MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1949 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON PAGE SEVEN Bulletin Classified Rates I IrtM'AI. I'AHl IN ADVAM K 'to xiriln One. liinc mh) iSn WunU Three 'I linen ... l..'la 'M Unnls hi I Iiiii k .iMt All Muiua utar 4j atlil 4, par ftwnl Hum lumbar uf In.aiuuiia, till! mwillh lull, aama lulir. liar rala. Minimum Uiaia, aur. I. Ill llala vr I aillala lor , ll.ail.ia tur tin, mliiimuiH mir I luailta. lima tlaa.lllatla, II a. hi, llailar Ailiarllaltia riualnv lima ft p.m. Miat,uua tlay. Una Itall iaa m lalgai, ft li. m, attain! dar tilaiwua lu publlt aliun. For Kllll- Ileal Estiilx HOMEFINDEHS AGENCY Last Thlld St. I'nuiii! hl.'J J Very like, 2 In., mini. home; 2 yi it. mil; gas lange iiinl walci healer; piped till luriiuic: large lut, Icnicil; lawn; garage. Ann um W0O. Willi $1000 cliiwn; MIA pllVIIII'lllN. Lge. ') In., mini., plastered 1 1 hi if : mi paved hi.; good buy., 1 1-1 II IK. Good 2 In., mini.; vitv nice Ima I Km. Asking Sf.l.iO, terms. (i a.; clime In; good ,' In., mini, liumi'l Iuih ui oullildgs. SoiiliO, SLHJO lliiWII, Tell iin what vnii want lleautv .Simp, Gniierv .Slme, .Service .Shi linn, Call', ur A u hi Courts. WANT TO SELL? MhI your property wlih GILIIEU'I. A siiuaie ilral, anil proiiipl, flilclcut, courteous service is yours at till- IM'I I H HI ill 1'J.lllte, llll.i Willi M. NEED A HOME? Check the Di al ui Mil- IMS' on IMIisU 'J: l:i li. m. Cull tiiilav ami Inspect the liming at (, iiiiii Is Krai h.iliilc. IUIj wall hi. Wli MAVIS liUYKUS lor 2 and 3 br. lioineN, unto arn-iiKe Willi city wuu-r, und u HI to bo lien- larui i clime In, condition of liulluiUK unil laud luiinu.criul. It 11 mill haled witn uk, we can I ell It. Si-ir C. J. Llmlli or ll. ll. I'eopleii. Mld.-tiaiL- hi-uity Co, 1'hone -liiu. LIS ii. TILLAMOOK dulrv for hint- or truiii- lor lurm urouiiil ix-uil, SiocK und I'uuipmrnt a un able. Itoy I'lMicr, htur Ituute Went, Imx Mil, nlluinook, Ore. hXHt SALIS: Cnmmeirliil und li-HKlentlul lolii, bdxllll', close lu. Alitu u ; ilium house for sale; ni'i'ils repairs. 2.IU LS. Kearney, I'none liiu-lt. IS. M. UUCKNUM. HKALTOK WM liiooks 1' Near tne CUmnlier of Coiniiierec 2 Mh on New pin I and ll. 5.HIK) ou U--i uu or i IHJ c anil. j. , I n.. Close with 3 a. Swiilley watei In, on pavement. $1250. 2 br., mud.: wlih some furniture: w ll ill lor inc. lunge; ciei. wau-r lleuler; utile, gaiuge. $lU0u; iilKnJ c.isli. 3 br., mod.; Ige. Ilv. und din. nn.: batn; kllchen, witn breaklasl nook; mil. nn.; full cement bsmt. with oil pipe Illlll.; garage. Close In. on .Newport. itiiUO; $15ot tush, Dal. MIA. Cull Mr. Locklln X COUNTRY 1IOM1S - Just what you have In-en looking lor. Very nice lluee bedroom, modern, witn lireplace. Neat und aliracuve out buildings. School bus. Near pave meni. All this plus 40 acres with 13 acres col fur only $8500, 'leruis. MOVING TO RISDMOND? Here is u Hade lor you. Very nice two bedioum. modern, plusiereil home Willi good renin! on buck of prop erlv. owner wishes to Hade lor small home close in, In Hend. North Side -Two bedroom, mod ern. Living loom, dining room, lull bath, uillllv wilh Iravs, kitch en gas eUIiped, new all uielal liullllns. I'laslered. Mill base ment, wood luinace. New double ganige. Chicken bouse. Three nice lots, lawn, shade, garden. $ii!l50. S2U00 down, $i0 per month lit !'.;. 1'our addlllotiul lots avail able. .1. A. DUDItlSY. ItlSALTOIt 1039 Wall St. I'hnne 1'127-W Across from I'llot Hulle Inn FOR SALE: l'j acres clear. 2 bedr n house. River view. Wa ter lighls. 1 mile north of town nn Sisters highway, 1st house on light. $2500 New 2 br. house, not fin ished Inside. Two lots and good business locution. S500 down. $2850 2 br. house; 1235 Alhanv. Will trade on small busi ness or acreage close in. Small down. $1(175 ('I0 a., on highway. Lnls of trees und good building site. S 5(H) 2 a., North Highway; close in. $ 550 1 'fi ll.. Insl (iff lluller MUI. ltd. Excellent building sile. $1950 Cale, doing good business. $10,000 320 n., 80 n. Irrigated. 