The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, October 21, 1949, Page 6, Image 6

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    page six
Classified Rates
KS Words One Time 50c
M Wordu Threw Time SLS5
215 Words Six Times SIM
All warda II add 2c par word UaM
numbar el Inaartlena.
Om awiuli run, mm ropy, daj rata.
Minimum chart. 10c
l.lna Rata 10c Capltala 0e
Rnsin lee Una, minlmaai 0c
Listing Unu claaalflada, 11 a. at.
Dieplav Advtrtulnc CWlnt tlasa ft p.m.
pratlaua day. On half paara ar larrar. 4
p.m. aecand day pravlaaa la pabllcatlaa.
A.F. A.M.
654 Broadway
UJB mint of mrclino previously call
id lor October 21.
Warren Wing, Sec.
F.O.E. Hall
Moots Everv Friday Nlcht
S. R. "Shirl" Harmon, W. P.
Rt. 1, Box 126 Phone 16S2-J
W. M. Loy, Secretary
Rt. 3, Box 42 Phone 20-F-5
For Sale Real Estate
DWELLING: Modern, 5 rms. and
bath; bsmt.; furnace heat; wired
for elec. range; garage. Lot 60 ft.
front. 514 Delaware Ave. S4750.
Illness forces Immediate sacrifice
sale of good 40 acre farm, located
close in, on pavement. Has 5
room, modern home; large cis
tern; new pressure pump; spud
cellar; shed barns; stock pond.
35 acres COI water; good soil;
14 acres seeded pasture. Includes
120 acres fenced Taylor grazing.
All going now for only SS400.
About $3500 will handle. Balance
yearly. Ask for Ray.
1039 Wall St. Phone 1327-W
Across from Pilot Butte Inn
FOR LEASE: Modern service
station by major oil company
to financially responsible party.
Phone 71, Bend.
NEED A HOME? Check the
Deal of the Day on KBND 9:00
a.m. Call today and inspect the
listings at Gilbert's Real Estate,
1015 Wall St
NEW, 4 BR. house; well constr.;
good location. Priced to sell. FHA
terms. 1045 East 6th St., half blk.
off Greenwood.
WE HAVE BUYERS for 2 and 3
br. homes, also acreage with city
water, and a 40 to 80 acre farm
close in, condition of buildings
and land immaterial. If it isn't
listed with us, we can't sell it
See C J. Lindh or D. H. Peoples.
Midstate Realty Co. Phone 495.
WANT TO SELL? List your prop
erty with GILBERT. A square
deal, and prompt, efficient, cour
teous service is yours at Gilbert's
Real Estate. 1015 Wall St
1029 Brooks Phone 331
Near the Chamber of Commerce
2 br., llv. rm., bath, kitchen and
dinette; mod. home. Good cond.
Garage. $3150; $1000 down, bal.
East side; mod., 2 br.; liv. and din.
rm.; bath; util. rm.; with lovely
kitchen; insulated and weather
stripped. $5500; $1500 down.
3 br.. fully mod. home. Bsmt. and
turn; fireplace; lge. lot; garage
and workshop. $6800; $1600 down.
Gas equip., mod., ' 1 br. home.
Bsmt and garage: East side.
Some furniture. $3800; $800
Call Mr. Locklin 331
. Phone 185 . Penney Bldg.
1 story home; 4 br.; full ce
ment bsmt.; pipe furn.; hdwd.
firs.; 2 full lots; garage; 1 blk.
east from South 3rd, just beyond
viaduct.' Price $7000, with FHA
loan available.
Well equip. Lunch Counter; can
be handled by 2 people. Excel,
equipment; good going business.
'2 br., mod.; north dist; close in,
on hiway; oil furnace; lge. liv.
rm.; util. rm.; oversize lot; ga
rage. Immed. poss. $5500; loan
36 Oregon Phone 36-W
Vacant. On river. 5 room, mod
ern; gas and electricity. $4300;
$500 down, $40 month.
(1) Owner leaving, offers bar
gain. Attractive home; attached
garage. 2 room, separate, fur
nished apartment. $300 worth of
carpets. Electric range; daveno.
