I li MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1949 THE BEND. BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON PAGE THREE Mother Slashes Throats of Four Young Children Sin llur, III , Nov. 7 'II'1 An nr tiai'llvi .'Ifi ynir ulil iikiIIiit whs riilninlltril In 11 himIc menial Iiiih pltiil tuiliiy, nnly ii few Iiiiiuh lifli'l' nhi lt I i i i 1 1 1 I Unit "volci'H In my lii'iul" iliovi' her lu ulusli tin lluuiilH nf hi'i' luur young rlill ill rii. Tin' rlilliliril wi'ir rxiri lci In icriivi'i'. Whlti-nldr county Jinliii' WhIIit J. Sli'Vi'im llHli'iuil In 1 1 if ri'illvH nf Mm. Jmmick .Mnujlinn lu (iiih tliiim i v 111 ! iiliyNli'laiiM, thi'ii niljiiilitril lii'r liiNiuir iiml onli'ivil her n flni'-l. Ills ilrclMon wilt limulril ilnwn lv hiitiiM ulicr Ihr uliiirk nil lhi fmir ymiiiKslfi h. It wim Ihr quliki'ln illNinsllliiii n( ii jih) In llii history nf IIiIn arm. Dii'HhimI In ii ll:hl lilniiKi- anil lilniid Hplatii'iiMl h I a c k h. Mm. MoiiKliiin ri'i'lli'il distinctly anil rnhi'i i'iilly to I hi' iIocIoik' iu'K tloiw. "I lli'illil Voices in my licml," lii' milil. "They Inlil mi1 In kill." Shi' aski'd al the hi-in Inn wlirtli it llu1 children witi' Nllll allvi'. VVIii'ii Inlil Dial llii'y were hut thai Ihi'lr condition was hitIiiIin. Hill' Kllill. "li will Im tciYlhlc II they havi' scum In cany through Hie." ItiiK .Moody Then turning to 'In' Judge. "I"' iisked, "IT llii'y were ilfiul, Ihry would lie III hravi'ii hy now, wouldn't Ihry?" Motigliim salil his wife Imil been "moody" Mini the hlilh o( their youngest I'hllil, Mary, In ScplCllllM- i III' salil hi' was working III Ihivf gniage at thi' rear nl their home when "MiiniMlilnit" lolil lilm to go Into lhi house Hi' (nuiiil his will- stiindlng In thi kltrhi'ii wild n knlli' In her; hands. Tliti'i' nf (hi children lay ; mi thi floor, thHr throats gashed. 1 Another Rtnoil In a inn m-r, whim- j pi'i lnt! with ti'rror as blood drl-! cd ilnwn his chest. I Moughiin grabbed his wlfi', wrestled the knlfi' from her haiiil, ( drugged hrr from thi' kitchen. Thrn hi' culled police w h o rushed Ihr children In the him pllal. Mary. Hlehard. 2. and Mi chael, 3, were In fair rniidlllun. James Jr., I, Imwever, was In ncllous cmiditlon. Mrs. Moughnn was taken to city Jail mid arrangements were rushed for the sanity hearing. After the hearing, she spoke privately with her hiiHliand for a few minutes. Then hi' kissed her goodbye and she was driven nway In the slate Instittitlnn. ill Hb . .. . ,l ...... ., ...t.r..t'-fr Strike by Bus Drivers Averted Sun Francisco, Nov. 7 "l'i- The Ah I. bun ililveiM union niiil I'm clfie Oii-yliound lines today Iron ed mil details nl un ugiei-menl Dial aveilid a Ihiealeneil Millie hy Home U.fx; hus dilveis and employes In seven western stales. lioth f.lilcs iiMihed n tenlallve an menl mi u pact yesleiday icioi iiIiii; at ,r o'clm k afler un 1H hour eonlliiuous negotiating nes. sloii. l-'cdtial conciliator Omar llosklns said the pioposetl con tiael si. 1 1 was nulect In final ill. i Mm; i"id union ratification. Teiins ol the ml lleinenl were not Immediately dlsi limed, Negotiations began six weeks ago lor u new emit i act In leplace oiii thai explied (lit. 2.'i. The un ion had stilke uuthoi lallo'n