THE BEND BULLETIN GENERAL NEWS SPORTS CENTRAL OREGON'S DAILY NEWSPAPER 33rd Yoar BEND, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1949 No. 256 Rabid Fans Spend Night Outside Yankee Stadium To Get First Game Tickets liy I.IO II. I'KTKKHUN ll'nllcd I'iohh Spoils Kdllor) I Ni-w York, Oct. Ii (tU!l A light ruin which fell on Ymikw! Hduiiiini Jusl licfoiv dawn Id up nnd tlcui iiiK HkieH KTeotctl I'irxl iin ivulH for ihc opening giimcol I lie New York YiuikeeH Hrnnklyn lioilgerH world Norics iodny. I he wealher Iniroiiu loreciiHl ii day of Hlalc-Kiay clouds and .'(cnllercd Hhowei-H, hul added I hut a period of no rain, lasting liolween four lo hix limit's, whh due to hit the city just ahout the 1 p.m. KST ifame time. 1 At 8 a. in. a xteudy drile fell on the Htadium iireim, hut when HtandiiiK room seatH went on Kale an hour later the rain had Hlopped and the skies appeared to he clearing. ' A sellout throng f 7II.INKI was ilue to Nee a grouchy Oklahoma I in I in n pilch ji k I ' hi ii Nkluny Ar kansas traveler III UiIh opening game n( the baseball classic. WAIT AM. NHillT 'I'he I I.'"") bleacher ki-iiIh to the opening world seiics game weir earned Knliiy liy Mem y eyed men, women anil children who i.lnoil In ii chilly all night vigil outside Yankee stadium. I'll si man ready to plunk down Ills $1 admission price to the llll'lll'llIT SCIItS WIIM JllHI'pIl (In hlunwU, n I'l, vciir ulil 1 oil:"' tun (nil il Newark, N. J. He set up ramp ill the ticket window at U p.m. .Mniiiliiy but was rluiM'il iiu-iiy liy policemen who ushered him to the head n( the line at I p.m. yesterday when police re si i IctliiiiK were removed nml the rush was on. Ilelilml him fellow Dodger ami Yankee rooters stretched fur blocks In n thl'ii' iilileasl iueue thai grew throughout the misty foggy night ami mimliereil more than ,'I.OtH) hy dawn. "I liKik my vacation no t could lie llrsl.ln line." salil Cahloiiwlt. n textile worker. "1 like lo lie first lit these things anil I'm going t hcail up Ihc line at Klilx'ts field too." Slept on Sidewalk Itcvcrly llrafmim.'t'.l, n Yankee fan, was ni'M In line. She curled up nil the sidewalk mill slept all night. 'Hie all night crowd was con genial and orderly. Alxuil cually divided In Yiinken-I lodger pnrtlnn ship, most spent (hp night In never ending arguments iibo'ul their favorite learns. Hie ones v ho came with blankets ami pil lows tried In make themselves comfortable and sleep through the worst of it. Others risked aches by strelchiiiK mil on the pavement or dozed backed up against the stadium wall. Coffee vendors cashed III. They were busy all night passing out 10 cent cups of weak brew ladled from iHirtahle milk cans alone with hot i Iocs and prepared sand w Iches. AlKiut a third of those In line were women, who nccompnnled their husbands or arrived in small groups, for the back-breaking stand. Twelve-year-old Dickie Kearny. New I In ven, Conn., joined the line at iilxnit .') a.m. and told a nearby policeman who eyed him suspi ciously that ".I'm not playlnR hookey." lie and his father John came lo New York early yesterday seeking reserved scats but could n't find any. Among the Oriental tobacco raising countries. Turkey ranks first. MOW! Borooi's COTrAee Cheese Fruit Salad! SO TEMPTING BORDEN'S SO OOtOKf josrop our SO-0-0 when you see this carton, irab It I Inside are lus cious bits of pears, peaches, cherries, pineapple and Borden's smooth Cottage Cheese. At your food sfore now I Sporf Parade By Oscar I'ralcy lllnllol l'i KiiutU WrlUr) (llr V S. IM. (III.) New York. Oct. S U' The weekly double feature Kraloy's Follies or the week-end football winners, plow Why the Yankees should win the World Series from the Dodgers in lx (lames. Came of the week: "Michigan over Army The wal loping