PAGE FIVE Local News TKiri:iiTi nr. Mitxlrituiti yi'Hli rilny, IH di'tircc. .Minimum hint iiIkIiI, 'M ili'iirccs. ki nsi;t, m muni; timiis KiuuUe tomorrow, (I: ft 7 Niiiini'I Iniiinrruw, 1:11, Iteinl 1'nrlly cloudy loiliiy mill SllllililVi li Ik It lnihty, Ml In ftft; low IiiiiIkIiI, 'in lo :('!; hlijli Hiindiiy, 17 lo M. Wllliinl A. Khniiiuhhi'II, l.'llili CiiIvi'nIiiii, yesterday wim mliiilt led In l.innliMiimMH liimplliil, Miililll MrClnnU. f7 MrK'iy, wiiN iiilmll li'il yesterday lo Lime hcrman' IniHpltiil, Mm. Waller O iilrliKliiuik mill Infant dnuejilcr, 117 K. Olnry, were released yesterday fnmi I hi' malcrnlty wind. Mrs. IjiWiih' Johnstone, ftLiS Klvcrfniiil, mid Mm. Cordon W. (leoier. 20 Thurston, anil ilii-lr In Ian I noim, were dismissed today. I-'otir llrnd Nludi'iilN a rr ammiK V.Y2 pli'diii'd hy I lie 11 (iK'ck let li'r oritunlallonx on Ihe l.lnfleld rnllciie t'iimiUK, limine. Hie iiinIi hchkoii IiinI week In McMlnnvlllo. 1iciil Kli Ik lapped hy hoi i II len mi' llrvnly Iti-lnhiii I, Ijunlida IjiiiiImIii Sigma, mid Audrey I.. Miller. I'hl llela Mil. Kralciiilly pledges Inrlinli- Ted McKee. Al- pirn (iiiminii Nu, mid Michael Sul livan, i'hl Kpsllon. Mr. mill Mm. Paul Fisher, 'i-V McKlnlry avenue, air parous o( a 7pound "ounce hoy, horn this morning at St, Charles hospital. Mr. and Mm. W. S. KtrnnrU arrived yesterday from Ashland lor (I week end visit wllh ihelr Nun and ilauphli'i iii lnw. Mr. and Mm. It, I'. Sli'iinell and family, ti.'i Creeley avenue, Tr. and Mih. Hubert Srliull of llrcuiertnn. Wash., me puicnls of a mm horn Oil. .'II. The baby welched !l (hiiiikIh, !i ounces and hart hi'i'ii named Ituhcii Alan. l'r. and Mm. John Srhiilt, llrciner Ion. and Mr. and Mm. Waller NelHon, lleud, arc Hie baby's Uiandparenln. Mm. Sihult Is the former Virginia Nelson. Mm. Nel son lit visiting tin- Washington family. Mm. I'eter Valley relumed Thursday evening from Wlihlilne ton, wheie she spent two weeks Vlslllnit a sister In Fvcrelt and oilier friends and relatives In Se al lie. llend KoiopllmlKt club will have a dinner mccllnu, Wednes day. Nov. III. at the Flkhnrn country club, with members of the Hums club ns quests. The dinner Is set for 7 o'clock. Mem bers who plan lo attend are lc Iiik asked to call Miss U'ola Hose for ri-seivallons. Mr. and Mrs. I-ester ISiiimwcll, of I nlon, are cmllni; tbe week end In llend. They are Kuesls at the home of Mr. and Mis. Alfred M. I'leede, 210 I'runln. where friends of the couple are bclne, In vlled lo call Mrs. Ilramwell was foiineily Mis. Carrie Slale, of llend. The visitors will return to t'lilon tomorrow. Sons of Norway will hnve a regular liii'i'l Iiik tonlnht al H o'clock In Norway hall. Officer III lie all members lo allenil. as Inipinlant business Is scheduled for discussion. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert James, formerly of llend anil now of I'llnevllle, are pii'cnis of a bov horn Nov. 10 at I'llnevllle Ceil- oral hospllal, friends here have learned. The baby welehed C pounds, l ounces. First I.utheian ladles' aid will meet next Thursday for a work mci'tlni' In the chinch, bcelnnlnL' al '-:.'lo p. m. I'ri'paiatlous are lo be completed lor the bazaar In be held next Friday. Mis. Ceori'e Huenler will be hostess for Ihe social hour. Chalmer lllalr, past prcslili'iil of Ihe Retail Credit assiiclallnn In I'm Hand, anil Walter Jensen, executive secretary of Ihe North west Credit council, will he In llend Monday for a mcellni; of the Merchants' Credit bureau. It was iinnonnced today. The meet Inn will be In Ihe lorm of a 7 o'clock dinner al Ihe I'llol Unite Inn. All local merchants who arc members of Ihe Hend bureau me bclne Invited lo intend. l'asl presidents of Die Peprc Enjoy Heipfrrey Dairy Milk "The Besf Milk in Town PfioBie 590-J HELPHREY DAIRY Bend Recreation Schedule November l.H If Monday: I Huh Ncliool howllui oiKiiulatloiuil ii IIiik for holh boys and Kills, ! p.m., clly com miKslon loom. UphoiHleiy class No. 1, 7;.I0 p.m., First Clirlstliiu chin eh social loom, Hubert Klti li en, iii tm . Tucsiliiy: l.lllle Ihealer execu llve commlllee mecllne., 7:. '10 p.m. clly hall eominlsslou room. Wednesday: lloat bullilliiK, 7;,'MI p. m., hli;h Ncliool shops, t'nul Smliii, lusii uclor. Thursday: .Square ilancliiK les sons, 7:.'K) p.m., Allen school itym, Claude Cook, liirilruclor. I'llday: llpholslery class No. 2, 7:. 