hum II 'l memhein. The hus drivers originally de in.'iuded a 'Jl per cenl wage in ( reu!:i , which the company aalil ll wan unable In pay In view of falling icvi miics. However, drey, hound I'lesldent I-. W. Ackeiman indicated liolh tildes made con cessions on the wage is.sue. The nrw acreeinent affi-cts dilveis and sluilnn empluyes in i'aliloinia, Ai iona, western Ore Hon, and pints ol Nevada, l.'tah, New Mexico and Texas. j Hil l, I XIIIHIT STOI K I'llnevllle, Nov. 7 Nnimnn 1 .lacoli led yesleiday for Oden, I'lali where lie will exhibit for udi!l,'iK and offer for sale two pens of yo'ii.n hull.':, one ol five mid ihe other Ihiee, at the an- nuiil IriK-i rriotinlii ' n Livestock ex- poslllon next week. The 0(den I show , .lacnh says, tanks with the 1 1'aclflc International and Han j r raiiclHcu livestock cxHisllionH. ! Other Oii'Kon Meieford men ! wlm vjM take ciittli. to Ocdcri, .lacoli salil, will ( Nye & Tucker 'ol l'roieci and Heil-ii Chan- illei, a pioneer purehied ilerc' I foul liieedcr of liuke. I ( IThl TO AI'I'KAIt j Krank Kussell, H.'dmond, has luen clied to npiM-ar in municipal I'ourt on a traffic char;e, city ! records show. H III UT, IN WIIKI K I'mtland, Nov. 7 dli.-Kluht persons were Injured, four criti cally Sunday in a llueecnr cnl llslon, inllce said. Hohert K. Kodcers, 21, and Donald M. Ilerk, 1H. Kurt U-wls. Wash., soldiers were liospllalleil with iMisslhlc skull fractures. Uoherl II. Kellil. .Tl, I'urlliind. and Harvey f. Van llrunt, 2'2. Vancouver, Wash., were treated fur body niiri Ick Injuries. Police were Inlil one iiutomo bile hit a second which struck n third at n nnrlheast district in tersect Inn. Hotanlsls have found more spe cies of native trees In the (ireat Smoky mountains tialinnal park, on the North t'arnlliia-Teniiessee Imrdcr, than In all Kurupc. LOST: MISERY OF CONSTIPATION ."It's wonderful how much better I fuel. And I need no moro laxatives II dun to outing ono dish of ALL- is ll AN unilyl 1 sin ceroly rocommend this coronl." Mrs. J.A.Hummn.l22GW. Main St., 1'ortland, Ind. Jinl onto many untolieiled letters. You, too, may oxpoct wonderful relief if comtiuution Is duo to lack of bulk in your dlot. Just eat one ounce of crisp, flavorful ALL H KAN dally, drink plenty of water. If not antisfled uftor 10 days, send the empty carton to Kollogtf'a, Battle Creek. Mlrh. Cet DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK. LADY SIZE A three-pound Spaiiikh miii-kerel m lady-sie and lady-like not, according to I'aulmc Dixon of Murehead (City. N.C. Lady-like Rot means thi-V uru easily caUKht by a .trofluiK lure on the mil face of I the water oil North Carolina, jl.ady-iii' means a three-xiund-I i-r is Jiinl riKhl for a lish-hunKi y lady's tupper thrte curly days of the (all runs. NEW STATION OMI'I.I.TKI) Madias, Nov. 7 Ccoree Van dehay, formerly manae,er of a service station at Itedmond. has arrived here In assume charne of this city's most pretentious sumt service station. Just com pleted hy thi- Shell Oil Co, on fifth street, which carries traffic of tl. S, Highway !I7 across town. The new station Is In the main business men Just south of Ihe Cupelaud lumlM'i yards. ) No Other Rub Acts Faster In 1 CLDS to rttlwt coughs aching mutctot Mutrtlci