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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1949)
U 9 I, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1949 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON PAGE SEVEN 20,000 Readers Check These Ads Daily Classified Rafes . ""-i",-,.t-"-"'-'.:J. I or Hull: MlMi'lhuii'ttiM LOCAL 1'AIII IN AllVANt K 0 Words Oim Time... 60c, JiO Word Three 1 Liimih.... I.J XS Vui-U hU TUim AU wfU II MM m, mmii umm HWWbM ! taitHMUi Oh WU tua. mm Km MlJtiauai fltfa. it LlM Haw IIM l ui.l, lta tt4r M (lit. illlMUN, LtoaUMI UaM fftwtltMU, 11 t.m. llupUr A4trllln CUin Mm I . , mimim 4ar. 0 kail ! mt Uitf, I For Haiti Real Kuluto ti 1 LI IF.I ITS " it k al' est atb"" OKI- EltS FOR SALE 0 ACTIES: Wllh 4 ut COl water. 3 bedroom home, wllti pressure 'Hii'in ami butunc system. Jj-v-ei; deep mill; 2 itrres alfalfa iiml 1! ot mucli'ii mill uiuu. limn lull u( huy. Dcslruhlu locution lu-iir town. liurjiMln ut $5MU, with terms. 2 ItOOM: FurnUlicd house, close Hi, near )uvi-iiu-iiI. J1200. 2 HKDROOM: Modem home, nbuut 2 yrs. old; Willi oak floois; lurife uulliy room with lnundry iruyii; dinette; nice yard; neur MriKlilxiiinKKl shoppliiK ceitlcr, SUjuO. 3 UF.DRCX1M: Modern, furnished lioinu. only $4000. CONVALESCENT HOME; .Show Inn it'X'd iiroiu, A RuiiiK business, witii 4 bedroom lioMii' near town unil puvemenl. hr only SOOOO. 3 ROOM: Modem; near cito- of town, licnulliul ymd. Willi under- Kiotino sprliiKlcr system; i kii- iukcs; Knod view; couctcle loun diiuon; 3 lolii. 5-IHOCI. 2 UEDROOM: Modern, ptiislercil; ail good tuuiidiiiiuii; neur school; tin Iwo lots fenced. Vil.XI. 2 BEDROOM: Mudern, furn tolled; stone construction; fire liiict'; liirifo lot ii'iiivii; isnrdeii kHit. $4ouu, wltn SHjU uuwn, bal. izi plu lit l. AND wlien you think of Insur ance, think ol GU.Rl-.RT. Gll.ilhltrs RtAL ESTATE 1015 wail I'lione 2.1 J FOR SALE: Slur bulldlim with modern upl. 1 blk. Iiluliwiiy front ttuv, clone In on No. lilifliwuy. I-I no local Ion unci reasonable. 2X'J E. First. No. highway. DF.F.R KIFLF.S: 30 KemliiKlon null)., new; or 351 Wlniheiiler. I'onderofca Club, Wi imt. $700 IXJWN (liven you linmedliili! pohkcnhIoii of tlilx tiiiiiid new 2 or. fiome, bi I'liled ut 472 E. ll'V'lllK. Juhi 2 btttH. I rum Allen wrlil. uml new Hwtm. liool. The hniiKii In open ; take u look at II anytime. If you are In I nested, phoni! Owner, 737W. PllICEnitEOUCEirK'oirQuicK SALE Till line, 4 bedroom, morlern home on paved ktreet, Lemi thnn iippialiu'il value. KHA lermx, fox kehHiou noon. .See VI Mori In. J. A. DUDltEY, UEALTOIl Wall Aero frum i'llot Uullc; Inn $U,IHK). nm DOWN; lovely 3 lir. on I'.axl mile; lidwd. Iu.;i a ii to. elee. heal, fireplace; iniu- laliil, weiiiheruli lpi'(l; V-neiion IiIIihIh; ult. tuiu)e. Thlx home' h.i everythlriK lor eoinloi'lalile IIvIiik. t all I'. II. I'eopleN or (.'. J. l.lndh. MldklMlo lU-ully Co. I'hoiH! 4U5. I JIOMEFTNIEMS AGENCY 2M fjwx 'lhlrd St. , 1'llOIH! UHte i Someone Is pnming un a Rood buy. 3 nr., mod,; lull burnt,; Jur naee; new lbl. Kinase. Drive by M.'u Newport, tuen cult us fur uppl. 5 u. 8 nil., mod. home; 3 Iro. clilekeu houses; loin iI lN-rrle, Harden; COl wuler, nlno elly ' lur; on puved ut, $H00O, terms. 0 ., 4 a. water; 2 a. uKnlfii; l'i lir. puHiuru. 11 rm. hume; pien huiu nyKieiu; burn nnd chicken liouw; close In. $-18011, terms. lti u.; close In; city wutcr. 2 br.. mod. home, 2 yrs. old; chicken house,' nice lawn. Uoou buy. Soi.')U, terms. U L L E I "ill U H II E S I'lione era M For Sale .M-d r '40 IH)I)f;E 4dr, Wfdun. Itudlo and heater; new lire und lu-nt l over. Excel. em). over all. ii. Call 3-l! or 1373 J. Here lire u (ew of the Kod buys we have I his week: White enam el electric range with light nnd clock, u reul buy, $ti'J,50, 4 pe. walnut bedroom net; beil, chest of drawers, vanity dresser Willi liencli. only Sf. Mnytatf eleelrle washer. S22.frfl Kleelrii- ' healers wllh Imm. New and used i I mattresses. .Small cook stoves, $10 Co 915, Wood heaters; wood und coul clrculutorn, lileyelc; jfiii j lur; wusn tutw. New rrtkes, ,'i5e I to 'J.'ic. New swimk rockers, S17.W1, I while the supply lasts. Sale on uminlHhffi enrol of drawer, you cun'l beul these price, 1 pr. blond wooil twin lieds, sa.uri for pr. Wood bunk beds, $(. Cabinet ra dio, $7.50. Drop leaf table wllh 5 cnalis, $13. Uootl cull sprint,', $M. New buby bifds wltn mat tresses, $:i.y.". 