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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 18, 1949)
PAGE TEN W..,,! I,,, THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1949 Lost Bible Book" Found in Cave; Held Authentic By Laura (UnltnS Pimm Suit Cormiporidt ChlcaRo, Oct. IS mi A lost book of Biblical literature reveal ing detnil.s of the early life of Noah for the first time has been found in an ancient cave in the Holy Land, it was disclosed to day. Dr. John C. Trever, head of the English Bible department of the international council on re ligious education, said the manu script was the "Lost Book of Lamech," which scholars found mentioned in later writings but had given up hope of finding. From the "lost book," scholars now hope to get an insight into the life of the man who, the Bible says, heard the voice of God and built an ark to save the animals of the world from the great floods. Of Great Value The book was found in the spring of 1947. 'It is so valuable that scholars work with photo static copies, and whereabouts of parts of the scrolls is a guarded secret, Trever said. He described the book as "the most important Bible discovery of modern times." The authenticity of the book has been established "absolute ly," Trever said. He detailed his finds to scholars in the current issue of the bulletin of the Amer ican schools of Oriental research. Trever said the book probably j was composed about the first or second century B.C. by a pseudon ymous writer similar to otheYj writers of apocryphal literature! of that period. The apocrypha or ; unauthentlcated books were re jected by the council that met to determine the contents of the Old Testament written about 90 A.D. The Book of Lamech apparent ly was related to the apocryphal Book of Enoch, Trever said. In it, Lamech, father of Noah, dis cusses with his own father, Me thusaleh, the birth of an "unusual child," apparently Noah. Small Part Translated So far only a small part has been translated, the series of pas sages relating to the birth of Noah. Researchers will need "years" to unravel it completely, Trever said. It is written in Ara maic, the complex native lan guage of Christ. The writings, under study by scholars in four countries, were found "on the purest chance" by a goat herd boy with a wander ing tribe of Bedouins, Trever said. ' The boy stumbled on the cave when he chased a runaway goat up the side of a cliff beside the Dead sea, south of Jericho, he said. Realty Transfers Following is n list of warranty deeds recently filed with the les chutes county clerk: George L. and Hn7el P. Matson to E. J. and Clara B. liurkeba, lots 6, 7, and 8, block 37 of Center ad dition to Bend. Revenue stamps, $9 35. John and Marie Ramlo to Stu art and Lisbeth Stapleton. lot 7. block 6 of Staats addition to Bend. Revenue stamps, $-1.40. Clarence. F. and Harriett M. Lyons to Stuart and Usbeth Stapleton, lot 7. block 2 of Larch addition to Bend. Revenue stamps, $4.40. Roy and Grace Swenson to Waldo and Maxine Taylor, the southwest quarter of section 27; the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter and the south one half of the southeast quarter of section 28; the north one half of the northeast quarter, the east one half of the northwest quarter, the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter, the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter, and the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter, all in section 33, township 16 south, range 12 E.W.M. Revenue stamps. SJ7.SO. C. J. and Addie Leveret t to John and Marie Ramlo, all of lot 1, block 27, of Park addition to Bend with some exceptions. Reve nue stamps. S2.20. Kenneth W. and warena Brown to Maurice and Marie Melsness, lot 6 and the west half of lot 5, block 2 of State highway addition to Bend. Revenue stamps, 5o cents. Ralph and Josephine Silvers to John L. Klingbeil, lots 7 to 16. in clusive, block 76 of the townsite of Hiliman. Revenue stamps, 55 cents. Eugene J. and Mary McGlnnis to Robert and Addie M. Swenson, the southwest quarter of section 34, township 17 south, range 13 E.W.M. Revenue stamps, $3.fc5. Arthur L. and Margaret E. Ar ranee and Leslie and Ina M. Da mon to Dell L. and Marie L. Cleary. the northwest quarter of section 7. township 15 south, range 11 E.W.M. Revenue stamps. $8.25. R. J. and Kathryn L. Thomp son to Don O.. John M. and Thom as E. Gunderson, lot 4, block 2 of Ellis subdivision. Revenue stamps, $3.30. Fred and Mary Bohlender to Max