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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1949)
PAGE TEN THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1949 Oregon Training School Seeks fo Reform Bad Boys By William Warren (United Praee Btafr Corrawoodmt) Woodburn, Oct. 20 (Hi Here at the Woociburn boys' school, youngsters who have tangled with the law are learning how to handle freedom. The men who run this state training school are attempting to carry out Its original Intent to be reform school. They are try ing in fact to reform the boys; to train them so constructively that they can go back into the com munity with a sense of responsi bility and belonging. It doesn't always work. Some times boys revert to crime. But In many cases the reformation tiiltos, and the youngsters go on to become useful and even lead ing citizens. The school hopes to increase the percentage. Under the thoughtful and pro gressive administration of James Lamb, the school's comparatively new su)crlntendent, the boys are treated with as much dignity as they will take. They get the same food as the staff. - When they demonstrate that they can handle freedom, they can take on "off campus" jobs for pay that will be waiting them when their term is up. Gone is corporal punish ment. No Pampering Not that Lamb believes in any pampering. He isn't even sure that the abolition of corporal pun ishment is 100 per cent good. But he feels that it is too much of a responsibility to ask the staff to lay the strap to the boys, so he's banned the practice.' In the old days the boys would get a certain number of stripes for certain types of offenses. The problem Is to keep the kids from running away. Only a small percentage of them try, but they are the ones who are heard about. Lamb says It's usually the new boys to make the breaks. The ones who have been there some time want to complete their sen tence averageing 9 months and varying from six months to two years and get back to the com munity. The youngster has to learn, 'says Lamb, that he is responsible for what he does. The superin tendent, who took on the task at request of the state board of con trol, said: Confusion Evident "In every boy here you'll find confusion in relationship to his home." Some are pampered too much. Others are neglected. "But the kid is responsible for what he does arid he has to learn that. It won't do him any good as he goes through life If he blames his own shortcomings on his parents. It is a question of the boy being able to accept his situation and not fight against it." Every boy in the school here has broken the law. Lamb,- form erly with the court of domestic re lations in Portland, calls it "pre Ssnting a serious community diffi- 8YNOPS1R OP AXNtTAL STATEMENT For toe jcar ended December 31. IMS Of the " Federal Union Ininrence Company or Cbiraso. In tbe State of Illinois, made to the Inauranre Commlaalnner of the State of Oregon, purauant to lair: INCOME Net premiums recited f- 2.492.0S1.S3 Total Interest, dlrldenaa ana real estate Income Income from other sources . aotal income 132.478.11 O.0M.1P 2.031.1M.13 1.0SS.719.98 TO.T2K.ST Mo.eBi.SS DISBTTRBEaTEirTS Net 'amonnt paid for losses Lnsa anjuetment espeneee Underwriting eapenaes Dlridende paid to atocsbolderB (Caah. KW.OOO.OO) Dividends paid or credited to policyholders - o All other eapendltnrea rlnelnd Inff Inreatment expenses I3.SM.751 11.S07.TT Total dlhnrenientB . t J.23S.074.60 ADMITTED ASSETS Valoe of Teal eatate owned (market Taloel a Loans on mortxaicrs sod collat eral, etc. Cash 'In banks and on hand . Premtama In eonree of collec tion written aloce September BO. 191S sfl.eno.oo S37.520.07 Other assets Ineta) total admitted aiiaetB Liabilities, Surplus sad Other Funds 140.7rtt.79 5.R17.1R5.14 Total unpaid clslma Kallmated loss adlnatment ex pense for unpaid claims IW.52.07 Tots! unearned nremloma ..M.KW.77 AU other liabilities 339.565.14 muii iiaDiuiiea. except ' 'anllal Capital paid op l.ono.W.flo OMitlasencr reeerrs fll. 394.43 Unaaalcned fnoda (aur. plus! l.fflO.IHO.Itl surplus as recards pouerhold- Tolil J..12.fww.rj Bllslfleaa la Ar-m fn Va Net premium received 02.4S2.II Net leasee paid Prlnclpsl office In Oresoo rorfland. Orecoa culty." Among the commoner causes for incarceration Are auto theft, burglary, sex offenses and extreme vandalism. Car theft is probably accountable for a ma jority. And for that, says Lamb, you can shift part of the blame to thoughtless motorists who leave their cars open and ready to go. The Institution has 275 acres, a mile north of Woodburn. The attempt is made to make the school as self-sustaining as pos sible. Twenty-five acres are in or chards, planned under the Oregon State college extension service. There are prunes, pears, apples, cherries, peaches, walnuts and fil berts. 