Only $7000; $1500 down.
(2) Income property cheap. 2 bed
room, furnished duplex; base
ment. 3 other rentals. Only
$11,500, terms. Will consider 2
bedroom, modern house for
M mile frontage on Highway 97.
60 acres, 50 acres COI. Alfalfa,
pasture, clover. New house. $9500,
$4500 down.
221 Greenwood Phone 167
West side. 2 br., mod.; Vk lots;
on bus line. $3250; small down
East side. 3 br., mod.; bsmt.;
gas furnace; elec. water heat
er; wired for range; close in.
$6950, terms.
40 a., near Tumalo. 37 a. water;
3 a. strawberries. 2 br. house.
$7500, terms. Will trade for city
316 a. lease, near Madras. 187 a.
In alfalfa and clover; 160 a. cul
tlvated. Machine shed and liv
Ing quarters. All nec. equip
Classifieds Reach 20,000 Readers
16"HEAVY, DRY, seasoned jack
pine slab wood. Call l'JM-K.
2 CORD 16 gr. slab. $14.00; 2
cord 16" dry slab, $19.00. deliveted
in Bend. (You haul from yd.. $5
per cord.) Central Oregon Fuel
Co., phone 201-W. 936 A St., Red
mond, Ore.
GOOD HEAVY jackpine slab
wood for sale. Better stock up
now for winter. Drop a card to
O. D. Alexander, Lapine.
DRY BODY pine wood, $9 a cord
by 5-cord load. Phone &5. Rotz
Wood Yard, Sisters, Oregon.
NOTICE: If vou need wood or
coal, phone 767 evenings between
6 and 8; or come to Brookings-
Wood Yard at Scott and Davis St.
DRY BODY WOOD, any length.
Immediate delivery. Jim and
George Wilson. Phone 639-W; or
write 331 ' Riverfront.
Order now, DON'T BE CAUGHT
COLD. Keep your fuel bin FULL.
222 Irving Ave. Phone 444
For Sale Farm Products
WOULD LIKE to trade veal calf
for good load of wood. Rt. 1. Box
229. Phone 2000-J4
5 COLTS, 2 light and 3 heavy.
$15 each, or all for $50. Phone
2 JERSEY HEIFERS; just fresh.
Red fryers, 40c lb. live weight
Elder Ranch, 7 mi. north on Old
Redmond hiway.
CONSIGN YOUR livestock to
Central Oregon Auction for the
highest prices. Sale every Thurs
day. Ben R. Smith. Mgr. Phone
BULL SERVICE brought to your
farm. Also some nice locker beef
and weaner pigs for sale. Phone
For Sale Miscellaneous
NEW 12-ga. SHOTGUN. Price
$60. Phone 195-M.
1 M.W. Washer, 6 mo. old. $69.50
1 S. Queen Washer, 1 yr.
old - 49.50
1 Barton Washer, 1 yr.
old $55.00
1 Dexter Washer, 3 yr. old 42.50
Other Washers $10, $15. $20 up
1 Late model Westinghouse Re
frigerator, i
1 Late model Philco Refrigera
1033 Brooks St.
4-FT. USED CHAIN saw. in very
good cond. A bargain. Sexton
Supply, 1195 Wall St.
GOOD WORK Watch; Waltham;
12 size; 17 jewels; in perfect run
ning cond. $1950.
Watch Repairing
Eriksen's Stationery
UNDERWOOD typewriter, $25.
Spark oil circulator. $79. Easy
washing machine, $100. 2-wheel
trailer, $50. Set of Britannlca,
$50. 114 Congress.
Baldwin Acrosonic spinet; beau
tiful; like new. Will be sold at
sacrifice. Write Benson Piano
Co., 65 Gilchrist Ave., Bend, Ore.
1045-W. 1425 Lexington.
1 20-ga. HARRISON-Richardson
shotgun; nearly new; $25. 1 12-
ga. Higgens shotgun; nearly
new: sa. l 30-0& Remington
nearly new; $70. 1 30-30 Win
chester Carbine; like new. 50O.