4 br., modern house. $18,000 410 a 110 iriignled. Two houses. Small down. $5750 25' a., 10 a. Irrigated. Close In, North Highway. $12,000 Beautiful suburban home. Close In, on pavemi'iil Will trade or city prop- city. $7500 80 11,; good burn, men I. moil, house; In, un pave- SMITH REALTY 745 Honil Phone IM Classifieds Reach 20,000 Readers iwsi.,-iui k,i. CAFE WITH living num.; 3 yr. lease; good Income from 2 in iv. furnished hpih.; Iiv Kiuilii mill.; mi lilwav. May consider nude. 301 E. Frunhlin. 1740J. LOT, 150x50, nil Eust 3rd ami Irving. I,. C. IiiivIh, Urtnill, Oil'. Wi' an- In urgent nri.ll (i( 2 unil .1 I ( 1 1 in il 1 1 linmi-H In supply Hie calls wi.- receive. Call Mr, Ijicklln ami In- will come and lulk with you. E. M. IIUCKNUM, 10119 Drunks KEALTOIt Phone 331 J. S. 1H5 DAVIS CO. Penney llldg. Phone Siiliiii'lian liacl; 5 li., lint h rllv wain ami IlllKallon. linnil 5 nil., imnl. Iiiimi-; lull ccminl burnt.: luitian-; wui-il lur raiii. CIiihi! In loi aiion. lt d irully u uuoil buy lit SMIXX), tl-llllN. S.K. iIIhIiIi-I. 4 In-.; full oi-mi-iil hhinl.; turiiaii-; lulwil. IIih.; ku-niKi-; 2 Iiiin; 1 lilk, nil Soutn imi. Iiiiimil. iiin. iHXH); MIA loan srcui alilr. Ni-w, i-iiHl kIiIi-, 2 lir., uHt rum-pli-ti-il; all lulwtl. Int.; Komi lirat nut unit; all nun. Iiiiki-; kooiI hi-laiiKi-mi-iil ; in ll. mi.; wuinli'ilul kitiiii-ii; voxl-lu lut. Uijititr tux li tuilay. $1TM. Liiiki- 5 nn., moil. Iioiuc; irxl in iKf. II v. mill din. i iiih. ; line- iilpc, oil luinaii-; utll. nn.; Imtulali'd and wi'iitlit-iHlriiipi'd; 2W lull landsi api'd; Kooit Kai iilJi'. Uwucr Ifuvliiif. J2M, 2 lir., mod.; oil funiaii.-; ne. Inl; lutatril on main hlway; can be UM'd lor IiiinIui-hh louillon, Inv mud. pun. JikxX), u-i'iim. WANT TO S1SLL? We need house - oust null-, west Mill all around the town. 'Iin;. Utile, low piked or IiIkIi priced. List ll lulriy we 11 sell It. Cull 1H.I lodav. j. S. tuiviK Co. I UI'I DRY JACKI'INIS slab wood und limb wood. 1'hone It. 2 CORD 111" gr. sluh, SM.00; 2 cord lb" dry sluh, SliMXl, Uellver eil In llcnil. I You haul Ironi s n id, 5ii per cord.) Cenirul Oregon huei Co., phune 201-W. D'M A iil Ri'iimond, Ore. DRY IIODY WOOD, any length. Immediate delivery. Jim und lleoige Ullson. I'lione WJ-W; or write 331 'a Rlverlront. W(XD for sale: $12 cord In one. cord lottTluee cords or over, $11. I'rompl delivery. 1'hono 1253-K. Iiu Adumn i'l. lici t Houston. - GOOD H1S.WY Jnckplno slub wood for sule. lietter slock up now for winter. Drop a curd lu O. D, Alexander, Lupine. DRY IIODY pine wood, $9 a cord by 5-curd loud. 1'hone bJS. Ruiz Wood Yard, Sisters, Oregon. COALGASCO BRIQUETS I'RESTOLOGS i Order now, DON'T liE CAUGHT COLD. Keep your Iul-1 bin MJLL. BEND STORAGE 4 TRANSFER 222 Irving Ave. Phone 444 CHEAPEST WOOD in town, good dry U"x8" lies sawed in 14 , lb 24 '. 3 cord load, $22.50 ; 2 cord $15.50; 1 cord $8, Prompt deliv ery. 1305 Elgin Ave.; or phone 1M2-W. Fur Sule- ! arm Products FRYERS und young pullets. Jim Mulsoii, Rt. 3, Box 107. Phone 2102J1. FRYER CHICKENS, dressed. 50e lb.; li ov more, 45c lb. ' ml. past Deschutes ltd. on Buller Mkt. Rd '.a ml. norlll. Minify Cole. CONSIGN YOUR LIVESTOCK to Cen I nil Oregon Auction lor the highest prices. Sale every ihursdav. Ik-n R. Smith, Mgr. Phone 12-R-3. GENTLE 4-YR. old children's saddle pony. Very small. Ray Neff, Shevlln Park. For Sale Miscellaneous BIG CLEARANCE ON USED APPLIANCES Refrigerators -7-fl. Westlnghuuse ... ..$83 ..$80 l-5.U-ft. 1 5.0 ft. Crosley Leonard ..$75 ..$60 ,..$65 Stoves -Electric 1- L&1I 1-G.E Stoves Wood 1 Pacific Range ..$35 lncl. coils and water tank 1 Trash Burner $59 Same us new. Stoves (Jus 2 Your Pick -...