3 burner kerosene cuinp stove, $3.SO. Uel window, $1. 2-whrel trallei . $15 und $20; just rlKht to haul your camping; I'lpilpment. 1-ots of (food buys. Drive oul tonight. CLIFFS liARGAIN SIOT N. Iliwuy Open Eveulnes Phono 1SH-W 'IX SELL your home cull U. II. leuple or C. J. Llndh, Mldstute Itealty Co., phone 4115, huvo clients walling. I3AKCAINVILLE 707 Columbia I'hone 1187 ' Rummage Sale Ladles' cunts, mens topcoats, wool skirts, and many useful ar ticles on our 23e rummage table. HUNTEItS' SPECIALS at WARD'S USK.D CAR LOT 53 Oregon Willie's got buck fever and for a few buck f currency) you can have tlcfjendablB transfwrtatlon lor the buck you hope, to shoot, Sl.V) down-lSM2 Sfudeb.-iker se dan that a J en) buck sjH-cial. Klni' condition, und you can drive it for $31.57 a month Including Insurance and financing. MORE BUCK CAltS l'.t:S7 Kord Sedan l'.tHii Chevroa-t ,S-dnn 1!)35 Chevrolet Sedan 11)35 Studebaker Selan All In good condition to bring home your buck all priced right to sell. 1940 Ford Pickup that Is very good Indeed, and you can have lor balance ol contract. Don't Hunt Around See these at WARD'S USED CAR LOT 53 Oregon Rrrttrtm CAU'KNTEK WOKK: New con struction, rough framing, remod eling, cabinet, built-in and shop work, K, W, Page, phone 650-M, general contractor. WASHING MACHINE SEHVICE and repair un all makes. Phone 214. 1033 iirooks. HOUSE MOVING and raising; Utrge or small. Estimates glauly given. Holman Transfer, 201 Irv ing. Phone B87. FOR WELL and drain hole drill lug call Lee Grimes, 224 Davis, phone V7b-J or ti2-J. For IU-tit 3 RM. FURNISHED apt.; utill ties lurnlahcu. Adults only, no pets. 745 Colorado, Apt, 3. Phone I3I0-W. FURNITURE MOVING; dust- proof padded van. We pack your china wiln care, hang your and nation-wide moving and stor age. Holman Transfer, 201 Irv ing. Phone Wrf. TRAVELING TruckJrane. Do ing lignt or heavy duty hoisting, loading or pulling, K. ii. Watson. Phone lti'Jli-J, 1oj6 Galveston. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, drain holes shot. Free estimates. Phone 1252-J or &75-J. D. W. Grimes, 210 Davis Ave., Bend. More Suspects Seen in Murder Quebec City, Que., Sept. 26 3f The tangled tove-Ule ol Jewelry salesman J. Alberg Guay led to day to two more persons involved in the time-bombing of an airliner which exploded and crashed kill lug H persons. police said they expected to make two more arrests within 48 hours in the case ol Quay, 31, Stocks Decline 1 In Light Trading New York, Sept. 26 U1 Stocks declined irregularly on reduced trading today, For a time the street tried to make something ot the atom ex plosions In Russia, 'traders bid up tne atrcraftg and the other sec tions reentered modest gains. Atrcram held part ol tneir rise but the general list turned Irreg ularly lower. Trading increased at the opening and then fell away irorn last week s pace. There weer lew features aside lrom the Santa i e ran up on rumors a stock split was I in flu, . i i n i, rnmnuinivi,iiltll i cnarged with planting the bomb ik)Uint,rn wm far, acIlve aller l,.a,'fy hSa ?"d cohe?t opening on 10,IM shares. It S10.0O0 Insurance. The liner crash- JZnJZi u. hum i t i ri c o ne. b "our" izlteolZ cal kiiU - to a riV htgh" and verll Vt ,.A , iffA.L ;,l,n n,iTn,r: wanted wtfe. three New V ork in- . wr In ' , demanl. , dustrialists and W other Cana- , ,heir average, dians. including three babies. &.HllU the strength in Santa re. Two plane loads of investigat- KiJTi. m ira s time