FRIDAY.' JUNE 25, 1948 PAGE SIX THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND. OREGON CLASSIFIED ADS Classified Rates I.OCAIi PAID IX ADVANCE lli Words On Time 40c lH Words Three 'Mm ......$1.10 IR Words Six Times $2.00 AU word ovtr 35 add lc pT word timca number of fnaertlona Ona month run., tamo copy, day rat Minimum chant, 40c Lino ralo 10c Capital! 20c Itcader ada 10c Una, minimum 40c Jliplar Adrcrtlilni Cluing time 6 P. M. prcvluua day. Ono half paxo or laiftr, day pre?loui to publication. BEND LODGE NO. 139 A. F. & A. M. Thura., June 24 at ti:00 p. m. Special Communication Friday 25 7:30 p. m. MM Ilerec Pait Mailer Nlht Itefreihmtnta Friday Vlaltinr Hrethren Welcome C. E. Kernlek, Secy. ,', BEND AERIE NO. 2089 : , F. O. E. Hall Meets Every Friday Night Loyal B. Rhodes, W. P. P. O. Box 1022 Phone 1357-J W. M. Loy, Secretary Rt. 3, Box 42 Phone 20F-5 For Salt Ileal Estate 11,200 ACRES under fence, 10 . springs, 110 alfalfa, 160 prior free ': water. This is a Rood one, 2 sets buildings, $55,000.00. GARAGE BUILDING, on high way. ONE OF THE BEST in Central Oregon, restaurant, .1947 cross $100,500; only $5,000 down. 'Contact Earl Ewlng, Huff Real Estate Co., 126 Minn. Phone 1331 J. Eve. phone 1691-W. BY OWNER: 4-room semi-modern corner lot, garden in; $650 down, bal. $35.00 mo. 1255 Elgin. FARM and Business Real Estate Loans made in Crook and De schutes counties, 4 Interest. Mldstate Realty Co., Rm. 11, U. S. Nat Bldg., phone 495. See Don , Phonies or Carl Lindh. RESORT and general mercantile store-,- Frenchglon, Oregon, adja cent to Steens Mountains and 'Blitzen river. Store equipment, inventory and 3 furnished cabins for sale. Splendid hunting and fishing area. Is old established business, good postal and general mercantile income. D. C. Jordan, Agent, Burns, Oregon. Phone 3804. FOUR-ROOM modern insulated house, wired for electric range. $4850. Terms. Large garage with cement floor. Price includes new electric hot water heater. Located at 341 Florida. Also two lots for sale located corner Bond and Del aware. Inquire at 605 East Irving. TWO-BEDROOM modern house, partly furnished on paved street, small down payment, balance easy terms. Also trailer house for sa'e. Call owner at 325 Delaware. E. M. BUCKNUM, REALTOR Near Chamber of Commerce 1029 Brooks St. Ph. 331 Evenings 796-R VACANT, 2-bedroom home, very clean, oil burner included. Vene tian blinds, large living room. Make your own terms. Balance like rent. $4250.00 MAKE AN OFFER on this 3-bed-room home on pavement, lot size 100x300, lovely yard, asking SliSbu.UU, terms. $1300.00 DOWN, $44.00 mo. buys this new nome. r-xceiicnt conui tion. good location. 2 bedroom automatic heat, attached garage. This is a dream house. $7350.00 BUILDING LOTS: We have lots of them, all prices In all locations. TWO PROPERTY contracts, one carrying 5 on city center bust noss property and one carrying b'r. interest on residential prop erty. Will discount at 10 for cash. If interested write 3583, The Bend Bulletin. THE WEST SIDE REAL ESTATE 94 Portland Phone 9S8M INCOME PROPERTY: 2-auart- ment house, corner of First and Portland. $5000.00 cash, $50.00 month. 2-BEDROOM borne, West side. $3500.00. $2000.00 cash, balance $25.00 per month. 1-BEDROOM semi-modern homo West side. $750.00 cash, balance $30.00 month. WE HAVE several well located building lots. FIVE-ROOM, two-bedroom semi mod., also 2-room cabin, lite and water only, on two lots. Garden growing, septic tank dug, 6-inch drain, fenced lawn. Reasonable for cash. Phone 3S9-R. WANT A SMALL CATTLE OR dairy ranch. One with a llltle cash and work that will make a swell outfit? 