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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1949)
PAGE EIGHT THE BENb BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1949 Deschutes Group In Stock Show A fat auction sale, judging con touts and a calf scramble 10 bp held at the Pacific International Livestock exposition in Portland October 712, will be participated In by several Deschutes county, 4-H and KFA club members, Don ald L, Benscoter, county 4-H club agent reported today. The fat auction sale, scheduled for 10 a.m., October 12, will fea ture two lambs, 18 hogs and 27 , steers. Deschutes county entries In the sale are to be made by Gary Strunk, Ernest Kuhn, Dale Law rence, and Richard Fix, who this past year were winners in the calf scramble. The four boys will receive the proceeds from the sale of their stock. Benscoter stated that eight club ! members from the count v will bej entered this year in the calfi scramble. i Exhibitors Listed . Exhibits will be entered in the exposition by the following: Ag nes Thornburgh, Dale Lawrence, Jim Lawrence, Ernest Kuhn, Richard Koth, Gary Strunk, Don ald Trueax, John Kiesow, Haley Prlchard, Gary Lawson. Melvin Rosebrook, Don Rosebrook, Ron Phillips, Ambers Thornburgh, Shirley Amen, John Bride. Rich ard Fix, Phillip Gillispie, Bill Hansen, Pat Hansen, Richard Hitchcock, Sam Hitchcock, Jim Jones, Norman Lvnds. Velma Lynds and Vivian Lynds. The judging contests will be held October 8 and the following club members from Deschutes county will participate: Livestock, Dale Lawrence, Jim Lawrence, and Ernest Kuhn; home economics, Ola Bristlin and Irma Flowers; poultry, Tom Bur ton, Haley Prichard, and Dick Burton, and crops, Vernon Sam ples, Kathline Kiesow, and Ber nlce Hergenroder. Benscoter will assist with crop exhibits and the judging con tests, i Club leaders planning to attend I the exposition include Mrs. Ever-1 ett Thornbureh. R. E. I.vnric nH 1 Jack Jones. Baggy Britches Yield Theft Loot ChlcaRo 'Ifi Police said two teen-age thieves were arrested be cuse their loot was loo big for thPlr britches. A gas station was burglarized nnil SI 1 in nickelK unit a handful of tools were missing. Edward Moravac and Frank Tumpl, both IS. were seized near- hv ufwtt- n unlit-emmi hf-nnie Kits. p'icious of their overstuffed pock ets. Shevlin Shevlin, Sept. 29 (Special) Mrs. George Wall was hostess to the Pinochle club Wednesday, September 21. Guests were Mrs. Ben Cosklin, Mrs. Vernon Sayre. Mrs. Frank Mauger, Mrs. Rolland Gumpert, Mrs. Nary Kittleson, Mrs. Orville Bean and Mrs. Harry Stingley. Mrs. Frank Mauger won high prize and Mrs. Vernon Sayre won low prize and Mrs.' Rolland Gumpert won floating prize. Mrs. Nary Kittleson has return ed home from California where ; she had been staying to be neari her daughter, who has been ill. She says her daughter is much better but will be confined to her bed for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Emery and family visited in Klamath Marsh last week with Everett Emery. Mrs. Ed Banks returned home Friday from Boise, Ida., where she has been visiting Connie and her husband and their new baby. Mr. and Mrs. Art Lollis and family spent the' week end in Sis ters visiting Mrs. Lollis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Winkle. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cox and son spent the week end in Bend at the home of Kennth Cox's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Myers and son and Mrs. Isa Freeman of Bend spent the week end at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Freeman and family and Mr. and Mrs Harry Etingley and family. Kenneth Moorehead of Claska nle is here visiting relatives for a while. Orville Bennet is a patient at the Lumberman's hospital, where he was admitted last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Emery and son of Silver Lake were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Emery and familv and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stlnpley and family on Sunday, Sent. 25. Mr. and Mrs. Robert More house and family were visiting Mrs. Robert Morehouse's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Petrie, and family, over the week end. Maurice Emery of Philadelphia and Kenneth Emery of Silver Lake were visitors Sept. 21 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Em erv and family. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lane and family went to Lebanon over the week end to visit Mr. Lane's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lane, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burgess went to Vancouver, B.C. for the I.W.A. C.I.O. convention that is held there this week. Jax Baker and Clinton Olson Jr. have left for Eugene to attend school. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Petrie and family were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Petrie and family. Week End Special ! Look Over These Super Values Paint Supreme quality. Ideal for furniture, woodwork, walls and ceiling. Easy to apply, no brush marks, dries hard, washable. pint can. Reg. 25c 9c Paint Brushes S" pure horse hair gripped in rubber. Reg. $1.19 ' 69c 2'i" brush. Same quality. Reg. 69c 35c Step Ladders 5' folding ladder with met al bracing and platform. Reg. $6.45 $3.95 Camp Trays Reg. 98c 49c BLUVOX Car Polish Auto glaze. Cleans and pro tects all auto finishes of '-any color. Reg. $1.00 49c FIRESTONE Dusting and Polishing Pads Washable. Fits the hand. Leaves no lint, will not scratch. Beg. 29c 14c ROYAL CHEF Percolator 6 cup aluminum percolator. Reg. $2.75 M.69 EUREKA HOT WATER ' Car Heater Large size. 8" fan, full cop per radiator, complete with hose and switches, defrost er outlets. Reg. $24.95 '16.95 FIRESTONE Table Model Radio 6 tubes, push button tuning, walnut cabinet, built-in short wave antenna, Reg. $62.50 '39.95 Houk-Van Allen Firestone Home & Auto Supply 916 Wall Phone 860 NOTICE Beginning Friday morning, Sept. 80, we wjll be open from 8 a.ra. til 11 p.m. If You Like to Eat Try THE ELKHORN CAFE 1115 South 3rd on South Highway HUNTERS WELCOMED ft A, ii I r 1 Penney Boxer Shorts All around elastic waist. Sanforized. Sizes 30 to 40. 2 pairs 1.00 MEN'S Bandana Handkerchiefs in Blue or Red Large size 19c Medium 2 for 25c Craftsman Dress Shirts Plain pastels and stripes, san forized. Nucraft collar. A few left at 1.66 Pay-Day BIB OVERALLS Sanforized, extra heavy denim, cut over graduated pattern to fit all men, high back for comfort. Blue Denim pr. 2.79 Express Stripe . . pr. 2.79 Truckers Type ... pr. 2.98 Carpenter White pr. 3.79 Cotton UNION SUITS Medium weight, long sleeve, long leg, random gray, sizes 36 to 50. 1.59 Fleece Lined . SWEATERS All cotton, button front, black or brown warmth plus economy. Sizes 36 to 44. 1.98 Cotton Work Socks Mixed yarn, Rockford type, and what a price! 6 pairs 1.00 Topflight Sanforized broadcloth, drawstring or elastic belt, sizes A, B, C, D. 2.98 Plaid Poplin SNOWSUITS FOR TODDLER BOYS AND GIRLS CAP TO MATCH We J$3f i V ALU If f YpJ f SLIDE FASTENER ... zips open from neck down to crotch. 'ArWlND RESISTANT... closely woven cotton poplin. ! . FULLY LINED. ..thick' napped, quilted flannel. ZELAN-TREATED . . . water, repellent finish sheds ice and snow. XCOZY CAP . . . snug-tilting with warm ear flaps. "KNITTED CUFFS... 505& wool, 50 cotton. Extra warm! Snug-fitting! COME RAIN . . . COME SNOW PENNEY'S GLO-DOWN SETS KEEP TODDLERS WARM AND DRY! GIRLS' 3 Pc. m COAT SETS (AND MOTHERS THIS FABRIC IS WATER REPELLENT. TOO! ) l Vi''H'J )' 11.90 No two ways ahout it, these coat sets are terrific! (Just' look at the low price!) The closely knitted hack and deep, go ft surface make them super warm. No need to worry about' ainy weather, Glo-down fabric just spurns water! Etn broidcrcd yoke. Zippered leg gings, Hat. I'ustel colors. 1-4.; 50. WOOL, 50 RAYON 30-pc. Set Silver Plate 6 toaspoons, 6 dessert forks, 6 dessert spoons, 6 2-pc. knivos, 6 salad forks. ALL FOR THIS TINY PRICE! 4.98 Handy Pad Apron By Rosa Lee the handy hot pad holder on oach cornor gay prints, 98c Braemore Tissues 440, size 8 J x 1 0 cloansing tissues, soft, absorbent, strong. 29c Out-of-Doors Blanket 100 wool, size 62x84, dark green, maroon, dark blue. Just what you nood for huntingl 4.79 Plastic Hosiery. Bag 6-section, colorful plastic tho ideal place to keop your hose. 69c Puckerette Panties Elasticized cotton and rayon, lace trim, lots of colors. pr. 69c WALNUT SEWING CABINET Sturdily made, hinged top covers Your chance to save. Priced to go! 2.00 PENCO SHEETS Deluxe quality muslin shoot?, famous for its wear and luxurious beauty. 81x99 double bed sizo. 2.19 81x108 extra long, double bed size. 2.39 90x108 extra wide, extra long. 2.59 House Frocks A special price on wanted stylos and patterns in 80 sq. percale. 1.50