I I SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1949 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON PAGE FIVE Local News TKMI'KIUTllltlCM Maximum ymterday, 411 degree. Minimum hut iiIkIiI, 20 degree. Hiinrlxe, Huuxet Time NunrlMi, tomorrow, 11:12, Kuiumt tomorrow, n;:n, lli'inl ami vlrlnlty I 'ulr toduy; Iiiiti'umIiik i'IiiiiiUiii-nn IoiiIkIiI; lie. taxliiiml ahowor Sunday; colli lonlKlHj lilull today, 411 lo 00; liriv tonlKtit, ti to 27 1 lilKh Nuntlny, 47 lo 52. A muiTliiw IIii'Iibc Ihih been Iwturd to Arthur UmkIoii, of'l'ci trtiiinnu, Hint WIIiiiu Miller, (if Culver, iK'cordlnu lo I lie record (i I I hp Dcarliuio county clerk. TwIhh, u liny mill a Kill, well born today nt St. Chiiilc hoNpl till to Mr. mill Mm, UuihcII Hiiehr, 42 lliiwthornn avenue. The liny welched 7 pound mill Iiiih Ihm-ii mimed Thomii. The lrl weighed H pound, 2 ounce, unci Iiiih been limned llernudeltit. Junior Civic leiiKiie will meet next Thuitulny evenlnii nl the liomu of Mil. Hubert l-ux Jr., lfif) Irvlnu uvenuc, Mi. Jean I'eirlne, picmilcnt, nnnouneed today. A driver' llt'eime exiiiiilner w Im) on duty In llend on ThuiHdnv mid Friday, Oet. 13 mid 11, nt KKM) llond uliect, necordliiK to nn mi noujicement from the office of the aecretiiry of atntir. Office hour of the exiiiiilner will tc from 0 a. in. to 3 p.m. Dr. Henry (limn, president of the urcgon (.oiipkh of hduciitlon, will be the uncut penkir lit the Tuesday meeting- of the IJend I.lon' chili, nt the I'lne Tavern. I.loyde IlliiKley will he program chairman. Mr. itnd Mr. Utmliert Sliced Cllchrlst, arc pnienl of u liny horn thl mornlnu lit St. C'hmleii hoHiiltiil. Ihu liiihy weighed pound, 11 ounce, and him been named hlephen IjiiiiImtI. Krrd O. Taylor of the Oreiton Ian and Flunk I.oimiiIh, repreiienl' Ing tho Oreuon Journal, are in liend covering the C.I.O. IikIuh trial union council convention A Inn here from I'ortlaiKl In Knth lern Crouln, reprcHcnllng the Kod cinlecl prcwi. Mr. and Mrs. Grunt Jetmen and Mr. and Mm. Uiwell Jeimen left Thundny for Salt IJike City. They were called there because of the death of their nephew Mel C'lirltlanmn, who wan killed Wednemlay night In nn automo bile accident. The local folk ex pected to return to llend early next week, VOll SALK 1 Model 219 Federal enliirgcr, I bi icnsv. S.'U. ixa h ivmio. Adv Two OCE Instructors to Speak at Institute ."hi. I Four children underwent Ion- Hillrctomlffi toduy at St. Chnrles hospital. They are Myra Jean Miles, 7, daughter of Mr. nnd Mm. Myron W. Mile, Culver: Suzanne HhIiich, !(, und Judilh, H, children of Mr. and Mm. DeloBH C. MaineM, 477 Slate street, and Davis Smith, 9, of Mr. and Mrs. Seuton Smith, KX) Drake road. Admitted to the hospital yes terday were Mrs. Henry (Jray. 017 W. 11th street, and Mrs. Jake Dallas, K34 Delaware. David King and Victor Uousquet, both of Sa lem, were admitted early this morning after an automobile accident. The following were dismissed yesterday or today: Clark Mor gret, Camp Sherman; Mrs. Ever ett Kuhn, Terrebonne; Fred Shep- aru, uend; Lorraine Wllkcnson, Portland; Mrs. Frank Pepper, ISend, and Mrs. Edward Owens, Chcmult. The following were released to day from the maternity ward: Mrs. Klchard Houck and daugh ter, I'rlnevtiie; Mrs. E. A. Powell and daughter, Redmond, and Mrs. Allan B. Phllp and son, 357 E. Marshall. Miss Alice Pendlebury, English exchange arts professor at Oregon College of Education In Mon mouth, (center), will speak before teachers of the four Central Oregon counties, at the Tuesday afternoon session of the regional teachers' conference. Her subject will be, "A Limey Looks at America." Another speaker at the session will be Dr. H. M. Gunn, Oregon director of elementary teacher training nnd president of Oregon College of Education, (right). His address, on "The Sec ond Year of Decision, will also be Tuesday afternoon. Also In the picture Is Mrs. Pearl Heath, art department head at OEC, who, with Dr. Gunn, met Miss Pendlebury when she arrived lor her work at Monmouth. liriK miverwiiru mvi, you van K-'i ndditional piece. Vho our lay iiwhv plan for other gifts, too. NIKBKIU; ALL. J K W E L E It S, next to Capllul Theater, "We JU pair With Care." Est. 191'U. Adv. Dr. W. D. Wnrd. Veterinarian, will not be In his office until Oc tolier 17. Adv. Deer nnd elk hides bought. Tan ning arranged. Cecil C. Muore. 