TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1949 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON PAGE THREE Guide Europeans In How to Sell Products to U. S. Itv William It. Mi-urn ilinitMt I'mwm huh rttu, iii'nK Ni-w Yinli HI'i Kuiclun liutliii fiiiltliriK whii Winn to kniiw If Ami-rlni-m will litiy llii'lr piuil lulu Iiiivi' imly in iiHk Hium-y Klnn. I 'II turn IiIm nation wlili- Klnlf lotisi- mi It mill ti'll thi'in. I'm' U luli'f, nf niiiiw', llimu-y iuiih I hi' Mi'I i Ii.'iniIInIih! finiiip. Inc., whlrli lum Juxl uri nouni'i-il till' ni-w w-ivlri-. Ali'it ymiiiK women In tin- iiiiilnn'i if) Il-llllllIK iMtll-H llllH ll-Nll-ll ll-llll-' si'iitutlvi'K In l'i nthi'iH run lilini-ki-t the wliuli- Ami'l li nn iniilkcl, Hill !!' Klllll. 'Tlli-n-ni l- StMl rllll-K Willi II ll Illation of L'O.IKHI or over. Our li-liK'srlllllllvi'H nil- Hlriili-tflriilly loiati-il," I' lnn I'XiiliiliU'il. MnrliH Niim-ytil In nil ho run rnvi-r tin nx-ii Wlllrll IliNt Vi-lir WIIH l-flIOIlHlllll- lor $l7,mMt.M)i,ixM In ii-tiill nnli'M. Klnn rliilniH. Klnn, ii lull. Kooil IooIiIiik i-xi-cu-tlvi' who wiih ini'ii'hiinillsliiK iniiii-nt!-r (or l.lli- iiiiikii.Iiii-, n-ii-nlly i'otnilrli' mi liiti-lwlvi- mirvi-y ol tin- iiiTi'itiihllliy of HiHIhIi kooiIk In thi' tlnlli'il Stairs niaiki'l. Klnn ofd'iH two plans I In- 20 nml .'Ui Inli'ivh'W (iIiiiih. In the (list, two vailrty rlialn Mini- lniyi'is, thirp ii'Hiilnit luiy IhK ofllrrt nml 15 major ictiill oulli'lM arc imki-il iihout the im. iirt In in-mlon. lUnilcr tin Inti-ivli-w plin. ni-vi-n chain nml li'Hlili'iit Iniyi'iH anil 2.1 n-liilli-l me aiIiroiirhi'(l. I SnrnN- In liaml. tin' Inlfi vlrwi-r links tnoHH'riH whrthrr hln moil would itlock It mill what hi- thinks d( Its null- poli-nHiil. Prlii- ( oinpnnil SprrKIr ini'HtlonH iilimit wlu-lli-it It has Kooil iiiallty. woikman Khlp, Ktyli-, ilrsln and rolor to Hu rt l he ihs'iIk of Amrrlran Iniy I'll mo part of tho tin-Htloinmlii- Thr samplr Ik rompiiri'il in prlii- to roiiipi-tlllvi- lloniN iiln-aily on tho hIii'Ivoh ami tho suivry winds up with ilotallK on tho Ih-h) tllMi llmllon rhannolH ami wili-s promotion m-i-li-l. "KipilplMMl with this." Midi rinn, "n foreign huslnoHM man ran for $.175 In tho 'M IntiTvlow plan ami jfciS In tho .'HUiitrrvli-w ilium toll pri'tty arruratoly what his rhiitir is for srlllnn tho pioilurt mo. At Kllk'htly adilrd oust, wo ran hiiuki' tho riKi'ptlvlty of two or Ihiro ndilltloniil pioilurts at tho Hamo Intorvlow." Foot Troubles Found Widespread C'hIraKO t If you Miffor from who foot, tho chiimoN nn- your Ihihh In KufforliiK rh:hl ulunK with you -In his pcK-kotlMjnk. Solo loot, accord I UK to Dr. !. A, Wiilnh. rhaliman of tho National AHKoclutlon of ChliopoillKts' rom mlttoo on ImhiKtrlal foot hoalth. cost Amrrlran IiukIiiohs mon about n billion dollars a yoar. Dr. Walsh said that studios in , f.u-tolirs nml Ntoios il-vi-iiliil that cmo In 10 woikors Inn- I nun two to soven tlnvs u month horuuso of , arhliiK "(Iokn." II uidloil thnt one in six stays homo at least ono day a month for tho same reason. Mure than '() Industrial firms nro cmploylni; rhlropoillsls to help employes flrjil such nllmonls as "liollcoman's heel" nml "rhail-1 four's foot." tho doctor reported. ; "1'ollcoman'n heel" Is not llm-1 ltod to pollcemon. It troubles m-i-: sons who walk pretty constantly' on hard floors and results from loss of protective fat honeath tho skin over tho heel. Delivery truck drivers are sus-! ceptlhle to "chauffeur's foot," be cause of freiucnt JumpliiK from their trucks to hard pavement. : They develop a calloused and , painful enlargement of the first ball Joints on their feet. (hoosa a GRUEN Gruen Automatic Anil other iniiilcls from 311.75 VJ . IrJ J m - School Roster Repeats Names WhiKloii rnlrm. N. C. Hl'i Tho name names have boon liirnliii! up on Salom rolloo'n rlaHsroorn ioh tors tor the liml Will yours. 