The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, November 08, 1949, Page 11, Image 11

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Last Aztec Ruler
Found Entombed
In Mexican Vault
Ixcatcopan, Mexico HO Arrhuit
oloKlata Iiuvii dlricovciod I he io
iiimim n( Cuauhtemoc, the Ihhi
emperor of the A.I1TN, under 1 1 in
Church ul N in-MI i a ricnuia Santa
Muriu do III Asuncion hern.
Cuauhtemoc, haiiK'd liy llll'
SpiinlurdM In l!Wf, ruled lint A.'
It-en lor a 1)1 Iff period nllcr I !--nun
Cortcit in rived lin o In i:i:i.
111! sueeeded Mocte.uina (Monte,
zuinal, the Aztec emperor ( in lea
dclculed Id conquer is'cw Spain.
Cuauhtemoc luid lulu In llii' liny
vault under the main allar el Hie
Church ol Our l.ady, Holy Mary
ul lint Assumption, lor nunc ilian
lour centuries.
Tlio Spanish eunqueroiH led
Cuauhtemoc' iKjily liaucliiK tu u
crude, ((allows sumcwlii-n- in
southeastern Mexico, probably In
what In now Chlapa state, fur the
hu.ardH mill Juiiiilu annuals In
pick clean.
Indians Iti-m-un Hotly
'11m Indians, however, rescued
It, niter almoNt two weeks on lite
Ifalluw, and Hi-eielly relmrleil
their emperor here, MdhI Spanish
historians thought Cuauhtemoc'
iKiily wax In the southeastern part
til the country. They hail not even
tx-cn nlile lo make up their iiiIiiiIh
as to whether It wait In Campcehe,
Tabasco or Chiapas stales.
Hurled here probably In 1'i'M liy
the iinccstnrs ul Salvador Itodrl
que Juarez, whose family hint
lived here at leant nIiico early In
the llith century, the location ol
the final rt-slliiK place of the Az
tec eniierur never mluht have
leen known outside of the Juarez
family hud not old Salvador none
lo the village pi lent with lain sec
ret, lie learned It only almul six
years ao when Mleaela Lacuna
de Aroyo, dylnjj of olil hkc, con
Idled It to lilni. Karly this year,
Salvador went to H'aiher David
Sal(;ado Kslrada, pastor of the v.
lace church. I'utiier ICslradu ad
vised Salvador to tell It to the
whole world.
Called Authentic
At first the report wait greeted
with Incredulity tint when Salva
dor produced centui leu old nianu.
scripts written liy Father Moto
II ti In. one of the flint and greatest
Mexican historians, 2(lth century
scientists flocked to Ixcatcopan.
They examined the manuscripts
nnd pronounced them authentic.
At leniitli. "It hehiR the 27th day
of September of 1!H!, at 13 hours
and r0 minutes, (the remains) of
Hey u S. C'outemo II iKIiik and
I-oid Cuauhtemoc) were found
NumeroUH Mexican iirchacolo.
c.lsts, moxt prominent of whom ix
Knlallii (luman, have pronounced
the reiualiiH genuine.
llefore the find Ix officially rec
ognized, however, a (.-roup of set
entlxtx appointed hy the govern
inent will have to paxx on It.
News of Tumalo Community
Forget-Me Not
Day Scheduled
Saturday, Nuveniher 12, will be
the annual "forget-mc-nol day"
sponsored hy the Disabled Amer
ican Veteranx, with mcmberx of
the local Johx Daughters bethel
to circulate In downtown Bend,
selling the Irndltlonal blue flow
eiK, hand made liy hospitalized
dlxahled veterans.
Mayor 'I'. IV Sexton today Is
xued a proclamation designating
November 1'J itx Forget Me-Not
day and reucsllnK all clllzenx.
Interested groups and societies to
"The war Ix not over lor our
disabled veteranx who have Riven
n part of body and wellbclng In
Hie wartime service of our na
tion," the mayor's proclamation
pointed out In part.
". . . The Olxabled American
Veteranx, rhartci-ed by congress
ax the official voice of the nil
tlon'x wartime dlxahled, Is ren
dering a vital service lo the dis
abled veteranx of this community
anil area." the proclamalion con
tinues, "and the I. A. V. has
pledged Itself to protect existing
benefits and help oblain addi
tional needed benefits for Amcr
lea's disabled defenders. . . .
"Whereax, the D.A.V. has chos
en Saturday, November 12, as Its
annual forget MeNot day In Ibis
community,' the lunds derived
trnm said day lo lie used in be
ball nl the disabled veterans nnd
Ills dependents in this commu
nity. . . ."
Myron KJoxe, local D.A.V. com
mander, Ix In charge ol arrange
ments lor I ho local observance.
Tumalo. Nov. 8 (Kneelal) 1 1.
