Y THE BEND BULLETIN GENERAL NEWS SPORTS CENTRAL OREGON'S DAILY NEWSPAPER 33rd Year BEND, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23. 1949 No. 246 Glamour Teams Open football Season Saturday By Kl4v KiiUI.t llllilt.! I'ffwi KiMiru Wrllrr) Ni'W Yurk, Si-it. XI 'tJ'i - The Kliimor trams (if l!lH rcllllll Ui Un' rijlli'Kluli IiKJltmll kcimii' IIiIh wirk rnil In u NimiklliiK (ii'licdule upcnliiK lonltflit wllh idukIi anil ' irmly Okliihumn ntuiii Ink away i ul IdiHlun colli'Ki'. M It'll IK mi, Nulif Dunn1. Nurlhi C'urullnii, houIIiimii MciIioiIIhI iiml Army bow in tomorrow mill nil Wcio In vol lo clear Ihi'lr riixt ' hurdles with ul IciiKl two touch itowim lo iiari i I'lfU'cn major inti'i Hi'cllnniil I Kimii'H IiIkIiIIkIiI llii' Miny wrt-k nil unit roiiIiM i'iHt1 nIimwiIowiih ! ii H' foinliiH up In live Muor li'MKiii'k KIk Nine. I'mUIr i-oiist. Soullii'iiKli'iii, Kiuillierii anil HIk Seven. Oklahoma, vlelor over Norlli Curollnu In the Kukm' Imwl mid one of the nation's bent u year ito, was i a I i'il n seven point lav utile over liuMon college In the top Kme nniler (he llghtii to nlKhl. Michigan Favored MU'liluan'x twollinc HIk Nine cliumloiui drew a mirpi Idlnn 12 point Inline from the odilxmiikerx In their ileliut tomorrow nifaliiMl IuiikIi Mlehiifiin State but 01I1U on moM of tin' other bi; teams ran alHiut ax expirteil. It wan Southern MiMhoilUt fav ored by l.V point over Wake I'ori'Ht at DhIIiih. North Carolina liy 1.1 over North Ciiiollnii Stale; Notre I lame by 12H over Inilliinu nl South Hem), Ind.. and Army u prohibitive choice over Davidson. Two Went Conut c-onlcndcrx for California' Pacific coast confer ence, crown drew a touchdown spread over InvndeiK from the east In a pair of Sa I onlay 'm best Inlcrxectlonal attractions In (he Went. Southern California, blK und flint, win held at M points over Navy and Stanford wan a I I point favorite over 1 lurvard. Minnesota I'li-itml In the midwest, U.C.I..A. win favored by a Milnt nt Iowa but Hemic Blcrmiin's ulnrit Mlnncsn ta miuad ' n 21 point ehulix 10 down the University of Washing ton nt MlnneaHillit. 'Hip Southeastern roiiferpnep has plenty of net Ion this week end, opening tonight with MiIk iilppl at Auburn. KavorcU Tulnne Ixiws In tomorrow a a seven point choice over Alabama. Van' derbllt is a six point favorite at Heot Kln Tech. 'Hie lilfi Nine has only one con ference name but that one marks the debut of Northwestern' Hose howl champions against Purdue. The Wildcat were ruled an eight point favorite. Ohio State, touted as a HIk Nine title favorite iiIoiik with Mlmieso In, open! as a 14 point favorite nifiilnst Missouri In a non-conference game, lown State plays at Illinois and Marquette at Wiscon sin. Intersectlonal games Involving Southern California and Stanford are tops in the far west but there are a pair of conference games and a non-lengue standout pitting California against St. Mary's. In side the league, It's Idaho at Ore gon and Montana nt Washington Slate. Kansas plays at Colorndo In n Big Seven match. Dyer Angry Over Game Officiating At St. Louis St. Louis, Sept. 23 Hl'i -St. Louis Cardinal miinuger Eddie Dyer to dny charged that National league president Ford Krlek used "very poor Judgment" in assigning a rookie umpire to the vital Curd Brooklyn Dodger series. But, Dyer added vehemently, not that nor the 19 to 6 licking suffered by St. Louis lust night will prevent his team from win ning the National league pennant. "I want to say this and vou can quote mo," Dyer said. "I think Frlck used very poor Judgment In using Lou