THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON PAGE FIVE Local News TKMI'KltATI HKH Minimum yeotcriluy, 77 iliKrinn. Minimum liuil iiIkIiI, 'it (IcKrciii. NiinrlHc, Smurt Time Sunrise tomorrow, 11:11. hllnsct tomorrow, l:.VI, Ilcinl mid vlelnlly I-HI r IikIilv lliriiuifli Tliuiniluy; IiIkIi toduy 71) lo T!i low liiulkiil to :i(l; IiIkIi riniiKiliiy IIH o 7'-!. I'luyil WcnI, llcnd rhiimlicr nl - ill IIIKII llllllliicel, In III Purl IiiiiiI tiiilny for the iiilili' iiIIIIiich t'llllimlNNlllll lii'iiilni: llll llllH Ht'l- vice liver the new Wnnii .Sipi limit , hlitliwiiy Jiinol Mill ie Is tin- inline hoIci-I-rl liy Mr. mill Mrn.Kiuiik (iniviui, IM I'll- their lUnc.litei, Iiorii Oi l. 31 nt SI. C'luuli'M Iioh pltiil. Till1 Imliy Wfltiliril 7 hmi in In. (i oiiiH'i'N. An lli'in whlrh iippcin cd In Tui'nliiy'N lliilli'lln, IdfiillfyltiK tlii liahy iih a buy, wiih In crinr. MIsm It'l l I liuii'i . iluil:hter nf Mr. anil Mm. I'muli II. II. hum, 22'.t I'llllKII'HN, llllH Jllllll'll llll' Htlllt of tin- (Iiuhmii, University nl (Hi'Knii pulillriillnn, II wiix learned hi ir Imliiy. Mlhit lliuii'i' Ik a ti eMiinan nl tin- university. Shi' vnn (jniilii n I nl Irom lli'inl school wlili llll' ClllHH III l'.HH, mill WIIH (111- pluyril at Till' Hullctln liclore wlic entered ciilli'iji'. Hi'ltiilar iiiii-ilnnH of Jay II. I'p Inn eiinip anil auxiliary, I .'SU V. will Im lu'lil I 'i ll In y at H p in., In till' OHM lllOUKI' IIHHI'Ulllly room. Mr. and Mrs. Curl (;. Swiiukou, filli'hrlHt. a re paii'iitN nf a sou l n il eiirly thin liioi nlni; at St. I'luu leu huspltiil. 'I'lii' hairy I'd 7 Mil i ikIh. I iiuni'i'H, and has Imi'H iiami'd (.'liiirlrs lcvviiiie. Mi.mln'i'. of the wi.n.,.n' num. I'll of the 1 11 fit Christian church will meet at the church 'lliursday at 1 p.m.. for their regular (uar lerlv birthday luni'hi'on. Mcmls-is of the executive ruiniiiltlii' will net as hostesses, and they also will furnish the I. Mrs. I'. K. Moore will In- program chair man. Her tuple will he "All I'co iile'H Church and the Yakima Mission." Mcmlier nf the missionary sir I'lely of Westminster I'leshvler Ian clun ill will have a tegular llli-ctlne, 'niiirsdny at 2 p.m. at the home uf Mrs. Kdward lllsen. 757 I'urtland avenue. HAIIY I'lCrUltlUS Mviiek'H Special continues: !irr lor one ,Y7 mounted portrait; choice of proofs: no appointment neces sary: 10 a.m. lo ! p.m. Mviiek'H Studio, 111 Oregon. I'hone ;nr. Adv. You eel stvle plus correct lime and a l.lHral Allowance mi voiir old waleh with the inuchase of a new Wnlch at N IKllKIti IAI.I. S. JKWKI.KHS, next lo l atutol The aler. "We Hcpalr Willi Care." Kst. IHJii. Adv. STKVKNSCIII'TK POST No. I II t K A.MI-.I1ICA.N l.l-:i;ioN Meets Thill sdav. November 'I. Com Assemhlv lloom. S:IK) till). . Adv. I I NKK.M. Till KSDAY I'liiienil services lor I, mini Me Whorler, who died here on De lulier M. will Ih- held 1 1 mil the Nlswoner i! Wlnslow chapel Thin sday at i p.m., with Itev. Itoss Knolls of the l'hsl Mehlo ills! church In chaie. llurlal will he In the Pilot Unite cemetery. Mrs. McWIlurter was the wile uf the late A. W. MeWhni ler. She had hii'ii a resident of Hend tor the past 21 years, and was a un live of Menesha, Wis. NKW TI.ATKS SKNT OI T Salem. Nov. 2 'If The state motor vehicle department started fiellillni; out the lUM) auto license plates this week. You need more than a 'salve' for CHEST COLDS to rellevt couitlit and tore musclct You nii'tl to rnl im sliiiiululinit, puin rl'lii'vllie M iinIitiiIi'. 