WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1949 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON MSS SEVEN 51 20,000 Classified Rafes IrtH'AI, IM IM ADVANCK tfr Word One Time filNi iH Wimlx Thnw TIiih'm .... l.5 2ft WiinU SI Time MM All fttflilc f H mtl4 Hr liar wuid Unw numtMr f tiirltyiM. Un MontH run, ! tvvt, 4r !. MltttMum (bats. IU(. I. lit Wat toe 1 yllal t0 Hitft Ito lln, mtttlMvm tu 4 tolltg llw lMlliMl, 11 .M. IMaliUr AdvariUttt Utnf Um p.m. rlua lar. On MM pat ar lartfa. a If.m. aarana dar pratlaea ta pualkatlwn. SENO lOOGt No. 1)9 Af. 4 AM. SM Vtu4)y States: Communitalton f Gj. "! llth, H H M. ng otfi wars, bjiioi on Of 1 law) imwdmint. Rtttthmnti, Wimn Wing, S. IIKNO AKIUK NO. W I', O.K. Hall Meet Kvery Kiiiliiv Night S. It. Shirt'' VV. I'. IU. 1. Ilox 120 1'lnme 1UH2-J W. M. Uiy, Secretiuy Itl. .'I, liux 42 I'litiiif JO K-5 I 'or Kaln It-al Ktute CilLllKHTS HICAL ESTATE omens km sale DIM' lKX: Unfiled on piivnl street ami im lily Imit line. Two 3 lolll UllllH pills I'XUil llll'gf tin- riiut. SXiOO, with tcn.wiitiililc clown payment. Monthly paymcntr about halt lit income. GOOD i'AHM; J 150 with 1 1.4 COl vvuter, Kock free luiitl. Willi good buildings which In tlmle 5 mum miiilern h i in e. I'nviil road from here In mmii. Well wen III $21,000, wllh about hull iluwn. JftOO DOWN: Modern home on paved street In (irtii iihlf Incut Inn: wllh living lutmi, kitchen. 2 Im-iI-looms. Iiulli iunl iilllllv porch. AIho Kiiriige Willi storage riMiin ami extra shop-bulldlng. $1200, with $:oo down, Sim per. t N C O M K I'lit H'KltTY : I-arge home in excellent Juration on Imveil street. Three rentals Plus Iioiih" tor iiuniT, bringing In 5I2." iiionlhly. Hits futtutcu lirat. lire place; some furniture; 3cr ga rage. Sl.'i.WW. SMALL HOMK: Suitable fi.r one or two. AtHitit ,'1 veal old; located l'j lilm-ks off IC .'lid pavement And rltv turn. A litre little place tor only $2t00, with termit. VVIIKN YOU THINK OK INSl'K- ASCII. THINK OK CILIIKHT See these and others at CILIIKHTS Jill;. Wall HKAI IISTATK iiiitne ;t J K. M. ItUCKNU.M. ItKAI.i'Olt lnj'.l ItriHiks I'hone Ml Near the liiamlxT of Coiiiiiierix' 2 br., mod.; furnished; uood ctind. .West side. s-HMio; Slmxi tlown. 2 br.. fulls- iiukI.: tutiihdird; on W. 2nd. l.ler, riu;e; tisml; aulu. oil pipe funi.: Ilieplaie; Instil.; Well landsriitM-d; k'.tiak'e. n-siKH); $.IMI5 cash; bal. KHA at S-IH.'.h;. 2 br., mod.; Instil, ami weather stripped; kimhI roiiil.; Karate and sleep, nil. $iii5tl; Sl'.t.'iO down. 120 n., with iU n. t'OI wati r; 50 a. alfalfa. 2 br., mod. home. Lo cated In Alfalfa district. Sl!l..")0; $7000 tlown; Slow per year. Call Mr. Lockliit 331 IK I I "S HKAI. KSTATK. IT'S ALL STATK HKALTV Vacant. 2 br., mod.; on lue. lot. Cor. of Mill ami CumlH-iiand, $.'i2.'i0: Sli.50 down. Vacant. 2 lr moil.; on 2 lots; wllh lite, pumice block simp. S.O00; j down. Drive hv .'Hi! K. 5lh. Co.v. clean. 2 dr., mod.: auto. hut water; oil circulator; new nanine; level lot. lis worth $1501): terms. View of cits1. Mod,, 3 br. home; on 1 floor; li;e. bsml.; close In, east side. $ti'.i50, terms. We nerd llstincx on Homes ami Karms. If the price Is riejit, they can lie sold. 221 (heenwooil iimne lt!7 WIS HAVIC BUY KiiS for 2 and 3 hr. homes, also iicteat'e wllh city water, nnd u 40 to 80 acre farm close In, condition of bulldliiKS nnd land immaterial, if It Isn't listed with us, wc can't sell It. See C. J. I.lnilh or D. H. Peoples, Mldstato Healtv Co. Phono 4!I5. 50x110 ft. level building lot; bor ders new park sile; 'j blk. from swim, pool and 3 blks. from Allen schl. S150. Call ntiU-U. .1. S. DAVIS CO. Phone 185 Penney lildg. 