80 Cows Milked ' About 30 registered Jerseys are being milked at the Institution, producing all the milk the boys need with the balance fed to pigs. The school has a fine swine herd and butchers about 2,000 pounds of pork a month for its own use. It has 15 acres of truck garden where each year it grows corn, beets, turnips, carrots, cabbages and other truck. The balance of the acreage is in hay and grain. There are five reguiar cottages, each alike. At one end of the first floor is the dining room, at the other, the squad room or recreation room. There's a show er room on the first floor, and also lockers. Upstairs are the dormitories. Each cottage has its own playground area. The institution has a modem school building, where boys study during the life of their terms. The attempt Is made, says princi pal Wade Binkley, to design the classes to fit the boys so that they can shift easily back Into public schools when their terms are finished. btewart lUlarK, head parole ol- Smoky says- 'VfJP. MTTA &IT 'MY STAPLES FERTH' MEEKA JUGrO' CIDER AN TWENTY , BAGS 0 HKKOM SMOKED POTATO SHIPS! V mm im IDEAL FOR i PARTIES! Fresh at jour grocer . DISTRIBUTED BY F. S. Simpson Co. 2 Lafayette Ave. Phone 238 CASH FOR Fall Expenses 25.00 fo '300.00 Furniture Farm Machinery Livestock Automobile Loans Up to $500.00 NO INSURANCE REQUIRED! Twenty Months to Bepay PORTLAND LOAN CO. Norbert D. Goodrich, Mgr. Em. 8, Penney Bldg., 1010 Wall Telephone 173 BEND, OREGON State Licenses S186 M321 THE FRESH-EGG NOODLE THAT WON'T SLIDE OFF THE fORK try in.s. .tntr popular ronof BEST SELLER '.DfOtu-le InoohsHI. Hn.-.tvl. ' AT GROCERS ' 0dl..,.Cily-O, Seoihell on4 EVERYWHERE . i-typ fleer, , handles all relationships with parents and the courts. The hospital is In cottage one. where a registered nurse Is on constant duty. When a doctor Is needed, one is caned irom iveur by Woodburn: . Also IIM Jail Besides the regular cottages. there's a sixth known as the seg regation cottage. Its the Jail. The campus has no fence around It. Tne honor system largely pre vails. But when boys break the rules Inside the grounds run ning away or some other infrac tion, they are put in the segrega tion cottages, its rooms are celts. One boy to a cell. They haw recreation periods outsiue, but they are confined for the length of their sentence within a sen tence. The average population at Woodburn boys' school always up and down, of course is about 140 to 160. The plant Is equipped to handle ISO. On the staff are 81 lull time employes and 27 part time employes. The boys learn useful trades or a start on tnem during their com paratively . brief terms; from larmlng and maintenance work to painting, plumbing, carpentry, baking and waiting on tables. Several get jobs as bus boys utter their tiiua ul the school is. up. Lamb sums up the objective: "The problem is to help the boy loam how to handle fiwdom and get along with others without violating the law. "If you're going to teach him how to handle freedom, you have to give him freedom. At the same time you have to keep con trol so that the boys can't further harm society. "The problem Is, how much freedom the boy can take and how much restraint he needs. "The objective is to get the boy into useful work and activity in which he Is interested and so will feel no need for reverting to lite gal acts." Bulletin Classifieds Bring Results Cincinnati Reds To Get New Boss New York,' Oct. 20 mi The Ciiu'lnniitl Ketts today Indicated they will select a new boss within the next 10 Oiiys, filling the last opening for h major league base, ball manager. Luke Scwell, who guided the St. Louis Browns to their only Amer ican league pennant In history, and Jewell Ens, who managed the Pittsburgh Pirates briefly, were the limit' leading prospects, with Al Vincent of the club's farm system. also a possibility, Bulletin Classifieds Bring Results ATTENTION Sportsmen Save That Trophy Through Life-like Mounting at Hansen's Taxidermy 454 E. Burnstde Bend Phone 1SJSJ SERVICE Refrigeration Water Pumps Wanning Machines OU Heaters and OU Oil Burners Also Eloctrlo Motor Service Mike's Electric Repair