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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1949)
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. H1 THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON PAGE NINE Hungary Scraps Friendship Pact With Yugoslavia lliiilupcHt, I limitary, Sept. .')() ill'i lluiiKuiy seruppeil i Iriewlshlp pint will) YukunIiivIii loitay, no I'tmliiK MaiHhal 'J Hum remine of (IcIiiinliiK Ihu Unity anil plotlliiK lo overthrow t tin iliiiiKui lan com iiiuiiImI Hovcrnmciit. The lluiiKui Ian ifoveriuuent for niully denounceri ihe treaty of Irleiulnlilp ami iniilual iinMhiuihv 2 hour after a Hlmllur aciion hy KlIHdlU. The J u l a p c I IllOVt' UKiilnnl thi YuKonlava wan In line Willi preriletlon Unit lint soviet aetiim woulil set ol a chain re action uiiioiik the coinlnlurin countries. I'nri lcn mlnlMer (iiiyla Kallal handed I lie lorinnl noli' nullllyliiK llni irmly In YukosIiiv Minister Jura Jovmiovlc al nniiii. 'I'lic Hole milil 1 1 if reeenl trial III liulaH-Hl o( Laiulo Itajk, lor. iner lorelun inlulxli-r ami No. 2 HunHiii Inn coiiiiiiuiiIhI, proved thai Tllo'H recline in uanlM'd a plot lo overthrow Iho coiniiiunlhl government of Hungary, Relation HI rained IteltiUon Ix-lween Yucimlavlu Unit llilliH'iiy have Iteeome sleiiill ly worM! miu'f the trial of Kujk and evcn eo-Oc fenilmit on eliiuy- on of treason mid oilier crimen OKiiliiht the mate. Kujk and two oilier were nenleneeil lu ilealh. One of the keyntnne cliaik'e wu that Kujk plolled Willi iiijeiil of 'I'lio mid of the United htnte lo topple I lie lliidapeHt govern ment and srlM? Kiwer. Today' llunKiirliin note said the trial proved lhal lien. Alex mider Kankovle, Yugoslav Inier Inr mlnlHtPi', came lo tlunuary llli'K'illy and lieifollated secretly with Itajk. It eharued further that Yuk slnvlu arbitrarily exelled mem hem of the HunKiirlun leKiitinn lo lielcrnde. 'Hie llunK'ul'in envoy, together with the I'ollhh rcpre urinative, left Yugoslavia cuter-day. OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Wiliom M M 1 CAN'T tolANl? N NO, THAT'LL MAKE IT I III' 1 THIS-WE WONT WORSE Nf.VERHIRE HJII l T BE ABLE TO 6LCE I A BOV POR A DOG 1 l TONIGHT THINK IP I ITTC:K IF VOO DON'T I i PUTTf.K CALL HP WANT A CASE Of ANP ASK WALT fcR ALIEMATIOM Of IP HF:'LL COME ANP ) I ArTECT IOW& THERE'S 1 v CU-t P HFKti V JU6T SOMETHING v TWNKjM'I J ., BUTWULN BOY& !' Ns .it- ANP PpeS-" ' " ' ' Jpf.Wll.LIA ' hi-bctfo Affn iape -not rop.n ..y.y.r s.'s.t. -, 3 Stories Sold By Young Author Hcdmond. Sept. .'10 iSpeclull j Kelth HHiili Henderson, a Inr' llier Kludent of HUMS, received a check from the Writer' I)l,'em for S7IM for three slinrl Moiled which he ulimliied lo the aiicncy In AiiiiUHt. The Mullen arc of mood, wllh I he Kiirprlse ending typlcAl of short Hlorle today. Keith studied willlnu under llic . liunriielliin of Mi x. Slaude lsi, c-reailvp writing and llhrary cl eni'p teacher at lledinond tJnlnn hlKh hcIiooI for Ihreo year, lie wrote iHirlnit the Biunmrr and levlHcd, wllh Mr. Iav'h help, the Hlorle which he Hold. He win n inemlH'r of the "Hud IIIiihmiiiih" Klaff In ltMH, and con II United lo the three books puh IIhIuiI by the elan. He I alleiiillnit the l'orlland School of Mimic In Portland mid working on III wrlthiK a a hobby. Keith Is the lHycarold son of Mr. and Mis. 'John Henderson of Hcdmond. Prineville Group Sending Letters" On Celebration rrlnevllle, Xepl. 30 lx'tten from Olio N. lIupH, president of the Central Oregon chamber of commerce, were liclng forwarded today to county officials and chamber of commerce a lar away of lloise, Ida., announcliiK plan lor a celebration wl for Sunday. NovemlM-r J.I, al the Mill creek bridge. The i-elebrallon will einninemorale coin)lctlon of the Warm .Springs highway. Hiippc cmphasied that the new road will bring I'oiTland and central Oregon 3.7 mile closer, and give all of the communities an opiHiriunlly to share In the saving of transportation cost. Hnppe asked that all group send representative to a lunch inn, Kchcduled for 1 p.m. on Sun day, October lli. at Timbcrlliie lodge, at which It Is proposed to agree iiKn detail of the program al ihe ceremonies, which will be held at the bridge spanning the spectacular and deep Mill creek gorge In the Warm Spring In dian reservation. He asked that all organization receiving the an nouncement Inform he secrv- inry oi inir . fnrrni Oregon cTimit- la-r by October 10. a lo the lumv Im-i' II will have present for ihe luncheon of preparation at Tim-iM-rllne the following Sunday. Hoppes said assurances have lM-en given thai IJregon's gover nor. ItfMiglim McKay, will be pres enl to Join Ihe state highway com mission members and Highway engineer U. H. Haldock in the Ochoco Project Has Night Shift Prineville. Jjeot. 