87 acres, 4-room house, 2 large barns, smaller buildings, partly fenced, some hay ground planted pasture, lots of grass, some timber but most un derbrush cleared out. Fruit fives, berry, graix-s, lots of rose bushes, good straw berry land. Just 4 miles Irani town on 2 good roads. School bus, mall and milk routes. No floods. Wonderful view. Have larger place. Must sell this one. Don't let price fool you. $1,650.00 down, bal. $2,100.00. Take road past high school. Geo. McCall, Route 1, Box 313, Rainier. Ore. GENERAL Second Hand store for sale with block of highway frontage and modern living quar ters. Good stock and nice bus iness. See owner at store any time, 2359 E. First on No. high way. MIDSTATE REALTY CO. Carl Lindh and Don Peoples Specialists In Buying and Selling Real Estate Real Estate Appraisals Rm. 11 U. S. Nat, Bldg. Phone 495 For Sale Real Estate NEW 1-bedroom modern home, good East side location. Lawn Is already in. Wired for elec. range. The price Is only $4987.50 and will FHA. ONE of Bend's BEST 2-bcdroom fully modern homes. Living room, dining room, beautiful kitchen and dinette. Full cement base ment with sleeping room, fruit room and utility room. Fuel pip furnace. Good garage. 2 lovely lots well landscaped. New East side district. Price $8950. $3878 cash, balance FHA. ONE 5-room and one 3-room houses on 3 lots. 3-room house is furnished and now rents for $30 per mo. This is an opportunity for someone to make some money on this property. Price $4000, $1500, balance at $50 per mo. 2-ROOM furnished home on East side. Well constructed. Price $1450, $750 cash, bal. terms. NEW 2-story 4-bedroom home ful ly modern. Hardwood floors thru out. Garage. Price $10,000, $3400 cash, balance FHA. GOOD bulding lots in various parts of the city. NEW 1-bedroom deluxe modern home. Largo garage. Located on East side on pavement. Price $5600, $1800 cash, bal. FHA. FOR RENT, 2-bedroom modern home, $65 per mo. Call Mr. Locklin VERN LARSON AGENCY 135 Oregon Phone 32 2-BEDROOM: Modern home with fireplace & wired for range. One block from high school. $7200 at Gilbert's Real Estate & Insurance, 1015 Wall. MIDSTATE REALTY CO. Carl Lindh and Don Peoples Rm. 11 U. S. Nat. Bldg. Phone 495 RIVERFRONT building site 100 ft. wide, depth 200 to 330 ft., $1500. This is more area than five 50x100 ft. lots. IF YOU WANT an estate, we have 500 ft. frontage on Deschutes river about nine blocks from Pilot Butte Inn. ONE LOT on the river at $2000; 2 lots on the river at $1260 with terms if needed; don't wait until you are too late. ONE OF THE BEST buys in a 160A farm, 120A level bottom land, 140A Swalley water; crops all in and included in price If tak en soon; good 6-room house; $16, 000 with terms. $4200- DOWN buys a fine 2-bedroom home In one of the best lo cations in town. 75-ft. lot and street paved; monthly payments of $71 will handle balance, inter est at 4. $6700 BUYS 2 acres, irrigation water, large modern home Just outside city, close to highway. C. V. Silvis, 81 Oregon St. Phone 898. NEED A HOME? ChenK the Deal of the Day on KBND 8:45 a.m. Call today and inspect the list ings at Gilbert's Real Estate. 1015 Wall St. BY OWNER: 3-bedroom modern home. Enough buildings to make two extra apartments. Material for remodeling if wanted. S1K00.00 down, balance $1800.00 at $30.00 per month, fhono 7od-J. WEST SIDE FURNISHED, 2-bed room. very clean, corner lot. fenc ed; $5100, terms. All State Realty, 221 Greenwood. Phone 167. ULTRA - MODERN 3 bedroom modern on 1 floor, electric heat, fireplace, hardwood floors, wired for electric range, automatic hot water, utility room with laundry trays, Insulated and weather stripped throughout. Attached ga raRe, large level lot. $14,000. Terms. All State Realty, 221 Greenwood. Phbne 167. GOOD MODERN 3-BEDROOM home, 7 acres, lust outside Bend. Go south on highway 97, turn right at Time service station. Route 1. Box 15. 3-BEDROOM modern on 1 floor, fireplace, wired for electric range, close In, East side, paved streets and sidewalks, only $5500 full price. Terirs. All Stale Realty, 221 Greenwood. Phone 167. BY OWNER: Modern 2-bedroom home, East side. lge. living room, kitchen In knotty pine. Oil fur nace, stationary tubs, wired for range. Lots, of built-ins. Phone 1236-M. SPECIAL OFFER: Brand new home. Living room 16x24 with fireplace. I-arge window over looking patio. Lovely kitchen and breakfast nook. Large bedroom with double closets. $800.00 to $1000.00 down. Small monthly payments. Don t miss this. $6000.00. E. M. Bucknum, Real tor, phone 331, 1029 Brooks St. LOT ON EAST 10 Third