'ill p in., Kenwood school base ment lunch room, Hubert Kitch en, Instructor. Saturday: Uanlam IiowIIiik league, 10 a.m., Cascade bowl. of Honor Indue will meet Friday, Nov. IH, at H p. in., al (ho liome of Mis. Ki nesl Walker. Taylor Ithoads, 110.1 Columbia, yi'Kleiilay was dismissed from I. umbel man s hospllal. ljiwieiice Al inslrnnk'. of Itoiite .1, lleud, was dismissed today from Lumberman's hospital. Ml 11 1 KI IS. ATTENTION ! While sholiplnK leave your chil dren with reliable woman at 707 I'clawarc. Cor. Uond and 1 una ware. Will baby sit nluhts. Call In udvmico 723-M. Adv. WINTEH SCHEDULE CIVIC KOLLEK KINK Bargain Tuesday 7-10 p.m. Clamps .UK' hiioes auc (Beginners' Instructions) Kilday .... 710:30 p.m. 7 10 p.m. 1-3:30 p.m. 710 p.m. 1-3:30 p.m. Saturday Matinee Sunday Matinee Itegular Charges Evening: Clamps .'c; Shoes 75c Matinee: Clamps 25c; Shoes 50c Mondays. Wednesdays. 'Ilium days reserved lor parties. Con tact us lor special party rates. Phone Bend 91 or 905-J Mr. and Mrs. E. Leonard Smith Adv. Dr. W. II. Grleslnger will be In Bend all day Monday, Nov. 11. - Adv. CAUD OF THANKS Willi deepest gratitude we ex tend this word of thanks for the many kind acts of sympathy, ex pressed, bv thoughtful, friends. Iliose kindnesses have meant much to us. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wright and Family Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Visiter Mr. and Mrs. G. L. ltobb and Famllv Mrs. Pauline Bishop and Adv. Sons Drpaullne Sears will he out of town until Tuesday evening. Adv. Dance al Carroll Acres Hall every Saturday night. 9:30. Music by Western Melodiers. Adv. Get the latest style and correct time bv Hading in vour old watch on a new ltt-1!) Model at MKHKIt GALL. JKWEI.KItS, next to Capi tol Theater. "We Keaplr With Care." Est. P.r.'U. Adv. NOTICE Members, I.W.A. l-ocal 5-7 -We have ballots for election of Inter national Officers and amend- menls to the Constitution: also ballots or Stale CIO Council elec tion of Officers, and ballots for elect Inn of Board member and Negotiating Committee member of Ihe District lo the Inter national, Ask for a ballot during office hours; ballots will be taken to out-of'lowu Units. Adv. PLAN TCKKKY SHOOT I'llnevllle, Nov. 12 -- Centra! Oregon mm ksmen have been In vited lo the first turkey shoot of Ihe county here Sunday, Novem ber 20. The shoot will be spon sored by Ihe I'llnevllle chapter of Ihe Iaak Walton league. n Historic Region rrlnevllle, Nov. VI - - Walter Meacham of I'orllund, executive secielary of Ihe Old Oregon Trail oiKanl.allon of the American J 'In nrer Trillin association, has re vealed thai the new Warm SprliiKH bluhway wll penelraU; u district of hlstoi leal slitulflcanct' because of Ihe exploration lour of Ceneial Kreinont In IK-l.'l. In that year, it Ik pointed out hy Meacham, wh'i plans lo parti cipate Sunday In the celebration alteiidlnu opeuliiK of I be new road, Fremont passed down from Ihe Columbia river to the Klam alii basin. Ills soldiers balled a tlmu lit hot sprlnKH uloni the Warm Springs river, his chron icle reveals, anil were treated for attacks of scurvy by bathlnK In wains of Ihe hot springs. Today llie Jllll-lie- I u I1UI HillllKn, im-ui the center of the reservation, Is located at Ihe point where Fre mont's men "look the waters." Kremont also discovered the Melollux river, the name of which, accordion to old-time In dians, sIkiiIIIi-s- "stinkiiiK fish." At that period salmon ascended Ihe lieschuteK lo the Mctollus In Ureal numls'is to spawn ami die, rrealliiK a stench perceptible for many miles, the old Indians say. Hospital News The following persons were ad mitted Krlilay and today to St. Charles hospllal: Larry Porter, 2, son of Mr. and Mrs. (Jlcnn Por ter. 120 Adams place; Connie Jaynes, 7, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Omar Jaynes. 