The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, November 03, 1949, Page 9, Image 9

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33rd Year
No, 281
Elimination Round in Coast
Conference Slated Saturday;
U.S.C. Picked Oyer Stanford
Hy Hai. Wooi
(Uititiil I'H'hK SjioiiH Wiiti-i !
Shi FrniiciKco, Nov. It (ti.l'f The t'liiiiiimtioii r(n!-roliin
In tlu Pnrifte (?imt I'ltiifi-reore Rune ImiwI rnrt vti down it)
tit..,l ln.4 1,,,-it t liiit w.-i.ll 1,1 i-hmtum witli ""' iS,'"' f"dtHlll " !i f
Utiivormty of South,- in n "loser i out" nwU-hlVMeM'VtaMl
in 1.08 Aiik'I'. , brush up fr lumunuw night'
Coach Jeff t'ritvuih's Tntjnnn art n i.'i-j)oint favorite to! home stimd against the Hedmoixi
win, but MiitTliif at-hwnm ami lu.i itiuiuua Iihvo uii' type ot ramm-ix.
Lava Bears Hold
Light Practice
For Big Game
club that can tixel any team
in tho country on a xivett lay.
A Kitnjf of tnany sojioniorett, j
thf ludiaim an iinpruviiixi
Kaint'-by-KaiiK', j
However, those TrojatiH lire;
bin, rouKh and totiKh with j
all the know-how of a jirofen-j
Hionai team.
USC nail Stanford nu ll httx lit
Oil!' COllfeletlre KI!H fun! eflt'tt
him been lied wire thi Triiini(
hy Olilti State, nail Stanfiml luit
wfk by Suittit I'lttra.
It' the top name of the week
In the west mill kIiujich iii ax the
liattle that tnny decide ItuKe
IkiwI reiiem'iitllve.
lU-ant iet Hreather
That (lrjetilK. of nmise, umn
the future ability fit the Stun
fords to turn hnek University of
Oillfoniln. The lirtn j;et wlint
tihould he a brent her thin week In
WimhliiHtun State hut It may
turn Into n "nearer" limiend.
I'oiuh t.ynti Wuldmf Ik Kutitt; t
have n totieli time Kelt Inn the
hoys "uii" fur this one.
In the tltuntlo of the north.
Wwdilnijtoii ami Oregon eluxh In
I'ortlitnd. limb tenmx alrcmly
have lieen elimliiiitcti from the
1 '(.'(.' race, hut this nlwayn I a tra
tlltliinitt clash anil will he haul
Here are our nelectlons:
USf liver Stanford The In
dliiim better wall until next year.
'Hiose TrujiitiH alwiiyn roll well
In the lale neiiKon. Hy 13.
Calif'irnla o v e r Washington
State Kven on a bml day. the
Ileum tthoultl win this one. Hy 20.
Oregon over WnnhiiiKton The
Huskies are JuM iteiilng tauter
way anil they n nimbly will jjive
the SVehloiitu a hail time hut
we'll Ktrlnti with the Aiken team.
Ily b field iml.
Orrtfon State over Idaho
Ileiivero luoknt rugged In thump
ing WSO Inift week. Hy H.
AUo: Wlllntnette over l.infleltl.
Pacific over LrwlN & Clark, Col
lege ' of M.i ho over Whitman.
Southern Oregon over Oregon
Vac classified ads In The Bulle
tin for quick result.
Sport Parade
Hy Osenr
Hl.iii.l I' i,-.. Hi.
Tottionow following '
j the it!:ntilnh!il of clnxKtu, ISentt hli;h ;
j jii'iiool atuileolH will gather at ttie
m-houi gym for a Jite-game - i
ii,i,uiu,, i o. ,,..,., ... .t,..i honor oioijahly will 1
. " " " i t.,,t -t,.l.,.il-n
K..t V...t hi... 1 M 'I'!... 1 It,.,.,- Ottolll, t.1 llt.tli Tti,i.f.i.,,n
ruKhh.K Cle'velan.f ijtownn and lh Wring t ight ijuani who mit- j ,f TJuZ
,. .,' .!..... v...!. v.... r, t . t,.... i..i, ii,i North caroilna ?nd, ana Clay-
Pro Scouts
Already Seek
Grid Stars
Chicago, Nov. 3 'ill- Collegiate
foothni! team have completed
only r.'tx weeks of their nine or
ten game season, hot already the
(no KrouiK imve notninafed the
top eijoh-es for the annua! draft
meeting coming up in (tie near
At the moment, it looked like
a Jour man race for t!s? oroud
jjotiition of "numiier one" choice,
with lite wid resting temjjoratiiy
on Jtjn Hart, the giant emi from
Notx; iujne.
