I THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 194? THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON PAGE NINE Sisters and Vicinity KIhIcih, Nov. 10 (KmvIiiI) -Mm. J(iki'iIiIiii MtiiTiiy of Mill iard liny 1 AitlK''. t'lltlii-iiill, Minn., in vlHltlnu lit Hie liuiiir of hi-r miii-ln Inw uiul (liiiiuhii'r, Mr. uiul Mil. J It ii I-'ti i inn 11. Mm. Murray llltlH to H X'lK I tin wlnlcr lll'IC. Mr. uml Mr. Wiley Kitiiim of Ili'liil vlnlli'd hi till! Ileum- of Mr. ami Mm. Iloiun' Ma I min uml fam ily on Sunday i'vi'iiliiii, Mr. uml Min. I lull WnkcfMil anil ilaiichli'm, Judy and H ill h Klli'ii, of Taroina, li-fl fur tlii'lr hoiilif Saliliilay iilli'r nrnllii a week vlHltlnu ut ( I Hf til'OI w(. Wiilir fli'ld lioiiiL1. Mm. Vi iinj Miller rami' Siinday Id lie wild Iiit mom, Ki-llli, who In a pnlli'M al the St. ('IiiiiIi-h Iiuh- il 1 ii 1 and wiik a vlrllm of u ear lii'eldent on Ihe liend SInIi-ih I i 1 k ) -way Saturday iiIkIiI. Mih. Miller In hiayliiK at lliu homu of Mm. Nelllo lleiuliry, Mr. und Mm. Wayne CyniH of Hediiiond vlKlli'il Sinidiiy ul (he home of Mr, and Mih, 1'ete lyeltliaiiHiT. Mm, I Jiu la Jordan of linkers field, Calif.. In vInIIIiik al the liomo of Mr. and Mih. Prank umwalt, Min. Jordan fiirmerly lived In eeiilral Oregon yearn nil", and Ih vIhIIIiik oilier frlenilH at SlKlem, Mm. iHohelle SoreiiHon and ill i ill: h t it, Mih. Jerry lleiiHon, drove to Hie HiiIIch l-'iltluy, when they met Mi h. SoieiiHon'H mm In law and daughter, Mr. and Mm. K. ISei lnml and Hon, John, of Kn terprlHe. I.llile John llerland re. turned home with IiIh Kiandmoth. i-r to upend Ihe week end while Ills part'iitH went on to i'orllaml. A muprlHe lilrlhday parly In honor of Mr. and Mm. Ilerl De linn In' lilrthiliiy annlvei siirles. whirl) were Ortoher 2il and No vemlMT (I, wiin held at the Kminl cafe last 'nuimdiiy evening. Nine- tii'll gurMii hesliles the iiui'sla (if honor were present and enjoyeil hlrthday rake and lee eream. 'I'hime pnni-nl were: Mr. and Mm. Nli'l Winkle and suns: Mr. and Mm. Jaek Ni-el and children: Mr. and Mm. Hoy DiivIh, Mr. and Mm. Harry llcdw'ell Jr., and datiKhler, uml Sir. and Mrs. Albei t Ix-iniuis and I'lilldren. Dinner uresis Sunday at Ihe I'. Huntington home were Mr. ami Mm. Ceoie Knox and John Smith of F.ucene and Mr. and Mm. l.oyl Hewitt and family. Maurice Hitchcock left Sunday afternoon 'hy Unlled All lines for Kin de Janeiro, llnizll, on u hunt Iicnn I rip. He expecls to be jjoiic iiImiiiI three week. Mr. and Mm. Wayne Tulloferro of Kuk'ene visited Sunday al the home of Clara Ayem. A -I II achievement program In eludliiK Slstem, Tuinalo and Cilen Vista chilis will he held at the Tumalo KinuKe hull i'rlilay. No vrmhrr II, at H p.m. All parentH of -III chili menilHTH are In-Iiik tirged to alteml. Anyone Inter ested In 'III chili wink will he welcome. Ijist week it ciokh country truck meet was held near Sisters. Ited mond and Sisters liluh school xlu dents piirtlclpated In the meet and Jackie i'epperllnt; of Sisters won flrsl place. Sisters won the track meet liv a score of 5 In .'I. Mr. and Mm. Don Peoples of llend HM'ilt Friday evening visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mm. (ieoi ;e Wakefield. Jerrv llcnson returnisl home Tuesday finm n HUecessful 10-day elk huiitlni; trip In the John Day country. Clyde Hush, Orcn Krlcksnn and John Melotte spent the week end lit Warner valley, near 1-nkcvlew. Iilrd hunt Inc. Ail came home w ith limit tiak'H. Mr. and Mm. William Pelke of Woodhurn spent Ihe week end In Slntem. The Pelke.s are working on their summer Inline, which they are Inillillng on Ihe