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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1949)
THE BEND BULLETIN GENERAL NEWS SPORTS CENTRAL OREGON'S DAILY NEWSPAPER ' BEND, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1949 33rd Year No. 275 Marvin Mix, First Siring Lava Bear Guard, Unable To Play Against Medford Conch Ituil Ktilii'i'tmin Inilny tuiiiiiiint'i'il Hint Marvin Mix firm Htrinif irwinl dm tin- l.nvn licur funtliiill loam, will Iwivi to lie licnclu'il for tin- rt-imi i in ii j nf tin' xciiMnii lieentiMi' of u frui t u nil i iici-k lionc Mix's iomtiiiii on tln linn prolmlily will lie filleil in totnnr row'tt K'uiir MiMll'onl by cithiT Pniniiiui llainly or Dulo Tlioriiliiirt:. Mix, it Irtti'i'iiiaii at tin- kiihi-iI intuition, miw a majority of tin- artion ho fur HUH MCIIHOII, Huskies Hoping Bowling Coast Conference Briefs llm Iomm ciiiiii'M at a lime when tin- Hi'iirx, iiltlioiinh through in .Six cntnpi'ti tion for tin' year, will have KiuiicH wild two of tin- power ti'iinm of tin- dliiti', Mi'ilford mill KIhiiimIIi hulls. 1.4'UVi Tmnorrow Tlu Ilrutn Kiiiinl will leave by biiN al 7 it. in. tomorrow for the Sport Parade New York, Orl. 'n 'll'i Hiiki'. I IniII'h iIi'IiiiIIiik rrn, known more i f : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 a 1 1 y iik the II ol Stove IriiKiic ftcininn, wns fifflrliilly un : drr way Inilny Willi IhiIIoIh nrrlv I Iiik from (in anil wlili lo iijnni tin1 nil hIiiik of every major ) league ilfun tinent. t.. M...I. I ...I ,1 ill '"" "" Ml 11-1,1111 111 un- III1J- .1. I ..I ,, ,.. , ,,. ' , I llll'lll lO lIlKI'lOKI' i iiini vii.ii un' nun n i hi iiiiiiiii-n. ' KolirriNon riMiortcil thiil thii hciiiinl will Nt.iy over- nli:li( In Aleilforil mill return Kul unlay lo llrnil. ' Tonight tlii llrulu imiIih, roach-, eil by ItoKi r Wiley, will travel In Itrilmoiiil for a ninht Kiune wlih lhi' Ki-ilnuinil ficstiuian leiim. (nine I Inii' Ih H i i. hi. Wlli-y iiii iioonii'il (hut 1 1- Hiiutlni: lineup has not hi-en ilrcliliil yet. I'mluiMc biirkH to ht.irt for the' varsity iie,alnr( Mcilfuiil an (li-ue: Molllil'iiy. Ken Hmwii, Iilik Ar mnny anil lilll Wlialcy. On the line. It will lw .lin k Knlilsnn, left; . I'heli.u CulllMuii, I - f I iiyklc; In un nan llainby or I Hi If I'tim nlmi i;, Irft Koiinl: 'loin Nlclerc,al. cen-i ter: hone. T h o in p Hon. rh:ht Kiianl; Civile Trovl. rlclit tackle; l-urcni-o Carroll or Pick ItiiHiniiN-! hiMi, rlKlit ml. j ( ItlllTN lo lUllkli till' trip mo I .iir-' ly Stiinillfi'r. Ki-ncxt Martin. Hill : Sti-lill. Anile Klni'harl. Kolnncl , Hi'UKoii. Jim Wailc, Ki'li Steveim, I'M Krllis, Al Morris, Itou AIiIhiII ami Jlui lillllliiml. to iIIkcIoki' my choice for rookli bat boy of tlu year, rliam ilon lint (Iiik exterminator, tin' l!H!l hlcuchcr I1I11K, Un' Ix'Ht ttoob ri e.nlihlcr, or any other tieim iireil tllli' In that ili'jiartini'nl. Hut my ballois for the "hint" In lhi' linsllii KS of plnylue, base- ball all ri'inl llki- this: I'lrst base Tommy Nrw Voi k Yankee. Will Beat U.S.C. I'.y Ijiyil Huliiuir lllulti-il l'n Hm.m Wnli-rf Xintllc, Wimli.. rl. 27 'II'' 'lhi Unlvi'isily of WasliliiKlnn Huh kli'N urc hoping n little i;uy In tin Invisible Hull will Mart playlnK un Ibi'lr Hide iic.alu whi'ii they mi'i'l Sonllii'in Callfornln hi'ic Silur ilny. Ami koiiip illHiiHti'il Iliihky! faiiH say tint siiiail I'oulil uki' him. ! 