Ifi major contenders for the
Ken Car-halfback
the rock ribbed New Yoik Van
keen, tied for leadership in the
All America Kootbali ctinfetence,
coniiletely dominate an unoffi
cial all mar team lcked tottay
witit lite aid of coaches and
The llrowns, iimmi!ium in alt
three AAC eaonH to ilute, put
five men on the flmt team anil
two on the second ali-xtar team.
The Yattkeea, with one of the
lien! line In the history of pro
football, placed three on the flrt
!tmd ami four In the Mt-ond
week In the M.tlf.H.i clash, was S "f onnentaker, MlnnHWta cen
announcol toS.'iy hy Coach Hud "'r'
ilohertson. Karller this week It After this trio, though, there
was believed that Tiiojitpsott" In-' are pienty of other taiented coi
lurv would keen him from ttartici- i -Re players who seem sure to
pntltiB In the Kedmond game. i oe among the first JO or 20
Bend Favored citoice.
inartev justice. Nortn aro-
Pnneville Team
Prinevilie, Nov. 3 If. S. Mer-
WUi Di.. )ijf-t sereau, prwsident of the recently
ill riaV iViCfUDin Snreanized Crook Countv Youtsz
Prlnevilie. Nov. 3 While the- Jiepubiicans dab, announcixt yes-1
Crook County high sehooi f.H.i- "'" hts ,oit
, ,. , ' . rally at the pari.h hail of St. An-,
ball team is ending a vatory in,w frfseopai church herip
over the Mjiiiim high scftooi oflThmsiiay evening, November JO.
south Wasco county, a much A discussion of the Columbia j
smaller scisooi, ht-;p 1-Viijay eve-1 valley authority wiii be She mate i
nitig. Coarh 1st flostafson ' subject of the rally, wish James;
warning his Cowboys to be on the - Sogers, member of the Port-;
alert to prevent a wore by Cjp) land iaw firm, fiarf, Spencer, Mc-i
visiting Sh-eiheads. To date the; Cuiloch, Rockwood and fJavjes, as
Cowteys have had their goai iitjp ! speaker, Mersereaa said. 5
crossed ontv twice Hi a tjv Swwt I
Fire Destroys
Stayton Gym
Siaytors, Nov. 3 'li fire de
stroyed the Stayton high school
gymnasium Wednesday night. Ail
the school's aihietle eutjiment
also was iost in the blaze.
Athieiie Coacti Merrill Boyie
discovered the biaze. Fire fight
ing units from Stayton, Aums
viiie and Subiimtty responslesl to
the call.
Firemen said the fire may have
jheets easssed by itefectlve wirijig
or by a fle for the wand tnve
that heased water for lite tocSpr
t room.
The wtKKn teiisllng was tsB
strssrted in ViV, at a esst el
j Eugene, Nov. 3 til's The Vmh
iversity of Ocegss Wefefssts can
centrated on a passing sifsK ts
iday srS Coach Jim AiSen ir.di
jcased Halfback Eari Steiie would
do more passing Si5is Satarday,
Home, which administered the
i .... raf s,t,, , tttf.
game, which opened the Ptineviiie tlShuftui
schedule here, in She other eame.
in which Prineviiie won 25 to 8,
the Madras uciun high sehooi was
the scoring opfKinenf,
Prineviiie has won in successive
shut-out games this season over
John Oay. Herraiston. Burns,
Lakeview and Columbia Prep of
BoUetin Classifieds Ering nesuits
day announeed the University of
California starting lineup for ti5e
Bears game Saturday wish Wash
ington State:
L Dan Begovich; LT Jim
CuiSasn; LG Ray Dejong; C
George Stathakis; RG Rod
Franz; RT Jim Turret-; RE
Norm Pressley; Q Bob Celert;
LH Fratik Brunk ; RH Jlsn
Monachino; F8 Pete Sarbar-cm.