'Mil. lids o I In- Norlh Carolina K 1 1 Ik' srhool mild nlsiul 15 n-r rout of this ear's liesliinan class have slstois, moihors anil itraiidmoth oi who are Kalom alumnae. Throe froshmoii nro iloia-rnil mils of hIiiiIoiiih who mioiiili'd Sa loin I'oiuale arademy, the fororiiii nor of II ollrce. ill the days of couch ami four lianspoi tuilon. Edison Honored In Ceremony Kncmiipmi iil, Wyo dl'i About IKHI iM'isons Hnthored ut plrtur osiUo Kattlo lake, lilj.:h In the Sierra Madre inoiinlalns nbovo Knrampmoul, for a formal clrdl cation of a bronj' memoilul to Thomas Alvu l-Mlson. 'Ilio colorful ceremony, sponsor' oil by I he Stale Historical I -and inuiks commission, was hold on tho shea e of the lake Scheie In 1K7H Killson Is siidl to have con colvrd the Idea for the Incan ilosiont llcht. Tho bioni plague, about two fool by throe fool and luilioddod In the fare of a concrete monu ment, was proKcnlod to the state j by Warren Itlchmilson, chairman of the landmarks commission. I State auditor K. T. "oienliaver. iopros-ntlii tlov. A. '!. (.'nine, uc copied for the stale. Main uddross of tho day was I Klvon by l". I). Williamson, chiilr- man of tho slnle commerce und Industry commission. Adm. liar old A. Ikiwon. of Now Jersey, ex ecutive director of the 'lliomns A. Kdlson foundation, kuve a short i talk. I I'lshliiic Tolo IMkmI KdlMin's Idea for the Inrandes i cent licht Is Mild to have come from oxM'ilmenls with the fiber: i of his bamboo flshlnK polo. , I Acconllni! to the story, hdlson I W'as a mi'iiilH-r of a imrty of scion i lists known us the Henry Draper 0XM-dltlon. which came to Haw j llns to make scientific obscrvo ! lions of a total eclipse of tho sun, July i!H, 1K7H At tho conclusion ! of tho scientific observation, they went on a hunting anil flshlni; trip to lialtle lake, j After the party had hi-en en I camped for throe days, ono morn 1 Iiik at hreakfast Kdlson was asked ; by 1'iof. Harlem, "Well, Tom, how 1 did voli rest la.it nlltht ?" j "Well." I'jllf.on answered. "I ! wasn't thluklno. about rostlnu. I i lay and looked up at tho bi-autlful stars and rloar skylight mid I In vented un Inrmidesrent electric IlKhl." AUCTION TONIGHT UNTIL 7:30 P. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY Continuous 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. NEW AND USED FURNITURE ! Here's Your Chance fo Buy Daven ports, Bedroom Suites, Tools. Lamps, Odd Pieces, Occasional Furniture, Etc AT YOUR OWN PRICE ! Auctioneer, FEftRSS GATES (West Coast's Leading Auctioneer) Square Deal Furniture Exchange 201 East Franklin Street LAST ESTATE When Army Private Ktigcnc Hunch, 19, com mitted Milcidt- In Cheyi-nno, Wyo he left his 19-yoar-old widow thin unitizing n.uurtmetil of goods, ranging from Jars of peanut butter to diamond rlngn. Police said Hunch's death ended a six-month cuict-r of robbery. The loldicr's worry over Inability to dispose of tho stolon good may have cuumk! his suicide, they said. Salmon Hauled From Alaska Greeley, Colo. 