TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1948 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON PAGE NINE Almost Anvone . CanMakeMovies, 'Claims Writer By Patricia Clary (United Pro" su" Corrimdmt) Hollywood, July 6 (IP) It's be ginning to look like anybody at all can be a movie pruuuwr. About all you need is an over dose of bad movies, an idea for a eood one and nerve enough to get Somebody else's $200,000. . 'J It helps a shoestring producer ito be a movie star's ex, like John Jfehelton, divorced from Kathryn kiiayson, and Richard Quine, sep arate from Susan Peters. " It helps to have worked in the business, like Cutter Bill Asher or Publicity agent Frank Rosenberg, who became a producer after an iother producer canned him. : Millions Help 4 It helps to have a good couple fof million behind you, like How ard Hughes, .Jack Wrather or jGlenn McCarthy, the latest Texas loilman to try to make movies. 4 But you don't, have to have "flhat. Just drop Into the Bank of America, like John Champion did, .tid maybe they 11 give you !00,000. The funny thins about it is' flhat a lot of these fellows make 'pretty good pictures. Quine and Asher turned out one called "Loser Take All." Columbia is thinking about giving it an "A" picture ballyhoo. "We could have had an 'A' pic ture budget, too, and Glenn Ford for a star, because the New Ynrk .i bigwigs liked our story,'" Quine JbdUl. 1 "We wanted to prove that you J don't need to mortgage the studio to make a good picture." I Finished In 12 Days ' I "Loser Take All" was finished I in 12 days. Quine and Ahser , 4 spent $162,000, $38,000 less than. .1 the studio gave them and a third s what anybody else would have s spent. . "its all in planning," Qjiine beamed. "We've been planning this picture for 10 years.'! They got it planned so well that before they ever started shooting a uiey coum lie in Dea at night $ and see it on the ceiling. I They wrote the dialogue them : selves. It's cheaper, and, they claimed, it's better. Nobody says "this is bigger than both of us" or "we'll have to take that chance." "Sylvan Simon, the dirnntor couldn't find a single cliche," they crowed. If there hadn't been union rules against it, Quine and Asher could have done everything else from turning on the lights to making up the actors. : OUT OUR WAY WILLIAMS By J. R. HOLV SMOKE l( HE AIN'T-- HE'S ) I J HOW CAM A , i SO LAZV HE'S V 7 DOG LAV IKJ A TRVMA SAVE THE ; ( SUCH A POSITION . I FIRST JUMP OF A I V AN' BE COMFORTABLE ) S GALLOP, IF HE S V ? SEES A CAT, Y ; llf T- V?R UMF'MJ; L SrS'' THE BUSYBODy 7'6 com mi tv utK sUvier ww. t. m m , trorgi Central Oregon D VI 1 340 Voice of -.lklM" Kilocycles Affiliated With Mutual Don Lee Broadcasting System AU Programs on Daylight Saving Time Reaify Transfers Deeds .June 19 J. C. Mayer to James DeRocher lot 4 blk 33 NWTS 2nd add. Clifford Dewey to Eugene R. Walker lots 7-8 hlk 159 Hnri ahh Bend pk. Hans S. Rovelstad to R. Burton Oney lot 3 blk 3 Deschutes. Howard S. Cox to Guy Murray lot W'A Lot 7 blk 9 Kenwood. Mortgages Eldred Starr to Equitable Sav & Loan S'A lots 1-2 blk 17 Ellin gers. Harry L. Denton to Nealan R. Gilbert lot 18 blk 5 Mill. Albert Campbell to L, E. Smith lots 5 & 8. . Deeds June 21 I O O F Lodge to Ella M. Swan son Cemetery lot 1 range G blk 6 blk 6 Laidlaw. Michael Sesock to Charles W. Jones lots 14 15 blk 34 Center. Alex McLeod to Hobert A. Starr NWNW 6 or lot 4 of 6 18 13. Ervin James Thornton to Will iam L. Deupree S'a lots 3-4 blk 5 EUingers. Deschutes Co to School dist 1 all blk 1 except lot 2, all blks 2, 5, 6 and 7 except lot 