Wolverines have hud two tough games to iron out the kinks. Add the fact that Army's in lack stuttered budly iikuIiisi paialyed penn Slate, and It fig ures to change the Cadet Mack anil Cold lo black and blue. The midwest: . Minnesota over Northwestern The Yanks are Inspired. Notre Dame over I'urdue- Re member (hose last two games Iowa over Illinois- Mel I'urm-ll and Kills Kinder. Indiana over TCU -Two best iConllnued on I'age 11) Notre Dame's Blocking Legal Chicago, Oct. 5 '111 A dozen Chicago sports writers agreed to day, from whuT they could see In the million pictures of lust .Satur day's Washlnglon-Notre Dame game, that the Irish were no more guilty of Illegal play llian most teams of an average week (nil. Athletic director Ed "Moose" Krause of Notre lame yesterday showed picture of the game (o i mcagn ootoaii writers to ex plain the Irish viewpoint. The chief complaints of Conch Ix'uhy were that the officials of the game were shown movies of the 1!M8 Irish-Washington contest previous to Saturday's game, and that the officials allied too closely Notre Dame's line blocking "Notre Dame players are taught lo block with elbows ex tended, hands on the chest. We believe this Is legal. Krause said. "Leahy. In criticizing the offi cials, defended his players when he believed they were being un justly accused by the crowd of playliiK dirty football. Hie .players were confused by the succession of penalties and were not instructed by the offi cials in what way they were com milting alleged Infractions of the rules." In the first period Notre Dame was penalized three times for holding and once for clipping. The film showed on the clipping In fraction that the Notre Dame blocker hit the Washington play er above the waist but rolled into his knees. The film indicated the holding penalties were called on elbow blocks and no holding was appar ent in the movie the writers agreed. OIM' GRANDl FRUlTS - MlXeO WITH CRAMV-6000 cottage CHeese wo seavetj k ISorderis & IV COTTAGE CHEESE FRUIT SALAD San Diego Wins First Contest In Cup Playoff San Diego. Cal., Oct. ! 'Hi- The San Diego I'adies bad little liou tile lasl night in defeating the Hol lywood Stars, tl to I, In the first game of the 1!M!) Pacific ('oust league Covernor's cup playolf. San Diego pitcher l.yman I.lnde yielded only four hits as his leamrnatesi-'ollecled 11 from thine Star huiieis. Cordon Maltzbcr ger, who was relieved In the sec ond, was credited with the loss. In the second Inning Malther ger was touched for three runs off five hits. In the fifth, big Max West dou bled unil scoivd on Harvey Stor ey's single and a Hollywood error. The I'uilies added their final runs In the seventh when West homered, bringing In Busier Adams, who hud wulkfd. Herb Coman hit for the circuit in the second Inning with no one on base for I lie Stars' lone tally. In tonight's game, Hollywood will use (leorge Woods (2-1-121 on the mound. Jess Klorcx (22-101 will pitch for San Diego. (Pitch ing totals Include preliminary pluyoff games.) Gordon Defeats Californian Tortland. Oct. 5 'Hi Hardrock Cordon of Rosehurg, won a unan imous decision over Baby Dutch Culliertson of I-os Angeles here lust night In their featured 10 round hcuvywclght boxing match before l.l'l'J fans. In the other 10-rounder, Port land's Don Rogers tko'il Mickey Cemmlll of Redding, (,'ulif.. In the seventh round. Ccmmil! was sav ed by the bell at the end of the seventh at the count of nine, hut the ring doctor sloped tlx fight. In other fights, lightweight Joe Pete, Salem, won all four rounds In his match to decision Uirry Reagan of Hermlston. Light heavyweight Bobby Jannlngs of Boise, Ida., decisloned Kcu .Kuks of Rosehurg In their four-rounder. Chuck Maxson of Corvallls kay- oed Keller Wagner. Salem, In the third