$90 One has never been 111. 1 Used Wesllnghouse Roast er; the same us new $15 BEND ELECTRIC Plume 159 644 Franklin A LARGE slock of rccondlllotied und guaranteed used relrigora tors from $49.50 up; used wring er washers from $19.50 up. Used aulomulic electric runges from $39.50 up und also Ironcrs. 165 E. Greenwood, Oregon Equipment Co., phone 888. RADIO TUBES Complete slock Plillco mid other nationally known brumls. T ubci tested, Bend Furniture Co. I or Hulls Mlmu-llaiii'iMin LESTEIl Spinet plain), new. Cull Redmond H J, Dolllvcr holel. 2 SMALL SIZE 1255 E. aid. Wood heaters. WOOD CJKC; good cond. Single cul. Cheap, Awbrcy llil. MONTA'i CIKC, hi-ati-r unil pipe. J Mil Coluinblu. I'lionu WW W, IlL'WAKK OK i-'AKIKS-JIIikt-uut out ol town Hi-wliiK inaclilne mi'ii art- ri-pri-Hi-mliiK IIh-iiihi-I ves u cmployift-H of Unit company tlit'su iiii-ii arc liaudH. We do not employ liouKe lo house mileitmi-ii. I'leano plione u If one of tliem cul In on you, or notify your local police dept. There 1m u law uuainul cloor-lO'Uoor uolicilhiK. ANDLItSON SKWINO MACIIINK & AI'I'LI- ANCJtJ CEN TLK Hend 1'lione 8G2 W 2 WUMLN'S KUK COATS, In per fect cond. Sli-it 12 and Hi. Very leaHonahle. 1'hone l.ii'H K. DKLUXL MANdLK. Illli und low Kpeed. Knee Ik hand control. KeuHonnblc. ( W, 1st. THOI'ICAL KI.S11 and aiuarlum. Male liampKli-iH. Mtl-1 W, J.hi. h'LL'CTItOLUX: Complete with uttach. S(iil,75. Cull 1'hll I'hll luook, Yi'S.ii. 1301 IC. 3rd. Only aul)ini1.-(l saU-H und Hervlce. LOCKKKS: You can Ket a Lock er now. Also lieef und pork bv Hit- half or quarter. Mid -Statu Meat Co. 37 (ireenwood. I'lioue Oood 3O-30 rifle. $32.50; medium sized oil circulator, $211.50; new und used sinks; new finished or unfinished chests of diuwers; kitchen range, $12.50; nielal or canvas folding col, $3; 12-gu. sin gle barrel shotgun, $7.50; dining lable, wilh 5 chrs., $2-1.50; con sole, buttery radio, complete Willi battery, $ls.50; new water cans, $1.50: breakfast nook table wilh upholstered benchc. $15; new and usimI mattresses; davenport with 2 mulching chairs, $15; vio lin; gullar; table model cream separator; new swing rockcm, $19.50; cream enamel kitchen range, with copper colls. $22.:0; plnbull machines, just right lor rumpus rooms, $5 to $15; boy's bicycle. $7.50; round oak tables, $3. Lots ol used furniture of ull kinds. CLII-TS BARGAIN SIOT North lilwav Open Evenings 1'hone 1531-W GIRL'S BICYCLE: Schwinn. Practically new. Also, blond oak baby crib and muttrtfcs. Phone 589. .- r ; aj G HARDWOOD' (Ihiliig chairs; 4 Simmons Ik-iI and mattress; rock ing chair; two 30" circular saw blades. All excellent condition. Phone 7U7, evenings. $50 MAN'S BICYCLE, like new. Sale. $33 cash. Rt. 2, Box 289, Bend. Fur Sole I'sed Car BEND GARAGE CO. "Our 33rd Y'ear" 1919 Bulck Roadmaster Sedan. Practically new, with new car guarantee. Dynaflow drive...$2995 1918 Plymouth Sedan. Colorful green, with complete accessories. Thoroughly checked S1495 1917 Chevrolet Aeroscditn. Re deem the excellent care it has re ceived. Many accessories S1595 1917 Chevrolet 5-pass. Coupe. To be thoroughly reconditioned, in side und out. 1937 Chevrolet Sedan. Exception ally clean $375 1937 Chevrolet 2-dr. Sedan. Worth more $275 1937 DcSoto 5-pass. Coupe. Bar gain $275 1930 Buick Sedan. Clean, one owner $275 Phone 193 FELIX MOTOR SALES Your Sludebaker Dealer 1026 Bond St. DEPENDABLE USED CARS Cor. of Harriman and Irving 1918 Commander Starlight Coupe, with heater, over drive and underseul; 15,- 000 miles $1695 1919 Mercury Sport Sedan, 4-dr Radio, heater, over drive. Over $700 Discount at $2145 1940 Studebaker, 4 dr. Heat er, new rubber, t'ericci mechanically $515 1936 Plymouth Deluxe 4-dr. This cur is much belter than average $225 1936 Pontine Coupe, lias healer and 12 Beaut ilul Girls goes wilh tills one. For only $D5 1936 Dodge 4-dr. With R&H. Runs good $95 1934 Ford 2-dr. A good work car $115 "COMMERCIALS" 1948 Ford lVton. Looks and runs like new $1095 m 1949 Mustang Trailer. Brand new W75 For a belter buy in New or Used Cars und Trucks "REMEMBER" Unless you see us before you buy, wo both lose money. Phone For New Curs and Trucks 561 For Used Curs und Trucks 1820 For Kuli? 1,'m-iI CnrB l'JU LLS(I'0 Kir. CiiHlom se. dan. lludio and healer. $.Yii. 