one north of Greenwood free of rocks. Several hundred feet of new lum ber, all for S350. Call at 530 New port afler 5. BUSINESS OI'TORTUNITIEST SPOHTING GOODS STORE, will invoice for more than asking price. AUTO COURT: 2-bedroom mod crn home for living quarters, plus 4 double units, Income $24.00 per day. It's brand new construction 1()IX) ft. of hlchwav frnntnife nliis 43 acres with 3 acres water, right on 97 highway. Price $22,000. Very easy terms. Hurry, this won't lasi. BRAND NEW city center Income building, self-operating, paving 10 on your Investment. Good terms to right partv. A'-'e Interest on balance All Slate Realty, 221 uruenwouu. i-none ioi. For Rale Ileal Estate 2-ROOM furnished house, large lot, large garage and storeroom. One block Irom bus. Call after 5 p.m. 100 Lexington Ave. CABIN: Small home on' 75x100 lot rea.dy to seed. Edge of town near highway. $1000 with terms. Closet bowl, pipe, fittings $50 ex tra. Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall. MODEL HOME: Two bedrooms, living room with oak floors. At tractive kitchen and bath, inlaid linoleum.' Insulated walls. Best construction, House and garage on good foundation. Terms at Gil bert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall. 4-BEDROOM: Modern homo with basement and furnace, fireplace, two baths, stone construction. Near schools and priced at S6K25 at Gilbert's Real Estate. 1015 Wall. 2-BEDROOM: Modern furnished home , 2 lots, near Kenwood school. Garden soot, garage, chicken house. $4200 with imme diate possession at Gilbert's Real Estate, 1015 Wall. LOTS on West side bus line. Free from rocks, good soil. One block from pavement. Priced reason able. Phone 1656-M. VACANT, 2-bedroom modern partly furnished home, east side, oil circulator, electric range, re frigerator, rugs and curtains all go. Move in today for $5750, terms. All State Realty, 221 Greenwood. Phone 167. LOVELY NEW 2-BDRM. home, dining room, attached garage, good neighborhood, close to school, $7950 good terms. 2- BDRM. home with fireplace on St. Helens, full basement, auto matic oil furnace. Will FHA. 3- BDRM. HOME, 'large light liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, full basement, work shop, fruit room, lovely double corner lot, $3,000 down, balance $48.00 per month. WELL - LOCATED RESTAU RANT, doing good business. LONG ESTABLISHED "name brand" Auto Agency. Contact Mr. Bell, 1331-J, Huff Real Estate Co. Eve. phone 1376 R. $5500-F. H. A. TERMS: New 4 room house, very nice, good loca tion, fine view. Possession at once. $6850, VERY NICE 2-bdrm. home, close in, double garage, nice lawn, garden, shrubbery, berries, near school. HAVE SEVERAL good ranches with good crops, worth the mon ey, on good terms. See me for de tails. Call Clyde Stewart, 1331-J, Huff Real Estate Co. Eve. ph. 1048-J. FOR $12,500 YOU CAN BUY a good business building on high way with modern living quarters, good income. 80 ACRES with 50 a. cultivated, 65 acres cleared, 49 acres irrigat ed, 6 miles to Bend on pavement, 3-room modern house, 1 or 2 rooms upstairs unfinished, 15 acres of clover, some alfalfa, ber ries, good barn, chicken house, and several outbuildings. Clover crop should make big payment on place. Contact O. G. Nichols, Huff Real Estate Co., 126 Minn., phone 1331 J. Eve. phone 1517-W-5. $20,000 BUYS good going general store, large building, stock and fixtures, small town in good irri gation district. Purchaser can have postoffice. C. V. Silvis. 81 Oregon St. Phone 898. ANNE FORBES, REALTOR 36 Oregon. Phone 36-VV A BARGAIN: Paved street, ce ment sidewalk, five rooms, gar age, $2000, $750 down. 10 A?, 10 A. WATER, 2-hedroom house, fireplace, 6 A. alfalfa, some machinery, hens, rabbits. $6500. Terms. 