7 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1949 THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN Paradise for Fishermen Had No Women Until Lafely II.. II. . I A .. . ., ' II V Hubert J. Met leave Iltitll 1',,-m, HIhK I iir-,nviiU I III II fit x. N S. 1 1 - The win IiI'm nrvvenl Hlalc limy III'VI'I I Il!llll (ill' llll' Ulllll'll NllllllllM. ft Hlllllil hp limil hi llml II iiii a limp mill 1 1 h hiiiiIiiiiiii In MiMiclliniH iiimi existent, Hill II Iiiih inn' illNllnrllnii. l' nllmm iiii Hiiiiiru in enter Iin 1 0 1 1 1 II lit I il'M. 'Iiii' Mule, hi i li ii-l t 1 1 1 v, Ik riilli'il liiili'i lliililmilii, Hltiinli'il In the Siililh-i'it l(li. ii mini (IsIiImk t; I ntf the Himllmi'Hli'i ii lip (if Niivii Srullii. Iin ton i Ii i m rii dose three urri'M. Outer IIiiIiIiimIii Is mviii'd liy KiihMfll Arunili-I nt WhnIiIiicIiiii, 111'., ll lilu Kami- xpin Ihiiiiiii. Ill' IiiuikIiI Iiii- Ihlmiil from n nnip of Niivii Si-cillu llNliermcn who, however, ii'lniiicil Ih,. lichi Kiiie llii'lr heep on the IsIiiikI. Koine fill lilrnlliik' iiiiIiiiiiIn me -1 II in l li - tl t ii'dIiIi'mIn. (lull 11 ill It IIoiihc AfH'p Annulet liinichl It, n three mum rluh lions,, wiin liulli mi Ihi' Ihliiml. I I'm h plari' fur tuna flslii'imi'ii In (.;u ami hu.ip Miiiii'K nliiiiil Hie iiih'h llial illil or illil nut (jrt awiiy. Till' VllHlllll;tllll HHII INMH'II ill'. rlili'il thai (Inter llalilimlii ruiilil offer Hi mi'iiitiiis nun,, ih.m ihi' niiii'iilili'ii of fir nut,, t. ull. linn. II,. ilrrlili'il rulll.l lie n pi lin lpalliy fii'i- limn umiii'ii, a plan' u hi'i flMicuni-n would l. free in IhjukI nliiiiil llirlr iimiinpllfilimi'iitN, i'vi'ii in pnifani' lannuani' when Ihr lilt,' iiiii'm nut nwiiy. Arundel maili. tin. tilrs fur Ills fl.ihermcii friends wlii'ii hi' ilirw up Ihi' riiiihlltiilliiil uf the Island. 'Iiii' iiilrs iin- a ilri'liiratiiiii uf In ili.p.iili'ini.. Tin. ilrrlaratliin Is ilniiil "111 Ihi' yi-iir of Outer Hal' (Innlaii, dni.." In effect kli liln(; out Ihi- (iii'UDilaii mli-iidiir. I' IHIII'I llll'll, NliyH, ll l ll mi l' iiliini'. They liavi' tin. Id ImiiihI iiml l lii'lli-vi'il, tin. rlulit nf freedom f 1 1 in i ipii'Dliuu, fio in miKUluK, fllllll MlilVlllK. from uiiuii'ii, fiiim tuxes, lii'in iniiiiii. liiKiii'H, war, ami IiiIiIIiIIIiiiih. Ifui.ll of Member Arundel nihil win!,. Into tils dee laiallnii ii i iili. thai fishermen liavi' Ilic ll;ht uf appliiUKi', van lly, flntli'iy, ami priilsc, Ihi. ilchl In HWiMi , Hi., id Ink ami Kiimhlc, In In- uuiHy, pi'iiHlvi' or InlmliiiiH anil ilu- rii'lit in Hiri.p nil ilny ami Hlay up all 1 1 1 1 : Ii I . Tin- rush tit tuna fishermen to Juln tin' pi lin lpalliy wiim ureiit. Knelt Iiml tu pay liuin $:() tu SWO lo Juln. Hut, llko nil Ciinli'iiH uf Eden, llii'io luriii'il out to lio a bi'iiM'iil. women Kut nnluun. I'hey Tin. wanted to know nil uliout the pi lin lpalliy, nnd most of all lo vlHlt the Kingdom of Outor Hal (Inula. Tlio pressure grew lorrlflc, hut Arundel 1 1 1 it i i.i ); ti (urn down all Ii-mlnlne pli'iis. Deputy Weakens Came n rrt'i'iit ilny. however. When III' (ll'l ldl'll to ll'tlllll In till' Uulli'il Slates ami ilu koiiio hunt InK. Ilrfnii' ho It-It . ho delivered tin o.i)Vi.'iuni'nl of Outer llaldon