'lu.) IS. IrvniKi or phone JOiHS W. 1!HH WILLYS JKKI'; excel, coml.1 I'lione 1 HJ.t-W. 313 IS. Oreenwood. : ts K T K A II IS on home: 2 ton Dodce truck; A 1 cowl. See any ; lime und make olfi-r. i lO'i Davi-n poii. 1'honi; W.I W. 1!I37 (IMC 'S.-loii pickup; Kood crs; nsklnn steady to stronf? ean cond. $275 cash, or term. L. K. ner and cutter cows at 9:50 to uverton, lit. 3, iwjx 11.. la ml. :l I'M HI 111 I Hlt V.IUI. lil'll CIIISV. Town sedan. 17iiU W. 1st, I'hnne Ii2li-W. S500. '42 STULISIiAKISR Champion 4 dr. sedan. Will trade euuity for cash or cheaper car. lial. due U pmt. at $22. 333 IS. Olney. I-'or Iti'iit AIM'S. KOH KISNT for winter mouths. I. ltancho Motor Hotel. 1'hone I'M'., lU'dmond. IlISUKOOM: Men only. Clean, warm; prl. entrance; 2 blks. from I'llot Hutte Inn. IW West Mist St. I'lione 325-J. 2 lilt. 1WM-J. AIT. Klver front. Call NICK, CLKAN, mod., lee., unfur nished, 1 br. apt.; with storcrm., garage I'ropane furnace und range. Call 1G94-J. DUPLEX AITS.; 1 and 2 br., fur nished or unfurnished. Will rent 1 apt. or eniiie house. Dble. ga- rage. Newport. Phone 210-L. AITS. FOR RENT: All furnish ed. Inquire Shady Nook Motel, 405 East 3rd. FOR RENT at 120 Canal St.. 2 nn. cabin, partly furnished, lights und water Included. VERY NICE sleeping rm. fo, man. $20 per month. 418 Florida, j Phone 245-W. 2 BR., FURNISHED, duplex apt. Auto, furnace heal. Phone 1173-J, or Inquire ul York's, back Carroll Acres Store. Hauled SMALL, FURNISHED, mod. apt.! East side. Reasonable rent. Phone 589. : WOULD LIKE to rent or store1 pluno for leaching. Piano will have best of care. Phone Prind-1 vllle 7271; or write L. C. Huset, ' Rt. 1, Box 515, ITineville. TOP PRICES paid lor ,any kindBcnd and Redmond high schools ui i-uiiiL- juu nuvt: tu sen,- ml vi thin. Will pick them up at your ranch. Randall Miller. Redmond. 1'hone 168-X. ' WOULD LIKE to buy some good milk cows that will freshen soon: also any other kind of cattle you have to sell. W. R. Franks. Red mond. Phone 78. WILL GIVE $300 trade In on 1 car in running order, 1921 older. HAND MOTOR CO. Phone 61 1S3 E. Greenwood WANTED TO BUY: Livestock of any kind, any amount. Also horses. Have cash buyers. See Nick Chase, or drop card: Rt. 3, Box 96; or phone 790-W. Leave word. WANTED: GUNS. New or used. Cash or trade-in allowance. Evans Fly Co. Phone 815-J. Help Wanted AVAILABLE: The best one-man business In city of Bend. We pro vide capital.. Car required. Write J. R. Watkins Co., 137 Dexter Ave., Seattle, Wash. Situations Wanted MAN with chain saw wants work. Also wood for sale. Call 1515 W-2 after 6 p.m. ask for Don. Wishes MIDDLE AGED LADY work as housekeeper in modern home. Phone 15id-J. Ixist PEKINESE PUP; redish tan; from Lower Bridge schl. house. Mrs. Evea Adams, Lower Bridge, Terrebonne. STRAYED, one pole Hereford SAVY -ING, gumriiing, ham bull calf, 7 mos. old. If found call mi,,,in?' bi'nd saw welding. sander a;VR ur ru'ij , belts, band saw blades, new han- 01 13 F04. ,1 d,cs mmK in ,00ls Scxton Supplv Found 1 & Saw Service, 1195 Wall Street. 1IOLSTEIN HEIFER; straved to H.'C. Friedley Ranch, Rt. 1. Box 314. Services GULICK TRUCK Service: Long distance livestock and hay haul ing. We pick up livestock for lo cal markets, Redmond Auction house, or for shipment direct to Union Stock Yards, Portland, Phone 790-W. FURNITURE MOVING; dust proof padded van. We pack your china with care, hang your clothes In our wardrobe. Local and nation-wide moving and storage. Holman Transfer, 201 Irving. Phone 987. TRAVELING Truck-Crane. Doing light or heavy duty hoisting, load ing or pulling. R. B. Watson. Plume 1099-J. 1636 Galveston. WASHING MACHINE SERVICE and repairs on ull makes. Phone 274. 