. PAGE EIGHT , THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON New Cinderella Of Screen Found Very Busy Girl By Virginia MacPherson (UniUtl Preiw liollywuuU :orrtiondrnt Hollywood, Oct. 3 ilK- Sinner Mlndy Curtson, Hollywood's cur rent "Cinderella girl," wound up a tilKhtclub stint at dnwn today, cot up early for an interview, lunched with a movie executive, took a screen test, rehearsed oil eVenlnff Jind nnst nnnnrl Iiap hnn. eymoon for the 17th straight day. That's what you call being "too first had time for a few minutes aione witn that Rent who brought In the Rlass slipper. But this is La Carson's regular schedule. Her fairy godmother works overtime. Won't even call off that doggone magic wand aft er midnight. Marries Manager Mlndy, who's 21 and beautiful and packing 'em in at Ciro's every night, married her manager, Ed die Joy, three weeks ago. But she has to keep looking at that band of diamonds on her left hand to remember. - About the only time she sees her bridegroom is to say hello and goodbye. She still calls him "my manager." "All I konw Is, I don't have to pay him 10 per cent any more," Mlndy grinned. "But I can't fig ure out whether I gained 10 per cent or lost the 90 I used to keep." This blue-eyed tombov from the Bronx, who's barely o"ld enough tO be nllnWPrt InctHn calrunc A alone sing in 'em, is the gal who never had a music lesson in her life. Vears Reveal Change ' Three years ago she was sell ing "-chocolate creams behind a candy counter in New York. To day she's a top-headliner at plush lined nightspots like Ciro's on the swanky Sunset strip and the Copacabana in New York. She's got a voice one critic put in the "shivers-go-down-the-spine department" and a few more things (Including a chassis that probably had something to do with those shivers). All this plus a slight assist from that eager-beaver godmoth er has paid off. Every night the top names of Hollywood squeeze Into Ciro's to moon over her torchy ballads. She's signed long-term contracts with radio, television, and recording com panies. Now Movie Queen And she's practically signed, sealed, and delivered to 20th Century-Fox as a movie queen. She's already living like one The manager of the Gardon of Lap'i me Lnpine, Oct. 3 (Special) A number of local residents attend ed a business and social meeting of the Oregon State Employes association, held recently in the library auditorium in Bend. The local group Included Mr. anil Mrs. Floyd Garrison. Mr. ami Mrs. William Baker. Mr. and Mrs. E A. Winn, 1.. 1). LaCusse and Mr. and Mrs. William James. Art Cook, who has been work ing on the special highway crew in various parts or the county, is back in Lapine and was to' go I back to work with the regular j highway crew this week. Roy Owsly is staying at fie Mark Ferns home while he recov- ers from a foot injury. He is the Kerns son-in-law. This week the Stearns Cattle compauy finished bringing stock out of the Davis lake area. Tuffy and Fay. Dalrymple. who ; moved recently to North Bend, were In Lapine recently for a short visit. i Nick Myers and family, former . residents of Lapine, came over ; last week from Canyonvllle, to i hunt and visit old friends. They j are camped at the Riddle home. ; The Myers now operate an auto court and trailer camp In Can- i yonville. He owned and oper- i ated a tie mill- near Lapine for many years. Little Butch Angel underwent a tonsillectomy recently. Allah installed her with a pomp and ceremony in the luxurious j pink bridal suite Humphrey Bo- gart and Lauren Bacall had on j their honeymoon. But a lot of good it does Mindy. SAVE ON O Prescriptions O Drugs O Tobaccos O Magazines O Cosmetics QUALITY with Economy at ECONOMY DRUGS jmmn s ' Ph. aw Get Ready for Winter Driving with Bear's Safety Service! Here's What You Get: 1. More Driving Pleasure! 2. No Shimmy Or Jiggle! 3. More Gas f CC"" j And Oil Prepare now for rough winter driving by bringing your car in for a Bear's Safety Check. Our service locates trouble spots, stops excessive tire wear by correct wheel alignment, and Baves you motoring expense. Let our factory-trained men check your car today. Bear Wheel & Brake Service KENNETH C. CALE "Across From Mid-Oregon Farmers" 117 E. Greenwood Phone 1243 jrfdn jS) 29.75 for LOWER PRICES for SMART STYLES for bitf VALUES IMAQINE.... f .o ktfl ZIP OUT COAT . IN ALL WORSTED SHARKSKIN The fabric you'vo told us is tops in popu larity this season. Lustrous rayon satin lining, wool shell, slash pockets. Grey or tan in sizes 10 to 18. Coat Fair Extra Specials Lustrous Rayon Sharkskin .Beautifully Styled and Superbly tailored and only $19.75 Coat Fair Extra Specials All Wool Fleece. Warm, casual looking. The very best in fabric and style. All wool, too, and only $19.75 All Worsted Sheen Covert Box coat. The smooth luxury of worsted covert, with the added style appeal of glossy sheen finish especially tailored for the woman 5'4" and under in sizes 7 to 14. TD EMMY'S MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1949 o 3975 ffflH jj. Coat-Fair r