of their scheduled four rounds. Ml'KI'IIY WINS Seattle, Oct. 5 itP- Boh Murphy. ir9. Sun Diego, ko'd Kddie Cot ton. 1U3, Scuttle, in the sixth round of their scheduled 10-round muln event at the Civic auditor ium last night. In other, bouts, Lou Joseph, Seattle, and Paul Kennedy, Long view, Wash., drew In the 117 pound class 10 round semi-final. Did YOU Get Yours? IF NOT-r-let us remind you fhat you still have more than two weeks to hunt in and that we are still well stocked on practically all needed Hunting and Camping Supplies COLEMAN CAMP STOVES 9.95 up COLEMAN LANTERNS 1-burner 9.95 2-burner 11.95 Hunting Hats and Caps, Knives, Axes Canvas Water Bags, 3 J to 10 gal. Cans Wash Basins, Kettles, Pans, Shovels Binoculars and Scope Sights Ammunitions, Oils, Greases, Patches, Solvents Portable Radio Batteries RADIO and SPORTING GOODS EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS 826 Wall Street BEN I), ORE. I'lione 000- Bennett's Machine Shop 1114 Roosevelt Ave. GENERAL MACIIINE WORK GEARS & SPROCKETS AUTO TRUCK TRACTOR REPAIRS Crankshaft Grinding, also Grind Shaft In Car MOTOR REBUILDING Welding Electric. nd Acetylene HEAVY EQUIPMENT REPAIR , 7 Ai:TOMTIVK l-KAfil V. In Hi'1 Automotive league last ' night Ihc I-e (I, Allen bnwliis1 I moved Into first place by .scor ing a four point victory over the : Hem! Caruge Co. ; I A clean sweep of four points was also made by Carroll Motors lover Waul Motor Co., and Hal-; brook Motors diopped Clink's Mobil service for three points. Individual honors went lo A. Peterson with a X'A single game, and lo H. Miller with a 5.'i'J series. llalbrook Motors won team hon-1 ors with a VM single game and 27!I7 series. Scores follow: CIV M.,1.11: Mun.lir, I'"' : K.wn. ' lr. ; ll,n.l. irti. 43; ; I'lynr. 441,; l l.ik. AM. ToImI '0IU. lUllir'nH M'.K.ri: H. Sinnll.x. Wl : P.! lI'MmliiH-, I'. I'rt.-iM.ti, fcfil ; C. Ilili. ( Hill: O. Ni.rr.iU, U7. 'loUl 'iM1. Hm.iI Dutmr: i. :if. O. Ilm") vln. II. Kli.mUiHl, M'JH ; II. 'Ch'-fiii.. Will, 4 V.' ; AIm-iiIm. I If.. T.tnl -I4U. I I'.irull M.b.r: II Mill-r. f,TO : O.J ('rah", 4SII : K. 4IH: J. MwariU, I7W ; i. VMila, 42&. 'I'trtnl liBU. W.iJ M.y.,r: II. fUtllfr. 472: I'. All.-n. I 43 : AUmu. J ie : C. Ili 427 . II. Clrirr, 447. TulAl 2'U. 4V II. Allrri: fVfKUM.ll, 4iH : LaflUnr. 4r,l : N.-Urw. 4r.ii: I uli.U-11. ' S-'.li , SI.'.. 'l.ti 2(1111. CIVIC LKAbTK Shevlin-Hlxon last night movivl Into first place of the Civic bi-wl ing league by scoring a f...r point victory over the Lions. In other league action the Vr'.V pouted n three point win over the J.iycces: Kolary took three poi.-.ts from Oregon 1 lunk, and Royal Neighbors M'wnd a clean sno'jp of four points over the Kiwr-ms. Morley Madden, with games cf 201, 1 and IKO for a total jf 550, led all players In series score, and Fred Baughn had high single game of 23G. Scores follow: VPW: F. T..I.I. 4IG: W. .Wlkrn. 4711; D. M..rrU. 4W: II. H.lhll. 4.'.; M. M.l. Irn. Total 2CW. Jarm: O. Marlmic. JUS : H. Ilam-n. 371, : II. Wallan. 4:. : p. Ilaunhn. .'.32 . p. M.-Cwr. 41111. Ti.lal KM. Otriun Trunk: J. M.-Kar. 4uS: J. Cur. rU-. 43: II W. i.ll. :i:-2. o. Silkvx.rlh. aiO; A. Allrn. 4II&. T.Kal 2I2H. K.rtary: IVrkitu, 4IMI ; O. KhiHan. 47,n K. Wrtle. 4(0; AUrnlrv. f.43 ; C. Cumlrll. 60. 2123. Kiwania: II. Ijr, 430: D. ThomiMun. 430: I). IVnnrr. 24 ; A. I'hil..l2i : J. Wrllp. 413: J. IfcinbrU. 443. Tt.lal 2104. Ital Nc-iKhbi.rB: II. Sutnmrr. 424: K. Kitrht-n. 4.'.ll; T. W.l. 441: II. tlart lU. 4U2 : llawra. 467. Total 222. I.tona: AIM-iitr. 447: (;im Orntir, 422: p. Hlakr. 370: J. Jantik. 41if. ; J. l-ania. rt'tta. Total 2:112. fthrvlin: J. Jmmir, f.2l : R. Prot'lra. 41V : K. H.Jfr. Id: P. Prnlrlrkaun. (."2; M. 1.27. 