301 llarrl man. and William iJeGrco, 2. son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip IVGrce. KM West 2nd. The DcGreo baby also was dismissed today. Dismissed Thursday and Fri day were: Sheila Wenlland. llend; Mrs. A. O. Pearce. Bend: Huth Jones, Bend; Mrs. Ernest McCall, Gilchrist; Nancy Coyner, Bend; Mrs. George Italns, Maupin; I-nw-rence Welch. Bend; Cary Pitcher, Silver Lake, and Jack Hoke, Bend. Bend Bank Branch Figures Reported In answer to the November 1 rail of Ihe comptroller of cur rency, the Bend branch of the First National bank of Portland reported deposits of $r,ti7-l.3Tt) and loans of $2,211,927. In charge of Ihe local banking' office Is, K. E. Sawyer, manager. On June 30. 1919, the figures were: Deposits $.rvl09,25G, and loans $2.1-17,504. The First National hank of Portland, wllh '15 hranches. re ports deposits of &l;x,7-IO.!im.l7 and loans of S1.M.S1S.1 15.GI. Against Ibis loan figure there has been set up out of earnings from January 1, 1919. to Octolier 31. 1919, n reserve forTossible loan losses In the amount of $."00.(XK). "The comparative figures from November 1. 1919, to June 30, 1919. represent normal fluctua tions In business at this season of the year." F. N. Belgrano Jr., president of the bank, said. INSTRl ( TION PLANNED Madras. Nov. 12 Joe Joseph, chairman of the Jefferson county c h a p t e r, announced Thursday I that standard first aid Instruction lof the American Red Cross will j Is1 stal led next Tuesday evening. Classes will meet twice a week at the county courthouse here. Joseph said instructors will be Amos Fine, manager of the Pa cific Power & Light Co., and Wayne Foster, Crook county school superintendent. ti W ..- (.) POOR MIKE...HE'S BEEN LIKE THAT EVER SINCE HE TRIED TO CRACK A MoSiCf. 0 Moslir Salts and Chests in built villous sins and classifications (It iirf rtomt of business need. Mosler Safe ISTABLISHCD IB48 ID IHllt hlUKI It Mil 14 (Hill U Fill out and mall the lollowlnf coupon MOSLER ERIKSEN'S Kill Brooks Street Plana sni nt (oil Flit Hoffman Dam Project Due For New Study I'llnevllle, Nov. 12 Assurance that full consideration will be Klven to central OrcfCon'R reiuest tor a hli:h dam at !h" Hoffman site, 1.') mile south of I'rlneville, was Klven at a breakfast held In Portland Tuesday mornliiK. A delegation headed by Dr. II. W. Sleeliiammer, president of Ihe I'owell Hutle IllL'bline Irrluatlon association, alleruled this break-1 fast, elven for Michael W. .Straus of Ihe U.S. reclamation bureau. The delegation was told that members of the reclamation bil - reau staff at will come to Pi Inevllle within Ihe next 30 days and examine all phases of the proposed development. Straus advised, however, that able to Identify any of the boys. Crook county Irrigation interests! Sheriff McCauley stated that should set about to incorporate : an Investigation is being conduct their program into the more corn-: 'i to determine who the youths prehenslve Columbia basin proj-; were. He said that anyone found ect. as outlined bv armv enein-1 Ing along the canal or else- eers and the reclamation bureau, Other members of the central Oregon delegation making iie! trip lo Portland were J. C. Mill son, vice president of the associa tion; Kolla Welgand. secretary; Frank Foster, Omar Harris anil Jack Shumway, from Powell Hulte; W. M. Komlne, Judge A. Jt. Bowman, Claude Williams, E. L. Woods, Herman H. Schmitt and Joe D. Thomson, from Prine ville. P.P. &L. Sends In Tax Payment A check for S-l,757.83 l'i pay ment of 1919 real and is rsonal pros'ily taxes on Pacific Power I & Light company in Deschutes! county was turned over to the county today by W. A. Ijickaff, district manager for tbe com pany. This years Deschutes county; payment was 12 per cent larger I than last years, Lackalf said, and was pan of more than S9-1-1,-000 paid by the comMiny to 1-5 Oregon counties in advance of the November 1-1 due date. In Ihe trl county central Oregon district Inn rnrntmnv nnvmnnf trifnloH the company payment vf-v more than 510-1,000. Lackaff said that total direct taxes carried by the Pacific sys tem this year will exceed S3,0(io,. 