'l hi' lllllr fellow wan a If) year -i old Jinx koIiik by the name t'SC-; rant-win in Seattle. He dli-d from, a l!l() Mori. In 1!II7, but the Wash-! IiiKIoiiIiiiih tioix' to revive him. i It nil Ktarted in "Si when 111 Jaikl. Second Iiiihi' Krimklyn. 'I'll I til Iiiihi' trolt. Shortstop kees. Ted W llllniim Nulin il Outfield Ted Williams. Boston Ureal US(.' team with Cotton War burton UK lis star Mueuked tbrouis'li " win over l hi' 1 1 us kles. IJntll two years no, this was the last lime Ihe TrolaiiK liiul an I enjoyable lialn ride bai k from Ihe I'uki'I kouiiiI i'lly. I The last five llnun the south land plants nunc here they were j heavy favorites to blast !otli the ! Jinx anil the Huskies. Three times I lenrli ll. I they confused Ihe experts by Irs liiK. In I!II2 they hint to settle for M KIM H ANTS I.KA..I K ! I KiiKsi-H's Shell service last nlubt i moveil Into undisputed first place j of the leai;ue by dropping lhe I TiuilwayH sipiad by lour points. , 'I hi- 1'oHt (dflce, lied lor firs! I place this past week wltii the! ! Shell Irani, dropped to second j i 'place In the standings when ilr-, fcateil on a three point ic.iiKin by ihe Oiccnwnod Oiocery liowl- crs. ; In other malchrs Ijcnd Tjoy I. . 11111111 y won thii'i' poiuis from: Ihe 1'iistlme, and the Waldorf five ' took three from the Mld(:rt In ive-; ' In sipiad. I Joe luillos hail hl!h (jaine of 2(11, and Call Sullivan hlnh series! oi r,:a : ! 'I cam honors went to the Post 1 ' Of flii' on a K'one of f.'.'), ami to' i Ihe (ircenwood Oroccry Mpiarl on ; li He i les of 2KVK Scores follow: I'a. iiir Trailnkr.: O'.i.uliui.. 3'h ; llkrt. Is Aiie.i li M. Oct. 27 'II'. Secre. cy and Just u Jot of tension was; evident mound ihe lCI.A prac- lice fielil today as Coach Henry j tiled I Siiideis tuned his one-; beaten sipjad for Saturday's era-; clnl flash iiiiainst Cnllfoinia. i Iis Aiio.i s. Oct. 27 'li'' With possibl" i.'iiny weather In store' lor Satuiday's tout bi'twei-n Washington and Ihe ly'iilversily of Southern California at Sea It If, the Trojans worked out with two speclalii il bin kfielils today. i Coach Jeff Cravath announceil a quai li'l composed of I'at Ouff, i Johnny Koucii, Jay llounily and lilll Martin, should the field be muddy. If the fielil Is dry and fast, spicily halfbacks Jim Pow ers and Al Cantor will replace Duff anil Fouch. Pullman. Wash.. Oct. 27 '111 Kootbull coach Phil S.irboe let his Washinton State srjuad taper off yesterday with a dummy serimrnaKe n preparation for the game Ha I unlay with Oregon State at Coi-vallis. Sarboe said WSC would win If they could bottle up OSC backs Pick Oray anil Ken Carpenter. Moscow, Ida., Oct. 27 Ml'. Full back Jim Chadband of the Idaho Vamlals will definitely miss the Portland university game Satur day, Coach Pixie Howell said. Yesterday Howell aKain stressed pass defense In the Vandals' i I workout. The Idaho team leads the conference in that department. j Corvallis, Ore., Oct. 27 din The Oreion Stale Beavers look a I heavy scrimmage yesterday In I I preparation for Saturday's Knme I uilh Wnuhinulin Slute The scrlmmae was designed to help I the Beavers learn to handle Washington Stale's speedy hacks. 