It. l'lilllnsou was elecled master
ol Tumalo grange at the annual
election held Friday evening,
Nov. -1. Other officers elecled
were Charles roller, overseer:
Vein llartlord, lecturer: J. W.
Martin, steward; Wult Lowe, re
elected assistant steward: Mrs.
T. l. Decker, reelecled ehapluln;
narry i.ossier, reelected 1 1 ennui'-
Mrs. A. M. rcrguson, sccro-
lary; Mrs. Karl (Guernsey, Ceres;
Mis. William Kurtz. J'ouionu:
Mix. if. It. I'altluson, Flora; Mrs.
Ailene DeiiulKon, reelected lady
asxlHlant steward and Carl Mitch
ell, Hill Kurtz and Leonard Tru
eax, executive cummlltee. Carl
Mitchell acted us master In the
absence ol Leonard Trueux, who
was III. Vem llartlord was escort
ed lo the muster's station and pro
xeuled wllh n belated wedding
gift by Curl Mitchell, the acting
master. If. It. I'uttlnxon, chair
man of the woodshed committee
reported that the woodshed hud
been completed, hut for cutting a
door through into the grange
kitchen, and that the lumber lor
the building had been donated by
ltalph Cake, who also procured
the aluminum roofing for the
grange at a reduced price. Sug
gestions for the good ol the order
were dlxeuxxed fallowing which
supper was served hy the com
mittee consisting of Mrs. lien
Chancy, Mrs. II. It. I'uttlnxon and
Mrs. W. A. Wlnney.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Suhrc are
on a' two weeks vacation trip to
i.aiiioriuu unit while tney arc
gone, Mrs. Adelaide Alt is stuyipg
with the Suhrc children.
liernlce Montague ol The
Dulles Ix visiting nt the home ol
her brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Mitchell.
J. L. Jones, member of the
county elementary school board
went to Salem Saturday to attend
u slate meeting of school direc
Mrs. Venule Reed ol Inhnnon
hax left for her home following
a month's visit here nt the home
of her son In law nnd daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hunt.
Tumalo extension unit will
meet Tuesday, November 13,' lit
the home of Mrs. Tom l-'orreslor
lor u lexxon on holiday refrexh.
mcntx, the lesxon to bt- given by
Mrs. Wesley McCulloch. Women
attending the meeting which Is
called for 10:30 a.m. are to brine
sandwiches and their own table
lloverly and Gwen Crubb gave
n Halloween and hayride party at
tneir home Saturday evening, Oc-
tolH-r 29, lor a group of their
Mrs. II. A. Scoggln entertained
at dinner Saturday evening, the
occasion Ix-lng the birthday mini
verxiuy of her husband and of
Keith Shepard. Besides the I-Yed
!01fpnrd' family, other - guests
prrxent were Miss Barbara Wyh
koff ol Hedmond and Miss Joan
Logan of Bend. Kayet Scoggln
wax also present,
T. t;. Becker and Hny Gerklng
accompanied Hoy I'ayne ol Leu
burg on a short trip to eastern
Oregon. The men left Saturday
Seventeen young people attend
ed the Westminster Fellowship
meeting last Thurxduy evening nt
the Wesley McCulloch home. Thlx
Thursday the group will hold
their meeting at the Cnti Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Collins lelt
last Wednesday fur the coast lor
a couple ol weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Llndsey
have Just returned from n week's
trip to the coast, stopping oil to
visit nt lMth Grams Pass und
Medford before returning home.
lumalo IM A will meet Thurs
day evening, Nov. 10, at 8 p.m.
at the school house, Mrs. Ray
mond Junes of Redmond will
show her collection ol slides
taken while on an Alaskan trip
last Juno. A membership drive
has been Blurted which will con
tinue until December. A plaque
will bo awarded monthly to the
room having the most mothers lu
uttondance at the monthly IT A
meetings. 1'ie und coffee will be
served following the meeting, by
members of the executive com
mittee. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Putnam re
turned home Sunday from a trip
lo eastern Oregon und Washing
ton. Mr. und Mrs. O. W, Grubb nnd
family, Mr. nnd Mrs. Nell Duvlx,
1-ayel bcoggln und itoy itenry
were Tumulo people who attend
ed the Ilowun-Young wedding
Mr. und Mrs. 13. A. Chaney, Mr.
und Mrs. John Wright und Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Wlnney lelt early
Saturday on an elk hunting trip.
Andy bandwlck, sophomore at
O-C-li. at Monmouth, spent the
past week end here visiting his
parents, Mr. und Mrs. Arnold
Realty Transfers
.Mortgages Oct. 21
Clifford II. Bright, et ux
Lon Blight, SK 23, 17, .12.
Sherman M. Telford, et ux, to
Deschutes Federal Savings and
Uian, lots 1, 2, 3, block 6, Grand-view.
Gerald R. Christian, ct ux, to
state ol Oregon.