and Leola Lamber, the north west quarter of the southwest quarter of section 6; the south west quarter of the southwest quarter of section 6, and the northwest quarter of the north west quarter of section 7, all in township 14 south, range 12 E.W. M. Revenue stamps, $13.75. John and Mabel Franks to Ward M. and Helen Qultm. lot 16. block 23 of Boulevard addition to Bend. Revenue stamps, SS.25. PhilipM. and Grayee R. Phil brook to Bernard A. Blind, lot 5, block 41, of Wiestoria. $7.70. Dell L. and Marie L. Clary to R. R. and Jennie I. Stanton, the northwest quarter of section 7, township 15 south, range 11 E.W. M. Revenue stamps. $12.10. Kenneth E. and Crystal M. De Shazer to Weldon S. and Joy C. Hughbanks, the west half of the northeast quarter of section 15, township 18 south, range 12 E.W. M. Revenue stamps. $4.40. Harvev and Emma Baxter to Mr. and' Mrs. E. A. De Buhr. lot 10. block 16 of Highland addition. Reverm estamps, $1.63. Clifford and Frances I.aursen to Edwin C. and Ruth E. Exter. lot S, block 28 of Center addition to Ilend. Revenue stamps. $3.30. Oliver E. and Nora J. Glare brook to William and Pearl Hoff man, all of blocks 145, 161. 163 (excepting that part west of the rimrock running north and south!. 167, 170, 171, 172, 173. 177. 178, and all of block 162 except lots 28, 29. 30, 31. and 33. In the townslto of llillman. Revenue stamps. $4.40. Mabel E. Parr to Clifford I.. and F. Eloise Rasmussen, a por tion of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 9. township IS south, range 12 E. I W.M. Revenue stamps. $6.60. I Glenn A. and Olive Mae Shook i to Oonnkl E. and Maureen C. Rat I lift, lot 5, block 3 of River terrace, j Bend. Revenue stamps, $8.80. .Anton J. and Eva M. Halter to L. and Irma Buller, a portion of i the southeast quarter of section 123, and all of that portion of the 'north half of the northeast quar ! ter of section 26 lying east of the j right of way of the Oregon Trunk j railway, all of the southwest quar ter of the northwest quarter of ; section 25. and a portion of the south half of the northeast quar ter of section 2b. all In township 16 south, range 12 E.W.M. Reve nue stamps$19.S0. Rov A. and Gertrude E. Palmer to Boyd A. and Gladys J. Wolf, tracts 8. 9, .and 10 of Sothman ad dition to Redmond. Revenue stamps. $1.10. Arthur Stipe to A. C. and Luel la G. Stipe, lot 1. block 13 of Bend View. Revenue stamps, 55 cents. J. A. and Dagna Dudrey to Hen ry E. and Hazel G. Gifford. lots Bulletin Classifieds Bring Results TALK OF THE TOVJW "Ready to Serve" Chinese Foods It's all over town. The answer to your fall appetite and those unexpected guests. . SKYLINE'S handy ready-to-eat cartons of Chinese foods. Just call 279 then in 15 minutes pick up that something special ready to eat! Tonight give us a ring you'll really like our authentic Chinese dishes. Or if you wish, delivery can be made by taxi. Skyline Steak House 855 WaH St. Phone 279 1 and 2, block 7, of northwest townsite company's second addi tion to Bend. Revenue stamps, 55 cents. Georgia B. Gunderson to Mi chael M. and Martha J. Mathews, lot 5. block 1!) of Center addition to Bend. Revenue stamps, $3.30. llovls and Nina St. Jeun to Aus tin II. and Vila S. Olsen, a portion of block 2 of Collins addition to Redmond. Revenue stamps, $8.80. John and Mary E. Christtnan to L. I. and Elsie Peterson, a por tion of the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 17, township 15 south, range 13 E.W.M. Revenue stamps. $2.20. II. A. and Wanda King tn James W. and Delores L. Fair child, lot 10, block 3 of Park addi tion to Bend. Revenue stamps, $3.30. August ami Claim E. Anderson tn Frank W. and Minnie 1). Me Caffery and soutlicust qiiurtor of section 17, township 15 south, range 13 E.W.M., with some ex-(-options, and a port inn of the west half of the southwest quar ter of (he southwest quarter of section 16, township 15 south, range 1.1 E.W.M. Revenue .stamp, $11.00. Harold and Donn M. Taylor to A. I. and Patricia A. Gn'gft, lot 12, block 16 of Taylors addition to Redmond. Revenue stamps. 