In lino tho IiiiihIh of Klson Huud loan, ii guide nnil herretiiry-miin-iiger ol tlio Weilgeiiorl Tuna I. Hides iihhorlnlloii, llo also In rnlloil chancellor of Outer Hal (Inula. When Arundel loft, tho women till noil on IiIk ilepuly. Itouilreiiu, uiiIim lunali'ly for IiIh boss, Ih a different man from Arundel, He's appiuonlly susceptible to woman ly charms. llotidreau hroko down. Ho tuiya thai the constitution of Outer Halilnnla nhoulil ho chauuoij. "1 Cloverdale Cloverdale, Nov. B ISperliiD Mr. ami Mm. Cliironop Sunklor of Cloverdale nnnount'o tho i iikuko- i meiil of their daii:liier, Clara , KMllier, to Krwln K. Vniro Jr., mm j of Mr. iiml Mm. K. K. Viiroo of. I'liiluvlow. No dale Iiiih liei'll Ki't for Hie weddliiK. MIhh Sunklor, who ki adiiiiii'd from Koilmonil ; union 1 1 1 f : ri xiliool limt June, Ih now iiIIoihIIiir NorlhwoHt Chris Han oolleuo In Kui!oiio. Mr. Varco eiadllaled from lti'dliiiinil union lili;h In tho cIiihh of '47 and Ih now faiuiliiK In llo I'liiluvlow dlHlilel. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Malhews of Kiiono Hpent Monday and Tues day of IiihI week in. eui'sis of Mr, and Mis. Homer liiown, KiilolKll VVyntt of Meilforil oanio hero Tuesday of IiihI week for a visit at tho homo of Mr. ami Mrs. l'o 1'auluH. Mr. anil Mm. Kdwln Iirown, formerly of Cloverdnlc, have iniived from Henil and arc now IIvIiik at Ueilmnnd. Horont out of town kuohIh over tha wii'k end al I ho homo of Mr. mill Mm. Juok llniniick wre Mm. llamrlok'H on ami family, Mr. anil Mm. l.lnwood llrlco anil tlill droll of J unci lun City. Mm. Vliiill Alcorn anil Hon and daiiKliler of Nampa, Ida., left Sunday after a vlnll ul the homo of Mr. and Mm. Hay llanlnuiun. Mr. anil Mm. Ernest Hammock attended the wedding of MIhh Kiiiiiile YounK and ilarth Uow-t man at Heihnund Sunday. MrH. Doloroii Woodwaril and dauKhter, Oooi'Kello of Culver,' Hpont the week vIhIIIiik al tnoj homo of her parenlH, Mr. and Mis. Jack Wllllami. I Sherwood NlcholaH, one of n party of ciKlit, roturned home last j week from an oik hunlinx trip In I oiiHtorn OreKon. Knch hrouKht ; homo an oik. I Mm. Jack llnrnrlck enleiialned the Clovordnlo (Jarilen chili Wod nesday aflornoon wllh 12 mom hern preHonl and Ihreo kuohIh, Mih. I'earl Krnzler of OIIh, Ore., Mm, HohhIp Stowell, Iteilmond, and Mm. Karl Williams, Mm. Henry Hasko Instrueioil the Kioup on textile painting. He fieshnienls of pumpkin pie, cof fee and tea wore nerved by the hoKtoHH at the clone of the after noon. Member of the I'lalnvlew granite worked at the hall Sun day doing cleaning and carpen ter work. Ix'o f;oodrloh and Hill Orinwold loft Monday for elk hunting In eastern Oregon. Mr. anil Mm. Jack Hamrlek, and Mr. and Mih. Coorge Hil lingslcy wore Saturday evening guoHts al tho Kuril" I'iiiiIuh home. Mm. j- Wilson anil infant Bon of Myrtle Crook Hpent three days last week vlHillng her HlHtor, Mrs. Sherwood Nicholas. Mr. and Mm. K. A. Stowell of Redmond npont last week at the in wni IIIkIi iimllty IimmIh nml rhulie iiiiiits are ulwnvs fen lured nt the lliilry Store nt prices Ihul really help you i-roiiiimUi'. I'or huvliigs, shop with iu , , , nml for your luiiveiiliiice, we're iimii KvoiiIiikh anil Suiiiluys. STANDBY SPECIALS! Fruit Cocktail 2 for 39c ci.i;i)i:. No, i Grapefruit Segments. 