Inquire Mel s Trailer Court, Wil
liam Orr.
player. 12 record capacity; plays
perfectly. $25. Phone 1703-W. 313
E. Greenwood.
pressor, pulleys, belt and caster
mounting. $25. After 5:30. 2055
N. 1st St.
ant out-of-town sewing machine
men are representing themselves
as employees 01 this company-
these men are frauds. We do not
employ house-to-house salesmen.
Please phone us if one of them
calls on you, or notify your local
police dept There is a law against
door-to-door soliciting.
Bend Phone 862-W
Eagle-Picher CERTIFIED insula
tion job. The best is cheapest.
Phone 34 for Information; no ob
ligation. Al Marvin, local rep
resentative, L. H. Clawson Co.
MODERN RIFLES and shotguns
to exenange lor antique guns.
rnone laao-w. usi'h fc. Franklin,
MONARCH OIL heaters; perfect
cona. Mary - Mac Motor Lodge,
Redmond. Phone 63-Z.
10 NEW ALKUNA gum and life-
saver vending machines. Requires
3 hrs. of your time each week:
brings 29 net return on your
Investment For more details,
write Box 8529, co Bend Bulle
RADIO TUBES Complete stock
Philco and other nationally
known brands. Tubes tested.
Bend Furniture Co,
For Sale Miscellaneous
A I.ARCE STOCK of used refrig
erators, recond. and guar, from
$69.50 up; used wringer washers
from $19.50 up. Also used auto
matic electric ranges and iron
ers. 165 E. Greenwood. Oregon
Equipment Co., phone 888.
Phone 1433-J
For Sale - I'sed Cars
1931 Model A Ford Coupe $150
1935 Ford Pickup $350
In wonderful shape.
1939 Dodge Sedan $-150
A real buy.
1946 Ford Pickup. Winterized, R
& 11. A wonderful buy.
1946 Chrysler Windsor Sedan. R
& H. Like new.
390 Greenwood Phone 64
Here's your chance to buy a Used
Car below Wholesale Prices. We
are forced to reduce our Stock,
due to lot space.
1947 Mercury Station Wag
on $1195
1947 Mercury' 4-door 1145
1949 Ford 4-door Custom; -
loaded with accessories 1495
1947 Ford 4-door Super De
luxe 995
1947 Ford 2-door 975
1939 Ford 2-door 345
1940 Ford 2-door 495
1939 Ford 4-door. 60 h.p 225
1937 Ford 2-door, 60 h.p 175
1936 Ford 2-door 165
1928 Ford Model A. 2-door ... 50
1928 Ford Model A, 4-door.... 50
1940 Nash 4-door 295
1941 Buick 4-door Special .... 545
1939 Buick 4-door 375
1948 Pontiac 4-door Torpedo 1395
1942 Pontiac 2-door 545
1941 Pontiac 2-door 445
1942 Chrvsler 4-door 595
1941 Hudson 4-door 395
1938 Plymouth 4-door 295
1937 Plymouth Coupe 150
1936 Chevrolet 4-door 195
1948 Kaiser 4-door 1145
1940 Zephvr Convertible 445
1942 Chevrolet Club Coupe.. 695
1948 Ford Pickup, 6 cyl $1945
1SH7 ord Pickup, b cyl iHo
1946 Ford Pickup 845
1937 Chevrolet Pickup 215
1940 Plymouth Pickup 325
194i Willys Jeep, with pow
er takeoli and Hydrau
lic lift 795
1939 Chevrolet Truck; short
wheelbase, with flat
rack 195
1936 Chevrolet Pickup 125
Member Central Oregon Auto
mobile Dealers Assn.
Across from Pilot Butte Inn
Phone 680
Greenwood and Hill
Phone 1157-W or 87
1933 Ford 2-dr. Sedan. Tires and
running condition good. Our Buy
ot the Week!
Full Price $75
1947 Chev. 5-pass. Coupe. Beat
this! Less than 10,000 miles. Ex.
condition: full guarantee.
Full Price $1345
1946 Chev. 4-dr. Sedan. R&H,
spotlight, fog lights; new rubber;
A-l shape.