Mortgage Krleases Oct. 41
Homo Owners Loan Corp.- to
Eunice Gates, et vir, lots 5-(i,
block 1, Khrcts first addition.
Pacific First Federal Savings
and Loan, to Kenneth G. Crulck
shank, ct ux, E 50 lot 2, block 4,
Plnelyn park.
Deschutes 1-cderal savings and
loan, to Shermun H. Tellord, et
ux, lots 1, 2, 3, block 6, Grand
Mnrtgagra Oct, 22
Oscar F. Ketcham, et ux, to
Slgna M. Gardner, lots 010, block
8, lira ml view,
Mortgages Keleasex Oct. 21
United States Nullonul bank, to
Ixnbcllp Sorenxcn.
J. A. Rolphlne, ct ux, to Clyde
M. Evans, ct ux, lot 3, block 4,
Mortgages Oct. 25
Roy H. Auston, ct ux, to Des
chutes Federal Savings and Loan
S. 120 lots.l, 2; S. 120- of E, 10,
lot 3, block 24, Kenwood.
Mortgage Release Oct. 26
C. K. Downs to George W
Cork, ct ux. lots 11-12, block 69,
Mabel Curryer. to Mable How-
lux, et vir, lots 6-7, 20-21. block
115, lirst addition. Bend park.
Mrirltrfr, III 'iA
Donald II. Urell, et ux. fo Eflii
Bool he. ot ux. lot .11, block 13,
BnnaMMMvwmmnw " " 1111 "fi
1 r r,' In
I; .' ' " ' ' ' I a . , . J
k . -if
Take Care of Your Eyes
Enjoy (rood vision and freedom
from hcAdnchni . . you can
not ho Hire your eyes are per
fect unleas you have them ex
amined. Consult us now!
Dr. M. B. McKenney
608 Wall St.. Phono S-12-M
torists on the outskirts of Dal
las, Tex., kept expecting this
tall, rockot-ihaped thing to take
off. Having seen pictures of the
rocket launchings at White
Sands, N. M., they called the
papers to find out when this one
would be launched. The papers
investigated and found the
"rocket" was one of the legs for
a huge water tower being built
at housing development.
Los Angeles U'i Dr. Clark 13
Mlllikan, professor of aeronautics
at the California Institute ol
Technology, believes supersonic
commercial passenger flights will
be commonplace In from 10 to 20
It Is my conviction, nc saiu
In a recent speech, "that peace
time application of supersonic
aircraft will come within 10 to
!0 years when longdistance
Rights will be routine."
He added that rockets probab
ly were the most feasible medium
lor faster-than-sound night.
Redmond, Nov. 8 (Special )
Mrs. Kay Dull! was Initiated Into
the Daughters of the Nile No
vember 3 ut a ceremonial In Port
land. Mrs. Howard Wells uccom
panled Mrs. Dahi to Portland.
Fred Stevens drove to San
Francisco over the week end.
Carolyn Varney, a freshman at
the university, came home Friday
to spend the week end with her
mother, Mrs. Harold Claim.
Miss Jo Morton, who is attend
ing the University of Oregon,
arrived In Redmond Friday to
spend the week end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Morton.
Mrs. Frod Sparks spent the
week end In Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ayres plan
ned a two-day trip to Portland
this week.
Miss Joan Larivc spent several
days with Mrs. Wesley Baker
while her parents and brother.
Jo, were In Portland.
Mrs. Percy Arkle suffered a
broken hand last week.
Olla Podiida Study club met
Wednesday evening at the home
ol Mrs. Lloyd Baker, with Mrs.
Harold Clapp as hostess. Mrs.
Fred Hodecker was program
leader, and she discussed her
daughter, Joan's, trip through
Europe this summer. The next
meeting will be November 16,
with Mrs. Austin Olson as host
ess. Donald Thompson from Warm
Springs underwent a tonsilec
tomy Saturday morning at the
Medical-Dental hospital.
Glcndon Duncan, seriously
burned Saturday morning while
playing with matches, became a
patient In the Medical Dental
hospital Saturday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hughitt
are the parents of a son born
Saturday morning in the Medical
Dental Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Houk flew
to Seattle Saturday night. Houk
will attend a showing of the new
1U.")0 Ford and transact business
while he is there. They will re
turn to Redmond Thursday.
Milton and Flossie Odem will
resume active management of the
Odem and Maylair theaters alter
a year and a hall's rest. The
Eberls, who have been associated
with the Odems, have not made
dclinite plans for the luture but
they will stay in Redmond until
Cactus Apple Sold
On East Market
San Diego, Cal. UrT About the
oddest crop produced In San
Diego county Is the cactus apple.
The three Manlxcalcos brothers
have 30 acres planted In cactus.