Metollus liver. Mr. uml Mrs. Orvllle Hansen and Hlalne Cammon went to Port land Friday and took Gammon's Ulster, Mrs. Nettle Templeton, to her home there. Mrs. Templeton had spent two weeks visiting 1 i lends and relatives In Sisters anil Itedmond. Mrs. Curl Woods of liend visit ed friends here Sunday. Mih. Jay Worth of Tygh Valley spent last week ul the Curl Camp hell ranch taking care of the Campbell chlldi I'll mid her daugh ter, Muriel, who Iiuh been staying at Ihe Call Caiupls'll home. The Camphellii were viicuIIiiiiIiib In California, Mr. and Mih. Keiiuelh I HivIh and children are moving Into Ihe Curl llunlcr house, Jess (lllslcy leeently donated an oil healer, which will Ih- In Htalled In the file hall. The Sla b-Is firemen uppicriutc hi gen eroiiH domillon. Mih. Paul Koeulg enleilained with a birthday iiai IV IiihI I' llday at her home In honor of her son, Johnny', t 111 (I birthday anniver sary. Dm lug Ihe afternoon tlie children enjoyed favom, games and recording which were made of their voice. After lliu open ing of the gift the hostess served relreshmenlH which Included birthday cake. Those present were: TIhIiI, Vlckl mid Judy Dodd, Scott, Jimmy and Tliuiny Mo (..'lain, Janice timber and little Carol Andrews. Mr, l.loyd Candler and Hon and daugliif r-ln-law, Mr, and Mis. Neal Candler, of Jullella, Ida., vis ited al Ihe home of Mih. Cand ler's brother and family, Mr. and Mih. J. II. Patterson, Saturday and Sunday afternoon, October 22 and 2'X Mm. Patterson then lie companled them lo Portland for u two weeks' slay when) she visited her son and daughter-in-law mid family, Mr. and Mih. Jay Patter son. Mrs. Patterson returned home last l-Tldny. Ilyron Kviiiih, high school prin cipal; Homer Malsoii, grade school principal, and William Kd wards, high Hchool teacher, at tended the Schoolmasters club Hireling ut Hums Saturday night. They s-nt the night In Hums mid returned home on Sunday. Among those from Sister who intended the land's Acre sale nt Powell Hutte Saturday were: Mr. IsolH-lle Sorcnscn und grandson: John Hei land, Mm. Jesse Smnlley. and Mr. mid Mr. Jerry Benson and son, Gary. Mm. Clyde Hush six-nt the week end In Portland where she visited her daughters, Clyde ue and Mar jory, and her sister, Mr. Vivian Hussell. Mm. Hussel returned home with Mm. Hush for a few davs' visit In Sisters. The next social meeting of the V.K.W. auxiliary will be held at the home of Maxlne tverson at Hi (inks Kcanlon Camp on Thurs day, November 17, at H p.m. Mrs. Clifford Ulann and twins. Sherry and Jerry, of liend, spent Saturday at Ihe home of Mrs. Hlaun's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hob Dodd. Mr. and Mm. Don Wyntt and daughter, Donna liulse, made a business ti lp to Klamath l ulls Saturday and returned home Sun day morning. While there they visited Wyatt's mother, Mrs. Marie Wyall. Mr. and Mrs. Jes.se Smnlley vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clllb, nl Dobbins near Tumalo Sunday afternoon. The "Careful Cooks" -III club members held their regular meet ing Saturday afternoon at the home of their leader, Mrs. 1-cwls l.uckenhlll. After the business meeting the girls made plans for achievement night, which will be held at Tumalo November 11. Mr. and Mrs. Kd Patterson of Iji Claude and Mrs. Currle Hughes of Nampa were over-night Tired Kidneys Often Bring Sleepless Nights When iHn!e r tit ItMncy fnnrtlfln twmlta polumnuii matlf-r In remain in jrwlr blnoil, Il limy rmiM tutiminff iMtrknrhe, rKf-unuUo PAltM, It-U ixiiiu, iotw of IS-P Mini mercy, set ling un llll-lit, Kwelllnff, lilHinrft umler tho eyri, nemlm-hni anil