1 1 lint only ItrniKfl fmit, luiiK-liiHllltil ri'lii'f but iiclimlly 1ii1ih rlus'k llin irrilslli'ii nml lniik up liirul cuntt'iiU'in. Ituy Mtwli-rulnl INDIVIDUALLY CIvMuinuiA CouL CIvuatituiA HoUi. y W0p QviuSjiA Int. BUZzn-cnRDozo h ot-uywoorj A CHRISTMAS CARD ENSEMBLE Sometiing Entirely NCW-- come in and let us Show you THSa&ciaTTuo-- Symons Bros., Jewelers "Tim Jousa of Uuuuly" r Idaho Firm (Continued (ruin I'liK'1 11 ri'pii'Hi'iilnllvi' of thi U. S. puhllc hrallh nervier, San Ki iiiicIhco, I'lillf. Ilarolil M. I'lilli'iHon rcple Hi'iili'd tilt' ciiKluccrliiK ilcpiiii mi ni nf lhi Hlatc ImiiiiiI nf hi-allh. Howard Mlnry, Sraltli, HHHlHlrd A i Illici t Malunry In IiiIiiiIiiIIiik tin- hid". At the rniirliiHlnn nf t lie mis't- llltf .IllllllBIIII. pll'HldlllU III tln lit) Nriiri' from tin t'lly nf Koticrt W. Sawyer. i i-nIiIi-iiI of I In Central llii'Kou Hospitals fuiindntluii, told thi' routiai loiN thai till' IiIiIh were Ih'Iiiu referred to I hi' IiiiIIiIIiik ruinmllt for art Ion. Ili Indlnil- I the aiilnn would hi tahi'ii at the ri'uular Thursday noon meet llIK nf tile hospital IhiiiiiI. Allcrimti-a. Considered Alti'inati' No. 1 In the. Kcncnil hlds calli'd for fltilshliiK of thi' third Htory of tin- new hospital. These ranged from a low of $U,. 1H2 lo a hlitli of 57II.7I7. Other allernale hlds rovered hiiIiJitIs riiniiliii: from sidewalk pavlnu lo Installation of eertaln lypi'H of elevators. All these uncinates must he studied hefoie the hoard ran reiieli a llual deelslon. A member uf the llnlse firm, .1. II. Wise and Son, suhiiillllnn the low hid, Ih known lorally. lie Is I 'a n 1 Wise, sun In law of Dr. and Mrs. . I). Keiehum. The hiiKle hlils on the c.en eral contract, wlthoul revision through alternate pniiosals, lol low : Hlds Listed A. Wilson Ili'iiold, Hend. SfiOD,- ; y.:. W. C. Clark. Seattle. ST.W.LMo. j Constructions KiiKlneerH anil i Contractors, Taeoma, S.r)!iH.7IK). .. "" I'lime V.U., llll iianu. !J'7. ' (leneral Construetlon Co., Se attle, Wash.. $iil2..V)0. ItosS II, IlllllllllDII'l Portland, ViTtl.tiUO. Mnlai key A Moore, Pol l land, S-W.'.'.VI. Paiille Cmisli ni-lliin Co., Van couver. Wash.. S.'il.!HK). A. V. Petersen Co., Portland, $:t',r.r!ii. Vlesko A- Post. Salem. $i;l'8.(m;!I. J. t;. Watts Construction l'o., Seattle. $i;:m,(xio. J. II. Wise & Son, Inc., HoIkc. Ida.. Sri.W,7!IH. Twenty prospective bidders had obtained plans from the architect. I'ortliiiid linn Imw Kandall was program chairman. I Low hid for plumbing, heating, Al Gray, n Jaycee, was Intro and ventilating, Sl.B.l'.K), was sub- j duced iih the new president of mined hv A. G. HushliL'ht & Co.. H"' ABC club and touched on the i Portland! The firm added a $.T0 j item fill- w ink If n third storv Is : built and a S212 Item for oxygen i nutlets. Oilier bidders were Ar row Co. and William Montgom ery, $ 1 rU.I;r : Buchanan Co.. inc.. SI il, 7.1; It. K. Buck Plumbing & ;lleiitlng. SI77.:i7il; J. M. Harder Plumbing and Heating, Sl.T.I.HL'S; ,P. S, Ijitd Mechanical Contrac tors. $i:!t,::il; plumbing Xi Heat- jlng Knglneerliig Co.. SMS.IIK-I; A. G. Itushllght A Co., Si:i.r).l!H); Tcips Plumbing A Heating. I $l!ir.t;t;.VItl; I'rhan PlumbliiK & ' Heating. SITl.tilKi. l-or electrical work, the low bid iwas S-lll.