They call It spineless cactus but it
has plenty ol spines. Small ones,
The pickers wear long leather
gloves, heavy canvas aprons that
cover legs und body and a lot of
Sam Manlxcalcos says they ship
eight to 10 carloads of the sweet
after school is out In the spring.
The hospital district election In
Redmond will be held December
9, with the polling place in the
Townsend hail.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Charles-
worth and children, Delpha, Ed
die and Dorothy, left Friday af
ternoon for Toledo, Ore., to spend
the week end visiting relatives.
Helen McMurry, senior In the
business education department at
Redmond union high school, has
taken part-time work for Lester
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hinman have
moved into the H. Rogers house
on 8th street, recently vacated by
Mr. and Mrs. H. Priest, who
moved into their new home south
of Redmond.
fruit to enstern points every har
vest season. .
"We use Mexicans to harvest
because nobody else will do it,"
Sam says. The men climb ladders
to reach the Iruit, then slice It oil
with sharp knives. It's danger
ous to fall.
The fruit Itself is Inside a prick
ly husk. That's the reason the
sweet pulp went unsung for so
long. The flavor is a cross be
tween pomegranate una water
melon, and like both of those
Bn-Hur pun vanfflo jjeh to Fine bou
quet and delicate oroma from on expert
blend of Mexican and Madagascar
vanAlo beam . . . highest quality grown.
You get more flavor, tastier baking
retuttt.. .for the flavor does nolboke out!
BEN-HUR makes the flavor
Redmond. 1
' Mortgages Oct. 27
G. P. Christian, et ux, to L. J.
Ted E. Hayward, ct ux. to
Louis J. Slurza, et ux, NWNW
10, 15, 13, W ol P. B. canal.
F. L. Skcen. et ux, to I'nlted
(States National bank, lots 3-1,-
block 18, Redmond.
- i
For cookies of tpicy goodness, use fi '!
Schilling full-fltvorcd Cinnamon.
Another Schilling spice favorite to
miltc good things tutc even belter.
'3 '"i.'TJ'
rVatjS pa
The end of busy day . I dinner and ll BTXTf 2
an evening with good companions W Kwm SS) B
I, .. light Olympia as your beverage of Ml ly I
die good things of life. l sSS t 11 VIC FLINT "
. U rir5ZT II 'something you wepe talking1
, M. c5rs2T . XCt .vKTJVii II V on deck, the rowuoat,
'7rt th Water" "1 U y
Burr, til Vgh Htfmbmml tnirttp tf Miflmu if TimfinU TnfU Vl
. 'eiTM'U HIWIN COMItHA Oll. WttHINaTSH, V. t. A. 1 J V MVf
Mama Mama - Look What
I Found Under the Car!!
Amazing situation! but what's under
YOUR car?
We don't mean to be personal we're
just leading up to telling you about
To put it simply, it's "pants" we spray onto
all the under parts of a car, to protect it from
everything that comes up from the road.
It's NOT expensive Saves you all sorts of
wear and tear from flying gravel, water, snow,
etc. Makes your car quieter,, too, and keeps
out dust and drafts. ,
Don't just wonder about UNDERSEAL ask
us about it.
We're equipped to do the job right!
Bond at Oregon
Phone 1595
fruits, there ore cotmtlew aeeda.
Tlie seeds are eaten along Willi
the pulp.
Most of the fruit la ablppet. to
the New York Italian colony.
Sam says the one compensation
they find with their crop la that
no one sneaks In to steal the fruit.
Cato, the Roman, laid down a
number of principles rcKardliiK
soil conservation and preserva
tion of the land about 400 yeara
before the Christian era began.
get better air service
because of
United now offers you a standard of all-season
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airliners. Within the past year alone, on-schedule
performance over the Main Line Airway has im
proved 33.'
One Reason For This Improvement is United'
more efficient use of its Mainliner fleet Local flights are
scheduled to "feed" into express DC-6 Mainliner 300s,
thus giving ail cities increased dependability on long
flights. Then too, service to nearby cities is now more
dependable because United's 2 -engine Mainliners now
are scheduled on short flights exclusively, where they
operate most efficiently.
An Outstanding Operations Control Center in
Denver allows United to monitor all flights over the
10,700-mile system every minute of the day and night
This, too, enables United to operate more efficiently,
and to improve on-time performance.
Bnd-Rdmond Airport. Call Redmond 260
United's Experience United has flown more than
12 million passengers over six billion passenger-miles.
From this background come seasoned, highly-trained
men and women the all-important people wAo make
the dependability program work
Year-round air travel is here. No longer need you .
forego the speed and economy of flying because
weather "looks bad" to you. Now you can KY
UNITED with a new assurance of comfortable, de
pendable travel the year around.
By Michael O'Malley and Ralph Lane
V THE DECK . m HAWS. M L B ADP ddobadiv J fclFn V S T MAKES SENSE 'jw I