The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, October 27, 1949, Page 13, Image 13

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    Tl IURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 194?
Redmond Makes
Plans for City
Park Project
States to Receive
Forest Fire Money
VViikIiIiicIiiii, Oil, 21 lt' I'rrhl
ili'Nl Trillium Vi'iiii'Hliiy hIhiii'iI
IiiIii luw a , ,l,,ulillii( r 1 1
iiiiiiiiinl nf li ili'i nl i iinli IhiilliuiK In
Mnim (in- fiui'Ni n i iiiIiiimi:.
I'ihIit liii'sint luw li-ili-rnl run-
Livestock Lost
By Spotlighting-
I'l Ini'Vllli1, Oil. 21 Nullum)
JUrilll. whii with IiIh r.ilhi-r llIIT
1 ( 'i 1 1 1 li il I I . Drl 21 1 ' lull
iT tin I. lull rltlll III ilt'Vrliilllillt
nf II II I 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 " I I''11 k wiin in
li' I lit Iti'illlioml rlly ft il lit I nl 1 1 H
liirrlliiU IIHn wi'ili, ulii-r Niil
I'll'lil lliii'lll ril Im'IhIk llli' :i'ulll
III lirlllllf ill till- MIAIiv in uunlil
I lull, mill H I'M'llti'il ll li'lllllllv,- III. I
ll MIKI'fllillllh lnf IJII K lniiiuvi
IIH'lll. IJi l'i'itll'hliil tlllit Mil rlty
lllil III till' H )! I ill i'liiilll'lll
III rlriii lnu iiikI iirin Hie llli'
I' 1 1 lUMi Ih. I I I'll I luilri'kn , lull It Ml-
Jll'l Illll'Mlll'Ilt till' till IIIIIIU'll, Nlllll
liiiam i'H Imvr Iiitii lnaii iiiiiti' fori
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 K cxii'iil HwlminlMK Minlj
I i i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 -i 1 1 1 1 1 mill i'iiiliini'iit, hull
uilili'il lluil hi- Ii'll i in if Mini of
niik liiipiovi'iiirnl In iii'i'ilnl. Muy-i
in' Mm lull I'nyiHT I'XpirriM il llii-j
rutimil'a iippii'iiiitliui 1'ir Ihr uf !
dr nf uiiiprriiiliiii. I
riniin uiiiiini ii
I'liiim tiiiiiti'li'M'il hir Inipruvi'
iiiriil nl Ihi' luw paik li it 1 1 it li
himlM iipInt;. fliiplmi' hhikii uc
Hull mill ili'Vrlupllli'lIt ill plrlilr:
iiihI pluy i-'HMiniln. A hmiil Miami
iiImo In ruiiKiili'iril.
I'lailili Vim Ituslilik iippiini'il
Ih'Ihh Ihi1 oiiiihiI In ii-piirl llli'
Um.H of UI I'Uhlr til Ih o Inp still,
lelliuvi'il limn in limn nl hiH prop
rl ly wlilli hr wn nwiiy on n liunl
lilt! trip, l lli kiiII hail Imi'ii ri-inuv-nl
In I'liiiiirrtliui Willi illy hlii'rt
Inipriivriiii'iitH. 'Ihr tiintlrr wiih
irlrnnl tu Jiilili II. Ilrinlnn,
Ntrrrl Hllpri'lllli'liilrlll.
It wan ili'i'hli'il hy Ihr roiini'll
Hint nil hiillillnti priiulls lie limit;
rd, lu'i'dl'illMK 1,1 in illnmii'r piuvt
il MMllluiiH rami,, yi.lHH),. ...,. ,. i,u N111 11111111I11I1. hi lffiinl
(Kill 11 yn,,', ,m will hr Htl'lHII-ll llli ; ,, li I'JihI nl Iwli. nlilillril lo
mi iiiIm'IM of Ihr lnrnl ihiiinhrr of;
I lilllllli'l l'l' III I IH U' lUIII'IH'Oll 1 11 IK
wi'i'k for 11I1I Ih i'Iii'c klni; Npotllht
HhiiiitlhK from Ihr highway, .lacnli
ri'pulii'il Hint thlH typr of pouch
I'Vi'lllimlly llllilrr Ihr nrw IllW III!
til II irai hi'.H 11 111a x I in ill 11 of SI!),-
.(,, ... ( iMiiiiliHiin ;iM.
in- 11 1 1111 1 11 1,, mil v 1 11 rn hi 1 ;r
Ihr pll'hrllt pni:imi fur ploillll'-
Hun nf k In mill plmilH fur rr
luii'statliiii. 'Ihr fi'ilrial kuvitii
lnrnl, whlrh lias hi'i'ii iniikliu;
mniiII I'liiiiriliiitiuiin in this pin
1:1am. will I'lininhiitr up In $2,
.'iCMI.IHMI luwaid II hy lilfi.'!.