Wurncke In this Important series, I m not nllbing since we got the hell beat out of us. But Warneke Is Just un and simply doesn't qualify for n big Job like this one." Warneke, a former star pitcher for the Cnrdlnnls and the Chicago Cubs, was plate umpire In the game last night, He charged 12 walks to the six Card pitchers. Catcher Del Rice protested the fourth balls vehemently and eventually was tossed out of the giimo ny wnrnCKR. The smashing defent by the Dodgers seemed to make the Cards more, mnd than afraid in these final days of the bitter National league race. They still led by half a game In the stand ings, with seven games yet to play Pennant Playoffs Possible In Bofh Leagues, Indicated By Standings at Present Time liy Cam. l.iiNnguiHT (United Press Sports Writer) New York, Sept. U:i (IJ.I!) Maylm thin year there will he pt-n n it n ( plnyof fx in both hitf league niies. Today, as things hecaine tenner than ever hetween the Yankees and Red Sox in the American and the ('ardinals and Dodgers in the National there were plenty of reasons to thilik there could he flat-footed ties hoth ways. In lil-IG, the Curds and Dodgers made history hy finishing in the first tie for the flag of all tune and the C aids won the right to play in the world Mcric.s and won it by heating lirooklyn two straight in a best two out of th re pluyoff. I.ust year, the Kcd Sox and Indians finished In the lust tie In Ameri can league history and Cleveland went on to win the single pluyofr game und the world series. I'arallel Seen The parallel today in the Nu tlomil league Is utmost un exact one. On Sept. Ti In 1!MG the Curds were In front und the Dodgem were In second by u half game. Lust year at this time in the American league the Indians were tied for the lend with the Pted Sox and the next duy the Yankee! muscled In lo make It a three-way deitdlock. Hut even though Cleve land pulled uwuy In the waning days. It blew lis margin ul the finish und had to bcut Boston be fore It could play In (lie series. Today, even though the Yank ees are two games to the good over Boston, und throe-tip In the lost column, their situation is pre curious Indeed. Jim- DlMnggio Is definitely out of the week end series In Boston, Tommy 1 lenrlch Is still hurt. Tommy Byrne'H pitching arm Is a question murk, Vic Hum-Ill has been a burling question murk for some time and Yogi Berra is still under pur with u thumb sprain. Boston Hiding High Boston, riding high wllh 21- game winner Mel I'arnell und 21- game winner P.llls Kinder ready to meet the Yankws twice apiece In the remaining five games that the clubs will play eiu-h other, ulso has two full days of rest be fore the series In p'enwuy park. 'Hie Yankees, .rallied out lust night in Washington, will have to pluy a double heuder todny and the percentage Is ugnlnst a sweep even when a first place club plays j a last place one. Morcovi'r, It doesn't help that In one of the games they must face Ray Scar borough, one of the best right handers in the league who bent them the last time he faced them and who lias won 12 games. It also doesn't help that they looked like n bush league ball club in losing their last start here against the While Sox. 10 to 9. Brooklyn, roaring back from a 1 to 0 defeat in the series opener at St. I-oiiIb to take subsequent 5 to 0 and 19 to 6 triumphs, found plenty of significance in the fact that it was the second straight time it had lost the opener of a Cardinal series, only to bounce back and take the next two. But from now on the Dodgers will have to fight for their six remain ing