The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963, September 29, 1949, Page 14, Image 14

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Sisters and Vicinity
Sinters. September 29 (Special)
Mrs. Gordon Hagen anil Infant
ion, Robert Harold, returned
liome KYiday from Hcnd where
they had been stuylng at the
home of Mrs. Haven's mother,
Mr. Fred Wolf, for the past
George Barclay of Bend spent a,
few days last week vlsilltiR at the
home of his son and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Barclay.
Mrs. Jim Patterson and daugh
ter, Mrs. Charles Lands, and her
daughter, Barbara Louise, spent
Thursday and Friday In Salem
visiting Mrs. Patterson's daugh
ter, Alma Patterson.
A large group of Odd Fellows
and Rebekahs and their families
enjoyed a picnic dinner on the
Metollus river on Sunday. !
John Lineman of Roseberg
was an overnight guest at the P.
Huntington home Tuesday. j
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Helgeson
and daughter, Linda, spent Sun
day afternoon visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Bak
er In Bend.
C. N. McLoughlin of Port An
geles, Wash., is making an ex
tended visit at the home of his
afternoon at her homo in honor of
her daughte.', Barbara's, second
birthday anniversary. The child
ren enjoyed games and birthday
cake served by the hostess. '1 hose
present wore: Mrs. Woody Slov
ens and son; Mrs. Nell Winkle
and sons, Ronnie and Jack, and
Mrs. Ray Smith and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Vike and
children moved Monday to Cul-ve;-.
Among those from Sisters who
attended the "Oregon-Idaho foot
ball game in Eugene were Mr.
and Mrs. Tommy Turner. Mr. and
Mrs. Ab Uemaris, Mr. anil Mrs.
Roliert Hewitt. Jr., Olen Hewitt.
Roy Couch, Bob Sanders and Mi
cheal Coglaniese.
Harlan Noel and son. Richard,
left Saturday evening for their
home in College Place. Wash., af
ter spending the summer with
Noel's parents. Mr. and Mrs. The
odore Noel. Noel was employed
here during the summer and is a
student at Walla Walla College.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Widmark
and son, Lane, spent Sunday in
the Willamette valley.
Mrs. Harold Barclay entertain
ienu vimi i me i.ume m ed with a birthday dinner Wed.ies
ugA i a"d.,son' Mr a nd day evening at her home for
ATlta, VJUJ .UkUWUIlllll,
The high scltool student
accompanied by their teachers,
Byron Evans, William Edwards
and Joy Waterson, hiked to the
top of Black crater last Friday
Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott and
son, Mike, of Moffitt Field near
Mountain View, Calif., are visit
ing at the home of Mrs. Elliott's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zum
walt. Mrs. Bill Turner, assisted by
Mrs. Bob Turner, entertained
with a surprise birthday lunch
eon for Mrs. Harold Gustafson. at
her home last Thursday after
noon. Those present were: Wilma
Brandon, Francis Day, Jackie
Henderson, Norma Shaw, Dolly
Wyatt, Jean Morris, Vivian Haw
es, Louise Turner, May Turner
and the guest of honor.
Mr. and Mrs. Buster McKenzie
and children of Prineville were
week-end guests at the home of
Mrs. McKenzie's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Perit Huntington.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ladet and
three sons spent Sunday night at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Smalley. Ladet is being trans
ferred to McCord field in Wash
ington state from an air base in
Texas. Mrs. Ladet is Smalley's
Mr. and Mrs. Guy McLoughlin
and C. N. McLoughlin were din
ner guests Saturday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Alley and family in the Tumalo
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Benson and
Mrs. Isobelle Sorenson went to
the Dalles and Celilo Falls last
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Worth and
daughter, Muriel, of Tygh Valley,
spent the week end visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Roland
Gridley and family.
Mrs. George Meyers entertain
ed last Monday with a belated
birthday party in honor of her
son, Tommy's eighth birthday an
niversary at her home. The af
ternoon was spent playing games.
After the opening of the gifts the
hostess served refreshments of
circus birthday cake. Those pres
ent were: Mrs. Harold Barclay
and sons, Denny and Stevie; Mrs.
Harold Gustafson and children,
Phil and Ann; Mrs. Bob Dodd and
daughters, Tishy, Vicky and Judy,
Timmy and Tommy Wakefield,
Gary Benson, Timmy and Denny
Day, Vestor Taylor and Ralph
Mrs. Carl Woods of Bend visit
ed last Friday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. P. Huntington.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Christy
' and sons, of Bend, and Mr. and
Mrs. Lane Fillmore and family
have moved on to the Clark farm
a mile east of Sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Benson and
son, Gary, and Mrs. Isobelle Sor-
ensen visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. John Silvertooth at Antelope.
Mrs. Bud Winkle entertained
with a birthday party on Friday
Keith Miller. Guests present were
I Donald Aitken, Douglas Miller,
I Dale Elkin and the guest of hon
j or.