dlixim-iu. Premient nr trnnly maAiieii with (.martini! uml liurninic omrtlme hIiowii there ia wtmuUilttg wrung Vilth yt.ur tililneya nr hkuldt-r. I'on't wnlt I Ak your lnnwlnt for Ponn'n Pllli, n atimulnnl iliureUe, li(sl KiireroBrully hy nillllnliH for over AO yen. Ilonn'n vivo hnptiy n-llt-f uml will help Uie Ifi nilli-i of klilney tulxw flimh nut pmnonuutWMtoXrujil vuur blissL Usl Doaii'i 1'Ul. Adv. gucslM Sunday ut Hip J. Ti. Pal terson home. JCd PalteiHon met Min. 1 Inches me J. II. 1 'utter sou's bi other und sister. Mr. und Mm. Irvln Maynurd and family, of (ilkhrlst, visited Sunday ut the home of Maynmd' hIhIit and fumllv, Mr. anil Mm. lA'Wls I.uckenblll. Ijist Tuesday evening Mrs. Hardy Allen was honored with u lib Unlay party ut her home, A social evening was enjoyed find refreshment Including birthday cuke were served. Those present were: Mr. Uml Mrs. Harold Allen of Itedmond, Mr. Dell Shaw und son, Johnny, of Sheridan: Mr. mid Mr. Hob Wukefleld and daugh ters, Judy und Hut h Kllen, of Ta eoma; Mr. and Mr. Finest Cha pin, and Mr. (Jeorge Wilson mid Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Wakefield mid hoii, Tlimny und Tommy. Mr. und Mr. Guy McLoughlin soent the week end nt Sweet Home, where they visited their Hon und daughter-in-law, Mr. und Mm, Loyd Smith, Miss Joy Waterson spent the week end In Salem and Sllverton where she visited her brother and family, Mr. mid Mr. Nlel Water son, und mother, Mr. Nellie Wat erson. The Three Unks club of the He bekah lodge Is sponsoring u series of four pinochle parties to lie held every other Saturday night until ChrlHlmiis. The first parly wus held last Saturday night ut the lodge hall. Prizes were won as follows: High for women, by Mr. Isobelle Sorcnscn; high for men. Homer Shaw; low for women, Mr, Hert Demarls, und low for men, Verne Skelton. The travel ing prize wus won by Robert Hewitt Jr. Hefreshmenls were served nt the close of tho eve ning. The next party will be held Novcmtier l'J at 8 p.m. ut the lodge hall und the public is in-vlti-d to attend. Mr. und Mrs. Bob Turner und Mrs. Hill Turner made u business trip to Salem Saturday. Dinner guests ut the home of Mr. mid Mrs. l.oyd Hewitt Inst Friday evening were Charles Junghans of Huffalo, N.Y., und Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hewitt Jr. The friends and members of the Sisters Church of Christ en Joyed u sieclal treat ut the Sun day evening church services Inst Sunday, when Ihe "Masters Men's yuartel from ISorlhwcst Chris tian college entertained the con gregation with several numbers. Members of the quartet were: Roger Aydtiott, George Hever, Jerry Tlchenor and Hood Simon. K. M. Eldiidgc, field representa tive of Northwest Christian col lege, was with the quartet mid spoke nt the evening services. Gale Simon, father of Hood Si mon, of Scuttle, also was u vis itor at the services. The regulnr meeting of the Sis ters P.T.A. .was held lust Wednes day evening at the grade school. Mm. Richard McKenr.lc. president, presided. The room count prize was won by Mrs. Marion I.ytle's fourth grade. It was unnounced that the P.T.A. would sponsor u food sale on Friday, November 1H, at Sorcnscn' service station, it wus ulso unnounced that square dunce lessons would lie given nt the gymnasium on Thursday, No vember 10, ut H:'.V) p.m. Michael Coglunlese assisted by Mis Joy Waterson will direct the lessons and all who lire Interested are In vited to attend. After the business meeting n program wa presented which was entirely given by the men. The program Included n talk by Jerry Henson, Sisters fire chief, on "Fire Prevention"; n