ivimfd ors were sent to Seven Islands, f M negotiations for a new contract with tne union pro gressed. Steel operations leu nearly 2 per cent liom last week. Woolworth was a weal spot with a loss of more than a point on report the company would be in competition with cheap British goods coming here as a result ol the pound devaluation. Other mercantlles dipped fractions. Hudson ruled linn in an other wise lower motor market. GUL1CK TRUCK Service: Long distance livestock and hay haul big. We pick up livestock lor lo cal markets, Redmond Auction house, or lor shipment direct to Union Stock Hards. Portland. Phone 79U-W, MODEL 70. 30.00 Winchester with ln-ceiver slgnt, $1 70. 30.oti Winchester, with Lyman !Uj-j-m JMUniMIII niKllt, JlinJN, 11 1YIVC1 side. I'liuue 103I-K. ROOM FOR RENT, with home ln-lv l-biut-,1 If ,tf.vir,l W.-tlU ,llut Mwiel j ,... OWn, 1115 Harmon. Phone AITS. FOR RENT for winter months. L Itancho Motor Hotel. Phone l'M 'd. Redmond. HARGAlNVlUJi 707 Columbia phone 1487 " " I Inn t lit u,c IHs i. -ict HARDWOOD FLOORS, laying, sanding, lintehing. Also relinisn old Hours, uke, new, tree esti mates. CASCADE HARDWOOD FLOOR CO. 221 Greenwood Ave. Ph. 167 We have some good Farms and ( ONE 10 und one 20 h.p. General 1"" a"'i tireenwew-jd. l-.iecinc moior. Pnone J5 or 31J- M NEED A HOME? Check the Deal of the Duy on KHND tj:45 a.m. Cull today and Inspect the listings ut Gilberts Real Estate, 1U15 Wall St. Stock Ranches. Cull us for what ou need (wc ure ine iionieiinneisi. ni,,- m.-i u im ir uji u-.i ?wu) tiuim iuiu-v- I,,- ..i,.vi ' unil coai circulators, si.'o up, 111. on West side; ige. liv. j m. j l ' "iH Ik-s. im-sH, wilh llrcpmee; on linme; in ' lesilc range, Sewmg machine, bsmt.; nice lawn und (lowers;!1" G.ncy. Open i) to 0 paved si.; u lovely home. Call P-"1- ). II. Piiiples or C. J. l.lndh. Mid- state Reulty Co, Phone 4113. Fuel WANT "IX) SELL? List your prop erty Willi GiLUERT, A square deal, nnd, efficient, cour teous service Is yours at Ulllx-n s Real Ksune, 101a- VVall t. . 1 DON'T I1KLIEVB ihl I tome can lie redae'd lor $15,000, Uien lion on iM-iul's Im-sI streel, Dnike ltd. 2 bedrooms with sleep lug iiiarteis. Uasement, auto malic pipe heat; fireplace; hard wood Horns; moitern in every respect. 'Ihls wont lust long ut 12. 730. RIXE REALTY & INS. JOT Komi Phone 535 ANNE FORRES, REALTOR 3u' uregon Phone 3o-W See this one. Neiit 3 bedi-oomu; large living room; electric range wiling; nimble gut age. 2 lois, with iH-nutlltil sluubs and flow ers. Only ii.iuV. Fully r(iilpped tnent market, with space for grocery store. New. pumice block building. Only $'J5IM), Sum down. Possibility ol purlnciship deal. West side. Cozy, 2 lxdroom, neat house; eleclric lunge wiring; fenced yard; double garage. Only $3300, terms. Contract for mile; Halanci; $.'IIS0. Discount $250, Monthly payment, $.)(), Including ti'r interest. $17,000 HUYS GOOD going gen crul store, Incl, bldg., stork and llxtuies. Sickness cause of sell ing. C. V, SILV1S Phone 8'.W 81 Oregon St. TRY TO BEAT IT! 4 bedroom home on Roosevell. Paved l reel; 2 lols; und n good rental in addition. All for SIM). Any terms within reason ac cepted. RIXE REALTY & INS. (01 Houd Phone 533 E. M. RUCKNUM, REALTOR lU2!)Uroks Phone 331 Nnir the Chiimher ol Commerce Ileiiullful 2 br.; mod.; close lo Catholic church. $50(1 worth of mulching rugs; wired for range and elee. wider heater; utt. ga rage. $7500; $2500 cash. Terms less than rent. 10 lots In residential and 18 lots In Tourisl Comm.. nil connected, Ideal court Kile. $5750, with terms. Fully mod., 3 br, home; some ftirnlHlilngs; lge, ciirnge; close In Kenwood. $(j500; $1700 cush; bal. KHA. I'd a., iidioln, city; eily water; 4 br., moil, home; 25 trull trees, garden nnd bel l ies. Price $8500; $230(1 cash. UETTER GET your winter's wiiod now. Prices go up Nov. 1. 