-lfCj, submitted by Ace Klectiir Co., Portland. Other hid Iders were American Klectrlc Co.. i S.'W.-1'.IO; Kleelrle Smith. Inc.. $1.1.- :t7H; Graham Kleelrle Co., S.'1-l,- 'Km I; I.. II. Morris Kleelrle Co., S-ll.Siri: Steeck Klectrlc Co.. S.VI. H.T.'; Tlce Kleelrle Co., $.)2.'.l7(i; Walton Brown Klectrlc Co.. $10,- i'.IKl); Carl T. Madsen, S.')7,K7r). I IRK CALLS ANSWKKKII Kin- around the flue collar in the liiune of Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis G. I lalrymple. M2-I Delaware,' was the cause of a general alarm at 10:02 a.m. today. Mrs. Dalrvm pie bad extinguished the tire by throwing water on the flue be lure lireiiieii arrived. All estimate of damage had not been made this morning. In answer to a still alarm this morning at 11:12. firemen went li Seward avenue and Kast Third street, where they used booster equipment to extinguish a brush fire. The blaze was brought under conl i nl before buildings were threatened. Tuesday al 10:11 p.m., firemen answered a still alarm and ex tinguished a flue lire at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Moore. S.I2 Federal. No damage was re ported. Use classified nils In The Bulle tin lor quick results. PERSONALIZED I gH3 j Gasoline Theft Charged to Boys Kour Toppiyilsh, Wash., yniilhs aiii-sli-d at M'l D(jilen this morn liiK at 12:W have Is-en ehaiel with Hie larceny of aHollue and Indued III the city Jail, police rec ords show. They were accused of Inklni: Kiisnllue fiom a t ruck. Of- j llceiN snld Dial K"" filled euntalii eiH were fuuiid In I be car, with a trail uf kiihoIIiim leadiiiK lo the truck. Held on the theft (ha rue lire Kenneth Staener, 17; Hoy l'wls. Ill; Hill Hun III. Hi. and Dim ub snn, 17, all of TopiM'ulsh. Rotarians Hear Talk on Magazine The merlin of (he inaKiizlne Un Im Ian today were iIIscukhciI hi Ici ly hefore llend KoliulanH by Wil liam M, Hall, one of the local dub's (ilKUIllzeis. Hall Hinted that Hie policy nf the maidilni' Is to present un biased views of current affairs and problems. He Hinted that whenever ronlrovei Hinl Issues are treated In the mnea.liii' bulll sides uf (iicstluiiH are presented. Hall ailded thai only the IiIkIickI type advcrtlHliiK In conliiliii-d In the publication. l-'ollowliiR Hiill's talk. Hotarlans participated In a (iulz iirneram featuring (uestlotiH a bo ill artlcleH In the past two Issuch of the muf; a.liic MwtltiK nnnounccmnts made In cluded a program committee e nlon lonliii at the Hume of How ard M. Nicholson, and a hoard of dlrectoiN meellnn next Wedni-H-day evening al the home of llay Konesl, president of the UcnU cluh, CJuesld nf the Rotary club to day were Koijcr Hall and Henry NelKon, both of Bend. Jaycees View Motion Picture "PloneerliiK In Rehabilitation'! a film dealing with work of the Oregon Society for Crippled Chil dren and Its hospital at Kugene. was shown at today's meeting of the Jaycees at the Pine Tavern. Mrs. W. (i. Wilson was In charge "I tnc Illtn showing, anil uonlon fliil'tt work. John