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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1949)
PAGE EIGHT THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 4, 1949 RedmondGrld Players Set Banquet Date (rid warriors of the liedmond Ki'ii'le nnil hluh school 1!M9 foot hall season will ho honored at the traditional football banquet slat id for November 15, Arrange hents are being made to contact ll Simpson, head coach of South ern Oregon College of Education, to bo the main speaker. Awards will be the top attrac tion, with Coach Leonard Warren Riving the football letters to the high school players and Coach Svnopl of annual lUtrment for the wur endf-rt IH'.-rnilx-r 31, 1948. of the I'lioenix Insiiraner Company of Hart ford. In the State of Connecticut, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oieffmt. pursuant to law: INCOME Net premiums received 128.308, 463.13. Total Interest, dividends and real estate Income. $2.5:iP.ftf4.M. Income from other source. $190,876. 38. Total Income. ttl.rcn.MCI.M. DISMJHSEMKNTS Net amount paid for losses. fll. (02.8.19 87. Loss adjustment expenses. tfiTtl Srit 03, Underwriting expenses. $11.301. 1P9 19. Dividends paid to stockholders (cash $1,800,000.00, stock none), $1, 800.000.00. Dividends paid or credited to poll cvholdcrs. none. All other expenditures lincluritnff In vestment expenses $94.513 37), $620 095. 0. Total disbursements. $28,308,873 9. ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market Vkltiel. $477.080 00. Loans on mortgages and collateral. etc.. $185.469 74. Value of bonds owned (amortized). $23.8)0.045.00. Value of stocks owned (market -al-Ue). $51,848,634.00. Cash in banks and on hand. $5,793. 437 10 Premiums In course of collection written since Scotember 30. 1U48. $5. 143.341.29. Interest and rents due and accrued $175,649.31. Other assets (netl. $371 504 03. Total admitted assets. $87,765,160.47. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims. $5,747,014.41. Estimated loss adustment expense for unpaid claims, $240,473.77. Inlal unearned premiums, $25,192. 465 33. All other llahilltles. $2,285.719 48 Total liabilities, except capital, $33. 465.672 99. Capital paid up. $6,000,000.00. Special surplus funds. $7,500,000 00. UnassiRned funds (surplus). $40,799. 487.48. Surplus as regards policyholders. $54.- 299.487.48. Total. $87.765.160 47. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE VEAR Net premiums received. $437,342.14 Net losses paid. $75,014.47 n.viHfnri naiH or ernriiteri In noil- cvholders. none. I Salem agent. Ken Potts Insurance Agency, 367 North High St. Synopsis of annual statement for the year ended Decemoer 31. 1948. of the Old Colony Insurance Company of Bos ton. In the State of Massachusetts. Trade to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: INCOME Net premiums received. $7 503.180.61. Total interest, dividends and real estate Income. $534,460.64. Income from other sources. $53,056.62. Total income. S8.0S0.697 .87. DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid lor losses. $2,669. 784.30. Loss adjustment expenses. $157 877.68. Underwriting expenses. $2 999.204.72. Dividends paid 'o stockholders icash $375,000.00, stock none). $375,000.00. ' Dividends paid or credited to poli cyholders, none. All other expenditures (Including in vestment expenses $1.449 57). S37.855.92 Total disbursements. S6J139.722.62. ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market vaiuel. none. Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc.. none. Value of bonds owned (amortized). $7,043,227.57. Value of stocks owned (market vai uel. $8,392,931.80. Cash in banks and on hand. $734. 360.GS. Premiums In course of collection written since September 30. 1948. $306 -640.33. Interest and rents due and accrued. 155 .269.29. inner assets men. sire ja. Total admitted assets, $16,539,719.00. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims. $1,755,257.45. Estimated loss adjustment expense for unpaid claims. $73,584.00. Total unearned premiums. $6,730. 187.24. . All other liabilities. $397.405 38. Total liabilities, except capital, $8. 956.434.07. Capital paid up. $1,000,000.00. , Special surplus funds, none. Unassigned funds (surplus). $6,583. 284 93. Surplus as regards policyholders, $7,- 583.284.93. Total. $16,539,719.00. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received. $112.61003. Net losses paid. $25.936 61 Dividends paid or eredited to poli cyholders, none. , Principal office In Oregon. 704 Fall ing Building, Portland. Oregon. ARE YOU Tin lit Wrong In The Right l'laees? Trrmttidou nhouldrrr, narrow le i n hip? WHFRRTE TAILORING COMPANV will fil yog In m aMiit it vied to your firure. Pure virgin wool fabric. Suit J53.50 lo 176.50 Topcoat S47.S0 to 164.50 THE TAILOR SHOP 20 Minnesota. I'hone 1 2 I'M OLD Hermitage jfentudijl7u'.shij -ABlend mwwm A Ceiillciiiaiis-lliiskcy from Kenlucky Nutionul Uililli'r I'rod. Curp., N.Y. Archie Punsmoor, to the grade school players. Two senior players will receive Secial awards, one for tile mo.-t valuable player and on best sportsman. These are coveted awards, and 14 members of the l'anther suad are looking for ward to seeing their names on trophies. Last year Clayton Iiliss was awarded the plaque for being the most valuable player and Ken Kaii-child won the sportsmanship trophy. Grade and high school players and coaches, town boosters, boys' fathers and other guests will lie served at the 1949 football ban quet, by the wives of the grade and high school faculty members. SXKAI) HOLDS 1.KA1I I Pinehurst. N.C., Nov. 4 'll' j Slamniiu' Sammy Sncad held only j a shaky one-stroke lead today as the North and South open golfj tournament went into its gruel ling 3i-hole final round. The West Virginia hill billy. ! who has won more money this year than any other pro links man, compiled a six-under-par 13$ score for the first two rounds, j .11 ST A CYNIC West New bury. Mass. ill Over : a display of Maiden's Klush ap-1 pies, fruit dealer Harry Sea-1 graves put this sign: 'Maiden's i Blush (obsolete I." : Svnoosis of annual statement for ttu vcar ended December 31. 1W8. ot trie New York Ktrp Insurance Company, r. New Yortw. m the State of New York mane to the Insurance Commis sioner of the State of Oregon, pur suant to law: INCOME .Net premiums received. $3.2OV303 33 Total interest dividends and real siaie income. 1368,551.56. income from other sources, (345,- 138 12. Total Income. $5,919,693.00. DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid for losses, $2,468 - i77 86. los adjustment expenses. $141,873 M. Lnderwntint expenses $2,319,354.51. Dividends oaid to stockholder iCish. IfPOOO.OO: stock, nonet. $160.00000 Dividend Da id or credited to policy-oi-ers. none. All other expenditures ftnetudine In-ert-nenl expenses S10.0-43.27 $289 .10 94 Total disbursements. $5,379,216.10. ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market alue i. none. Loans on morVaes and collateral. r none Value of bonds owned (amortized). t rt9.oB9 44. Value of stocks owned (market val ei S3.891.540 00. 7ah in banks and on hand, $1,433.- 09 06 Premiums In course of collection v-rnien since September 30. 1948. $424.- 65. Interest and rents due and accrued. 1"922 42. Other assets tnet). $84,186.98. Total admitted assets $10,136,254.55. L1ARILI TIES SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims. $617 77130. Estimated los adjustment expense or unpaid claims. $29,393.34. Totai unearned oremmmi $5,480. 358.51 All other liabilities SS25.729 95. 1 ctal liabilities, except capital. $6. 65? 953 10 Camtal paid up. $1,000,000 00. Soeciai surplus funds: none. UnassiKned funds (surplus). $2,483. 301 45 Surplus as regards policyholders. $3 483 31.45. Totat $10,136,254.55. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received $33.87361 Net losses Daid $14,524 96 Diidcnns Data or credited to policy aiders, none. Synopsis of annual statement for the i year ended December 31. 1SH8. ol tne i American Eauitabie Assurance Com- : Dany oi New YorK. of New York, in i tlie State of New York, made to the I Insurance Commission of the Slate of 1 Oregon, pursuant to .aw: 1 INCOME Net premiums received. $12,492,727.95. Total interest, dividends and real i estate income. $635.89223. j income from other sources. $1,108.- ! 4-19.95. Totaj income. $!4 .237.070 13. DISBURSEMENTS I Net amount paid for losses, $5,924.- 346 82. Loss adjustment expenses. $340,496 79. Underwriting expenses $5.566.4'il.44. Dividends paid to stockholders Cash, $300,000.00: stock, nonet. $300,000.00 Dividends Daid or credited to policy holders, none. All other expenditures lincludlnt? in- ee l ment ex penses $27.0686 1. $802, 428.96. ToUl disbursements. S12.933.734.01. ADMITTED ASSETS Value of real estate owned (market value i. none Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc., none Value of bonds owned (amortized). $10,826,630.68. Value ol stocks owned (market val ue). $6.175.14600. Cash in banks and on hand. $4,558. 397.78. Premiums in course of collect ton written since September 30. 1948, $1.- 102.461.00. Interest and rents due and accrued, $29,370 45. Other assets (net). $333,124.31. Total admitted assets. $23,025,130.22. LIABILITIES SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims. $1,482,651 13. Estimated loss adjustment expense tor unpaid claims. $70.544 02. Total unearned premiums. $13,152, 140.44. All other liabilities. S2.542.334.2fl. Total liabilities, except capital, $17. 247.669.85. Capital paid up. $1,500,000.00. Special surplus funds' none. Unassigned funds (surplus). $4,277. 460 37. Surplus as regards policyholders, $5,777,460.37. Total. $23,025,130.22. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received. $150,047.2? Net losses oaid $66,454.40. Dividends paid or credited to policy holders, nona. 11! 1 Ml 80 Proof. (3',i (.rain Neutral Spirits $2.30 nt. ipsa J CENERATIO O, I CtT Bend Bowling Results Rixe Insurance last night turn ed back Deschutes Concrete by a 4 0 score, and Stover 1-eUlane de feated the All Slate Realty squad by three points. In the other two matches play ed the h'lks and West Side Tav ern, and Superior Cafe and Medo Land Creamery split two and two. Top series was rolled by Elmer Brown who had a boo score, and Mel Raper had high game of 242. Scores follow: Kixe !iiurIH-e: Uree 4(17; IUwt ft$2 : Kaufman .'hi; Kartell 644; Uaualin tl ; tolMl. lln-hutv Concrete: Altier 820 : lackey 4t: ; Touu 6111; bilot 441; SaKC 644 ; UHal. 421.'lllne: Crocker SI0: Raper 855 ; Ma.Ku-n 4M ; tieomwn &i3 ; Hvnaii, &t ; total, -'ti.i;. v Ail Sate: Mu.irrav M3 ; Cumlell 840; lllnwhworlh 42.1 ; tKutf!ss &ii ; '1'rexler, !-.: ; L'lal. 2.'43. SuiH-rmr Ca(V: F. tlrin.lle 482: Whaley 514; Haunt 617 ; Clark 053 ; Stout 62;! ; total. .tK M.-.l-l.iil: 4;1 : Kvter 3.18; t-ay 542; Ittuclier 5:18; l. Musitrave 477; W. Svikin 106; total. 2I!U. H.l'.O.H; Norc,tt MS: IVvcrvauK 817: Ro 4, 4; Sevy : Known 6.",6 ; total, 2 . ." I . Weal Si.le Tavern: KarfVnivht 5T0 ; Troxcl 47i: llaus-hn 5'JO; Roller 569; ForlK-a 5:4 : total. 2763. WOMKVS frVtO LEAGl'E Polly's CaiV. with high pamo of 703 ami top soiios of 2J1S. last nifihr rolled to a 44.1 victory over Eastman's RockhusttM'S. and in other matches W.O.T.M. No. 2 dropped the Oasis for three points and W.O.T.M. No. 1 posted a four-point win over Heath's Ice Cream. Individual honors were won by Lomso Keown on a game of 1S2 and series of 530. Scores follow: lk-nth' U- i'rvm: Einman 3i(5 ; Steen 3 ; Willin I ; KumvU JT5 ; Alhir STii : t. tal. V.-:2. W.O.T.M. Nw. 1: W.hxI STS; Smith 319; Svnopsis of annual statement for the ear ended December 31. 