'l Eugene, Ore.. Oct. 27 Mm The ! University of Oregon Pucks la I pered off their drills yesterday, i with no workouts planned today. as they prepared for their Inte. sectional contest against Iowa at Iowa City. The Pucks will hold a light drill Friday at the Iowa Memorial stadium. Berkeley, Calif.. Oct. 27 Mil Halfback Hill Montague will be the captain of the University of California Bears In Salunliiy's game with UCLA. Honorary cap tain will be Hush Hnhlke, who was Injured on the California gridiron last year and who now commutes by wheel ilinlr to Ihe UCLA campus. Palo Alto, Calif.. Oct. 27 d!" A rugged scrimmage, that wound up under the lights, was run through yesterday by the Stan ford varsity. The offensive team practiced against the freshmen, while the defensive unit worked out against Santa Clara plays used by the junior varsity. Willamette university In Ore goii is the oldest Institution of higher learning In the northwest. i -i i. Muki-r, XT!'; Hill, Mnki-r. :.:t; Ia 4i.: . llmiKli.-l-l. 4 t: T-iti.1 nil lm.-!i Slirll: lltir.tu'i.r. .Ml: Wallau. 't.ii; Hrn.ll-.iiy. Sf-I ; Hl.u-li. 4-!.! : a-,11, 141; H!rM-ll, :U',. 'lotMl I M.'li'i-t liMvi-in: ItlMki-. a.. . AI-.KM.U-i-. i .11.7 ; Allrli. 410; Sullivan. ,'.:i:! . Al...i-iil,-i., jl.'H, ll.ii-ri-, JI. 'l-lal .,.IJ I Wnl.l-rt : nlli-r. 41!.; l-lrni-.n. .1.:il : j IUiht. I.-I, ; ( un. Ml, 47b ; AUi-.a-. I..-.I Ceorge Kell, Pe Phil Ill.uto, Van llohlusoii, a double zero tie, but In '-17 they 'shook loose Jim tMvslicI Powers for their victory. MM.", ICccall.'d 'Itie last Washington victory In the series was In ' l.r). I ISC was hnwl'lMMind anil Washington -was classed as a low mediocre. The Boxing Officials Under Suspension ?, lied Sox; Halph Klner, Pitts-, Trojans bullied the Huskies on al burgh Pirates, anil Stan Muslal. most even terms until a few lulu St. UmiIs Cardinals. ult- Ix-fore the enil of the game. Calrher - - Hoy Cnmpanellii, With Southern Cal leading 7 t and Brooklyn. Washington close lo av dirt with Pitchers Kills Kinder ami Mel fourth down and several yards to Parnell. It.. Moil lied Sox. and go. Conch Halph Welch sent in Howie Pollet; St. Ijiuls Cardinals. , Wally Push, who spent his entire National rookie of the year - j time kicking extra points. Pon Ncwromhf. Hruoklyn. But on this occasion the ball American rookie nf Ihe year was snapiM-il lo push, who lossed I (Jerry Colrmau, Yankees. I , (;-i,. Hungar In the end zone . Miinager of the year- Casey : , Mr. J)X had Ills last lease on Sti'ligi'l. New Yoik Yankees. life. Nnturiilly. these wlrrtlons ! As tin- Southern Cal Washing. I won't get 100 per cent approval. on Keileii stands 12 to !t in favor MaylM- not even It) per cent. Hilt if llw. Trolans llm Huskies will iKiokle t;aylor Schullz says.!iM. bintllng a USC s(iiail once dlfferrno' of opinion makes a ;aL.i,in evelne the slim chance .if lli-ml 'I my !.aui!n-: Kiirfi. :i.'.r. ; Wilt- ' k"i. 411'; II. li-. 4..; Y-ur.K. 4'i:t ; Oltori. ; 4'.:i. 'l-ll U I'kit.iiM-; V (, 41: A. llaiii.n. .1"'. ; I I. Klu-r. 4'H : ('. Un liar-lM.ii. :-.'4 ; K. ' Smitli. 'I.rtjil Z.:.4. -.l Oflwi-: 441 ; rhrtrli-n-. rn. asi;: Claik. t::2 . Ki. l. 4:-..l; r... 4i.'.. - 'l-iiil 2.;r,4. li.i-rii-Bl i'ttfrrry : l-rli-rw-.i. Ill; Cun ilrll. 4'.i, . li-.l..-..iiM. 4; ; lml!. .',1a; Jt. j r..iin-. 4i:. 'l-.lal B.y. WOMK.VK MA IOIl I.KAl.l K Three point victories were post ed last night by the King Coal Krglrrs. Bend Dairy and Oregg's Banner Bread over Freeman's Tackle, the Smoke Shop and Bend Cal"'. respectively. The lienil Pairy squad won team honors with a hSti game and 21 10 series. Kvelvn Acuff rolled high game of I'M. and series high of 510 was scored by Frances Aleshire. Scores follow: ' lirrvit'a llal.ii.-r : A.' Muairraii-, S'.'S ; Ih I1J; II. I'-. 