3 br., on west side; full cement Iisml.; exceptional regular oil pipe furnace; lovely kitch.; ward robe linthfK closets. Close to Ken wood schl. Total price $(i()0(); rea sonable terms. Wonderful oust side locution; new 5 tin. home; all Igo, mis.; beau tiful Itdwil. floors; oil funnier; Hlreainlliii'd kllehon; full din. rm.; Viiitilan bills. Ideal iiiiangemenl for comfortable living. Kxlra Ige, garage. $9750; FIIA lerms. Well equipped Lunch Counter; all new eoullimrnl; doing good business: owner lorced to' leave cilv. liired below actual value. Only $,'1200, Will lake good car or homo as pari payment on new, well built, 2 br. home; nit. garage; on oust side; lovely tile kitchen; nil hilwd. firs.; good licit, unit; ultra mod. throughout. 70 ft. lot. lmmcd. poss. Cull 185 lor appt. A Readers Check These Ads I'nr Kiile Ileal lOtlntn WANT TO SKLLT Lint your proiieity with (ilMlKitf. A (uaii ileal, uml prompt, eflkient, cutil troua wi'Vleu Id votiiii nt CM lMif ileal iutlule. 11)15 Wall SL HOMKKlNDKItS AUKNC 2M 1'jiHt 'i'hlrd BU I'hunu KliU J 2 In., mini.; 2 lotx; mi rani tide, liired lor $l'.M; miitttl duwn, eioty teiiim on liul. .'i lr.; utll. rm.; hath rm. ready to in iiiHlalieit; hHint. Viry icmxl buy, SI(XX down. How mmit niHh will you jtlve u tor Top Notch Cattt? 0 a. Nlt-ir 3 hr., moil, home; clone in, liire is SOJ0U, Willi $iJU down, ix't u allow you tills one. We have Home Stock Ham-hen. Kood Kurms and S2tm home. 20 linen, 8 irrlKHlrd; $.M) will hunuie. 2 hr. $7(Xi0--73 acres, on high way; In; 30 mien Cul water; 2 In mod. home. Small down pay ment wilt liandle, $1500.-2 in'., mod.; on river, 510,000 t Isr. home on nt 3rd I St. I jrepluce hdwu. firs.; furnace. K1IA terms. S!XS00 3 br.. on east side. Full liMiit. ; furnan; Hdwu. firs.; lire place. $2000 will hundte, IUXIC I'.KAI. ESTATE & INSUHAiNCt. Ml lioml t'lutne 535 tiik wicst side ueal i-3tatk Ul i'ortiund Phone UBb-M Last Kth. 2 br., mod.; inKvtl. tint.; litiidix. Small down payment, easy monthly terms. Must be sold In 10 days. 3 br mod.; double constructed house. Flti'Mlace; paved st. SW'J.jO; SUSW cash, bal, like rent. 1mm. poss, OK 'htADK for hay or livestock. 1 lmtllilshetl bulltlllllt on lioml St. 1 Close to mill. Joint Daly, D-D 1 lut. liend. BY OW'NKH: 3 br.. mud.; plus ter.; partly lurn.; liaiatie; lawn. t;ood location. Will take late mod. car us nurt down pint. Call eve- miiKS, ee lit 1233 Calveston, NKED A HOME? Check the l.k-al of the Day on KiJNi a:4a a.m. Call lotluy and Insiteet the hstms at Utluert s Ileal Estate, 1U1 Wail St. N'KW, 5 KM.. 2 br. home at ap prised value, lldwd. firs.; fir. f u 1 n a ce; I'aueltte dt alnlxiards. Iit 70'xlts)'; on pavenient. In uuiie 1311 K. Sth St., eml. CAN YOU IJKAT IT! IH.WN rN California it white woman married a real es tate man! tin ieti so good alsnit the whole thltu! we are coinK riclit out lifter some new Iisiiiiuh. HlKht now, our mi-d Is several cilv homes that can can ls sold at a fair price on terms. If you like the smell of money and you have such a oroficrtv, we can have you smtfliiK the filthy lucre in short order. Put llallew Is the man to call lor city HstiiiKS. Confi dentially we sold another small farm last Saturday to n Vnllev man Ives, ma'am, we have ptlfe n lot of 'em lucked nwav over the hill) and we need quite n few more of the same kind for some friends of ours. A phono cull or iKist eurd Is all it will take to Rot an inspection nnd opin ion, WE SELL THE EARTH WILLIAM B. SHKU.EY 520 South 3rd St. Phone 1 17-i-J A IU HIT It! A., 10 it. water, 5 n. I.iilmii pasturu. fruit, shade trees, tierrlos, Rariien; 2 ml. from town on paved hiwav; bus, mail routes. Lite, pond, piped to stork and Kardcn. (iravllv water from cis tern in insulated house; bsml.: auto, oil furn.; uttl., fruit rout.; liv, rm., kilrlieii. butli, 2 br.. clos ets. Upstairs Kirli'X fin. for bed ims,, recreation or apt. Electric ity in house, barn, shop, chicken houses, cabin. Owen Brown, ovn er; 2 ml. west Hetlmond on Me Kvnzlt hlway. i'hone 13-R8, North Hiwav location, 25 n with 10 water. 