Full Price $1195
1941 Ford 2-dr. $695
New rubber and paint.
1940 Olds 2-dr. Sedan 695
1939 Ford 2-dr. Sedan 395
Recond. motor.
1937 Ford "85" 2-dr 275
New rubber, R&H.
1936 Chev. 2-dr 225
1935 Ford 2-dr : 150
1935 Chev. 2-dr. 150
1937 Ford Coupe 195
1936 C'nev. 2-dr 150
220 Greenwood
Our Reputation is Your
1941 FORD TRUCK, -ton; with
1946 motor; overload springs and
stock rack; excel, cond. See at
Ted's Place, 21 Columbia.
"Our 33rd Year"
1948 Buick Super Sedan. Carls
bad black with WSW tires. Only
11,780 miles. Fully equipped, plus
underseal and seat covers. One
of the finest we've ever han
dled $2150
1948 Chevrolet Aerosedan. Black
streamlined mode), in perfect
condition. Has radio, heater,
spotlight, underseal, other ex
tras $1595
1948 Plymouth Sedan. Light
green; equipped with radio, heat
er, fog lights, and back-up lights.
An excellent value $1495
1940 Buick 2-door Sedan.. Excep
tionally clean; with radio, heater,
visor, spotlight and fog lights.
1937 DeSoto Coupe. A good value.
Has heater and overdrive $295
Phone 193
For Sale I'sed Corn
V-8 TRUCK and trailer; In good
cond. A steal (or $750. Inquire
Richfield Station, Mudras, Ore.
19-10 Pontiac deluxe 6 club coupe.
Heater; seat covers. $520.
19-10 Chev. special deluxe 4-tlr.
Heater; seat covers. $150.
Call Tom Klrv;. 173, before 5.
TOR SALE: 1948 Wlllvs Jeep.
Driven 1 yr. Excel, cond. 313 E.
Greenwood. Phone 1703-W.
1941 ROADM ASTER Buick. for
sale or trade for lighter car. Time
Service Station, South Highway;
between 7 a.m. and 1 p.m.
46 FORD PICKUP: 27.000 miles.
Oversized tires; heater and other
extras; runs like new; body solid.
$875 cash. W. B. Crawford. 6
miles out on Burns hiway; turn
right V, mile.
OR TRADE for pickup. 1937 Ford
1'ii-ton truck; 4 speed transmls.
18111 East 8th St. Phone 1130-.M.
19-10 PLYMOUTH coach; low
mileage.; good rubber. See at 415
Bucna Vista, Redmond.
For Kent
FURNISHED APT.: I br.. llv.
rm., kitchen, nook, pri. buth. 1412
Hill St.
I1 & 2 BR. FURNISHED or un-
fiirntcHn.) mml i-nfrmri)fi ciiltnlili.
for 3 and 4 persons. At the Car
roll Acres More.
SLEEPING RM. for rent. No
drinkers. Inquire 252 Georgia.
2 RM. FURNISHED apt.; close
in. suitable tor couple. Light and
water furnished. $30 mo. 62 Lake
Place. Phone 1518-J2.
CABINS at the Pine Tree Auto
Court on South Highway -97. Win
ter rates.
APTS. FOR RENT: All furnish
ed. Inquire Shady Nook Motel,
405 East 3rd.
APTS. FOR RENT for winter
months. L Rancho Motor Hotel.
Phone 199-Z, Redmond.
WANTED: Return load from
Bend area to Willamette valley.
Write Valley Storage, Corvallis.
HOUSEKEEPING rm. for single
man. Phone bnl-J.
WANTED: The oldest Chev., Bu
ick or Cadillac auto, licensed and
running, for parade Nov. 5. Write
Bend Garage Co., giving details.
WOULD LIKE to buy some good
milk cows that win freshen soon
also any other kind of cattle you
have to sell. w. K. ranks, Red
mond. Phone 78.
TOP PRICES paid for any kind
of cattle you have to sell; fat or
thin. Will pick them up at your
ranch. Randall Miller, Redmond.
Phone 168-X.
TO BUY: 2" planks in good cond.