40 A.. 38 A. TUMALO, wonderful mountain view, 5-room bouse, 3 A. raspberries, team, machinery. $7500. EXCELLENT BUY: Immediate possession, 4-bedroom bouse on river, reduced from $8500 to $7500; $2500 down. ILLNESS, MUST SELL: Close in. 5-room clean, plastered, sewer connection. Reduced from $5200 to $4750. COZY ONE-BEDROOM complete ly furnished modern home, close in. East side, yours for $3100. All State Realty, 221 Greenwood. Phone 167. WANT TO SELL? List your prop erty with GILBERT. A square deal, and prompt, efficient, cour teous service Is yours at Gilbert's Rpnl Estate 1015 Wall St Fuel GOOD DRY body wood. Phone 1570-W for prompt delivery. JACKP1NE TIE SLAB, limited amount to lie delivered for two weeks only, June 28 to July 9. Phone 853-J. L. R. Carpenter, 1324 Albany. 16 INCH GREEN SLAB wood de livered In Bend, $14 per 2-cord load, (2-cord load of Hi" dry slao $19). (You haul, $5.00 per cord at yard, East end of A street). Cen tral Oregon Fuel Co., phone 201 W. Office 936 A St., Redmond. For Sule l iirm Products HEAVY red tiyers Cor sale, up to 4 lbs, 45c per lb. liveweight. V ml. east of N. end of E. 8th St. Louis L. Selken, phone 1356-R, Rt. 3, Box 177, Bend. SPRING KRYK.HS. live welnht. 50e wr llv or ili-orl rule nor lh Mary Williamson, next door to i Tumalo General store. For Sale Farm Products MASSEY-HARRIS Clipper. Com bine. Joe C. Henry. 4 miles north Tumalo. 1 CASE POWER MOWER and 1 International horse mower. Del Davis. 3 miles east of Tumalo. FOR TOP MARKET PRICES consign your Livestock to the Edwards Livestock Comm. Reg ular Cattle Auction Every Tues day. Phone Bend 1269. FARM OR GARDEN sprinkler Ir rigation equipment and supplies. Complete sprinkler systems large or small for immediate delivery. Benlamln Russell, Rt. 3, Box 313, 3 miles north on 97. FRYER rabbits dressed on order. Roasting hens, live or dressed. Phone 59-W or call first white house back Carroll Acres- store. York's. Free delivery. For Sale Miscellaneous OUTBOARD motors, $32.50 anc $42.50; 22 rifle, $10; guitars, $7.51 and $12.50; fine shop made saddle, $85; nice set bunk beds; 3-pieci daveno set, $75; single davei $35. Some good doors, one large size office door, one new screer door, $5. A dandy 4-wheel trailer with good tires. $7S. we ouy, c and exchange. Addlngton's Sec ond Hand Store. 2359 E. First St on North highway. PRACTICALLY NEW oil circ lating heater and fittings to pir in, $34. Stock saddle, gooa con tion, $35; electric fence charger, not a battery hook-up, must have 110 volts to operate, $15. Call eve nings 1463-R or 1037 Harmon. NEW TRAILER COACHES Sports Rover, Kompact, Admiral, Universal, Paramount, fan-Amer ican. See These at 4th & "C" Sts. Redmond WHITNEY Steer-O-Matlc baby buggy and bathinette. 886 River side, phone 657-J. . EASY washer, like new, $60. See at 712 E. Quimby, phone 1489-W. UPRIGHT piano, H. G. Bay Co., in excellent condition. Will sell for cash. Margaret McGuire, Rt, 2, Box 82. Bend. Inquire Tumalo General Store. 1 CHEST of drawers, practically new. Call 1006-M. HERE is a buy for someone who wants a small upright piano slightly used, sold for an old price. 65 Gilchrist, phone 1087. COAL AND WOOD RANGES, electric and gas ranges, coal. wood and oil heaters, kitchen and dinette sets, kitchen chairs and iceboxes, occasional chains and rockers, bedroom suites, bed- springs and mattresses, dressers, vanities and chests, library ana end tables, davenports and chairs. floor and table lamps, bassinettes and buggies, garden hose, rakes, hoes and shovels. Square Deal Exchange, 201 E. Franklin. Phone 1224. THOROUGHBRED Labrador re- treiver. Just right for hunting this fall. To the right party. Phone 76-J or 1507-W-4 after 5. SIAMESE KITTENS. Registered slock. 7 weeks old. weaned and house broken. Geo. R. Brick, 418 Florida. Phone 245-W. GOOD BOAT for sale cheap. 1214 Union St.- LYON'S FLOWER GARDENS: Perennials, rockery and border plants, Jumbo pansies. Some an nuals and vegetable plants. 1604 West 2nd. corner of Portland ave. RADIO TUBES Complete stock Phllco and other nationally known hrands. Tubes tested. Bend. Fur niture Co. FIR, DIMENSION LUMBER, also shiplap, 1x12, and shingles. A. A. Powell, phbne 1503-W-3. one Tnile south Petersen's rock gar den on old highway. FANTON'S GARDEN: Oregon Giant pansies, petunias, marl golds, African daisies, verbena, lobelia, godetia, clarkla, portu laca, carnations, perennial phlox, cushion mums, other perennials, cabbage, tomatoes. 829 Ogden. 