Shop 1H5 Galveston Phone 1641 W Sport Parade (Continued from Page 9) controversy," Rickey siuirlcd In n tone which said thai he did. "Hut we played In l'-l leagues with the Yankees and nine of our clubs finished in the (list division against four uf them. Our teams won .M.'t per cent of their guinea; the Yankee teams AM per cent. Uf our series players, only two didn't come from our system. The Yankees had eight men from outside their organization." an FISH BITES PLENTY Prairie Du Chlen, Wis. Ul'-C. M. Brook had a ready answer lit the "are tlu-y biting?" (iich tlon from n fisherman. Brooks held up a finger to prove II. lie had his hand In the wuler clear ing the duck of grass. A black bass notched onto his finger and rose hull nut of Ihe water with II before lei ting go. Use cliiKNlfled ads In The Bulle tin fur (iilck ruNiills. Maple A 1 Flavor" if ) (.Mil till MiE IF Pure lean beef ground un der the most sanitary con ditions. Try it once . . . you'll serve it often. Ib. SSC LOIN PORK ROAST Meaty loin or rib end. Cut from the finest of young porkers. PER LB Pork Shoulder Roast 5)Ec PER LB. This roast offers you real savings. Nice and meaty! 35' BOl-ST gsfrfRr TRIMMED- U. S. WASTE-FREE BEFORE WEIGHING .B. 69 Cu. s. Commercial Grade LB. 65' MORE BIG VALUES IN SAFEWAY MEAT SECTIONS BEEF RIB STEAKS u.75 Grade Good Coasmtrc 69C BEEP SWISS STEAKS LB. 69c BEEF SHORT RIBS LB. 25e PORK SHOULDER STEAKS LB. 45c PORK LOIN CHOPS, center cuts LB. 59c PURE PORK SAUSAGE LB. 39c i abJD leg roast i-69c -.Mr ID SHOULDER- OVEN-READY Turkeys Fancy Henf.Jb. 69c, Fancy 59c Fancy Fryers I LMP1D SHOULDER LB. 59c .VV. , , ii I bi i 1 1 1 1 1 1 w 1 1 I ii i ju i k. ri-vrTr-rr COB J. Tor saw i -. rt - m 1, . v fl m sW sV tTf . mmJ mm f J I Prices In This Ad Effective Thru Sat.. Oct. 22 ) for jtOe k. p.a II. 97 HALIBUT STEAKS ...Ib. 45c rVoje- SALMON STEAKS ...Ib. 59c Free FILLET OF SOLE Ib. 39c Fhh FILLET OF COD Ib. 29c FRESH OYSTERS ...pint 69c Libby Fancy Pumpkin Libby Sauerkraut Del Monte Corn cs?;,: Pear Halves Fancy Green Beans ,r,"rnv r. 21e tutsBtsMl rUaaae- Soa nuivcu uauu Trarfor Libby Red Salmon Dromedary Cocoanut Marshmallows "H,'", Rum Wafers ,,ekw,0 Pitted Dates Dnm""1 Mince Meat S. .'.a Hot Roll Mix N.. 1 37c 69c S- pkej. 29C ST 35c 7V.-e- RCc pkj. zo " 43c H'i-ox. !li;00022 IN PRIZES! ir ir ii. is Safef Columbia brand If you like Kr-u1 You'll lilt thill Kitchen Craft Flour Get details of Kitchen Craft's big Contest at your Safeway. Sack STRAINED HONEY BRADSHAW'S 24-oi. "J Cc Siie V CIDER, KRAUT, PUMPKIN, PEACHES, SUGAR, Hood River brand . Gallon QUALITY FAMOUS J9 59. u- . 4 F- ' fe. Can IUC Moonbeam No. 2Vl Cant SNIOER'S No. l'i SLICED Caa BROWN OR 1-LB. POWDERED PKG. 2115c 23c 12c Enjoy npplcj now in a variety ol ways while they're at their belt. A natural to serve with fresh pork featured above in this ad. Jonathan per Ib. 5c APPLES box M.49 DELICIOUS... 3 lbs. 25c Box $2.4? ORTLEYS Ib. 5c Box $1.59 RED ROME 3 lbs. 35c Box $2.39 TOKAY GRAPES Rich In color iweet in tailo. Brighten your dinner fable with Ihete. LBS. 15c MISCELLANEOUS VALUES 95 man icitccio M.iof Krispy Crackers M" 27c Popped Corn Es V,W WheatieS Iraokfatt of Ckaaips l ot. 16' Cream of Wheat ,,.,.30' Tomato Juice 4...27e Jell Well Gelatines rq.V Jell Well Puddings TaMiIa afAtVlslin viiiuiv ntliuiup Hain loHl , Unit Clothes Starch .., .k,.13c Scott Toilet Tissue 7 ,25c BEST FOODS Mayonnaise "jar 39C Trend Made by the Purex people ' LARGE PKG. ' Edwards Coffee ; Coffee blended to suit the most , . particular coffee experts. 53C C-an- 15 Mb. Can s (I m as - 48 NOB HILL COFFEE See it ground know it's freih. Mb. Bag 2-lb. 95 ' AIRWAY A mild and mellow blend. Mb. Bat 45' 2 89e VALENCIA ORANGES Ib. 10c CRANBERRIES, plump Ib. 25c WINTER SQUASH, 3 kinds..:. Ib. 3c GREEN CABBAGE .' Ib. 3c GOLDEN CARROTS Ib. 7c POTATOES PRICED TO HHP YOU SAVE! 25-lb 1 00 Sack U. S. 10 No. I'l Sac i;49c U. S. No. 2',-50-lb. SACK ogc Sweet Potatoes 2,b-25c 19c Margarine V.".V 'b.31e Aerowax polishing plat Dog Food ;.r; 3 . 29 This is the tost week tor the big OCTOBER Get your copy.... CAULIFLOWER, solid white.. Ib. 12c CRISP CELERY, dew fresh... Ib. 5c PUMPKINS, right off the vines Ib. 3c RUTABAGAS, smooth-skinned Ib. 5c PARSNIPS, rich in flavor..... lb. 10c TURNIPS, carefully selected. . Ib. 10c SOUTHERN YAMS, smooth.. Ib. 10c TIDE TteV In. dirt's out. VEL Marvelous 15-ox. for dishwashing, pkg..' 29c DUZ Granulated Soap ., . . X0.1: 30c SWIFT'S PREM 12-os. CAN 43e sZassZaZ-ZTJ1 '