Suitable for bull pen. About 3mo
ft, or whatever you nave. John
E. Jackson. Rt. 1. Box 311B.
GOOD HOME for cat and three
kittens. 610 Portland.
WANTED TO RENT or lease: A
farm, preferably crop rent: Red
mond or Powell Butte vicinity.
References. G. G. Michael, Rt. 2,
Box 145A, Bend.
Help Wanted
HAVE OPENING for man or
woman for demonstration work.
Will give free training. Car neces
sary. Earnings above average.
Write Box 8566, co Bend Bulle
tin, giving full particulars.
I WANT to talk to 3 men who
are interested in making $100
$150 a week. I must have men
who are willing to work. I will
train you and assist you in mak
ing money from the start. No
cash required. I am not interested
in any man who is not interested
in himself or future. Absolutely
no house - to house canvassing.
Phone 1517-J3 for appt, between
10 and 12 noon Friday or Satur
day only. Ask for Mr. B.
A NATIONALLY known firm
needs two ambitious men for
managers in this territory. Men
must have sales experience and
car. Can earn over $100 a wk. See
Mrs. Crowe, between 10 and 12
a.m., at JoAnn Court.
Situations Wanted
day work. Tel. 873-M.
WANTED: Steady Job on ranch.
By veteran. Have wife, 2 daugh
ters. C. R. Smith, Gen. Del.,
Prineville, Oregon.
types of electrical wiring by guar
anteed licensed men. Free esti
mates. Telephone 159.
sanding, finishing. Also reflnish
old floors, like new, free esti
221 Greenwood Ave. Ph. 167
and renalrs on all makes. Phone
274. 1033 Brooks.
GULICK TRUCK Service: Long
distance livestock and hay haul
ing. We pick up livestock for lo
cal markets, Redmond Auction
house, or for shipment direct to
Union Stock Yards, Portland.
Phone 790-W.
SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, drain
holes shot Free estimates. Phone
1252-J or 975-J. D. W. Grimes,
210 Davis Ave.. Bend.
ing. Body wood, 16 , $9 curd. Call
Waldorf Cafe, 280.
Driveways surfaced. Compressor
work. L. G. Davison. Phone
1177-J. -
TRAVELING Truck - Crane. Do
ing light or heavy duty hoisting,
loading or pulling. R. B. Watson.
Phone 1699-J. 1636 Galveston.
HOUSE MOVING and raising;
largo or small. Estimates gladly
given. Holman Transfer, 201 Irv
ing. Phone 987. ,
HEATING: Service and Repair
ot all makes of oil burners by
factory trained men. Oregon
Heating Co.. 510 Delaware. Cull
513, day or night.
FOR WELL and drain hole drill
ing call Lee Grimes, 224 Duvls,
phone 975-J or 1252-J.
proof padded von. We pack your
china with care, hung your
clothes In our wardrobe. Local
and nation-wide moving and stor
age. Holman Transfer, 201 Irv
ing. Phone 987.
struction, rough framing, remod
eling, cabinets, built-ins and shop
work. F. W. Page, phone 650-M.
general contractor.
SAW FILING, gumming, ham
mering, band saw welding, sandor
belts, band saw blades, new han
dles hung in tools. Sexton Supply
& Saw Service, 1195 Wall Street.
To, from, or within Central Ore
gon. Good equipment und experi
enced men.
222 Irving Ave. Phone 4-14
Sealed bids In duplicate will be
received In the office of Sister
M. Blunche, Superior, St. Charles'
Hospital, Bend. Oregon, until 7:30
o'clock P.M., Tuesday, November
1, 19-19. for the construction of an
Addition to St. Charles' Hospital.
Bend, Oregon. Separate bids will
be received for Generul construc
tion; Plumbing, Heating and Ven
tilating Work; and Electrical
Drawings, specifications, and
form of contract documents for
this work may be obtained from
the office of John W. Maloney.
Architect. 754 Central Building.
Seattle. Washington, upon receipt
of $50.00 deposit; and drawings,
specifications, and forms of con
tract documents may be examin
ed at the office of Sister M.
