WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 1948 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON PAGE ELEVEN Stafe School Aid Awaits Veterans Oregon's state educational bene fits of $35 a month for World war II veterans are explained In a S small, four-page . folder Just off i the press and available to service f officers, schools and Individual ' veterans, the department of vet J crans' affairs announced today, jj Any desired number of the fold "j 'era may be obtained by writing the department at State Library t building, Salem; or by contacting jS the Portland office at 416 S. W. 4 11th avenue. 'f The state benefits, provided by the 1945 legislature, are available ' I to honorably discharged veterans who had six months' active duty I and who were residents of Oregon 4 for one year Immediately prior to entering service. 4 They are paid on the basis of 40 I hours of academic or vocational , school attendance per month, for 4 as many months as the veteran J spent In active service, to a maxl- mum of 36 months. Active service must have Deen Between aepi. id, 1940, and Dec. 31, 1946. State and federal GI benefits may not be re ceived concurrently. Provisions Outlined . While 1947 legislative amend ments to the act eliminated army iPrnn nn,l noini MO , I"l i 11 i -1 fT nC 71 credit for eligibility, they liberal- I ized the act in one respect by per- retroactive to the beginning of the current school term "wh,ere reasonable cause can be shown for delay in applying for state aid at time of enrollment." I Five thousand of the education 1 al aid folders were printed, in the ' state printing plant in Salem. Vet - ierans are advised to contact serv i ice officers in their own commu 5 nities for more detailed informa tion and for application forms. Thanks for the Memory 8!8lWWS!!jJKft VA-""v-ri.w-ir-"r) nwamwp jtfmmmmmmrmfmwit v - v y'JZ) ' ' ' ' ''-Us 1 A year ago, Nellie Mason left the Chicago advertising agency where she is employed on a year's vacation with pay. The novel idea was originated by the owner, M. Glen Miller, who gives each employe a year off after six years' work. Miss Mason toured the U. S., Canada and Mexico, and returns to work after Jiving Miller a thank-you kiss. SMOOTH SAILING Fort Wayne, Ind. .UP) When William Earlv. 12. crashed into an automobile his bicycle was de molished and he sailed over the top of the car. He got up with a bruised elbow. iff ARE YOUR VACATION CLOTHES READY? Of course you'll want to start out with all your clothes Stic tv . . nfbrinSAiid that's our job. Let nS dry clean your clothes this better way. There IS a differ ence in dry cleaning a differ ence you can see and feel. Insist on SANITONE the Better Dry Cleaning Service PERSPIRATION STAIN AND ODOR REMOVED SPOTS GONE MORE DIRT REMOVED it COLORS SPARKLE LIKE NEW City Cleaners & Dyers Marion Cady Frank Wonser 1032 Wall Phone 246 Bandits Wound Ex-OSC Player Neurnberg, July 7 'IP Maj Harold J. Pangle, a rormer Ore gon State college and professional football player, and his wife were wounded by two bandits Saturday night, it was disclosed today. They were returning home about midnight when two masked men stepped from bushes as they entered the driveway. As Pangle got out of the car, one of the men shot him. After he fell to the ground, the man took his wrist watch and emptied his wallet. Mrs. Pangle blew the horn of the car in an effort to attract at tention, and one of the bandits fired a shot at her. Major Pangle'was shot through the lung. His wife received a flesh wound in her arm. Both were taken to the 38th Station hospital, where they were reported improv ing today. Army investigators said they had no clues. Willamette Crops Suffer Big Loss Salem, Ore., July 7 ll Fifty per cent of the Willamette valley late hay crop was damaged by heavy rains the last two days, Ben A. Newell, assistant Marion coun ty agent, estimated