Prentice was i n guest. Bob Johnson Introduced , i Krank Blake and Kenneth Pear iHon as new memtsTS of the club. Norman Partridge presided al the luncheon meeting. SHRINE BENEFIT DANCE! Pine Forest Grange At Carroll Acres Thursday, November 10th Music by Omer Zillman's Orchestra Admission: $2.00 Per Couple All proceeds of the dunce will go In the crippled chil dren nt the Shriller Hospital in Portland. This Space Courtesy of Smith Electric linl' I VI- , i .I'm. M'l 1 .i III I llllll II. P r'l,:l.V . "il rt ItliiulJiii.!!! CHIMNEY SWEEP DESTROYS SOOT SAVES FUEl REDUCES FIRE HAZARDS Chimney Sweep is the modern, easy, unfo way to got rid of soot in fur naces, lilies, chimneys, fireplaces, (loos to work on soot the way soap attacks dirt by chemical action. EASY TO USE If you burn coal, coke, wood, just sprinkle Powder Chimney Sweep on tlio lire. 1'nr nil or kero sene heating units, pour Liquid Chim ney Sweep Into the fuel tank. Chim. ney Sweep docs tho rest. POWDER 1 lb. ... A9i 3 lbs. . . 1 .29 LIQUID Pint . . . ..29 Qucirt 2.29 I lti;ii l'AliKINi; AVAII.AItl.K HI IIIM) .SKIKIi w iiii.!: snorriMi. More Hours from 7::i(l a. in. lo 0:00 p, m. ' CUFFLWS "You'll Enjoy Shopping Our Store!" 944 Bond Street Phone 349 Hospital News Knur children underwent ton HlllcctoinicH this innriiinK ul SI. Chillies hospital. They are Ken- nelli, It, ami Truman, II. sons of ' Mr. and Mm. Jmnea W. Whorlnn, jM ail run; l.lnda Prlchaiil, 3, idaiiKhler of Mr. and Mm. Haley Pilchard, I'M Uiverfronl. and 'lionald O'ltell. 2. grandson of Mm. MrKlnley Sloffel, 11(15 Har- mon. I Ali) admitted yesterday were I Hie fo!lowiii(j: Mrs. Mary How- man, l.llii ( iiinlieiiaiio; Alan Hur melster. l.'MI Halllmore; J. U. Iiwyer, Salem; Laurence Welch, Hend; Hon Kulheiford, I ;ili-biisl ; Mm. U-sler II. Mills, WM Aw hrey; Margaret Kvlns. Crescent, and Nancy l-awln, Mllwau I'.le. The following were dismissed yesterday or tuday: Mm. P. J. fjrlffllliH, Kedmund; JameH John son, liend; Mrs. Nelda IXiukIuh, Culver; Mm. K.rnest McCall, Gil chrlKt; Mrs. John Baker, Bend; Mm. Bert Cole, Bend; Boy Wick ersham. Bend. Mrs. William Mlnkler Jr., Ter relmnne, und son, William Gary, were released today from the ma ternity ward. LAST ICITKS IIKM Kuneral services were held Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the Nln wonger & Wlnslow chapel for Clarence Kdward Stanley, 40, a former Hend resident who hail lived In Redmond the past few years. Mr. Stanley died Krlday night at St. Charles hospital, af ter a long Illness. Pallbearers were Chnrles Whet 7cl, Arden Thatcher, John Ramlo, William Halverson, A. W. Koh field and D. K. Halvorsen. Rev. M. R: Wilson, Lutheran clergyman from Prinevllle, offi ciated. Mm. Clarence Bush hau charge of the music. Mr. Stanley leaves his wife, Myrtle, of Redmond; his mother, four brothers and three sisters. HStuffytkse Sleep Taniaht w a little Va-tro-nol In each nostril quickly opens up nasal passages to relieve stuffy transient congestion. Invites rest ful sleep. Itclloves snlffly, sneezy distress of hrad colds. Follow direc tions In the package. Try Itl VICKS VA-TRO-NOL Check These Fall Values! HLKlTlllf API'I.IANC ICS Sunbeam Mixmastcr III Speed $39.50 Hamilton Beach III Siceil Food .Mixer $39.25 .. Dormeyer