1132 Newport Ave., Uend, Ore. Adv. Dance at Lupine every Satur day night Music by Outer .Ill man Trio. Adv. Dr. W. II. Grlcslnger wlll In here Monday, Octuber 10. Adv. Danco nt Carroll Acres Hall everv Saturday night, 9:30. Music hv Western Melodlers. broadcast from stage at 10 p.m. Adv. Bend Siren Gets First Full Test Hend's fire siren received lis first full duly lest from Its new location atop the city hall today at 1:02 p. m. when a general alarm was sounded. The call was from 1-125 Davenport, where hot ashes has been placed in a box, on the rear porch. Damage lo the building, owned by John Oris wold, 15(14 Division, was slight. The only other lime the fire siren was sounded from lis new location was when II received n short tost, nrter being removed from tlie lop of the fire hull. Fire department engineers Slild they had some difficulty sound ing the siren, Inusmuch as it could not bo heard as tho fire truck pulled out, with Its siren sounding. Yankees Win (Continued from Pago 1) Joe Hntten, a left bander, began warming up for Brooklyn. Herrn grounded to Mlksls, nnd Klmito was caught off third and run down, Miksls to Campanelln. Henrloh had gone beyond second and was caught off, Cnmpanellu to Kohlnson for n double play. Iterra was safe on first on a field er's choice. DIMagglo walked, Berra going to second. After Newcombe pitched three straight balls to Brown, Conch Clyde Sukeforth went out lo the mound to confer with him. Brown then walked on the next pitch, fill ing the bases. Woodllng filed to Snider. No runs, two hits, no errors, three left. Dodgem: Heese took a called strike nnd then doubled oft the left field wall. Miksls dropped n ground ball Just In front of the plnte nnd was out, Borrn to Henrlch, Keesc hold- ijig second. Snider grounded out, Brown to Henrlch, Keese holding second. Klzzuto made a glove-handed stop of Robinson's hard hit ground ball nnd got his man nt first when Henrlch took Ills throw out of the dirt Just In time. No runs, one hit, no errors, one left. Second Inning Yankees: Mapes grounded nut. Newcombe to Hodges. It wns n hard hit liner, which took one bounce Into Newcomb's glove. Coleman fouled to Canipanella. Lnpat filed to Snider. No runs, no hits, no errors, none left. Dodgers: Hodges filed to Wood llng. Olmo went out the snmo way, Campanelln grounded out, Lo- pal to I lenrlch. No runs, no lilts, no errors, none left. Third Inning Ynnkoes: Rlzzuto grounded out, Mlksls to Hodges. Tho. sun broke through the clouds and It was as hot as a Bum mer day. Henrlch grounded out, Hodges to Newcombe, who covered first. Berra filed to Hermanskl. No runs, no hits, no errors, none left. Dodgers: Hermnnskl struck out. Newcombe struck out. Reese X)ipcd to Henrlch on hc Infield grnss. No runs, no hits, no errors, none left. Fourth Inning Ynnkees: DIMagglo filed to Snider In deep left center. Brown doubled to left center. Woodllng walked on four pitch es. Hntten warmed up again for the Iodgers. Mapes doubled Into the left field corner, scoring Brown and Woodllng. Coleman fouled to Olmo, Mapes holding second. Lopnt doubled to left center scoring Mapes. Newcombe wns taken out nnd replnced by Hntten. Rlzzuto singled to left, but Lo pnt was out trying to score, Ol mo to Campanelln. Three runs, four hits, no errors, one left. Dodgers: Mlksls wns cnlled out on strikes. Snider filed to Mapes. Robinson' walked on four pitches. Hodges struck out. No runs, no hits, no errors, one left. Fifth Ilnning Yankees:: Henrlch walked. Jack Bantn began warming up in I no Dodgers bullpen. Berra singled to right, Henrlch slopping nt second; but when llermanskl's throw went through Miksls for an error, Henrlch went to third nnd Berra to second. DIMagglo was purposely pnss- Hospital News pat, R. Brown 3, Robinson, Olmo, Campanelln, Hermanski. Two base hits Reese, Brown, Mapes, Lopat. Three base hit Brown. Lef t on buses New York 7, Brooklyn S. liases on balls off: Newcombe 3; Uiput 1; flatten 2; Bantu 1. Struck out by: Lopat 4; Rey nolds 5; ll.inla 1. Hits off: Newcombe 5 In 3-; Ha I ten 3 in l-'a; Lopat 9 in 5-; Ersklne 1 In 1; Bantu 1 In 3; Rey nolds 0 In 3-'. Double plays Mlksis-Campan-ella-Robinson; Rlzzuto-Hcnrich. Winning pitcher Lopat. Losing pitcher Newcombe. Attendance 33,934. The box score: New York (A) AB It II Klzzuto, ss 4 Henrlch, lb 4 Berra, c 5 DIMagglo, cf .... 