1033 lirooks. WATER HAULING, $5 und $7.50 per load. Call 9-F-U. . WELL AND DRAIN hole drilling. Cull Cliet Sumner, phone 1007-M, or Gilbert Long, phono 1010. Free' esllmutes; all work guaranteed. EIJKCTmCAiTW I R IN G AU, types of electrical wiling by guar anteed licensed men. Free esti mates. Telephone 159. I'OICTI.AM) I.IVKSTOCK I'ortland, Oi l. ,')l ui'i . . Catllc nalalile 2'fM market uneven; Blimnhter Hlecrs fairly active, steady to hi rone; asking Htrong to hlKher for nil (,'raden cown; very few early kuIck; medium ;KrHS dicers 20.W) to 23.50; aver K" K'xi 12-10 lb. fed steer 2i.00; common steer down lo 1li.00; few medium heifer 17.00 to 19.00; some held higher; very 111 tie done cutter dairy type steer and heif- 1.00; n.skln 12.50 to 15.00 iilKive for common and medium i beef cows; bulls strong; top 50 cents higher at 18.00; common und medium sausage bulls 14.00 to 10.50. Calves salable 500; good veal ers fully steady at 22.00 to 23.50; good heavy calves 20.00; very slow on common and medium calves and vealers. Hogs salable 000; market ac tive; around 1.00. below last week's high; good and choice 180 lo 230 lbs. mostly 20.00 ; 245 lo 275 lbs. 18.00; good 130 to 100 lbs. 18.00 to 18.50; several lots to feeders; sows around 50 cents low er; good 350 to 550 lbs. 15.00 to 10.00; lighter weights to 16.50; asking to 20.00 for choice light feeders; good 520 lb. stags 14.50. .Sheep salable 13.)0; market ac- tJ(, five, steady: ewes strong; early top 50 cents higher: good and choice slaughter lambs 2L00 o j churchlll-Stalin conference at Yal 22.00; medium and good WM to , H also wen, to San Fran. 20.50 good feeders 1700 to 18 00; I , heafl of (ne Uni(ed States yearlings scarce; pood ewes 6.50 1 to 7.00; one lot 7.50; commons , down to 4.00 PORTLAND MARKF.TS Portland, Oct. 31 'tliPortland butter and egg prices were un changed today. Butter Price to retailers: Grade AA prints. 68c lb.; AA car- tons H9c; A prints. R8c; A car tons. G9c; B prints, G5c. Egg prices to retailers: Certi fied A large, 62c doz.: grade AA large, G2c; A large, 60c; AA me dium. 49c; certified A medium. 48c; B medium. 45c; A small, 42c; cartons. 2c additional. Cheese Price to retailers: Portland, Oregon singles, 39-42c lb.; Oregon 51b. loafs, 44V4-45C lb.; triolets. Hie less than sin gles. Premium brands, singles, 51 '.ic lb.; loafs, 532c lb. GAME TONIGHT 'Hie junior varsitv football win oe maicneu in a game loiugnr under the lights of Bruin field, .Camp lime i 8 u rn f' School officials announced that "'fhlZ wl" be n0 a''ss'n charge Services SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, drain holes shot. Free estimates. Phone 1252-J or 975-J. D. W. Grimes, 210 Davis Ave., Bend. j CARE KEEPS IT ROLLING j For dependable auto repairing 1 at reasonable rates, call 2100-J1, Val's Auto Repair. '-niile east on Burns highway. Free pickup and delivery service. All work fully guaranteed. STORAGE PACKING MOVING To, from, or within Central Ore gon. Good equipment and experi enced men. BEND STORAGE & TRANSFER 222 Irving Ave. Phone 444 HEATING: Service and Repair of all makes of oil burners by factory trained men. Oregon Heating Co., 510 Delaware. Cail 513, day or night. FOR WELL and drain hole drill ing call Lee Grimes, 224 Davis, phone 975-J or 1252-J. I HOUSE MOVING and raising; ..,T srnj,ll Vjstimnlps claillv given. Holman Transfer. 