'I'otal 26B4. DHSCHUmS WOMEN'S In Deschutes Women's Bowl ing league action Monday night the Eagles took four points from the Homeilnders. In yesterday's Bulletin it was Incorrectly re ported that the Homefhulers team won the match. Pinky Cowan Spokane, ko'd Sun ny Grazette, Seattle, in the sec ond; Tommy Umeda, Seattle, drew with Pepper Martin, Spo kane, and Johnny Scott, Seattle, ko'd Red Garrison, Spokane, in the second. Bend, Ore. Thone 1132 Bears to Meet Salem Friday . The Bend Lava Hears, twice de-; featfd In Uig Hix league gamex, will Journey lu the valley Krlday ' lo match their football prowexH Willi lha( of the Salem Vikings. I This past week, the Salem I eleven rniidi' its debut into KM!) liig Six competition by squeezing out a 7li upset victory over thii. Albany ISulldogs. I'lCgame dope had the Bulldogs some two or ihiee touchdowns better than the Vikings. The victory over the Albany leiim w.'iu the first for the Vikings this season. The Salernites had 1 previously (Implied to two tough opponenl.s, the Klam ath Falls. Pelicans and the Van couver hi!h eleven. The liears will go into the game with a record of two wins and two losses. The Hears scored both their vlct.nles against teams out side the Big Six league. One of the big problems Coach liud Kolwlson will have when he Ileitis the Bear team Friday night, is how to make the lienil forward wall, carrying an average weight of ll8 pounds to the man, oper ate effectively against the 184 pound per man line of the Vi kings. Lightest man in the Salem line is l(i5 K)und Don Boyd who holds down the left end position. Bai kfii ld Heavy The Viking backfieid, headed by 185-pound Jim Rock who is team captain and fullback, will average about 168 pounds per man com pared to 1G3 pounds lor the Bruin backs. Rock, with an outstanding rec- TIRE STOCK REDUCTION SALE fin LJU ALLOWANCES NOW " ON U. S. ROYAL MASTER AMERICA'S FOREMOST SAFETY TIRE NEVER SUCH A TIRE! NEVER SUCH A BARGAIN! YOU'VE GOT TO ACT ON THIS ONE! While our limited inventory lasts you too can benefit from our sale If your car uses these "Air Ride" sizes 60-15 760-15 710-15 820-15 670-16 (replaces conventional 600-16) 760-16. (replaces conventional 650-16) 820-16 (replaces conventional 750-16) Now we can take your old tires for winter re treading and give you Royal Masters at a low net price you simply cannot believe. VP TO FULL LIST ON YOUR PRESENT TIKES if they have run under 2000 miles! ACT TODAY WHILE THEY LAST Winterize NOW With a NEW SEE US For Tire Chains PERMANENT Anti Freeze Free Pickup and Delivery Free Installation Shoop & Schulze Tire Service 1291 Wall Street These Other Locations For Your Convenience SHOOP & SCHULZE SHOOP & SCHULZE SHOOP & SCHULZE TIRE SERVICE TIRE SERVICE TRUCK SERVICE Corner Main and Spring JOHN DAT, OREGON South of Redmond on 97 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON REDMOND, OREGON Gridiron Briefs I Br Uttitxl PrH Etigene - Coach Jim Aiken of the University of Oregon Ducks began workouts today to strengthen his reserves "for that last quarter try." Oregon takes on Washington State at Pullman Saturday. Seattle A scheduled scrim mage for the University of Wash ington gridders was cancelled yesterday because of rain. The Huskies play Oregon State Satur day. Pullman, Wash. The Washing ton State college football squad worked on fundamentals today in preparation for Saturday's game against Oregon. Coach Phil S.irkoe drilled the team on both oflense and defense in yester day's practice. Corvallis Oregon State col lege gridders went back lo fun damentals today as Coach La verne (Kip Taylor blamed faulty blocking and tackling for the Beavers' 41-0 loss to California. Moscow, Ida. The University ord so far this season, will be the big threat to the Bear team. Statistics on the Salem team fol lows: Left end, Don Boyd, 165; left tackle, Gordy Bacon, 190; left guard. Bob Santee, 190; center. Jerry Graves, 178; right guard. Bill Johnson, 180; right tackle Layton Gilson, 205; right end, Doug Rogers, 185; quarterback, Gordy Sloan, 175; left half, 'Jim Stewart. 