today. He said rain two weeks ago caught about half of the early hay crop, largely alfalfa and clover. Some clover growers waited until weather cleared to cut their crop, and this along with much vetch and oat hay was caught in Tues day's heavy showers, Newell said. Cherry growers said their crops still were firm out it, rains con tinue cherries may be badly split. Cache of Heroin Seized in Canada Vancouver, B. C, July 7 HP- Two Canadians were arrested and charged with Illegal possession of drugs yesterday, when Canadian mounted police moved In on an east end home here and confiscat ed $400,000 worth of heroin. It was the biggest drug seizure ever made in Canada. - Ronald Douglas Deafl, 24, To ronto, and William Kushnik, 32, Vancouver, are being held in Jail. Royal Canadian police oflicers, acting on a tip irom a Vancouver constable, discovered two full one ounce bottles of Mexican brown heroin in the house Saturday. They also found 30 grains of heroin, 5,000 empty gelatin cap sules, 11 empty one-ounce bottles, and a quantity of sugared milk used to dilute heroin. Under Observation Police kept the house under ob servation. When Dean arrived Monday he was immediately placed under arrest. A parcel was delivered to the address Monday afternoon. Police found it contain ed slightly over a pound of pure heroin and o,uuo gelatin capsules. The parcel was mailed from Oshawa, Ontario. Kushnik was seized when he arrived to claim the pflcksjf City police chief Walter Mulli gan released details of the seizure last night . Oregon Death Toll Mounts to Ten Portland, Ore., July 7 UPi Latest deaths to be reported to day brought to 10 the number of persons killed in accidents in Ore gon over the holiday week end. Latest names 'added to the death toll were those of Thomas J. Harison of Albany and Norman K. Helvey, 18. Officers reported-that Harrison was killed when he was struck by an auto driven by Robert O'Neil of The Dalles on the Oregon Trail highway at Celilo. Helvey drowned when a rubber boat collapsed in the North Ump qua river rapids 30 miles east of Roseburg. Helvey was in the boat with his uncle, E. H. Helvey, who managed to reach shore. Another man drowned in Wallowa lake when he was thrown from a speedboat. Over 4000 Visit Crater One Day Newberry crater was the most popular recreation spot in the Deschutes national forest over the Fourth of July week end, for est service officials reported to day. On July 4 alone, a census re vealed there were 4,525 visitors, by actual count, Ralph W. Craw ford, forest supervisor, said to day. A number of others were probably in the area but not in cluded in the count, he pointed out. Near-record crowds were re ported in other lower-country rec reation spots, with Cental Oregon residents and out-of-state tourists Included In the large number of campers and picnickers. VENETIAN BLINDS New Blinds Custom Made Wood Steel Aluminum Old Blinds Completely Renovated All work Is quickly done at our factory located in Bend. FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN GLADLY Bend Venetian Blind Mfg. Co. Located In Bend's New Industrial Site R38 Glenwood Phone (Off of Fifth Street) 1434-J twin xa ri r. m ' - ' '..iiTi TM' MQOU LOOM rr" ehOOh-jSJy ROMANTIC? YSAH-AND C- XN s r JTHEE'S SOMETHING- ' rX"'1 r DIP YOU HHOIN THAT Hutchins Motors SEB.VICI 1937 Ford Pickup hf ana 1939 Ford Pickup FOR SALE I O SALE J!)U! Chevrolet 4-dnor Sedan. New paint Job. In good ronilltlon. 