201 Irv ing. Phone 9S7. CARPENTER WORK: New con- struction, rough framing, remod- eiing, cabinets, huilt-ins and shop i worn F. W. Page, phone 650-M, 1 general contractor. HARDWOOD FLOORS, laying sanding, finishing. Also refinish old floors, like new, free esti mates. CASCADE HARDWOOD FLOOR CO. 221 Greenwood Ave. Phone 167 MOUNTAIN VIEW N tirslnc Home. 636 Colorado, has opening for 3 patients. Phone 1590-W. I NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Deschutes County his fi mil account of his administration of the Estate of Stone Vernon Lowery, deceased, and that hear ing thereon will be held in the Countv Court Room in the Court- ! house, In Bend, Deschutes Coun 1 ty, Oregon, on the first day of ' December, 1949, at 10 o'clock a.m. All persons Interested In said ; estate arc required to appear at 1 said time and place and show cause ,if any they have, why said final account should not be al lowed and settled and said estate dosed and the Administrator and his bondsmen discharged. : Dated and first published thio 31st day of October, 1919. i Claude L. Lowery, Administrator. De Armond, Goodrich, Foley & Gray, Attorneys 27b-284-239-295-C Stettinlus Dies (Continued from Page 1) In 1D2G, hp became assistant to the president of the company and within seven years was a vice president. Went l'p Favtt During his career with General Motors, Stettinlus negotiated the largest group employe Insurance l polli-v In history amounting to $4;i0,0lXJ, and covering more than 2M)m employes. He often said It was his greatest accomplish ment as an Industrialist. In 1934 Stettinlus Joined United States Steel corporation and with in four years, at the age of 37, became chairman of the giant corporation. A few months later, mainly through Stettinlus' efforts, U. S. Steel broke the Industry's solid front against organized labor by signing Its first contract with the CIO. The late president Roosevelt hailed Stettinlus' activities as "in dustrial statesmanship" and later was to call on him to help guide the nation's foreign policy as sec retary of state. Stettinius served as secretary of state for seven months and iduri that r,od help lay tne ; , 1i,ri, V ,h. Rm,it. j '," ,'i , ,u iqj u,,ih -,lrir rrnfprpnril drafted curity conference which drafted the charter lor the united ra tions. In 1926, Stettinlus married Vir ginia Gordon Wallace. They had three sons Edward R. Ill, and twins Wallace and Joseph. Stocks Sold by Traders at N. Y. New York, Oct. 31 W Reports from responsible sources said Bethlehem Steel and the steel workers union were near agree ment on a new contract and Wall street took the opportunity to realize profits today. It was an application of the old adage "Sell on good news." As profit-taking got under way. offerings dried up so that volume fell substantially from the recent pace when the market was ad vancing. Net losses extending to a point br more were spread over a broad list, notably in special issues, rails, farm implements, oils and rub bers. Steels held better than other sections. Gold mines en joyed a strong market in the early trading when Homestake mining equaled its high. Motors sagged after Chrysler had made a new high and General Motors equaled its top. During the period of the steel strike so far the month of Oc toberthe market has risen in 14 sessions and declined or held steady in 11 others. During the month ending today, the share list has been enhanced on paper by around $2,000,000,000. At the high earlier today, the industrial average was at a 15-' month high. The utility average recently set a new three-year high. The rail average still is well under its high for the year. Auto Shortage Thing of Past (By United Press) The buver is back in the driv er's scat for new cars, with virtu ally any make or model" ready for on-the-spot delivery, a United Press survey of 23 cities across the nation revealed today. Dealers reported that the pro spective buyer is now getting vir tually the same tueatment and service