1 hr., mod. house, nnd outblilgs. Close in. S5750, FARM GRADE A DAIRY: Over iiOOn,, with 2W) water. Level, prae tically no ruck. Well and pressure svs. Hue mod. home and 2 other houses. On pavement. $-18,000, Want an 80 a. on pave.; 6 mi, oul for ntxiut cost of house In town? This has 49 COl; mod. house, and outblilgs. $7500, with terms. GAS -GROCERY; Doing dundv volume, and fine profit. 2 can handle. $3700, plus Inventory. 2 small Cafes. $1950 and $2750. We hiive Homo HEAL business opportunities. No phonesee us. SMITH REALTY CO, 715 Bond Street Phono 94 BUVKHS ARE SEEKING Homes, Farms, Acreage, Busl iicssom. Income and Investment properties In liend and Central Oregon, Wo need listings on these ill prices lair to buyer nnd Keller. Give us a ring uml we will rail and give you our honest opinion what we can do for you. No obligation. SMITH REALTY CO, 715 Bontl St reel Phone 94 I'or Kal Ileal Kxtaln AN.NIC KOlUitS, .'Mi Oregon JtEALTOK I'hone att-W (1) Duplex, 2 fxttroom apart. inentN, Iiiiiilnhed, 3 cottUKea iur nlHlied. Only iit.'MX), teriim. 12) Coxy home, plun apartment; moms! furniture, $7000, $1000 down. HO acre much, near Terrebonne, 2 Iiouuch; iu k' lutrn; itooii pas ture. $17,000 $11,000 down. (112 iiedroom; on paved street. $1000, $500 down, $15 month. 12) 2 bedroom; uttuwer; Karaite with extra room, $32M), $1000 down, $35 inontii. Fuel UtXJIJ KITCHEN WOOD, trim ends; limited amount. $5 per trailer loud. Call 3UfM after 5 p.m. DHY IK)DY WOOD; any ientiih, Jnim. delivery. Urn Harrison and Ueoi xe Wilson, I'iioiie tU3a-W; or write 331 1 itlverfront. 2 COKU 10" ar, iah, $14.00; 2 cord H)" dry alab, $19.00, deliver ed In liend. (You baui from yard. $5 per cord.i Central Oregon Kuel Co., phone 201-W. 836 A St., Hetlmond, Ore, GOOD HEAVY jackplne slab wood for sale. Better stock up now lor whiter. Drop card to O. D. Alexander, Lapine. For Sale Farm Product 1M head of itiBh-Rrade. some reels. Holstetn cows, and 1 ri-Kis. Hoistein bull, 2 calves. For fur ther Information, write Box 3812. co Bond Bulletin, 5 COLTS; 3 work type and 2 light. Will tuke $50 for ail 5, or $1j each. Call 167, days. CONSIGN YOUR LIVESTOCK to Central Oregon Auction for the highest prices. Sale every Thursday. Ben R. Smith, Mgr. Phone 12-R-3. For Kale Sliseollaneou TABLE SAW; 8 in. saw with W h.p. motor. At 362 Riverside. GREY CONEY fur coat, size 14. Also 2 pr. shoes, size 7 and 8. See at Ull Albany, or phone 1097 R. SHOP NOW for Chirstmas gifts and cards at Garner's Gift Shop, on South Hiway, Ail kinds of threads, stumped articles, anions anil novelties most reasonable. Open evening, holidays and Sun days. W ATKINS PRODUCTS: Com plete line of household necessi ties. Quuilty products for 82vrs. Marv King gift packages.. cos met Irs, toiletries for holidays ahead. Your Watklns Dealer, sole distributor. HAROLD J, 470 Hoy burn : KELLY Phone 1525-R 3 PC. BEDROOM set and mat tress; child's crib and mattress; stroller; high chair; dinette set; cofleo table; lounge chair: doll buggy: rocking-horse. Phone 55 or 367-W after 5 p.m. BEND AUCTION will have sale every Saturday, 1 o'clock, start ing Nov. 12. Phone 768-M or rail I2UJ. Consign your merchandise mid stock early. Turn U-f t Midget lrlve-lii from 3rd St., follow signs. TRICYCLES; All sizes, from $3.95. Wagons, $2.95. Small bi cycles, now, $37,80. Toy tractors. toy uutos. Lowest prices. Investi gate. CARL AUSTIN Bond ami Greenwood ALL IN EXCELLENT cond. Pine exten. table, 4 chairs, $15. Blue velour daveno, $-10, Cabinet sew ing mach., $25. Circ. wood heater, $35. Hoover vacuum and attach., $-15. 