55 cents. Maudle ami Alfred Scott to John -A. KllnglH'll, lots 17 to 26. Inclusive, block 76 of llillman. Revenue stamps. $1.10. Hay ami Myrtle I.. Lynch to John and Louis Walker, lots 15 and 16, block 13 of Kenwood Revenue stamps, $1.10, Ivan Itnmhii to ,1. A. ami Dagna Dudley, lots one and two, lilorlt 17 of' itorlhweHl lowiislle co'tt liany'H second addition to lleml. Revenue slumps, 55 cents. Hughy A. and Delia lltllio In Agnes MrGluucNs, lot 4. and the West ten feet of lot five, block 3 of North addition to Bend. Iteve tine stamps. $3.H5. C J. and Addle l.cverolt to Charles F. anil Jean P.. Stearns, lot 8. block 1 of Lurch addition to Ilend. Revenue stamps, $2.20. Jamil P. ami Edna L. Set tinny er to school district No. 1MI of Deschutes county, purl of the northeast quarter of. the north cast quarter of section 30, town util.. 0,1 ,..,.,.. iw I,' w M I Revenue stamps. $2.75. Helen A. Ogden and Franeei Zcran lo llelge A. and Lnllle M, Niislund, lots .1 nml (I, block Ml or northwest townsite rompatty'ii second addition to Ilend, Revenue stamps, $1.4(1. liSII GO KIR IT, TOO Kalem, Ore. ill'' A sexy-look-lug fish hue that iiwlm around and supposedly attracts (lull wan put on display at the Oregon state fair. The patent device, Invented by Martin I.. Neuslel, Lebanon, Ore., looks like a small female gold fish (ami also much like a small male goldfish I. It wiggles lit curves and swims around when the fisherman Jiggles the fish ing line, thus making It possible to "troll "from a dock Imitcad of a rowlxiut. You ought to be driving a 9, !l'MM,'""-' ,nfrf,t,Vl.:.ili T77V SICTh II Jtt-t- rrmvr-i n srv A Product of General Motors Mere's Where the Best Begins! You are fare to face with something very special among automobiles when you become acquainted with a 1919 Pontiac for here is where the best begins. You can sense this, of course, simply by look ing at Pontiac. Its Silver Streak styling has a sparkling personality all its own it's far the most beautiful thing on wheels. Your first impression is strengthened as soon as you step into the car. For everything about Pontiac is in the fine car spirit its smoothly tailored upholstery, its smartly styled hard ware, its wonderfully generous size. Then get behind the trim, stylish, sterring wheel and you'll know beyond all doubt that here is automotive quality at its best! You will know why Pontioc's engines straight eight or six are called "the sweetest engines on the road." These impressions of Pontiac become firm con victions as the miles roll by. For here is a car built to deliver economical, reliable perform ance for 100,000 miles or more. ... t Drop in for a visit and see for yourself where the best begins. Wife. 3 xst$? THIM'I MOM COM'Olf IN A POMTIMl Kverriliing you lom-h rerrthinf you do -If to much nicer in Poniiio! The dour, fin i ample, are wider for friMrftil entry or eitl. Pontile neat re wide end comfort tile. IB 1 Are You One of Those Wives? BebpIfebzb HOME FREEZER IS THE ANSWER TO YOUR PROBLEM Are you on of those wives whose husband it a perennial sportsman . . . one of those wives whoie husband comet back from a hunting or fishing trip loadod dawn with game or fith that you either give away, or throw oway, after you have eaten at much ot you can stand? If to, a timplo solQrlbri to your problem It to have him got you a DEEPFREEZE home freoier. With a DEEPFREEZE home freezer you freeze and ttore oil excett game and fish and preserve it in itt fresh, natural state for good year-around eating. A DEEPFREEZE home freezer tavet time, work, food, and money in many other wayt, too. In it you can freeze end ttore all va rieties of foods home-grown or purchoted, freth or cookod. A DEEPFREEZE home freezer actually payt for Ittolf, too. Let ut prove It with your own food budget figures! Come in today. Soo the famout DEEPFREEZE homo freozert. Get yourt today Be prepared! ' Del.uxe Model C IO, 12 cubic foot, holds more than 250 llw. assorted perishable foods. 44B.BO delivered. Other mod els for any size purse any size family. Kay terms. ft AM -MASS 110 U. I Ml. ONL HOME FREEZER face tk a Zkmtfesgta&tC' Prices Begin at 149.95 Terms Low as 9.46 Monthy! Ao Down Payment Required On Our Approved Credit Plan SEWING MACHINE SCHOOL-NO CHARGE At Anderson's you get a FREE 16-hour sewing and dressmaking course with the pur chase of any major appliance. No additional charge! VIC FLINT r BOCK AND VIC YMOWDY. tr-TTI. R.WTYOO LOOK I COULD YOU SPARE UKE THE FOR- A CouPfC rcuio- ISAkW MERMEN WRECKED MARINERS A CUP Of COFFEE? rMY BOAT.TI M ALWAYS By Michael O'Mall VIC--PERHAP5 f CAm N GET SOME SENSE OUT OF YOU. WHAT'S THIS All ABOUT? and Ralph Lane Y. IT LOOKS AS IF OUR FRIENDS ON THE'VIKING HAVE 0EVEL0PCI7 A SLIGHT , CASE OF MURDER rSHIPWRECkEOTFjl P" mZii Y PIPE, AOMIRED THIS lailTV TUACE ADC V.JV Akirt rYlllfcll I I CMC, Dnmirn I kFAIHtRPH5.' Of MP.MANTUDBP I lw . V I, I , n i 'ill avK rm tub m-M t s i i TTOOF WARD MOTOR COMPANY 1008 Bond Street Phone 1595