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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1949)
; ) 1 MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1949 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON PAGE THREE News of Terrebonne Community Ti'IicIkiiiiii', Oi l. LM ISp-nll i tin- liotiic of Mr. iiik! Mih. ii'i, I Iim-nci- tiulavxiiii nl 1 lit in ti Inn Imlii- w.ih ii ii'icnl nui'Nl in Ihi- I nl Mi, mill Mih. Al I'm lll-y. Mi', unil Mm. I'le-ilim Wull'.i-i nl it ll lie I .hinrlli.ii in,, vlMllg nl lln- Imlni- nl Mr. mill Mrs Ulni Mi. mill Mis. I hum Wi-iivi-i mi-nily look Amly Cm Key In SIhIi-iii fur ii vlnl. Mr. mill Mis. Dun Ailmns nl KiiKi-nt-, wrn- vInIIiii'h nl Ihi' Ilium- ul Mr. unil Mim. Mill Vi-h till ll-l'l-llllv. Mr. nml Mih. Huh Yiiiiii mr liinvliiK I,, Ciiylunl ii, inaltr Iht-lr llllllll'. Mm. Allen nf wiih ii l'i lilay kiii'sI in or Mrs. .1. W. I'.nlnr. Mr. anil Mm. Kills SliiiKi-r of I'l llll Vllll- Wl-- HVI-lll CIII-HlH III I In- hiiiiii- nl Mr. ami Mis. t Hen WUh I. Mr. nml Mih Ti-iI Ciiivch fi urn lluriiH, ri'ivnlly culli-il on Mrs or Marl ii i'ior. Tin-'I i'l i I'liiinni- IjiiIIis I'luw-ir i-luh mi'l Wi-ilni-mlny. Mis. Hail) .loni'ti i"nl Mim. Kay I my wi-n- llOKll-HHI'N. : Mi. nml Mis. Ooijii' Uty of I l iiilrli' I My, wi'ii- n irn1 visitors al Ihi- liiiini- of Mr. unil Mrs. I'.ail 'riioiiipNon. Sewell to Manage Cincinnati Reds ('lin'lnnall. O., (h i. 'Jl Hl'i . Tin- Kansas Kiianl, picked up a fum f'liu lnnail Ki-iIk IiihI a ni-w man i III'- nrnl anilili'il hi yarils lo wore. I iii;i r loilay In ilaiicr l.ulti- Si-w- llrk Maisli-r lioolcil u JOyuru i ll, an olil 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 al li'.'irlllnn m-c- i fli'lil Koal. Willi lime iniriiili-s to nml illvl-ilon hull rlulm pi iinanl ! play Unit kvi- OuiK'-tuwn u 10 7 ilili l.ii. i win ovi-i HokIoii colli'Hi', whlrll t Si-v..-ll only man to cvit li'ail i !l'l""''l to win liy I'f polnls. .1... ui i i. ..... ... i.. , Irmsoii llulli li'J TI will In-a B.i' lal I'loiii'i-i i ,' ',, ,' u,,i I Souili C'aiollnii. a si-vi-ii point nil); vviiiiii'snay in m-li , ,,, ,,ii,,i ,l, (--,, ,,. i UlliH-nloK. l-allll- Up Wild lis I MKT I'l.Vl nml 1'lM. Tin- i-ooil looklni' ! victory by fliitn-nliiK ( li-rrmon, 1 1H vi-ar olil fin iik-i Ann- r I c a n In I I, lis lio I i',ii;in- rali'lii'i' suiri'i'ils liurky Walli-is. who iii'i-nlly was ilis- inlssi'il iitli-i Clni'lnnali finished in m-Vi-nlli plan-. ! Si-well leil I hi- Itiowns lo Hi"' pi'iinanl In Mill, Inn wiih fin-il In I'l lli while Ills i liili lnniiil ihi-il Sport Parade New Qoc Sfr'lke Results iConllniii-il from ra 2) In btampede to Yukon Area Ill-ma iJiiivi-n, who Is Kiii-nillm: tin- wlnlrr wiih Mr. ami Mrs. .1. U. l-.'alllll; Mih, llmv Pn-w was a ii-ci-ni vlsllnr ai I he hoini- nl Mrs. lii-i (ha Innian. Me. ami Mis. ('. I.. Iimlon rrii'iilly mail,- u trip to Sali-in lo visit fili-mlH, Mr. ami Mrs. W. It. Sawyi-i'. foiini-rly ol Iti-ihnnml. Mr. ami Mrs. A. It I'aylnn anil fMamlilaii!hli-r, lii-th Ann, of Wallu Walla, an- VIsIIIiik al I lie home of Mr. ami Mis. t'.voiy,1 Marl iii'Kor. MaiKene 'I'alhol hail her appen illx ii-inoveil Tuesilay al Ihe SI. Cliarles hospllal In lleml. She re lurneil Sunilay. Mr mul Mrs. Mamhall IMiew ami hoys wen Monday evening dinner uuesls in Ihe Inline nl Mrs. (.ohlle Nelson. Mr. ami Mih. Hurry Unfile ami family of Coos Hay were w k enil KeslH at Ihe linme of Mr. and Mrs. Hay KIhiinIiui y. Pale Campbell flew in Call lornla on liu-tlness a week hko Sunday. I'm I llloolllhel n of I -ji I l.i in!, was it vlslloi' last week Willi Mr. and Mih llav KlriKslmry. Mr. ami Mrs. I-'. l. Johnson moved o Kedmond lasi week. Mr, and Mrs. Ait Ignition vis lled lelaliveH nl 'I'm ner last week. Mr. and Mih. Carl Mih hell mid family, of Tuinulo. lulled receiil ly at the