722 W. 12th. BEWARE OF FAKERS Itiner ant out-of-town sewing machine men are representing themselves as employees of this compnny these men are frauds. We do not employ house-to-house salesmen. I tease phone us if one of them calls on you, or notify your local police dept. There is a law against door-to-duor soliciting, ANDERSON SEWING MACHINE & APPLI ANCE CENTER Bend Phone 862-W RADIO TUBES Complete stock Plillco and other nationally known brands. Tubes tested, Bend Furniture Co. WESTINGHOUSE Ilat-lop range for sale. $8;, May be seen at Bill s Electric Store. FOR SALE 2 cows now milking; 4 dairy heif ers to freshen March anil April Cash, or will trade lor beef stock ready to butcher. Also pile of scrap lumber, 2 ml, east on Burns road. Charles Burkart, 3030 WINCHESTER rifle; in very good condition. Also some flshingtuckle and a good punch Ing-hitg with platform. Very rea sonable, 2180', Awbrey ltd. GIRL'S BICYCLE; excel, cond. $17.50. 1 lawnmower; like new; $15. 714 E, Oth. Altar 4:30 p.m. phono 1543-R, A LARGE stock at reconditioned nnd guaranteed used rcfrlgera tors from $19.50 tits: used wring or washers from $19.50 up. Used nutomutic electric ranges from $39.50 up and also Ironers. 1115 E. Greenwood, Oregon Equipment Co., phone 8HS, SMALL ROUND fir poles: 14 to 18 ft, long. 30e apiece. Inquire lumiilo Service btation. 1100 FT. 10 D,V, Siding, $33. 1341 e. mit St., uuim. For Kl Mlsn-IIanenuM ELECTItOLUX: Complete with attach. $(j9.75. Call Phli Phli brook, 12U3-J. 1304 E. 3rd. Only authorized sales and service. USED MAYTAG washing ma chines, $.'l!,iJ5; Usr-d Easy wash i,i machine, $.'iB.50, Used DclJixe Bicycle; lutcteaffo carrier, kfek atand, basket, chain Kunrd, new tires, $ii.&5. Houk Van Alien Firestone, UIH Wall. Phone 860, A SMALL used piano in first class cornl,; looks lust like new; walnut case. Priced reasonable, 615 Federal St. Comb, radio-phono., plavs 10 rec ords, $29,50, New unfinished desk. $22.50 Davenport. $7.50. Jtifie and shotguns, very cheap. Bicycles, I $7.50 each. New and used ntat-i tresses, coll springs. Baby beds, play pens. Good dec. refrigerator, $19.50. White enamel dec range, with clock and light, $59.50, Wood or coal circulators. Dresser, chest of drawers. Eiec. washing ma chine, $10; sure, it runs, (ias re frigerator. Dining (able with 5 match, chairs, $29.50. Ice box, $5,j Elec, heaters. New oil circulators, I $58.50, We are closing out on ail I Vietroia records at 10c each. This is th issf ahinment thin vMr Come out and get a supply iorj XmaB rMPfS RiUHim sprvr N. Hiway Open Evenings ' Phone 1534-W ; For Sale l iwd Cars 19-19 Kaiser Traveler demon strator; new car guar antee $2095 1939 Ford 2-door "85" , $295 1937 Ford 4-door, as Is $95 HAND MOTOR CO, 183 E, Greenwood Phone 61 Member Central Oregon Automo bile Dealers Assn, DYER'S USED CAR LOT Greenwood and Hill Phone 87 Phone 1157-W LOOK! SAVE! BEAT THESE BUYS! Full Price 1938 Nash 4 tlr. Sedan $175 1935 Ford 2 dr. 95 1937 Ford 2-dr. 150 1936 Chev. 2-dr. 145 193S Bulck 4-dr. 145 1936 Chev. Coupe 145 1935 Ford 2-dr 125 1935 Chev. 2-dr 95 AH Cars Good Running Condition BUY NOW AND SAVE! DYER'S AUTO SER'ICE Your "Olds" Dealer 220 Greenwood BEND GARAGE CO. "Our 33rd Year" 1949 Bulck Roadmaster Sedan. Only 490Q miles, and like new in every detail. Save $5M) over the original price as equipped, 1948 Chevrolet Aero sedan. A style leader. 10iS fhtdcmftttlln Qt t, i W i r, .1 1, A terrific buy in this model. Has every accessory. Hydromatie, and new tires. Buck seat folds fiat. 1948 Plymouth Sedan. 194? Chevrolet Aerosedan, G or - geous 2-tone blue; loaded with accessories. 1946 Cfmrolet Sedan. 