2 for 39c No. 8 Pje Cherries 2 for 65c Pumpkin 3 for 25c Nil. I', Cling Peaches ....... 2 for 49c WAIST IK) I I I K Prune Juice 29c Haley's Beef Stew 37c mm. OPEN ARMISTICE DAY! Specials Through Saturday! SWIFT'S Pard Dog Food 2 for 27c DURKEE'S SALAD DRESSING Pint 29c No. 303 Can Dundee Asparagus 2 for 35c KERR SPECIALS! I Mi. .Iitr Strawberry Jam. . . 39c i mi. .im peach Preserves... 29c I l.h. .lur Loganberry Jam... 31c I'! ii., Tiimhh-r Assorted Jellies. 235c SPERRY SPECIALS Pancake Flour 10 lb. bag ... $1.09 4 lb. bag 49c IIKTTV ClttX'KKK Crust Quick. . 3 for 55c riaslle I nnd Hug I reel TOKAY GRAPES 3 lbs. 29c Cabbage lb. lc Hubbard Squash .... lb. 3c Broccoli bunch 15c Green Onions.... bunch 5c Rome Apples .... 4 lbs. 25c 1ft oz. I'ai'kiiKo Sunmaid Raisins 15c KOUNTY KIST No. 2 PEAS 3 for 29c 1 iATW LARGE SIZE Borcnc 27c HUDSON HOUSE No. S To tit do Juice 2 for 49c Pork Shoulder Steak. ... lb. 49c Pork Chops lb. 69c. SWim "HKADY TO EAT" Picnic Hams lb. 49c SWIFT'S Oriole Bacon lb. 59c ALL KINDS OF LUNCH MEAT At Very Reasonable Prices. Fountain and Lunch Service HOT I.UN IIIOS, IIOMDM ADK TIKS mill CAKK. si;itvi;o wmi.K you aki: siiorriNt;. homo of Mr. and Mrs. Jleniy; H.iKke, i Mr. and Mm. Henry Kaske; Hpont Salurdiiy In I'oitlnnd, r"-; turning home Klind.iy accompli-j nied liy Mrs. Kaske's parentH, Mr. and Mrs. A. I. MelgM. ( The A. C. I', commiinlly com-, mil lee, com po noil of Chiuli-s TracliHol, Wesley Keevy and ' iuy Harvey held a meeting Monday evening, for the purpose of ap pointing a nominating committee for V.IW. Miss Mlnta King of Klamath j Kalis, now attending Northwest Christian college, was a week end guest at tho homo of her cuusiiiH, Kay and Clinton liluine. Mr. and Mrs. fan I-alihardt of Seattle visited Monday and Tues day at tho home A Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Cyr. Miss Kulh Dixon, who is affil iated with the Shrineis hospital in Portland, spent the week end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cory Dixon. The Christian Kndoavor of the Sisters Church of Christ held a business meeting and social at the home of Clara Sunklor Kri day night. The harvest theme was carried out in the room dec orations. Cider and doughnuts were served for refreshments. Bend Bank Branch Deposits Higher The United Stales National hank of Cortland, in Its Novem ber 1 report lo tho comptroller of rurienry, showed a gain of more than 1!) million dollars in deKislts since the Juno 30 call dale. It was announced today, (iains also were made in loans and discounts as well as in total resources. Deposits now total $j25.2I9.110, a gain of $19,627,517 since the June 30 report. Total deposits of the Uend branch are S-l.