1!35 Ford Tudor 1!37 Chrysler 4 door Sednn, NEW JEEPS FOR SALE m THICK H MUD FLAPS 4.00 pr. Willys Parts and Accessories GUARANTEED Automotive ' Repair Service HAVE REPAIRS MADE ON OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN jbj n n mm m w mm mm El mm -m mum 'im&&'83B mm flM Accused Slayer Goes to Prison Portland, Ore., July 7 UB Arn old Inman, 35, Portland service station operator, today was under sentence ol is years In state pris on on a charge of manslaughter. Judge Martin W. Hawkins, who passed out the maximum prison sentence for manslaughter yes- teraay, also lined inman 1UU. Inman was tried on a charge of first degree murder for the slay ing of his business partner, Ever ett L. Keith, in their service sta tion here March 8. A Jury in Judge Hawkins' court convicted Inman of manslaughter ' last week. Inman testified he struck Keith with a hammer in self defense. COCKTAIL, REFUSAL FATAL Manila U') Ricardo Lorenzo paid with his life for refusing to accept a cocktail. Another guest at a luncheon party offered him a annk. Lorenzo refused. The guest with the cocktail was so angered that he stabbed Lorenzo fatally. Big Gains Noted By Oregon Bank In its latest report to the comp troller of the currency, the Unit ed States Naional bank of Port land,' playing an important part in Oregon's great postwar expan sion, again leads the state in to tal deposits, according to Sumner Deltrlck, manager of the Bend branch. , "Also, total deposits of the Bend branch nqw stand at $4,522, 380.09," Deltrlck announced. The total deposit figure for the en tire United States National bank system is $529,390,358. The bank showed a substantial gain in loans and discounts, with a loan and discount figure of $127,491,658 as compared with a record-breaking $113,214,591 a year ago, Deltrlck pointed out. For total resources, the cur rent statement shows $563,138, 438. This is a gain of $16,715,030 over the corresponding figure of a year ago. YES A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE! ONE -THIRD OFF Regular Prices of WALLPAPER in STOCK No Exceptions Every Pattern is Offered at These Tremendous Savings During This Summer CLEARANCE SALE Don't Delay! Come In Today! Sm rum-Williams Paihts 125 Oregon Avenue. Phone 21 YOUR LOCAL PAINT SERVICE CENTER CAT JOINS SQUIRRELS Hopedale, 111. (IP) A mother cat raised her young In a hollow tree trunk 10 feet above .the ground. Snoop,, the pet ca.t.of Joan Hleser, took her family of four Into their tree home three days after they were born. Squirrels put up a chatter but got used to it. ATOMICS CAN WAIT. Champaign, 111. P Atomic power may be on the way, but diesel engine manufacturers 4n the United States are going ahead with plans to turn out 100,000,000 horsepower In the next 10 yea'rs, the University of Illinois bureau of research has estimated. - Jjny ' ' . ' : United announces rpciimntinn nf I VVMIIipfclVII VI scheduled air service direct to PORTLAND! United Mainlineri now serve Portland from the Troutdale Airport just 60 minutes from the center of town. 1 II Bend-Redmond Airport. Call Redmond 260 II f II ' or an authorized travel agent. II s, . UNITED AIR LINES 1 Pauengart Mat! Express Freight I th Main Llnm Airway fakt you nearly 9wrywhrm ,.."1.. :-J S -U . 4 y-jjr ,'. 4 1 1 : II CONDINSED S TAT E M E M T OF CONDITION Jvne 30, 1948 " " " ' . RESOURCES Cash on Hand and Due from Banks 128,041,571.52 United States Government Bonds 263,144,995.41 Municipal and Other Bonds 32,981,495.89 Loans and Discounts , 1 97,491,658.81 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank , 600,000.00 Bank Premises (Including Branches) 6,959,898.95 Customers' Liability on Acceptances. . , 647,952.08 Interest Earned , 1,769,088.63 Other Resources 1,501,777.54 $ 563,138,438.83 LIABILITIES Capital $ 10,000,000.00 Surplus 10,000,000.00 Undivided Profits and Reserves 9,622,504.76 29,622,504.76 Reserves for Interest, Taxes, etc 2,471,090.50 Acceptances.., 647,952.08 Dividends Declared ; 250.000.00 Deposits 520,390,358.62 Interest Collected not Earned ; . 653.075.72 Other Liabilities. $ 563,138,438.83 Thii ttatcmcni includrt 35 branchn in Oregon. HkadOpfirr: PORTLAND, OREGON BEND BRANCH Dimcr r a n o h or f HI (INITIO ItMM NATIONAL BANK OP PORTLAND AN OREGON BANK SERVING OREGON raw mm Afembtr faferal Dtps Inniranc Corporation