9, all blk 8, 11 except lots 9, 10, 11, all blk 12 NWTS LST add, all blks 12 13 14 Bend pk. Z. C. Kanatzar to C. E. Hamil ton lots 9 10 blk 9 Kenwood gardens. Mortgages William L. Deupree to C. E. Downs S'A lots 3-4 blk 5 EUingers. Harry L. Denton to Nealan R. Gilbert lot 18 blk 5 Mill. Deeds June 22 John E. Johnson to William W. Durfee lot 8 blk 187 3rd add Bend pk. L. E. Smith to Albert Campbell lots 5 & 8 S'4 4 Mt View blk 15. Donald R. Thopson to Wanda O. Brown lots 11 12 15 16 blk 103 1st add Bend pk Deschutes Co to P. A. Erickson lot 3 blk 9 Blvd. Mortgages Hobert A. Starr to Alex McLeod NWNW 6 18 13. , Albert Campbell to L. E. Smith lots 5 & 8 Stt 4 Mt View blk 15. Deeds June 23 H. L. Priday to City of Red mond easement on part of SE',6 SW4 9 15 13. Gayle Bartel to City of Red mond a strip in Bartel. C. A. Pestka to City of Red mond part NESW 9 15 13. C. H. Sawyer to City of Red mond a strip of land in Ehrets 1st add. John A. Schrunk to City of Redmond part SESW 9 15 15 Jef ferson view. Esther J.. Bennett to Ernest Bennett creating est E 5' lot 6 all lots 7-8 blk 4 McCafferys 1st add. Flovd J. Laukat to D. C. Renno NENE NWNE 28 17 13. Walter Richardson to Frank Scott lot 12 hlk 21 Bonne Home. Mrs. G. H. Parrish to Walter Richardson lot 12 blk 21 Bonne Home. Release Mortgages Mabel Rennolds to Verdo Fair child WNW!4SEH 19 15 13, Ben Taylor to C. H. Sawyer par tial rel mtg strip .in Ehrets 1st add. Deeds June 24 City of Bend to Church of the Nazarene lots 11 blk 44 wieS' toria. Clyde Louis Lunday to Tony R, Cov lots 8 9 10 blk 19 Riverside. City of Bend to Bernard Bishop lot 2 blk 3 Hub. Mortgages Lottie Nelson to Grace C. Dick NW half of lot 1 blk 26 Park. Tony R. Coy to Des Fed sav & loan lots 8 9 10 blk 19 Riverside M..J. Thompson to Des Fed sav & loan lot 4 blk 21 Center. Release Mortgages Grace C. Dick to Sallie Ewing lot 4 blk 19 Park add marg rel mts. Equit sav & loan to R. E. Mark en lot 8 blk 19 Riverside. Kenneth W. Bjornstad to Clyde Louis Lunday lots 8 9 10 blk 19 Riverside. Des Fed sav & loan to M. J Thompson lot 4 blk 21 Center. Des Fed sav & loan to Anton Dahl lots 3-4 blk 4 Deschutes. Safflower was cultivated in early days in Egypt as a source ot red. dye irom us iiowers ana of oil from its seeds; it is now a world oilseed crop. ON- THI m rot WITH KBND KBND will bring coverage of the democratic national conven tion in Philadelphia starting next Monday, July 12. ,On Tuesday, July 13, one week from today, KBND-Mutual Don Lee nas scne- duled the all star baseball game, an annual sports feature pitting the stars oi Dotn American ana National leagues against each other. The game time here for broadcast is 11:15 a.m. The game will be aired exclusively on Mutual-Don Lee. Tonight at 6:55 to 7, Bill Henry reviews the news. At 7, another in the new drama, "Roger Kil. gore, Public Defender." At 7:30, Red Ryder, and at 8 tonight an other "Count of Monte cristo" adventure. TONIGHT'S PROGRAMS 5:00 Relax With Rhythm 5:10 Remember When 5:15 Chandu the Magician 5:30 Superman 5:45 Tom Mix 6:00 John B. Kennedy 6:15 This Is Music 6:30 Sons of the Pioneers 6:45 Ambassadors 6:55 Bill Henry News ' 1. . 7:00 Roger Kilgore 7:30 Red Ryder 8:00 Count of Monte Cristo 8:30 Melodic Moods 8:55 Billy Rose 9:00 News 9:15 Fleetwood Lawton 9:30 Make Music Your Hobby 9:45 Here's to Veterans 10:00 Fulton Lewis 10:15 Salon Serenade 10:30 Ray Hackett's Orchestra 11:00 Sign Off WEDNESDAY, JULY ? 6:00 Ozark Valley Folks 6:15 Farm Reporter 6:30-Sunrise Salute 6:45 Riders of the Purple, Sage 7:Uu News 7:15 Rise and Shine 7:30 Rex Miller and the News 7:45 Morning Melodies 7:50 News '7:55 Morning Melodies 8:00 Shoe Time 8:15 Morning Round-up 8:30 News . 