Newspaper Slang
Causes Terror
j T.H'iim.'i, W'nsh.. (Irl. 27 'Mi A
1 iiiImhiiIi'I -.l.iiiilliii; nf AiiH'i linn
lii'spa'l' Hlmif: i-jium-iI 11 tlisphit'
nl l.aHl.m family tu live In irnoi
nf Ihi lr liVI'N, It wim Irniiinl to-
I ii:.l(ai M Km kiln mul IiIh fiiinlly
ji'iillH lo till' lillllnl SlnlrK tlllHj
hinniiii'i' mul Hi'HIril on thr fiilm
ul In: mul Mm. I Ian y Johnson I Ortlnj:, WiinIi.
I "Thry illiln't Hprnk KiicIInIi vrry
j wrll mul thry wrn iiiiiKtmitly
jStuilyluK thrlr illrtloniiry," Mm. j
JohiiHon Niilil. "Thry wrii" iiImi
; vrry nrrvmis uftrr uprnillnu fourl
yrais In 11 illsplaci-d pri.soiiN ciuni
j in In tnmiy." j
t)nr iilirrniinn .lohnsott founil j
Mis Kiirklhl Mihhlni: Wllilly mul
shaking with Irn or. Hrr hiislimiil !
hl.iu. Srvriul i'hni.hi'.s hail nskiM v'ls '' floor. clulc-hliiK a
loir aim a lii'Wspapi'l' ill Ills lianil. :
"W'r hail Just sloppril ilrllvrry 1
on our lornl nrwKpaprr, unil 011 '
this U'rilnrsilay paprr wa.s a noli j
for Hip ilrllvrry hoy, rrnillnt; 'kill I
Thin winy,'" Mih. Johnson kiiIiI. j
Whrn Km kiln niiw thr notr, hr
looki il up thr wonl "kill" In IiIn
llitlonaiy mul rrnil lis drflnltlon
"inukr ilrnil; tnkr llfr iiwny."
"Ilr knrw what Tlmrsilay was,"
sltr t-oFillniiril, "and thry vrrr
ImiIIi rolivllli'iil Ihry wrlr Kfillllj
to In- iiiuiili'it'il on Thiii Mlay."
"It touK us two hours to rxptaln
ami Ihry illiln't calm tlown for
srvrral ilays," Mrs. Johnson snlil.
I Ml,' In kidwIiik Id Ihr point whrtr
ml I In iiniflii'i H nrr hrrouiliiK
nroiiNi'il. Ilr Haiti his lniiili li'H 11
vrnl lluil thr lllral luacllrr IniH
Ki'uwn woi'Kr In rast Crook coun
ty than miy olhrr pl.ur In thr
Jiiroh nlmri-vril that not only In
It llli'li'il t" 'liool from 11 highway
hut that hruvy pi'iialilrs nrr pro
vlilrd hy law against thoNr rnKiiK
I11K In shoothiK animals In nl,'ht
hunlliiK Willi a Hpntlli'lit. Thr cyrs
of Kralnx latllr, rrflrrtiiiK thr
Ih'Iiiiih of Ihr Npotlli'hl, frriirntly
iM'oomr tnirlH, Jaroh ilrclarrd,
111 h I as il li'sult callli'mi'll KUffrr
Ioski'S In inalmrd or klllrd mil
i inals.
j Thr i-hanilMT tolil Jaroh that It
! will wrltr Ihr Htair highway dr
! pai Imriit mid si'i k sluns 11I011K ""'
U ii'hoi o hlchway, wnrnliiK acalnst
I thr llli'ijullly of hoollii from
for Wlltvri s.