ii.. i uitly hruik'N (nut rlo( liut it jtrrnt puiu-niltwItiK rniMllrntton brk bp ('uiixpatlun In upixr hnm ehial tulxHi, MitHtftftflo eiffcm ALL (tie iM-ncflu uf m (in turd pliwter without thn bother tif mnkiittf ont. Jual rub It on cheat, throat ami back. u3 TONITE and TUESDAY! CIS BURT LANCASTER rv SSm HENftEID 4 slb ATn corinne -a V3. CMVET I iLSMt MlltlOtll TDTTiTk TONITE and TUESDAY! SEE WHAT HAPPENS ..,whn thk 9nt mta tonta J nintn yr old DYNAMITE f m JANE COWL T.ylot HOLMES CO-HIT! ( tmiuir nuuD m JPTyVA? . j wmrtK wwi J7i lTJ Even the price tag is asking: Isnt it time you graduated to a Packard ? tt i Electrical Wiring Caminiirclul unit Dnmcstlo CONTRACTING No Job too Inrgc. nr too snmll. ICstlnmlra Olndly Given Deschutes Electric HAL HUSTON 838 Wall St, I'hone 278 Your family will exclaim: "It's so gentle riding ... so rbstfully silent!" That's the famed Limousine Rule! Your technical friends will advise: "Hotter look into the fine points of Packard Trec-breiithing' engine design. What it docs with gasoline is terrific!" Sec the economy report tit right! Packard owners will remind you: "There's never been a better enr for lastingly trouble-free operntion." Fact: Of nil the Pncknrds built, in the Inst 50 years, over 50 nre still in service! And the price tag sums it up: "Here's n Packard Eight nt its precision-built best . . . for less than you'll my for some of today's sixes! So why wait?" ASK THI MAN WHO OWNS ONI DELIVERED HEREi New H5-HP Packard Eight, 6-passcngcr Club Sedan. '2537.28 Sfdt nd lottU Uxn, it smy, nJ ubit ihcii Wj ($21). txlrs, Priett my rry itt&hth in mdhinmg mrtix becM$9 of trmtfortMiom tbtrget. OAS ECONOMY REPORT on the new UVHP Packard Eight, with ovcr drivct Bnscd on reports from more than 1,()00 owners: KWtO Mllt PCftttNTAGC Of OWMtBS Pta OAUOM SiPORTiNO EACH FlCUSI Optional si moJerat$ txtr cost. The 1950 Bickard A i U llUN SALB Square Deal IFurmiituire Hnchamige 201 East Franklin Street STARTS TUESDAY, NOV. 8 Continuous 1 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. NEW AND USED FURNITURE! Here's Your Chance to Buy Davenports, Bedroom Suites, Tools, Odd Pieces, Lamps, Occasional Fur niture, Etc. WN PRICE! Auctioneer: FERRIS GATES (West Coast's Leading Auctioneer) Square Deal IFurmiDtyre EExchcBimge 201 East Franklin Street AT YOUR 0 KNAPP SHOES FOB THE FAMILY Cushion Insole Factory Fitting Gives Utmost In Foot Comfort. Also 9 Work Boot C. H. Keating 86 Greeley Phone 1777-W New Miracle Drug Stops Cold Symptoms In a Single Day ANAHIST NEOHETRAMINE Get It at City Drug Co. Bennett's Machine Shop 1114 Roosevelt Ave. Bend, Ore. Phone 1132 GENERAL MACHINE WORK GEARS SPROCKETS AITO TRUCK TRACTOR REPAIRS Crankshaft Grinding, also Grind Shaft In Car MOTOR REBUILDING Welding El6Ctrlo and Acetylene HEAVY EQUIPMENT REPAIR, Use Bend Bulletin Classified Advertisements for Best Results ALLEY OOP Bv V. T. Hamlin THW YE(?.TC? EVEI?V- EXPLAINS I ONE BUT THE ( OSCKP. MV STMSS. THEY DlPtf T 1 (BUI 1M ru f SACK IN J OOOLK EN(5INEEI20 ) OH! I HOWO THEY EEZ f HVE MUCH 1 WOI?UIED 1 I MCO? IT.. SHE HAD HER XEXPl THAT 5TI?AN3E VOC..T JUST a?P..HAVE LOOK' A lL.COlEN STIRIfEt? UP AN 1 KIDNAPIN(5.'V Jf V5i naulTf s HUTCHINS MOTORS 167 Greenwood Ave. Bend, Oregon