41.'. ; F. Alr- lilrr-. Mil; M. Illui-lii-r. :iv:.. 'I. tal W. Il.n.1 l air: II ll-.wr. ;iii;-; A. Ne. ai4; 11 Hai-Mrl. l.-f. ; K. Su-m. 4"4 : K. 'I'lrrm-y. 41.1 ' .'3. Sm.-a.- St.-i-: K. Artiff. 4'1 : II. V.-. SI" , M l-an.-.n. .i:-.l . II M alian. 41-J ; O. N-ici-lt. 4.'.:.. T..UI Wl. lU-nil Hairy: 1.. K.r. fit. M. Sh.Jn. ail; li. Oin-r. 4U4 . I'. CriK-lii-r. 44.1; A. 211.1. horse race. Ilenrlch hit only .2K7 and Petrol!, Mich., Oct. 27 "tin The i knocked III but 8.1 runs. Yet the unpopular decision which obscure ; gent from Ohio pel fornird spli'n U'ster I'eltun galiied over weller- dldly allhoiigh he had more brok weight contender Kid Cnvllim ! en Ismes than the average meat left the rrfri and one Judge In i market. Jtoblnson was a stand hot water with the stale boxing ' out ill second, the National league comnilr.slnn todav. j batting champ with a .312 mark. Commission secretary Ij'o Sou- i Any learn In bnsrball. Imrrlng I liill annoimcrd that licenses of 1 perhaps Brooklyn, would swap lleterre Moi lis Shn man and shortstops and take Hlzzuto. the Judge Sam Peaiislrln. who bark-1 R"V of the 1 anker Infield, cil I'cllon. hail been revoked and .Kell was the AL batting champ Hosi1 are IlliiVK I'MIKIt WAV an InveMlgatlon Into betting on the fight had begun. William Miiiney. a commission tucmtM-r wjilil the Iniitilt-v butt "Iio-iii-iI on niitltlnii In I in I leu 1 1 1 i bl thai anyone Involved was mixed i up In n glamhllng .scandal." Hut he ail. led that the Investigation would continue. The crowd booed tin spill de cision last Friday night which permitted Fcltnn lo vault from Hie culi fighter ranks In his first big test. I.uxlty Charged Soutiall said the licenses were "recalled" because he and Mat ney discovered "laxity by the two ofililals In carrying out their duties." He declined lo elaborate, except to say thai Commissioner Floyd Stevens had ordered the move and that i'eaiistelu and Sherman will be given a healing lo determine whether the suspen sion should be niade permanent. .Sherman said he permitted llm fight to continue "only hi fairness to the latgii crowd." He said he would have slopped the limit ot'i erwlse and declared ll "no con test." Pining the dull scrap, l-'el-ton constantly backpeddh'd out of range ami offered only a few light Jilt's which failed to hurt the pursuing Cuban. , (lavllan's niiiiuigeis moaned that they "never had been robbed so much," and many Hpectalors and ling experts who witnessed Uie Inlernnllonal Boxing club pro motion agreed. with a ..'t-121 mark. "Dream" Outfield An outfield containing Wil liams. Klner and Muslal would quite un outfit. Williams lost Hie batting crown to Kell by tContlnued on Page 101 r..n,...'. 1C I. 1-u . V, li I imi Honors. I lie i iuskics , 4iil, N c 4.-..T; o. M,i.-niium. a.m plainly counting on the , ' '"""'.! '": T'x' sophomore powers of Hugh Mc V.7.irV ':,.. "Z K-." Vi' m' i,uV'. Klhenny and Pon llejiirirh Jo I 4 ; K. Iioau. 43s. ii.i.i sans, keep them In the (tanie, and the I : possibility of the tvlurn of tlu Sinn 1 1 In llnv . . ! Madras. Oct. 27 -. With Max j Hicker, manager nf the Madiai I.N'Sl'I.T TO IN-ll llY branch of the U. S National bank Memphis "in Mrs. Kugrne Mr. of Portland as rhairman. having (Winn knows of our unnecessary succeisled the lale Ouy F. Wade sign. She recently crossed a cot- the annual campaign of the Jet ton field along two miles of rut-lferson County Community Chest ted. bumpy, dust country load. Is under way. The quota ol At a sharp bend in the road was ' S2. 