Ilir I'ouiii ll 11 roiiimriiilid that
rnriti mound thr housinr; proji'i-t.
Milllll of town, hr lrvrli .1 lit Ihr
I'oiivrnlrnrr of thr htirrt Miprrln
trndrllt, hut that palnllnu hr ilr
frrrrd until splint; Ihr unit Is
now fully orrtiplrd. All ilrllniurut
irntris hnvr paid In full.
I'lillrv Busy
Council iiii'iulx'i .s uotrd that
Itrdmoud polliv olllri'is wrlr still
loo oeriiptrd with trouUli'Miuir In
titans to iiii-ii'iisr iittrnlloii to liiif
fir N.ltrlV. Two olfli'i'is hnvr hrrll
luvolvril lii minor nri'idruls whllr
on duly. Iloh .N'li Imls' nir was hit
from thr irar whrn hr stoppnl
NUdilriily, to avoid hntlni; a motor
cyrlr hr had lurn rhasiu. I.loyd
li.uolil was Involvrd In a mishap
nt thr Iniri srrtlon of l-'lrst and
Kim. .WlihiT ullui'i was ut (aull.
i-ouiirllmrii said.
Coiiik II mrmlM'tH prr.srnt wrrr
Mayor Mnrlon Cnynrr, Krniirih
'aihials, hair Chai Irion, t iroi'Kr
lVirt Worth. Trx. 'IP' - I'ollrr
liavr a nruro rouplr - anrstrd
as siisN rts In a theft at thrlr
own wrddiny party miothrr clft.
It was thrlr flrrdom. 'Illr hlldr's
mothrr ii'portrd thr thrft, and
had thr nrwlywrds jallrd. Hut
lln.v t,.i.i fi ,.m l-...b ,.r ..1 1.
Hi) lor, r 1 111 inn 1 1 iri , iso irr.i- ('Jcj,,
rill writ I'.Mllllir lli'UUini 1. rny ir-
rordrr; oM'ri I'urks, rlly nttor
tiry, and John Itrinlni:. strrrt
ClllraHO 'II'' Muslr islllrullon
III thr I'lllli'il Stairs has irnrliril
jut alt 1 1n if woi Id hli:h, ai'ronllni:
to lrnu John W. Ilriilth' of Ihr
Not Htwrsiri u I 'nlvri slty Si hool
of Muslo.
Ilraltlr said llirrr air approxl
mnti'ly .'Ui.tlud Irarhris of iiiusu' hi
srhools unit rollrrs In this roiin
try. All thrsr trarhrrs trartt n
total of aniKMl.lKHl sludrnts of nil
Ul'rs. Ilr said.
l-'ormri ly musli'liins rdtirutrd
ahroad niadr up the major iiiriil.
hrrshlp of ptomliirni syniplumy
01 rhrstras. Now Amrrli-ans nlu
ratril In Anirtiran Institutions nrr
fllliii)! up thr musical ranks, "hr
Ilraltlr pirillrtrd that wllliln n
frw c.'il s rollillli'tot s of ninny
lltajor otchi'Stlas will hr plodtlcts
of our own rducnlliuial syslcm.
Northflrld, Minn. 'Hi The
C.uirton collrnr plmi'mrnt srr
vlcr director says colU'Kt' Kradil
iitcs nrrn't as Kntlsflnl with Rrt
tlnir u mrre U.A. lis Ihry used
to hr.
l)r. I'lilt Shnckcl says that
from 1!M7 lo I'.M'.I. Cnrlrton Ktad.
ualrs olnr; Into huslnrss and in
dustry diopH'd M'icrnlai'''Wl'e
from .'Ki'a to 27. white the mt
ci'iit.i(,'r of those K'lnf! after hii.'h
er drain s JumH-d from .'X) lo 12.
Ir. Shacki'l said rr
qillrrmruts In many flrlds of
work, have liern ralsi'd, and stu
drills plan whrn tliry start col
li'Ko to (;rt liliihrr drurees.
