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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1949)
THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1949 PAGE TWO NEWS OF SOCIETY Ua S. Grant, Snciety Vditnr - i (All oiMy flmit hmilil he nrjtoriwi ta 1 lie Bullrtin nnl Infrt thnn 0 " a.m. on ilia day ol ptibltralion, Turwtay. lltuntlays and Sttiintaya.) iiiiMuilWHiiititiiiiimiitmiiiiniiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiPN Double Wedding n BUM" ' At a double wedding to be solemnized Saturday, Nov. 12, at 2 p.m. at St, Francis Catholic church, Miss Dorothy Bush (left) will be come the bride of Philip Bradetich, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bradctich, and Miss Betty Jean Bradetich (right) will wed Leqnard Slate, son of A. H. Slate. Miss Bush is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Bush. Miss Bradetich is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. John Bradetich. v Elks to Novel Stage Party An outstanding social event of the season, for Elks and their ladies, will be the "S'ama-j'fraa!1 party to be held Saturday night, Oct. 29, at the BPOE hall in Bend. The affair was originally sched uled for the Elkhorn country club. The party is a revival of a former tradition, discontinued in recent years. In past years, the gay parties were among the most popular of all dances sponsored by the lodge. All dancers are cos tumed, exactly alike, and masks are worn. The costumes, similar 1o clown suits, are Elks purple on the entire right side, and white on the left. Material and patterns are available at a local store, at a moderate price, according to com mittee members. R. A, Ferguson, executive sec retary of the lodge, is in charge of arrangements for the party. Out-of-town guests of lodgemen will be welcome to attend, he said. Aamission, cosi-iree, emu xjiuy. iiciimiiiiciHa " m served. Catholic Altar society, circle 1, will -meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the-;St. Francis parish hall, with Mrs.'jGeorge A. Smith as hostess. JACK rBl CORNER Itememuer iuer I certainly slipped last week. I was too excucd, I guess, over the pros pect ot goinff bird hunting. Vveil, we uiu our usual ioui--sonii out with a ditfe.ence. The Ontario and ale Cham bers of Commerce had certain ly done a joo of selling; the idea: that (here were a lot of ' birder. in their country. Siaybj mere were, but we weren't where they were. The four of us worked so hard every day that even our cusiomary pen ny ante game in the evening had to oe cut short. A certain prominent cloth ier, for instance. Started out like an antelope on one sage brush jaunt. As he came back to the ear it was quite notice able . that he needed wheels under him. A certain prominent drug gist was so tired that ne coiiiil not quite HKlp over one of those "hot wire" fences. The looping illve he made into a in ud puddle would have done credit to .the Water 1'ageant and us he scrammed to his feet, he definitely was not (he picture of what the well-dressed should Wear. 1 lost my title of last year as to no birds, but, brother, the number of miles I walked certainly dampened my ardor at the end of eacn day. 1 was the fellow who was always where birds didn't get up. It finally got so uml i pat.ered my gun at varluus uistanci's on hoards anil so forth, so I could hear the gun go off. Next yearT tn, sure, we'll go but on a different basis. We will get a couple of na tives to turn' us out nn l if we do have to do a lot of walKing, we will at least be walking where (here are birds. You know I got to figuring that if the hunter ever lie;, in ed up what he paid per pound for pheasant, he would eat turkey and chicken-Mliey wouldn't cost $7.00 a pound and they are far easier lo get. Well, anyway l wus fun. Knotigh of hiiniing trips, lluw . auout making certain that your cur Is ready for the rigors of winter? We can give you a very accurate visual checking ol your battery so you won't go out to start on these cold mornings and find that your battery is complete ly gone. It doesn't cost any thing und It muy save ynu money. 