1918. ol the 3 tube & Republic Insurance Company of America of Philadelphia, in the State of I'cnnsvlvama. made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Oregon, pursuant to law: INCOME Net premiums received. $5.305.303 32. Total interest, dividends and real state income $261,205.42. Income from oiner sources $170.- 76 Total Income. $5,637,191 50. DISBURSEMENTS Net amount paid for losses, $2,468. 177.90. Loss adjustment expenses. $141,873.63. Underwriting expenses. $2,319,355.07. Dividends paid to stockholders iCash. $100.000 00. stock, none). $100.000 00. Dividends oaid or credited to policy holders none. All other expenditures (including tn- estment expenses $1L995.77, $229. B77 61. Total disbursements. $5,259,584.11. ADMITTED ASSETS Value oi reil estate owned (market vaiuei $17.500 00 Loans on mortgages and collateral, etc- none. Value ot bonds owned (amortized). $4 594.519 61 Value of stocks owned (market val ue). $2.435. 890 00. Cash in banks and on hand, $1,174, 597.46 Premiums In course of collection written since September 30, 1948, $415.- 932.96. Interert and rents due and accrued, $16,213.27. Other assets (ne. $63,081.18. Total admitted assets. S8.719.834.48. LIABILITIES. SURPLUS AND OTHER FUNDS Total unpaid claims. $617,771.30. Estimated loss adjustment expense tor unpaid claims, $29,393.34. Total unearned Drcmiums. $5,480. 358 51 Ail other liabilities. $409,027.10. Tatai liabilities, except capital, $6, 538.250.25. Capital paid up. $1,000,000.00. Special surplus funds: none. Un assigned funds (surplus). $1,183.- 584 23 Surplus as regards policyholders, $2. 183.S84 23 Total. $8,719,834.48. BUSINESS IN OREGON FOR THE YEAR Net premiums received. $12,770.53. Net losses Daid. $10,924 84. Dividends oaid or credited to policy solders, none. 228 E. Greenwood Phone 1779 CAUBLKETOK MAGNETO IGNITION For a Treaf HOT or COLD Steaming Hamburgers Complete Fountain Service Food and Refreshments to Take Out CLOSED TUESDAYS SDGET Open 11 a. in. Kouth Third, opp. Bruin l'ield Bea and Laurence Clausen An.lenKMi $41 ; lUrton 331 ; (.underMH) 301 ; total, liiMi. Kaat men's Nockt.uater : lUker 44$; Stnm 3, KliU Hi; CarKiUr Ui ; Ji'imrn 313 ; total. 1V41V Cafe: Kn 630; lUnJrkkon y.'H; i.i- Hai ru 314; 1'uv.fjrs 413 ; tola). SJIH. Oaou; Mlhm- 973; Ai noKI Si'3 ; U-in 24rt; Rrtil 33t.; Nor,-,. It 4t. ; total. IHi)). W.O.T.M. Nk 1: O Hritin i ; Sprttittor 35S: Milk-r Ifttt; lWrUahl itt ; tiler S3, ; total, Is. 4. SHEVMN HIXON LE.GVE The Dry Kilns last night roll ed to a (our-pot nt victory over the Roundhouse, and the Yard, with a high Kwiie of 7."8 and stries of 210.2, dmpped the Sawmill for three points. In other matches Electric won three of four points from the planers and the Office and Ship-! piiiK squads split two and two. Sherwood Jerome took hih single game with a score of 215 and Ned Douglass had high ser ies with a 565 total. Scores follow: Sawmill; S. Jortmie 853; Nonlevn 418; Ranim 41'ti; J. Jcrom M7 ; total. :03V. YaH: Hawt 488 ; WiUon 461; Doujile 45 ; AtMvntw 47 7; UUl. 2202. lry Kiln: Win ..low 414 ; Thorn on 4iM ; btwart 344: U 'lli.w !.' n 5)4 ; total. 2lW. KHiniihouM: Kr-lru-kwn 43; Kaaa 445; .Maur 3.3; Summtr 40ii ; total, IW41. lManr: Vwirn 447 ; K-y 370; Mana-fu-UI mil; Cillw 415; total. 2015. Metrw: YoumiUrir 4Ht; tra1lury 421; Td 4S2; Selktn 444 ; total. Off ir: Hamilton 4&U ; I'ulf 416; Dona hue 4i2: Shwk 481 ; total. ilS4. Shiptunii ; Kielda 436 ; Kvriiuaon 3V9 : Kelly 43; Pnmle 46 ; total. 