1 Tl... tt.-..t., ...1... .,. tn,...t..t
; n.iw .,, a,..'. Kfctiar hnlfiiHek innked like
i H 7 fo a m "natn;5 yVJrs Zm ' while j
i go int., the gamrLvtritfi ' !
icau.- of their superior ground i Nomeliinl. Minnesota guard- j
! IKiwer. T.e iiend squad la likely : te; eriactoi EMIe i j
o stay on the ground for the ,1aroni!fi Col!ieBf "J,
I most part against the Panthers. I Kal "i 9 iah?ma; and i
Ohio can" take a blissful iow, ! and will take t,, the skyway only S -
for six of the teiun 1 USSSS- clMto
bers are native sons of the iiu k-, The Panthers, against superior ! amt Muscies" Camobeii Arkan-
eye state, with two from Texas strength In the line, probably will 1 sag jujpjack ' :
and one each from Washington. ; throw a bug full of passing tricks j ' , ' . ... , '
California and Tennessee. Six of at ,iM jIU defense. I iis ,tabJ' W'U i
them learned their football In the T,.n,!t,V(. ,,.,, Uli. j amonK ,,p J)rs1I J(5 nam ? he
mltiwest. three In the west and j imv " K'u",ni linM!i,s "'Miff exclusive negotiating i
lOtliimore anil Jais Anceies S n,'m,: Jack lQt!'s""- ' '"nii;
. t ,... A: Phelon uiiison. left tackie; Oran-
. inL ,-t, T,.:.u i nn Jlnmby, ieft guard; Tom Nle- TEA.MSTKliS BKFEATED
e atul San Kranilsi-o 411'er, each 1 Trt; Seattle. Nov. 3 .-Independent
getting one. U Angeles drew a ' fu,J'"'jt 4 , mA- r ';?! fianics have handed Dave
complete blank, the second team , ZSk K !M'S AKL nwTs a major
filling out with three from H .V
"? " "'' ''" "' n"U"U l r lid ekk;,H 1 Ah ' nntln the collective bar-
nix! itttiituin V.Vi, fiainifiK titciion at the Boeing Air-
'Hw first n-arn: tV;.L.'"V.V. ttft ' plane company lwr&, compile oV
rmt; HiW Hour's, iWt tackU-; j rv today.
.usutf?t,( ltff tfimnl; Jimi Th vit ws
H-hton. evtU'v; iUntr Johnson, Uhak-s( 4f$2? for the hamsters,
riijht Kuuitl; lon Van Wain, Thr natlonai labor rJatijns
M(,t, riuht tnrkU; IHvk NNjoe, rivhl txtai'J Ifctkm, txfiived to be the
t.iHtt!,mi; jjm Hall, (fuartvrbntk; liob t largest ever held in a single plant.
Nwbiii, itf t jmubark; liob Korit, i was lor ifto rint to i-epresent
f uilhack, atitl lttu Vatcs, righi Bppioxintately 17,000 Boeing
M.- l(rvIf.J..
I.C Mrfm Uul?, fir rk.
1,1; mn vrniw, cirimi i ht Muttyn. twffJ Xtr.
tt!t 4n rlrtlnt, I (ilrw iSMti
Kl J Kjr, HB.t.. J .f.
, t!tfc
.iJhtw Httt
N- tfc 'i't Ji.-r: t.T, Jtrt Ku-(t.
lluffatu wt Ut.n ViJJr ; Jti, John
M.Urb-. Nw Yotk sd N tm;
('. lH Jufcnfctn. t-rwrtc oi Tt-
A AM; It!. i'U'k lUrWrtfrn, iUitinn.r tt
i'ufdu; ItT, Rtmhtw, t"!-)i.l nd
Nuir Jnt; ttE. Al n t"in-
i-t-i tti nl Vimr i t-nki At-
brrl, jS r fiUftccu ( ttIorl : l"U
ritffct hft. Nw Yk
nt.J Nft; futlWk, ri"n Muli-,
Bend Bowling Resulfs
Ik-nd Cafe last night took team
honors In Hend Women's Major
liowllng league with a game score
of K75 and series of '2512, and
posted n four point win over the
King Conl Keglers.