liotne of Mr. anil Mrs. Ceorne Maei lienor, 'I he Terielionne Sunday sehool hoard meelliii! will he held al I he home of Mr. and Mrs. l-ewis ros ier Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cum Is nf Hediliiiiul. were Sunday Kiiesls at lull mi paint and lemodel. M,. and Mrs. Jim Hail of I'rlnevllle, and l.ols llowaid. wen Sunday evening oie.sls al Ihe home of Mi. ami Mis. Kail ThoiupMiu. Mr. and Mrs, Jink Wlleox vis I'rlnevllle ! lied reeeully al Ihe home of Mr. the homeland Mis. tiorilou Wlleox. ! ThiiMe allendliii: the I'm Hie In leiiialloual livesiork exposlllon , fiom 'I'eriehoiine were lale Law eienil, Jim iJIWlenee, Kriiesl ! Kiihn, Aitnes and Amhei h Thorn ImiikIi. Hill and I'al Hansen, ex hlhlllui: (at heel sleeis, ami lion By Alvln O. Hrarrisli-ill (llsrovered several hundreds yards Minimi ki.ii i ...t-M-n.mi awtiy from the river's hanks. KalrhnrikH, AL-iska. Oet, 21 Mil Keslderits of y(jrt yllkon nn( .MerehiinlH ( low-il Iheli shops and ('irele, Ixdli loraled near the workers ilnew down ihelr tools strike, f)o ki-d Into Fairbanks to today to Join Ihe headlong rush ),Uy shovels, pans, sieves und for Kold In n new strike usl nine ' ,,,,.,. minK equipment. They miles from the antic eirele. ,W(.rP t). ,jIS, , lHt, ramx at Kvery plane eapable of Keltine . Klstiwhrl. iiimi ine air was crowded vlth vet. Tumalo Bazaar ! Plans Announced ). Tumalo, Oct. 21 (Special) A ' bazaar and program, proceeds i from which will bp used In the betterment of Ihe Tumalo coin j munity church, will he presented , Saturday night, n Ihe Tumalo ffrange hall. A featuie of the j bazaar will be a sale of farm I produce. ; The public Is being Invited to attend the bazaar and the pro- i Bulletin Classifieds Bring Results lo l'i, as lio Ilagan passed for one :,,. .,.,.,,. ,..,, ..,.,.,i,... ln,'v loaded dog sleds anil alr!o,am. start of which Is set for8i and ran for two touchdowns. i workers inumeis sioiekeeoer. planes witn equipment and rushed : m proceeds will be used In (ieoigla was a 11 point favorite I, .,,.., .',. ' 'J,..,,,.'-,, raclrii' lo back lo R,ar' w"rkint 'o needed repairs of the community over Miami, l.u, .Miami's hick-1 ' ' " " . he "site' oie !'- friK'" win."T fW ' churc-h. name I. .hi- "I lurrlcaneH. It was on ,,,. n . R,(J(iwJ yukl)n f sluicing ra nlng. Miami won, 1.1 lo !). rv,.r m mil,. ,,.., , ,.. o--r..llons. Hul you have lo remember, fori , ... , ,,,., , , Klshwheel. which grew from a every mad coach there's a glad ! , ' s 7,VK.r,''',nK one-man fishing opi-ration to a sevenlh. lie vas named Clneln ! , """; "' w'slde Ihe river which soranK uo " ",'y "i " m." unu ,wo ininiitin oi . oiiin-ciH-iii. i oe . .. . lenis in inree nays, was ine lar ! Wolves have been on his trail. '''r " J'T,", " terminus of the heavit air traf jllis team be,,, Newport naval ' , r - ''"!. a '' " the territory. tialulng slal on, 12: lo U. , ., -..... ...,.,- .... i Mayl- H ain't Chrlsllan but It contraption operated by the wa-1 j was a savage sort of pleasure: nail couch In 1!H7. I'iiicx, exhlhlllni: a fal hia' Mis Kva 'riiornhurg and Mis. John Hansen chapetoned litem. The Terrebonne giange No. IH had lis lei-ular meellnii Tllesdav ..i,.. ..I.,., 'i n.. ..i.'ti r i.m,,.,t I Bantam Bowling League Active I-and on Sandbar Weather bureau officers here were swamped with Inquiries Kva Thorn- were as folloWH: Mis buig leelecled.maHlei ; Itavinnud I "'' week Cyrus overseer; Mrs, Krncst Spteiie, leclurer; Mih. Dean Cy rus, chaplain; Karl I icxtcr, Ireas urei ; Mrs. liyd I'llday, seen lary: Heih Kuinhle, Hleuard; Axel Audeisiiu, gale keepei ; Mis. i Aillvllles of I lie Hanlam Howl iii! league will gel unuer way wllh eight four mem- Students Pay Visit to Forest Ut'h flow. I nmi A ruirttiirlutn I Airline terminals were full of ! lL'LiZ- i? , pilots filed flight planes to Fish i wheel. A snow-packed sandbar w.