Blanche, and at the Associated
General Contractors. Arctic Build
ing, Seattle. Washington, as well
as the Builders Exchange Co
operative, Builders Exchange
Building, Portland. Oregon. The
amount of the deposit for docu
ments will be returned to each
bidder upon the return of tald
documents in good condition
within thirty days after the date
of opening bids.
The Owner reserves th right
to reject any or alt bids, and to
waive informalities.
No bidder may withdraw his
bid after the hour set for open
ing thereof or before award of
oontract unless said award is de
layed for a period exceeding thir
ty (30) days.
Sisters of St. Joseph,
Tipton. Indiana.
Carl A. Johnson as its Attorney
in Fact, .
Lowell A. Jensen as its Attor
ney in Fact.
Sister M. Blanche as its Attor
ney in Fact. 258-264-270-C
ESTATE No. 1509
That Nolle E. Terwillcger was,
on the 4th day of October, 1949,
appointed by the County Court
of Deschutes County, Oregon, as
the. Executrix of the Estate of
Alice E. Gilbert, deceased. All per
sons having claims against said
Estate are hereby required to
present the same, duly verified
as required by law, to said
Executrix, at Room 209. Court
House, Deschutes County, Ore
gon, within six months from the
first publication of this notice.
Dated and first published at
Bend, Oregon, this 21st day of
uctooer, la-ia.
Executrix of the Estate of
Alice c. (Jiioert, deceased,
Dallas. Ore., Oct. 21 HP) Build
ing contractor Charles Wledeman
of Dallas was accidentally shot In
the arm while he was deer hunt
ing Wednesday. A Dallas physi
cian found that the joint had been
badly shattered and amputation
of the loft arm was found neces
sary. Wiedeman was reported re
covering satisfactorily today.
.The contractor was accidentally
shot, police said, by his hunting
companion, Merrltt Hart of Dul-las.
Jefferson County Land for Sale
Bids will be received on October 28, 1940, at 10:00 a.m. for
land In Jefferson Water Conservancy District, If you are In
terested In this land, please obtain Information from us, or
The Jefferson County Abstract Company, at Madras, Oregon,
before the above date.
Telephone 8-3137, Salem
under the will of II. F. Shanks, deceased
Halem, Oregon
Generator Fails,
Bend Power Cut
Failure of a venerator In one
of the midstate feeder plants re
sulted In u power surge to the
north lust night shortly before 6
o'clock that left much of oenti 11 1
Oregon In darkness, us evening
meals were being served In most
homes. 'Hie "kickback" broke
pool connections to the north, and
more thun hn It un hour elapsed
before the midstate power sys
tem wiis back on normal produc
Only towns not Included In the
"blackout" were Culver, Melollus
und Madras, "served from the
Cove plant. Bend, Redmond und
f rlneville were nffectiHl. In Heml,
the power loss ranged from four
minutes, In the downtown section,
to 32 minutes In other parts of
When the generator fccdlni:
power Into the local system went
out at 5:45 p.m., a surge over
lines to the north reunited, anil
this surge opened switches, cut
ting connections with (he north
west power pool. Normally, the
oower plant on the Deschutes In
Bend would have cared for the
extra local loud, but the (low past
Bond Is ut a minimum .low. with
heavy storage under way ul Wick
iup and Crane prairie.
The break In the system oc
curred ut u time of peak loads In
the midstate communities.
Portland. Oct. 21 'lit Cuttle:
Friday salable NX); calves 50;
market mostly on cleanup basis;
rather slow; steady to weak:
some medium calves unsold. For
five days, salable 2975; calves
8-10; generally steady on reduced
offering but medium grass steers
strong to 50c higher early und
runner und cutter cows closed
strong to 50c up. One lot low
good 915 lb. fed steers 25.00, with
un Individual good steer ut 27.00.
Medium grassi-rs 19 00 to 21.50.
common 16.00 to 18.00. Medium
and good Blockers und feeders
16.00 to 18.00. Cutter and com
mon dairy type steers und heif
ers 11.00 to '13.50. Common heif
ers 13.50 to 16.00. medium 17.00
to 20.00: one load spayed hellers
22.00. Canner and cutter cows
largely 10.50 to 11.50 lute, com
mon and medium 12.50 to 15.00.