'Unit Is at Iliillironks Motors you know, Minnesota mid Bond, JACK a JACK HALIIKOOK. Mvmber, C.nlral Ortsun Automobile Dealers- Ann. . 1 IUUINIIIIHUItUHIIn:i1UHIMIJWUIUUIHBHI)lUIUIHIIilUUHtUmiUUt41MlUIIUlWtUlll to Be Nov. 12 Lodge Group i fo Convene Here A full week end of activities Is scheduled Xor Women of the Moose. Members of the College of Re gents of the lodge have called a state convention for Sunday, Oct. 30, In Eagles hall.' Registration will start at 9 a.m., with official opening to be at 10:30, followed by discussion groups, with C of R leaders as chairmen. Lixcheon will be served at 12:30 in the Pilot Butte inn Blue room. The afternoon session will convene at 2 o'clock, with the five top chapters exemplifying the ritual work. At the close of the meet ing, tea will be served in" Moose hall. In preparation for the' conven tion, a special meeting will be held Friday, Oct. 28, at 7:30 p.m., in Moose hall, with all officers re quested to be present. A final practice for the .officers' escort drill team will be held Saturday from 1 to 2 p.m. in the Eagles hail, it was announced by Ida Smith, captain. Redmond Girl Is Party Honoree. Redmond, Oct. 27 (Special) Mif'Bonnie Young was guest of honort-a miscellaneous bridal showeFheld at the home of Miss Ilene Haves Thursday, October ! 20. Miss Phyllis Gilbert assisted Miss Hayes. The Halloween theme was car ried out in decorations and re freshments. After games, the guests pre sented luss oung with a rose bud corsage, and she opened her gifts. . ' The guest list included Mrs. El wood Young, Mrs. Donald Young, Mrs. G. A. Dye, Miss Doris Osen ton, Miss Hazel Edwards, Miss Geraldine Miller, Miss Lois Ham mond, Miss Phyllis McGregor, Miss Mina Elliott, Mrs. Bill Har ris, Miss Joan Wyckoff and Miss Lois Simmons. Miss Young was a member of the 1949 graduating class at Red mond Union high school. She will be married to Garth Bowman Sunday, November 6. WSCS TO OBSERVE WEEK The Women's Society of Chris tian Service of the Methodist church will observe the week of prayer and self-denial with two services of devotions on Friday, October 28. In the morning, from 10 to 11 a.m., Miss Mittye Vander vert will lead a study from "The Newness of Life." From 2 to 3:30 p.m., five meditations, "Spiritual Conversations Along the Way," will be presented by Mrs. Joe Russell, Mrs. John Gumm, Mrs. Harold Aspinwall, Mrs. Howard Cox and Mrs. R. E. Johnson. SCHENLEY . . . makes your favorite drink richer, mellower. $925 M hut $260 isat. UK IUNDID WHISKY. 16 PROOF. S UUH KttltHAl iPlKIIS. KUWlEY'lllSlllllltOK, INC, N. T.C. On California two-iwyi'"' '' rrn lis! V ''.; , i, J.-4 -" - U Ralph Cantrell and Dorothy Carolyn Graham, both of Bond, were united in marriage at an attractive iniormui ceremony saiuruuy afternoon at First Christian church. Rev. Len B. Fishback officiated at the double-rinc rites. The bride, daughter of Mr. and avenue, is employed by the Pacific telephone ami telegraph company as secretary at the plant office. She was graduated from Bond high school with the class of 1947. Cantrell is employed by Bend Lumber Products. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cantrell Sr., 1004 E. Greenwood avenue. Mrs. William Edwards, sister of the bride, was pianist for the ceremony. She played the wedding march from "Lohengrin," and the traditional recessional ny niendeissonn. sne aiso piaycu Always and "My Happiness." as background music. The church was Deautuuiiy ciecoratea ior tne occastoiiowitn large potted ferns and bouquets of white China chrysanthemums. .Candel abra held white tapers. The bride was given in marriage by her brother-in-law, William Edwards. She wore a cocoa brown suit, with a winter pink hat trim med with small pink pearls. She chose brown shoes and a white ruf fled blouse and white lace gloves. She carried a white Bible with an orchid and white satin streamers tied with stephanotis. Mrs. Robert Sutton was the bride's only attendant. Sne wore a beige suit, with brown and green accessories. Her corsage was of yel low rosebuds. John Cantrell Jr. was best man for his brother, and another brother, Douglas, ushered. After the ceremony, the bridal couple left on a honeymoon trip to California. When they return, they will be at home at 130!) E. Third street. Photo by Bob Suttun. "70 and 5" Club Sets First Dance For Nov. 5 Redmond. Oct. 27 The Seventy and Five dancing club of Red- mond has reorganized; the first ' dance is scheduled for Saturday. Nov. 5. at the VFW hall at the air- j base in Redmond. Under the new Plan up to 50 couples have been aririM? tn the mpmtwrshin tnnlnrl. ling some residents outside of the city limits. Although there will be: no particular guest night, special : arrangements have been made for j guests. I The dances for this season are scheduled for Nov. 5, Dec. 10. Jan. j 14, Feb 12. March 12 and April 9. All of these dates fall on a Sattir-1 day night. Bud Russell's orchestra will play for the first dance and iour omer aances. umar tinman s i orchestra will play for the Christ mas party. One dance of the seas on will be a costume affair. Jack Elliott is chairman of the executive committee and Mrs. C. H. Townsend Is secretary-treasurer. Other members are: Mrs. Har ry Sly, Mrs. R. L. Lewis, Mrs. M. F. Roberts, Ray Rogers, Dale Charleton and Dr. Charles Dud ley. Women of Hie Moose will hold the third, in the current series of public card parties Tues day, November 1, at 8 p.m.. in Moose hall. There will be prizes and refreshments, it was an nounced by Mrs. Darrel Pipes, hospital guild chairman, who is in charge of arrangements. Bend Garden club will meet : Friday at 2 p.m. at the home of j Mrs. Joe Slate, 344 Lee lane. The i program will be on "Trees and ; Evergreens to Grow in Bend, with Mrs. H. R. Plumb in charge, i Amusing Halloween arrange ments are to be disnlaved anil judged for points. j Honeymoon Mrs. Clifton Graham, 1620 Lytic CAMP FIRE LEADER NAMED Portland. Oct. 27 'Ui Mis. Rich ard W. Blalock. Marshall. Texas, was elected president of Camp Fire Girls, Inc.. at the national i triennial Camp fire conference in session here, Mrs. Blalock, in her acceptance speech, said the youth of America ls "ollr greatest asset and our most challenging responsibility." National Camp Fire awards were presenteed to Betty Betz. New .York, columnist on teen-ace subjects; Aa;ron Frank. Portland, ,re-' business man; Roger Healy. orth Bend. Wash.. Mrs. James C. rarKer. urami napius. mien., anil "S. warren i. nunter, romana, Bendonian d a n e I n e club will I have a "mPrrv mixer' Wcdnes-! ,lay. Nov. 2. from 9 p.m. to mid-' njRh, at ,he Bendonian studio, 100i E. Penn avnuie. A class ses- sion will precede the parlv at 8 o'clock. The dance was originally scheduled for Saturday, Nov. o, but the date was moved up to avoid conflict with other activi ties. Women are to bring lunches for two persons, it was announc ed, and coffee will be furnished. Saturday. Nov. 19, will be the date for the Thanksgiving formal. . 0 COSTUME PARTY SET A Halloween costume' party for boys and girls of the First Chris tian Bible school will be held Sat urday, Oct. 29, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the church social room. BILL'S ELECTRIC CONTRACT WIRING and REPAIRS Complete Line of Supplies G K Lamps Small Appliances LnlveiHul and L & II ICungex IF IT'S ELECTRICAL, WE HAVE IT, or KNOW WHERE Tv GET IT! - (112 Hill ut Greenwood Phone 1 102 .1 MKhg (i 10-It ! Social Calendar Tonight 7:311 p.m. Ik-ginning squaiv dance class, Allen school auditor ium. S p.m.