Youth Who Losf
Both Legs Gets
Eagle Scout Honor
lly II null A. Wilson
III11IN-1I l'uia Hrulf C"rrrai'ii'lnl I
Sail I.nke City, Dlah, Oct. 27
'Hi lion I At; nil IHyrnrold kid
wllh plrnty of courage, wore the
proud liailiii! of an Kaclr Scout
lion won hi way to scoutlnft's
hl;lirst ordrr drsplle the fact
that tir lost IiIh li'Ks whrn he 'ii
nlnr inontliH old.
l.'slnu his nrtlflclul U-kh nd ex
traoidinmy will powrr, l-ion
foiinht through evriy Irst, In
i hl'llni: the H tnllr hike and
HWimuiliiK leipilrrmi'iitN.
Hut the liailKe iiwaidril him
last nlvht wasn't a reward for
him alone.
It also was n tribute to his
foster motlirr, Miss Anna Rosen
klldc, who nrvrr lost faith In him
and Kiippoitrd him wllh hrr own
Hiii'njflh of spirit durlnf! his rise
from trndrrfoot to ennle.
Iti umr I'lmtrr Motlirr
It was Miss KoKi-nklldr who
prrsrnlrd him wllh the badue last
lilu'ht as his troop linril up In-hind
him In an Impressive ceremony.
She was HUperintrndrnt of the
Salt Ijike City hospital where he
was taken when his Irfjs were
hurned In a honflre 17 years aeo.
I Jon was Just learnln); to walk ut
I ho time of the accident. Doctors
had to amputate his legs to save
his life.
He needed almost continuous
hospital care during the next few
years, and his family couldn't pay
the expenses. Miss llosenkllde
took over and became his foster
mother. Don has been separated
from his parents ever since. Miss
Kosenkllde refused to say today
why Don's parents never took
him back.
"We Just don't talk about It,"
she said.
Don was determined that no
one woiild ever be able to call him
a cripple.
He could have become an
"achievement scout" merely by
passing his second and first class
tests. Hut he wouldn't take the
easy way.
When he had all the testH com
pleted but the long hike, his !
scoutmaster told him he could j
do It If he really made up his
mind to It.
Mucin I.011K Hike
Don, with a scout official lieslde
him, hiked eight miles the first
day and ramped on the trail that
night. The next morning he
cooked his own breakfast, rolled
his pack, and finished the hike.
A Junior In high school, Don
Joined the KOTC last year after
proving he could pass physical
tests. Today he's a cadet sec
ond lieutenant.
The legs Don wears were given
him by children who chipped in
pennies at his Latter Day Saints
Hut It was the foster mother
he calls "Mama Hose" who taught
For Friday and Sat urdy, October 28 - 29
Thr first wagun linlii
crossed thr plains in ISI.'l.
V I it
'lortli lot Ih Bflf,lil Vllov Entlinlf"
X-TRA Egg Producer
Puts Today's Egg Feed'
Ratio in "Your Favor'
i TriaiiKlc X-Tr.i I'kk I'rmliircr li nn
iniiiiriiiiil purl of niil.iy'j nrnliiahlo
":HK li'i'il" tJlio. (mul III);'",
liiiiul fiiil ami niil.iy'j citit pritn
ire ii irimii;tc dim iiuini luiirr
prnlili for llif iiiinini; ii'iivnn. Plan
now in lulp supply tin' Niirilii'ii'
tliiirniftc til limit C!K1.
Your Local Triangle Dealor
I Sao
alsr I
Warehouse & Supply
Durkee'sIL 29c
MILK, ali brands 3 cans 35c
BORENE SOAP large pkg. 29c
PUMPKIN, Standby, No. 2i cans. 3 for 25c
SHORTENING, Fluffo 3 lbs. 69c
OCCIDENT FLOUR 725 lbs. $1.98
HONEY, Sanford's ....... 5 lb. pail 99c
Assorted LUNCH MEATS Bb. 39c
Wccli Days: 8 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Sundays: Open 10 a. m. to 8 p. m.
mm cm m
him to use them. Now he even
goes drrr hunting with them.
Miss Kosenkllde has supported
Don and herself by working the
night shift at Shriners hospital.
She wouldn't tell her exact age
except that she was past GO.
There were tears In her eyes
last night when Don gave her a
snappy scout salute as she handed
him the badge they fought so
hard to win.
Portland, Oct. 27 UK Federal
mediator Leo Kotln today called
a new conference In an attempt
to settle a strike of AKL office
workers against major wholesale
grocery firms In Portland.
The strike, now in Its second
week, was causing a shortage of
some grocer Items In Portland
stores. Teamsters and warehouse
men refused to pass through
picket lines established at six
grocery warehouses.