as before the war. And with money getting scarcer, the customer is likely to get even better service in the future. The survey revealed that buy ers can now buy any make direct ly off the floor, get a demonstra tion if he wants one, obtain a fair-or-better trade-in value on his old jalopy, and even be choosy about whether or not he wants j "extras" in the way of ornaments I and equipment on the new car. i In some cases, however, he might have to wait a few days for certain color jobs or for less-1 standard models. But that was 1 true even before the war since 1 it's virtually Impossible for deal- j ers to Keep one ot every model and color on their floors at all times. Dealers were fearful of the na tional strike picture, however. They said that if auto manufac turers are forced to shut down as threatened this month because of the steel strike, automobiles and trucks might once more be come difficult to obtain. MUS. McWHOKTEH DIES Mrs. Laura McWhorter, 77, a resident of Bend for the past 22 years, died Sunday afternoon fol lowing a lingering illness. Mrs. McWhorter, a native of Menasha, Wis., was the widow of the late Ahner W. McWhorter. She was a member of the Methodist church. There are no surviving relatives. Arrangements for the funeral had not been made today. Ancient Hebrew Scrolls Checked For Authenticity By lliirnuin W. NlehoU (United l'ra SUvlf Corroatmndant) Washington, Oct. 31 mi Some of our leading scholars have ex pressed doubt whether the He brew scrolls, found in a cave south of Jericho, are the real thing. The sacred writings, believed to be over 2,000 years old, now are on display at the library of con gress. They are Insured for half a million dollars. Dr. Lawrence Marwlck, chief of the Hebraic section of the li brary, is one of the believers. He says the greatest doubt as to the authenticity of the scrolls comes from Prof. Solomon Zeltlin of Dropsie college in Philadelphia. The professor came here and had a look at the scrolls and said he thought they were of much la ter origin than supposed. He cited, among other things, the condition of the parchment. History Given A little history: The exciting story began when a particularly hungry goat Jump ed the fence in 1947 looking for a fresher pasture, lnls was in the foothills of the northwest shores of the Dead sea, south of Aln Feshkha the area presently claimed by the Hasimite ruler of Transjordan. This goat was followed by his Bedouin shepherd, who wanted to get it back In the fold. The billy led his master Into a small circular opening in a rock face and thence into a cave. The goatherder's eyes popped at what he saw. There, on the earthen floor of the cave, were a number of large earthen jars covered with an ancient script. In all, four complete manu scripts were found. Three of these are among the display here. The fourth requires expert hand ling before it can be unrolled. Most valuable of the group is the virtually complete scroll of Isaiah the complete text. Cave Excavated Dr. Marwlck says the cave in which the writings were found re cently was excavated by two of the leading authorities of archae ology in Palestine. Pottery found there is said to be characteristic of the Macca- bean age. before the time of Her od the Great in the years ty'nre Christ. That cinches the aut'ien ticity so far as the library of congress expert is concerned. It is interesting to note that in addition to the complete manu scripts discovered, fragments of some 200 others also were found. While the debate goes on. the scholars admit there Is a touch of mystery about the whole thing. How did the scrolls happen to sur vive? Since all were made of the same tough parchment, how come there are some whole manu scripts and only torn bits of others? The cave which the ancient curator selected for the deposit turned out