8:45 Bulletin Board 8:50-Musie 9:00 Kate Smith Speaks 9:15 Victor H. Lindlahr 9:30 World News 9:35 Novelettes 9:40 Women's Digest 9:45 By Popular Demand 10:00 News 10:15 Fashion Time 10:30 Claudia 10:45 Lullaby Lane 10:50 Meet the Band 11:00 Man About Town 11:05 Tune Time 11:10 News 11:15 Tell Your Neighbor 11:30 Queen for a Day 12:00 Noontime Melodies 12:05 Today's Classifieds iz:i0 Noontime Melodies 12:15 Sports Review Vi-:i3 Noontime Melodies 12:30 News 12:45 Farmers Hour 1:00 News of Prineville 2:00 Hearts Desire 2:30 Cote Glee Club 3:00 According to the Record 3:15 Peggy Lee 3:30 Prineville First Baptist Church 3:45 Northwest News 3:50 Music ; JACK in the CORNER By JACK 1IALBKOOK It seems we're at, fault for most of our troubles. Take forest fires, for example. Ev ery year hundreds of llres are started by campers and vaca tionists who drop burning matches or cigarettes In the woods with the careless aban don of tossing rice at a wed ding. Forests and fields are de stroyed. That drives animals and birds away and makes floods easier, because when the rains come, there are no plant roots to hold the water. So lei's put out our campfires and bu careful about, tossing mutches and "smokes" from our cars. It's easier to prevent a fire than to put one out. Well, the "uig" holiday Is over. It is always nice to Have them, BUT there are always a largo number of people who have sacrificed life, limb anil health due to carelessness and lack of caution. One doesn't expect youth lo he cautious but you should cer tainly expect courtesy which would prevent a lot of the ac cidents. A Los Angeles burglar broke into a taxidermy shop and stole only one thing ... a wet Irout skin. That's really burg lary on a small scale. And for big values on a small-price scale, come to IIALBKOOK MOTORS, Minnesota tt. Bond. "Hide in the New 1919 Ford." Everybody's talking alxmt the Ix-autlrul "renewal'' Job you ran get in our Body and Fen der Miop, Wrinkles are smooth ed away, fenders are fixed . . . come In and meet our new painter "Andy" Anderson lie's tops In his line, Phone: 680. RADIANT PANEL . SYSTEMS Designed and Installed Steam and Hot Water Heating Systems ' Mastercraft OU Burners DE LUXE HEATING CO. 258 Hill St. Phone 1233 VENETIAN BUNDS New Blinds Custom Made Wood Steel Aluminum .Old Blinds Completely Renovated ' All work is quickly done at our factory located in Bend. FREE j ESTIMATES GIVEN GLADLY Bend Venetian Blind Mfg. Co. Located In Bend's New Industrial Site 538 Glenwond Phone (Off of Fifth Street) 1434-J 3:55 Central Oregon News '; 4:00 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 4:15 Frank Hemingway 4:30 Passing Parade 4:45 Modern Melbdies 5:00 Relax With Rhythm 5:15 Chandu the Magician 5:30 Superman , 5:45 Tom Mix 6:00 Gabriel Heatter 6:15 This Is Music 6:30 The Lone Wolf 6:55 Bill Henry News 7:00 Adventures of the Falcon' '7:30 Cisco Kid 8:00 What's the Name of That Song? 8:30 Pipes of Melody 8:50 Club Corner 8:55 Billy Rose 9:00 News 9:15 Fleetwood Lawton 9:30 Skyline Platter Party 10:00 Fultoil Lewis 10:15 Salon Serenade 11:00 Sign Off ALT IVY. or SUMAC Science has discovered an eieellenl new treatment for lTjr.oak and aamat poisoning. It's gentle and safe, dries ap the blisters In a surprisingly short time, often within 24 hours. At druggists, 69)1 Ask Tor IVY-DRY Huge Ballroom Razed by Fire Atlantic City, N. J., July 6 IP A two-alarm fire ruined the huge Marine ballroom on Steel pier here early today, only 40 minutes after 3.100 