1 Vnliiillmv ii'iiin ls Hint mi iiiclilliMi Is now i'ii,'iM'il mi plnmi (hi1 (he proposed lieu- rhuicli mid voiillt t'l'iilri'. When Ihi'Kc 1111 10101 own a;kn'V I'llnrvlllc. N'lV. II W'llll.Hil Hullo, wild Ikim im'ioeliilcil Willi Mel lioililli of Ihc I 1 iiK-viiic Hilv, ho ili'i'liurd, I'ciwi'll lliillci lIKii liiil"ii' Co. Iii'ic In hniidlliii! ivsldriil.s will ilci'ldc on cimsli iic- nonlx'd Klver Netted ' ii'in pulii lion. lines, iiiinoiiiiei'd Suiuln.v Hud In' ,d liniiied Mis nun polilln ship' niillelln I'lnsslfledM lit liii: llcsulls 1 1'1"'! !'. QUIHIONINO APPRICIATIVI i (irwMltfkmlef I liyott know real value, you'll spot it quickly in this" Double-Rich" Kentucky whiskey! Always say, "Make mine Cream' (OUBIE-rkhJ jm $005 ' 'INT KENTUCKY WHISKEY-A BLEND 86 Proof, 70 Grain Neutral Spirits. OSchonloy Diitillon Inc., N. Y. C. "This coffee tastes like MORE! 19 w . v J' A V- . S 1 ' f DM J urr-: fry, mil-. ' fVjA " l t ' .mm...H0T WtN t?jgh coftee always taste better ad E0WAR05 11 1 i ft always mw come ! ff costs you LESS at