-ft used as a landing strip near the her teams lo rilail comMIHion Saluiday al 10 M- at I'ascade Howl. The league was organized ,l,lu 1.1,1,1 ,lui,l:iu u.-lu.n f.rrrrem were elected and 'team caplaltis ! ''"'"'I '"'' 'n two "waves" over .,! CI,U carried !f Ihe lion. I the week end. with a total of 91 Oregon Stale college forestry 1 students visited the IX'Kchutes na- Axel Andei Hini. I' lora: Clal ll I )ex- ! ol s In lei. ( eres: Mrs. lommv t vrus. 1 I'liunona; Ixils I i in Ii i i . lady as Hlslanl Hleward; I led Hexler as Hlslanl Hleward, and Ihe execu tive c ommit lee comprising I 'can Cyrus. Hadle Allen and Delbeil Clark. They leeleeled Mrs. Iex ter as Ihelr inuslcla-i. The Terrebonne Juvenile grange had its elerllon of olfti-ei s Tues day,' as follows: Myrua Maglll, mailer; Aldeue Taggerl, Hecre lary, and Ijiynelle Taggert. over seer. The teiuainlng olfleers are to be elected In Ihe future. A bridal shower was given hv Ihe league election, wllh i lu'ure loiesiers in ine groups. (ieoigeson named pn-sl-! "n groups came inio tne loresi dent Kaien Chapmen vice prcsl- ".nv.. campus west oi denl. and Maigan-i llolman, Kec-j'he Santlam. on Saturday, reiaiv lieasurer Kour boys and l" 'hi- groups wore 31 four fills were selected as cap-1 members of tht U.b.C. logging en lalns. The league Is romosed of youngsters letwcen the ages of H and 11. Two of the teams have selected names The "Cliamplc-is" aie cap tallied by Ivan Davis, wllh John Collins and Mickey Clark as mem beis. The "Kagles" are Hilly Jos sy. caplalu. Jackie Harion and I'jldlu I onohue. Other teams so far include the following: Margaret llolman, cap- lain, I'al men trying to charter planes to the impromptu town, appropriate ly nicknamed Klshwheel, Alaska. Although the men were excited of . ' " :h"rr. ! Kolcl find. At least 16 planes shut- Mn Cecil liliilon Mis llnil Smalley and Mis. Vein Maglll tain, I'al leser, llowaid Miqua, forMis. Don young at the Ter ; Karen Chapman, captain, Jim reho-ine giange hall Friday aft- Keser. Howard Squa; karen ernoon She received many' glfls ! rhapnian. caplalu, Jim l eser, ii-mim (ri..mK iimiI .eliitiv.-s Mr! Kay Hawthorne. Jimmy Met al and Mrs. Young are leaving for iiiiylord. lo make Ihelr home. (ONI)HT IMI'KOI-KIt Carl F. Slratlon, a resldeul of Seneca, was ain-sled Sunilay on an linpropei conduct charge, cllvl nvords show. a 1: Soto n"9 POST I ll..-- I..,-. lllii,, , . . , j ...v. , - Anderson, Mary I'ezzell; Jimmy Fal mei , caplalu, Don Moss, Don Carpenter; Carol (leorgeson. cap. lain, Pete Alliums, Sandra Tip-im-Is. Veina Jean Hall: Hremia jllanell, caplalu. Pally Hall, Morrle Itlemer. Kosle Kii-ce. I t Ive members are ni-eded to , complete the team rosters and it i 1 tinlli-liinli.H lh:il llu.ue will tie added In Ihe coming week, ac cording to Wuyne Hamilton, rec real loii director, who also Issued a call fur four adult bowlers to act as scoi-e keeju-rs and coaches. He asked that anyone wishing to help In Ihe program notify the recreation department office, tel ephone 1SK0. glneer class, school of forestry un der the supervision of Dan Rob inson, who was once a member of the Deschutes national forest staff. This group, accompanied by C. II. Over bay of the local for est siaff, visited logging opera tions In the Sisters area. Visits Included a trip to the Abbot creek salt- area. Koad construction also was .studied. The group returned to Corvallis Saturday night. A group of UO young foresters from O.S.C., accomnmled hv Hans Mlllus and Prof. Yoder, stu died forest ecology In the region over the week end and stoppod Saturday night at the Pringle Falls forest experiment station. The experiment forest was view ed Sunday with James Soder and Edwin L. Mowat as guides. This group returned to O.S.C. over the Willamette pass. Ideal weather