-- Eagles auxillai v, Eagles hall. S p.m. Ladv Elks, Elks hall. S p.m.- AAl'W Lite rn t u re study group, with Mis. Almedu Hoist, 215 Delaware. 8 p.m. Public mooting at libra ry auditorium, sponsored by Jun ior Civic league. I'rl.lay 10 a.m. Prayer week service at First Methodist church; also at 2 p.m. 2 p.m.- Bond Garden club with Mrs. Joo Slate, 311 Loo lane. 7:30 p.m. - - Women of tlio Moose, special mooting, Mouse hall. 8 p.m. Rchokah lodge, lOOF hall. 8 p.m. Lutheran Laymen's league, Trinity Lutheran church. Sat unlay 1 p.m. Women of the Moose drill team, Eagles hall. 2 p.m. Halloween party at Christian church, fur children of Bible school. 7 p.m. Beta Sigma Phi, formal initiation banquet. Pilot Unite inn. 8 p.m. --American Legion aux iliary public card party and cake walk, library auditorium. 9 p.m. Elks "vama vama" par ty, BPOE hall. 9 p.m. Sons of Norway, mas querade dance. .Norway hall. Ijulle.H auxiliary, Canton Des chutes No. 19, Patriarchs Mili tant, will moot Sunday, Novem ber 6. at 2 p.m.. at the lOOF hall, to practice for review and Inspec tion scheduled for November 18, it was announced by Mrs. Ken neth Arnold, secretary. All mem- j bers are urged to attend the prac- BEAUTY OI'KKATOKS MK.I'.T A mooting of the local unit of Oregon Beauty associaiion will be held Tuesday, Novemlier 1. at 7:30. at the Vanity Fair beauty salon. ON PURCHASE OF 2 CANS OF Fop Thi. towM", good Oft Ih. purchnt. ol No hiPep Tutxain will b rl..".d tr j raioil gior .toeing H'Pop "i Wathmgion and g Or.gon. Coupon good Oclolior 3 lo O.c.mb.r 1. Mr. Otocort Man rMm.rt imirsm lo K.Ooy-CIMfc Co. f-oflMml. M'llM. IMM EXTRA SPECIAL OFFER To ALL CAR BUYERS Investigate These Values FIRST COME! FIRST SERVED! 1948 Pontiac 4-door Torpedo, radio end heater in tiptop condition. Priced to sell. Only $1395.00 1947 Mercury Station Wagon .... 1195.00 1948 Kaiser 4-door, like new 1145.00 1941 Buick 4rdoor Special, radio, heater and spot light '. 545.00 1941 Pontiac 2-aoor, radio and heater. 445.00 1939 Nash 4-door, radio and heater... 465.00 1939 Ford 2-door 345.00 1939 Ford 4-door, 60 h.p j 195.00 1937 Ford 2-door, 60 h.p 165.00 1928 Ford Model A 2-door 50.00 1949 Nash 4-door 295.00 1941 Hudson 4-door 395.00 1938 Plymouth 4-door 275.00 1937 Plymouth Coupe 150.00 1936 Cnevrolet 4-door 195.00 1940 Zephyr Convertible 445.00 1941 Zephyr 4-door Custom 595.00 1947 Ford Coupe 895.00 1937 Ford 4-door ' 150.00 1941 Hudson 6-Passenger Coupe 475.00 1937 Graham 4-door ' 50.00 1936 Chevrolet 2-door 175.00 COMMERCIALS 1941 Dodge Pickup $245.00 1948 Ford Pickup 6-Cylinder 995.00 1947 Ford Pickup 6-Cylinder 915.00 1946 Ford Pickup 815.00 1947 Willys Jeep with power take off and hydraulic lift 765.00 1939 Chevrolet Truck, short wheclbase with flat rack 175.00 :oo! USED CAR LOT Mi'inlier! ruliul Oregon Aiilniiiolille llenlerN Annii, Across from Pilot llulle Inn Phone IIH0 Volca o! lr R M fj 1340 Control Oregon " 1 1" Kilocycles Affiliated With Mutual Don Lee Broadcasting System ON THI Willi KBND Th i haniluT of nu.imt'riv pro Hiaui usually hciml at 7 Thurs day rwn.tiN, mows lo i:ir to iij:ht, om turn only. This 'vo nliiK at H::U) nimlluT of the popu lar "KishtiiK and Huntliu: Uuh of tlu Air" programs, will bo pro senU'ti, ami HnU'iuts hiv Invited to submit questions and tips for local as well as national prizes offered on the show. Junior CIvli' leiinue will sponsor a public meeting tonight nt S o'clock, In the library auditorium, with a new (Mm on woilt of the Society for Crippled Children and Adults lo be shown. Hepresenta lives of all local clubs are belun ured to