Good young cows to 10.00. Good
beef bulls 17.00 10 17.50. Common
and medium sausage bulls 1100
to 16.50. Good vealers 22.00 to
23.50. odd choice 24.00. Common
anil medium predominated 13. (X)
to 19.00. Cull down to 10.00.
Hogs: Friday salable 25;
steady; early top 20.50. For five
days, salable 1425. Market closed
50c lower after recovering part
of early 1,00 decline. Eoiiv top
20.00, lowest since OPA controls
were lifted. Late bulk good and
choice 180 to 230 lb. weights
20.50, few 20.75. Heavier und
lighter weights discounted 2.00 or
more. Good 350 to 500 lb. sows
16.00 to 17.00. Good and choice
feeder pigs 20.00 to 21.00.
Sheep: Friday salable 50;
steady to weak; few good and
choice lambs 21.00. For five days,
salable 2300. Market steady to
50c higher, sorting more severe.
Good and choice lambs 21.00 to
21.50, few 22.00. Medium down to
19.00, common down to 16.00.
Good fi-eders 17.00 to 18.00. Good
and choice yearlings 18.00. Good
ewes 6.00 lo 6.50, few Thursday
7.00, common down to 3.00.
Portland, Oct. 21 Hit- Prices on
grades AA medium, certified A
and B medium eggs dropped two
cents a dozen on the Portland
market today. Other grades and
sizes of eggs remulned steady and
Butter quotations were un
changed. Butter Price to retailers:
Grade AA prints, 67c lb.; AA car
tons, 68c; A prints, 67c; A car
tons, 68c; B prints, 64c.
Eggs Prices to retailers:
Certified A lurge, 68c doz.; A
grade AA large, 73c doz.; large
67c; AA medium, 56c; certified
A medium, 54c; A medium, 55-56c
doz.; A small, 43c doz.; cartons
2c additional.
Saturday, Oct. 22
Eastern Star Grange
Music by
K A M B L E It S
Come. Have Pun
Seasonal Drop
In Employment
Believed Near
Salem, Oct. 21 dii Employ
ment remained u( 'or near lop
1919 levels through recent weeks,
but seasonal declines began curly
In October, lite Nlate unemploy
ment compensation commission
reported toduy.
There were fairly widespread
declines III lumbering ami con
struction along with the usual
fall letdown In food harvesting
and processing. '
Unemployment claims Increas
ed by 3.5tH In the flint two weeks
of October. And many mure furin
workers und others not covered
by stale law or the 0 1 1)111 were
(lllng npiilicalloiiH lorn slii'lnklng
list of unfilled Job openings.
Local officers of the cominls
slon rcHii'lcd .'Iti.OOO qualified
workers without Jobs us of Oct.
1, un increuse of 1(H) In u mouth,
und 71.4 per cent higher limn the
21.0IX) jobless a year ago.
Placements for the month were
slightly higher Willi Jobs found
for 7,505 In trade, service and In.
dustry, and 15.523 In agriculture.
Only 1,583 were placed In con
struction und lumbering In Sep.
tembei, compared with 2X2 In
September, 19-IH.
I'mler l-uxt Year
On the basis of reports cov
ering more then 1,000 represent
atlvc establishments. I lie cummin
slon said the numlM-r of imuug
rifiilluiul Jobs us of Sept. 15 was
estimated ul 4.13.300, almost the
same us In August but Hl.-tno
under 11 year ago. Lumber und
logging oeiutlons employed
neat ly 77.1X10 persons for most of
the past two months, about M.(KK)
below the 19-18 all lime peak for
Oregon's main Industry.
The construction industry em
ployed 25.(11X1 workers, about 15
mt cent below last year's top.
Other Industries und must trade
und service groups rcporlcd us
many or slightly more employes
this (all compared with u year
The commission said most of
the early October increases In
unemployment claims came from
western Oregon, where seasonal
layoffs 111 fooil processing and
lumbering were uecou'iliiliie. In
the first two weeks of Oclolier,
Initial claims more Ihan doubled
In Eugene. Salem. Astoria. Hose
liurg und Medfurd.
lO.IMHI In Portland
Continued claims remained Just
under 10,01 M) n . Portland aiea.
but new and additional claims
elimls-d to 1.811, ugulnst l.ltrjl
Just iwo weeks curlier.
