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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Deschutes County, Or.) 1917-1963 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1948)
r SATURDAY, JUNE 5o?W48 THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND. OREGON PSGE THREE 66 nlid i NEWS OF SOCIETY , Ila S. Grant, Society Editor mi society item should be reported to The Bulletin not later an 10 ajn. on the days of publication, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.) Wed Sunday IT 4 fj Mrs. Kenneth Shlpman. the former Miss Patricia Shultz, who was married in a double-ring cere mony Sunday at the Trinity Epis copal cnurcn. - Miss Moti to Sing At Recital Tonight Miss Phyllis Motz, mezzo-soprano Irom Portland and a pupil of Mrs. Genevieve Fisher Neves, will be the guest singer this evening at a recital in the library audi torium. The program ot popular and classical selections will begin at 8:15 p.m. Twenty-four young people from Deschutes county, who are Mrs. Neves' pupils in piano and voice, will perform. The public 1s In vited. Alfalfa's Club Holds Annual Dinner Meeting Alfalfa, June 26 (Special) The annual get-together club din ner was held at the grange hall June 20. The four oldest mem bers of the community were seat ed at the head of the table. Dur ing the dinner hour, J. Hohn stein spoke on the organization of the club in 1937. Following the dinner, a horse show was presented by the sad die club. Foot races were run and a baseball game was played. At the evening meeting, a mu sical program, style show and skit were presented. Refresh ments were served. WETOMACHICK Officers were elected Thurs day when the Wetomachick Camp Fire group met at the home of their guardian, Mrs. Joe Wani chek. New officers are Shirley Brown, president;' Sally Slate, vice-president; Doris Thompson, secretary; Jeanine Hanson, scribe, and Dagmar Wanichek, treasurer. The girls are plannlr" a swim ming party for June 30. The meeting: of the Women of the Moose, scheduled for Sunday, has been postponed until Tuesday at 8 p.m. in Moose hall. Bend and Redmond officers will be in stalled. ELECTROLUX CLEANER AND AIR PURIFIER SALES SERVICE and SUPPLIES PHIL PHILBROOK 1248 E. 3rd. Phone 1293-J Flowers For Special Occasions Floral Designs Corsages Free City Delivery We Telegraph Flowers Anywhere Open Evenings and Sundays PICKETT Rower Shop and Garden . Phone 630 029 Qtilmby Mr. and Mrs. Ralph K. Thomas Mr. and Mrs, Park O. Fleming Owners and Managers II 1" i ItOfcCMC Party Honors Bride-Elect A bridal shower was elven Monday night at the Eagles hall honoring Vonda Lu Billadeau, bride-elect of Lemuel Perrigan, Jr. ,Mrs. Alba Rhodes, Mrs. Wally Simonson, Mrs. Curtis Si monson, Mrs. Luck Billadeau and Mrs. Clyde Billadeau were the hostesses. The hall was decorated with pink and white streamers and bouquets of yellow and purple Irises. Thp hrlrtp'c tahln mi centered with a three-tiered wed ding cake with a bride and groom' ugunne and on each side of the wedding cake were cakes in scribed with the betrothed cour pie s names. The table was deco rated with candlebra. nlnk streamers and flowers. The evening was spent nlavine pinochle and bingo. First prize in pinochle went to Mrs. Sherl Harmon, second prize went to Mrs. Mary Allen and five deece prize went to Mrs. Homer Mav- rand. Small novelty prizes were given for bingo. After the gifts were opened, a buffet style luncheon was served. Those who attended the affair' were: Mrs. Bert McDonald, Mrs. Claude Gant, Mrs. Laurence Zu felt, Mrs. Bill Baer, Mrs. Ray An derson, Mrs. Web Loy, Mrs. Sherl Harmon, Mrs. Marry Turner, Mrs. Loyal Rhodes, Mrs. Charlie Gilt ner, Mrs. W. F. Wardlow, Mrs. Anna DeLaney, Mrs. Ardell But ler, Mrs. Delbert Staples. Mrs. Alfred Nentl, Mrs." Walt Minter, Mrs. Dave Winn, Mrs. Robert Glass, Mrs. Georee Zufelt. Mrs. Doris Day, Mrs. Olive Ford ham, Mrs. Laurence Nicholson, Mrs. Ole Moen, Mrs. Edna Moore, Mrs. Margaret Smith, Mrs. C. E. Cole, Mrs. Hazel Strom,- yirs. Thelma Young, Mrs. Jake Sig mund, Mrs. Roy Walter, Mrs. Homer Mayrand. 