A group of the members and
friends of the Sisters Church of
Christ attended a party at the
parsonage Saturday evening for
the pastor and his wife, Mr. and
Mrs. George Knox. The partv
was in the form of a shower and
pound party. During the evening
games and musical numbers and
refreshments were enjoyed. Pres--
ent for the occasion were: Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Sunkler and
children, Clara, Caroline and Wil
bur; Mr. and Mrs. Buster Phil
ips and daughters; Mr. and Mrs.
Loyd Hewitt and children; Mr.
and Mrs. Perit Huntington. Mrs.
Jesse Smalley. Mrs. Isabelle Sor-
ensen, Marian and John Raske,
Erwin Varco, John Smith, Wilma
Brandon and the guests of honor.
i - Ti- . Canvas
IV,: Air -SncksJ
U;: . . . .. iMakeK ? ytJ
r saw vt.k' at nr" "'i
l. V(i ft tMftlJr Outlets ,t-, j Hay -f
THEY "CET THE SACK" AND LIKE IT The men who operate the hay baler on Walscr
Harm's farm near Jefferson City, Mo., complained about the heat and dust. So Hahn's son, Herbert,
solved the problem with the Ingenious air-conditioning device above. The mobile unit consists of
a blower operated from the hay baler by a V-belt The workers put sacks, with transparent plastic
windows, over their heads and work In air-cooled comfort.
News of Terrebonne Community
Retarded Aided
By Operation
Cleveland IH Dr. Charles F.
McKahnn, professor of pediatrics
at Western Reserve university,
has perfected an operation which
he contends will improve the men
tality of retarded children by 20
per cent.
Dr. McKahnn said the operation
results in an increased supply of
blood to the brain.
"Several operations already
have, been performed with re
markable results," Dr. McKahnn
The technique involves the
hooking up of one of four veinr
from the brain to one of four
arteries leading to it.
The effect would be to have
five arteries carrying blood to the
oram and onty three veins carry
ing blood away from it.
"The increased blood supply
results in an improved intelli
gence quotient," Dr.
Terrebonne. Sept. 29 (Special)
Mrs. A. B. Burleigh and niece.
Mrs. Arden Olsen, of Bend, vis
ited Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. L. L. Hobbs.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Heath of Se
attle were guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Lawsoni
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hershey
wereSunday evening guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Terry
Isaacson in Redmond.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Welch had
dinner at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Monk Skidgel Sunday.
Mrs. Linda McCavery, Mrs.
Ruby Nance and Nola DeRoose
of Redmond were Sunday guests
at the home of Mrs. Thelma
Mr. and Mrs. Monk Skidgel
were guests recently at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Holmes
at Redmond.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Peterson
and family were Sunday evening
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Wilcox.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil London and
daughter, Loree. made a busi
ness and pleasure trip to Salem
to visit Mr. and Mrs. William
Sawyer, formerly of Redmond,
and Mr. and Mrs. John r letcher.
Loy Campbell and Mr. and Mrs.
Pat Henshaw of Visalia.-Calif.,'
are visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Dale Campbell at the
Bar OX ranch. Mr. and Mrs.
Henshaw plan on making their
home in central Oregon.
Titanium oxide is not only 8
whitening agent of white paint
but also an ingredient of some
face powders.
It's "Get Acquainted" Month
And we offer
2 FREE Lube Jobs
to all PACKARD owners in Central Ore
gon during the month of September, upon
presentation of this ad.
If you don't own a PACKARD, don't let
,' that stop you drive in and say "Hi,"
then ask for your free lube jobs.
(Aunt Hutch) Jack Hufchins i
167 Greenwood ' Phone 259
Mrs. Etta Neal of Redmond
was a Sunday dinner guest at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Mrs. John Hansen attended the
Ola Padrlda club Wednesday eve
ning at the home of Mr. and Mi's.
Jack Hal t ley.
Mrs. John Poppe anil Mrs.
Dale Campbell were Monday visi
tors at the home of Mrs. Glen
Mrs. Jack Kirkpatrick and son.
Kenneth, visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Hansen Satur
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Riley Davidson
left recently for Ogden, Utah,
where they plan to visit their
daughter. Mrs. Arlen Hennessey.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Runkley
and Mr. and Mrs. Chet Martin
from Portland were over-night
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Thompson and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Jenkins
were Sunday guests at the home
of Mrs. Thelma Lantz.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cyrus
and Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Cyrus
were Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cy
rus. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Muhlhausen
of Longview stopped on their
way to California to visit at the
home- ot Mr. and Mrs. Jay
Pat Hansen and Lenora John
son of the RUHS drill team, and
Lee Holllnshead. Frances Harper
and Carl Blanchard of the RUHS
Here's Chef Me r lino'
favorite recipe
1 tttwfofl chicfcwi
2 tip. salt
i Hp. poppor
14-oi. pkfl. Mtitlon
Long Spaflhottl
3 iHcm bacon, dtcod
1 Ig. onion, chopped
1 grM poppor,
cut fin
J c. choppod plnlofll
1 lb. chvoto, grated
1 im. can muihrooMl
7 cups cookod pool
J c. shftddod almonds
Cut chlckn, covr wilh watr, toll
and pepper, cook thoroughly. Ramovo
moat from bones, cut in pieces. Cook
spaghetti In boiling chicken bpoth till
lender. Droln, save broth. In largv
kettle, fry bacon, onion, green pepper,
brown lightly. Add pimienlo, cheese,
mushrooms, peas, almonds then add
chicken and spaghetti. Heal thor
oughly using chicken broth to moisten
as needed. Serves 12. The recipe may
be cut in halt to serve 6.