000. He said this means that about 17'-j cents out of every dol lar taken In by the company Is being paid out in taxes. Part of the InerejiKe In the total tax load came from the Oregon real pro Hrty taxes being paid now, which are up about 17 per cent from last year, he said. Two Prineville j Youths Arrested Two "teen age youths, identified as Ix-onard Shobc and Lester Fields, of Prineville, yesterday were arrested by state police in Vale on n charge of contributing to the delinquency of two minor girls, Claude L. McCauley, Des chutes county sheriff reported to day. McCauley stated that the boys are about 18 years of age and are accused of -iwrsuading two girls, one aged 12 and the other 15, to I accompany them on a trip to Vale. The girls have lieen away ! from their homes in Terrebonne ' for the past five davs. McCaulev I said. Sgt. L. L. Hirtzel, head of the state police in central Oregon. plans to bring the boys to Bend from Vale. The youths were reportedly op erating a stolen Washington car. Bulletin Classifieds Bring Results to to 'M :li.'I.jf-'P-l-' to day, AOENCY STATIONERY lleud. Ore. llitalutt t KiiIii Silas. V) W Shots Menace i Irviin; I lanlendorf. of Carioll Acres, i'huisilay icpoiled lo Ihe I ri-si'hiiles county sheriff that he was almost shot late Wednesday af lei noon by a group of hoys fir ini; Wi caliber rifles alonf! Ihe ('enlial Oregon Irrigation dllch, near Ihe I'lne Forest fininge hall. Ilardendoi f toid Claude L. Me- i Cauley, sheiiff, that he was walk- ' Inu alonu the canal ditch on his way home when a shot from the : rifle of one of the boy's narrowly missed his head. He said thai he ducked down behind Ihe canal j bank in order to escape any more fire from the group. He was not i where In the county in a careless I '""""'.m11' '.'.,?uted and w,i,.. Assembly of God Plans Meetings A series of evangelistic services will begin r.unday morning at the Assembly of God church, with the; Malvaney evangelistic party In : charge. Special programs have been arranged for all services ; Sunday at the church. The evan gellsts. four young people who are also said to be accomplished musicians, will present musical ensembles, quartets, duets, solos and special features. Also highlighting the Sunday program will be a service at 8 o'clock, with Rev. George Itedden, '"Hie Pastor of the Pines," well known in central Oregon as a singer and leader in gosel work, as guest. Rev. Redden will sing with the evangelistic party. The evangelistic services will continue for an indefinite period, with meetings to be held at 8 p.m. each night except Monday and Saturday. IMPARTIAL Seattle, Nov. 12 'Ui Six years ago an automobile struck Harry If Wi ,:, I turn aa ha rn,ln Vita -nln. i cipcd at the corner of 22nd ave- i 1 . nno nnn 1 nr ivav nctrn ann broke his right leg. Yesterday Harry, now 11, was riding his bicycle at the same in tersection. An automobile struck him and broke his left leg. Baby Shoe Bronzing A Special Gift for Xmas at new low prices. $2.95 a pair .MOUNTING AVAILABLE Phone 15X8-M 872 E. Emerson Tru-Cofor Pictures -for Your Baby! Not Tinting! Not Painting! True Color True Color Photographs taken over a per iod of 2 years and a handsome permanent Binder a $14.10 value. Bring your ehibl in toil ay . . . yon never saw rolor photography like this! Record your child's personality now. You'll treasure these photographs III years to come. This offer good for a limited time only! DeBunce Studio Miner Building VIC FLINT F.TWf ALL CI6HT' FUNT.MWO f IS THAT YES, IVE CAU6HT Lf ,.N YOU SEE T iJHOOSMI .f Sv.i5i WE'LL GO BELOW AND DECIDE I YOU UP THERE, if . tM A FISH, CIEEK. TJ 56. WHAT THEY'RE )& COUPLE Off'SURES 'WE'RE LEAVING, WE HEAD FOSj I ( WE'RE DROPPING YOU II IV? 11 1 AT WASN0PIST01, BUCJtf FLINT. AND ERIK CUBA NOW, BUT rtjl OFF WITH ERIK AND-- 