5 cord ifliidH at $10 per cord. Drop u card lo O. l. Alexander, Lu idwv. .l .. ' ; , ' ' - COAL WASCO HlUQUE-fs PRES-'m-LAXlS Order now, DON'T HE CAUGHT COLD. Keep your fuel bin FULL. REND STORAGE & TRANSFER 222 Irving Ave. Phone 411 2 CORD 10- gr. slab, $14.00; 2 cord U" dry slab. $l;.00. dehveied In liend. ll'ou haul lrom yd., $3 ner etn-d I Central Oregon Fuel 1 1 ', illume 2111. W. U.'Ul A St.. Red mond, Ure, Kiln. SEASONED Juckptne slab wood; Jackpuie body wood; limbs. Call 12.)4-R. For Sale l-'umi Product RED FRYERS, delivered. Jim Matson, Rt. 3, Uux lUi. Phone 2102 Jl. CONSIGN YOUR livestock to Central Oregon Auction for (he highest prices. Sale every Thurs day, lien it. Smith, Mgr. Phone 12 R3. , ONE GOOD milk cuw and slack ol alliiKa hay, 13. fa Muwuukle. Phone lUlU-Vv. ' 5 TON UAUiD clover li.V. II. S. latlKHir. Plume 2-1'il. FAMILY COW; 7 to 10 Ion hay. $23.50 In slack, $28.50 baled. 3 ml. Hend-Uurns Hlwuy; turn led Richardson schl.; ltrst pmce. -- - 173 PARMENTER RED pullets. stinting to lay. II. C. incdley, Rt, 1, Hox 311. Eastern Star range Hull Dlst, ' FOR SALE: All good condition. 5lt. power saw; i ll. buzz saw. iong wneelbase, Dodge ciias.-ils; runber-tlred ntlik cart; runoil hutcues; Irull Jars, 3t uuayette. OR 'IRADE: 1940 .Continental imivnai trailer-house. 2i It. tnng. Cheap; or will take smaller Itaiiei house, car, furniture, pick up or trues;, Elepnant Hobby buo. 3 mi. souMi on iiiway U,. IX SELL OR BUY: Used lurni. ture, sloven, guns, dishes, und misc. v.omu to, or cad Adding tons Second I land Store, 2J;! .. First St., . Iiiway. Pnone 1737- W. LYON S GARDENS Tulip btiios lur luu planting lYimy, uil eoloi-s, lbu4 W. 2ihi, corner ot Portland. SIIO'IXIUNS; Pump, auto,, nnd uuie. bin.; 12, 20 and Hi ga. Re volvers: j2 to 4.) cat. auto, pistols; telescope and iron sights, ammu nition, i hinting knives. Sleeping bug und wuteiproot cover, $12. .VI. Air mattress, $10; good condilion. A gu. shotgun shells, $1.25 per box. 181 E. Franklin, Martin's lourlsi Cottuges. UNFURNISHED APT. All utili ties paid, inquire 33 Gilchrist, or phone 13M-W. Wanted WANT TO BUY: outfit. Quote same. M, liawc Well drilling STORAGE PACKING MOVING To, from, or within Central Ore gon. Good equipment and expert enci.-d men. BEND S TORAGE & TRANSFER 222 Irving Ave. Phone 444 KEYS MADE; saws liled; door- checks, phonographs, guns, bi cycles, sales repaired anytime. Knives, shears, tools sharpened. Open a.n. to . Hendersons Shop, 1367 East 2nd. Mrs, Hill Buys Parkroso Paper Puichasc ol the I'aikrose Ejv teiprloe, a community paper Ui Portland, by Margaret Thompson ffifi has beim announced by the former owner, UUIan Lcutlnger, Daughter ol Mrs. E. M. Thomp son, ot Bend, Mrs. HUT U a, nattotv-ally-known writer. Her husband, the tore Maurice P Hill, was AJ jlslanr manager ol the RFC ci lice in Portland until his merit death In eastern Oregon. Outstanding among some of the articles written In the past by Mrs. Hill have been her short stories, her many articles In the Sunday magazine section of the Oregonlnn and her Saturday Eve ning Post sketch of Senator Wayne B. Morse, "The Senator on Horse-back." Que., to inquire into the last love Hie ol the traveling sales man. Police said they turned up evidence yesterday that the hand some suspect snocked residents of tne Lauentian mountain town by courting a blonde waitress while living with his plump wile Rita at the resort last summer. The Seven Islands investiga tion, indicated that his mountain mistress, known only as "Nicole," was a Quebec City waitress, Marie-Ange Robltaille. Police refused to name the ad ditional suspects in the plot. But tney saw one was believed to have constructed the home-made bomb that caused the air tragedy. Police cabled Scotland yard in London to learn If the new sus pects ever had lived in Britain. Guay was charged Saturuay wllh tne murder ot his wile but was not cuarged with the murder of the 22 others aboard the plane. Until yesterday, only Guay, his wile and his two mistresses, Mrs. Marie Pitre and Miss Ange Rob itailie, were involved In the aliair. Blackmer Makes Plea of Guilty SUMMONS THE CIRCUIT COURT OF 1 1 ,i 'ut iirtrA i,.rn .iL' iir if i lie- i iiJi.f :i im - n iw i onh:Nor6w."'