3 H. P. TWIN OUTDOOR motor. Full pivot reverse. Perfect condi tion, $75. See at 516 Riverfront, Phone 131 t-R. DEEP FREEZE electric freezer. Practically new. Lots of room for keeping frozen foods, meats, etc. Reasonable. 605 East Irving. FOR SALE: One 50-lb. icebpx and battery- radio nearly new. 2042 Hill St. WARD'S VACUUM CLEANER, all attachments, excellent condi tion. $10. Delco table radio, $30. 31 Hastings. Phone 875 M. CEDAR POSTS: Immediate de livery. Any amount 35c each. Write Haskell Hobby, Culp Creek, Oregon. FOR SALE: Diamond engage ment set, solitaire, never used, cost $79.95. Sell for $20.00. Phone 191-.I for appointment. WE BUY AND SELL new and used furniture, used dishes and misc. 147 E. Olney. H4 blks. east of Standard Oil Tank or phone 1070-W. SPECIAL: New finished wood beds $12.00 ea. while they last. Beautiful 3-pc. myrtle wood bed room suite, lge. size solid cedar chest. Dining room suite with master chair, new tlltback chair and ottoman, also swing rockers, new Innersprlng mattress and In netsnrlng coll spring, metal beds, 1 twin bed and coil spring. 147 E. Olney. FREE LESSONS offered this month with purchase of a new Baldwin piano. Your choice of de sired instructor, from our list. Ac rosonlc, Hamilton, Baldwin. See our new models, terms. Benson Piano Co.. 65 Gilchrist. Phone 1087. For Sale Miscellaneous WE BUY, sell or trade furniture and dishes. Call us or come to 350 Division. Phone 1336-M. UNDERWOOD portable typewrit er In A-l condition. Call 1593-J or 424 Scott St. ABC WASHER In good working condition with new wringer, $35. 837 E. 3rd. FOR SALE: 1 Motorola table model radio, long and short wave; 1 portable electric saw. Call at 2106 East 4th St. INNERSPRING mattress, full size, one daveno, three-burner white enamel Magic Chef plate, gas heater, two wool rugs. 8x12 with mats, laundry trays with fit tings. Call at Staats hotel, before noon only. Phone 1690. TWO-WHEEL TRAILER. 6.00-16 wheels. Price $75.00. 935 West 12th. BABY BEDS, bassinets, maple and blond dining sets, gateleg ex tension, six chairs, round and li brary diners, triple mirror dress ing tables, bedroom suites, three quarter bed, davenos, swing rock ers, club and occasional chairs, wardrobe, coffee tables, end tables, night stands, floor and table lamps, hampers, gas, elec tric, wood oil stoves, Sleepmaster foam rubber mattress and springs, dropleaf desk, iceboxes, 12x16 tents, vacuum cleaner, Frig idaire hot water tank, electric boat motor, Evlnrude motorboat and trailer, Mustang aluminum semi-trailer for one-half or three quarter pickup. Lake and Dlv. Trading Post. Phone 1183. For Sale Used Cars 1942-'45 HARLEY DAVISON, nev f tires, good shape. 1345 Hartford. FOR SALE: Model A Ford, $100. good tires, runs good. See Pick at Waldorf. 1937 PLYMOUTH 4-dr. sedan in good condition. Priced right. See foreman at G. N. round house. Phone 975-W. ' COLVIN Saves You Money ' on All Used Cars Highest Quality ' and Better Values at COLVIN AUTO SALES 1946 BUICK 4-door, radio, heater, low mileage. 1946 Pontiac sedanette, radio, heater, very clean, 1942 Ford 5-pass. coupe, radio & heater. 1941 Pontiac sedanette, radio, heater, new tires. 1941 Chevrolet 4-door, new tires, radio & heater. Very clean. 1941 PLYMOUTH 4-door, one own ed. Clean inside and out. ; 1940 FORD 2-door. New tires. New paint a clean car. 1938 Chevrolet 2-door. 1937 Pontiac "6." Open evenings till 9 Open Sundays 2 to 5 Drive a Ways and Save Buy a Clean, Dependable Car from COLVIN AUTO SALES 517 E St. Redmond Phone 326-Z 1941 NASH Tudor sedan, new motor, radio, weather-eye, over drive. Phone 229-J. CHEVROLET factory built stake bed, S2UO. can 7t7-J or see at 4th and Burnside. 1936 BUICK 4-door sedan, new motor, good rubber, radio and heater. Motor Investment Com pany, 217 Oregon Ave., phone 525. 1938 TUDOR LaSalle in fair shape, $650. 212 Hill St., phone 1008-J. 1936 CHEVROLET ltt-ton chas sis, very good tires. $450. L. Wal ton, Rt. 3, Box 298, 6',a mi. N. on Highway 97. ONE 1940 Dodge pickup. Tires, battery & motor 85'r new, $895. Also 1941 Hudson 4-door sedan, 5 new air ride tires, $1175, terms. 