7l I'rfJ MZITTZZmm 1 REMAINS AT THE T7 YOU DON'T r-- "T X A Vt,11 SS'oTll BOTTOM OF THE (AQUItE MAKE IT.' (Sl 7 ) 6 TV"Ol JrJuiSS I l6UN'CHIEFA Ill OCEAM.CIEEKCUT VJZrfd Sfesfj J JW F r Wfl! JFULL THBOTTLE7 J AWCOMMAND. vj - MT YJ i 1 I !'' A '. t Lp . Klamath Named District Champ The Klamath Kalis Pelicans will represent district 2 In the Oregon state high school football championship playoff, according to n report today from James L. Brown, principal of the Klamath school. Hrown, who heads the class A football committee of district 2, stated that a polling for the 10 mernlHT schools of the district re sulted In a 9 1 vote for the south ern Oregon school over I'rine ville. Other committee members include K. E. Jewell, of the Bend high school, and Frank Thomas of Grants Pass. Both schools were winners In four games in district competi tion this year. The Pelicans will meet the La Gi ande high school team either next Friday or Saturday for the ! district 1 and 2 playoff. The game will be played at La Grande. WILL VISIT BEND A sixth army augmentation team. No. 2 of group No. 1. will 1 in Bend Monday for an 8 p.m., meeting in the assembly room of the Deschutes county courthouse. with all navy, marine and army reservists in the area invited to take part. Equipment will be brought here in two trucks. There will be four men. two majors and two enlisted men, In the team. CITED TO APPEAR Clarence Koho, Bend, Joe Pel tier, Butte, Mont., and Gunnard E. Nielsen, no address, have been DRUGLESS CLINIC ARTHRITIS The recovery process in arthri tis Is favorably Influenced by natural methods physical, electrical, and nutritional. Re sults are, naturally, more promising when treatment Is instituted early. Nothing Is used which will cover up or hide the true nature of the disease. R. D. Ketchum, D.C. 121 Minn. Ave. Phone "91 Bend, Ore. DANCE h Saturday, Nov. 12 Eastern Star Grange ' Music by CROOKED RIVER RAMBLERS Wei .li'cryone come Special Introductory Offer! $98 BUT Photography! I'hone 134 cited to appear In municipal court on Intoxication charges, city rec ord show. Also cited wis D. G. Williams, Bend, accused of drink ing In a public place, at the rear of the Bruin field football grand stand yesterday afternoon. ritECIFlTATIOX LIGHT IIKRE Bend's precipitation for the hol Announcing . . . OUR NEW STORE HOURS Effective Sunday, November 13th, this will be our winter schedule: Closed All Day Mondays Tuesday through Saturdays 2 p. m. to 11 p. m. Sundays Only 12 Noon to 11 p. m. DAIRY QUEEN STORE South Third mt Woodland 0 Try a Turkey m m A Treat for the Family Traditional Turkey, with all the "fixings" what a treat for your Sunday enjoyment! Deliciously prepared food with that "home cooking" flavor generous portions, good service and best of all, moit reasonably priced. OPEN ALL NITE for your convenience gifts that say merry Christmas with Superb! Matchless! - Magnificent! RCA Victor Golden Throat Radio -Phonograph Superb Tone Quality! . 12" "Golden Throat" Speaker acoustically engineered cabinet. : Matchless Radio Reception! 15 High Gain RCA Tubes Tuned Radio Frequency Circuit Push-Pull Audio Circuit Special Antenna Installation Magnificent Record Reproduction! Dependable, trouble-free Record Changer plays 12 10 inch records or 10 12-lnch records. Shuts off auto matically after last record and pulls out easy for load Ing. "Magic Monitor" brings new life into old records. Beautiful Walnut Cabinet! ' Matched Panels. Period Styling, Conservatively Styled for Years. See it now Hear it now! Only $14.75 per month After reasonable down payment GUARANTEED RADIO REPAIR Ries Radio & Record Shop 624 Franklin By Michael iday storm added .13 of an Inch to the city's meager moistur tor the year 19-19, It was announced from the local weather station today. Total rainfall for the week was listed as .30. Considerable snow fell In the Cascades, but nil mountain highways remained open to normal travel. 00, Dinner Phone 801 O'Malley and Ralph Lane i ' i firm or Kama 118 Greenwood Ave. DUrest . SHaad If .