persons had left the dance floor. The fire raged for more than a half hour above the celling of the ballroom, located over the ocean, three-eights of a mile from shora. Onlv a few stragglers from the crowd which Jammed the building truck. to dance to music by. Tex Beneke's orchestra remained when the fire broke out. They were quickly dl- rected to exits. A number of dogs, horses and other animals, which took part in a circus on the extreme end of the pier, also were led to safety i without Incident. A 2-8-4 steam locomotive is so called because of its wheel ar rangement; ft has two wheels on a' leading truck, eight driving wheels, and four on the trailing BEND FOOT COMFORT SERVICE SPECIALIZING IN MECHANICAL FOOT CORRECTION WEAK ARCHES CAUSE FOOT TROUBLE. LEG TROUBLE, BODY TROUBLE Corns Callouses Bunions Ingrown Nails Muscle Aches Swelling Ankle Aches Knee Pains Fatigue Back Ache Nervousness Poor Posture Free Arch-O-Scope and X-Ray Examination Custom-Made and Stock Foot Appliances Orthopedic Shoes for Men, Women and Children Graduate Practipedlst, American School of Practlpedics, Chicago, 111., In Attendance X-Ray Fittings Buster Brown Shoe Store GENERAL AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR SERVICE .. . Brake Relining Motor Overhauling Carburetor Adjustment TIRES TUBES BATTERIES Nelson & Zeek Garage 167 Greenwood Phone 240 COAL MINE PRICES EXPECTEP TO RISE JULY 1ST. We have several carlo.ids on order fcr Lump, Special and Regular Stoker coals. Place your order today and save money. Brookings Wood Yard Phone 7117 ON DISPLAY AT EAST 7TH and NORTON . . . . ALUMA - LOCK SHINGLES THE NEW LIFETIME ROOF! Be Sure to See These Shingles Before You Have That New Roof Installed. Central Oregon Roofing Company 832 Bond Phone 1270 or 1335-R BRISTLEC0MB ItAUTIMtt MAI Y THt mVthoo filial GEO. L. BROOKS 725 Sllvls Lane Phone 983-W Wilson's Refrigeration Efficient Quality Service & Repairs ALL TYPES and MAKES of MECHANICAL REFRIGERATION . South Phone Highway 07 16I&W Attention Home Owners We need all types of homes. Prices will never be better. Cash buyers waiting. We buy and sell equities. List today for a quick sale. FREE APPRAISAL All State Realty, Realtors 221 Greenwood Phone 167 Brooks-Scanlon Quality Pine Lumber Brooks-Scanlon Inc. What Do You Want For Your Money Lightweight Tires Or Top Quality GENERALS? at Speca Sale Prices! muimmm FULL . FULL , SIZE WEIGHT P) 6.00 X 18 Oftlriliii . ffipwtlu- . Hi In., Plus Tax FULL STRENGTH W IP l I ff"V I I THE 9ElMElML9 YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED . ; ; at a Price MtXtiL- ALLEY OOP" YOU SAf THE EGYPTIANS ) EP.' W I LED -f nr PUT YOUR FACE ON THE FROM Trf SAMARA TO YVNOW IT AIN'T SPHIN BECAUSE Of yrne NILS CENTURIES evERYf.Vy WHC I LITTLE STONE IT BEFOHS CARVED IT... SETS A MONUMENT IMASE THEV. J THEV THCUSHT I NMAS I LIKE THAT BUILT You Never Expected to See Again NEW TUBES GIVEN With Every Set of 4 General Squeegees or Squeegee Cushions No Extra Costl OINERAL'S TOP QUALITY, Hill MOLDED RUBBER TUBES) YOURS FOR THI ; T A KINO WITH IVSRY SIT OF SOUIEOEIS OR SOUEIOEI CUSHIONS. BARGAIN SPARISI Good enough to keep you from going when your good & tires let you down. Youri $,50 at ridiculously lowprices! GUARANTEED USED TIRES I Some nearly new. Some FROM with 3-5-7000 safe miles left in them. Come in $0.00 and get a bargain ! CARROLL MOTORS DESOTO PLYMOUTH 162 Greenwood Phone 387 By V.T.Hamlin OOP, THEJ7ES TWOfN BUT HERB, TH' SPHINX... BUT H' I ONLV BEEN ( WHO TAKE A LOOK J WHAT THIS f TWO THAT 1 1 OTHEK AT THE SB 7 THATMNT KNowci-rX one IJpicmay V my FACE. fii