3 R. Brown, 3b .. Woodllng, if .. Mapes, rf Bauer, rf Coleman, 2b .. Lopat, p 3 Reynolls, p 1 Property Goes At Sheriffs Sale Four parcels of land were sold at public auction toduy by Claude L. McCuuley, Deschutes county sheriff. The parcels were comprised of lots 21 und 22 of block IM, tiiird addition to Bend park, which sold for $100 to William M. Hull; the south one-half of the north one half, of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section 35, township 20 south, which sold for $500 to Samuel J. Tllden: lot 6 of block 112 of first addition to Bend park, which sold to Bernice II. Coad, for $250, and lot 4 of block 85 of Bend park which sold at $50 to Chester O. McNemar. The sale was held at the Des chutes county courthouse. ntlve of the Chinese Institute ot Foreign Affairs. His topic Thurs day night will he "America Slake In Asia." TWO MEN lll:I.I) Arthur Gerard, Kluiiiath Fulls, wus arrested this morning on an Intoxication' charge, city records show. Wlllaid Vaughn, Bend, who appeared in municipal court yes terday evening, received a 10-duy sentence on a similar charge. Totals 34 6 10 27 9 0 ed, filling the bases. Erv Pnllca also began warm Ing up for Brooklyn. Brown tripled off the right field wnll, scoring Henrlch, Ber ra nnd DIMagglo. Carl Ersklne also warmed up lor the Dodgers. Woodllng Hied to Snider in short center, Browri holding third. Coleman grounded out, Reese to Hodges. Three runs, two hits, one error, one left. Dodgers: Bauer went to right field for the Yankees. Olmo fouled to Berra. Campanelln grounded out, Riz zuto to Henrlch. Hermnnskl singled to right. Tommy Brown batted for Hat ten and filed to Bauer. No runs, one hit, no errors, one left. Sixth Inning Yankees: Ersklne, a right hander, went In io pitch , for Brooklyn. Lopat popped to Hodges. Rlzzuto filed to Olmo. Henrlch singled off the right field wnll. Berra popped to Robinson. No runs, one hit, no errors, one left. Dodgers: Reese singled to center. Cox batted for Miksls and bent out a bunt to the pitcher's mound for a base hit, Reese going to second. Snider grounded Into a double piny, Rlzzuto to Henrich. Rizzuto took the ball just off second base, stepped on tho bag to force Cox and then threw to first, Reese going to third. Robinson singled to left, scor ing Reese. Hodges singled to center, send ing Robinson to third. Olmo also singled to center, Robinson scoring and Hodges go ing to third. Campnnclla singled to left, scor ing Hodges, Olmo stopping at second. Hermanskl singled to right, scoring Olmo and sending Cam pancua to third. Lopat was taken out and re placed by A Hie Reynolds. Jorgensen batted for Ersklne and was called out on strikes. Four runs, seven hits, no er rors, two left. Seventh Inning Yankees: Banta went In to pitch for Brooklyn and Cox went to third base. DIMagglo grounded out, Robin son to Hodges. Brown went out the same way. Robinson also threw out Wood llng. No runs, no hits, no errors, none left. Dodgers: Reese filed to Bauer. Cox filed to DIMaggio. Snider struck out No runs, no hits, no errors, none left. Eighth Inning Yankees: Bauer grounded out, Reese to Hodges. " Coleman filed to Hermanski. Reynolds fouled to Campanella. No runs, no hits, no errors, none left. Dodgers: Robinson grounded out, Brown to Henrich. Rissuto threw out Hodges. Olmo was called out on strikes. ' No runs, no hits, no errors, none left. Ninth Inning Yankees: Rizzuto walked. Ralph Branca and Paul Minner warmed up In the Brooklyn bull-' pen. Henrich singled to right, send-' ing Rizzuto to third. ! Rizzuto was picked off third, I Campanella to Cox. j Berra flied to Hermanski, Hen-! rich holding first. j DIMaggio struck out. I No runs, one hit, no errors, one ; left. i Campanella groun d e d out. ! Brown to Henrich. Hermanski struck out. Whitman batted for Banta. Whitman struck out. No runs, no hits, no errros, none left. Totals New York 6 10 0 Brooklvn 4-9 1 New York 000-300-0006 Brooklyn 000-004-0004 Runs batted in Mapes 2, Lo- Brooklyn (N) Reese, ss Miksls, 3b 2 Cox, 3b 2 Snider, cf 4 Robinson, 2b .... 