Mixer IIKpccd. Von dial 11 Ilor nieyer does the rest! $40.95 New G-E Heater $6.95 G-E Fan Heater $15.95 I n SAl.I.K Fan-Glo Heetaire I an (do melius warmth am! foniforl for yon. See this latest l.aSalle model now. $19.85 Automatic Roaster l-'aiiinus Til My automatic elect rle roaster none bet ter complete with timer und cluck. $59.95 Ncsco Electric Roaster $37.95 Also Toasters, Waffle Irons, Automatic I'erciilatoi-s, ami Flcctrir Irons lo sallsly the iiiosl particular. Hardware Needs We carry a complete stock of Hardware Items. See us for i( u a 1 1 1 y products lit eeiniiiiiile prices. 8 New Members Join Chamber Klght new rncmljem have been added to the Bend chumlx-r of commerce in the past week, it was announced today, with the total additions for tne two-week period sel at Zl. Guidon Randall, mcmhfiHhlp director, made the announcement. The new mem bers follow: Kltner Kix, Klx Hoor service; Chet Taylor, Taylor's Trailer town; Blgiis Masonry Construc tion Co., Shumate Cabinet Shop and Cnnli actum, Amsberry Klec trie, The Shu mi ink, Karl G. ' 'K'KK and Gateway Tavern. TOAKTM ASTKI W M KKT Giffurd Biiggs had the role of (oastmaster at last night's meet ing of the Bend Toahtmasters' club, at the 'I railways Coffee shop, with Clarence Bush In charge of table topics. Lr. Brad ford N. Pease, president of the club, presided and James W. Bu Hhong was guest evaluator. Principal speakers were Krcd Paine, lJon 1L Peoples, Harry Drew Jr. and Bush. LAST KITKS IIKL1I CIraveslde services were held Tuesday at 10 a.m. In Greenwood cemetery for Paul Hinner, GO, ! who died Oct. 20 as he was carry ing his week's supply of provi jsions to the dugout on the west i bank of the Deschutes several miles south ol Bend, where he made his home. Rev. Ray Austin, of Klrst Baptist church, officiated at the rites. Bulletin Classifieds Bring Results I h J' LAST MINUTE THOUGHT! j ) -sj We have plenty of Tuxedoes, Tux v j -vCL ijjii Shirts, Ties, Cuff Links and Studs, : "' Sh'rtS' SheS" S0ClS' AJ IraliL.. the label . JfTft i i I I j ''yll V " ' s? fiooi Housekeeping ''t- V7-. 'a-33? . Aw'' ' l,,0"A!"'IS V ' i ,UlSfiyf , guarantees it shrinkpreofrotleprool W VIC ! Cherry Blossom GOWN 4 4 vC! lai'V 5V-HVI : 'on'ond I'OHl ACETATE NYIOM V-,k, -i X J000" rA'yS,A CREPE thai wondtr-l-wondtn fabric v Vy!' 1"" ' kiundr and driat in a ilf . . . V Jp-r' assSasy ay ihrinsprool . , . toft and abtorbanl V" iZrkf, I ,or b,dy ,om' L 11 Q L y U G u - I flown 93y with ch,rry biouom IhI I broidtry and piping of a controlling) t I 0 j I iT'kl ' I color. Whitt, Toffy Moixt, Htovtn S3IlSI3CllOIllll ljn Slz32to38. f I If 5.95 Knox and Adams Hats I I 1 1 Jarman and Winthrop Shoes I'vf f ir.ii Wilson Bros. Shirts and Ties h j U j Bed JoCKefs McGregor Sportswear jSffm ji To Match Above . CTOVER-LfflLANCiNC: fi MAN'C CTORE" r' 1 " ""1 IILuutiijeJjnJUv6V. 