1 iS.30. unchanged from last the sign: "Speed limit tiO miles j year, will Include allocations fir an hour." 1 Camp Fire girls. Hoy Scout.i, ! cancer fund and county library Use classified ads In The Bulle- ! in addition to state chariiy groups tin for quick results. which share in the collection. $1585 Yes, only 158500 Delivered in Bend! for a Chevrolet BUSINESS COUPE The Mosl Sought After Car In Aineiicn BEND GARAGE COMPANY 7(1!) Wall Kt. Phone l.1 Tpfor Halloween fife! crisp molasses cookies and hot; fragrant coffee Make it a parly with crackling-crisp molasses cookies that are easy to hake and steaming flavorful Hills Bros. Coffee. A blend of the world's choicest coffees. Hills Dros. Coffee has a hits-thc-spot flavor that's always the same. "Controlled Roasting," an exclusive Hills Dros. process, roasts the blend a little at a time continuously to insure an even roast of every col fee bean none overdone, 'none underdone. Hills Bros. Coffee is vacuum-packed for utmost freshness. Bf&l OLD-FASHIONED MOUSSES COOKIES l)f:l m . ....... . .s 1 3 oupi flour H oup uor 1 tanapoon Mlt , 2 tvatpoont elnnamon 1 toaipoon o'ngr H oup hortnlna 1 afli unbatn Vi eup moliuii y, eUp oold water 2 tMtpoent loda V4 eup hot water Blanohed halved almond! Mlt Hint Hlfl flour, miftiir, unit, rlnntiiuoit mul ItlnatT. I Hop nhnrlrnlntl on lop of thin mlilttrt iiiul uiifMHircri i-tlrt tin of thin. Mix nmlii with l, t up rold wiilt-r. Pour mi (up nf .ultimo, mi Ir uttlll ill tiloiiilotl mul lnut until mmiiilli. DIhnoIvp Motltt lit Vt t'up lutl iHtr mul iHlr into lnitltr. Drop hy tithU'Hpoon on Urouniil hnklntl Hi loot, i IihIh'n nor I, titul hiikv In uiodiTiili'ly hot ovoit Vt2y I'.) iihoul 10 niluuti'N. Whllo hoi, prcnii htilvfd nltuonile Into cookU'ii. Yloldi Altout A doivii inoliU'n. Srv with Hiflt Bros. Coffee Tiidtmaihi Km US. ft 0(1. CopvilM 1911-Hllll Biol CoflM, Inc. Everybody likes Hills Bros Coffee TWO GRINDS! t Regular Grind Drip and Olaii-Maher Grind Cautious Buying Cautious Manufacturing it Early Shopping Scarcity of Stock Replacements Santa Clays vill be POOR by Christmas! Yes, Santa will no doubt be out of the most desirable gifts well before Christmas this year. Stocks will grow slim early and replacements impossible to get! Here's the Reason Most stores bought Christmas merchandise cautiously, ex pecting downward price trends, which did not, and will not materialize. For the same reason manufacturers work ed on orders, instead of laying in a backlog of stocks. Re sult: it will be TOO LATE to order replenishing stocks! Bui DON'T WORRY you can CHOOSE NOW! a Fortunately, our stocks" are now complete. And already our customers have started selecting the more important pieces on their gift lists, while we have a full range of sizes, colors and qualities. We are selling many Christmas gifts NOW! We'll Hold Your Choice 'Till Christmas! We'll be glad to help you, too, to avoid disappointment. Simply select the things you'll need NOW, make a small deposit, and we'll wrap it and hold it for you until Christ mas. Don't get caught short get busy! fV V&lreJil'1' SELECT NOW! SUITS TOPCOATS ROBES JACKETS LUGGAGE HATS SHOES (We've gift certificates for these) Our lay-away plan is your guarantee of gift satisfaction. SHOP NOW A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ITEM.