attend. Two local chil dren arc in the picture, which was made at the society's hospital in Kuyi'iie. Kctickitl. Indue will hold initia tion Krltlay at S p.m.. at the lOOK hall. On the refreshment com mit eo will le Mrs. M. H. Smith. Mrs. Ted Meagher, Mrs. IVrcy Morrison, Mrs. Hollo Morgan, Mrs. Karl Weber. Mrs. Krod Otb- son and Mrs. A. IV Burleigh. Sons of Norway will have a Halloween masquerade dance Sat urday night at Norway hall, be ; ginning at it o'clock. There will be I prizes fur the best costumes, and ' refreshments will be served. Mem bers and their friends are being invited. The distance of a light ycai about six trillion miles. Is i ol fHiPogZ'jl u iiiu VprS I IH WHI" HUllHt j V JO. AMIltH Tomorrow c v e it I n KMNP broadcasts the llcnd Me d Tord game from Medford. Saturday afternoon from CorvalllN, K1INO lMu airs the Washington State-Oregon State football clash at 1:45. Saturday evenlnn KIINH airs u special daylight savings forum discussion broadcast, of Impor tance to the entile coast, because It points up possible action by California. Tonight at H Hopuhmg Cassldy liiles Into another western adven ture. TONHJIIT'H HUM. HAM ft :IW St in lit hi Arrtiw A :(- Captain Mltitlht (1 :00- UtrU'l Monttrr Citi Ho r fn tl il ;;m - lotli- l d jM H.-inrmlKir When d:(wv- Hill Hpury Nw 7 :iio t')tnrHlH,r of r,iiHtii-rt- 7 :lf. Mti-ul Vnrlvtlra 7 ;.1-Sniinv Knva Sluiwrit'lll 7 t4A VtHNl V.rlUr H ;ti MoilotM rMally f'Ultliitf ana IlunUna Club V:h !( MiiftiMti'a OrvhvctrH U M h ulii.n I Jr. V Kvvntliir MwIihIIm tt;f 'tvo Minut I-iiih) 1D;16 Onrttit Ml-llr lll:At- Ui4M MoiHMit UiUO-Mian Olf H(II)V, (KTOIIKK IS It :C0 Mil. U- il:t& SuiirlM Snlule Friday and Saturday,. Oct. 28 -29 MPPiTi JciderJ HALLOWEEN l .4. IS I Candies Do-Nuts Pumpkins FACIAL TISSUES 2 pkgs. 19c S IIM.I.INCS COFFEE lb. 59c l ll. $1.17 DKNNISO.VS II nr.. Imtllr CATSUP bottle 15c HUNTERS! DIAMOND Wutcr ICl'KlHlllIlt MATCHES carton 15c 10c SALE See What a Dime Will Buy! Sliindliy No. 2'i Clin PUMPKIN 1 can 10c Otli-rhrniill No. 'i Cun STRING BEANS can 10c Ilnnilff No. H0.1 fun CREAM STYLE CORN can 10c Mission llrunil No. .IWI Cun PEAS can 10c Ki'IiiiIsiiu'h No. I Cun PORK and BEANS - can 10c Hunt's No. SOU Cnn WHOLE NEW POTATOES can 10c llt t rr m JSunsnine H Krispy Crackers Fancy Utah Celery. . lb. 5c CABBAGE lb. 5c I SOLID. Lettuce. . . .. FREE DELIVERY DAILY 519 E. 3rd Phone 1294-J ItUo txt Hlihia I' hi iii JttHjittr Nw Uitfkfitt Utitttt Mm Minn MwltxIlM Ntwn Muinlim UmiixliiM ltt Mini hlilttu Nvhi llt,ie Initltille llulitttiit 1 1. 'mil Allllt 'llU( WMl.t Nt l'unilr llviimiitl 1. II Your Ni tuhUir WimtPiia IMumt (mmI HI nit it l.uMly Mhm A In mt Timn 7 UIU 7 lift---7 i iiu -7 itn 7Hfl -tt 00 II :1ft it i at) u tn V M -UlIU Vilft U :M V lift U :ftft III ;llt Ulilft 10 ;uit lU.lfi I0tt.6 11 :Ui 11 iitu i t .ut I lUft VI : 1 1 lit; If. 12 .tO U tJO 'i ;4ft - 1 ;UU 2 Uti V M t .4b a ou it ; If. a :(. 4 .uu I irai ijiutiii ir n Ony Niiilini4 M'IkM4 'liNlNK a t'lluialllv N ""Ml Hue MvIihIim hMt U Vbi na -NiMintliin MoIimIIm New. i I ftrmviV Hour Nkmi of I'ltnwvlll V--p hi.-. Mmko Muilv Y.ur llMiy Cont-cii Muln Att-riltHH l' Oto Itwoni Ittnl Il, Mlltl-UMlMl ( iunj Uuhi iwi -llnur i uam j i, r i Milk llt'iiiiniiwNy - Norlliwnt tipwm Muatd l'iiLml U i oh i' it NtfW Nw Hii nt tli IMiiimr 4 :lf 4 ;.1U 4:11ft-4;4y-4 :4ft 6 Mt ft :1ft ;U It ilft ti :;ut B MO ;ftft 7 .00 7 :H0 7 i(-6 :LK M :0 V .1HI i i;. V :.10 Vi4ft U i0 riiuUr I vti Ilea (lirlvl llcmtvr Cul. liln tloll Ivllo-lrat KvilivttitHT Whrll Hill lUnry Nw. Mulrl Vat lltc Me I -he M-U Ctuli Cwriipr HtiMltfht Arrow Her tut Mktaloii t imtt- Oirlivali n Kultoit I.-- Ji. 1-iHiO.all l.Mttia fttnii Off Hood River "Pure" APPLE CIDER Gal. 59c Gallon 39c NUBQRri NUBORA , MM ilnl SI... M r-T. ADVERTISED HOG ,h. Ilox 25c IIKAIIS per head 10c