2070. Inorganic Chemist Latter-day Boone? Oak Ridge, Tenn. UP) prof. Don M. Yost of the California In stitute of Technolosy thinks that the inorganic chemist is just as much an heroic explorer In his own way as were Daniel Boone and St. Patrick. The inorganic chemist unassum ingly probes the earth's mineral treasures. Yost told the recent southeastern regional meeting of the American Chemical society here. "Like Daniel Boone, he enjovs exploring both the known and the unknown and being close to earth." Yost said. "The reason we admire St. Patrick is that he. too, was an explorer and bringer of light in the face of consider able dangers." And like them. Yost said. In organic chemists have "sought for and found things and with a right good will." Any evil applications, he added, "will be due not to them but to ambitious men of evil intent." Driver, 3, Gets Bump on Head Omaha, Neb. mi Jerry Bo .tel. three, pretended to drive his fath er's car, when he was left aline. Suddenly the car started to roll down a slight Incline. Then Jerry found driving was like playing. The car jumpid a curb, rolled across a lawn and struck the corner of a house. Both car and house were slightly dam aged. Jerry suffered a slight bump on the head. YARDS, NOT FEET Burlington, Vt. Uii Two of, the biggest feet on any American campus are those of iichaij Newton, a University of Vermont freshman. When he reported for football, he floored the coach by asking for shoes size 15 EKE. THE "V" SIGN! An Ignition repair or adjust ment job done in OUK shop must satisfy YOU before It's okayed by us. Car owners never come back to us about a job we've already done. Which is why we practically never lose' an old customer. HOT DOGS DRIVE-IN Si 1 ELECTED Dr. Lowell J. Reed, above, of Baltimore, Md., was elected 'president of the Amer ienn Public Health Association at the organixation'a 77th annual meeting in New York. Dr. Reed is vice president of Johns Hop kins University nrd Hospital In Baltimore. Youthful Killer Dies on Gallows Walla Walln. Wash.. Nov. 4 tth Arthur Bruce Perkins, 23, one of the youngest persons to walk to the gallows In Washingtln state's history, was hanged shortly after midnight at Washington state penitentiary today. Warden John Cranor rend the death warrant to Perkins yester day and the condemned man's only comment was, "Now I know it by heart." Perkins was convicted of the murder of Mr. and Mrs. I.. E. Jcs sup of Olympia, Dec. 1!M7. He was sentenced to death and brought here early in the year. In August, Governor Arthur U. Langlie granted a stay of execu tion so additional Information on the case could be studied. Throughout the comle m n e d man's Inst day, he was extremely calm and faced the execution with more assurance than most, prison officials said. He was little con cerned over his last meal and was content with the usual menu. During the afternoon, his broth er visited him briefly and Perkins spent considerable time with two ministers. COWBELL CALLS Pl'I'II.S Otis. Mass. If A 100-year-old cowbell Is used to call pupils Into session at the new Otis consoli dated elementary school. I ndTrhuedn"', I ' !j Jack Marion &tI mi A thoroughly competent 350l I Cy ' operator with nine years f 'v 5tf '"xt,,'r','ncu '""it '"lid t a3aJ NOW you can have wheel alignment and balancing done Willi complete confidence in Ihe quality of the work you pay for. NEW EQUIPMENT brand new Weaver balancer and Hear alignment device assures you Ihe greatest of accuracy. EXPERIENCE coiinls, loo, and Jack Marion, a conscientious workman, has had nine years experience in opcrallng this type of equipment. For TOP QUALITY FRONT END WORK See WARD MOTOR CO. BODY SHOP Bond Near Oregon Phone 1445-W MMMaMaMMaMSaM.MMMM ALLEY OOP By V. T. Hamlin . fm H ICTj'ee PULL HOPS.' THESE BOYS ) YOU MAVECICK5 I I ViHKfS fiOSH, OOP HE MUST) AA IT5 OK CHIEF" ) W3,U OWT KIDNAP ME...THEy JUST CAN TELL THAT TO ALL THIS MEANTHt s '( om:) Vve VE GOT TH' S X VS BBOkSHT NE HOME.' -i TH' JUDGE'. ANYHOW, ABOUT A CHARACTER I TAPPEC?V'S VAKMINTS S (T tmw -va r sotcha for pis- sheeiff y we tappeo V eh f J V cold.' at , VF C1 TJjeSlN' TH' PEACE. t ? r-V ON TH' r? 1 UmJlS H y'-'. V! KE5I5TIN' AeeEST sj. V SKULL.' y T7V I 'i f mwm Mm Soil Payments Still Possible Ijiml leveling, Initiation illlch construction, and irrigation pipe lines, neadgates, anil diversion box Installations may he done this fall with