1341 Chevrolet 2-door. 193? Chevrolet 2-door. 1937 DeSoto 5-pass. Coupe, 1936 Buiek Sedan. Phone 193 Packard Willys HUTCIIINS MOTORS USED CAR SPECIALS 1941 Chev. Special Deluxe Tudor icdan, Kadto and neater; excel-; lent mechanically, A steal at' only $595. I 1936 Ford 4-dr. Sedan. 4? engine; ! line mechanically, A good ouy at only $195. Good trans- 1929 "A" Ford Tudor, portatlon at $75. 1946 Willys Jeep. Full top; radio; heater; low mileage; excellent condition throughout, A real buy at $745. 1948 Frazer Manhattan, 25,000 ac- tual miles. An immaculate auto - mobile; equipped with radio, heater, overdrive, plastic seat covers. Many extras. Special today, $149o. Also other good buys at HUTCIIINS MOTORS The House That Service Built" 16? Greenwood Bend, Ore. i!KW Pei-feei mnior. Tii-esr and bititerv new. Some body work. Easy terms. Phone 987; or B ctlehritsi Am a FOR SALE or trade: 3fi Chev. coupe for $75 worth ot furniture. CLIFFS BARGAIN SPOT N, Hiway Open Evenings Phone 1534-W 193(5 FORD V-8 Sedan; good tires where and when can be seen. Buv and new '46 motor. $95, Farm er will call. Write Bend Bulletin, Labor Camp, Redmond, Cahin 2A. Box S87& Oil TRADE: 1937 Buiek sedan: overhauled motor; good rubber. Val's Repair Shop, east ol Bend on Burns Hiway. 1918 FORD STATION wagon, ex- eel, cond.; 23.000 miles; new Hres. Verv reasonable for oulek cash sale. Call 450-J. I'or Sale l Cam JJETTER VHKtt CAR BUYS AT EliWfc'S , ... , ,,,, , ,, , 1917 Chrysler Windsor Sedan, 1 1 oiKoiano iif i i ufinoistery. ( inuwicr )jrey color, iM?en tuiv-i on 18,000 miles. Like new. Used ! car price $1850, I . . . , .1 imi ihmio tuom ,-aan. A!,,na;g isox XJJJ, c, o Bend liuiie- K-llrci ustru tw, ftootlier lcoJ ( V.. .It t :.. ...1,1. 11 S lifr out it .o!ei, viio etu the trimminjts on it, S16U5. 13-11 Inlernationai Pickup, in fine shape. $625, 1935 IodKe Sedan. Radio and heater. Price S IL'i. Good cheap transportation. Have a Ford lli-ton Truck to trade for wood, and also some used cars to trade lor wood. We have several more Good Used Cars to select from. Shop for 1 Used Cars at Eddie's, where you can shop in the dry. OR TRADE: 1336 Pontiac; good motor, rubber; radio and neater. ,1910 E. 2nd. PAY-DAY SPECIALS . , , ,. , Best Selection of Used Cars In Town! 19-17 Mercury Convertible. . $1295 1947 Ford 4-door, Super De J"?" "45 J7 I-ord Coupe . 84a 1939 Ford 2-door 345 1 1937 Ford 2-door 175 '1941 Zephvr 4-door 725 ,1941 Hudson 4-door 395 1 1939 Nash 4-door 315 1938 Chrysler 4-door 315 1941 Hudson 6-pass. Coupe.. 495 1940 Pontiac 4-door 545 1937 Dodge Coupe "5 ! 193-1 Chevrolet 4-door 95 ! 1933 Ford 2-door . a . J . COMMERCIALS 1918 Ford Pickup, 6-eyl $995 1947 Ford Pickup, 6-cyi 895 1946 Ford Pickup, 8-eyi 845 Many More to Choose From! HALBROOK MOTORS USED CAR LOT Member Central Oregon Automo bile Dealers Assn. Across from Pilot Butte Inn Phone 680 For Rent CLEAN. HEATED sleeping rm. Close in. Phone 1630-W. 42 Haw thorne. 3 RM., FURNISHED house, mod. Phone 1402-M. I WINTER RATES; Furnished 2 l& 3 rm. apts. Eerylhing fur I nished. Shady Nook Auto Court, Phone 509. 1 & 2 RM. CABINS; completely furnished. $ & $ a mo. Also have 1949 Chev, truck to trade for equity in home. 2CG8-J1. 6 RM., MODERN duplex. Located at 223 Wall. Inquire 826 Dela ware. $25 a month. CABINS at Pine Tree Auto CU on South Hiway 97. Vinter rates. 2 BR. FURNISHED, paved st. 424 Scott. Garage, S43, Anne i-'orbes. Jo uregon, t-nowe ,2 LGE. ROOM, partly furnished. mod. house. This isn t a shack. 1434 Davenport. 