talk by Homer Matson, grade school prin cipal, on "Children ut School und In the Home," und talk by Hyron Kvnn, high school principal. Evans announced that the new grade school buildings were soon to be completed and ready for use, und the tentative date for open house In all three of the school building has been set for the week of November 21 through 23, when the public Is Invited to visit the building and classrooms. For the benefit of those unable to visit the schools during the dny the buildings will lie open to the public Wcdnesdny nnd Thursday evenings of that week. After the talks, Kenneth Short presented two musical numbers, "In Far Off Cpnin" and "Ken tucky's Way of Saying Good Morning." To close the program each man who had not taken part In the program was given a story lo read which was In the form of a tongue twister. Refresh ment were served after the pro gram. The next meeting will be held December 7 at 8 p.m. at the grade school. KAIIAVAY DKI'OT FIA)WEKY Sugar Hill, N. H. 'Hi The at mosphere of a fashionable hotel lobby Is presented at the Boston & Mulne railroad station at this summer resort. Cut flowers nnd potted plants, most of them grown hy agent Maurice E. Lester and his wife. adorn the station exterior and In terior. Comfortable chairs, includ ing the modern tubular steel va riety as well as old wooden rock ers, ndd to the air of charm. Supplementing their floral dis play, the I-estcrs decorate the station walls with colored pic tures and postcards. Idaho lends all the states In the production of silver. Buy a Forget-Me-Not For Disabled American Veterans Sat, Nov. 12 "Give a little for those who gave so much" SI'ACK COUtTKSV BROOKS-SCANLON INC. and THE SHEVLIN-HIXON COMPANY AUCTION! THE TRADING POST Prineville, Oregon New and Used Furniture Lots of Good Hardware Sale Starts 10 a.m. Sunday, November 13th The Trading Post, Prineville, is leasing its building and quitting business and will sell all merchandise, including my personal belongings, at public sale. Come early and satisfy yourself of value by inspec tion. Dick Dickerson, Owner. F U R N I T U R E Beds, BcdsprliiRs, Mattresses, Cot Tails, Coleman and Allndiii I-anips, F.lctirie. Lumps, 2 Coolerators, ti Table limllos, 2 rellent Console ltiullos, 6 Wood Ice Boxes, 2 Good Electric Kefrlgerators, (I Hot Wuler Tanks, 1 Singer Sewing Machine, Tables, Clmlrs, Mirrors, Bird Cages, Ornaments, Desks, Chests, Sleeping Bug, Hardware, Tools, Lumber W0 ft. Lumber, 2x1, 1001) ft. Mr Shlplap, -I lends Planer Knds, H Cords Body Wood, Lumber, Valnts, 2 Shop Work Benches, Oil Prions, Copiier Tubs, Table Saw, Power Hack Saw, Dec trie Drill Press, New Delia, ,laek Shaft, Steplndders, Platform, Counter Scales, 1 MW Water Pump, l.argc Iron Cooking Vat, Meat Slleer, X Gasoline Engines, New Outboard Motor, Many Hand and Gurden Tools. Also Antiques, Ranges, Hearers, Trailers, Tires 1937 International Pickup Truck, 1928 Che, rolet Pickup, Model A Ford Sedan, Rifles, Electric Motors, and Chickens. Terms: CASH DICK DICKSON, Owner C. E. "CHARLIE" SMITH, Auctioneer FAYE SMITH, Clerk THE TRADING POST PRINEVILLE West Third at Highways Big Cultus Lake Road Improved Under the supervision of Kred SchlUliiK, road foreman, a forest service crew I completing -Improvement of a new recreation access road at Big Cultus lake. The road, which extends about half a mile north back from the lake shore, is to ojicn up new recreation sites adjacent to the lake, noted for II sandy beaches. A road to a new boat landing also Is being developed. The area used In tho past by campers will lie set aside as a picnic