In other matches the Smoke
Shop dropiied Cregg's lianner
Dread for four points, and Free
man's Tackle won three points
from tiend Dairy.
Blanche Colder had high game
of 190, and Julia Coulter rolled
high series of 533.
Scores follow:
t'rmnn' Tx-ktet N. lr. 4 : M.
Ditnatiu. lit; N. cftly. sit; K. Oun
hu. BlKi J. Cuult.r. sas. Tul So. lllrt 1.. IK t: M. HK.I.
4IU: O. lllvr, Sf0; I'. Crwket, I3K ; A,
CutttUll, IVII. 't'utat 237.
Urmt' llttttnef i A. Mtf rv. 436 -. Ifc
iMlf)ll. 400; t., Mtsrv. 4i? i . Al
hlr.. tl ; M. UliKlwr, 3m. TuUl
SlmiW Mtmii! K. A-u(t. SOU; 11. Vo..
4o; M. llnmun. art; i. Wlln, 42J; O.
Nif-tt, 4f,3. Tul IK.
llinil Cat I H tlutitrl. Slid ; A. Nik
I5; II. Iluw, s : K. Stuut. ; K,
Tlniwy, 49. T.l 2612.
Kim C.1 Mn! W. McC.mi. 36 ;
II. C.UI.r, 432; I.. Kr-iwn, SHU M, huhiU,
431 i K. ll..U, li. Ttti 2330.
Kussell's Shell service bowling
team Inst night maintained Its
lend In the Merchants league by
splitting with Greenwood Grocery
two and two.
In other matches the third place
Trallway dropped the Post Of
fice by a 31 count ; Waldorf post
ed a three point win over Hend
Troy Lnundry, ami The Pastime
spilt two and two with Midget
Carl Sullivan had high game
of 217, and Lee Calder roiled high
series of 568.
Greenwood Grocery iook team
honors with n game of 1007 .ami
series of 2X98.
Scores follow:
Trllwy! Ilarllt-tt. 4(16; Hrrti Makrr,
kHI ; iHtiiHuwurth, iwiutu, 468;
llrnmivolit, .112: Hurl, Tuto! 21127.
t'i.nt Office : Amterium, 47 1 ; Chrlatrn.
rn, ,161; Clark, mil; Kid, 462; K (lis,
l'..tal 2B1S.
Waldorf l 1.. CaMi-r, 61111; It. !Imih,
8U4; I, aukave-nn, OK; M. iKlvr. 4ST ;
II. Cumlrtl, t. Tll nJ.
tlrnil Trt.lf I ir.!rjr : tl. KarrU. 119 ; t.
Wllf.n,l4l ; A. !!!. : B. Vuunil, 330;
K. Iltan, 2. T"!! 2;o.
1t, f'utlttw: Alnt, 196; A. Itan
m. 4l; K, Kfr. 35.0; c Kichkrawn.
36H ; K. smith, l.,tt asu,.
MMjftft llrl-tli; lilaka. il; Cia4rt,
37u ; Alton 4)9; Kuliivatt. 613; AWnt.
31!. Tll 5!7.
Iirmtwual tfrrv: lrlrir, 414; f r
tlllMar. 636 ; C.t.tman. 447 : Oatta. 3 :
Jrrfm. 4f Tulal XU8.
Huwtta Hhriii Shirk, 41 : WalSatt. 473;
it udlftiiir. 23 : llrluiWr. 2i ; Huii.
41; Artarun, SHI. Tutal 2744.
Eight teams making up tiie
Bantam bowling league started
league competition this past Sat
unlay at the Cascade bowl under
the direction of the Bend recrea
tion department.
Victories were posted by the
Champions. Pirates, Spitfires and
Eagles over the Bombers, Rock-
eta, Signets and Wildcats, respec
tively. Margaret Holman had
high game of 1-15 and series ot
Game scores follow:
c.ltamjif : Juhn I'-uttln, 1S; Mt?k-y
Clark, 64: itnat! Coltttia, 112; AtarnU.
l?0. Ttal 471.