to be an excellent hid ing place, anyhow. It's entrance can't be seen from the plain be low. Entered by Romans Dr. Marwlck says, that it has been established definitely the cave was entered around 200 A.D. Within, besides the scrolls, the scholars found a later Roman lamp, which dated itself by what the students knew of other lamps from the same period. So, Dr. Marwick concludes, it is possible that other scrolls may have been removed at that time. Whatever happened to them if there were any more nobody knows for sure. What catches the eye of the VERN LARSON AGENCY Insurance & Real Estate 135 Oregon Ave. Phone 33 BEND, OREGON 2-Room Modem Garage and wood shed. 100' street frontage. $500 down. $1500 Wanted Stock Ranch Have buyer for Stock Ranch that will handle 100 head of rattle. Good buildings not necessary. Buyer for Dairy Have buyer for Grade A Dairy. Up to $40.0410. either furnished or unfurnished. CONTACT MR. DUBOIS FOB THESE LISTINGS. Brooks-Scanlon Quality Pine lumber Brooks-Scanlon Inc. Hoffman Warns Europe fo Slash Own Barriers Paris, Oct. 31 mi- Economic co ordination administrator Paul I luff man told western European powers In effect today that they hud better start tearing down their economic harriers Immedi ately If they wnnt more Marshall plan aid. , Hoffmnn flew here from Wash ington and addressed tile opening meeting of the 19-natlnn council of the organization for European economic cooperation. "The people and the congress of tne united states and, 1 am sure the great majority of the peoples of Europe, feel that economic In tegration Is essential If there Is to be an end to Europe's recurring economic crises." he said. "A European program to this end would, I strongly believe, give new Impetus to American support for carrying through Into 1953 our Joint effort of lasting European recovery." Youth Rescued From Tiny Ledge Tuscon, Ariz., Oct. 31 (IPiWal ly Lundbohm, 20, Tucson, was rescued from a tiny ledge 1,000 feet above the head of Pima can yon north of here early today. The youth, stranded on the six foot wide, 20-foot long ledge high in the Catallna mountains since yesterday afternoon, was hauled 800 feet up the sheer precipice after a volunteer mountain climb er succeeded in getting a rope to him. Chilled by near freezing tem peratures, he was none the worse for wear. The youth spent the night on the narrow ledge where he be came stranded while attempting to scale the cliff at the head of the canyon 14-miles north of here. Sheriff's deputies, aided by floodlights and a public addresa system from nearby Davis Mon than air force base, worked throughout the night to reach Lundbohm. Bend Neewollah (Continued from Page 1) Legion auxiliary members assist ed with the work, and materials were provided by the sponsoring organizations. Leading the parade tonight will be the high school band. The mu sicians also will play at the gym nasium, as the marchers pass be fore judges. Businesses which donated prizes for the best costumes were named in an article which appeared in The Bulletin last week. Bend The aters, Inc., was inadvertently omitted from the list. "The legion and auxiliary join in urging all youngsters of Bend and nearby communities to take part in tne parade, Mrs. I'arsons said today. Plans have been con sidered for making it an annual event, if Interest is sufficient. people who visit the library of congress exhibit is the 24-foot long script of Isaiah. It is writ ten in the Hebrew characteristic of the second century B.C. It is therefore recognized as the oldest existing manuscript of any portion of the Bible in any lan guage. It is more than 1,000 years old er than the earliest previously known Hebrew manuscripts, dat ed after 916 A.D. Sleeping Bags Reg. 27.50.. 18.50 Circulating Heaters and Oil Heaters.. $12.50 up Used Davenports. $25.00