victories against the first di vision Phils and Braves while the Cardinals hove five with lust place Chicago and two with sixth place Pittsburgh. SCIIItOKUKK MEKTS CATTON Berkeley, Cnl., Sept. 23 till Tournament favorite Ted Schoc der of La Cresccnta, Cnl., was slated to meet Conway Cation of San Francisco in today's top match of the national hardcourt tennis quarterfinals. , 5pSSP?y 3 Sport Parade By Oscar Krley It'iiiUd I'rrM SiMjrU Wrlti-rJ (lli II. S. PjI. Oil I ' j New York, Sept. 2.1 Hh- I'ut it tiown to oeing wneei wnucKy on day as he boarded the pus lor the; r-a-si nigiu s - pennant cnncii p'enrli'ss Kruley'v usual ability to valley. It was Kugene high ing win over the Seattle Halniers get theie "fustest with the wust est" but I um in position toduy lo give you u scoop which Is ties lined to muki sports history -of a sort. It's the first all-America roller derby skating team, making old Fearless the Waller Camp of the wooden wheels. It Is only natural to assume that some of you lucky people never have seen the roller derby. It is the newi-st siorts siectuele, in which 10 guys or 10 guls skate around In a circle until everybody Is dizzy. The monotony Is broken by intervals of hair pulling (for women only) und more pugilistic gestures than you get from Cor geous Ui'otge. Don't Ijuigh! Rut don't be laughing ut these roller skaters. They have as much l ight to their all America teams as other athletes. Football und basketball have 'em and there are "all" teams for gullopl-ig dominoes, ping pong, pickle pick ing und roller pin u ecu racy, among others, ulthough I under stand that the Father's day com-mltli-e is against the hitter. Celling buck to the toller riot, the original nll-Amerlcu is dom hinted by Chlcugouns. That, In It self, Is a sortlig gesture when you consider that the sports fans in ine winuy cuy are siimueo wiin two un all America teams named the Cubs and White Sox. There arc no statistics avail able lo prove whether Chicago youngsters use roller skates off cause of municipal transportation difficulties but regardless of the reason, four of the five mule mem hers of the first nil-America team are from that city. Minneapolis holds the edge in the women's division. The first teams: Men: Billy Bogash, Chicago: Sam Skobel, Chicago; Ken Monte, Chicago; Wes Aronson, Chicago, and Sliver Rich, Oklahoma City. Women: "Toughle" Brasuhn, St. Paul; Annls Jensen, San Fran cisco; Gerry Murray, Minneapo lis; Mlnta Jean Payne. Indianapo lis, and Alice (Fuzzy) Puchek, Minneapolis. Named to the second team (Continued from Page 7) CHAS. W. SAVLEK, NOW SELLING at LOW PRICES.' NO WAITING - NO DELAY! See us for all Genuine Chevrolet Parts. Body Part Motor Part . Bearings Steering Clutch -k Radiator Fenders Axfas New Chevrolet Ennes. SAVES TIME and Money. BEND GARAGE CO. w j- i Sou,h of Po!,t ,,lre Laya Bears Head For Stronghold Of Spartan Team Two if'iuudi; of I'.iuln football- j ers left this morning by bus for Coi vi.IIIh when, iliev will oluv i Die Snai tan's Juvvee und vuisllv elevens. The Biuln Juniors were ached- uled to clash with the Spat tan Jayvees at 3 p in. Line coach lull Overman was In cbaive of the team. ' Coai-h Bud Kobertsiin will field his first eleven uguiiist the Spar- tan vuislty ut 8 p.m. Kobei tson hail something else besides the Coi vullls game to think about to- school s decbilve 2ti to 0 victory last night over the Springfield high school eleven. poled a three-run homer In the Robertson viewed Hie game and ; eighth inning. The Stars had a today commented thul the Ku- 'Mm 3-2 lead when