!'mEc It A It V FY J KLli-'XS and!1" '"au , in. j. BUY: Livestock of r-., .- .SVVr.rtro,t7,,rf ; steers $M; cud head 4-H type Denver, Sept. 26 'W Million aire Henry M. Blackmer pleaded guilty to lour counts ot income tax evasion today ana the govern ment moved immediately lor dis missal of two perjury charges against him. Judge Oris L. Phillips ordered1 ni 1. ... hIucoJ ,,,n. niVll rOKTLA.ND LIVESTOCK TJZ'Zr.U. r i . .1- .... wi. I IAI1IU LrcuutiiK -vu46ti rnB, w n - investigation of tne salable UO; calves ao0; increaseu i J ontered the U. S. atlor supply beer cows; market not nty3 oitice to turn over to him luny established; early sales , tUes on. Blackmer .in-hign-mediym. good steers and ,udin " ,etler frora me y. s. heuers steady out most bios on ) genel-ars ollice agreeing steers graaing average meoium t rtismtoki ot the neriurv charg es U Btaekmer would pieaa to Pacific Veteran Joins Law Firm Alvta J. Gray, South Pacific veteran who served as a captain with the marines ard later com pleted his law work at the Uni versity ol Oregon, on October 1 will become a member of the law firm of DeArmond, Goodrich and Foley, ft was announced today. Gray, who was graduated lrom the University ol Oregon law school In. 1348, has been with, the local firm for the past year. He ; fs a native of St. Helens, and at ;' the university was affiliated with Pi Delta Phk honorary legal i?a temtty. Gray U married and the couple has a year-old son. In world war II, Gray served with the marines 34 years, with 30 months ot that time spent In the South. Pacific Under the new patrnershlp, the old-estab-Hshed firm, which dates back to the firm of Upton and DeArmond i ot early days, wlU be krwn DeArmond, Goodrich, Foley and Gray. 5JQ ARRESTS MADE Lima, ft. Sept. 26 rtf Farm girt Joanne Lynn, 11, was shot to death by a cold-blooded killer who , intended to rape her but never got the chance, police said today. A scarcity of clues hampered the Investigation ot state police and Sherilt H. Donald .eCott who questioned a score ot persons but made no arrests. WANTED TO any kind, any amount. Also horses. Have canh buyers. See Nick Chase, or drop card: Rt. 3. Box or phone 790-W. Leave word. Help Wanted LEAVING FOR Los Angeles 'inuisday, Sept. 29; want some one to help drive. Phone 1317-J I. INDUSTRIOUS MAN with car to serve 800 family route. We fi nance you. Wnie J. K. Watkins Co., 137 Dexter Ave., Seattle, Wash. GIRL FOR GENERAL olfiee work. Shorthand and typing es sential. Kor uppt., can Lewis Kalncy, S. Deal Furniture Co. QUALIFIED experienced appli ance salesman lor outside and inside sales. Apply in person or by uppt. Farmers Haruware Co., 5.4,'i south 5th, Redmond. Phone 10!t. furnishings: $1000 cash; 1 br., mod.; some good eond. $.'i;00; bill. $-10 per mo. Cull Mr. LoekHn 331 2 IIR. MODERN; excellent con- Mlrnr.: nice flxltnes; good, com piiel iirrimgo.; bsmt,, Itnnitee, CUT YOUR FUEL BILLS with Eagle- Pitcner Cerlltled Insula tion. Quullty costs less. You puy for Eagle Insulation whether you have it or not. Demonstration lice. No obligation. Phone 1W2 R. Al Murvm, Insulation Specialist. APPROX. 25 RABBITS and 2 lge. hutcnes. All lor S-10. Rl. 1, Box 34. Phone 1517 J4. For Sale Used Curs. 1 BAY MARE, 3 while feet, white face, spot on side, no brand; und 1 buy nunc, no brand. Box Hi. Hill St. - Bill Ridings. o-YR.-OLD SADDLE horse; ideal' lor hunting. ou can shool oil or puck him; broke tu stake rope. very gentle lor anyone. Phone 10-F12. BROWN GELDING saddle or puck horse; young; genllo; $r0. Sorrcll mine, white socks; 3 yrs.; genlle; S7i. Rl. 3, Box 218. Otf liutler Mkt. Rd. FOR SALE: It is uhout lime to gel your horse lor the deer or elk hunt. 1 have several horses Unit will do the Job, Also two extra nice saddle horses. Office phone 35!i; residence phone 3U7. Redmond. FOR SALE: Uaed (i II. inter national combine, wild complete line of clover attachments. May be seen at Franks Motors, Red mond. Phone 2liU-Z evenings. LIVE RED HENS, 30c In.; also fryers. T. W, VamleviHt, Rt. 3, Box 1G3. Plume 2102-W2. For Sain Miscellaneous IIOTPOINT ELECTRIC range in good cond. $50. 