30 The Drag line Heiital Co. of Long licuch, Calif., awarded a T7J,&4.2. con tract by the U. S. bureau of recla mation for rehabilitation of the Ocnoco Irrigation district dam, ha Installed electric floodlight and I now operating a day and night shin, cacti oi lu Hours duration. The Long licuch concern start ed work on the project of reinforc ing and otherwise Improving the 3oyearold dam on July 1. The contract provided that the rcha imitation should bo completed within WXl day. Progre, how ever, has been far luster than anticipated, unit Koscoc Murphy, superintendent, Kays It Is now In dicated that the Job will be done before Christmas. I Gales will be closed in January lo conserve the watershed run off lor 1U50 irrigation. I- AtXLTY KNTKKTAINED Prineville, Sept. 30 Mr. and Mrs. B. U. Boycc were hosts one evening the past week to all mem bers of the families of the Crook county high school faculty at "gi'tdequuifihM party" ul Ihelr home nerc. Mr. Uoyce I dean of student ut the high school. celebration ceremonies. He sug gestcd lo Ihe chambers of com ineice of Uolse, Nampa, Welser and Caldwell. Ida., that they n vail upon Governor Kobblns to head u delegation of the Snake river country of the Gem state. Bend Firemen Take Traininq Jume L. Shlek and Ivan Mur phy returned home last week fol lowing completion of the local Instructors' school conducted by the Oregon Fire Chief' associa tion In cooperation with the slutc department oi vocational educa tion and the state lire marshal's department, In Klamuth Kulls from September U to Septem ber 17. Shlek and Murphy were select ed by the local lire department to take this specialized training intended to qualify them to In- struct the other members of the lJend fire department during the coming ycur. The Oregon fire department training program was establish ed In 1947 to assist the various fire departments of the state to Improve methods and to develop proficiency In fire lighting wlln the ultimate object of reducing fire losses. A course of training consisting of 4'J separate lessons ha been developed and the par ticipating departments will con duct one three-hour lesson a week until the course Is completed. The state vocational education depart ment and the state fire marshal's department have employed lour traveling instructors whose Job it is to assist, advise, and guide the efforts 'of the local instruc tors in extending the training to all members ol the fire depart ment The traveling Instructor for this area is liobert English, who will visit the Bend lire depart ment not less often than once each month and will work with Shlek and Murphy on the develop ment of the program In Bend. Elghty-scvcn fire departments comprising a total of more than 2700 men arc participating at the present time In this Oregon fire department training program. Convalescenf Home Burns, 7 Lives Taken Kansas City, Mo., Sept. 30 mi A convalescent home occupied mostly by old-age pensioners be came a death-trap for seven of 15 occupant today when flames fanned through the two-story frame structure. Klvc of the seven victims suf focated and two others were burned to death. At least four more person were hospitalized with minor burns and shock and exposure. Mrs. Ola Jones, a neighbor said she first became aware of the fire when Mrs. Aurora Baysc, owner of the house, ran into the yard screaming for help. Neighbor itescues Z John Paulsen, a- next-door neighbor, saved two ol the peo ple from the flames. Paulsen told firemen he pulled the two people from the first floor of the house but was un able to get to the second floor. where all of the victims died. "The heat was unbearable," he said. Another neighbor, Miss Helen Mitchell, 20, said the sight of women screamink and old folk running from the smoking struc ture was the "most pitiful sight 1 have ever witnessed. I can still hear the screams of those who died,." Firemen who reached the house within a few minutes after the fire began said the blaze was con