3 Hodges, lb 4 Olmo, If 4 Campanella, c .. 4 Hermanski, rf Newcombe, p Hatten, p Ersklne, p ...... Banta, p A T. Brown., B Jorgensen C Whitman ., AB K H .412 DR. CHANG WILL SPEAK Dr. H. II. Chang, Chinese dip lomat and national director of the Chinese U. N. association, Is to be the speaker at the October 13 meeting of the Bend Knife and Fork club, officers of the group have announced. Dr. Chang will speak at the dinner meeting of the group, at 7 p. m. m the Pilot Butte Inn. Dr. Chang Is U. S. represent- Take Care of Your Eyes 4 Enjoy good vision and freedom from headaches , , , yon can not be sura your eye are per fect unless you have them ex amined. Consult us nowl Dr. M. B. McKenney OPTOMETRIST 008 Wall St Phone 342 M Totals 35 4 9 27 12 1 A Flied out for Hatten In 5th. B Struck out for Ersklne in 6th. C Struck out for Banta In 9th. TWO HURT IN ACCIDENT Two Salem men, David King, 29, and Victor Bousquet, 44, were Injured about midnight last night in an automobile accident in the Sisters area. They are patients at St. Charles hospital. King suffered possible internal injuries. Details of the accident were not available. CASH FOR Back to School Expenses '25.00 f o '300.00 Furniture Farm Machinery Livestock Automobile Loans Up to $500.00 NO INSURANCE REQUIRED! Twenty Months to Repay PORTLAND LOAN CO. Norbert D. Goodrich, Mgr. Km. 8, Penney Bldg 1010 Wall Telephone 173 BEND, OREGON State Licenses S186 M321 BBjnj5iaj b Make an Evening Complete Drop in after the show or after a ball game or busy shopping tour, for a tasty and stimu lating snack. You'll find it delicious and relaxing. OPEN ALL NITE for your convenience For Speed and Efficiency SPEED-O-PRINT DUPLICATOR 8eo Ihe New Model Liberator "200" i PRINT-MATIC CARD DUPLICATOR JiihI What Voti Need fur. Your Offlco New Beautiful Gray Magic ROYAL TYPEWRITER I'orlnble or Standard SICK Til EM I TRY THEM! Wo (tarry a eoniplele line of office supplies paper, sten cils, Inks, nnd nil various sixes of handy Miiplers and staples. You'll nlso find a checkwrltrr Indispensable lo every tiffin Insuring wifely nnd legibility, EXPERT OFFICE REPAIR Mahoney Office Equipment Turn Your Car Over to Us We Repair Like New Many people have accidents, but it's no accident with us when we repair your car like new. Our expert body and fender men remove dents, scratches, or worn paint to restore your car to its original beauty. Drive in for a free estimate and see how little that neglected repair job will cost. CARROLL'S Body and Fender Service y Enjoy Kelphrey Dairy Milk "The Besf Milk in Town" Phone 590-J HELPHREY DAIRY 118 Greenwood Ave. m m ' Vwipe out . ... J. Many homes suffer from neclect. Postponement of necessary painting results In serious deterioration to your home. You can fix up your home In your spare time with PAINT It's easy and fun! Start today and add new life and color to your home. We can help you by giving you the right paint for the right purpose. 100 Pure Paints Anything in our yard may be purchased on the COPELAND home and farm improvement plan. Minimum Terms 6 months Maximum Terms 3 years Minimum Amount $30.00 Maximum Amount $2500.00 Investigate Today COPELAND LUMBER CO. 318 Greenwood Phone 110 VIC FLINT ack on the AAv8A'rwe " found no sign of Manthorp. fL-r- M . T. r 1H eviOKHitD,a By Michael O'Malley and Ralph Lane PMAYBE THAT MAY BE. Buf HE TOOK ONE DRINK.M THEY'LL HAVE I I BOAT YOU HEARD WHY SHOULD 1 L ) I THEN I HIT HIM WITH TO HURRY. I PUT ISScTI WAS VERA DARK- MANTHORP J Jf-Jf J THE PISTOL AND HIM IN THE LAZARET I me o ih euYs evi'OKitu,a king bringing leave Ya . V he dropped. y and jawvud the i u LZJ VIC. AND THATSOKAYj MjWTHORP SOME , .HATCH. THE,, VfJB t4!lLCOKS AS lEl K OFF A CHILL. ! YvNVpS THEY FIND ) Ta k BE AFLOAT J (J' jS nt LM 106 Minnesota Phono 89 1)1(1 Ilarrlinaii I'hone 180