3-burnors, econ omy cooker and oven, F, Mar couller, 87 Shusla Pi, PIANO: Musi sell. A really line spinet. Will give low terms, i, hoi water. Itlrv. irnvs. 234 und really sacrifice, tor local Inn Urania Lime. I'lione 7S1-J lor, write unit awsott, uen. iei uppulillnicnt. UcnU, Oru. BEND GARAGE CO. "Our 33rd Year" 1!H7 Iluirk Super Srdnnet. A premium car, in this popular streamlined, sly ling $1803 IK 17 Lincoln- Club Coupe. Power and luxury styling, l-ully equip. pei 51-liij l'.HB Chevrolet b-Ton Pickup. An exceptional buy at only $753 P.I35 Plymouth Sedan. good trimsporlutioii car 1TO7 Chevrolet Biirgiiiu. A lot ol in this 512o Sedan, A Real Plume 193 FOR SALE OR TRADE: Equity in itMf i- ma coupe lor motor cycle, encup cur, ucor gun, or anything ol value. Call alter (j p.m. al tntilcr-liouse. 1170 E. 1st Street. l!M(i STUDERAKER truck, tin, Very good cond. $930. Bend Burns Iiiway, to mi, post; turn lei I, 1st house on lefl. 1918 STUDERAKER pickup; 750(1 miles; liKe new. Behind Aune's teed Store. WANTED; WOMAN to live in or work by day, to do cooking nnd light housework for family ol 2 adults and 3 children. Mod em home with every convenience. Position permanent. Good wages, liberal lime oil. Other help em ployed. Must have good character ami work reference. Write Box 4783, Bend Bulletin. JACKPINE CONE pickers; pick ing will last till snow Hies. Cash in on bumper crop. $10 per 100 los, tor instructions, contact by mail Carl C, Boyd, 17U0 J St.. Springfield, Ore, AVON COSMETICS, Est. 1886 has openings for 4 smart, mature women who want extra money. Manager will arrange prompt consultation. Write Avon Disr. Mgr., Rt. 2, Box 95, Creswcll, Ore. wife. Plaintiffs, to. EDWARD , lugiraiBaum Kiu- L. KEARN and DOROTHY j. crs $24; sod common steers t.own KEARN, husband and wile, De- ward to 15.30; sizable lot me tendants. jdium-good fed heifers with few I.N THE NAME OF THE , steers 23; very few canner-cutter STATE OF OREGON, you, and each ol you. ue hereby required to appear in the abOTe entitled I good young cows 15.50-16; cutter- Situations Wanted LADY WILL CARE for day chil dren in her home. Neat and clean mod. home. Can give ref. Have hud lots ol experience. 1214 Un ion St. LADY 35, unencumbered, wants lob caring for horses nnd live stock. Good hand on ranch of any kind. Can drive truck and tractor. Go anywhere. Please write to Rt. I, Box 153, Madras, Ore. K. Finch. WOULD LIKE TO care for small children, days. Phone 1537- W. llvlo Galveston. ADVENTIST WOMAN would like house cleaning or office cleaning by day or week. Write Box 4821, Bend Bulletin. Lost WILL PARTY who answered art regarding lly ruus. please call I2.f2 again. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Chrysler and Plymouth aulomo-l tines, unrysier low ay 524H3.2.'), Plymouth low as $1778.40. We're ready lo trade generous allow ances. Eddie's Sales & Service. WILL ACCEPT older model car down payment on '47 Krawr Man hattan, Overdrive, nylon scat cov ers, radio, WSW tires; extras. Balance small monthly payments. I'liuue U17J,, WHOEVER TOOK 9x20 truck tiro and red b-hole motor wheel from side of road nf Suttlc Itke, Thursday, please leave at or call lineal lou 2, O.K, Rubber Welders. Bend. Services SAW FILING, gumming, ham mering, band saw welding, sander belts, band saw blades, new han dles hung In tools. Sexton Supply & Saw Service, 1193 Wall Street. Court and cause withm thirty days from the date of the lirst publication ol this Summons upon you and answer or other wise plead to tne complaint of the plaintiffs herein and if you laii lor want