Franklin pro gene team, coached by Hank Nil-1 vlded the clincher. The Suds came sen, former Ijivii Bear mentor, , back with two In the ninth, but looked "very good." ' 'he rally fell short. Nllsen will bring his Eugene I Oakland Wliut team to Bend next Friday for a I Oakland lost its mathematical Big Six conference game. i chance of tying the Twinks even It Is possible that a lair com-! though Charlie Dressen's charges parison of the Bears and the trimmed Portland 7-5. The Stars Eugene Axemen can be had after tonight's game. Corvallis defeat ed the Springfield nine by a score of GO this past week, and the showing Bend makes against Cor vallis tonight mlght.well I idlcate what kind of a contest the Bears and Axemen will have. Starters in the game tonight, according to Robertson, are Dick Hasmussen, left end: Phelon Culll son, left tackle: Marv Mix, left guard; Tom Nlebergall, center; Doug Thompson, right guard; Clyde Troxel. right tackle: Jack Robison. right end: Al Morris, quarterback; Cene Holllday. right half; Ken Brow-i, left half, and Ron Abbott, fullback. A play-by-play description of the game will be broadcast to night over KBND, beginning ut 9:45 o'clock. Idaho Eleven At Full Stfength University of Oreeon. Eusene. Si-pt. 23 HI'1 Coach Dixie Howell's Idaho varsity 37 strong arrives this afternoon by train and will have a short workout in prepara tion for Saturday's conference opener with the Oregon Ducks. Howell said in Moscow yester day his team would be at top strength for the game, but re fused to express optimlm as to the outcome. He said "the squad seems to feel that 79-0 game last Saturday Is enough to frighten Oregon and I couldn't seem to get it out of their heads." He referred to the shellncklng his team handed Wil lamette university. Several hundred Idaho rooters are making the trip to Eugene with the Vandals. Distributor Phone 25 3 w ww Phone 193 Hpiiywood Now Certain Loop Winner Sun Kranejwo, Sept. 2.1 'IP I'llie Hollywood Stars, still moving at the torrid pace they started last May, took possession of the I'a- el fie Coast league pennant last n'Kht for the first time since 19.18. Manager P'red Huney, the ex- major league manager and for rner wjuinern Lauiomia raoio an- champion, of Tulsa, Okla., and nouncer, piloted the club into theljohn (Skip! Wagner, Wilmette, pennant his first season at the m., medalist, were bounced yes- "''im. ' was aiso me nrsi pen-1 '"' lor llaney sinc-e he started munaging ball clubs back In 19.. I "i" pievious best was with To i '"'do In la.'tt when his club fin- j ished second. He luter piloted thej hi. l-ouls Browns ol the American I league for three seasons. I was paveu oy Murray rianniin. long distance pinch hitter, who would have needed to drop all re maining five games to Seattle, ! while Oakland picked up the same number from the Beavers. The Oaks took their win in an other fine pinch hitting job. Maurice Van Robays, continuing his dependable utility hitting Job. smacked a single in the seventh to score the needed runs tor the win. The Acorns previously had taken a 4-0 lead in the first stanza by virtue of Loyd Christopher's circuit clout with the bases load ed. Portland came back to knot the count on homers by Vlnce Shupe and Leo Thomas in the fourth, coupled with Eddie Basin ski's double which scored two more tallies. -lA.MBOKEE TONIGHT Portland. Sept. 23 Ul'' Portland high school football play will get underway tonight with the 16th annual football Jamboree at Mult nomah stadium. Eight learns will play one quar ter of official ball, and they will finish the other thre prknistin.. tneir own lields Monday afternoon. for Mm BU.v.s.f.p.p"ES SPECIAL! 