10o7 Albany Ave. 1939 OLDS SEDAN, radio and heater, good tires and paint, a nice car .throughout, a buy at $895. Also 1947 Cadillac motor complete for use as a power unit or to be put in car. $350. 229 East E. St, Phone 207. Redmond. Ore. USED CAR LOT CORNER, 8th and Greenwood. 1936 Chev. Std. Coach. 1939 Hudson Coach. 1936 Pontiac 4-door Sedan. 1947 Nash Sedan. Two good Hi-ton Trucks. Phone 774 '46 Ford Coupe '41 Studebaker Sedan '41 Packard Sedan '40 Nash Sedan '40 Ford Convert. 39 Olds 2-dr. '39 Buick Sedan '37 Plymouth Sedan '34 Terraplane Sedan LINSE'S USED CARS At Signal Station 1941 CHEV. CONVERTIBLE, lust overhauled. Marilyn Elliott, 303 N, 13th, Redmond, or phone 183. FOR SALE: 1941 OLDS Hydra matic 4-door sedan. New tires, A 1 condition. Radio and accessor ies. 443 Broadway. Phone 356-J. 1946 OLDSMOBILE. four -door model 76. Excellent condition, de luxe accessories. Price $2,200.00. Telephone 698-W after 6 p. m. 2101 N. First. WATSON BROWN LUKE trans mission in good shape, series 40, cheap. See at Bend Specialized Service, 844 Bond. Phone 1212 W. WHETHEk you are buying, sell ing or trading, let's talk it over. Mc's MOTOR WORKS One Mile South of Redmond On Bend Highway For Sale Used Cars 1939 FORD Tudor, excellent con dition, radio. Must sacrifice. 1428 Hill St. . 1942 CLETRAC-FDL, new 110 h.p. Hercules Diesel eng. Isaacson hydraulic dozer, Carco drum. Cash or trade for real estate, car, etc. Phone University 0572 or write 5811 N. Princeton, Port land 3. For Kent FOR RENT: Portable paint sprayer, 7 cu. ft. compressor, n.p. electric motor, zvs-gui. pot, 30 ft. hose. Available now. Daily rates. D & K Boat Units, 333 E. 3rd, phone 1425-J, TYv'O modern cabins. Automatic heat, cooking facilities. Good per manent renters desired. Corner 8th and Greenwood. FOR RENT: 2 large office rooms available July 1. O'Donnell Bldg. Inquire Apt. 8, O'Donnell Bldg. OR LEASE: Four-bedroom su burban: modern, city water, part ly furnished. First house on left on Trap Club road. RIDING HORSES at Gullck's Corrall, 1435 Albany St. $1.00 per hour S5.00 per day. Located on North Century Drive at city lim its. Phone 790-W. CLEAN SLEEPING rooms, by day or week. 853 Wall St. BEE HIVE SYSTEM Trucks you drive yourself any where, no restrictions. 1946 Dodge van lor good, clean hauling. Court House Service Sta.. corner wall and Bond. Phone tos. or 981-M evenings. CIRCLE CAFE FOR SALE and lease of building, 2 two R. modern furnished ants and garages. Lo cated on two highways by the Al len grade school, doing good tour ist business- 301 K. Franklin. FOR RENT: TRAILER SPACE. New, modern trailer park. - $4.00 per week. You pay electric bill. Monthly rates. D. & L. TRAILER PARK mile past So. City Limits, Highway 97 3-ROOM furnished apt., bath faci lities. No children, no pets. 745 Colorado, Apt. 3. 1316-W phone. Wanted CURTAINS to launder & stretch. 2a5 Franklin. WILL PUT in $5000 or cost for foundation on DAIRY HERD with good operator. Box 3386, Bend Bulletin. TOURIST wishes room in reined nome oy weei?. nave car ana leisure. Box 3385, Bend Bulletin. TOP PRICES Paid for any kind of cattle at your rancn. riease drop a card to W, R. Franks or can-. Keamona. Help Wanted PINE MILL starting July 6; 48 hour week. Sawyer, $2.50 per hour. Setter, $2 per hour. Edgerman, $2 per hour. Trim Saw Man, $2 per hour. 2 Green Chain, $1.85 per hour. Only first class men need apply. Boarding house for single men. Married men need trailer houses. Write No. 3597, care Bend Bulle tin. . WANTED: House to house enu merators for city directory. Good handwriting essential. R. L. Polk & Co., Bancroft Hotel. WANTED: RETAIL LUMBER YARD MGR., MUST KNOW FIR & PINE. ALSO YARD & OFFICE DETAIL WORK. CENTRAL OR EGON DISTRICT. WRITE BOX 3639, BULLETIN. BOOKKEEPER, with knowledge of typing. Write 3379, Care Bul letin. WOMAN for maid work, Pilot Butte Inn, 70c per hr. See Mrs. Bartlett before 4 P. M. FIELD EXAMINER: Interesting position in Coos-Curry County area. Permanent employment. Liberal vacation and sick leave plan. $230$290 with opportunity for advancement. High school graduate. Two years accounting