'II'' Paul Mar tin's business failure diverted the .'It! yoar old truck driver into an appaicntly successful venture of hauling fresh salmon .'I. UK) miles by highway from Alaska to mid western United States. The Colorailo in's truck line, one of the longest In North America, Is Just gctilni starten. It doesn't Include much more than Martin and his truck us icr utlng iersonnel nml equipment. Hut ho figures ho has a lot of potential assets, chief among them a vast untune lied market for his wares. The Greeley man discovered It is easy to sell fresh salmon In Colorado. A load he delivered to Ills homo town of Greeley was i puiohasisl by Individuals and stores almost as soon us he ar rived on hi first long truck Jaunt I from Alaska. ; Mai tin's Aliisk.i-Colotado sal- tnon haullng concern wnsjlnsplred j by his failure to secure trucking I contracts in Alaska, where he had I gone several months ugo. ' 2 Sa e ! TI NK OI.'T ( Ol.l) North Plutte, Nob. 'Hi During the long winter evenings when Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Dunham were Isolated on their farm during the I'M'l blizzard they got tired of listening lo radio resumes of the cold weather. So they slatted tuning In on short wave broadcasts from Aus tralia. The thing they enjoyed most, says Dunham, was the weather forecasts from Radio Australia which usually were for warm weather. Desperate after ho was unable to find hauling Jobs, Martin said lie decided to take his big now truck and drive it home over the A lean highway. Hefore starting his trip to the states, ho bought enough fresli .rozon salmon to fill a refrigera tor trailer. The eight day trip home, he said, went off without difficulty. Tho Coloradoan said the excellent condition of tho road was one fac tor which induced him to launch his fish. trucking business. Martin said friends warned him he would find no murket for fresh salmon In tho Unltixl Suites. But he had no. trouble disposing of his load. Martin's main worry now, he says. Is getting enough fish to fill his orders. League of Nations Palace Again Scene of Activity B Ihiilli-y Ann llarioon , months of lfH!t, which comparos orfiini'atlon. tho economic corn-1 greatest tni lff noKotlatlons In Ills iiiri.ir.i Or... .-.un i .,i,,.p,ii, ci favorably with, the nurnbor hold mission for Furopo nml tho united 1 tory nt a six months con f orenco liencva "1' Tho pnlace of the , -it Lake Sucross durinK a similar national relief for Palestine refu-lherc In 1!M7. dofiiiici U-ii?iii. of Nations, arren j period. j goes have headiiiartors here. j Tlfi most Kl'imorous room In of hulldiiiK completed usl In-fore , (liitwanllv I lirhunc'-d ! IJNKSrO Moots the pnlace, the former leliKUO ino loauue uin.i pse.i, is today me. scone of more Intel national con feronees than ever before. The W.W),I) palace of stone and marble Is now the crowded Kiiropcnri head'iumiers of the United Nations, ll is more crowd I ed limn ilui lni! the d anue's balm- j Wilson foundallon, stands on the house the famous league assem- "'H' "',ys' I lawn beneath huge cedars of I- j bly. Today it Is the scene of ILO's I ., .,,.T R, AST! Kurld-r thl.t year harassed II N ' banon. Tho same peacocks or'annunl conferences. WHO meets i officials even i oicldereil adding : their descendants-roam the vast i here every other year. Eugene. Nov. 8 HPi Pollcp to a "skyscraK-r'' lo the building to : lnwnn and flowerlieds. Buses flll A world