thereof, the plain tilts will take Judgment against you for the relief prayed for in the complaint, lo-wit: That the plaimifls be declared to be the owners of Lot Eight (8) in Block Eleven (111 of Awbrey f-Heigrtts, according to the official piat inereof on liie in the ollice ol the County Clerk of Deschutes County, Oregon. W herefore. pminttlfs pray for a decree of this court lorever barring and foreclosing any and all right of the said defendants, and each and all persons claiming by, through or under them by virtue of said contract, in and to the property any interest which they may have thereof, for and on account of herein described, or any part derived under and by virtue of 1 said contract mentioned and de scribed herein, and that the said contract be forever cancelled and held lor naught and that all of the right, title, interest, Uen or claim of the said defendants, or those claiming under them, in ana to said real property under and by virtue ot the force and efiert of said contract be forever barred and foreclosed, and that ii ne further auiuuged and de creed that the sum defendants. and each and nil persons claim ing by, through or tinder ihem, have no interest, hen or claim in or to the said property or any part thereof, and tnat plaintiffs be adjudged to be the owners in fee simpie ol said property and every part and parcel thereof, and for a further decree declar ing any and ail sums of money paid by the said defendants on account ol said contract be ad judged forfeited to plaintiffs as provided for in said contract and the further sum ot $500.00 is a reasonable attorney's lee, and tor such other, further and different relief as the nature of this cause may require and as unto the court may appear Just and equi table." This Summons is served upon j-ou by publication in the Bend Bulletin, a newspaper of general circulation, published daily In I Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, j pursuant to an order made and j entered herein on the lttth dav ol September. 1!H3. by Hon. Ralph S. Hamilton, Circuit Judge, which ( order requires that you appear j and answer or otherwise plead herein within thirty days trom the dute of the lirst publication of this summons. Date of first publication, Sep tember 19, 19-19. Duncan 1 McKay, Attorney for Plaintiffs; residence: Bend, i Oregon. j the Income tax evasion charges. In setting bond, Phillips ruled that Blackmer need not slay in Colorado but must be available to appear before the court on short1 notice. The stipulation was made i raft or macicrrwr rpnnnpti Tnai ne cows sold early at 1050-11.63; lew , had a heart condition which made commoinMiUum beet cows 13-15-, it -.rivisablj- lor Mm to remain in high-altitude Denver for more Bulletin Classifieds Bring Results medium sausage bulls 12.50-16; odd good bulls 1 1; some held high er; good-choice light veaiers about steady al 21-4; few good 300 lbs. 21. Hogs salable 1000. Market slow, around .x lower; good-choice 180-230 lb. butchers mostly 21.75; extreme top 21,85; good 350-500 lb. sows 16.50-18; good-choice feeder pigs held around 21-22 or above. NOTICE TO CREDITORS j .NOliCE IS HkMtJJY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the esiate of Lioyd Herbert Welch, deceased, by Honorable C L. Allen, County Judge, and all per sons having claims against said estate are required lo present them duly Yen.' led to the under signed at the ollice of DeAr mond, Goodrich & Foley, United States National Bank Building, Bend, Oregon, within six months from the oate ol the first publi cation of this notice. DATED and first published this 26th tiav of September. 194S. i. L. PENHOLLOW. Administrator. Dc ARMOND. GOODRICH & FOLEY, Attorneys. 