experience required, preferably with public contact work. Inquire State Civil Service Commission, 444 Center Street, Salem, Oregon. SALESMEN: Earn while you learn, experience not necessary. I will train you. Salary is com mission, earnings unlimited. Year around work. For interview call Mr. Monroe, 34. RELIABLE middle-aged woman for general housework and take care of two children. Good wages. Phone 1019-R. Situations Wanted CAPABLE woman will do house work by the day. Will consider cooking. Write Box No. 3684, care Bend Bulletin. BUILDER, 40 years experience, will .do contract or day building anywhere. Phone Redmond 82 or write D. F. Dubois, General De livery, Redmond. I-ost MALE half Mexican red gold Chihuahua-Pomeranian, answers to name of Babe. Red leather har ness. Reward. If found deliver to Arlie Hudson, 2151 E. 4th. SMALL RED TAN DOG, part chihuahua, answers to name Dus ty. Reward. R. Creighton, 344 E. Lafayette. NEW BLUE JUNIOR bicycle at or near 1500 E. 8th. Reward, no questions on return. Phone 1527. Services WE CLEAN windows, wallpaper, kalsomine. paint. Venetian blind; and upholstery; floors cleaned nrl waxed. Janitor service, sweeping compound, new Venetian blinds. Call Sutton. 13C8-J. Services MOVING, Crating, dish packing, storage, hauling. Uso Cascade Service. Equipment to handle al most any lob. Agents for Lyon Van & Storage, call 1U42-J, Las- cade Transport. RUG and upholstery cleaning at the same prices we have always charged. Rugs 6c per so. ft. Da venport and chair $11.00. Call Sutton. 1368-J. CARPET AND LINOLEUM lay ing, rug repairing, Venetian blinds, 25 years' experience. Jack Boone, 780 Newport. Phone 241-J. WELL DRILLING, water wslls and drainage. Leonard Mathers, 1475 Hurtlord. Phone 10B3-M. SAW FILING, gumming, ham mering, band saw welding, Sand er belts, band saw blades, new handles hunt; in tools. Sexton Supply & Saw Service, 1195 Wall Street. NOTICE: Tree moving is mj business. I have the equipment to do the lob safely. Also move rocks, stumps and small houses. Winch Truck Service. Phone 1405 W (Wiley Ellis), 1107 W. 15th. BLACK TOP PAVING. Phone 1208-W. P.O. Box 770, Coast Black top Paving Co. SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned, drain holes shot. Free estimates. Phone 1252-J D. W. Grimes. 10 Davis Ave., Bend. WASHING MACHINE Service and wringer rolls lor all makes. Let us check your machine no obligation. Elmer Hudson, phone 274. 1033 hi-ooks. WELL AND DRAIN HOLE drill ing. L. A. Holman, 108 Tumalo Ave. Phone 199-W. TOP AND FILL Dirt, cinders and driveway pumice, scoopmobile and dump truck work. T. F. Blakesley. Phone 1405-J. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK Portland, June 25 ill') Receipts at five packing plants today, 350- cattle, so calves, mi nogs ancf 200 sheep. Supply mostly on bought to arrive basis, limited early trading about steady with most classes nominal.- Good fed steers quotable up to $33.00 or above. Medium grass fat steers salable up to $30.00. Good young beet cows up to $25.00. Canner and euttor cows $17.00-19.00; good beef bulls up to $27.50. Good and choice vealers $28.00-30.00. Good and choice 180-230 lb. hogs o.uotable up to $28.50 or above. Demand broad but no early sales. Good and choice spring lambs $26.00; good shorn ewes $8.00 8.50. Trading will be resumed at the north Portland stockyards, Monday, June 28, after a four weeks' lapse because of flood conditions. Our daily livestock bulletin will be discontinued and- regular scheduled market reports will be resumed. All local pack ing plants will be in operation. PORTLAND DAIRY PRICES Portland, June 25 lPi .Egg prices were raised one cent a doz en on all grades and sizes on the Portland market today in a move to adjust prices with those of other markets. Butter quotations held firm and unchanged. Butter Prices to retailers Grade AA prints, 87c; AA ear- NOTICE TO CBEDITOKS ' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been ap pointed Executrix with the Will annexed of the last Will and Tes tament of Bartholomew B. Ger- vais. deceased, by Honorable C. L. Allen, County Judge, and all persons having claims aminst said estate are required to pre sent them duly verified to the un dersigned at the office of DeAr- mond. Goodrich & Fo ev. Un ted States National Bank Building, ncna, uregon, witnin six months trom the date of the first publica tion of this notice. DATED and first published this un aay or June, 1U43. MAE L. ESLICK Executrix. DeARMOND, GOODRICH & ruLti, Attorneys. 