1 Mrs. Oscar. Mollne, Mrs. B. H. Rhodes, Mrs. Hattie McDermont, Mrs. Mary Allen, Mrs. Bernadine Wilcox, Mrs. Dora Gales, Mrs. Elizabeth LaBlanc, Mrs. Edna Daoust, Mrs. Jim Mayne, Mrs. Mary Farnsworth, Mrs. ' Louie Wavelet, Mrs. Oren Bass, Mrs. Jennie Christoffersen. - Mrs. James Koho, Mrs. Chester Mutzebough, Mrs. Joe Egg, Mrs. Earl Woods, Mrs. Howard Wins low, Mrs. Bertha Rothkow, Miss Bertha DeShazer, Miss Leita Zufelt, Miss Dana Billadeau, Miss Sherry Billadeau, Miss Berna dette O'Doherty, the hostesses and the honoree. Many others were unable to aettend, but sent gifts. Friendly Neighbors met June 18 at the home of Mrs. Paul Marsh. Thirteen members were present and spent the afternoon in sewing. Refreshments were served at the close of the after noon. The next meeting will be held July 16 at the home of Mrs. John Cuffin, 442 Delaware. The average automobile scrap ped in 1946 was over 12 years old and had been driven about 90,000 miles. Dr. Grant Skinner DENTIST O'Donnell BIdg. Office Phone 73 Residence Phono 819 W FIRST to celebrate our birthday 1 qt. Arden Flavor Fresh Ice Cream -and Get 1 pt. FREE (Fresh Strawberry. Fresh Banana, Chocolate, English Toifee, Vanilla) FRESH HOME MADE Peanut Brittle lb. 40c THE j fltl "Our Quality Has 734 Franklin Recent Bride f'J -KX- fi ''Til v ij I ! t Miss Ravoe King who was wed to Edward B. Perkins in a cere mony at the Methodist church Sunday. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ray, of Bend. Mrs. Marshall Wins Trophy The Simons trophy was award ed yesterday to Mi s. A. II. Mar shall as she won the final wom en's championship of the Golf club handicap tournament. She defeated Mrs. W. A. Lackaff in an 18-hole match. " Tie for low-net in the tourna ment was also won by Mrs. Mar- snail. In the first flight, Mrs. Arthur Stipe, Jr., defeated Mrs. William fc.. Nay lor. Mrs. Robert Wetle was defeated by Mrs. Paul Warner in the second flight. The sweepstakes were won by Mrs. George Thompson and Mrs. R. T. Forrest. The club will hold a flag tour nament at the golf course on July 2. Ernie Traxler to Provide Music for Cotton Party Junior chamber of, commerce auxiliary will hold a cotton party Saturday at 9 p.m. in Norway hall. Mrs. Kay Thompson will be in charge of the hall; Mrs. Don Connor, music; and Mrs. Leon Snoop and Mrs. Kenneth Cale, food. " Music will be provided by Emie Traxier and nls orchestra. Ad mission will be $1.50 a couple and members and their guests only are invited. THIMBLE CLUB MEETS The N. O. W. Thimble club met Weclries'aay af(erno6n at' lhe home of Mis. Carl Johnson, 335 Ver mont. After a bingo game, re freshments were served. Those present were Mrs. Ray Cooper, Mrs. Frank Cook, Mrs. Charles Wilson, Mrs. Eva Win ters, Mrs. Gilbert Long, Mrs. Er nest Gough, Mrs. Leon Dross, Mrs. Charles Kernick and Mrs. Ruth Sands, a guest. Sons of Norway meeting has been advanced from 8 p.m. to 7 p.m. this evening. It is important that all members attend the meet ing in Norway hall. RADIANT PANEL SYSTEMS Designed and Installed Steam and Hot Water Heating Systems Mastercraft Oil Burners DE LUXE HEATING CO. 258 Hill St. Phone 1232 MONDAY June 28th No Competition" Ph 1469-w Social Calendar . TODAY 2 p.m. Eastern Star Juvenile grange at the grange hall. 6:30 p.m. Auxiliary of the Vet erans of Foreign Wars pot-luck-supper for the post in V.F.WV hall. 7 p.m. Sons of Norway meet ing in Norway hall. 8 p.m. Town and Country club ' card party with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stevenson. 