With the exception of Coos Hay
nil Toledo, every one of the com
mission's 26 local office mens re
ported more persons out of work
Oct. 1 than a yeur before. In
creases around Roselnug, Ell
gene, Oregon City. Iji Grande.
Mcdford and The Dulles were
considerably ntxivc the average
for the state.
The commission noied that
seasonal. Industries will continue
to trim forces In the remaining
months of this year. Hut cxwuV
slon In retail trade und scattered
Sleeping Bags
Reg. 27.50.. 18.50
Circulating Heaters
and Oil
Heaters.. $12.50 up
Davenports. $25.00
Lf.lir.-Jl ill 3V 'I M
Hutch's Week-End
Used Car Specials
Reconditioned Guaranteed!
'48 Frazer Manhattan
'49 Willys Pickup
4-Whccl Drive
'41 Dodge Tudor
'29 Ford Model-A
All Priced to Sell!
Hutchins Motors
"The House That Service Built"
167 Greenwood pnone 259
World Affairs
Course Available
An opportunity I" tdllly I""'1'
national relations in terms of cur
lent problems is still available
to loenl persons who wish to en
roll for the polllleul science
course at Central Oregon Com
munity college, Howard M. Nich
olson, conrdlnutor, stressed today,
Unless iiddlllouul students lire
slgnisl up, however, the course
will have to lie abandoned, he
So faV, II students have regis
tered. Fifteen Is the minimum
number for n elnss. Although
three of Ihe lectures have alri'tidy
been given, review ut each meet
ing of the class would enable new
memlH'is lo catch up with the
others, It wns pointed out. Those
who wish to audit the course
need nut lake the examination
al the end of the term.
Kline It. Swygard. associate po
litical science professor ul Ore
gon Stale college,. comes to lleuil
each Monday to tench Ihe course
ut X p.m. In room 226 of the high
school building.
Persons who wish to enroll in
Ihe class ure being asked to regis,
ter Willi Mrs. George Slmervllle,
vliv - president of Ihe Oregon
Council for UNKSCO. who was
active In efforts to bring Ihe
course to llend. "Fundamentals
' learned In this course give lite
I student un insight Into world
1 problems und an understanding
I of International affairs that
would be valuable to anyone
1 Interested in furthering world
I peace." she said.
I Fee for the course Is Ihe stand
J aid extension d e. Slo .'iO.
Chamber Forum
j Program Changed
ChainlM'r of commerce oiflclals
today announced u chunge In
J plans for their forum meeting
i next Friday noon ut the Pine tav
i ern.
I Robert Cowilii. a representative
(of the Pacific northwest forest
land range experiment station lu
j Portland, will Ik- the principal
: speaker, according lo the an
nouncement. I Previously, chamls-i- officials
had planned to have Ralph lire.
shears, of Scat tic, us the sieiiker,
Inn he notified them that he
would he unable to attend.
Tuple of t'owlln's talk will he
forest resources. He also plans lo
discuss recent developments In
ine jiick iine iiiuusii y.
service and manufacturing lines
will menu Jobs (or many of the
displaced workers. Reports from
1,111 concerns throughout Ihe
stale estimate Ihe decline III em
ployment iH-lween Sept. 15 and
lccombor at less thin 5 percent.
A January pick up Is fnicsccn lu
text Ire. and appar el.
Insurance & Real Estate
13S Oregon Ave. Phone St
1- Bodroom Modern
Nino and In very good lo
cations. Priced from
2- Bedroom Modern
Garage woodshed, picket
fence. I.ocatod at I2ft Kl
gin; Terms.
Vqry Nice 2-Bodroom
.Modern brlrk. Ileauliriil
800 Acre Dairy Ranch
Slrlekly modern, ( limn In.
40 Acre Farms
Top notch, level, well Ini
' proved. Close In. Priced
from SH,A(H).