conditions pre vailed for the visit of the two classes to the Deschutes operations. was re ported in Ihe race for the dig gings. "Kamhlln' Sam" Oamblin, a vet eran of the Sushanan strike of 1913. said the filing of claims was being carried out peacefully. "They're not Jumping each ! other's diggings like they did in I the Klondike rush of '98 and the Sushana strike of '13," he said. Oamblin, whose opinion is re spected by Alaskans, said the strike had "commercial possibili ties." He said that the river gravel, In which the gold was found, was shallow and that nuggets were ' J 1 'A ' mm Use classified ads In The Bulle tin for quick results, WRINGER ROLLS o fit any Washer! is- STOP SPENDING MONEY fit cm&Mi tfatmiC Do you know there's a simple test you can make ' right in tlio store to tell whether a aficct will wash and wear? Do you know how to he Jure about towels you Imy brforo you buy? You'll learn thcto and many more valuable tiis about linens, shirts, dresses and (ill washable in the new How lo liny and Care for Your If 'nuhabh's booklet now being distributed free by laundries who are members of ihe American Institute of Laundering. This helpful booklet tells how fading, shrinking, and all the heartbreaking disappointments caused by faulty wnslinbilily can he easily avoided through careful Inlying and proper care. Come in and ask for your copy of these moncy snving tips today. And in tlio meantime, to he Jiire about every washable you buy before you buy, look for the familiar Certified washable Seal of the American Institute of Laun dering on the label or tag. It means the article has been laundry-tested to give perfect wnslinbilily and wear. And for the best of core, always send your washables to the place that Arimcs them best. BEND TROY LAUNDRY We Repair All Makes of Washers Buy Where You Get Service MAYTAG APPLIANCE ' STORE F.I.MKK HUDSON 1033 Brooks St., Phone 271 TO KI.KCT PASTOR Voters of Trinity Lutheran church will have a special meet Ing Wednesday. Oct. 26. at 7:30 p.m. in the church basement, to elect a pastor, urval' .. Johnson Sr.. president of the voters' asso ciation, urged all voters to be present. MAY CHARTER BUS Under leadership of the Athle tic Booster club, arrangements are- being made to charter a bus to the Bond-Medford game Friday night, In Medford. A bus holding 29 passengers will be chartered. If there Is sufficient Interest In the plan. It was announced. The bus would leave here Friday and re turn that same evening. Cost of the round trip would be $7, it was announced. Persons Interested are being asked to notify A. T. Niebergall not later than Wednesday. tied back and forth between the strip and Fairbanks and over the week end and more were expected to be In service by tonight. Pilots reported that the field was perfect now, but they said planes would have to tie converted to -ski-type landing equipment later in the season. The gold rush started Friday when Clifton Carroll, the fishtrap operator, burst Into the U. S. com missioner's office at Circle City clutching a handful of nuggets and a bag of flaky gold. Within a matter of hours, the news had raced across the terri tory and the rush was on. 60 Kansas Avenue Phone 146 X A!fttr Laundry 0 ARRKSTS MADE Six arrests were made in Bend over the week end on intoxication charges, information on file in the local police station res-eals Cited to appear in municipal court were Joe C. Peck, Bend; Glen Varcher, Seattle, Wash.; Grover Collins, George A. Castle Irvin L. White, and Adolph Hoi verson, all of Bend. Chinese Reds Take Kweilin Hong Kong, China. Oct. 24 IP Chinese nationalist forces have abandoned Kweilin to the com munists and are preparing to withdraw from the co-capital of Chungking under threat of new communist attacks, private sources said today. These sources said that all