conference drew up ' lny investigated a dynamite blnst house overflow agencies. They j ed with sightseers sllll drive up three conventions on freedom of that shattered the University of withdrew their plan after the hourly. information here last year. ThP Oregon's concrete "O" on Skin- Swiss objected that the VI story j Inside the building the visitor UN Palestine commission wrote norr. butte. lower planned would be a regret-1 Is struck by the predominance of and signed its famous report rec-1 The blast Sunday showered do table "American" Innovation : the American accent. The United 1 ommending partition in Geneva bris on the road below. The "O" which would ruin their landscape. Some people work in the palace today, compared to about I other nationalities in Geneva. I -100 in normal league periods. I The European headquarters of During big conferences, their ad- j the UN and several specialized ; visors increase the number to agencies fill the palace to over 2..rio0. More than l.'XX) meetings flowing. The international refu took place here In the first eight goo organization, the world health Only 47 Days 'til Christmas! Time to start your Christmas Sewing for family and friends. LIMITED SUPPLY New Singer round-robin portables for rent Only $6.00 per month. FREE DELIVERY Contact RAY BONFIELD 856 Ogden Bend, Oregon or Phone Bend 1825 THP UNDERCOVER Outsize Fashions! Styled by Kickernick . , Rayon Gowns Invinsible stripe pattern, embroidered rose trim. Colors: Blush and Baby Blue. Size: 38 to 48. $3.50 Rayon Knit Slips Fine tricot knit, built up shoulder style. Colors: Tearose only. Size: 36 to 48. $2.95 and $3.50 Rayon Panties Three Styles in fine rayon. Colors: Tearose and White. $1.50 and $1.95 Use our Lay-Away Plan for your Christmas shopping . . . your dollar goes farther when you buy quality! BAKER & HARVEY Formerly Powell s Fashionable ApparA for Yoiimi Women of all Ages. 014 Wall Street Plione 1S3 1 Crankshaft Grinding On Our New Van Norman "448" Grinder Bearing Rebabitring Motor Rebuilding DRAKE'S AUTO SHOP .,,. h r,.m,.rn. l...r ll,,. .;,.. I,.,,,,,,., l,ll,ll., l In n park overlooking tho lake, the UN, has hold its summer ses would find il outwardly iin ision in (o-neva twice and will do rhaiiKcd. again next year. he same Rolclen sphere of thei Zodiac n oif't of the Wrauhau States never Joined the league. To- day, Americans outnumber thp. and PICK-UP. The l!N oronomlo and social Unnnell fmn ,f llm mil litr IuijIIau nf 1 The palace's assembly hall ,.,v,i,.h o, ,:',.,., '., ,'(l,iys. n lf47. Nearly 1.000 delegates renre- senting 23 of the world's largest trading nations carried out tho WEDNESDAY ONLY! ANOTHER BIG WED. NITE SHOW! 2 n d H KIM HUNTER fe M YRSltllt EXTRA COLOR CAKTOO.V and LATE NEWS! Ends Tonife! STARTS TOMORROW! New Laughter, New Songs, New Spectacle Kathryn GRAYSON AwJ JOSE ITURBI ETHEL Keenan Wvnn Mario Lanza council ehamliei', w'h nuiruls by ttlO MlUIHSIl PUmiO-, JOSO lYIIirill Sort, is closed most of tho lime. This seem;-, lo old timers hero symbolic- of n eel lain loss of gla mour by Oncvu In tlie post war i traditionally is painted and re- conditioned before homecoming, ; this year scheduled Nov. 18 and 19. C KNDH TON1TK Kolirrt MoiitKoini'ry In "ONC'K MOKK MY DAKMNG" uImo "IIAKI'OON" Burt LANCASTER In "ROPE OF SAND" BARRYMORE Jules Munshin J. Gmell Naisb ST4MIN0 A C WELRY I ll yH&RJNGDIAMOND 935 Harriman Street Phone 795-J OF CENTSAL OREGON &