145; right half, Gene Jones, 168, and fullback, Jim Rock, 185. U. S. BATTERY Powerlite Zone of Safety Fiberqlas Mats All Rubber Separators Maximum Capacity Hard Rubber Case Heavy Duty Plates Vis-O-Matie Caps SIZES FOR ALL NEEDS Low as $10.50! Exchange 1 of Tdaho Vandals practiced on a rain soaked field yesterday In preparation for their game against Washington Stale college on OctolK-r Ifi. Fullback King block and tackle Bill Fray, both I injured in the clash against Texas ; last week, rejoined the squad. Santa Clara - Don White, sen j ior end from Seattle, Wash., was nametl Santa Clara team captain j today for this week's game against Portland university at I ine uMii grape oowl. Berkeley, Calif. Coach I.ynn (Pappy) Waldorf put his Cal fornia Bears through their sec ond consecutive rigorous work out yesterday with emphasis be ing placed on defensive plays. The Bears meet Wisconsin Satur day. Italian Fighter Injured, in Bout Buffalo, N.Y., Oct. 5 (in Form er Italian heavyweight champion Enrico Bertola was in "very criti cal" condition today from a cere bral hemorrhage suffered in a 10- round hammering by Lee Oma nere last nignt. Bertola collapsed in his dress ing room shortly after the fight with the Detroit boxer. Attendants at emergency hos pital said he was in the operating room six hours after he had dropped the decision to Oma. Bertola was still in his ring togs in the dressing room at Memorial auditorium when he complained of an upset stomach. Then he collapsed. Efforts by his manager, Emil Nanny of Chicago, to revive him failed and an ambulance rushed I the lighter to the hospital. YOURS NOW! at unheard of prices The original Air Ride Masters . . . that cush ion and protect you . . . that lick all other tires for Comfort, Safety and Mileage . . . that Steer better . . . with 607c more safe mile age, and tread renew ing safety to the last mile. Act Now Don't Miss This One. Phone 1400 MOKE RAIN AWAITED Medrord, Oct.. 5 - A number of foi i-st areas In .lackson county closed during the summer's dry spell will not be reopened 'u.illl more rain falls, the Mate foist patrol said today. Which Jacket? would you choose for this going into winter season? There are many In our big selection. Read about them here then see them at No. 1 Battle Style JACKET A smart and snug jacket of Zelan treated poplin, zipper fastened, wl'h warm alpaca lining, knit wristlets and waist band it's set off with a soft and rich looking Mou ton collar. 11,98 No. 2 by Filsott CRUISER Heavy 100 virgin wool cruiser coat with double back and sleeves. 6 pockets and cruiser pocket, treated for water repelleney, choice of red - Mack or green black plaid. 18.95 No. 3 Mouton Collar Battle Style JACKET in rich satin finish twill, gray only, zipper fastened front and pocket, lined with warm alpaca. Of course it's Zelan treated has knit wristlets and waist band. A dandy! 14.95 No. 4 A Shanhouse Outdoor Garment Long Coat covers the hips from wintry blasts. Sturdy cotton twill with warm quilted lining In body and sleeves a oat for warmth and service. In wine or brown, priced thriftily at 11.95 .5 Genuine Chippewa Stag Coat i Heavy 100 wool stag; with ' double back and shoulders, slash hand pockets, crluser , pocket. Right for almost any outdoor activity, will take i the wear. Red or green plaid. 16.95 To Be Continued These are only five we'll tell you about five more from our huge stock tomor row and five more the next day. Don't miss a single winter-important description. If You Can't Walt Sec Them All Tomorrow at 9 V1 VW