9 p.m. Junior chamber of com merce auxiliary cotton party in Norway hall. 10 p.m. Elks annual Bartend ers' ball at Elkhorn. MONDAY 8 p.m. Order of the Eastern Star meeting in the Masonic tenv pie. TUESDAY 8 p.m. Women of the Moose meeting in Moose hall. Mrs. Lancaster Has State Post Mrs. Pearl Lancaster was elect ed Junior vice president of the United Spanish War Veterans auxHiary, department of Oregon, at their recent meeting. Mrs. Lan caster was also chosen as a dele gate to the national convention in Washington, D.C., in August. Other new officers for the state are Mrs. Lena Veatch, Eugene, president; Mrs. Addie May Bee man, Portland, senior vice presi dent; Mrs. Mary Schuler, Gold Hill, chaplain; Mrs. Flora Fields, Portland, patriotic instructor; Mrs. Mary Harding, Astoria, his torian; Mrs. Minnie Schweltering, Eugene, conductor; Mrs. Bessie Sutton, Corvallis, mother of Mrs, R. L. Forrest. 1036 Harmon, Bend, assistant conductor; Mrs. Lura Gilstrap, Beaverton, guard, and Mrs. Katherlne Johnson, Port land, assistant guard. Other delegates to the national convention are Mrs. Hora fields, Portland; Mrs. Lois Summons, Klamath Falls, and Mrs. May Ross Walker, Portland. HASTEKN STAB TO MEET Order of the Eastern Star, Bend chapter, will hold its regular monthly meeting June 28, in the Masonic temple at 8 p.m. Degrees will be conferred upon candidates and reports of the delegates to the grand chapter will be heard. A social hour will follow the business session. Opening and closing will be in short form. Enjoy good vision and freedom from headaches . . . you can not be sure your eyes are per fect unlcsN you have them examined. Consult us now! Dr. M. B. McKenney Optometrist 908 Wull St. Phone 342-M CESSPOOL SERVICE Cesspool & Septic Tanks Complete Service Best of Materials Furnished Our perlodlcnl inspection will insure you more cillcient operation, B. F. Rhodes & Son Phono 800-VV or 710-W Septic Tanks Cesspools CLEANED INSTALLED AH Materials Furnished Expert Service Bend Septic Tank and Cesspool Service KB Harmon Phone 11M-W CLEANING DRY CLEANING OF QUALITY Repairs and Hat Blocking Capitol Cleaners 827 Wnll Phone r2 t ELECTRICAL ELECTRIC Conl rnct W iring Appliance Itcpalr Elcrtriral .Supplies Fluorescent Lights O K Mnzdn Ijimns All Work Imured and Uuaranleed Smith's Electric 1183 Wall Phone 08 pF? Take SjjfjK-J Care SfvSTj off '&P j Your i:5n Eyes Commercial Printing of Quality PHOTOGRAPHIC OFFSET LETTERPRESS THE BEND BULLETIN Phona 56 Bride in White , I ' " V; I ' si -. Mrs. Norman Monlcal, the former Miss Sstelene Stigall. The couple was wed Sunday in a cere mony at tne nome 01 tne orioe groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Minical. Annual Elks Bartenders' ball will be held tonight at Elkhorn beginning at 10 p.m. Arrange- ments are In charge of the stew ards at the Elks hall. Music will be provided by Omer Zillman and his orchestra. The dance is AT MIDNIGHT ONLY!! A NIGHT YOU WILL NEVER FORGET! TICKETS NOW ON SALE ADM. 60c Tax Incl. fZr Bill ME VY WHO'S WHO In BEND AN ALPHABETICAL CLASSIFIED DIBKCTOBY OF RELIABLE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES ELECTRIC MOTORS Jerry's Motor Shop Electric Motors Repaired Armature Re-Winding Minor Repairs or Rebuild DOMESTIC COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION S5 Revere Phone 1446-W ELECTRIC MOTORS EBNER'S ELECTRIC SERVICE All