30-06 Amm. All Makes and Bullet Weights. Your Choice 3 boxes 8.95 Case Hunting Pocket Knives - Hatchets Full Line Knife and Axe Combinations In One Scabbard, 9.75 to 12.75 Other Brands 6.95 up Case Belt Hatchets, only 3.50 BINOCULARS IMPORTED, COATED LENSES 6x15 Baby Size., only 22.95 6x25 With Case 36.95 6x30 as above 36.95 8x30 as above....... 46.95 8x30 not coated 36.95 All With Cases New Shipment Browning Over Under SHOTGUNS 12 ga. Matted Rib, 219.00 20 ga. Matted Rib, 219.00 20 ga. Ventilated.. 244.00 Headquarters for Sleeping Bags Scopes Mounts Expert Gunsmithing EVANS Tackle Sports Boats ON BUS LINE Western Amateur In Quarter-Finals St. l-cuis, Sept. 2.1 Hit- Quarter finalists hi the western amateur teed off today minus competition from the defending champion and medalist, who were brushed off in the second and third rounds. Two Walker cuppers, Frank Stranahan and Jim McIIale, were among the eight chosen o les In! the fourth round today after j jii-nry n.it-gt-i, uoti year k j terday. Stranahan was scheduled to play Jack Jacobs, Cedar PCapids, la., and Mi-Hale. Philadelphia, faced Hold Hardin, St. Louis. The other quarter-finalists were Walter Cisco. Louisville, Ky., who faced Harold Paddoyk, Aurora. O. Attention: PACKARD OWNERS It's "Get Acquainted' And we offer 2 FREE Lube Jobs to all PACKARD owners in Central Ore gon during the month of September, upon presentation of this ad. If you don't own a PACKARD, don't let that stop you drive in and say "Hi," then ask for your free lube jobs. (Aunt Hutch) Jack Hutchins HUTCHINS MOTORS PACKARD WILLYS 167 Greenwood " Phone 25? A I Duxbak, Red - Black All Wool Shirts A husky, warm shirt by a fa mous maker all sizes. each 7.50 3 for 19.95 Knives Deer Sacks, 3 makes, choice 2.45 Red or Yellow Felt Hats. . . 1.45 Hunting Boots. Boot Socks, Gloves SHOTGUN SHELLS 10 Off! IN CASE LOTS Clothing Licenses On South Highway. Phone 815 League Standings (Br Unibd Praia) W. Bollywood Ir7 OmklMOd i2 .4ttj-rkmrAto KM .Smttl Sn Diyu ft Han Krftnriuro Ml Portland S:l Iam AlMlm "ii P.I. .:.rJ, .cr,7 ,;:lf, :.,t,t Jm .I.9 .4.'.4 NATIONAL .EAGt'E W. I.. hi. isn't . ftfiH Buujn - Ior ul'iti j ct.-. . r.i a 80 , 7 .4.111 .4f,s I '-'l' " AMERICAN I.EARI'E Nr. York I feT""? I Philadelphia W. I.. Vrt. x:.l Mitt .574 Mt JJI .414 .Hit .317 it j iiui' ' wa.hiinru,i" '. Month tVAlMi Bosch & Lomb Variable 2x to 4x Scope 80.00 Crosshair, or crosshair with Post. Weaver J2.5 Scope only 22.50 Weaver K2.5 Scope only 37.50 Weaver K4 Scope only 49.95 Stith Bear Cub 50.00 Lyman Alaskan 60.00 Weaver Scope Cap. . . 2.00 Bosch & Lomb BINOCULARS 6x30,155.00 7x35, 155.00 Wollensak 6x30, 90.00 8x30, 105.00 Wollensak 4X Rambler Field Glass only 22.50 With Case Add 20 Tax. Camp Equipment Gun Cases, Etc. FLY CO. Johnson Motors Knives Guns - J OPEN SUNDAYS FOItTLANn ENDS ORIM-S Portland, Sept. li.'t 'IP1 Tlie Uni versity of Horrlund footbull squad closed heavy drills yesterday and was pronounced in top condition for Sunday's encounter with the University of Nevadu uf Multno mah stadium. 1 Money Saving Specials for SATURDAY ONLY at 10 Tla4 7A ffam? SATURDAY ONLY PART WOOL CASHMERE Socks 3 pair $100 SATURDAY ONLY BROWN JERSEY Gloves 4 pair $100 SATURDAY ONLY RED OR BLUE BANDANA Handkerchiefs 7 $100 SATURDAY ONLY WHITE DRESS Handkerchiefs 10 i.r $loo SATURDAY ONLY LEATHER FACE Gloves 2i$150 SATURDAY ONLY COTTON Socks 4 pair $100 SHOP rati lil W, Savw 74a O'.nao TOMORROW FOR REAL SAVINGS against urookiyns six. C