1 APTS. FOR RENT for winter months. L Rancho Motor Hotel. Phone 193-Z, Redmond. UNFURNISHED 2 br. house. S27 Georgia. Phone 561 or 1So5-J eve nings. Mr. Sowards. Wanted MILITARY JEEP, frame and canvas. Call 1327-J 9:00 to 6:00. After 6:00, 1514-J2. WANTED; Winter pasture for 2 saddle horses. David N. Brader, Chemult, Ore. WANTED TO BUY: 2 br. house with oil furnace and garage. Ad vise particulars, Incimi. location. 'price, and when available. Call at 20 Minn. Ave.; or phone . " r" WANTED TO BUY: 12 or IS Bantam hens now laying. 452 E. clay. Phone 1583-R. WANTED TO BUY: A second hand girl s bicycle. Must be in good cond. Phone 10H9-W after 4 I p.m. 1447 Kingston St. WANTED TO BUY: House lo cated on Third St. or North Hi wav, with small down pavment. Phone 1712-J. TOP PRICES paid for any kind 1 of cattle you have to sell; fat or i thin. Will pick them up at your , ranch. Randall Miller, Redmond, i Phone 168-X. WOULD LIKE to buy some good milk cows that will freshen soon; also any other kind of cattle you have to sett. W, R. Franks, Red mond. Phone 78, WANTED TO BUY; Livestock of any ktnd, any amount. Also j h.01? , Have esh bu','e,rs-r,.s Chase, or dropcani: Rt. 3, Mox 9b; or phone 790-W. Leave word. WANTED: GUNS, New or used. Cash or trade-in allowance. Evans Fly Co. Phone 815J, CHINCHILLAS wanted. Send in formation on number for sale. Help Wanted WANTED: Man capable of mak ing $5000 to $10,000 year. Man must be presently employed, seek ing opiMirtunily for advancement and building own business. Reply to Geo. Thorpe, 205 Studio Bide. I3ih & Willamette, Eugene, Ore. Daily iieip Wanted ! AVAILABLE: The best one-man I business In city of Bend, We pro- viae capital, tar required, wnle j. . Walking Co., 137 Dexter Ave,, Seattle, Wash, LADY lor general office work typinu essential. Experience not neeeiMsary. Stale aae and reter- jn Situations WuM WILL, DO Ironings In my home, $1 per hour, i'hone 1010. MALE TYPIST, office work, bookkeeping, sales work. New ear. Call Redmond 25-Z. YOUNG LADY available tor baby ittiBR any week night or all day Armistice Day. Phone 1417-W al ter 6 p.m. HOUSEKEEPING position want ed in motherless home or tor em ployed couple. Reliable, expert ended woman witii 4 yr.-old jtirl Mrs. Beanie, 207 Sth St., Ked mond. LADY WILL do genera! house- work, anytime. 1219 South 3rd. Phone 993-W. Lost LIBERAL REWARD i Gold choker necklace marked I'Tifrl," Set with small rhiite- stones; keepsake. Phone 403-W, 1154; or inquire Bend Bulletin. Services WATER HAULING: 650 gal, 86. Drop card, Auiman Bros., Rt 3, Box 126, FURNITURE MOVING; dust- j"ff padded van. We pack your a with care, hanc your ctoines in our warorooe. ocai , . . . . . , i n . i u finittji I- tue t i iu v u i ifc I storage, Hoiman Transfer, Ml irving. fnone stai. WELL AND DRAIN hole driUtog. Call Chet Sumner, phone 100T-M, or Gilbert Long, phone 1040. Free estimates; ail work guaranteed. ELECTRICAL WIRING AH types ol electrical wiring by guar anteed licensed men. Free esti mates. Telephone 159. CARPENTER WORK: New con struction, rough framing, remod eling, cabinets, built -ins and shop work. F. W. Page, phone 650-M, general contractor. SAW FILING, gumming, ham mering, band saw welding, sander belts, band saw blades, new han dles hung in tools. Sexton Supply & Saw Service, 1195 Wall Street. CENERAL HAULING Local and long distance. Phone 193-J.1521 Division. Harold Good win, HEATING: Service and Repair on au makes of ml burners by factory - trained men. Oregon Heating Co., 510 Delaware. Call 513, day or night. TRAVELING Truck-Crane. Doing light or heavy duty hoisting, load- ing or pulling. R. B, Vkatson, phone 1(rM. 1636 Galveston. FOR WELL and drain hole drill- ; ing eail Lee Grimes, 224 Davis, phone 975-J or 1252-J. HOUSE MOVING and raising;! large or small. Estimates gladly given. Hoiman Transfer, Ml Irv ing, Phone 9S7. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE; and repairs on ail makes. Phone, 274, 1033 Brooks. i SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, drain holes shot. Free estimates. Phone 1252-J or 975-J. D. W. Grimes, 210 Davis Ave., Bend. STORAGE PACKING MOVING To from, or within Central Ore gon. Good equipment and expert-: eneed men. BEND STORAGE & TRANSFER 222 Irving Ave. Phone 444 NOTICE OF PRIVATE SALE OF HEAL PROPERTY OR TIMBER THEREON In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Jackson Probate Department. In the Matter of the Guardian ship of DALE MAYBEN, BER NICE MAYBEN. GLENN MAY BEN and BRUCE JAN MAY BEN, Minors: Pursuant to an order of sale duly made and entered to the above entitled Court and cause, the undersigned guardian will sell at private sale the following described real property and thei timber thereon with said land or separately therefrom, to-wit; me boutneasi quarter ot tne Southwest quarter and the I Southwest quarter of the South- east quarter of Section 38, i Township 3S South. Range 3 Eeast of the Willamette Merld- ian In Jackson County, Oregon. : The South Half of Section 18, ; Township 20 South, Range 12 : East of the Willamette Merid ian In Deschutes County, Ore- i gon. Sublcct to the dower Interest of Esther C. Mayben as surviv- ; ing widow of Stanley L, May. ben. The undersigned guardian will proceed to sell said real property arai or timber thereon from and after December Sth, 1949, at the hour of 10:00 a.m., of .said day, ami bids or offers will be received hv the guardian, Esther C, Mav ben, at 500 Holly Street, Ashland, Oregon, The terms of the sale shall be tor cash or at least one-fourth cash and the balance on credit. Dated this 9th day of Novem ber, 1949. Esther C. Mayben, Guardian 288-291-297-302-C Use classified ads In The Bulle tin lor quick results. Bargains Found j In Army Surplus By William li, Hear New Haven, Conn. U E. R. Jacobson, sales engineer, in a sense always Is looking for a needle in the haystack. And he claims that the needle is some times worth more than the haystack. Jacobson guides the destinies ol a highly specialised; outfit. Air craft Radio Industries. His job is to find replacements lor the receivers, transmitters and radio navigation equipment which move from his firm H.UA.UjO Inven tory. "Take the dynamotor-rectifier deal," he said. "We were looking lor a special type of dynamotor used in planes anil foynd them in a government surplus offering. Priced at $5 each, and they had cost the government $25. "But we had to take also some huge rectifiers weighing a ton each, which cost the government! $5,000 each and which to us were ; worthless. As a matter of fact,i they were priced at $20 and the freightage came to $40 apiece." Surplus Not Wasted They finally were disposed of to a Cincinnati firm which planned to strip them apart and use the components. Jacobson's firm has just opened a New York office to expand it operations from purely domestic airlines and manufacturers to in clude foreign carriers as well. "That sort of experience doesn't mean the government surplus dis posal has been wasteful, he re marked. Those rectifiers had a particularly highly-specialized use for war comrouitKations. In civil ian work, they're just Impracti cal." Even when the government buys back Its own surplus, he said, it Is not a wasteful proced ure.. "It is for this reason." he ex plained, "when equipment - Is about to be deetarea surplus ail government agencies are circular- ized first to find out whether they need it. If not, tt goes on thei.,, hi three cents for M-cent block." Saving: Hade Perhaps months or even a year later, a need for that recti - lier arises aim we nave it stock. True, the government pays us more than we paid for tt. But : the savings