Madras, Oct. 27 Wllh John
Sloss post, American Legion,
spearheading plans, Armistice
day celebration here this year
will be the most elaborate in his
tory of the community. Glen
Kldemiller and Langston Fisher
were named to arrange for a
downtown parade at 1 p.m. The
parallels will go to the Madras
Union high school football field,
where ceremonies will be held as
a prelude to the Madras Moro
football game. William Thomas
Sr., will be In charge of preparing
a program at the post's dub on
the Madras alrbase, where mem
bers of the auxiliary will servs
a pot luck dinner.
Production ot an ounce of In
sulin requires pancreatic glands
from 1,500 head of cattle.
From where I sit Joe Marsh
Now They're Sitting
Squint Miller, who's working as
a telephone lineman, was telling me
about some birds that got into s
fight with his company.
Socmi a couple of woodpeckers
set up housekeeping in a telephone
pole. Nobody minded them living
there, but they kept pecking at the
wires causing one short circuit
after another.
Finally, the telephone people
who had nothing personal against
the birds Just atopped up the hole
where they lived. But they kept
coming back. At last, the company
donated that pole to the woodpeck
ers and set up a brand-new one for
their own use 1
From where I sit, we'd all be bet
ter off if we were as tolerant with
our own kind as that telephone
outfit was with the woodpeckers.
Let's consider the other fellow's
point of view whether It's his
right to live where he wants, or to
' enjoy a friendly glass of temper
ate beer or ale when and if he
Copyright, 1949, Uniud Statu Braccrt Foundation
. change fo
GOLDEN WEST'S richer flavor ,
get 20XTXAC(P$ per pound
Every fragrant cup of Colden West brims with the
richer flavor of prized Central American coffees. Yet
Colden West actually costs less than ordinary coffees I
It can give you 20 extra cups per pound 1
Here's how to enjoy richer coffee flavor and save.
Just brew Colden West your usual way. There are
3 grinds for regular drip-Silex methods. But use 13
less. You'll get the satisfaction of richer flavor and
save up to 184 a pound!
ISullrtlirClasslflrds llrlng Results -T--
New Lower Prices on
1950 Nash Airflyte!-$ I84500
for the 1950 Nash Statesman
Business Coupe. State and lo
cal taxes, if any, extra.
Ambsssador Models now Available witb
Hydra -Matic Drive
The ll)50 Airflytcs are here with great
new improvements . . . with new low
Sec the year's most advanced cars with
new Super-Compression engines . . . Air
liner Reclining Scat . . . Twin Beds . . .
Weather five . . . Uniscope Control . . .
world's smoothest ride with softer coil
springing on all four wheels.
See America's most beautifully stream
lined automobiles proved to have
A!rflyie Construction
Stays New
Years Longer
20.1 less air-drag. That means less
engine effort less wind noise far better
gasoline economy.
You get up to 30 more gasoline mile
agemore than 25 miles to the gallon
in the magnificent new Nash Statesman
at average highway speed.
Enjoy the newest thrill. Drive the Nash
Ambassador with Hydra-Matic Drive
and exclusive Nash Selecto-Lift starting
(optional extra). Just lift a lever and yo.'
This year, drive the best buy on the high
waythe new 1950 Nash Airily te.
New 1950
Prices S73
to $140 less
than last year
Weather Eye System,
white sidewall tires.
Airliner Reclining
Scat optional at extra
co. Prices may vary
slightly in adjoining
communities due
to transportation
Different from all others, in Nash
the entire frame and body, roof, floor
nj pi jn, are vicldcJ into one single,
solid unit, squeak-free, rank-proof.
ith twice the torsional strength of
ordinary construction, it gives new
safety, new economystays new yean
longer means higher resale value.
Great Cars Since 1902
NoiA Motori. Diriinn NoA-Mo' Cowoliofl, Bttn, UkK
South 3rd St FREE Delivery FREE Parking
Phone 91
1173 Wall Street
Phone 700
By Michael O'Malley and Ralph Lane
T'73r wrTH vot,,? HEIP- CHIEF MACKEY, W AIN'T aS SOON AS it's and on ERIK SAYS HE CAN A f TO
jmjBS!mjtMMnm.nmw wreai