153-511-17-C FOR SALE CLOSE IN ACREAGE. 3'A acres with 3 acres COI water. Very comfortable 3 bedroom semi-modern home. CITY WA TER, Large barn, chicken and brooder houses, cellar and double garage. About 1 acre alfalfa, rest seeded pasture. School bus, daily mall, etc. Price l,500. $2,000 down, bal ance monthly. J. A. Dudrey, Realtor 1039 Wall Street Phone 1327-W or 1C92-M RIXE wm w Yi 1 1 j to l Uw Insurance Agency 901 Bond Phone Orval -lohnaon rhnne 1219 W Ernie Rlxe Phone 754-M tons, 8Sc; A prints, 87c; A carton 88c; B prints, 82c. ' ons' on - . miifroi Grade A A large, 59-00c dozen- a large, 57c; AA medium, 56c; a iiicuiuiu, mi, n nuiitll, nominal Cartons, 2c additional. Cheese prices to retailors- f'm-thinrl. Oreinn clmil. c,,.' 59c; Oregon 5-lb. loafs, SGliv lb.; triplets, Vjc less than simMc. Railroad Shares Show SomeGain New York, June 25 ill'i Rail, road shares led a small late m. covery In the stock market tr day but activity showed little improvement on tne price rise. -Gains in the carrier group ranged to 2 points or more In issues of the Nickel Plate Road B. & O., Illinois Central, N. y' Central and C. & O. were frac tionally higher. Pure Oil rose a point. Holly Sugar moved up 194 points to a new 1948 top, Steel shares were steady after recovering losses that before noon had ranged to a point in U. S Steel and Youngstown. The last was unchanged and U. S. Steel up net. t As Pure Oil advanced some ' switching was noted in that group, out of the higher priced ' ous into tnose oi less price. As a result Skelly was 2 points low er, but Richfield, for instance rose . ' U-. S. Gypsum and U. S. Rub. ber rose a point each. Motor shares were narrowly irregular. Johns-Manville, International Pa! per. Allied Stores and Allied Chemical were all off a point or more. CITATION In the County Court of the Slate of Oregon for the County of Deschutes In the Matter of the Estate ni JOSEPH V. SNYDER, Deceased. 10 jonn &. hnyaer, Leona Sny der, Weona Schrunk. Tillie Gnrrl. son, Rose Clack, Phyllis Snyder, "uoiiua oii.yui.-i tuiu ul'ii onyaer, and to all other unknown heirs of Joseph V. Snyder, deceased, if any there be: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you, and each of you, are hereby required to appear in the above entitled Court and cause within 28 days from the date of the service of this citation upon you by publi cation to show cause if any ex ists and if any you have, why or der should not be made by said Court as presented in the petition of John S. Snyder, Administra tor , of said estate, filed in the above entitled Court for the sale of- the following described real property, to-witt: Southwest quarter (SW) of the Southeast quarter (SEW ) Sec tion Two (2) Township Eighteen (18) South of Range Twelve (12), East of the Willamette Meridian, and if you fail to so appear to show cause why such sale should not be made for want thereof, said administrator will apply to said Court for order of sale for said property as prayed for in his petition. This citation Is served upon you by publication in the Bend Bulle tin, a newspaper of general circu lation, published daily in Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, pursu ant to an order made and enter ed herein on the 17th day of June; 1948, by the Hon. C. L. Allen, County Judge, which order re quires that you appear to show cause why such sale should not be made within 28 days from the date of the first publication of this citation. Date of first publication, June 18th, 1948.- Duncan L. McKay, Attorney for Administrator. Residence: Bend, Oregon. 11-17-23-28-C I3DG "A W T T m m V TJ Si Dinette Sets $29.50 Bassinets $7.95 Hoes $1.65 up Card Tables - $2.50 J GDI ODE 535