's. i. iii - 7 lie Fashion Cenlcr uf Hand r rr-T -tgtjeuiimmattaimmmmimmiimmmttBamtmmmmmmmaBm. VIC FUNT By Michael0'Mallev and RaiplTIaTe fTTTHf I'A HERE. VERA AFT TlfTxi " WHERE'S MR. FLINT ? -(i ' Sgt j J I . iS i i I ,-cb"iTeft Biir civi5. inc. t. m t8. u. s. PArTcf?sl ri"tfT 1 i. r" ' 'r 11 '' 15 Cases (Continued from Page 1) the Central Oregon Auction ver sus Rodney Rosebrook. The plain tiffs seek $1000 as payment for a string of horses held by the de fendant. Charles E. Shaver versus Viola G. Smith. Shaver seekB $1600 which he claims he lent the de fondant. Ray Ward versus the State In dustrial Accident commission. Ward asks the court to set aside a commission order of February, 17, Bil'J which denied him further aid for injuries he states he re ceived while employed under the workman's compensation act. Jerold Barrett versus Jennie Aldrich. Barrett seeks $2000 which he claims he lent the de fendant. Wllma Holmes fby guardian Denzel Holmes) versus Floyd H. and Marie Bcchtel. Plaintiff seeks $20,506.75 as damages for injuries received In an automobile acci dent. Max and Dorothy Lesman ver sus Joe C. and Mary Brown. Plaintiffs seek a $769.50 judg ment against defendants as pay ment for goods delivered by the C. A. Kilger Machine Works. TKACHEKS TO MEKT Prinevllle, Nov. 2 A meeting of all teachers of Cfook county will be held here next Saturday, It was announced yesterday by I County superintendent C M. &iy. to discuss mutual problems in I connection with both rural and city schools. A program in cele bration of National Education I week, Sly said, will also be Xea- ' tured. i i tf7$ Denfeld Offered Important Post Washington, Nov. 2 'lei Navy secretary Francis P. Matthews disclosed today that he had of fered Adm. Louis K. Denfeld, ousted chief of naval operations, the post of commander ol U. S. naval forces in European waters. The "Important" new post of fered Denfeld was revealed after Matthews conferred with Denfeld and Adm. Forrest P. Sherman, the new chief of naval operations. Denfeld asked for time to con sider it, and was granted a 60 days' leave. Denfeld was removed as chief of naval operations because he lined up with the admirals oppos ing unification. Sherman, who helped draft the original unification law, was con fident he can get the rebellious admirals to support It. If Denfeld takes the European post, he will succeed Adm. Rich ard L. Conolly. Almost 100,000,000 pounds of butter are manufactured In Ne braska each year. ARE YOU Built Right In The Right Places? You'll look your best In WIIKKKIK TAII.OKI.Ni; COMPANY Uilorcd-lt-rimr-neuors, nlt . . . smart tyllnff . . . sprt tailoring. Pim virgin wool fabrics Bolt 51 50 to T.5 Topcoat ... to MM THE TAILOR SHOP 20 Minnesota. Phone 1212-J I BCaBBssHi..MI PLAN OI'KN HOI hK Prinevllle, Nov. 2 In cdbrn tlon of American Education week next week, It was announced ye terday by Wilfred Uurgesa, prin cipal, the Crook County high school here will observa open house throughout the day next Tuesday. Parents and friends of students have been Invited to visit the classrooms and observe stu dents in actual recitation. With Ronnie Odegnrd, student body president, and his fellow of ficials as hosts, refreshments will be served In the afternoon. Re freshments will lie provided by the home economics students, la charge of their Instructor, Mrs. Deirdre Williams. SOI. I) LIQUOR, CIIAKGK Sanfret Matt Paulson, 45, resi dent of Qulncy, was arrested yes terday In Redmond on a charge of providing liquor to Indians. He has been lodged In the Des chutes county Jail under $25 ball. The Miracle Fabric! HYUI CREPE The dream fabric come true!