centrated In the center of the building. Smoke made rescue im possible, they said. Indians Restricted On Game Hunting Lander, Wyo. If Even the In dians need a permit to hunt big game-now. For the first time, the Sho shone and Arapahoe tribes on the Wind Klver reservation are regu lating their hunting to conserve big game resources. The tribes last year established a fish and game committee to draw up a big game code and set up a plan of operation. The cod closed the hunting of the scarcer species of big game animals moose, big-horn sheep ana ante lope on the reservation. The code further set a limit of one bull elk and one buck deer per hunter, and required all per sons hunting to have a tribal per mit, issued without charge. PROGENY CABBIES ON Windsor, Vt IP More than 150 descendants of Justin Mor gan, a bay stallion that died over a century and a half ago, were entered in the annual National Morgan horse show here. In the United States there are approximately three licensed driv ers for every two automobiles. BETTER ROADS FORESEEN Akron, O. HP) Firestone, in conjunction with the Ohio depart ment of highways, has laid an experimental road to test a new type of asphalt. Powdered rubber has been added to the regular asphalt mixture, tlrcstone offi cials said the mixture would not cause as much wear on automo bile tires, and will allow quicker stops. Furniture , Refinishing WOOD or METAL Bleaching ' ' Gralidnc; Minor Repairs ELMER ALLEN'S Nu-Finish Shop Phone 32 F5 Bend, Ore. Contented Pigeons Decide Simple Life It Bett Adelaide, Australia tin Para- chllna Isn't much of a plare population of five, 312 miles from Adelaide, fulling down pub, leaning-over warehouse. But seven of 12,000 racing pig eon! taken there for a rnc to Adelaide think It's good enough for them. Cooing contentedly as the other 11,903 took oft, they settled down under the warehouse. From the look of things, they are going to become permanent I'arachll nans. The Price The Taste ..of IhTilll fine Bottle mofa attention mmm Big 400 lb. Meat Cap. Home Freezer Most of the Brussels sprouts crop grown In America In pro duced on Long Island. New York. Anyone Knowing the Whereabouts of MARCINE WASSOM Please Write or Tliono Mabel Wassom Cox Hulsey, Oregon Phone 3X3. llalsry CASH FOR Back to School Expenses '25.00 to $300.00 on Furniture Farm Machinery Livestock Automobile Loans Up to $500.00 NO INKHKANf'IC KICH"ltKD! Twenty Monllu to Repay PORTLAND LOAN CO. Norberl D. Goodrich, Mgr. Kin. 8, Penney llldg., 11110 Wall Telephone 173 BEND, OREGON Slnlo Licenses SI8II M321 I " T " C HAS. V. SAYLER, Distributor Phone 25 STOP7 usTgfjy wi m .. o 3 - ' . AJ wiav: Only a few fat this low price! ON THIS BRAND NEW 210 LB. CAPACITY KELVINATOR FREEZER 5 LOOK AT THESE FREEZER BARGAINS! 12 cu. ft. Kelvinator 38?.?5 3J cu. ft. Crossley Frostmaster 129.50 !',, CI, 0, 13, 15, 10, 18, 30, 35 ell. ft. models In sloek OREGON EQUIPMENT COMPANY 165 E. Greenwood WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL Phone 888 A C.iwnt thcMc Hamg Tmsxr I a food fceok that will pay you a handsome rate of aitcraatl This is how; Instead of paying a Ugh' price lor a iBVer vt steak or a patty of hamburger every day you buy only when you get a "tweak on meat prices as during a safe4 You buy your fruits and vegetablo In season whea ptkxe ate joavs and quality-highest. Then yon Just bank your food In your Gen eral Electric Home Freezer and enjoy it day after day, when most other folks have to pay nigh prices for the same food. You'll be amazed how your investment pays off for you when you own a General Electric Home Freezer! And imagine the convenience of having one right in your home! Why not stop in to see usi! GENERAL E1ECTRIC HOME FREEZER ) $319.00Vy "($12.12 ( I after don ptytmt. Iffa U 400 lb. Meat Cap. Ill V ASK OS ABOUT If 10-DAY ( 1 V mi TRIAL! A 0 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 tan Toil ecu pot jronr confidence la General Electric ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES With Purchase of G-E Home Freezer . i ) . .. ' i. . FREE 84 Packages of Frozen Food 10-oz.. GREEN BEANS . .... ...... . $3.48 12-oz. WHOLE KERNEL CORN 3.00 12-ol MIXED VEGETABLES ..... 3.48 12-oz. FANCY PEAS 3.24 12-oz. PEAS AND CARROTS 3.00 16-oz. SPINACH 3.00 6-oz. ORANGE CONCENTRATE ...... ....... , 3.72 84 Pkgs. VALUE J22.92 BEND ElECraC CO. 644 Franklin Phone 159