in not having to ware house and handle mountains of equipment are great enough to offset it." Some airliners, however, pull, boners. . "One line queried us for some test sets," Jacobson said. "The following day I spotted some on auction, bought 40 and offered them to the trade. The airline which had inquired never ordered, but others did and in six weeks w e were sold out A month later. I Jhat airline came in with the very same inquiry, and It still hasn't round any. I Used Davenport f I $25,00 h 1 Bedroom Sets B I S4L50 I Circulating Hearers I I and Oil Heaters 1 I S 12.50 up I CLEANED and REPAIRED Oil Burners Cleaned end Adjusted ALL WORK DONE BY FACTORY TRAINED MEM Complete fisluHufloit and Servicing OREGON HEATING COMPANY 5t0 Delaware Street Phone 513 PORTLAND MARKETS Porttand, Nov. 9 m Parttawl butter and egg prices were tin. changed today. Uutter Price to retafcrt! Grade AA prints, 68c Ifc,; AA eir tons, We; A prints. 6Ke; A car tons. 69c; B prints, 65e. Egg prior to retaiiera; CerM fled A large, 62c dot; grwle A A large, Sic; A large, Wej A A me mum, SOc; certified A medium, 49c; B medium. 45c; 4 smaiS, Hcj cartons 2c additional. Cheese Price to retaite! Portland, Oregon single, 33-4'Jc lb.; Oregon 5-lb. ioafa, 4?-4Sc lb.; trlptels, IHc less than la gh Premium brands, atagta Sllae 3b,; loaf, 53e lit, F OUT LAND Ul'ESTOfK Portland, Nov. 9 U ai salable 300; market fairly scijve; mostly steady; quality mostly common kiid below; medium 600 lb. yearlings 21X0; few common steers l&fiO to 18.00; cutter utalry type steers down to UMi odd common heifers 13.00 to 1RS canner and cutter cows mostly 930 to 10,50; shells down to MO or below; common and mesUum cows 1130 to 13.00; some fceirt higher; common sausage Balls 1350 to 15.00. Calves salable 100; market afr tit fttliw steady: few good weal. ers 2M0 to 23.00; one choice 2"5 ib. Wight 2400; good 470 m, lea calves 2300; common and medi um calves and veaiers 13 .w to 18,00. Hoes salable 300; supply to- eludes toad not yet shown; truck- Ins around steady wit ft rnesaajrsi average, or 25 cents below early; good and choice ISO to 330 lbs, 17.00 to 17.25; negligible tot 1750; good 350 to 500 lb. sows 1450 to 1450; good and choice lixian salable to 1830. Sheep salable 400; market very slow; early bids weaker; good and choice wooted Iambs around MSB; good shorn lambs 19 00; good slaughter ewes salable &30 to TJMt MUCH ADO OVER 3 COTIS Atlanta Ga. 'IB For three cents, the state hopes to coavirt Homer Ellis of assault with talent to murder Melvtn aiartln. wnea the Ellis ease comes up, the pae- j wm k to prove that EJUs -.jy wounded Martin with a krA!p because Martin ororcham- can of smoking tobacco. There Is one public transit ve- , hide for every 1,500 persons In i the UHlKd States, 1 VERN LARSON ASEHCY Insurance & Red Estate 135 Owgon Ave. BEND, OREGON SO Acre Farm U acres. 40 Arnold, S fce rootti home, terse aara, chicken and turkey house, garage, alfalfa. 3 mUe out, Steele and equipment ran be bought, or will take tote model car or trailer house, - $ssoo 40 Acre Farm if) seres, 28 COI, S Bedroom home and 2 room hsiese. Numerous out btdkHftgs, S miles out Will, consider 2 Bedroom modem to city oa trade. Engine and equip ment can be bought. Terms, $5,500 Stock Ranch Will handle upwards of 3W head; 3 miles out. WaaM consider smaller ptaee. 2 Bedroom Modem Five lots oa pavement. Terms. $4,500 2 Bedroom Modern totame store on Greenwood, Will take tote model ear ob downpsyment. Terms, $4,750 1 Bedroom Homes We have several 1 -bedroom homes for you to choose from. Start saving now, Havs y o y r furnace or boiler thoroughly cleaned with e Furnace Vacuum Clean er, Save fuel end get top efficiency for those cU months ahead! 1