Types of ELECTRIC MOTORS and GENERATORS Rewound and Repaired NEW and REBUILT . MOTORS 1116 Wall Phone MM MONUMENTS For Monuments and Mark ers in world's finest gran ites. We guarantee satis faction. Ray Carlson 854 Georgia Phone 8K8 M RefrigeratojiJSejrvice AirTynesof Mechanical Service On REFRIGERATORS HOUSEHOLD COMMERCIAL Oregon Equipment Co. 16S E. Greenwood Phone 888 Teachers Attend Summer School Eighteen teachers from the lo cal schools are attending summer sessions during the vacation In institutions of higher learning in this, and other, states. Froro the high school, Russell Acheson, Henry E. Nilsen, and Wilfred Burgess are attending the University of Oregon at Eugene. Burgess is studying for his M.A. degree. Other high school teachers at tending school are Miss Maryann Gerke, Portland; Everett Gett man, Oregon State college, at Corvallis; Robert S. Johnson, vo cational school in Eugene; and Howard Nicholson, University of Southern California at Los An geles. Miss Sylvia Veatch is spend ing the summer in England and will attend the 1948 Olympics in London, i From Kenwood school. Miss Sol veik Jensen, Mra. Ruby McCann, and Mrs. Velda Bushnell are at tending Oregon College of Educa tion at Monmouth; W. R. Nance, University of pregon; Mrs. Mar guerite Boyd and Mrs. Olga Kjos, Southern Oregon College of Edu cation at Ashland; Mr. and Mrs. Birdsall C. Fisher, Greeley, Colo.; open to the Elks and their out' of-town guests only. TONITE! 3V.KCEIT Fill 4 ROOFING SHINGLES SIDING INSULATION ROOFING Free Estimates Gives Use Our Easy Payment Plan Central Oregon Roof no Co. 882 Bend Phone 187 SERVICES DEWITT lr DUNCAN Drilling: Blsstlnr Concrete work of all kinds. Concrete Septic Tanks Install). FUI Dirt and Top Soil. Hourly or Contract Rates. Phone 1696-VV or 1332-W 839 Columbia or 1828 Galveston Parrish Radio Service 24 Hour Service Work Guaranteed. Free pickup delivery service. Open 9 a. m. to p. ra. 133 Greenwood Ave. Phone 1381 -J Gordon Parrish, Technician AAA SERVICE ANYTHINO ANYPLACE ANYTIME Home and Commercial Properties. BEND GARBAGE CO. Phone 1M2-W5 Shoe Repairing while you wait at Springgate Shoe Repair Next door to Capitol Theater Hour 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Let me keep your solea together. Closed Sunday and Monday. Evinrude Motor Rental by day or week Have a happy fbihing trip with a motor that troll, Freeman Tackle Co. 810 E. 3rd. Phone 262 1 Miss Irma Kllnghammer, Eastern Oregon College of Education at La Grande; and Virgil Moss, prin cipal of Kenwood school, Peabody, Kan. , Danielson to Talk At Bend Church Rev. Alfred Danielson, secret tary for the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission society, will ENDS Today! "Fury Also iiBffl Starts Tomorrow! ! my Girl Tisa" is a Honey! A PICTURE THAT WILL RING CHIMES IN YOUR HEART! ULU 2nd BIG HIT! A WHITE GODDESS OF THE JUNGLE! ; ALVINO RAY ORCHESTRA LATE NEWS! ENDS GLEN TODAY! "The STARTS TOMORROW!! WHO CAVE YOU "BRUTE r m 1 Barry FITZGERALD , Il4 lltllt EXTRA , - 4T5.WS HOWARD DUFF 'DOROTHY I novelty DOM TAYLOR speak at the First Baptist church at 7:30 p.m. Sunday. The topic of his speech will be "Work of. Christ and Our Work." Rev. Danielson, now of San Francisco, was formerly pastor of the Baptist church In Bend. He and Mrs. Danielson are spending a tew days in Bend at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Wins-low. Bulletin Classifieds bring results. VICTOR MATURE In at Furnace Creek" "vnaniiKuuv TT j SAM PALMER WANAMAKER AWmTamiroff Alan Halo EXTRA FORD EVELYN KEYES In Mating of Millie By MARK HELLINGER FORCE" and "THE KILLERS"! triliiM TED De CORSICA siatimi i If I VP HART n