na tionalist troops in Kweilin pulled back over the week end to Liu chow. 90 miles southwest, leav ing the city open to the commu nists. - Kweilin, capital of Kwangsi province, was one of the most Important nationalist bases in the ', southwest and headquarters city for nationalist Gen. Pal Chung Hsi. Latest reports said Pai's army of 300.000 men which refused to fight in defense of Canton be cause they were unpaid for two months, had melted to 200,000 or less. The nationalist central news agency reported without explana tion that Gen. Pai himself had arrived at Hoihou on Hainan island. Private sources said the few nationalist government officials at Chungking were preparing to withdraw to Kunming, Yunnan province capital near the Burma and Indo-China borders, after hardly more than a week in the new headquarters. These reports said communist Gen. Po-Cheng's second field army, which helped conquer south China, has been transfer red to the west China front for the final drive on Chungking. SAVE ON O Prescriptions O Drugs O Tobaccos O Magazines O Cosmetics QUALITY with Economy at ECONOMY DRUGS 801 Wall St- Ph. 323 TONITE and TUESDAY! BING and W BARRY... TEAMED AGAIN AND MORE WONDERFUL - THAN EVERJ BING CROSBY BAR BY FITZGERALD ANN BLYTH SAHUBIS CRONYN TONITE and TUESDAY! That Hilarious Pair in TWO BIG HITS! IT'S THE JEST OF THE WEST! Percy IOliwd'e lojethtr Again! 2nd HitiTL-i Md-riorieMAIN Percy KILBRIDE KNAPP SHOES FOB THE FAMILY Cushion Insole Factory Fitting Gives Utmost , In Foot Comfort. Also 9 Work Boot C. H. Keating 65 Greeley Phone 1777-W DENTISTRY Dr. H. E. Jackson At his residential office NO PARKING PROBLEM 230 Lava Road Phone 134 COMMERCIAL I HOUSEHOLD GOODS CARTAGE I MOVING STORAGE AND RENTAL SPACE AVAILABLE ONE PHONl CALL for Packing, Crating, Warehousing, Distribution, Twinway Moving Service COMMERCE 9944 CONSOLIDATED fRElGHTWAYS 210 Irving Street Bend, Oregon , Shevlin Quality PONDEROSA PINE Lumber and Box Shooks friyR budget Fares are often less than rail plus Pullman. Delicious meals aloft al no extra cost. Ask about United'i Half-Fare Family Plan. $7.30 fo PORTLAND Only Wa hit. 116.25 re Seattle -Tacoma Just 3 hri. And California and "ALL THE EAST" UNITED AIR LINES Bend-Rtdmond Airport Call Redmond 260 Ot, If I AN AUTHOMZCD THAVtl AOIM kw m -from the bottom up! ItsTops Fact to remember: When you look at a car, any car, you only see about 40 of what you're paying for. That's why when experienced buy ers come in to look at a Packard we often invite them to take a "road's-eye view." We like to show and describe hidden values such as these: Double-solid-panel body construction over a frame that looks husky enough to be a battleship's backbone! Special alloys that make the engine almost "wear-proof." Fact: In high speed, 25,000-mile endurance runs, Packard cylinder wear is less than the thickness of this newspaper page! Extra ball and roller bearings more than you'll find in any other car in Packard's price class. Like the jewels in a fine watch, these costly bearings guard vital parts against wear. The list goes on and on, and on and it covers all the big reasons, for Delivered here at new lower Golden Anniversary prices, you can buy this 135-HP Packard Eight, six-passenger Club Sedan for only $2537.28 5tat Mud local taxtt, it My, mid wbi0 lidtwallt ($21), fxlra, Prictt may vmy in mdioimiut rts btcauit ot tramportttion bargei. ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE Packard's superior safety and comfort . . . and Packard's amazing economy. And how consistent has Packard qual ity been in the hidden features, as well as the on-the-surface features? Answer! Of all the Packards built in the last 50 years over 50 are still in service! Bickard 135-HP EIOHT 150 HP SUPER 160-HP CUSTOM HUTCHINS MOTORS Bend, Oregon 167 Greenwood Ave.