assistance payments from the Deschutes County Ag ricultural Conservation associa tion, according lo II. P. Khy, chairman. These assistance payments are not loans but outright payments made to conserve water and la bor. These payments represent the lion (in lit population's Inter est In the cost of conserving land and water for future generations, Kliy said. Assistance payments for land leveling are !h per cent of the cost hut not more than 10 cents kt yard of earth moved or $7.M) per acre, I he rate for ditch con structlon Is 70 per cent of the cost up to 10 cents per yard of earth moved. All Irrigation pipe payments are 50 per cent of the cost. Hales for concrete, wood or rubble masonry headgates diversion boxes and other struc tures may be obtained at the ACA office. Concrete headgates equipped with metal slides are eligible for payments of 13 cents per Inch of diameter. Must lie Approved To receive the payments, farm eis must apply for the assistance and the practice must be approv ed before any of these practices are begun, r.hy emphasized. l-.x-cept through special action, pay ment cannot be made for prac tices begun before they have been approved by the county commit tee. As most of the payments are based on a crcenlage of the cost ! of performing the practice, farm j t-i s must keep accurate records and present receipts and state I incuts to the committee so that j the amount of the payments can 1 be determined. All work to he j performed under the 1 '. !! pro. KNAPP SHOES FOB THE FAMILY Cushion Insole Factory I'lttlnsr Gives Utmost in Foot Comfort. Also 9" Work Boot C. H. Keating ftt Greeley Phone 1777 W gram must he at least nearly flu ished by January 1, 10l0, accord ing lo Kby. technical assistance -such as Klii'vcvlnu tilt- Ijititt love Inc. Irri gation layout planning, ili-li i 111111 nig I'" piupi-r sue 01 pipi-n, mio similar services can be obtained lice 01 cnaige lioin 111c ni a hi- tli-i, in- liu lli.iui, liirlitinu Itctllif wllhln ihe SI'S district, liom the Mill iSUUe Soil Cuuscivalliui ills iiici, UK UK'S SOMETHING NEW Maxtou, N.C., Nov. I !- II. It. Hooks, -III, the hitchhiker's lilcinl, was held here today 011 charges of obtaining money under false pretences. Police said that Hooks would pick 11 1 hitchhikers. Impute about their lannlii's and then wire Ihe families lor money, using the hitchhiker's name. Nearly 2. MX) persons have lieen killed in trtiiric accidents In Ne braska since l'.KI'.l. r'No oilier cako inixLffJ t is as fine in flavor fcffiSft Vlnvti eake mix." Tl ( IOH Mil- loi 1otijM, MW.Uolti. Minoviulo ll NEW! DIFFERENT! o wonderful Chrisfmas gift! Home Permanent Play Wave DOLL You can shampoo and wave her lifelike nylon wig! Illicit kit conlahiK T011I Piny Wave solnllon, i plastic i-urlers, 7'i end llssiies, rreme ,hIiuiiihmi AMI litis woniler doll, fill') ilresscil, with beautiful nylon Imlr oil eiui wash nod wave. only 9.95 Order Now! Christmas Cards with your name imprinted Big Selection Moderate Prices Hallmark Gift Wraps and New Miracle Drug Stops Cold Symptoms in a Single Day! ask us for ANAHIST NEOHETRAMINE Oldest Dictionary Being Assembled Phllaiiclphla 'ir Sclenllsls ex pect the world's olilcsl dlcllouaiy, now being compiled at the Uni versity ol Pennsylvania museum, lo help clear up some ol Ihe mys tery sin itiiiinling a clvlllalliiii as ancient as any now known. The early clvllltillon, Sinner, flourished hi p re llahy Ionian times between the Euphrates riv er anil the mountain slopes east ol the Tigris, In what Is now Iraq. I'lof. Ilcnno l.auilNlieiger, Uni versity ot I'hlcago Assy 1 lologlst, Is assembling the hiiiiiln-ils of pieces ol hardened clay liisrrllcd III enni'iloint which make up the work. I hey were uueaithed M years ago by a University of Pennsylvania expedition at Nip pur, near llagdail. Use classified ads In The llnlle tin lor qnlcK results. -Jili S - " ? v l Holiday Decorations