24S-254-260-266-C NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by virtue of Ordinance No. NS346 ol The City ol Bend. Ore gon, a municipal corporation, the undersigned will on the 27th day of Sept., 1949, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m., in the City Commis sion room In the City Hall, sell to the highest bidder the follow ing described real property lo cated in the City ot Bend, Des chutes County, Oregon, provided no bid shall be accepted for less than the amount set opposite each respective parcel, which is the minimum appraised price fixed by the Commission of the City of Bend: Parcel No, 1 East half ot Lots 6 and 7, Block 11, River Terrace; $350 Cash. GEORGE SIMERVILLE, Recorder of the City ot Bend. than 24 hours. Blackmer said he was warned of the condition when he was ex amined at a Boston clinic last week after an, overseas flight I from Paris which ended his 25-f year-self-decreed exile to avoid prosecution on the federal! charges. - I In a formal statement before t the hearing. Judge Phillips sald he had been approached in August by U. a attorney Max Bulkeley i with the Information that Black-1 msr would appear before Judge! J. Foster Symes on August 23. He said Bulkeiey asked him to se cure another Judge because Judge Hart t-mk ill but hp re-1 minded Bulkeiey that the matter ! had been pending in Symes court for vears and told the prosecutor he did not ieel he could ask an other Judge to hear the case. When Symes resigned because of ill health, Phillips a member of the 10th circuit court of appeals took the case himselL Blackmer was in the audience section ot the courtroom when Phillips asked if he vi-as present. His attorney, Harold Roberts, brought the "man without coun try" forward and tried to enter a nlea ot no contest to the in come tax charges, but Bulkeiey refused it. Roberts then entered pleas ot guilty. DISEASE KEEPORT MADE Two cases of chiekenpox and one case of Infectious hepatitis were reported in central Oregon this past week, according to an announcement lrom tne i r i Countv health department. The Tri-County health depart ment will conduct child health conferences and immunization clinics beginning at 9:45 a.m. to morrow in Sisters. mi (mil TASK FORCE TO LAND Valletta, Malta. Sept. 26 '111 A U, S. task torce will land 1,200 marines here tomorrow for man euvers on this tmv island. The force includes the aircraft carrier Letve and the cruisers 236-242-248-C 1 Worcester and Des Moines. - 2122ISVl-26r,-C Nebraska once had a law mak ing it a misdemeanor punishable by tine or imprisonment, or both.: WELL AND DRAIN hole drilling. I 'or discnargmg a tirearm on a. Call Chet Sumner, phone 1007-M. 4"Mle highway 'except lo kill a or Gilbert Long, phone 1040. Free i dangerous animal or by an olti-i estimates; U wwK guaranteed. 1 eer Ui Oiscliarge til Uia duty." 1 AUTO KNOW-HOW! Would you rare to KNOW how to keep free of Ignition Iron Wis, expmse and hazards? ll's simple and simply this; Come, for service, to spec Isl ets who have the know-how of Ignition', Ignition Is OUR business. And It's our busi ness to keep our customers' cars tree of all Ignition faults. . 37.SQ U Daveno . . . . Wahwt Dining Table and Six Chairs 59.50 New Simmons Metal Bed 8.95 Coil Spring 5,00 FREI PARKING ! I ms W8 E. fireenwood Phone 1779 CARBURETOR MAGNETO IGNITION IF FTS REAL ESTATE OR INSURANCE IT'S YERN LARSON AGENCY Loveiy Nearly New S-bedroom modern home. Isrgt Hvteir room with ! 1 replace, dlnlnr, room, spa cious kitchen, wired tut range, attached garage, fur nace, fenced atxt landscap- 5-Sedroom Modern - On Ess Third Street. Fire place, oak floor, furnace, basement, Oa pavement. Nighr Club Iiolns very good busintu, 3-fedroorn Modern On 120' x liC frontage in Carroll Arrest This is s rat s'.tal for a business site at 57.5S0 2-Bedroom Modem Very nicety furnished. Two Jols. $4,500 2-Bodroom Modem On & lols oa paved street, $4,580 Lovely Brick 2-Bedroom Modern house on river. Fur- tmee, rtrrptoei?, bsrrtient. On pavement aca sldewaUui ;" ' ' S9.QQ& ACRBACBS CLOSE IV BUSINESS PROPERTIES IWmtlSfGS FARMS Again w are in nerd of MSTT.VGM on heifer types of homm.