Exciting i
macaroni recipes all
by Mission's own Chef
Meriino and rhay ra
free! Write Mission ,
Macaroni, Seattle V
4, Washington
band made a trip to Ashland Fri
day where they gave a drill tor
the Ashland student body and
townspeople. On the Panther toot
bull loam. Ernie and Vornie Ma
gill played with the squad.
liuil Bates celebrated her fourth
birthday anniversary Sunday
with her guests. Kuthren Rob
erts. Karen Endicott, l.liulfl. Dick
Mrs. Dole Ayres celebrated
her birthday anniversary Sunday
with Mrs. Everett Endicott. Mrs.
Morris Roberts and Ed Bmlicutt.
Japanese Prepare
For Whale Hunt
Tokyo dl'i Preparation aiv
bi'lug made fur llu departure 111
ral ly November uf Japan' (mirth
post war whaling espedllUiii to
the Antarctic, uulhoi li-l by la'ii
rial Mar A rl lull's hcadiuui Iith.
Two separate fleets will ctnn-;
prise I lie expedition as In the pasi
three seasons and the same Iwu
companies - Tulyo l-'lshei les com
pany ami the Nippon Sulsan coin,
p.iny- will direct operations.
Plans cull for the same mini
tier, L'il vessels, that made the
last expedition. The goal In vir
tually the same. In the whaling
Mr!od which started IVceinlicr
1!. liMS, and ended March ,
l!M!t. UM! whales were killed.
The l'.HS-l!) catch resulted in
M.tino metric tons of products.
consisting of 20.0U) uu-trlc tons
ot edible whale oil, .'IJ.(iiH) tons
of salted anil frozen whale meat
and blubber, l.fxHI tons of other
food products and fiiK) tons of
products for industrial use.
Lenders of the two fleets hope
they can belter lust season's rec
ord and take l.'J.'iO blue units
from which rli.(k)0 tons of prod-
lieu would ho oliliilneil.
Allied personnel will ugulii
accompany the two licet v un
supervisors to preclude violation
oi' International winding iiiirrr
inrnls. Four iilllea u i visnrs
made Hie dip In the Antarctic
diirliii: I In- hud hciisoii.
The Hist diesel poweieil ferry
lumt In New York hiiibur begun
si'i vlic this full,
La Grande. Sept. 2!) mi -Police
today sought someone who spilled
a million gallons of water.
The water came from a series
of mysteriously opened fire hy
drants. The reservoir's water level
which had been built after a lone,
period of drouth dropped two
m m . L p ii er
by Harry Petersen
I'll (W T .Mir Itf.AL -IUA1 i'.L'iIl'IL'V CHILI' SlMI
nVAOe AT MAS SUCH OOOO VlUN(.vi)l aXlillN't HH.tIT.(
(y.ni4Mi je
BISQUICK Ige.pkg.43c
PANCAKE FLOUR . . 3 lb. pkg. 41c
SYRUP 24-oz. bottle 33c
SWIFT'NING 3 lb. can 85c
CARNATION MILK .... 3 cans 35c
PORK & BEANS .... No. 2i can 21c
w& m& m
FOR sure, at this time of year you
want a full measure of rcul driv
ing sport from your Buick on eager
answer to your toe on the (Jus
treadle, softly obedient brakes,
a willing wheel that steers for you
without eftort. Let's just say you
want the royal ride that only a
Buick can. give you I
All this you'll get and more, if your
Buick gets the care it deserves. Not
just a peek here, a poke there but
real Buick care ! Our kind of care 1
You don't Pay any more for liuick
experienced workmanship and
know-how, or for our lluick-tniincd
skills, or for the fuel tluit every purl,
every udjustmcnttand operation is
Just whut the fuclory has specified.
Yet there's a thrilling difference in
the way your Buick hchuves under
our careful cure. Bring it to us next
time you wunt lubrication, or an
adjustment, or a thoroughgoing
checkup and give yourself a
mighty pleusunt surprise!
' "
You qtf Z-for-i with
On. of our blggoit bargaln-ofTwt
ll lubrlcor. complete,
thorough lubrication pfui a it.m-to-ll.
rn checkup of your Buick ond (It
general health. Pay ut uit for the
kibrlcanti It needs; h. dlagnoili Ii
a tervlce we're glad to glvel Hour
obouf driving in Ihii weed t
709 Wall Street
Phone 193