PAGE TEN THE BEND BULLETIN. BEND, OREGON FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1948 Cooperation by Nations Needed, Says ILO Leader San Francisco, June 25 ir - Cooperation and assistance among all nations are needed it the national plans of each are to be fully effective, Edward Phelan, director general of the Interna tional Labor conference, said Thursday in hts annual report. Phelan, who will retire this1 year on reaching the age limit cf 60, delivered his report at the third plenary session of the IL.O. In a summary of the interna tional political background against which the report is pre sented, ne declared that while it would be dangerous to under. estimate the failure to achieve International cooperation in es tablishing peace, it would be equally dangerous on policies and methods, the atmosphere of ap- prenension ana suspicion engen dered by this condition should not be allowed to obscure either the nature or importance of such other developments as the Mar shall plan for European recovery. UN Only Hope He said the United Nations re mains the only hope both of the present and future. He said the ILO objective of "full employment", has been achieved, at least for the time being, in most countries. How ever, he pointed out that Italy has .at present almost 2,000,000 persons out of work while Ger many has 3.5 per cent of its working population unemployed. Phelan said inflation has tak en a widely varied course in the different countries. Continuing Inflation, he stressed, remains a major challenge which can only ARTHRITIS Mr. Caaejri I nfhred saontha with arthritis In mr kip, ami tried mtrnr treatment! with no Ms, Caaer'e Compound wu rmnmended to aw, aftor ulnt aororal bottle wu able to back to work. I am euro If It hail Mt boon for thU compound I would havo kwamo cripplt. I hare rocommondod It to many peoplt. . '' h. A. KKUGER, 4SU 8. B. 21th, Portland, Ore. SU 5563 . Adr. be met successfully by positive measures to increase production. "Among other countries," he reported, "the most serious in flation allowed Itself in France, where food prices rose about 60 per cent during 1947." Manpower Short Serious manpower problems cont'nue to confront most coun tries of the world, he said. "All countries," he pointed out, "lack a sufficient number of skilled workers most countries need more trained workers for their basic Industries; and some countries have en over-all short age til labor both for industry and agriculture." Phelan emphasized that "If any single problem may be said to dominate the world employment picture today, it is tnat oi man power redistribution." He estimated that the western European countries would re quire approximately 400,000 ad ditional workers during 1948. Lower Bridge Lower Bridge, June 25 (Spe cial) Mr. and Mrs. Priday Holmes and sons returned Thurs day from a week's trip to Califor nia. They were accompanied on the trip by Mrs. A. S. Holmes, of Redmond, and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Prideaux, of Portland. In Oak land, they visited Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Rod Williams, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Watson. They also visited Mrs. Holmes' brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gaynor Retrequln and attended Retrequln s erauu- alion from the University of Cali fornia. On the return, trip they visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Coop er, of Willows, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hammer and son, Billy, at Klamath Falls. Billy returned with the Holmes family for a visit, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wiley, Ar royo Grande, Calif., were Friday nipht gue.iU a! tne Marsnan uic venger home. They left for Cali fornia Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Pike and children, pf Salem, and E. R. Pike, of MonmOuth, visited this .week at the L. E. Pike home. The men spent several days fishing at the lakes. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phillips, of Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wil ey, of Arroyo Grande, ualll., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wiley, of North Redmond, and Victor ' Wiley, of Powell Butte, were Saturday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mar shall Clevenger. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Tall and family were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Pike. Miss Joan Tall remained over night with Misses Joyce and Jo anne Pike. Wendell Monlcal has been helping Priday Holmes gather his cattle. The cattle will be taken to summer range in the mountains Sunday. Mrs. Gertrude Book and Mrs. Julia Parrott, of San Jose, Calif., were In Lower Bridge this week visiting friends, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall eleven ger and children were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Clevenger. Paul Velotls visited at the Pri day Holmes ranch Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Clevenger were Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Clevenger. Mrs. A. S. Holmes will leave Sunday to visit her brother, John Priday, at Wlllowdale. Mrs. Joe Howard took the 4-H club members to Cllne Falls for a oicnic Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Pike, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Clevenger, and Marshall Clevenger were In Red mond on business Monday. Registration for Readers to Close Children from the first to sixth grades have only six more days to register In the summer read ing project at the Deschutes county library. The project will start July 1 and last throughout the inonih. Registrants so far total 131. All children who read the required number of books during the month will receive a certificate. MARSHALL GETS CHECKUP Washington, June 25 U Sec. retary of Stats George C. Mar shall is undergoing a "routine physical checkup" at Walter Reed hospital this week, his aides said today. Marshall entered the hos pital Monday. In Illinois, symptoms of boron shortage are more frequently ob served In alfalfa than In other legume crops. . AVOID COLDS Take the new irlentlfic treatment for coldi . VACAGEN TABLETS Relieve Colda Imtnunlie. Agalntt Pur ther Colda. At tor tliera at the . . . CITY IMtUG COMPANY 909 Wall 1'hone 0.'5 ROOFING MATERIALS Come In and See Our Display COMPARE OUR PRICES Largo Variety of Colon and Waif hU Available. Western Auto Supply Co. Dive right In that's what we do to your moving day problems. The experience of the West's largest; motor freight line is be hind the household moving serv ices wo offer. For a safe move, call f'TWINWAY" Moving Service. Our Hom-fo-Hom For Information about "TWINWAY" call ' Moving Service gives you a choke of two fine ways of mov ing your poiiesfiofis on of which h certain to moot your teecraf needs. Wo are alto agents for North American Van Ums. 210 Irving Phone 788 ?K-C" 1 I iilliilliiisi ilillll wmmm f m lilt! i. s " f I I I : i i i i i J i I t I I i I I Wl ( C ,3n W7" n n ill llllll . that's why . S3 h wms jjjfjj ore va'ue more moforing enjoyment for your itmmMj money day after day and year after year! That's what you want, and thot's exactly what you get in this smarter, smoother-riding, more dependable and more economical Chevrolet. You get more value In its trim, tasteful, style-leading Body by Fisher; you get more value in its road-smoothing, road-leveling Unitized Knee Action Ridej you get more value in the thrilling performance with economy of its world's champion Valve-in-Head engine and in the stopping-power of its Positive-Action Hydraulic Brakes all exclusive to Chevrolet at lowesf prices and with low cost of operation and upkeep! Yes, CHEVROLET AND ONLY CHEVROLET IS FIRST in all-round value. That's why more people buy it and more people drive it than any other make. That's why you and your family will be wse to choose a Chevrolet, tool SPECIAL EXTRA-LOW PRESSURE TIRES on Wide-Rim 15-inch Wheels (74-tb. pmturm onlyall orovfldj Chevrolet often you the tin of Mri for easy, rtitful riding. Remarkable new extra-ow pnuun tires that give a much safer, more comfortable ridej .abtorb road shocks Instead of transmitting them to you and your cari provide safer stopping, greater blow-out protection, and long, more luxurious mileage. All due to larger tire-body, more air at lower pressure, advanced tire design. 'Optional at small extra cost. I introducing THE NEW ALUMA-LOCK SHSNGLES See ihem on the display roof at corner EAST 7TH and NORTON Central Oregon Roofing Company 832 Bond . Phone 1270 or 138S-R tvf - - " ' sp SATURDAY JUNE U 9:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m. Jimmie mm ANDBBORCHHTJU VFW - American -Legion Hall Redmond Airbase' USE BULLETIN WANT ADS' FOR BEST RESULTS! ..-,.--:V Si Look your very best this Fourth of July in our delightfully cool and ever so pretty summer frocks. Sheerest rayons, coolest bembergs, comfortable stonecutters ... all of these contribute to the summertime coolness of these dresses. Our stonecutters in blue, brown or grey with white corded stripes iti 1- and 2-piece styles. Our bemberg sheers in color-fast prints are washable. Choose one of the cool beauties you've seen in your favorite fashion magazine. Sizes 9 to 15; 10 to 20; 38 to 44; 16$ to 241. from $9.95 Use Your Charge Account For Holiday Playt SHORTS SLACKS ime ... . . BRAS . BLOUSES ... all in your favorite styling for summertime freedom and comfort. For Style and Economy Use Our Lay-Away Plan RED RYDER By Fred Herman M?.' Y 1 CERIAltOLYT A PASSEER WITH A BALt.Of 1 .rv nai.u inn nJffc 0J rwlUlhJ riONET KI17IN t?CDT NEEDS AOA1HST ROAPASES' - V TH NEXT STA3B,f30TS',afM BEND GARAGE COMPANY South of Post Office Phone 193