&l6,477.fl, according to Ben W. Kanning, manager. This is an Increase of more than $351,000 since June 30, when deposits were S4.295.1U5.02. The latest loans and discount figure of $148,416,862 for the en tiro system represents a gain of $15,5X2.610 over Ihc total at the time of the mid-year call. Use classified ads In The Bulle tin for quick results. FINDS BOOK HK WANTKI) Boston iip buck In 1!H. Harry Samuel Vlctorson, book seller, de cided he wanted a two-volume edition of Wlllta;:! James' "I'rlnol. pies of Psychology." But he could n't locate one, Down through the yearr, dur ing which he has handled tons ol thousands of hooks, Vletnrson has been ever alert for tho sot In question. The other day he finally found one and bought It for a mere J5.40. at Emerald 11 -ounce Kungus diseases, such as 'wig canker of oak, may lie dormant within a tree for as long as 10 years. When the tree becomes weak, the disease emerges. think we should let the women In." i That brought plenty of howls from the menfolk. The big tost will come next year, when the tuna fishing seanon brings thtongH of Outer llaldunlan men folk buck to their kingdom. They may find womenfolk all over the place. Oh, well, it was a nice dream while it lasled. LOOK AT YOUR FLOOR COVERINGS Greenwood Furniture now has a floor covering department that can meet all your carpeting needs. fr FIRTH CARPETINGS -A- MAGEE CARPETINGS -A- ARMSTRONG LINOLEUMS Let us help give your floors the NEW LOOK. Our bedding department is also complete. Full range of sizes and prices in the famous Sealy line of Mattresses and matching Box Springs $29.50 to $59.50 And, of course, the latest in finely tailored Davenport and Daveno sets. MAKE THIS A FURNITURE CHRISTMAS GREENWOOD FURNITURE CO. Quality liiinio furnishings" In the popiilar4prlco Tirld. 24 Greenwood Ave. . BEM), OKU.- N. I'hone 13S5 7, ' " ' 'V f ' ' ' it & ' 0' S I t i N 1 ml 1 iiwtiiHtiiiiiriiirriw-iiM WATER GLASSES LIMIT 12 TO A CUSTOMER lT KtoulAa I BUY FOR ECONOMY Nothing gives you more for your food dollars than bread and no bread gives you more than Gregg's BANNER bread! It's delicious, too, and 200 Miles Fresher GREGG'S Banner BAKERY Oniy through a special purchase ere we able to offer this terrific value . . . deep cut prices from every department! Look These Super Specials Over Quantifies Limited Come Early! Plastic Aprons Beg. $1.09 29c Shotgun Shells PRICES SLASHED OX ALL GAUGES and BRANDS! FLORESCENT Light Fixtures Reg. $9.93 $4.98 STEM Sherbet Glasses Reg. 93c 69c S3PIECE Refreshment Set .. Reg. $3.29 $2.93 FIRESTONE Electric Range Completely Automatic. Reg. $359.50 '225.00 8-Tl'BE RADIO PHONOGRAPH Combination Blond Walnut. Reg. $361.50 $1 67.50 SHEKRILL MAGNETIC Auto Compass Reg. $3.49 $2.25 HOT WATER Car Heater Reg. $31.95 516.95 Houseware SPECIAL! Measuring Spoon, Sugar Scoop, I'late Scraper. ell for 9c Kit Vises Handy for your tool box. Reg. $3.98 s2.98 6-Tube Radio Pushbutton Control Tone Coptrol. Reg. $62.50 $39.50 Stem Goblets Reg. 05e 69c Duck Hunter SPECIAL! Leather bird carrier and handmade, tone-tested duck call. both for $2.25 CAMFIELD AUTOMATIC TOASTER Reg. $22.00 '17.95 USE OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN HOUK-VAN ALLEN Tirestone Home & Auto Supply 916 Wall Phone 860 Use elnsslliecl mis in The Bulle tin Xor quick results. VIC FLINT prom inside the lifeboat I heard footsteps on deck. Then they stopped. By Michael O'Malley andJRalph i Lane IKj E.--:-" . A. THEIR SAW,' JTTO.WHEN W.U VIC I ll EARNS WHAT T I Rg 1 VA I i 1 muc nilTriCTUAT UP TO. THEN HE IL 1 New Miracle Drug Stops Cold Symptoms in a Single Ilny ANAKIST NEOHETRAMINE Get It at City Drug Co. TOE BAIPV rr5S? 135 Minnesota Ave. Phone 127