ground, facing a beach that will be available for swimmers. Camping In this tract will be banned. The roiid shore will make po- ilble a more extensive utilization of the lake shore. The only Important shaft pot ash mines in America are near Carlsbad, N. M. FINING MADE EASV Ogden, Utah Uif Police have a new wrinkle for collecting park ing violation fine. A combina tion meter violation - citation en velope goes on the windshield of the offender. The driver may place hi 50-cent fine Inside the enveloe and take it to police head'iuartera or mall It. How To Relievo) Bronchitis Creomulsirxi relicres promptly becauM il goefl right to the teat of the troubU to help looses tod expel germ ladeo phlegm and aid nature to tooth and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucoui membrane. Tell your druggist to mJI you a bottle of Creomultioo with the understanding vou mutt lika the way it quickly aliaya the cough! or you are to hare your money back. CREOMULSION forCoughi,ChstCoUli,Broacbitis Rom where I $lt.'..'y Joe Marsh Clam Chowder Can Bo Dynamite! If Bmllcy Robert is a friend of your, like he is mine, and if you wint to keep his friendship, like I do, don't ever let him hear you say that good clam chowder can be made without cream. In New England, where Smiley comes from, friendships have been broken over tomatoes versus cream in clam chowder. Experts say that south of Boston the tomato reigns supreme, but north of Boston it'i cream or else I From where I sit, whether it should have cream or tomatoes is simply a matter of taste. This is plain to anyone who doesn't come from clam chowder country. What a great world this would be if we could all see that moat prejudices are matters of taata only. Some like hot coffee. Some like it iced. Some people like a tem perate glass of beer. Others prefer ice-cold lemonade. My grand mother used to say, "Prejudice that sees only what it pleases, cannot see very plain." Copyright, 1949. United States Breuert Foundation FULL VinUrlxlna or A III S-CII AIMERS' Tractors 7s " Mi NOW 1 the time to protect your tractor and avoid delay in winter work ... with a full winterizing Job by factory-trained A-C me chanics. AUit-Chalmers winterizing Includes : COOLING SYSTEM LUBRICATION INGINR COMPRESSION CARBURETOR AND IGNITION t Let us schedule your tractor now, so it's Tsady for that first cold snap See us or phone. (raLiis-ciiaLr.iGRs) SAlHAttB illVICI J Try-County Equipment Co. Phone 205 Redmond Use Bulletin Want Ads for Best Results! CONDENSED STATEMENT; OF CONDITION NOVEMBER i, 1949 RESOURCES Cash on Hand and Due from Banks . . . . .rrT.$ 116,880,131.74 United States Government Bonds 248,398,599.66 Municipal and Other Bonds 38,315,233.26 Loans and Discounts 148,416,862.06 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank . 600,000.00 Bank Premises (Including Branches) 7,414,748.80 Customers' Liability on Acceptances 504,199.18 Interest Earned 1,966,016.52 Other Resources 259,081.96 ' $ 562,754,873.18 LIABILITIES Capital. ; $ 10,000,000.00 Surplus 10,000,000.00 Undivided Profits 12,280,183.83 $ 32,280,183.83 Reserves for Interest, Taxes, etc 3,095,811.22 Acceptances 536,167.07 Dividends Declared 250,000.00 Deposits 525,219,116.23 ' Interest Collected Not Earned 1,303,660.68 Other Liabilities 69,934.15 $ 562,754,873.18 This statement includes 40 branchei in Ortgon Hfad Oi-fice: PORTLAND, OREGON BEND BRANCH Direct Branch of Tlic LnlloU States National Bank ut I'orllund 5& flll) in MM Mimbar Mtral Otoeiil limmw" Coworolios VIC FLINT By Michael O'Malley and Ralph Lane .'-isiiZ"" y COMS OH ,tH f HANS HEARD VOU ?Ct -v5 vTTN