- Ibfrnhrrai Jim Karmvr, S6; hon Moat,
IDS i !in Cknnlr, 4s; Atorttc, 120.
Total 601.
IttwkfU: ttarrvtt ttatnajr. 151: Marr
CHU, Ita; Htava Anijeratm, fi3;Jrry
!, 208. ToUii 6211.
1'irat t It Kcaarr. t26 : Howard Kit
ntta, 66 ; Maryaret llultnatt, 233 ; AbaRt,
1211. Tntal 634.
Hiltflrn: Jim FVau-r. 76; Kar H
tWn, 161: Karrn Chattman, 17S; Atwan
Ira. 120. Ti4al 634.
SlKtiata: V.rna Jean Halt, (1 ,- TrU
Alram, SS; Mattilra Ti:tla, 82; Carol
Ut-rt-n, I6H. 'r.-tat 3T.
Kaitlmt: Oetta Klit-r, ly2 : Kay thwart-
hllf, au; lifRny Uttujfimta, 104; Atwtttee,
1211. Total 4(16.
Wllilrala: llol,l Ia Krtrkaon. 1S:
Paltr Hall. 46: llrrnt ll.tri-H. D8 ; Ab-
at-nfie, txo. total aw.
Los Angeles, Nov. 3 mi South
ern California's hopes of defeat
ing Stanford next Saturday were
strengthened today with the an
nmineement that injured right
tnckle Jim Bird would be ready
for action against the Indians.
Crankshaft Grinding
On Our New Van Norman "448"
Bearing Rebabitttng Motor Rebuilding
935 Harrlman Street Phone 795-J
'wk mum
m 1 .-j
sleep oh kiSm mmm
29.50 to 59.50 ,
Box Springs to Match
Feel Fresh , . . Look Fresh!
Scaly's perfectly balanced itmersjring
tittit Jtcips yon relax easilj ami natssr
ally into refresittttg, healtriftil sleep.
24 Greenwood I'teie
1 X,
."r . aw-....jrT-
Friday, Nov. 4th 8:00 p. m.
Admissiofj: Grade Studerits, 25c High Schooi 50c
Aduits S1.00
Reserved SeoH on sole of City Drug $1.25
You Can Now Buy fhs
New Buick Special
Business Coupe, Delivered Is Bend for
o-Jy 2,09700
Or et Flint, Mkfugort far
See ,
Bend Garage Co.
For sayings ap io $283,80 on
Factory Delivery of Other 8aick Models.
menfou talk &mt Uj 'pfeft
IF you want to know what's "the
newest thing" in automobile
engines, look at the Buick engine
pictured here, and you'll see the
words "valve-in-heasi."
But it happens that this isn't new
with Buick. As a matter of fact,
the vaive-in-head engine was in
vented back in I902-US. Patent
No. 771095 and immediately,
Buick adopted the principle, which
became the first in a Ion j string of
"Buick firsts."
Not everyone went for the idea
then. In spile of the fact that this
engine "breathes" more freely
gets fuel in and exhaust gases out
more easily others hung onto
their pet ideas.
Then came the airplane, with its
need for maximum power frost
every drop of fuel and every
maker of internal combustion air
plane engines adopted the valve-In-head
And more recendy with the hope
that higher-octane fuels will be
come available a lot of automo
tive engine designers are taking a
new iook at the valve-in-head idea.
But just for the record, we'd like
to point out that Buick got there
And ever since, Buick has gone
steadily ahead, building up a name
as "valve-in-headquarters." Buick
engineers reshaped pistons to pat
Fireball wallop in these engines.
They stepped up compression
ratios as fast as beiier fuek cause
So perhaps you'll want io re
member, when you hear the terra
"valve-in-head," that ihisi$tkt$$t
ef powtr that msdt Buick fumms,
If others want to climb on the
bandwagon, we say "more power
to ihera" and no pus is intended,
But Buick has been doing more
with vaive-in-head right from the.
And we might add it stands to
reason that Buick is not through
making this type of engine better
sad better.
Whtm brltrr aiftomttblir r huitt tif 'K K trttt kstit (hfm
tm la HENS? ), yiO. jtSC Nor, mtr ssifor Ss. -
709 Wo8 St,
Plsea If 3